Darlings, we had a fabulous time at the opening of Malan's new store in the East Village last night!

Looking gorgeous, as usual.
Him, not us.
Well okay, us too.

The store was in a charming little space that unfortunately, couldn't hold the large crowd gathering inside it, so we spent a lot of time hovering around outside with the fabulous crowd.

Such as the fabulous Laura and Jay. Jay entertained us with tales of the first time he -- Jay just entertained us with tales, okay?
We managed to slip inside the crowded store for more quick pics.

With the gorgeous and fabulous Valerie Brown from Bravo and one of our new BFF's.

The absolutely adorable and sweet Dirty Diana Eng, who demonstrated commendable taste by informing us that she loves us and thinks we're hysterical. We love you back, Darling!

We have to say, Marilinda is absolutely breathtaking in person. She was wearing a beautiful Cosa Nostra design and spent most of the night hanging out with Jeffrey. Unfortunately, the only pics we took of Jeffrey were ruined by the flash of our camera bouncing off the constant rain outside, but we can tell you he was rocking the smokey eye last night.

Fabulosity overload. We had the pleasure of having dinner with Laura and Peter and the extra pleasure of having Uli swing by in a Mercedes van to pick us up on her way from Lucky Magazine's "Lucky Shops" fundraiser, which she was attending, and take us to Malan's. It was fun riding in the car with them but we were intensely distracted by the hot Russian driver. Comrade, you can help us adjust our seats any time!
After a bit, the crowd all migrated down the street to the chic Orchid Lounge for an after-party, where we all had (as the drink menu informed us):
"The 'Malan'
Pomegranate Martini
with a splash of fresh oj & lime
smooth, sweet & fashionably in season"
Pomegranate Martini
with a splash of fresh oj & lime
smooth, sweet & fashionably in season"

Peter and Uli. It needs to be said. Lorenzo has a total crush on Peter.

Laura and the gorgeous Emmett.

Malan and the Malanettes. Somehow, we didn't notice these two cuties while we were there. Hello boys! Call us!

The fabulous Amanda regaling Tom with tales of her time in LA and the new agency that signed her out there and the new car she bought because she's moving out there and she's going to be coming back to New York all the time and we are definitely going to get together for drinks and about a hundred other topics in the time it would take most people to talk about one. She is a total blast. Luvya, Girl!
You boys did look gorgeous indeed, especially Tom with his fuzzy chin.
Don't worry, Lorenzo, we won't tell anyone about your crush on Peter. Mum's the word.
Oh god I had so much fun, didn't you? I'm gonna send you some of my pics as well. They're...um...interesting to say the least.
~Madeline (fedora girl)
SQUEEEEEELLLL! I say this all the time but, Dayum I'm jealous. Nothing that fun ever happens in my world. Though I have started dressing for the occasion!
"It was fun riding in the car with them but we were intensely distracted by the hot Russian driver."
LOL. You guys are the best.
Great pics, guys. Marilinda does look gorgeous.
hands off lorenzo.
You bitches! My eyes are green with envy!
Dahlings, you have arrived!
Once again, I'm absolutely jealous of you two! You boys have all the fun.
Malan - open a store in Los Angeles and I'll be there!!!
Jesus tap-dancin' Christ, you guys make me miss New York like Michael Jackson misses sleepovers.
Laura looks impeccable as usual and just when I didn't think I could possibly love you two more, I find out about your love for fine Slavic specimens.
Wow, I totally did not recognise Marilinda but I must say that she is beautiful. Glad to know that the runway isn't just alien-chic a la Gemma Ward.
I hope Malan is doing well and that things go swimmingly for him. I also just started watching Top Chef and realised that the first eliminee, Suyai Steinhauer has the same accent as Malan. She's from Oxford, England. Don't know if it's been pointed out yet but I thought y'all should know.
Um, yeah, those Malanettes? Wow. How does one find two super hot guys just trail me wherever I go. . .
Those guys flanking Malan are total hotties! I... I... I feel like I'm at my gym in Chelsea.
Tom, love the facial fuzz, and is it me, or does Emmett seem to be getting better looking every timeI see him?
You guys rock. Glad you had fun and got photos!
Anonymous said...
[..] Emmett seem to be getting better looking every time I see him?
It's true. Emmett is a hottie.
How appropriate that this weeks' episode is ENVY!! we're all green with it after seeing you guys in these pictures!
you social climbers!! ;-) Uli and Laura look gorgeous and well-rested!
Hi darlings! How effortlessly cool you both are! I am jealous....soooo jealous.
Malan, open a shop in San Francisco PLEASE! We need a little of your gorgeous fabulocity out here too!
Great post, great pics. Thanks gents!
Amanda appears to be an obtuse Amazon. Does she ever shut up?
"...and about a hundred other topics in the time it would take most people to talk about one. She is a total blast. Luvya, Girl!"
LOL. I love love love Amanda! She is a great model and one of my favorite models from Season 3.
Thanks so much for sharing! Looks like it was a fab night! Malan is so precious-- so glad to see him flourish! Emmett! (that's all that needs to be said about the yummy, classy sweet gorgeous-- see! Ya get started then you can't stop!) Love seeing BadMommy & BadDaddy! How can someone minutes away from giving birth look so amazing! My sisters looked like shit from the moment they found out!
PS:There's some titter going about LA that Jeffrey & Marilinda are moving towards itemdom. Have you heard anything? What was your take seeing them together last night?
It needs to be said. Lorenzo has a total crush on Peter.
L-- You tart!
I'm w/ you, Babe. Peter's 1 of those stealth hotties. His intellect, twinkly eyes & charm sneak up on you & before you know it, you're hooked! Lucky Laura!
what great pictures! Malan looks wonderful, as does everyone else! you two are so lucky...remember us little people when you move onto stardom! ;)
What a week for the envy challenge!!!!
THE CLIP!! THE CLIP!! Ulie for FUCKS SAKE will you take out the GOD DAMN CLIP?????????
Thanks. I feel better now.
Looks like a fabulous party!! Boys I am almost considering moving back to NY so I can attend all these soirees I am missing out on....
as I type this out in my yard on my laptop under a palm tree....naaaaah. I'll still with the Ul-ster in the "varm vezzah".
Lovely party: Thanks for sharing. Laura looks gorgeous, Jay adorable, and Marilinda stupendous. Even silly Diana Eng seemed to fit right in.
Malan promised to show us something when he was auf'd, and BOY did he. So glad his dream is coming to fruition.
Emmett is like a fine wine, isn't he? I swear he looks more gorgeous and distinguished (definite leading man material!) every time I see him. You two handsome devils have such a fabulous life!
Fab. But I have questions.
1. Did laura have her baby? My God, she looks fantastic in the pics!
2. What about Marilinda and Jeffrey? Dish!
Love you, XOXOXO
Oh, and Tom is gorgeous with the chin hair.
Am I crazy, or does the manequin in the window look like Angelina Jolie??
--Gotham Tomato
So Jeffrey broke your camera? bwahaha!
Fabulous doesn't begin to describe it all. Wow.
Is that a tummy tickler on your chin ?!?
Good for Malan. I hope he is very successful.
Looks like Jeffery and Marilinda will start an East Coast version of what Jeffery has on the West Coast. There is always the back of his neck.
Thanks for sharing with us "little people"...
Now, give it up bitches! Where did you guys go eat and what did Laura and Peter order? And, and, and...
Kitkat said...
Thanks for sharing with us "little people"...
Now, give it up bitches! Where did you guys go eat and what did Laura and Peter order? And, and, and...
I'd take either one of you over Malan today, tomorrow and 6 ways to Sunday.
I'd take either one of you over Malan any day of the week.
My 5 year old son just came in the dining room wearing my patent leather loafers..."hea aw yaw feancy shoes Mama..." We may have a future in fashion after all.
Just found your site. LOVE Project Runway. Look at you rubbing elbows! I'm going to check out your site.
Love. You. Guys. Tom, I like the new facial addition. Did you two ever dream when you started this thing where it would take you? Omigod, dreams really do come true, don't they. Couldn't happen to nicer guys.
Thank you all for coming, and thank you for your support if it were not for that, None of this would have ever come to be. When you are in NYC please come in and say hello, I would love to officially meet you all.
Always dream and know you can be anything you dream to be. I did and so can you. Always remember my darlings, Glamour is a gift that you can give yourself. A little sparkle is all it takes.
"I would love to officially meet you all."
Malan, dahling! You are so amazingly talented. I--we--are honored.
"Always remember my darlings, Glamour is a gift that you can give yourself. A little sparkle is all it takes."
You and Laura are total inspiration.
Gallant, elegant and kind. I feel honored that you would take the time to acknowledge our humble salutations. You are the true winner of Project Runway. Continued success and I look forward to visiting your gorgeous store when I return to NY this Xmas.
T&L and all the posters, you never fail to amaze me.
I love Uli and her Benz.
Annie is OK in my books. She has been so light, so effortless, just like Uli, but now she has found a sunny place, just like Happy Miami Uli.
What a ride it was for everyone. Autobahn, no speed limit. Ja?
Malan! Awww, how sweet is it that you looked in! Good luck in your new endeavor precious one. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Kiss kiss.
Craig Christ, I have a love-hate relationship with you lucky bitches. Hands off my Slavic hubby. You already have Emmett, Bad Daddy and the Malanettes.
Malan darling, congratulations! I loved your collection.
Laura, if you're not in labor, I know you're reading, so I want to wish you a two hour labor and a three hour recovery. I know that's do-able for you. xoxoxo
"It needs to be said. Lorenzo has a total crush on Peter."
Well, get in line. I believe I was the first one to recognize the hottie that is Bad Daddy.
Laura is looking more beautiful than ever and may she have a safe and easy delivery. Looks like that baby is arriving in the next day or two.
And congratulations to Malan on his new venture.
But aren't Jeffrey and his son's mother together? Have they broken up and I missed it?
Doesn't she come with him to these things, or is she okay with the Marilinda thing?
You know, I read these things and (outside of my complete *hate* for you two completely lucky bitches!) they make me so happy and excited, and then I realize over the next day or so that you actually left out everything interesting!
Like with Laura, can you guys just be yourselves, or does she want gays following her around so she'll know she's arrived? You know what I mean? Do you have to be "on" all the time? (not that you're not, settle down!)
And you guys came to the store with Uli, but she didn't go to dinner with you - do she and Laura get along, have they become friends, or is it kind of a "we don't know anyone so we'll stick together" kind of thing?
And where was Tim Gunn? No mention, no pictures? Was he invited? Is there some rift between him and Malan?
Clearly you need someone to go with you to these things to remind you of juicy dirt that people are goign to wonder about.
it looks fun!
love diana!
love uli!
also love malan!!!
I didn't know that that was Uli's ride y'all got out of - maybe I was so starstruck when I saw everyone that I lost count! That was wrong in my report!
Also, I need to tell you that I was just as starstruck to see the two of you as I was to see Laura, Uli, Jay or Jeffrey (all the designers I hadn't met before!) Hope to be in the presence of your fabulousness again soon :)
Lorenzo, you are smokin hot in black. Very your color. Tom, LOVE the addition of the whiskers... unreservedly sexy.
You bitches are the best.
"fairy tales can come true.....
it can happen to you."
this post is proof that PR can be the start of something very big for those who go out on that limb. malan is evidence of that. thanks boyfriends for sharing another glitter fest with us.
the closest i have gotten to a celeb is the "no tresspassing" sign at tara lapinski's house out on the "island".
um . . . Tom, you're looking like you're about to vampire down on Amanda's non-bosom. what gives, sister?
and the Malanettes!! aren't they darling? And Malan ~ well . . . I have only this to say:
one lovely thing about advancing age is that the Belle finds it much easier to admit when she's erred and to change her opinions about things given new information. and people. changing her thoughts about folks.
the Belle has previously admitted how wrong she was about the fabulous Laura, and has also come to a shocking new awareness of the divine nature of Malan.
so it is a happy day in this world and we at the House of Belle are thrilled for Malan's success. You go, cupcake. You are precious!!
here endeth the Belle referring to herself as, um . . . the Belle. ;-)
Smooches and great big southern hugs to everyone in this new and lovely and hopeful world. If you voted, I love you, love you, love you. Yea for all of us!!
FABULOUS! Thank you for all the great pics you swirling vortices of fabulosity! I thought for one second there I saw Tom Cruise in that photo with MALAN!!! Scandalous! "thought" being the key word there.
Hovering around your inner circle with a smile. :D
Fabulous, darlings. And, Malan, I cried when you left PR! I think you're the cat's meow and wish you the very best. Don't stop dreaming! You are fabulous!
Words can not describe the waves of envy washing over this computer. Seriously, the screen has turned pea green from my mighty mighty jealousy. It's reflecting back on me and wrecking havoc on my complexion!
But if anyone deserves to spend sucha wonderful night in such fabulous company it's you guys!!
P.S. The pictures are FAB-U-LOUS!
P.P.S. I want one of those cocktails like ASAP. If someone could bring one to my desk I would be ever so grateful.
Today it is I who is wearing the Envy dress... I'm SO JEALOUS... Were I in NY, I'd be stalking you.
To the "anonymous" who asked where Tim was, he's doing the Macy's "Project Runway" tour right now.
That Amanda girl needs to shut up. Everyone in LA is talking about what a ditzy she was during LA Fashion Week. She clearly is not making friends. She thinks its "making her famous" when she talks her head off but really it just makes her look unprofessional. No one cares to hear your life story Amanda. Just walk the runway and shut up!
Where did Malan get the funds to open a store in such a trendy area? In fact, how is it that he got to show at OFW when he was auf'd so early on PR?
Did some guy w/ money fall in love w/ Malan's personality, and financilly backed him to the point where he puts out a new line and opens a store?
If you did some research you would know that Malan has shown at fashion week consecutively since 2003. Not in the tents but during NY fashion week. I used to work for Malan he is the nicest, kindest, most giving person in the industry. He loves people and would sell his last dress to buy someone in need dinner. So lay off! Negativity is such an expression of character. Maybe you should get off your ass and do something with your life. Instead of judging people who are working their ass off to make their dreams come true.
Katie wants to hear more about dinner with Laura and Peter and Uli just dropping by. You guys are so fabulous it makes me sick.
Come on guys! Spill the beans! LOL
We need more Laura and Peter info please!!!!!! Time to Dish on you night out to dinner.
So happy for Malan!
About the rumor mill -- Jeffrey was pretty much blurting it out every which way during the show.
1. I love my son more than ANYTHING else. (Never a good sign to put the child before the parent/spouse/wife/girlfriend, etc.)
2. He said his photo of Marilinda was the most beautiful picture EVER.
3. The groping on the runway and goo-goo eyes at all times -- pretty obvious, no?
And yes, please dish more. Why did Uli have a Mercedes van with a driver? What kind of vehicle, pray tell does the Bad Mommy use to shuttle around her brood?
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