Quickie recap: The designers are asked to design a dress around the theme "envy" using "the official fabric of Project Runway," cotton. They are then taken to a clothing store where their designs are bid on in a silent auction. You can read Tim's Take on this episode here.
And the winner of this week's challenge is ...
Kara Saun. Congrats, girl!
Kara Saun went with a military-themed dress, reasoning that "envy leads to war."
Now, that's a bit of a stretch, but it was one of the better explanations given by a designer to explain their garment, so we'll let it slide. Except, without the little cap, one wouldn't really assume that this dress had a military theme, let alone an "envy" one.
The trim detailing is nice, as is the handkerchief hem. We won't hold the bleh color against her because they had to hand-dye the cotton in the usual extremely short period of time.
We don't particularly love the dress, but it was inspired and it was extremely well-executed. But we really don't understand that styling at all. If it's military you're going for, what's with the mega-teased hair? Nothing makes us think of soldiers more than hair with a ton of product in it. And hello nipple! This is the second week in a row that Kara Saun sent a couple of nipples down the runway. If nothing else, girl knows how to make an impact.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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Once again darlings, we ask that you try not to spoil the rest of the season in your comments. Thank you! MWAH!
I'm going to attribute this win to the fact that it was a godawful assignment. I think the PR folks were feeling themselves around a bit at the start of Season 1. i wonder, did they explain the Envy rules carefully to the voters? If so, Jay shoulda won by a billion miles.
This dress was just okay but it was the best of the bunch. HATE the hair. I can't wait until you talk about Starr's tumor dress! Or Austin's gorgeous arms - what I wouldn't give for them! You have a lot of material to work with this week, that's for sure.
I thought it was unfair to the designers the way this challenge was set up. First they got the theme "envy", then they went shopping for fabric, then they made their dresses...after which they were told that the winner wouldn't be decided by the judges (who presumably got to hear the background "story" to the dress)but by NY fashionistas shopping for a nice dress.
'Cause that's essentially what it was.
And that was unfair to some of the designers who are very conceptual, like Jay and Vanessa in this challenge, because they didn't have a chance to adapt their designs to be more commercial. Had they known someone actually had to want to buy their designs, I'm sure they could have and would have done a very different garment.
Someone needs to pull out a dictionary and read the definition. Me no likie.
I think Jay's was the strongest in my own opinion.
I also agree that switching up the judging process last-minute was just wrong.
Runway pieces tend to be more conceptual than commercial pieces... period.
I think all of the designers would have altered their designs had they known they were going to be pitching them in a commercial setting.
"And hello nipple! This is the second week in a row that Kara Saun sent a couple of nipples down the runway. If nothing else, girl knows how to make an impact."
I know, right? I said the same thing to my friends. Nipple? again, darling?
kara saun, the nipple queen . . . i loved that dress!!
AND THANK YOU!! to all of my fellow citizens who took the time, cared enough, were concerned enough to VOTE ON TUESDAY!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
I agree with Gigi. The dress was OK but definitely the best. And I ahte the hair too. WTF???
Jay's outfit was also very good.
Military like in a "I'm going down to the pier in a see-through dress with my nipples showing and wait for the fleet" kind of way?
And since when does envy lead to war?
I'm sorry. Don't like her, never will.
Good story, but I'm not crazy about the outfit. I hate those challenges too: supermarket crap and now "envy."
Can't they just design a pretty dress for a "normal" client or something?
Is it just me or does she look like she has a hatchet buried in her head? Or a clutch purse.
I googled the store "30 Van Dam," but apparently the store no longer exists. What a shame!
I thought the dress was sexy - the military-inspired olive drab gown - and her story (her father’s career in the Air Force and the idea of how envy can lead to war) was also unique and touching.
Ick. Military hooker gear.
Speaking of military, in politics one day you're in and the next day, you're out. I sure would love to have heard Heidi say, "Rummy, I'm sorry, but youaw aout!
Again, I was not impressed with the outfits. They looked like something an amateur fashion student would design.
It was early on in the history of the show, hence the crappy challenge. I actually like when they set the designers in one direction and then pull a twist, like "oh, and you have to sell it today at an auction." It exposes people like Wendy. Yet, she survived...sigh.
T&L, you're so right about the hair. Being in a military family, Kara Saun should have known that!
Envy leads to war?? Uh, no. Pompous, greedy, jackass politicians who don't know what's good for their country lead to war.
" laura said...
Is it just me or does she look like she has a hatchet buried in her head? Or a clutch purse. "
Hee hee, Laura! I Lurve the idea of keeping my purse in my hair - imagine the possibilities!
Interesting how in year one they got an hour to shop at the grocery store and trim store. In years 2 & 3 it became 30 minutes. They had more time to think.
The hair. My god. The hair. That looks horrible. What as she thinking?
I loved this dress and if I had the bod, I'd wear it. It's FABULOUS. I wouldn't wear the head gear though.
I think she is the first corporal I have seen with navel jewelry. And the placement of those corporal bars on the hip is kinda awkward. At least her girls are saluting;-)
I remember loving this two years ago -- I don't love it as much now, but it was the best of the bunch (Jay's was good too). I like the lines, even if the whole "look" never materialized.
"Christina said...
I remember loving this two years ago -- I don't love it as much now, but it was the best of the bunch (Jay's was good too). I like the lines, even if the whole "look" never materialized. "
I felt the same way. BTW, the pictures are great, guys.
The dress is "easthetically pleasing" and "well executed," but not my favorite. Believe or not, Austin's was my favorite.
I find Kara's stuff way too costumey.
I'm not crazy about this outfit.
Nipples or no nipples, I LOVED this dress. I especially loved the color.
I think the dress is beautiful. The color is gorgeous. It hints at being militaristic, but has hints of gold as well. Now, what material is the bodice made out of? I'm curious.
Good color and shape. The hat is ugly. Is that a fleurchon? LOL.
"And hello nipple!"
ROFL. Oh my god, that's why I like those captions. You notice things you don't see on the screen.
So far, not impressed with the outfits. Loving the drama, though.
I love the dress. It's fabulous and so sexy. I'd wear that in a heartbeat.
Didnt Josieanne model in the PR3 Bryant Park show? I heard Laura mention her name in the bonus video.
Toddny said: "Believe or not, Austin's was my favorite."
Mine, too! And it looked actually wearable.
Kara Saun's model is stunning.
that dress is good. and actually i can tell its military feel....
and the hat...maybe that means a aircraft carrier through a sea. lol.
like austin as a person, but his envy dress is only okay. and yes, i think one of oaura's model is josieane.
I thought the pieces, including this outfit, were way too conceptual.
Somehow I got the military influence even without the cap. I thought it was pretty good but it looks like she mostly used some sheer fabric instead of the cotton she was supposed to use.
I liked Robert's the best.
i think the hair is supposed to symbolize going through a war. you know, looking haggard after the war.
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