But first, there's the matter of a big obnoxious check.
"And the winner by a landslide is..."
"Do you know who the winner is, Tim?"
"You can't see a thing through those bangs, can you?"
"It says 'Christian.'"
"What? Why, I never! Who could have predicted this striking turn of events! How does my hair look?"
'I hope you die in an organza accident, you preening little cockatoo."
Skinny little twitbitch."
Aw, we know a lot of you really wanted SissyBear to take this one and truth be told, so did we. But you just can't deny that Christian has been hella entertaining the whole season and he's got an appeal that crosses a lot of demographics. Straight women either want to spank him and send him to his room or do their nails with him and dish. Gay men either want to spank him or go out for cocktails with him. The kids just love him because of his hep, swinging style. Straight men just want to give him a wedgie and stick his head in a locker but they don't matter since only about 12 of them watch the show.Ah well. We were hoping for Chris too but we can't deny that Christian deserved it just as much. Congrats, Princess.
One more thing: Mychael Knight, we love you like a brother...
...but what the HELL were you wearing last night?
[Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»I was shocked.
The show was uneventful. But this was a surprise.
Thought it would be Chris March hands down.
oh well -- more for the fierce one.
You said it. Sissybear was ripped off. But all the 16 year olds know how to do that American Idol Power Voting so there you go..
You are the winner in our hearts SB!!
I agree... that was a big bunch of nuthin!
There was some major shark jumpin for me with the last two episodes...
I paid more attention to the lunar eclipse last night!!
I am so shocked Chris didn't win. I thought for sure he would. Those teeny boppers must have been voting their little socks off. But I enjoyed Ramilicious! : )
And yes, the lunar eclipse was really cool!
"You can't see a thing through those bangs, can you?"
LOLOL. THANK YOU!!! My friends and I were like 'what the HELL is wrong with this woman?' They looked awful!!
Suzanne is so right. All those American Idol fanbrats have utterly ruined the fan favorite voting. (groan)
However, I gotta say...the Duchess completely losing it was priceless. That was worth the entire hour.
And was it me, or did Michael pack on some weight since last season?
I was PLEASANTLY surprised and glad for Christian -- I know there will probably be rumors that it was fixed, that the other designers didn't want the tax problem, etc. but really -- Christian really made the show interesting. I would have been just as pleased if Chris March or Sweet Pea or Elisa won. Or Kevin -- just loved the "gayness" of Kevin. Isn't it grand to be able to have people be who they are and everyone get along?
Yes, I was so wrong with my prediction. Just goes to show you the demo skew regarding who actually votes for these, vs. who just yells their favorite at the TV.
I much enjoyed your Chris screen caps. You know he was so surprised because everyone told him he was going to win. You gotta wonder what he really does think of PPS . . .
I'm so glad that the engineered love for Chris March didn't result in the outcome everyone expected. This season has been edited so heavy-handedly for us to love, love, love Chris March and to find Christian annoying, and yet Christian seems to be adored by his co-designers.
I was really hoping that Elisa would win fan favorite, but nobody has a memory long enough for that to happen, and Bravo wouldn't hand a check to a woman without a court order, anyway.
Yes, I really like puppet girl as well.
Ah, curse those 16 year olds, even though I am one of them. >.< I wanted Chris to win so bad!
And... how about that for most boring reunion episode EVER? Except for the Duchess laughing fit of course. xD
Anyways, you boys just made my otherwise boring day. <3
@anon 9:10am: There was a lunar eclipse last night? O.o
TLo - you guys must have gotten up hideously early to have this ready for us...thanks.
And Patrick said: "I was really hoping that Elisa would win fan favorite, but nobody has a memory long enough for that to happen, and Bravo wouldn't hand a check to a woman without a court order, anyway."
She had my vote...knowing it would end up on another planet...
Borrrrrrrr....ring. Boring. Even the editors were bored. They couldn't even manufacture non-boredom out of that group. It looked like everybody forgot how to talk. Or were afraid to. They should have spent the whole night showing Chris and Christian clips.
I thought Nina looked TINY last night. Anyone else? Maybe it was the new haircut?
i was suprised christian won as i was hoping for chris. but i do love the little one.
my fave part was the ricky crying saga. i was laughing my head off. loved it.
but as a whole. boring. good god how much of the show do they edit?
Count mine as another vote in the TLo "wish it had been otherwise, but kinda can understand" column.
As to the show, major marshmallow editing, to the detriment of biting, incisive journalism - Bravo's editor's - NOT yours, TLo! Our Sultans of... no, Sweethearts of Snark don't let us down.
Your screencaps are so much better, and probably more accurate, than what was beamed to us.
The Duchess' infectious laughing jag was, indeed, one of the few "genuine" segments on the show - we saw something a bit new, and it entertained. And I agree, I thought Mychael was looking a smidge more 'prosperous' (to use my diplomatic euphemism) than he had last year.
The lunar eclipse, though I only viewed during the early phases, was mystical and lovely.
All the best,
Did the Tresemme people talk Heidi into those bangs? Because, I'm sorry, but the hair on this show has been ay-troooo-shus this season.
Not much happened, did it?
I thought they might ask Jack about his Advocate interview, or Chirstian about his statement on the Burning Question, regarding Ricky being a liar.
Carmen, Ricky, and Victorya seemed really frustrated, like they had something to say but were not allowed to say it.
My take on the Rami/Chris relationship, is they both kind of realize they were screwed and set up to hate each other, and they decided not to play it like the producers wanted them to.
Heidi does seem like she total does not care about the designers at all. Just pawns in her reality TV game.
And lastly, I double dog dare you to post side by side pre and post surgery pictures of Nina and Heidi! Did anyone else notice how different they both look from 7 months ago?
"They should have spent the whole night showing Chris and Christian clips."
Better yet, they should have left everyone else at home and just had a C&C cage match.
I don't know why they used the Military to shoot down that malfunctioning spy satellite, VictorYa could have used her Laser Death Stare to burn that baby right out of the sky.
Gotta love that little Pocket Gay getting that big-assed check. It was certainly bigger than he was.
Oh pooh - I thought it'd be our SissyBear, too!
(and hoped it was because I think PPS is most likely to take the whole thing)
Yeah, kind of a let-down in that there were no wine-throwing hissy-fits, every reunion show should have at least one!
A couple of fun moments, but ... meh.
Were Chris and Rami too cute together or what?! That made the show for me :^)
Oh, also...
Polly Syllabacus. I'm putting that somewhere. :)
Whilst Christian was not my favorite "character"...errr..forget it. Congrats, PPS!
Yeah, we have a lot to talk about with this reunion show, but I wanted to knwo...is Mychael Knight still a braceface?
snoozefest. They either need to make the reunions 2 hours so that they can actually explore a question or two, or only ask one or two things.
How about Carmen's snarky "Gee THANKS, Heidi" when Heidi mentioned the outfit with no shirt. Girl, your model had no shirt. That is memorable. shaddup.
"Did anyone else notice how different they both look from 7 months ago?"
I thought (of all people) Kevin was the most entertaining last night. He was relaxed, engaging, self-depricating, funny ... I can see why Jack had a thing for him.
"Were Chris and Rami too cute together or what?! That made the show for me :^)"
They were trying to make my Rami out to be a bad guy on the show this season, but the truth is that he's just so sweet. Look how he was with Chris. Aw!
The evil one is clearly VictorYa. Man, does she ever smile? What the heck is her problem?
They really needed to pump some alcohol into the designers before the reunion show. It was sooooo boring. What was up with Hedi? They really shouldn't let her hold the microphone for such a long period of time.
Sadly, Heidi is just not that entertaining, is she?
Forget telling the contestants whether or not to get drunk first... the show needs to pour the vino in a forceful way. This episode was Girl Scout camp.
Can any of your talented cartoonists envision what Christian will look like when, in the manner of Kors, he has settled down and stopped being his own loudest fashion statement?
Um ... Hello? Heidi was wearing a wig.
Rami's a boob. I think he realized how uptight, assholish and incompetent he cam off all season and tried to use the reunion as damage controll. Chis was smiling, but inside he was like "Queen, get OFF me."
They seriouslyneed to limit the amount of times you can vote!
I call BS. Though I love, love, love, Chris March dearly. I really think Sweet P needs it more, and she's loved just as much.
PPS is sucha preening little creature, I'm sick of it. Just act normal, for God's sake, and stop trying to be some character to make everyone love you.
Well, I laughed my ass off at the "Superhero" segment.
But I wanted to dump some water on Rami and Chris. I mean, get a room, you two!
Christian? Fan Favorite? Huh??? I'd call shenanigins, if it meant anything to them.
Had to be the result of young, gay, MySpacers, Facebookers and bloggers mounting a tremendous campaign to get the little fucker the $10K. BUT... the fan favorite never wins the big prize (yet).
I'm struggling with the reality that an entire season of this show has passed by and I only found this blog as of yesterday.
It's still a gift to have found it at all. Last night I was able to read through all the previous posts and many of the comments before sitting down to watch the reunion, and it made the whole experience so much better!
Apparently, Carmen has never watched reality television, which is the only explanation I have for her being offended so easily. She had no idea people could be so harsh, poor dear.
Ricky is the one who really had to suck it up with having his crying jags strung together in one endless segment of embarrassing moments. Although I did laugh a lot over him crying when they were only asking him basic questions like where he was from.
Interesting to me was when the auf'd designers were asked who they though would win the big prize, none of them mentioned Chris. Personally, I wouldn't write him off just yet.
"tlo said: So, how about that big pile of nothing last night? Heidi hates VictorYA! VictorYA hates everybody! Rami and Chris are lovers! Carmen is a big crybaby!"
Heidi doesn't just hate Victorya; I thought that she came off as a total bitch. Victorya gets the rap because she looks so serious, but is at least as big a bitch, but she just does it with a smile.
And in addition to Vocitya & Carmen, it really looked like Ricky & SweetP were also quite peeved as well. I was wondering why, when they asked the question about what other designers said, why Ricky didn't say anything. Or was that edited out. I'd like to see what WAS edited out of that special.
Will there be bonus footage on the Bravo site, or will it end up on a DVD that you'll have to pay for to see it (I won't). But I am curious.
Some odd pallor was cast upon that room, that is for sure. Staid, stuffy...ugh. But Ricky's uncomfortableness about being singled out as Cry Baby Latino Boy sure did come through. He was squirming in his seat. Get over it, Miss Trucker Hat. And Carmen? She did not win any points in her big "Its all about me" pouty scenes. "No one missed me!". Girl you made a fug outfit! Now get on outta here! Rami? Precious. Sweet P? Precious. Elisa? Weird and precious. Christain? Precious, precocious pocket-gay. This season was Precious Runway.
Oh, our dear Sissybear fell victim to the Sanjaya Effect....
Anyway, what WAS the deal with Victorya? Makes me wonder if all those rumors about her auf-ing were true.
Well TLo, looks like all the designers took Emmett's advice at Beige instead of yours - and it was our loss. I would've liked to have seen a Ricky vs. PPS smackdown!
Also, can't wait to see what you guys do with the pics of Duchess in his 20's!
Thanks for all your fabulousness!
TLo said, "So, how about that big pile of nothing last night?"
Exactly. Boring. Your screencaps and commentary were vastly more entertaining.
But it was nice to see the designers in a more relaxed setting.
Loved Kevin more than on the show. Carmen and Ricky both seemed kind of bitter. Loved seeing jIllian unstressed. The Buellerbot was kind of a fun gal!
Victorya seemed her usual reserved self, but I don't see her as hating everyone - just not as out there as the others. I still have her back.
ooooh, sewing siren! I'm lovin' your challenge to TLo!! How about it boys?
"Anyway, what WAS the deal with Victorya? Makes me wonder if all those rumors about her auf-ing were true."
What rumors?
Like GT, I would LOVE to see what was edited out. No way things were that calm and bland.
Um, some people that voted for Christian don't really like being refered to as "American idol Fanbrats".
I agree that Chris was definitly well-liked, but a lot of people LOVED Christian. He deserved the win because he has a lot of fans--and not all of them are 13 years old.
When Rami said that he was 'Ramilicious', I thought to myself, 'not WAS, ARE. You are Ramilicious.'
The producers really missed the boat on so many levels, but the biggest was in not requiring Rami to do the reunion show in a towel. The bastards.
"Straight men just want to give him a wedgie and stick his head in a locker but they don't matter since only about 12 of them watch the show."
LOL. I guess my boyfriend is one of those 12 men. Hey, he makes me watch football! He can "suffer" throught one hour of Project Runway a week.
"Bill said: Victorya seemed her usual reserved self, but I don't see her as hating everyone - just not as out there as the others. I still have her back."
I agree. She obviously has issues, but I'd bet it has to do with something else with the show, not the other designers. From what I've heard, she IS friends with them.
"The producers really missed the boat on so many levels, but the biggest was in not requiring Rami to do the reunion show in a towel. The bastards."
Hee hee. I so agree GT!
"it really looked like Ricky & SweetP were also quite peeved as well."
LOL No it didn't!
"Straight women either want to spank him and send him to his room or do their nails with him and dish. Gay men either want to spank him..."
Ultimately, and this can either say a lot about me or a lot about the reunion, but I really wish that this had happened on TV over the reunion itself.
I don't like reunion shows as a general rule - they never dish the way i want them to. but god, I loved Tim Gunn's "Polly Syllabacus," and the dead silence that received it (I laughed my head off; it's the english-teacher in me, I guess).
I felt bad for Ricky during that crying-jag segment. But what the hecks else were they going to show? such a dull season....
and Carmen - aside from the WHAT ARE YOU WEARING???? - what an unpleasant performance!
this show was weird in its almost total lack of interactions between the designers. and SO many of them were almost totally silent - Steven? VictorYa? Jillian?
I had to feel a little happy for PPS - no one has much money when they are 21. But I did my part and voted for Sissybear - and I think he knows what kind of love is out there for him.
Oh, and M. Kors giggling his pants off was awesome. AWESOME.
"What rumors?"
VictoYa stormed off the set in a huff when she was auf'ed, saying goodbyre to no one.
Total bitch.
Yes, I'm a very offended Christian voter. I *never* watch American Idol. And I'm not a teeney bopper. I don't even have a MySpace! I'm a real person who lives in the real world!
*runs off and leaves big red wine stain in her place*
PLEEEEZE TLo, you've just gotta elaborate more on VictorYA's "I hate all of you and I wish I was anywhere else but here" stance and icy looks. WHAT was up with that?!?! Sore loser, anyone?
I was in awe of that even more so than Christian's fan favorite upset - I love Christian but thought Chris would win fo' sho'. Good for Mychael on his new perfume - I had checked out his website a few months ago and was dismayed that his latest project at that time was a unisex underwear line. ????
I counted 15 designers in the pictures, but I swear last night I didn't catch even the tiniest glimpse of Simone and only one or two head shots of Stephen. Weird editing there.
Carmen, Ricky and Victorya were rolling their eyes so much that all they needed were platinum wigs to complete that "Designer's of the Corn" look. Sheesh, for a bunch of people that were collectively concerned how they would look on television, they sure were on their worst behaviour.
Ramilicious's super power would be draping women in Burkas? :snort That's all I got to say about that.
This season has been so disappointing to me on several levels. Scheduling, designs, challenge winners, personalities, challenges all included. I'll tune in next season but I would like for Bravo to know that this little viewer out in TV Land is really disappointed.
A minor fuss was made about Victorya being angry or upset when Jack left, but they never said what she was upset about. Was it that they brought Chris back? It was so unclear.
When Rami referred to himself as "Ramilicious" ... I threw up a little, then laughed my ass off for about 10 minutes.
I think he was amusing and was the sort that kind of grew on you.
Also... his demographic is FIERCE when it comes to texting!
I wish the whole show had been edited better. It felt choppy.
Loved the Michael Kors reaction to the WWE. Totally unexpected, and shows that what we see isn't the whole story.
Sewing Siren said, ". . . Nina and Heidi! Did anyone else notice how different they both look from 7 months ago?"
I agree they both look different, but they both have bangs now. And though they're both very good looking, I don't think the bangs are that flattering.
Speaking of which, "You can't see through those bangs, can you?" -- FUNNY!!
"Carmen, Ricky and Victorya were rolling their eyes so much that all they needed were platinum wigs to complete that "Designer's of the Corn" look. Sheesh, for a bunch of people that were collectively concerned how they would look on television, they sure were on their worst behaviour."
Agreed. They were like spoiled BRATS. TOTAL lack of class. Did you see VictorYa reaction to Heidi when she called her "uptight." I wanted to PUNCH her through my TV screen. She spent the entire show looking like she was clenching a 2 foot Pole up her Ass.
She's just bitter. So is Carmen. And way too full of themselves.
Victorya?? Reserved??? Serious???
She was neither "reserved" nor "serious"...that girl was SCOWLING. I half expected the giant novelty fan favorite check to be extracted from her ass...something of its size was logdged up there last night.
And what about Carmen -- "After I left it was like I was completely forgotten." Um, she left in like the fourth episode. What did she expect? A special two-hour Carmen Retrospective?
I would have loved to have spent more time at the reunion with the good girls (Elisa, Kit and Sweet Pea).
Oh, and did anyone notice that the producer/director/editor hung Tim out to dry on his Pollysylabicus comment? They cut to Chris looking bored and held the shot far too long. They might as well have added the sound of crickets. I get it...Shecky Gunn isn't going to be appearing at my local Chuckle Hutt any time soon, but still....not cool to highlight his bombed joke.
It was hot, stank-eyed mess in up there last night. Stank attitudes = Victorya, Carmen, Ricky. Maybe they need a little MKnight spritz to lighten their stank. What will it be called? Sexy, Sensuous, Seductive?
It was so nice to see Rami have a sense of humor about himself. After looking at the collections, I think he gonna win it all.
Kanani's comment brings up a question I've been meaning to ask. Do the DVD sets offer any extra goodies we don't see on the weekly episodes? I would think Bravo could've sold the PR:4 set based solely on those photos of the Duchess and that laughing fit.
For example, I would love to see the betting pool among the PR staffers as to which work of art Rami would ultimately pick from the antiquities room; then, their bets as to what Nina's reaction would be to (yet another) draped masterpiece. The slightly snarky stuff like that.
So..is it on the DVDs?
a stunning upset.
i thought chris #1, sweetP #2.
but christian? the littlest twit in the land? never occurred to me.
michael knight looked like he's not feeling well :(
and CARMEN!! oh. my. stars!!
"thanks Heidi hisssssssssssssssss!
I agree that last nights show was kinda anticlimatic. No drunken rampages. I was disappointed that Chris didn't win either. I was kinda shocked by Carmen and her sensitivity.
She was no one and expected everyone to be all ga-ga over her. Get over it. I liked when someone pointed out she sent an outfit down without a shirt, and she said thanks a lot in a rude kind of way. That made me not like her even more.
VictorYA was just a rude bitch too, I wanted to kick the shit out of her smug look.
I also liked how no one would offer up the worst design and Sweet P had to say it was hers and no one argued. But that wasn't the worst. There were far worse.
Well I can say that I bought the season 3 dvds expecting to see some good extra footage and I was very disappointed. There was nothing added worthwhile. They didn't even include the bonus footage from the BRAVO site which was some of the best and the whole reason that I bought it fully expecting all that to be included.
The only extras were about 5-minute follow-ups on the final 4 and Uli was not even included. Otherwise there was about 5 minutes of Tressemme outtakes. That was it. I was very disappointed in my purchase.
Yeah, that was some uncomfortableness last night. Those questions they chose to ask---they were so mean! If I was Ricky, I would have been dreading the reunion. Him and Steven look like they were trying to disappear. And Carmen? Let me just say that they should bring back the reunions with the open bar.
I thought that all those Jillian interviews talking about how annoying her fellow contestants could be were amusing. I loved the Dutchess' laughing jag during the wrestling runway show. And I'm happy to see that Sweet P agreed with me that her WWE costume was the worst outfit of the season!
And PPS wins fan favorite? I feel so old and out of it. While he was mildly amusing for a spell, his act got so tired and repetitive. He should tone it down a bit and emulate Prince more (more than he does already).
OMG. I turned the show off half way thru last night. BORING!!!! And it was so painfully obvious how hard they were trying to wring drama out of a season that had none. Snooze fest.
Congrats, Christian.
I love your screen caps of Sissybear. Perfect.
I loved it when they showed the cry-montage of Ricky. The look on his face was priceless. You know that it was all he could do to keep from crying.
He had to fight those tears back and then was B I T T E R when they asked him about it.
But that wasn't the worst. There were far worse.
My vote for the absolute worst would be Marion's pocahontas number that didn't fit.
Carmen's attempt at a shirt was bad as well.
But while Sweet P was happy to toss hers out there --as in, yeah, it was baaad and laugh about it, they were just as happy to forget about their botched attempts.
and yes... it'd be fun to see more out takes. Loved the ones of Jack strolling naked around the suite. Sort of reminds me of that guy in "Survivor" who won through intimidation by nakedness!
I liked Sweet P's response about her WWE outfit....I believe she didn't want anyone to be singled out so she took credit for a bomb. Well, it was a bomb, but not the worst, IMO.
VictorYA - I got more and more angry just watching her body language. Get up and leave if you are so ticked off, no one will miss you.
Boring show, overall. Too edited to enjoy.
As miffed as I am with the low entertainment value of that reunion, the more I think about it, the more I realize it was a highly accurate representation of the season as a whole. Lots of passive-aggressive bitchiness. Lots of no one coming right out and saying what their problem was, except Carmen of course who amply demonstrated the difficult personality which Tim had hinted at in pre-season interviews but we never completely saw on the show. The judges were funnier and looser than the designers. And some people were wearing some serious ugly that they had probably designed themselves. All in all, a microcosm of PR4. Wake me up for PR5 -- or better yet, PRC2!
Anyone else get the feeling that Chris is NOT a fan of our beloved Tim? The looks he has given Tim all season during their 'chats' about his creations could kill. He either seems to hate Tim, or he is so conceited (or insecure) about his abilities that he can't stand anyone criticizing his work... Sorry, but I am in the camp that feels while Chris is hilarious and added some much needed levity to the season, he appears to be a lot bitchier than he was portrayed to be this season. I also think he should have been auf'd in the same episode he returned--he made some pretty hideous stuff.
I agree that the pocahontas outfit was the worse, that or Sweet P's mens shirt. Those two came to mind when they said worst outfit.
You guys have me cracking up! Those screen cap captions were hilarious!
I am really glad Christian won. I like Chris, but I think Christian will really put that money to good use. I feel like a minority but he has been my favorite all along. What was up with Ricky and Carmen last night, they both seemed pissed. Ricky did not look happy about his crying recap at all. And Carmen actually rolled her eyes at Heidi. They should have showed us the real drama under the surface, b/c that show was one big bore. One more thing, I was hoping Christian's recap would be all the times he said "OMG I'm gonna die," or throw up, or whatever followed OMG.
Oh No!!!!
I was really really surprised but I'm an old fart and obviously it's the YouTube/MySpace/textmessage-addicted generation making itself heard. pyech.
I hated PPS adjusting his hair right before the announcement and then reacting with his oh-so-shocked face.
Okay, I resent 20 year olds anyway.
Surprise humor person of the night? Jillian's interviews. who knew?
terribly dull. Kevin came off as adorable and Rami and Chris were super cute too. Sweet P was her usual sweet self and Kit demonstrated the lowkey friendly demeanour she had on the show. But Victorya? What was up with that? She came across as verrrrrrrrrry unfavorably. Why did she even go? contratual obligations? And I was with the earlier poster who thinks she was pissed that they brought Chris back. She needs to get over herself. In a big way. Tim gave her a shout out on her show and she couldn't even get it up for that!
Michael Knight has gotten rather large hasn't she? Too much of a good thing no? And what was she wearing?
Dear Bravo,
The funniest thing on the show last night was the clip of MK cracking up. The least engineered moments are the best. It truly was infectious. I love how neenagarciafashiondirectoratElle caught it.
Heidi, hon, you were rocking the bangs on the runway for the Red Dress event, but get yourself into a Tresseme chair for a quick trim.
I loved seeing Mychael Knight again. Either he still has the braces or maybe a tongue piercing would explain the strange speech pattern?
I didn't see any hatred toward anyone, really. I think they were having a good time, and given any hard feelings there might have been between any of them, Bravo did a pretty good job keeping things tight.
Yes, Tim's Polisyllabicus or Polly --fell flat. But it was funny in an erudite Will & Ariel Durant way.
But I'll bet folks here can think of a better one!
And Meana Godzilla? Ha! The best one yet.
cb said: "Tim Gunn's "Polly Syllabacus," and the dead silence that received it (I laughed my head off; it's the english-teacher in me, I guess)."
I loved that as well.
Carmen could learn a lot from Sweet P. I just wanted to shake her. C'mon, girl. Admit that your unshirt was awful, laugh about it, and move on.
It was Meana Garzilla.
I am so thrilled that Christian won the fan favorite! Because of this site, I admit, I thought that Chris would win. But I think Christian's appeal transcends a small slice of the viewing audience, so he deserved the win.
I kinda thought at the end there, they may have been giving something away about who won the top 3 because no one was saying Chris until Jack finally did. Makes you wonder if that was an unconscious slip or what.
I think Heidi can be kind of bitchy in an offhanded way. She picked on Victorya, singled her out in a non-positive way. And as much as I didn't care for Ya Ya, even I felt uncomfortable in this kind of bitchery.
The Teuton should put away her breast armor and lightning bolt.
Um, really tired of people opening their comments with "Um...." as though the writer thereof has something interesting to say other than "um... hey, you, like, offended me"
I thought "american idol fanbrats" was pretty much inspired!
VH1 created this mini-tribute to Christian and his "Fierest Moments":
very funny! love christian!
Gotham Tomato said:
"And in addition to Vocitya & Carmen, it really looked like Ricky & SweetP were also quite peeved as well. I was wondering why, when they asked the question about what other designers said, why Ricky didn't say anything."
About what?
I would say that Heidi being non-American lacks the politically correct gene and therefore has no inhibitions in saying what she thinks. Good for her! Victorya was being uptight and she called her on it, I think it was pretty fair. After all, Victorya volunteered to be in a reality show, she should know the rules of the game. If that's the way she wanted to portrait herself, that's what she got, just a description of her attitude.
Can I say this about Tim?
I just watched his video.
He's exactly the type of mentor I'd of loved to have when I was in art school.
"Straight men just want to give him a wedgie and stick his head in a locker but they don't matter since only about 12 of them watch the show."
A minor fuss was made about Victorya being angry or upset when Jack left, but they never said what she was upset about. Was it that they brought Chris back? It was so unclear.
I was wondering about that as well.
Also, what happened to the Victorya Mean P fight that was promoted in the Elle mag insert. There was nothing about it in the show!
"Also, what happened to the Victorya Mean P fight that was promoted in the Elle mag insert. There was nothing about it in the show!"
Yeah, I would like to see P give it to VictorYa. That would be some funny tv!
I also had to do a double take on Nina and rewind a couple of times. She sounded the same, but boy did she look different . . . and not in a good way. I don't remember that bulbous nose, and that sweep of cheek - usually flawlass - looked less appealing.
"What happened to Nina?"
Color me unsurprised. :-\
Question for TLo: Do I remember that you mentioned going to the PR finale Fashion Week show and that you didn't see Ricky? Or was it at a party where Ricky didn't show? He looked really annoyed last night about the string of crying jags. Speculating whether his non-appearance at these events was because of his being unhappy over his PR edit.
Are we still sure that Mychael is straight or is my gaydar way off again?
"sam said: He had to fight those tears back and then was B I T T E R when they asked him about it."
I think that, if Ricky was bitter about anything, it was over what Christian had said about him in that interview posted on the Bravo site; claiming that he faked his resume.
Me thinks that would make someone a bit pissed, and it would have been more interesting, when they asked that question about what others designers said, to hear about that from Ricky, than what we heard from Carmen.
I would love to hear Ricky's response, and I'm wondering why we haven't.
My big disappointments:
1. No one really called VictorYa out for being such a bitch. However, I notice there were plenty of shots of her with a sour expression, even when she was in the background. I think that really must be how she holds her face. Momma always said your face might freeze like that, honey!
2. After the whole "Ricky cries" thing, no one brought up the fact that he didn't cry when he was aufed? Huh?
3. Christian winning the big check. I can see that the other designers get along with him, so I suspect that most of his bratty-child thing is the result of the editing, but come on.
And TLo, I have a comment about this:
Straight men...don't matter since only about 12 of them watch the show.
-->Then apparently I know all of the straight men who watch the show, because I know at least 12 of them. They all got into it because their wives watched the show, and so the husbands got drawn in. Kind of the way many women got into Guitar Hero.
Granted, this season the producers turned TEH GAY up to eleven, but last season had several straight (or at least mostly-straight) guys, including the final winner.
I didn't think it was that boring..more predictable than boring.
You had the "fierce" montage, The crying montage and the Elisa montage. Those were to be expected. But there were some unexpected moments like the wrestler montage. Who knew Jillian was that animate during the show?
Looking at the extra material of Elisa I can see where many of the others might find her a little hard to deal with under the stresses of the competition. Kudos to her for being self aware enough and centered enough to realize it but not take it personally or bother her...you listening Carmen?
I liked Kors comment about if spitmarking ends up make sleeves like that then spit away and just dont tell anyone.
Speaking of Carmen thinking back to 1 of bous clips on the bravo site, it is not too suprising that she is a defensive or very sensitive person. They showed her snapping at Elisa over a very minor comment she made.
I too was expecting some refernce to a Victorya/Sweet P/Mean P friction
them elves are not so magical this season
What was that surgical brace outfit that Sweet P was wearing. Could she move from the chin down?
" --E said...
And TLo, I have a comment about this:
Straight men...don't matter since only about 12 of them watch the show.
-->Then apparently I know all of the straight men who watch the show, because I know at least 12 of them. They all got into it because their wives watched the show, and so the husbands got drawn in. Kind of the way many women got into Guitar Hero."
The technical term for that is "joke."
whoa - I was genuinely surprised that my favorite little pocketgay won FF. I was positive it would be either Chris or SweetP.
I thought including the question about what was the worst design was unfair-why hang the auf'd designers out to dry? Thankfully none of the judges named names.
I think after the Lupe fiasco of Season two that the PTB will let any liquored up designer even sit down.
BTW - I also bought the DVD's of Seasons 1 and 2 hoping for more outtakes, but no! Quelle dommage!
Personally, my favorite part was Chris saying his superpower would be smothering people with his gigantic breasts. Awesome.
...and omG, Carmen, if people not killing themselves because you left is the meanest, most horrible moment on the show, then this season clearly did not have enough bitchy queens. I was kind of glad there wasn't too much drama, though this episode was boring. I love most of the designers.
p.s. Carmen and Victorya should fight each other with their eye lasers. Victorya would clearly win. Carmen rolls her eyes too much.
"You can't see a thing through those bangs, can you?"
LOL!!!! Now that series of screen caps is the best!
I wish Chris won it too. If Christian wins the finale, than I'm going to REALLY wish Chris won it. I hope now one of the other 3 win the finale.
Heidi is two years old. She reacts to everyone's bon mots as if they have just said "pee pee" or "doo doo." I was also disappointed that no one awkwardly hit on her, Ã la Daniel Vosovic. P.S: I really, really hate Michael Kors. What value does this schlump add? I hate his lame, tone deaf attempts to make sort of catty, you-go-girl remarks ("I feel like the Pope in a sex club" - WTF?) and I wish he would just go away. I got immense satisfaction from the photos of him from the 80's, and also from his admission that he used to wear something called a "rat belt."
I heart Christian. You motherf**king go, my little Williamsburg Keebler Elf!
Most. Boring. Show. EVAH.
Washington Cube said...
As a postscript: What I truly wish had come up was a question about Mode.
Do you mean Elle magazine? Or Mood Fabrics? Or something I'm not catching?
MOOD! My Bad, Bad, Bad.
Who really believes the judges are not briefed on what went on in the workroom before the runway show?
Show of hands.
Nice try, Mean-a
A minor fuss was made about Victorya being angry or upset when Jack left, but they never said what she was upset about. Was it that they brought Chris back? It was so unclear.
I think VictoryAH was upset that Jack's MRSA infection was ,in fact, contageous, and that Bravo didn't handle the situation properly.Just my opinion.
i dont understand the sweet pea/victorya thing. can someone explain please :)
Chris may not have won "fan favorite", but it sure looked like he won "Rami favorite"! Were those guys all over each other or what?
Sweet P and VictorYA apparently got into a big fight off camera. They were forced to move into together after others had been auf'd. Apparently it had something to do with VictorYA calling her Kit, but the details are sketchy.
I can't believe they even aired that last night. Sooooo boring!
Look, I've said it before on the Chris March Art Dress post and I'll say it again. As far as I am concerned Chris March is the biggest winner. The comments alone that Robert Cavalli said would send anyone into orbit. Who cares if he loses? He showed the most extreme out there collection of hair at Bryant Park. But the absolute best was that Chris got to sit next to Rami and touch him all evening in the weirdest love fest. God I love Gay men!
gothamtomato said:
"I would love to hear Ricky's response, and I'm wondering why we haven't."
GT, I believe Ricky responded to what Christian had to say in an press interview (I forgot which one - it was posted on BPR I think). Anyway, Ricky decided to be the better person and chalked it up to Christian being too young to know not to shoot his mouth off. It made me have a little more respect for Mr. Ricky.
Can anyone tell who signed the big check? Just curious.
I literally screamed, "WHAT?!" when he won. What the hell.
Oh well, my husband was even more off - he swore Jack would win out of a sympathy vote. Hahaha.
Yaaaaay Princess Puffysleeves! I've been rooting for you since the beginning! (And I'm 30, not 16)
Princess looks identical to Chris Kattan in that screencap. It's absolutely uncanny.
Washington Cube said...
Marion was heard exactly how many times last night? Once? And they had him in the last tier at the end of the row. I went back and read his bio on the PR site this morning. Nothing to sneeze at. I sensed a wistfulness in him that he had not gotten a chance to really show his best work. As for my more irreverent side: looking at him all I could think of was, "Paul Dano. There Will Be Blood, and I so wanted Mr. Gunn or Mr. Kors or Chris or SOMEONE to scream, "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE.'
I'm in accord with others on the Carmen-Ricky-Victorya wormwood troika. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter.
I "get" Elisa. I do. I understand her sensibilities and the Da Vinci reference points and spiritual spitting, but...the girl is bouncing out of her brain and splitting atoms with her scatter speed. Has she had her thyroid checked lately? I kept seeing Amy Poehler as "Caitlin," running around going "rickrickrickrick."
My friends and I were watching last night. We all thought Chris would get the check, if for no other reason, we feel Christian is winning the competition. I know I've been in his corner since day one. He has the whole package. He'll take his knocks, as we all do. With maturity will come changes that will give him sustainability, I think. I hope.
Now. We can all joke about Nina Garcia and Michael Kors, but I think they take their judging responsibilities seriously, and I also think they can see themselves with humor (note to the troika cited above: lighten up.)
I want to say something about Mr. Kors. I loved the segment when he lost it and couldn't stop laughing. A whole 'nuther facet to the man. Thank you PR editing staff for that. Joking aside, the man has a solid head for business, an expanded line of creative merchandise, and he is successful at it. I loved him on last night's recap when he talked about his youth and how he explored so many avenues of playful looks for himself, and he in no way dissuaded the young designers (like Christian and his hair) to not be doing that: if anything he encouraged it. I think his unspoken urge was "staying power."
And isn't that the ultimate goal? Not only to be a creator and to make these unique, lovely things that can alter an industry (see: Devil Wears Prada speech on "blue,") but to continue to do so season after season and remain a strong, viable, economically sound (yes, fashion is a business) foundation over time. And I use the word "foundation," because ultimately you do want to go beyond draping (Rami)and dresses into other arenas, and be equally successful in them.
Tim Gunn, to my mind, is the perfect mentor. Nina Garcia is looking at the big picture, as is Michael Kors. The total package with Mr. Gunn's urging to "Make it work" (and I would add, make it successful.) I think all of the team wish young talent well. Don't you?
As a postscript: What I truly wish had come up was a question about Mood. I've been picking up various things going on behind the scenes there. Not one question or moued purse of the lips
I'm happy Christian won. While Chris was lovable and all around amazing...I love Christian's bitchery more. :]
Ok, washington, that has to be the longest post EVAH!
Re: What had VictorYA's knickers in a twist about the Jack situation, I wondered if she felt that medical help could have been supplied to Jack earlier, possibly on set?
She seemed upset on *his behalf*, not at him.
I am experiencing a retrograde warming to Ricky. I feel bad for how he was ostracized by the other designers. Still, I think having him sit next to Carmen was an error. Those two sour-pusses together would put a downer on any party.
Sorry. Did I miss something?
Emma P.
Anonymous said...
Princess looks identical to Chris Kattan in that screencap. It's absolutely uncanny
MANGO!! PPS is Mango.
"C'est moi, c'est moi Lola said: GT, I believe Ricky responded to what Christian had to say in an press interview (I forgot which one - it was posted on BPR I think). Anyway, Ricky decided to be the better person and chalked it up to Christian being too young to know not to shoot his mouth off. It made me have a little more respect for Mr. Ricky."
Ah, I missed it then. I never go to BPR.
I wonder if they posted his response on the Bravo site, where they posted Princess' allegations. Seems like they should.
I couldn't figure out why Bravo posted Princess' allegations there in the first place, unless they were just trying to stir the pot for when the designers got back together for the reunion.
"What had VictorYA's knickers in a twist about the Jack situation, I wondered if she felt that medical help could have been supplied to Jack earlier, possibly on set?
She seemed upset on *his behalf*, not at him."
Since they seem to be friends, I'd think that that IS what is was.
Suzanne said:
Who really believes the judges are not briefed on what went on in the workroom before the runway show?
How else could Heidi question Elisa about her planet of origin.
No way she could have picked that out of the air...
Suzanne said:
Who really believes the judges are not briefed on what went on in the workroom before the runway show?
How else could Heidi question Elisa about her planet of origin.
No way she could have picked that out of the air...
Random thoughts:
What the hell was Carmen wearing anyway?
It was never explained what made Vicky "upset"...was she upset that Jack left or was she upset that he exposed them all to an MRSA? Judging from the bitchiness surrounding, I'd guess they meant she was upset about the MRSA exposure? It all just wasn't clear.
Didn't Kit come off as a nice gal last night? I was never quite sure about her in the season, but she's not the eye-rolly "whateva" type at all and that was really refreshing. Sweet P was charming too.
I would have liked to have seen more from Marion. He was less stiff and sullen than when on the show.
Jack will end up on the Style channel in some inane show that's really all about him and what him likes. His Bravo 5 minutes should be done. I love the backtracking to complement Chris. Nice try.
Elise was not as fairy princess. That's a pity. That was some good TV when she was.
Rami got the memo to loosen up.
Chris seemed really stiff. Really uncomfortable there. What's with that?
Okay I'm done.
My dentist was chatting about Project Runway a couple of days ago. He said his wife likes it. He commented that Sweet Pea seemed like a nice, child-like person, with human reactions, and that "the little one with dark hair was very talented-a little annoying-but talented."
The fan favorites always seem to be people who are front-runners at Bryant Park anyway. My gut reaction is to give it to an underdog instead.
Carmen was driving the bitter bus last night!!
When she said "Thanks Hedi" I wanted to yell....YOU DIDN'T EVEN MAKE A SHIRT....what the heck are people to kiss your feet because you claim to be a designer. get it together girl.
Way to make yourself look horrible on TV, try bowing out gracefully next time.
Some of the things not addressed (which I'm sure were asked about):
1. Who was Tim referring to when he said that he thought the designer was out and they won?
2. Jack's Advocate interview.
3. Princess' calling Ricky's resume bullshit.
4. What was going on with Jillian in the preview where she said, "Do I hear another word coming out of your mouth? I didn't think so!"
5. The designers' feelings about Chris getting a second chance.
They edited the season into complete pablum, then softpedaled the reunion. This show is officially over in my book.
It should've been Chris!
It should've been Chris!
It should've been Chris!
"Straight men just want to give him a wedgie and stick his head in a locker but they don't matter since only about 12 of them watch the show." Too, too funny, and also true!
Well, there'll be no living with her now.
I really wanted to know what the hell VictorYA thought she had a right to be pissed about when Jack left. Heidi called her on it--VictorYA confirmed--and nothing.
I was so mad they didn't go into that further! They just left us hanging.
I agree with much of what has already been posted re: last night's snoozefest. The 1 thing I'd like to mention is MK's response concerning his own wardrobe on PR. C'mon Michael, it's been 4 years. Time to find something in that closet of yours that doesn't make you look like a chaplain at a CYO camp but that you could still "wear to the White House."
Come on Rami - take off your shirt for us one more time...or at least wear that skin tight tannk top. We promise to give you a gigantic check too if you just tease us all a little more. Damm, the guy is hot.
As hard as those Bravo production assistants tried, this show was dull and lifeless. Just an excuse to stretch the series I imagine.
Now you hold down Heidi while I cut those gawd-awful bangs.
-Jimmy Gimbels
Although unexpected, I am not disappointed. Princess Puffysleeves is great. And I think is a big statement giving it to him, because it does look that he was being himself during the whole show. I just loved when he tried the garments on himself. Anyway, is a good example for gay youth not to be afraid of what people will think or say about you. Congratulations Princess!
Oh, and Jack, I know you read these comments. I hope you are happier now that they dedicated a segment about you leaving the show. It was very unfortunate that you had to leave for health reasons. I hated your Advocate interview but yesterday you said something nice about Chris at the end. Kudos, I hope it was genuine. If you come back for season 5 I will start all over and pretend you were not on season four. Best wishes to you darling.
What a snoozefest! It really isn't the same without Season 3's Keith Michaels defending his use of "reference books."
And yes, I really wanted to take a pair of shears to Heidi's bangs.
Just for the record--Simone was shown toward the end, sitting next to Rami. I wondered if they were constantly changing chairs during the taping. Marion spoke once. BPR reported that Ricky attended the PR show at Fashion Week and was happily recognized by many.
OK, you'd think after four seasons of doing this show, the elves would have come up with a decent formula for the reunion.
Part 1--talk to the early aufs. Ask them what they're doing and give 'em all a free plug. After all, one of the most famous PR alums, Malan Breton, was an early auf! There's hope.
Part 2--talk about the controversies and air the dirty laundry. This would have been the time to explain or discuss Jack's departure and Chris' return--for good and bad.
Part 3--ask some viewer questions, but keep that brief. They're usually pretty stupid.
Part 4--make fun of everybody. Show some behind-the-scenes.
Part 5--discuss the judges.
Part 6--fan fave and dish on the finalists.
Parts 1 and 2 were sorely missing last night. I watched it twice. Part 4 was weak. Surely, there was some unseen drama with the weight loss women, the prom girls and their moms...the WWE Divas. Nothing.
And no love for the models this year.
I didn't even notice Simone in the group until the very last few minutes of the show. Was Carmen trying to avoid the same fate? Is that why she was such a desperate attention-hog?
I'll bet that Carmen is upset at her performance and how it will affect her retail outlet, Sisters of Harlem. Since she has her own company, it looks bad that she can't design basic clothing like a shirt. Doesn't bode well for her image or authenticity as a designer.
heidi: "victorya's a little uptight, no?? maybe it's just me?"
tim: "it's not just you" (gentle pat on the arm}
victorya: ~death glare~
hahaha...that was the FUNNIEST part of the night. heidi didn't say victorya was a bitch (calm down, people), just uptight...and the angry look she received was beautiful!!
also, when they're talking about the worst design, heidi mentions the men's wear challenge and "some jackets were worn without shirts."
carmen: "thaaaanks heidi" (huffy eyeroll...angry deathglare).
i'm still laughing at that.
there were a few gems. sadly, this year's cast just weren't that interesting (personality or design)...either that, or everything was edited to death and we never got to see anything interesting. there was NO color in the clothes (god, i miss uli) and little in their personalities (with few exceptions, anyway).
I thought Kevin was very very gracious. Especially when referring to the reasons why he got auf'd and Christian didn't in the prom challenge. He epitomizes "losing with grace". Vickie and Carmen could take some serious lessons there.
I love Jack, but I don't think he should come back, it would just look desperate. Like those people on American Idol who try out over and over and never get it. I know that he did get in once and probably would again, but he should be beyond all that now.
Washington Cube said...
Tim Gunn, to my mind, is the perfect mentor. Nina Garcia is looking at the big picture, as is Michael Kors. The total package with Mr. Gunn's urging to "Make it work" (and I would add, make it successful.) I think all of the team wish young talent well. Don't you?
Hmm, I don't actually think that the team wishes the young talent well. My feeling is they don't give two shits about the designers. It seems to me that the producers and I include Heidi in this, are really more interested in making good TV. And if creative editing is required than so be it. If someones reputation is ruined in the process , then so much the better. The editing can make it seem like almost anything happened.If a designer gets mad that he/she was portraited inaccurately, the producers can always hid behind "We gave you this great opportunity blah blah blah". I am starting to wonder if Keith really was set-up, just for ratings fun and entertainment.
Yep, another boring reunion show. Michael Kors's giggle fit was my favorite part too. He and Sissybear are the two gays I'd like to go drink with.
There's a fine line between snarky and mean, and the show crossed it a few times. The Heidi-Tim exchange about Victorya was mean. She wasn't my favorite contestant, but she was sitting right there. And I felt uncomfortable with the Ricky crying series because he clearly was. I guess some people enjoy watching people squirm. I don't.
Christian winning FF was a surprise, and I'd have preferred Chris too. I'm hoping that FF and a possible win don't turn Princess Puffysleeves into Princess Puffyhead. Being on PR, showing at BP, and winning are all good opportunities, but they are also opportunities to screw up big-time. I still worry that our little pocket gay decides he really is a big deal, goes out to design a couture collection on his own, and ends up in a big pile of disappointment.
fka rain brain
Washington Cube said:
and I so wanted Mr. Gunn or Mr. Kors or Chris or SOMEONE to scream, "I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE.'
I believe the Milkshake montage will be saved for whomever wins, and they'll be able to say, "I'm done."
FYI --if you haven't seen the movie yet, then don't click the above link.
suzq, love your formula for a really great reunion show. This one was tepid at best.
"Carmen, Ricky and Victorya were rolling their eyes so much that all they needed were platinum wigs to complete that "Designer's of the Corn" look. Sheesh, for a bunch of people that were collectively concerned how they would look on television, they sure were on their worst behaviour."
"Agreed. They were like spoiled BRATS. TOTAL lack of class. Did you see VictorYa reaction to Heidi when she called her "uptight." I wanted to PUNCH her through my TV screen. She spent the entire show looking like she was clenching a 2 foot Pole up her Ass."
Too right! The negative ions were flying all over the place. What's the story? GROW UP (especially Carmen)!
I liked the remark about VictorYa's face freezing that way. Ha! She must have very low levels of endorphins because of her sour-pussface.
Loved the screencaps - as usual.
Why, why, why does the annoying little,skinny bitch always win? Damn those text messaging teens! Oh well, sending love to Chris.
Elle magazine probably went to print with the info Bravo gave them prior to making the final cuts on the show.
So we didn't get to see the catfight between SweetP and YaYa.
Which is too bad. I'm always up for witnessing a good girl fight.
YaYa has loads of issues in terms of assertion and self confidence. In a way, Heidi's little take-down was warranted, and hopefully YaYa will go through therapy soon.
Has anyone else gone to Bravo.com and looked at ViYaYa's collection? All I can say is yech! It's a horrible mess of mousy designs and bad color choices. One outfit looks like a bumble bee. All of them are poorly made and ill fitting. None of them accent the breasts or a woman's body at all and all of the clothes have a very dated feel to them. It's really bad.
It was so obvious that Chris thought he was going to win! And obvious how pissed he was that he didn't.
I wanna know the dish on Rami! You know for a while I thought he was switching teams for Jillian. .and now I watch the reunion and he's got his arm around sissybear the entire time? They touched affectionatly during the vidoe of the two of them. . . .they say it brought them "closer together". . . dude go Chris!!!!!!!
And the PMS award goes to. . .
Carmen Webber!
Screw Carmen Webber, she has talent but she took the littlest things way too much to heart. . . She was offended when Heidi reminded us of the jacket pants and no shirt. . . CARMEN, Ya did it, suck it up. She was trying to make the whole show a pitty party for her. Good thing Heidi was too drunk to take notice.
Ah. I'd done picking on YaYa.
She knows what she needs to do next.
Gothamtomato said, "I couldn't figure out why Bravo posted Princess' allegations there in the first place . . . "
Neither could I. Talk about opening yourself up to a defamation suit! And they've got the deep pockets, too.
I felt bad for Victoria -- They made her out (through editing - remember this is TV show and we only see what they wanted to show) to be a total bitch. I am giving her the benefit of the doubt and thought she had a lot of class to show up at the reunion but keep from letting it become a cat fight. I had also read somewhere that the designers had wanted to finish Jack's design when he had to leave the program. But Bravo brought back Chris and a lot of them felt that it was unfair to give anyone who had been eliminated a second chance. Now I will agree with a lot of people, that Chris March added a lot of fun to the show. He made me laugh so many times (especially when he was commenting about Kit Pistol's name; wondering if her mom was called Machine Gun (and Jilian showing her wit by saying her mom's name was Uzi) -- God -- I have just been too obsessed with this show - Please let it be over soon so I can get back to something else!!!!
I couldn't believe it - but does this mean the producers won't give Christian the overall win, also? That would be good.
I didnt think the show was boring at all, I found myself laughing throughout most of the montages.. .
was it me? I really caught a little Jealousy watching Steven look at Rami and Chris. . I swear the three of them have their own little love triangle. .
Now you've got me laughing with visions of Tim Gunn in the workroom throwing pinking shears and bolts of Duchesse Satin screaming, "I AM THE THIRD REVELATION. I AM THE THIRD REVELATION" (in his best John Huston voice), before beaning some eager young contestant with a draped dress form from here to 5th @ 82nd Street.
"I heart Christian. You motherf**king go, my little Williamsburg Keebler Elf!"
OMG that is too freaking hilarious. Christian really made the season, in my opinion--I can't say that I look to him as my moral compass, but I do love his talent and his sass. I didn't vote, but I'd have voted for him. And I'm almost 36.
I liked the show, but I too want the full story on the controversies--who wouldn't Christian buy a cocktail for? What was V so "upset" about? Where was the fight between Victorya and Sweet P?
I loved Michael Kors--and then Nina--laughing so helplessly. I haven't laughed that hard at anything on TV in a long time. And it made them seem real and warm and nice. I want them to be my fashion mentors too.
I am soooooo confused. Just went to the Bravo website and it has pictures of the final collections of the five final contestants. Why is Sweet Pea included?
I didn't see anything about Mean P. Did I miss it? WTF?
All that build-up for absolutely nothing.
LOVED it when Heidi said something about shirts without jackets and Carmen said, "Thanks Heidi," and then a second later she was tearing up about it and EVERYBODY ignored her.
Sweet P's collection was a decoy, they had the show before the episode where she was auf'd.
Heidi was really a bitch to Elisa last night. Of course, since she was all through the show too, why would I be surprised.
Loved when Tim said "Polly Syllabicus" and some of the designers just looked blank.
Ricky was pretty pissed off by that crying montage, did anybody catch that?
I get it...Shecky Gunn isn't going to be appearing at my local Chuckle Hutt any time soon, but still....not cool to highlight his bombed joke.
I'm still going to be giggling over this days from now.
Although I thought they were highlighting the fact that not one of the designers had the slightest idea what he was talking about.
Washington Cube
Can't you see Jillian turning to Christian and saying, "I'm glad there's no you in me."
Love the sneak preview where she says to him, "Are you going to be nice to me?" I was hoping she'd pull out her fashionista knife.
Gad, Heidi is embarrassing! How did PRC manage to score Iman? That was a real coup.
Say what you will, but Mychael is adorable.
YAYA scowled at the comment about the only food being Chinese, too.
I agree that Michael Knight's choice of clothing was questionable but darlings! hasn't he "bulked up" a bit? I did love the disarming braces on his teeth, though.
Your dialogue between the contestants, Heidi and Tim was hilarious. Organza accident...would that be 45 yards?!
You guys are the best!
I think people need to realize that not everyone LURVES Chris as much as they do, and that not everyone who voted for Christian is a twit kid.
i think this was quite funny....
Last night's episode was a big ol' flaming bag of crap, if you ask me.
Stephen never said a word. Marion, Carmen, and Simone at least got to utter a few things here and there.
And, and...Sissybear was denied big time.
Oh, and yeah, those bangs on Heidi sucked ass. I hate too-long-bangs on anyone. I spend far too much time wanting to brush the hair out of their eyes and totally lose track of anything they might have to say. Not that much of consequence was said last night.
The only redeeming thing about the episode was footage we hadn't previously seen.
Bah humbug. I'm going back to my project.
I still *heart* you boys, though!
P.S. Since my 11-year old son has the week off from school, we watched together and he kept asking when the show was going to get good. Yeah, he laughed at the diva names and the Duchess' gigglethon, but other than that, he only pointed to various designers and said, "loser, cry baby, loser, loser, whiner, loser."
Wish they'd do a segment profiling the aufed designers. It wouldn't take more than 8-10 minutes and we want to know. Besides, we've forgot all the early auf'd!
Damn. Carmen's early aufing proves maybe the producers do not really have much input in the judging. She's television gold!
-- desertwind
wow...i'm a dork. i thought the show was good and was happy that my little christian won the ff award. and i also like american idol and vote occasionally. and i'm an old woman! well, only old enough to be heidi's mother and tell her to cut her bangs but whatever. did anyone already mention the designers being on regis and kelly yesterday? i think christian won because when regis asked if they were happy with the winner, pps said yes with a big smile and then tried to cover with "we're all happy with the winner". there's a clip of the interview out there somewhere.
I'm a bit shocked at Tim. I lost a little love for him last night.
Hope his ego is not growing.
I'm thinking that VYa & Carmen are probably laying low today after their pissiness was exposed for all to see. How can anyone compliment them on their behavior in last night's episode?
Michael Kors' laughing jag was the highlight for me. Carmen's "Thanks alot, Heidi" was the low.
Why is Chris March getting fatter and fatter??
"What happened to Nina?"
She went through pregnancy, childbirth and now is going through motherhood. Sleep deprivation can wreak havoc with your looks!
And I know some of you will say "Heidi has done it three times and look at her!" yeah well, she is a SUPERmodel! God doesn't play fair with the mere mortals of the world. Not that NinaGarciaFashionEditorofElleMagazine is a mere mortal, but still.
i love how victorya can just be sitting there poker-faced and silent, even in the face of a complete insult, and everyone automatically thinks she's like the biggest bitch whore on the face of the planet -- bigger, in fact, than carmen, who actually did act unnecessarily rude toward heidi. americans HATE introverts, especially on reality TV. i was happy to see that gothamtomato and bill attempted to show a more sensible side.
facebook shows me that christian has a really huge following compared to the others, so i'm not sure why people are so stunned at his win. perhaps all the disgruntled people here complaining about the 16-year-old voters are bitter about their lost youth? just a thought.
Anonymous said...
facebook shows me that christian has a really huge following compared to the others, so i'm not sure why people are so stunned at his win. perhaps all the disgruntled people here complaining about the 16-year-old voters are bitter about their lost youth? just a thought.
I think it's great...for the show. The problem is that these young devotees won't worship him all the way to the cash register. They won't be buying his clothes because most of them can't afford them...same thing happened to Jeffrey.
Last night my heart had warm fuzzies all over it for Tim and his Diva name, especially seeing as no one had a clue as to the play in words and he was cracking himself up. That and Kors losing it giggleing were my highlights. There sure were a bunch of grumpy gusses. (Carmen and Victorya, I`m looking at you!) I`m glad I didn`t bet on fan favorite, I thought my little Chrissybear was going to win, but oh well. Here`s hoping Christians head doesn`t blow up on him.
Here`s hoping Christians head doesn`t blow up on him.
My dear, that happened on the first day they aired the show.
Where can I find the info on the Mean P - Victorya smackdown of which y'all speak?
I don't get Marion. He graduated from Parsons NY and has a fabulous store, very high end, in his hometown. He was so somber on the show and during the reunion. I wish we could've seen more of him.
And please don't take me wrong, I think Christian is very talented and will go far, but there's a big difference between being popular on a reality TV show and making it in the real world.
So Princess won? What a surprise!!
One quick look at her myspace page and the messages left there and you know why she won. More power to her!
"You can't see a thing through those bangs, can you?"
LOLOLOLOL. Seriously, I think she does that on purpose. Just like the whole Britney-come-live-with-us bullshit. How can you be that clueless? She wants you to talk about her!
Cody said...
I am soooooo confused. Just went to the Bravo website and it has pictures of the final collections of the five final contestants. Why is Sweet Pea included?
She's the decoy. Fashion Week occured before the episode where the final four were decided, so in order to build suspense and preserve the secret identity of the four finalists as long as possible, the show had the final five finalists present collections.
Just for the record, I didn't say Christian fans were ALL 16, I said its the 16 year olds that vote.
Besides, its screamingly obvious he is winning the whole thing, so no need to get all worked up, kids.
"perhaps all the disgruntled people here complaining about the 16-year-old voters are bitter about their lost youth?"
OMG of COURSE we are!! You will be too one day, honey, trust me. Now ecuse me while I go shoot up the botox.
"I'm hoping that FF and a possible win don't turn Princess Puffysleeves into Princess Puffyhead."
sorry but it already has... he didn't need the ff win to get that way. yes he was entertaining, but i really hate to see people rewarded for narcissistic, nasty behavior. i believe he truly expected to come on that show and win every challenge, fan fav & the bryant park show. you could see it on his face every time someone else won a challenge. i respect his talent and construction skills -- he really is "fierce" in that department, but i got tired of hearing him belittle all of the others. can you imagine what he will probably be saying about his clients behind their backs? remember mattie? one can be entertaining without being nasty.
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