Reunion time, bitches! You know what that means, right? CAGE FIGHTS!
We were at Beige with Emmett the night before they taped this and we were talking to Kevin about it. "Do NOT get drunk ahead of time," implored Emmett. "One word: Lupe." To which we interjected "Oh, NO. Get shitfaced and tell everyone exactly what you think of them! It gives us so much more material to work with on the blog!"
It remains to be seen whose advice he took.
Anyway, watch the previews to see Heidi all but call VictorYA a bitch to her face:
And watch this one for the lead-in to the fan-favorite winner:
"The winner by a landslide?" Who do you think it'll be, kittens?
[Videos: Crew Creative/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Shit, they should have given Chris March the fan favorite award after the first episode!
Unrelated: GOD what I wouldn't give to see Tim Gunn plastered.
For some reason, I think the winner will be . . . Chris. I have no inside info whatsoever, so it's just a guess.
"Oh, NO. Get shitfaced and tell everyone exactly what you think of them! It gives us so much more material to work with on the blog!"
And THAT is why I love you bitches SO MUCH!!
Fan favorite: It's going to be Chris! YAY!!
Hoping the fan favorite is Chris, but figuring it will be Christian because of his antics.
Chris is definitely the most appealing of the final four. Who would you rather go out for drinks with?
It had better be Chris.
Chris's clothes make women look like women... but I guess someone who sews a lot of drag would indeed be able to figure out how to make a body look feminine.
I think the fan favorite is Chris. I cannot wait for this show tonight, you know it is going to be juicy. I can't wait until Heidi calls VictorYa a bitch. haha. Too funny.
Fan favorite is either Chris or Sweet Pea. Probably Chris.
The fan favorite HAS to be Chris. Whether or not he's the best designer is up for debate (and isn't that what the finale is for?), but as far as personality and charm go he's leagues ahead of everyone else! And remember the public outcry when he was aufed? People threatened to stop watching!
I think Chris will be the fan favorite because he is the sweetest and funniest guy on earth, but Jack might pull it out (tee hee) with the sympathy vote.
"Lupe!" (Every now and then I just have to shout that for no reason.)
My 17-year-old niece and I have a bet on Fan Favorite. I say Chris but she said that Christian has a huge Facebook following and will run away with it. We'll see.
I hope the fan favorite will be Chris, but I expect it will be Jack because of the sympathy vote.
I'm always wrong about these things, though, so maybe it'll be Carment because, you know, she was a model, so she understands a woman's body.
I think it's Chris.
and it didn't look any of them were drunk...darnit!
By a landslide? Chris. Has to be. I think that Christian will win and I actually find him really amusing, but how can you not adore Chris?
From the little Elle Project Runway Magazine:
"When Victorya Hong was forced to bunk with the party girls --her roommates had all gotten the boot from the show --the serious designer and Sweet P nearly came to blows. Sweet P turned Mean P, the alter ego when she warned contestants about in episode one and wears tattooed on her left arm. Hint: Just wait for the reunion show."
I can't wait!!
How about Jack? I bet he's the fan favorite.
I think it's Christian which kind of sucks because I wish Chris would win something.
Sweet P, without a doubt, though my favorite is Fashion Bear Chris.
it'll be christian by a landslide.
If I liked Chris better as a designer, I'd totally thinmk Chris. As it is, Chris, Christian and Jack all seem to be possibilities to me.
Although I like Jillian and Kevin and Kit best :)
I want it to be Chris with all my heart, but I'm worried it's not him, due to the fact they kept showing his face when they mentioned the fan favorite.
Magic Elves looove the play games... *shakes head*
I cannot understand what Heidi is saying in the clip about VictorYA. She says, "Victorya is _________ or is it just me?" Can anyone please translate and fill in what she is saying please?
Juliann K:
What Heidi says is something like:''Victorya is a little bit uptight or is it me?''
I think fan favorite is going to be Chris or Christian.
I'm thinking it will be Chris or Jack. But what's with all this "sympathy vote" talk about Jack? He truly seems charming and funny and he was entertaining to watch. Sympathy shouldn't enter in to it.
christian will win.
he has a MASSIVE facebook AND myspace following
My vote is for Chris
Do you think Carmen will cry when she finds out it isn't her?
I think Chris is the favorite over here. But I know Christian has a huge following.
I voted for Chris like 100 times, so I hope my efforts weren't in vain, and that you all are right!
Heidi REALLY said, "VictorYA is a wittle bit uptight, no?"
Chris laughing when he was the winner of the tackiest contest, rolling his eyes saying "youth" whenever Christian spouted. He's very in tune with himself and his surroundings - how refreshing that he finished his looks and took a snooze!!! I hope he wins fan fave and gets to show at fashion week!!
I voted for Chris like 100 times,
Ha! Love it!!
Tonight's a big night -- the PR reunion episode and the PBS broadcast of Stephen Sondheim's "Company."
It's like Christmas morning for Show Mos.
How could the fan favorite NOT be Chris?
How could the bitch not be Victorya?
Whether or not he's the best designer is up for debate (and isn't that what the finale is for?)
The finale's for whether he's judged the best high-fashion designer.
Christian's clothes look great on the runway and I wouldn't think him undeserving if he won PR, but if I were going to hire one of these people to design a dress for me, it'd be Chris. He'd listen to my wishes and be fun to work with, as well as turning out a great-looking garment.
amen, tom in KC - I am going to a screening of the Company broadcast in NYC tonight. It starts at 7 and I am hoping to be out of there and home to catch PR by 10 PM. Slim chance, especially if there are show people at the screening.
I want Chris to be fan fave but am a bit concerned that Christian's devoted young following are the ones that actually texted in their votes. Not sure I ever got off my butt to vote (but maybe I did. Middle age moments - oy.....)
It'll likely be someone who was on til near the end. I'd hope it was Chris, but it might end up being SweetP because she does have a certain type of fan.
It'll be interesting though, to hear about what went on when the cameras turned off & SweetP turned into MeanP. Maybe it'll explain why Victorya kept calling her Kit.
Oh, I can't wait to plop down in front of the tube tonight!
It's our little SissyBear. No question.
Gotham Tomato, I'd have thought Sweet P had a chance if Heidi hadn't said "by a landslide."
Since it was a landslide victory, it has to be Jack, Chris or Christian.
(Bill, can you imagine if John Doyle directed the PR Bryant Park show? The designers would have to play the walking music for the models -- I can just see Sissybear on the tuba!)
I voted for our little lamb Andre!
(ooops wrong season).
If it's a "landslide" that's gotta be Chris.
I'm betting it's Jack.
He's purdy.
I'm hoping it's SissyBear.
He's adorable.
fan favorite's gotta be chris. everybody loves him. lord's knows i voted for him a dozen times, and i never vote for these things.
There is no justice in this world - Christian will be the fan favorite AND the winner of S4.
Hmmm..now after watching the video clip on the fan favorite I'm not so sure. The first person they flashed on was Chris looking exuberant and they did NOT flash on Princess PP. Hmmmm
My guess is either Chris (yes!) or Sweet P will be fan favorite. One sure thing - it won't be Victorya. I can't wait to see her reaction.
If Chris is fan fave, I hope that doesn't mean that he'll lose that "tie" challenge to Rami.
IF there were a "Lupe" moment, who would be the most likely to provide it this time around?
I still remember when Vanessa bolted in the Season 1 reunion, leaving as Tim said, “a red wine stain and some broken shards of glass...”
Bealotus, thanks!
Got to be Chris March for fan fave. Still my choice for lunch partner. Can't wait to see Princess Puffysleeves' face when it's announced.
Aw, thank you for posting the video of the finalists on the Regis and Kelly show. I didn't have time to watch it. They all look adorable; Jillian IS shy, no? I love when Kelly said that Christian's stuff looks a little bit McQueen. A little bit? LOL. I bet he didn't like that.
I voted for Elisa a bunch of times. I know it was hopeless, but she just gave me so much joy. Oh, puppet girl...sigh.
Although I voted for Elisa 40 times, I'm pretty sure is Chris... obviously. He is adorable. I would be very disappointed if it is Jack, after that horrible Advocate interview.
Fan Favorite is either Christian or Chris.
I think Chris is the most likely winner for Fan favorite. I don't think jack really is a strong contender. While he's been very active promoting himself with the press he wasn't on the show that long. Just long enough to get a feel for him as a designer
On the BPR site, their poll results for fan favorite came out Chris, Christian, Elisa and Sweet P as the top vote getters in that order. Not really surprising.
Maybe we should declare Tlo fan favorites :)
Why did no one say Christian? He IS one of the best.
If that little sh*t Princess Puffysleeves gets voted fan favorite I'll put my foot through my TV set. He is SUCH an ANNOYING A$$HOLE!
Chris is my favorite, but if my students are any indication, Christian seems to be the one all the kids love.
I think the fan favorite will be Chris, because a lot of the fans seem to love him. I wish an underdog would win, such as Sweet P or Rami, but, majority rules, and Chris is the popular one in this whole clique!
I'd love to Kevin tell it how it is, he was one of my personal favorites this season.
Chris has my vote, especially because I believe last week's tie was an attempt to save Rami without insulting Sig. Cavalli.
Please forgive my going off topic ...
My Dear Miss Gooch,
You may find it amusing to learn that Peggy Cass was the Mystery Guest on a re-broadcast of a 1967 episode of "What's My Line?", very early this morning. Inexplicably, no mention was made of her Academy Award nominating portrayal of your time with Ms. Dennis. Fear not. I remember, as does anyone who, like you, found resonance with Mame's proclamation, "How bleak was my puberty!"
If Christian wins due to the youth following, then Bravo aught to start putting a limit on voting:
You need to register your email or phone number, or like some other show (can't remember which) the phone number is automatically registered & blocks you once you reach your limit.
The fan fave has got to be sweet p-she never had an unkind thing to say about anyone-we love you sweet P!!!
I'm going to guess Chris. I think Christian will take the big prize, but not both.
I think Jack may be fan fav. I would prefer it to be Chris.
Lupe moment? -- Either Victorya or Carmen.
Of course, I do wonder Will Ricky Cry?
The editors seem to want people to vote for Chris. So I guess he will be fan favorite.
Ok, trying this again.
Gotham Tomato, you inspired me this morning to make a small attempt at fashion design myself. I tried to post a link to the photo on here but it was too. dang. long and cut off so I just put it on my blog (believe me I'm not trying to direct traffic to my boring blog, just didn't know how else to get it posted on here).
So my fashion statement is dedicated to you G. Tomato. Hope you like pink.
I think it will be Chris.
Chrissy bear!!!!! He`s gotta be the fan favorite.
p.s. Are we taking bets?
Good one, Ms. Katiecoo. I'm still waiting for the Rami-inspired T-shirt "I Drape, Therefore I Am".
" Drunken Brawl Tonight on Bravo!"
LOL. I wish, remember those days? now they're way too worried about how they're portrayed in front of a camera.
It's gotta be Chris. Did you see the BPR poll? Chris had twice as many votes there as Christian.
Tom & Bill - Also can't wait for PBS's COMPANY tonight ... although John Doyle's idiotic obsession with making his actors play instruments drives me CRAZY! I think it's so pointless and distracting.
Fan Favorite - Sweet P. Gotham Tomato, when the camera turns off, she is exactly the same Sweetie she is when the cameras are on. I know. You don't.
When she turns into "Mean P" it's for a reason ... and it's hysterical.
"katiecoo said: So my fashion statement is dedicated to you G. Tomato. Hope you like pink."
Nice, but I think you spelled minionaire wrong.
The only appropriate response to that would be, "LOLOLOL".
What a "statement" huh? HA!
"pat said: Lupe moment? -- Either Victorya or Carmen."
Wouldn't be Carmen. She's a friend of a good friend, and I know how serious she is about her career. She wouldn't get drunk and sloppy.
HOLD UP. Why can't I find this broadcast of Company on my local tv listings? Is it only in the Northeast? Please say no! Company is definitely one of my top ten musicals.
"katiecoo said: What a "statement" huh? HA!"
I guess it depends on what kind of statement you want to make.
The combination of the misspelling and the frilly font will make readers really stare at your tits for much longer than usual, (of course what is 'usual' depends on your tits to begin with).
This would be an advantage for some and a disadvantage for others.
ok nm... it's just not coming on until March 1st in Atlanta. Pfew.
Sissybear is gonna win it. Love this site guys, so glad I found it!
I think the fan favorite will be Chris. To get that kind of votes, the person needs to be one of the most talented designers, enough to last really long in the show, but also extremely likeable. I think Chris has the highest combo of those two, so he should get it, and rightly.
Personally I have one or two designers I'd rate higher in 'talent', but -none- in likeability. We all <3 Sissy Bear!
Who was it who seemed completely wasted on a previous reunion show? Nora? (apologies to Nora if I'm remembering this wrong)
I'm also thinking it will be Chris.
GT, as my beloved Grandmother would say "a conversation piece". Or pieces as it were.
Are all the designers there? In one shot, I count only 12. Are some missing?
Methinks Chris will win the fan fave. This award is all about the warm fuzzies, and Chris fits the lovable, uncontroversial bill. I think it would be hysterical if Christian won, though. And I voted for him.
Too bad about the apparent absence of liquid courage this year. Alcohol gave us some of the best reunion moments of the past, especially Vanessa's red wine stain of indignation.
The winner by a landslide HAS to be darling, sweet, adorable and funny Sissybear!
I'm not getting the Jack love--sure, it was unfortunate that he had to leave the show, but his trashing of Chris was a major turn-off.
If the majority of the folks HERE are saying Chris, I would bet that's who it is. I personally voted for Elisa, but I wouldn't mind Chris at all.
I think it will probably be Chris, although I wouldn't be too surprised if it turned out to be Jack.
I can't see the favorite being anyone other than Chris, which is why he has gotten some bad press from other (auf'ed) designers.
Sweet P is the dark horse though, as she seemsd to have a strong group of supporters.
But personally, I loved Elisa for her character.
I think it will be Chris, maybe Sweet P. I know those are the two I used my 40 votes on. :)
Well, I missed Carmen! Didn't all of you?
She would've enlivened the hell out of this season:
Her well-crafted designs with their strong point of view bordering on delusional. Plus, can you imagine the drama from Carmen "like the Opera" Weber "like the baller"? Oh, man.
Aw.... what might've been.
-- desertwind
I think Elisa or Chris will be the fan favorite.
I think the fan favorite will be Sissybear or Sweet P, who are my faves! I KNOW it won't be VictorYA. I'm sure she's a nice person but she has one of those facial expressions that looks as though her face would crack if she broke into a smile.
My pick for fan fav is Chris-he's definitely the designer I want to lunch with!
Sweet P's another contender
Now, for the important question: Will Ricky cry, and if yes, how many times during the reunion?
I would have wanted Elisa - because she had something to teach everyone with her accepting spirit and lack of any mean intent. But Chris is very close to that - and he has endured for far longer on the show and deserves the favorite win.
Carmen was just full of herself --in a less healthy way than Christian. Yeah, I watched her submission video too. She's a lot to put with, I think.
Did Regis just say their next guest would be Ray Davies of the Kinks? My two worlds collide!
That's a good interview (top right video-link on PRG home-page).
-- desertwind
"Maybe it'll explain why Victorya kept calling her Kit."
- or maybe Mean P came out BECAUSE victorYA kept calling her kit....
GO Sissybear!
I think Heidi takes Victorya to task... in an offhanded way. As has been noted on this blog, Victorya comes off as an unmovable block.
It was pretty obvious at Bryant Park whcih designers want nothing to do with the others. Laura was one of them. While most of the designers were mingling with each other, the only one I saw Laura speak to was Mikael Knight. Laura looked most of the time like she was being interviewed by reporters.
Come to think of it, Carmen kind of sat at a table with her brother and didn't mingle.
Stephen, Kit and Kevin were together the whole time. Ricky and Adam who I believe was his partner were mingling .... I didn't even see VictorYa so she must have REALLY been pissed.
Did you see Christian fixing his hair before Heidi announced the fan favorite? What a pompous little fucker!
I'm glad Jack is doing well. This being said, I HOPE he doesn't come back next year for another season. I think he went out on a good note. I'd hate to see him trash himself in a second season.
VictorYA had better be careful around sweet p, she will cut her.
I don't think Jack should come back next season either. I was very put off by his comments about Chris. He was obviously just jealous.
Well, I've seen Laura at Malan's store, so I think she's very supportive of other designers (with the exception of Jeffrey, who she still really hates to the core). Maybe it wasn't a matter of her not wanting to deal with the others, than it was just being interviewed by the Press.
Who doesn't hate Jeffrey?
VictorYA had better be careful around sweet p, she will cut her.
No, MeanP will hold her down, and Jillian the fashion thug will do the cutting.
Jeffrey's a jerk, but I don't hate him.
KatieCoo, it was Vanessa on season 1 and (from what I gather here) Lupe on Season 2. I didn't see "drunk" as much as "batshit crazy," but who knows.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Princess Puffysleeves is going to snag fan favorite but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for the darling Sissybear.
It can't be Jack, he wasn't on enough episodes!
I think it's between Sweet P, Christian and Chris.
And I hope it's Chris!
ps i don't hate jeffrey either,
Jeffrey delivered what reality TV is based and thrives on. This might make his actions unoriginal and callous, but given what others have done on realty TV, it doesn't make him the object of an enduring hatred.
I'm surprised there was a "landslide" victory.
I would have to guess it's Chris March. He's my favorite. But I would have thought that Sweet P and Jack Mackenroth, and maybe even little Christian, and maybe also Kevin and Kit and Jillian and Stephen, would be up there. So I am surprised that the fan favorite vote was a landslide.
Go Chris! I want to see him show in Paris!
I wish it were Jack but I know it will be Christian.
Bless you, chgo_john at 12:38. I'm just (barely) old enough to remember Peggy Cass on "What's My Line?"! And a few years later, my aunt saw her in a K-Mart near where we all lived on the east end of Long Island. We were agog at her brush with true celebrity.
Forgive me if I don't get one of her best Gooch lines absolutely correct, but many's the morning I've woken up and said to myself, "I lived, lived, lived! Now what do I do?"
Back on topic: still gonna be Chris.
After reading that Advocate interview with Jack, I am totally blown away and disappointed- he seemed like such a nice, genuine guy on the show. I know that someone has to pull a Vanessa Riley and goes bitch-crazy after every season, but come on. Who could say such mean things about Chris?
I wish people would realize we are seeing these people through Bravo enditors -- anything to make it interesting. Christian is just an overcompensating kid who has a lot of talent. I will be very surprised if fan favorite is anyone besides Chris March.
oh and before I forget -- I loved Peggy Cass -- This website definitely rocks -- ToLo are Too Cool !
If it's not Chris, the republicans handled the ballotting.
How can anyone think Jack has a chance at Fan Favorite? He was on for what, five episodes? Simone and Marion have about the same chance at FF that Jack does. C'mon.
Is it me, or is there an assumption from Jack that if he hadn't left, he'd have lasted as long as Chris did? Not likely.
Well I hate Jeffrey and the horse he rode in on. I don't think Jack will be fan favorite. He is a bitchy queen and couldn't win that, everyone sees right through him. Even though I liked Jack, he won't get a "landslide" worth of votes. It must be Chris, everyone loves Chris.
First post on this blog! Thank you TLo for making this season so much fun to dish on!
I'm going to say the fan favorite is going to be Christian, look at any YouTube video with him, his Myspace, Deviantart fanart. Comments comments comments.
It's clear.
A large demographic of PR watchers are likely teenage girls (*guilty*), and he has the most appeal to that group.
(I love Christian, but if I had to pick the one I utterly adore (and would wear forever), Sissy Bear is my pick)
Got to be Chris March for fan fave. Still my choice for lunch partner. Can't wait to see Princess Puffysleeves' face when it's announced.
Chris better sit well away from PPS or he'll get cut. Talk about ripping to shreds.
PPS reminds me so much of the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live played by Dana Carvey. Especially the pursed lips when things don't go his way!
Christian said so many negative things about people. I can't help but think he'll be burned tonight.
As most others are guessing, I also guess Chris will win fan favorite.
I love the reunion specials. Can't wait for tonight! I hope it has some good stuff.
It's CHRIS MARCH, Bitches!!!
I'm hoping Heidi's left tit is the fan favorite - LOL
Chris for fan favorite. I do think Jack should come back. He seriously pissed me off with his attitude re: Chris also, but hell, he was disappointed. And frustrated because he went out not for the quality of his work, but for a serious health issue (and by removing himself, did the entire cast a service). So though he was bitter and stupid, I'd like to see him redeem himself.
He remains cute as hell and reasonably talented. I'd like to see what he could do.
I'm hoping Heidi's left tit is the fan favorite - LOL
Not Rami.
I loved Chris because he was always in good cheer. He laughed, he made people feel good. If he has something critical to say, it was always with a laugh or a smile. He's just someone you'd always want to have around your studio. Very uplifting, gets things done and a great talent.
I'm not understanding the predictions of Jack for fan favorite. First of all, he left very early in the show, making it unlikely for viewers to form such a strong emotional attachment to him (even considering the circumstances). Secondly, he just didn't have a distinctive personality that came across on the show as previous fan faves tend to (not saying he doesn't have a strong and appealing personality, but he wasn't edited to display that much). Clearly it is Chris as the landslide winner, based on the huge number of pro-Chris comments seen on the major blogs covering PR. Tomorrow I may have egg on my face.
It must be Chris. He is my favorite, though I do have a soft spot for Christian and all his fabulous bitchiness. I really feel that Chris and Christian should team up and make fabulously fierce fashion. But, maybe it's Sweet P. I do love her, and (am I crazy?) she did show at fashion week. I saw her line. I saw all five of their lines. What's happening here?
I hope it's Chris March!
Kristin, Heidi's left tit could never be fan favorite! Do you think that straight guys are voting on this???
If anything, it is RAMI's left tit that will be fan favorite. But more likely JACK's left tit.
Christian is the best, but it'll probably be Chris. I'd be a lot less happy about it if it was before he came back because he was obnoxious.
It'll be one of them though.
Definitely Chris.
Everyone who watches PR at my school has said 'OMG CHRIS!'. We're all thrilled that he made it to final four. :D
Last weeks poll was PRICELESS too!
Rami and his draping obsession. XD
Where does this Laura hates Jeffrey to the core come from?
Didn't TLo tell us that she's had him to her house since the show went off the air?
You know, I just finished watching the Regis and Kelly video the boys have up on the site and maybe I'm reading too much into it, but a certain contestant got REALLY excited when asked by Kelly if they were all happy with whomever had won. He/She said "Well, I'm pretty happy!". It could be just my imagination : )
So many questions to answer tonight!
Are Rami and Sweet P friends again?
Are Victorya and Ricky friends now?
Who is Carmen (like the opera) angry at for saying something bad about her?
Will Jack apologize for his comment on Chris?
Why did Kit think that that giant K-Mart fabrics hoop dress represented "nesting"?
Will Princess Puffysleeves ever design anything for anyone who weighs over 85 pounds?
What was Kevin thinking when he sent that prom dress out with the bad hem?
I noticed that same reaction from that contestant on "Regis & Kelly." To me it kind of gave away who the winner is. I won't say who, lest any readers here not want to know.
The promo I saw made it look like Sweet P had an "Oh, my gosh" reaction to the fan favorite. So, of course she didn't win. If not her, I am rooting for Chris.
I am almost afraid to say this here but...
when I was introduced to Jeffrey,
he was actually very sweet and friendly....and dare I say it? Kind of hot, too.
* ducks and covers *
Well, Chris was my favorite, hands down, but I'm old. I suspect the ankle-biters and curtain-climbers who populate MySpace and the like will vote for Princess Puffysleeves.
Maybe tonight they can define the word "edgy." They all seem to use this term to define their work, yet I don't think they have a uniform definition of it.
I voted for Chris, so it had better be Chris! I just think he's the sweetest, funniest person on the show! Ever!
hope the FF is Chris!
"Tonight's a big night -- the PR reunion episode and the PBS broadcast of Stephen Sondheim's "Company." "
Good thing I watched the DVD of the making of the cast recording of "Company" last night! If you want drama, check out the last few minutes where Elaine Stritch tries to nail "The Ladies Who Lunch" at 4am! But back to PR: my 40 votes for Chris better have counted for something!!
fan favorite? tim gunn for sure. "gather 'round designers..."
found your blog today, ladies - via the article in the inquirer. going to have to say... you're truly fierce. keep up the fabulousness.
Winner...um...who could it be...I can't possibly imagine...hmmm...
Could it be...Chris?
I think Chris and my niece thinks Christian. We'll see. But, bitches, think of Christian's face when Chris wins it!! omg! Can you see the daggers??
Re: A certain someone getting really excited when asked about the winner.
I really think it could be a red herring. PR bitches are masters of drama, as we all know.
its totally going to be chris.
As a Chris supporter, I find it rather unsettling that tonight, at precisely 10:00 pm EST, the moon will be in total eclipse. Have Elisa's E.T. pals come to help her? Has one of the designers called upon some Dark Force to rig the balloting? Watch what happens ...
Chris will win it all - Fan Favorite, and Best Designer. Roberto Cavalli has deemed it!!!
I was just watching the last episode of PR,and Nina said she wanted to see if Rami could do more than draping, get out of his box.
From his Runway show, it is clear that Rami cannot do more than draping; he can't get out of his box. And they put him on the same level as Chris. Disgraceful.
what the HELL is wrong with Heidi's bangs?!?!?!
If its by a "landslide", I totally agree it is going to be Chris.
"Nina Garzilla" ROTFLMAO!
I wish they'd put out a DVD of Project Runway with tons of unseen footage of the show.
Best part of the reunion show is to see a few of those clips.
Carmen is coming off as way to oversensitive on the reunion show.
I wanted it to be Chris.
Wow, I can't believe Christian won the fan favorite! I guess those 10 year olds voted en masse.
Kids these days have it figured out how to vote 400,000 times an hour in these things using their electronic devices, so I shouldda known the winner would be the "kids' favorite."
Wow. I am shocked. I think Christian is hilarious but I really thought it would be Chris. And I wanted him to win.
I voted for christian alll 40 times you could :)
I am so excited!
I want my money back.
WTF was VictorYa all "upset" about?
worst reunion show ever
I feel so out of touch with the Project Runway fans of today. I thought, "Landslide? It HAS to be Chris!"
I was so wrong.
So who was the human incarnation of PMS: Carmen or VictorYa?
I was out watching the lunar eclipse. It was as orange as Michael Kors' face!
that was so boring my guests left before the show was over. DULLLLLLL :(
god what a bunch of dishrags these designers are.
i couldn't even get excited over carmen's little pity party.
here's to next season.
Does anyone else like Michael Kors just a wee bit more after watching this? He was so endearing..
"Mean-a Garzilla"
I LOL ed at that
Is it me? Or are Rami and Chris March dating? Sissy Bear and Rapery boy were oddly close! And to top it all off I think is was Heidi who was drunk!
And fuck off Carmen Webber, you took this shit way too personal
"hepastion said: Kids these days have it figured out how to vote 400,000 times an hour in these things using their electronic devices, so I shouldda known the winner would be the "kids' favorite.""
Damn kids. GET OFF MY LAWN! You call that music? Get a haircut! When I was your age, we couldn't vote. We didn't have cable TV either. Grandma had to hold on to the back of the TV with her arm out the window just so we could get channel 5. And when we wanted to change the channel, we had to get up, walk across the room and turn the damn knob. And we were better for it! What's this country coming too?
Little shits. You got no respect!
what a bore.
No drama at all
The best part was watching the Duchess LOLROF during the Diva challenge. Gotta luv him!
Sissy Bear and Rapery boy were oddly close!
Fiercest spelling mistake EVER! Haha
Christian won because of dedicated fans like me who voted for him about 100 times
Carmen is so ridiculous
"When I left...it was like *sniffwhimper* you guys didn't even *sniff*...CARE that I was gone *sobfest2008*"
Of course they didn't care, you whore, STFU.
But in other news, Michael Kors was hilarious and I wish Chris March won the fan favorite, but Christian is my second favorite, so that's okay.
Suzanne: am almost afraid to say this here but...
when I was introduced to Jeffrey,
he was actually very sweet and friendly....and dare I say it? Kind of hot, too.
* ducks and covers *
Jeffrey has admitted several times that he created a persona for the show. It worked; he won.
He can be nice as pie IRL, but my first thought while shaking hands would be, "Hmm, you had to rely on massive bullshit to compete; are you being honest, now?" Once burned, twice shy, etc.
As for the fan favorite--eesh. Every time I see Princess Puffysleeves, I want to give him a whack on his backside and ground him for a month.
Stubenville said...
I'm hoping Heidi's left tit is the fan favorite - LOL
omg....THAT was funny.
Thanks Stubenville :)
can someone explain to me the whole weirdness with Victorya over the "Jack situation?" She said she was upset about it?
It seemed like Heidi and Tim were trying to call her out on something, but she didn't take the bait. Anyone no the inside poop?
The Duchess laugh breakdown was THE BEST part of the show. It was so contagious I almost started laughing myself! He just looked so adorable, like a little boy..I loved it.
And Carmen had her bitchface on in every shot. Even when Kit attempted to make amends. Bitter fashion face!
Looked like everyone was surprised Chris didn't get it...bummer but I guess Christian just had the big fan base with alot of time to vote. I'm ok that he won though..he was one of the most entertaining aspects of this season.
Was NOT impressed with Heidi's ensemble. Hair was great but that dress w/ the black hose? Hideous!
Well, apparently the younger crowd are the ones who voted multiple times but are not the ones who post here! We were almost all WAY off! I figured it wasn't Chris because of the typical Bravo misleading editing, but didn't even think about Christian's fan base.
Oh, well, very boring except for watching the Duchess crack up. I didn't know he had it in him! There just wasn't any high drama or conflict this year to put in the rest of the clips, except what we had already seen with Jack.
Victorya really needs to work on learning how to smile.
katiecoo said:
Was NOT impressed with Heidi's ensemble. Hair was great but that dress w/ the black hose? Hideous!
*agreed* on the black hose. Yet, I hope you'll forgive~~I'm ...er...annoyed...by the "eye-lash flickering bangs"
I was watching the reunion show on the smallish TV, next to my computer. I have a can of "air" for dusting the keyboard and I blasted Heidi twice...to no avail.
Project Runway can make you a bit crazy, yes? :)
I am SOOOOO disappointed in the supposed "fan favorite." They must have fixed that vote. Seriously, who could not vote for Sissy Bear? Obviously the clueless. Yes, Christian has talent but seriously self-importance got in the way. Yes, he was funny with the "fierce" crap but for the audience to love him? That's a stretch in any book.
I believe there should be a revolt of some kind. Chris is fan favorite. End.of.story.
Did anyone else want Santino to run out to sing to VictorYa and Carmen: "Lighten up, it's just fashion! It's just fashion, just fashion!"
Heidi was in rare form tonight, 'gasping' for the right word and trying to piss off our more sensitive designers. I loved how she rubbed it in with Carmen about the menswear challenge, "Some people sent down jackets WITHOUT SHIRTS UNDERNEATH!" Then, she poked at Victorya for being uptight. Bwahaha.
For all that delicious bitchery, Heidi, we'll forgive you the charcoal tights with that dress.
"Is it me? Or are Rami and Chris March dating?"
Oh good. It wasn't just me.
"katiecoo said: And Carmen had her bitchface on in every shot. Even when Kit attempted to make amends. Bitter fashion face!"
Yeah, I'd love to know what that was about. Same with Victorya. SweetP looked seriously pissed as well. (And they never showed the confrontation they teased about in Elle.)
But the biggest bitch was Heidi. Hands down. She just camouflages it with a smile & a giggle.
Dang. Christian is Fan Favorite.
Never underestimate the power of a kid with a cellphone.
Sigh...just one more "what the??" moment in a series of head-scratches this season.
i don't get all this hating on Christian. he's a funny bitch with talent! anyone who doesn't find him hilareous must not have a sense of humor at all.
or worse..they think they do but they don't. and their favorite designers are Carmen and VictorYA.
I was assuming it'd be Chris, obviously. But I'm definitly okay with it being Christian, since he is my favorite.
I really dislike Carmen now. *Sniff* I left, and...*sob* NONE OF YOU EVEN MISSED ME! *cry* Sweet Pea, you even said...*sniff* you were glad it wasn't you! SO HURTFUL!
And then Kit tried to hug her, and she was just like, 'Eww, away with you.' And then her reaction to Heidi saying about the menswear challenge? "THAANKS Heidi."
I can't wait 'til you guys blog about it. I'll save the rest of my opinions 'til then!
All these comments about Christian winning because of little tykes voting for him seem to miss the point that Christian was the most entertaining part of the entire season. Unlike Jillian, I never got tired of hearing his squeeky little voice or hilarious elitism. He is a child, sure, but that's what so funny about him--he has no idea that he's being so ridiculous. I will admit that I also loved Chris, but I wasn't disappointed at all when Christian won because he has brought some wonderful moments to this season--one of my favorites being when he let Jack carry him in the tote bag. And I'm in my late thirties, so I guess Christian's appeal does extend beyond the tween-set.
Still anxious to know what Victoria was so upset about! Can anyone provide the dirt?
Jesus christ, was I the only one scared by Jillian's death...look? at Carmen?
Anyway, fingers crossed for Princess!
Did anyone else, during the fierce-a-thon segment, see in their minds eye at least some of the time the spelling "feers"? I know I did.
I was curiously disturbed by the reunion show. Sure, dish and conflict can be fun, but it seemed as though they were trying to hurt people. "What was the worst design of the entire show?" "What did someone else say that upset you?" "Who didn't you get along with?" The choice of questions reflected gratuitous, needless cruelty.
On the other hand, Chris and Rami!
Whoa, guys, get a room! ;-))
PurpleHairedDemon said...
Does anyone else like Michael Kors just a wee bit more after watching this? He was so endearing..
11:18 PM
The footage of MK completely losing it during the WWE challenge was a riot! And the photos of the young MK with curls were priceless!
After watching the reunion show, I feel there was a bit of a spoiler at hand from the four finalists' appearance yesterday on Regis...they were asked if they were satisfied with the winner. Naturally, PPS was the ONLY one who even voiced any sort of opinion, and said he was. I can't imagine PPS being satisfied with anyone but himself, frankly.
I'm still dumbfounded PPS is the favorite. Utterly dumbfounded.
I thought also it was a pretty boring show and I was shocked at Christian's being the fan favorite, although I don't deny his talent.
my favorite part was the Duchess cracking up at the Diva's challenge, his laugh was awesome and the pictures they showed of him were fantastic.
and what was up with Victorya??? we definitely need some inside info on that.
I agree lilithcat. It was almost like watching a battle of wills between the producers and the designers. A lot of the questions seemed like a verbal poke with a pointy stick aimed at getting a rise out of someone to create some drama. Apparently Carmen was the only one who didn't get the "avoid reunion show drama, it will haunt you forever" memo amongst the designers. I know she's not exactly Ms. Emmotive as a rule, but I was surprised that Victorya just refused to react after being called uptight by a giggly Heidi and Tim. Good on her.
Kevin was just adorable. Why didn't they show any of those clips during the show? The fruity confessional was priceless.
Oh, and PP for fan fave? Shocked, but very happy for him. After all, he did have the quote of the night..."We ate a lot of Chinese food. And that is so not cute on everyone (holds nose)"
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