Pfft. Girl, please.
If there's one thing we can't stand in fashion, it's literalism. It's one thing to use fashion to evoke, say...violence or murder or envy. It's quite another to literally make the model look like a murder victim. It's pedantic and demonstrates a lack of imagination or interpretive skills.
Looks like they ran down to the 99-cent "Beauty Store" on the corner and bought that clip-on. Or maybe they got it from a Halloween shop. It does sort of have an "Elvira" vibe to it. Were there any fags doing the styling at all? Because that's not even close to her hair color and no self-respecting hairmo would ever let that happen.
Oh, honey. A word of advice: we watched this with a gaggle of gays and every one of us groaned and "No she didn't" 'd at this one.
Mario dear, once you lose the gays, it's all over.
And we can't help noticing you have a prepubescent fascination with giving the finger. Although you do clean up nicely, we have to say, even if you kinda look like The Little Drummer Boy.
I could've sewn that dress and that's not saying much. Pretty pathetic.
You guys are spot on as usual.
I was so not sorry to see him leave. He very obviously didn't give a shit, and it makes you wonder how he beat out so many other designers who did actually give a rat's ass...
I think he got lucky his first dress turned out okay, but as Nora said... unless he was willing to step it up and put forth a bit of effort, his days were numbered from the start.
What's up with the vast amounts of hairproduct on the kitchen counter?
Thazz cuz Mario is the gay Jeffrey.
"even if you kinda look like The Little Drummer Boy"
You guys always start my day with a smile.
First Austin's hair looks like Hermey the Misfit Elf and now Mario looks like the Little Drummer Boy :) Hilarious! Any other claymation look-alikes from T&L or the fellow readers?
"And we can't help noticing you have a prepubescent fascination with giving the finger."
I know, that is so stupid. The dress was so freaking basic and ugly.
"Although you do clean up nicely, we have to say, even if you kinda look like The Little Drummer Boy."
Coffee out the nose, boys...OUT THE NOSE!!
"Although you do clean up nicely, we have to say, even if you kinda look like The Little Drummer Boy."
ROFL. And apparently he's not using any of those products.
OMG, you guys know how to start my day on a high note! LOVE the LDB comparison, heehee.
The Little Drummer Boy... I absolutely can't stop laughing.
TGBoys said...
"we watched this with a gaggle of gays..."
HILarious! But just wondering, is it also a herd of homos, flock of fairies and a pack of poofs???
Beside the bad execution, it's hardly an original idea. At the time of this season, Hedi Slimane of Dior Homme showed white dress shirts with "gunshot blood stains" to the heart, but done much more fabulously in sequinned appliques.
damn, does this girl have a tootie? cuz that dress was all up there and no tootie in sight. where could she be keeping it? that dress was short, short, short.
and this: "no self-respecting hairmo" . . . girlfriends, i am coming back to myself this morning and that just cracked me up.
lord, i need me some gays to just keep track of me in day to day life. all of my gays are busy living their own lives, with only brief interludes of appearing to assist me in mine with pointed advice and the occasional raised brow.
god, send me gays just like you sent the democrats to congress. pretty please?? with sugar? (and thank you, thank You, thank YOU for that!!)
Here's another Christmas claymation lookalike, although from a different Bravo show. Marcel on Top Chef 2 looks like the Heat Miser.
The Litte Drummer Boy bears a resemblance to STAR! LOL
I was glad he was aufed. His outfit was hideous, and again, boring.
Olga looked a cheap whore, and the dress was too short.
There's nothing elegant or sexy about this outfit. It looks cheap and vulgar. Buh-bye, darling!
He's just fool of it. The whole "I won’t dwell on it" or "people are too serious about fashion" BS.
Oh, yes, I almost forgot, the "stand firm in what you do, good or bad, as they are all your choices."
Yeah. Right. Mario who?
I remember this episode thinking that Starr was kept on too long again, but looking back at this dress again... nah, it was Mario's time.
Mario was much more tolerable in the reunion, where we get to hear him say things other then his stock lines about art.
If anything ever deserved a "Girl, please!!!" it was that trash.
That extension was from the Flava of Love 2 Collection: Hos Strike Back.
All of the hubris and NONE of the talent...
What a twit.
Though I'm also sick of Starr's puckered-up-about-to-sob-soaking-in-a-pickel-vat routine. Anyone who cries that much clearly must be aware of their lack of talent and fears the eventual exposure of said deficiency.
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