In fact, they apparently loved the suggestions so much that we did hear they're going to try to use most of them at least once.
So, without further ado:
Fashion Vixen
by Wannabe
Fashion Vixen
by Wannabe
Wannabe, send us your address and we'll make sure you get that signed DVD as soon as it is available!
Path: Cashmere Cape
Turbulence: The Scarlet Stiletto
Cleamontis: The Scarlet Needle
BG: Deep Vee
Jay: Glitterata
Weiz: Glam Girl
Lydia: The Plunging V-Neck
Kelly: The Scarlett V
Path: Cashmere Cape
Turbulence: The Scarlet Stiletto
Cleamontis: The Scarlet Needle
BG: Deep Vee
Jay: Glitterata
Weiz: Glam Girl
Lydia: The Plunging V-Neck
Kelly: The Scarlett V
Ladies, send us your address and Laura will send you an autographed picture of herself.
NOW. You thought we were done, didn't you? Well, now Laura and the ivillage folks are interested in hearing your suggestions for what to name the actual comic strip. Y'know, like "THE ADVENTURES OF FASHION VIXEN" - although that's really boring. Come up with something fabulous and you could win an autographed copy of the Project Runway Season 3 DVD! We'll announce the winner at the end of the week.
Get cracking, ladies! And congrats to the winners!
EDITED TO ADD: "Fashion Vixen" is the winning name as chosen by Laura, but the actual character's name isn't necessarily going to be "Fashion Vixen," so you don't have to use that in your suggestions.
EDITED AGAIN: Laura left a note in the comments section:
"Here are some hints, iVillage wants to use my actual name in the title, like Laura Bennett: Adventures of a Stylish Mom. They also seem to be leaning toward an old school comic strip, like Brenda Starr or a 1940's Private Eye, sort of a super hero in hiding. The title should try to reflect what I will be doing which is fighting frump and solving fashion dilemmas. Try to be concise.
I am overwhelmed by the generosity and the creativity of the posters here. Your ideas have actually caused us to change direction so that we can use many of the great suggestions. If we name the strip after what I do instead of who I am, that will give us the opportunity to end each strip with something like, "another caper solved by the Cashmere Cape..."
Thanks so much for all your help. And let's all give it up for T&L!"
The Fabulous Tales of Fashion Vixen
The Fabulous Flight of Fashion Vixen
Fabulousness with Fashion Vixen
Fashion Vixen: Fixing Fashion Foibles
Fashion Vixen vs. Fashion Foes
Ready For Runway: Adventures of the Fashion Vixen
Sewing it Up with Fashion Vixen
Sew & Sew with Fashion Vixen
Sew Chic with Fashion Vixen
Fashion Vixen to the Rescue
Fashion Vixen: Bringing the Glam
Congrats to the winners!
The Dilemmas of a Fashionless World
Fashion to the Rescue
Fashion Rescue Kit
Having a hard time getting it to work; sorry if this comes up in duplicate (or triplicate...!)
Fashionista Follies
Fashion Vixen vs. the Colorblind World
The Fabulous Feats of Fashion Vixen!
Fortune Favors the Fashionable
Here are some hints, i village wants to use my actual name in the title, like Laura Bennett: Adventures of a Stylish Mom. They also seem to be leaning toward an old school comic strip, like Brenda Starr or a 1940's Private Eye, sort of a super hero in hiding. The title should try to reflect what I will be doing which is fighting frump and solving fashion dilemmas. Try to be concise.
I am overwhelmed by the generosity and the creativity of the posters here. Your ideas have actually caused us to change direction so that we can use many of the great suggestions.If we name the strip after what I do instead of who I am, that will give us the opportunity to end each strip with something like, "another caper solved by the Cashmere Cape..."
Thanks so much for all your help. And let's all give it up for T&L!
The fabulously glamorous escapades of Fashion Vixen
Laura, I love you a bunch. Congrats on all the awesome things that are happening for you.
Here's my suggestion:
"Stitched! Crimes Against Fashion"
<3 you!
Laura Bennett: Ridding the World of Serious Ugly
Fashion Victims to Vixens: The Laura Bennett Story
We love you Laura!
You're our girl!
In Which: Laura Bennett as The Fashion Vixen, brings daytime glamour to the fashion forest.
In Which: Laura Bennett as The Scarlet Silletto, banishes rubber clogs to the garden.
In Which: Laura Bennett as Haute Coutura , brings quality and originality to the everyday woman.
In Which: Laura Bennett as The Plunging Vee, brings cleavage back to the fashion forefront.
In Which: Laura Bennett as The Cashmere Cape relegates sweat pants to the gym.
so much creativity! i just cant compete :)
i think toddny said it best
"Congrats to the winners!
love you laura!
Laura Bennett: Fabulous Mommy in action.
Law & Order: Fashion Victims Unit
Laura Bennett: Looking good never became so easy.
Laura Bennett: Saving the World One Sequin at a Time.
Laura Bennett: Pulling the Fashion Trigger.
Fashion Vixen and the Case of the:
1. Verklempt Valkyrie (bodytype issues)
2. Killer Heels (bad footwear)
3. Capricious Kiester (VPLs and undergarment issues)
4. Frenzied Faddiste (too-trendy dressing)
5. Woman Who Wasn't There (blah make-up and dressing)
6. Slummy Mummy
Laura Bennett: The Diary of a Fashion Fighter
Laura Bennett: The Fashion Hunt
Laura Bennett: Fugly Has No Boundaries. Fashion Has No Mercy.
"Case Clothed with Laura Bennett"
Just saw the addendum. Let me try again.
Laura & Order: Fashion Victims Unit
Fashion Vixen: Laura Bennett's Guide to Glamour and Style
Laura Bennett Banishes Boredom
Laura Bennett Undercover, not Underdressed.
Laura Bennett's Closet Glam. (This gets the undercover notion in play).
Laura Bennett: Fashion Vixen fixes Fashion Victim. (say that 3 times fast).
Laura Bennett: Style is always in fashion.
Laura Bennett: Trump the Frump!
(I'm going to consider a career in advertising after this exercise. So much fun!)
Laura Bennett: Design Star
The Perils of Apparel with Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett: Ace Designer
Laura Bennett: Stealth Stylist
Fashions Fixed by Laura Bennett
Mommy Knows Best with Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett: Tailored Crusader
Laura Bennett: Sartorial Savant
Practically Polished by Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett is Impeccably Incognito
and lastly -
Laura Bennett's Style Down Any Aisle - church or supermarket, airplane or hardware store, Laura can improve your style. Ok, so now I'm pitching a TV show for Laura. Anybody want to talk business, here? ;)
Laura Bennett: The Fashion Files
Laura Bennett: The Undercover World of Style
Wait...one more:
Laura Bennett: Undercover Tales of Style
Laura Bennett as the fabulously
glamorous fashionista in Tales from the Beastly Bureau.
Laura Bennett: Woman of Style
(like Superman: Man of Steel)
I am not keen on the "Fashion Vixen" as it sounds too close to "Fashion Victim".
"Laura Bennett in: F.S.I New York - Fashion Scene Investigator" - could be cute to see what trends work, what trends are a crime, or sadly, D.O.A.
~ muellersdayoff
Laura Bennett: Fighting Fashion Crimes
Laura Bennett: One Fashion Dilemma at a Time
Laura Bennett: Your Cry for Fashion
Laura Bennett: A World of Glamor
Fashion Vixen: Fighting the Un-Fabulous
Stylizing the World: Fashion Vixen
Elegance and Glamour-- The Adventures of the Fashion Vixen
The Fight Against Bad Fashion
Bringing on the Fabulous: Fashion Vixen
PS. I totally love you, Laura! You rocked Project Runway!
Laura Bennett in Crimes of Fashion
The Fashion Capers of Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett: Private Eye of a Needle
Laura Bennett and the Case of the Fashion Foibles
Laura Bennett: Closet Avenger
Laura Bennett: Foe of Fug and Frump
Laura Bennett: Full-tilt boogie extravaganza of fab
Laura Bennett: Cutting a swath through Serious Ugly.
Laura Bennett: Fashion Sleuth
She likes us! She really likes us!
Here are some of my ideas:
"QuickChange: Fashion Vixen to the Rescue!"
"Crimes of Fashion"
(like, crimes of passion).
"S.T.Y.L.E." (you could use lots of combinations for this acronym. Shocking Tales of the Young and Lacking in Elegance?)
Laura Bennett: Keeping Fashionable Bitches in Fashionable Stitches
Min said...
Law & Order: Fashion Victims Unit
That made me laugh out loud.
If you want to put the name in it - how about
Laura Bennett: Fashion Victims Unit
Laura the Serious Ugly Slayer
Laura Bennett: Undercover Mommy
Wah! They didn't pick me! I think I need to go sniff my new Jo Malone cologne sample to soothe my hurt feelings....
But before I do, here's another attempt at Fabulous Nomenclature:
"From the Files of Laura Bennett, Fashion Police Chief"
Fighting Frump with Fabulousity
From Glum to Glam: A Fashion Maven Fights Frump
From Glum to Glam
A Fashion Maven Fights Frump
On the Fashion Fringes
Laura Bennett: Fairy God-Fashionista
xo, zoe
I've worked in advertising for 20 years and you people are putting me to shame. There are some great ideas here.
In an attempt to be Old School...
Fashion in Action: The Tales of Laura Bennett
The amazing adventures of Laura Bennett, Fahion Vixen
The True Life Adventures of Laura Bennett, Fabulous Mommy
Best of luck saving the planet from schlubby Moms (to be) like me :-)
Laura Bennett's Freak to Chic.
Laura Bennett: Style Sotto Voce.
The Stylings of Laura Bennett, [Fashion Vixen][opt.].
Come Out of the Closet with Laura Bennett (PR Gayboys heads to appear in corner).
Laura Bennett(:) Dump(s) The Frump. (occurs to me The Donald might have problems with Trump the Frump. He wouldn't win, but he'd make a mess. Which might be good for publicity, but ivillage would have to pay lawyers. Luckily, I am one, and I'll work cheap for Laura).
Take the F out of Fugly, bitch. (That's The Onion version.)
or very straightforward:
Laura Bennett('s) Fashion Rescue(s).
Help me Laura Bennett!
Laura Bennett's Guide to Style. (Whoops!)
By the way, love Min, Mindy's and zoe's efforts.
Alluring Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett, The Foxy Fashion Vigilante
The Bennett Files: Tales of a Vogue Vigilante
Mrs. Bennett...You're Needed
Laura Bennett: Fashion in Action
Laura Bennett: The Fashion Force
Laura Bennett: The Chronicle of a Fashion Guru
Laura Bennett: The Glam Girl Tales of Fashion
damn it. =[ I was really hoping for the best there. well, now that this new opportunity has presented itself, I plan to try my best again to win the signed S3 dvd or the signed head shot.
Coutoure Soldier: Fashion Vixen
Sleeved Savant: Fashion Vixen
Sexy Sophistication: Fashion Vixen
Fashion Vixen: A Stitch In Time Saves Nine (a nine strip arc on its own)
Well, I'll come up with more before the deadline. I'm crossing my fingers that my ideas are past mediocre this time.
Brett Hawkins, 17
Long Beach, CA
Laura Bennett: Stripping away the dilemmas of fashion
I love "Case Clothed with Laura Bennett"
Great suggestion, Maharhar!
Laura Bennett: Because Life's Too Short to Waste on Bad Clothes
Laura Bennett: Style and Substance
Laura Bennett: Dress Accordingly
Criminal Beauty: Laura Bennett's Adventures of a Fashion Vixen
I'm inspired to dig out my red lipstick and funky fat pearls...
- Clea
Congrats wannabe. I'm jealous
Laura Bennett: Frocking the World
i loved "Dress accordingly" as a title!
here's 2 more of my cents:
Laura Bennett and the Unfathomably Unfashionables
Laura Bennett: Saving the World in Style
Laura Bennett: The Mother of all Glam
The fabulous Adventures of Laura Bennett.
Laura Bennett: Lessons in Style
Laura Bennett: Mission Unfashionable
Laura Bennett: Turning Frump Into Fabulous
-- rain brain
Laura Bennett: Dame Brings the Glamour
Fight The Frump
Adventures in Fashion Land
The Trials & Tribulations of a Fashionista
I'm pretty much a comic geek so can't wait to see this come to fruition!
The Fashion Vixen:Turning dowdy to divine in the blink of an eye
"Case Clothed with Laura Bennett"
I vote for that one!
Alright Wannabe! Your entry was my husband's favorite too.
How about :
Laura Bennett - Transforming Fashion Victims to Fashion Vixens
Or has someone already submitted that?
From Rags to Riches with Laura Bennett, the "Fashion Vixen."
Laura Bennett: Fighting for Style
The Fashion Vixen Chronicles
—Starring Laura Bennett—
Today's Tale: The Case of the (insert witty title here for each strip) Slippery Slope
Then end each strip with Wannabe's catch phrase "Case Clothed"
Laura Bennett: The Superpowers of Fashion
Laura Bennett: The Tales of Fashion Ivy
Laura Bennett: Dial Glam-1-1
The Incredible Powers of Laura Bennett
Oops, sorry. "Case Clothed" should be attributed to Maharhar
Well, considering I JUST read the second "edited to add"... I'll resubmit my entry with some modifications.
"Laura Bennett: Crimes Against Fashion"
Tales from Gothams Glam Girl...
Tales from The Scarlett Crusader...
The glam squad as lead by the scarlett crusader...
The Glam Zone...
Gotham's queen of bling....
Its a bird, its a plane, no its the Scarlett Crusader...Here she comes to save the day....
Laura Bennett: The Fabulous Life of a Fashion Spy
Laura Bennett: Diva Debonair
-continuing from my post further up
"The Fashion Crime Chronicles"
starring Laura Bennett
The Adventures of Laura Bennett: Not your average soccer mom
Who is Laura Bennett and why is she saying these fabulous thing about me - and what I'm wearing?
Laura Bennett: Bad Mommy in Action
Fashion Destiny with Laura Bennett
Dressed to the Nines: The Fabulous Adventures of Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett: Fashion in Action!
Laura Bennett: Taskforce Fashion
Laura Bennett: On the Cutting Edge
of Fashion
Laura Bennett: Adventures of a Designing Woman
Laura Bennett: She's Got Designs on You!
Laura Bennett: The Red Storm
Laura Bennett: Style Avenger
--Gotham Tomato
Laura Bennett: Fabulous Tales of Fashion
Laura Bennett: The Tales of Fabulosity
Laura Bennett: Tales of Fabulosity
OOPS! I missed the other "Fashion in Action" posts.
How about...?
Laura Bennett: Fashion Forward!
The Fashion Forward Chronicles
Laura Bennett: Divine Fashion Intervention
Laura Bennett: Tales in Heroic Fashion
Laura Bennett in "The Fashion Caper Chronicles"
Congratulations Wannabe and everybody else!
Geeze, this is really exciting!
Off to think now -------->
Laura Bennett: Clues in Style
The Universe of Fashion Through the Eyes of Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett in "The Fashion Crime Capers"
How about...
Laura Bennett: Undercover Frump Buster!
Fashion Vixen Fights For Fabulousness
Laura Bennett Fights For Fabulousness
Min: Law & Order: Fashion Victims Unit
Fell. Off. Chair. OMG, I love it.
If I hadn't been alone in the room, it could have been a weird accident report.
Laura Bennett: Tales of a Fashion Fighter
Starring Laura Bennett in The Life and Times of Fashion Vixen
LB: Style Transformer
Laura Bennett: Bringing Back the Glam!
The Altering Adventures of Laura Bennett
The Alteration Adventures of Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett: Style Sleuth
Laura Bennett: Fashion Fables
fight for fashion: laura bennett, fashion vixen
fashion fearless: laura bennett, fashion vixen
With a little tongue in cheek, I simply must suggest "Laura Bennett's Guide to Style".
More seriously:
Amazing Makeovers featuring Laura Bennett
Laura Bennett's Fashion Adventures
The Makeover Chronicles featuring Laura Bennett
If its not too late I'd like to leave some suggestions. Since we don't know what her name will be I'll just put 'laura bennett' and you can fill in the blanks. :D
'laura bennett' and the fight for fashion fabulousness
'laura bennett' and the fight against fashion follies
'laura bennett' and the quest for fashion fabulousness
'laura bennett' saving the world from serious ugly
This is fun :D
Laura Bennett: Fabulizing the World!
Laura Bennett: Fabulizing the Fashionless!
Laura Bennett: Fashion Fighter!
when will we find out who won?!
Hi guys,
We'll announce the winner and runners up shortly. Thank you for your patience.
Must it be Fashion Vixen? It
denotes a quarrelsome being. I can't see that in Laura.
Why not something with more historical panache.
Utilize the Kate Hepburn filmography as on suggestion...some of them can make a great play on word and at the same time, not only apply to your work but gives your work the flair it is.
Here are a couple for your perusal. If you find any of it interesting, present to the producers. The idea is all yours.:) Jacqueline
1. Quality Street, Laura Bennett
2. Fashion for that Delicate Balance, by Laura
3. Fashion All About You, by Laura
4. Song of Love for your style, by Laura
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