Don't just sit there on your ass spouting opinions! Sit there on your ass spouting opinions that get you prizes!
TRESemmé is launching the TRESemmé Fantasy Runway game and the grand prize winner will get to go to the finale party in New York. Fabulous, yes?
It couldn't be any easier. Go here and register, sign up to be part of the Project RunGay team (Yes! We have our own team! The jerseys will be pink satin and sequins!), and make your picks each week for winner and loser. There's also trivia questions and viewing party contests. You even get to predict who's going to have the best hair, kittens! It's an opinionated bitch's dream come true! Go! Now!
Viewers, this is also a competition for you as well.
Reviewed by TLo
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Rating: 5

I tried this before and the site was so slow I gave up. But if we can be a team for T-Lo, that might make it worth the wait.
I did it, but it was SLOW - even with DSL. I made my picks, joined the Rungay league, now let's hope my picks are better than last year's.
Satin! (pouts)
Satin is unflattering.
Can we gave cashmere?
I got in and made picks, but how do you join the T-Lo team? I looked under leagues but didn't see it.
"The jerseys will be pink satin and sequins!)"
Fabulous! That will go lovely with my leopard print tights.
I'm all bitched up and ready to go!!!
It might be your browser. I couldn't get in at all with my Safari, so I tried with FireFox & got right in, no problem.
Lurve the pink satin. I'll have to get some matching bowling shoes.
Awesome! I would LOVE to go to the finale party.
Count me in, but no pink satin jerseys. LOL. Remember Emmett and the ice skating challenge?
Macasism, The team name is Projectrungay.
No kidding about the site being slow, Amy. I have dial-up too, and I don't know if I will have the time or patience to vote again.
Toddny, But are your leopard tights pink?
" Sewing Siren said...
Toddny, But are your leopard tights pink?"
How do you know that? : )
macasism said...
I tried this before and the site was so slow I gave up. But if we can be a team for T-Lo, that might make it worth the wait.
Hi Macasism,
We contacted TRESemmé and informed them of this problem. Hopefully they can fix it.
Only for you two would I suffer all that fakakta animation.
OK, and for the pink satin too. :)
Hey, I keep getting the vexing message "we can't say that email address" - I mean, I'm sorry they can't say gmail, but does that mean I can't register? Has anyone else received that message when registering?
I couldn't find the spot to sign up for the ProjectRungay league. Where is that?
I registered with a gmail address. No problem (then again, I didn't get any sort of email confirmation. Should I have??)
--Gotham Tomato
winged_sheep said...
I couldn't find the spot to sign up for the ProjectRungay league. Where is that?
You register first and then choose the league (search for 'projectrungay').
Whilst you are waiting for the site to load, go read St. Tim's interview on MSNBC about his traveling experiences. (Warning, there's a story there that is not fit for the sqeamish):
ToddNY said...
" Sewing Siren said...
Toddny, But are your leopard tights pink?"
How do you know that? : )
Birds of a feather?
Whoooo, I'm Eeen! BRING IT, Fabulous beetches!
I got in, set myself up, and made my picks. Then, I realized I wasn't connected with the league, so I tried to do that. Then the site froze, so I went out and came back in. I'm in the league, but now I'm being prompted to make my picks again. ??? Can you make as many picks as you want?
This will be fun if they can get the thing working correctly.
Thanks for the link, lima bean, nice story! But you are right, stories about travellers clad in sweats and t-shirts do conjure up dreadful images. Oh? That's not the story you to which you referred? ;-))
May have to try a new browser as well. I signed up, and they keep having me as "undecided" and while I was able to find THE TEAM it wouldn't let me register for it. Just like High School - no one wants the fat person on their team.
Oh, and TRESemmé, babies, please, you need some funkier music. That drivel you have playing in the background made my hair go limp!
OK, to close the loop I'll tell you how I got around the "we can't say that email address" problem - I had to register using my daughter's email address (which I now regret, spam-wise, for her). Then when I went to put in my name, it started saying "we can't read that last name" Aha! My last name was in my email address(es) as well, but it's not in my daughter's. So then I had to misspell my last name - turning a 'ph' into an 'f' - in order to register. Craziness, but I'm in.
How am I to gain an edge on the hair portion of the competition if all of the designers sent the models down the runway with severe buns in the preview show, HMM?
I love the prize. Do I get to hang out with you guys too? :)
Did it all! Signed up, joined your league, and made my picks.
I don't ever win anything though. Except some money from matching two numbers on my ticket at the British National Lottery, but that was 5 years ago.
OK, I joined as fun is this...made my picks and can not wait for tonight!!!!
I have completely given up on trying to get on that site. Seriously, it sat loading . . . and loading . . . and loading . . . , and after about fifteen minutes I said, "to hell with this nonsense". Maybe I'll have better luck with my home computer.
OK, I registered and and made my picks. I want to win!
i would love to play, but there's this whole thing about only residents of the us being able to play. greetings from heidi's fatherland and have fun you guys...
I actually tried to leave a comment to them that I wasn't going to sign up because it was too slow, but the field to make a comment required everything but a DNA sample, so they won't even know one reason why people are avoiding them. Sorry, I did wanna play on the team.
I got very unpleasant, some would say unfriendly, messages about Fatal Errors the first couple of attempts, and then finally I got in. Boy, that countdown graphic could hypnotize a...brawk-buck-buck-ahh!
(Go Team ProjectRungay!! We're taking Team BPR down!!)
agnes gooch said: "(Go Team ProjectRungay!! We're taking Team BPR down!!)"
Oh yeah. Champagne beats purple kool-aid any day.
--Gotham Tomato
Tee hee Lilithcat. :-)
For those who are having trouble registering, try again with the Firefox browser. Works a lot better than IE.
I also got the message "We can't say that email address" and "We can't say that screen name." I guess it was the "homo" in the email address and screen name that caused the problem because when I tried a different one it was accepted. So I joined as "ono' instead. What a crappy website. It really needs some work.
agnes gooch said: "(Go Team "ProjectRungay!! We're taking Team BPR down!!)"
Oh yeah. Champagne beats purple kool-aid any day.
--Gotham Tomato"
Ack! The "Keep Your Name Private" function is not working!! Those who used their real names to sign up, they are visible to the world.
(I sent an email to the site so hopefully it will be fixed.)
I signed up and got put on the Rungay team no problem. But today when checking results, it says I made NO PICKS, when I made and locked in my picks! WTF?
Too bad I would have had 3 pts.
I would have had 4 pts, but the results said no pics for me as well.
That's it. I quit. The site is too much a pain to use.
I've been trying to sign up for about 15 minutes...everything I pick for username keeps getting a "The email id or username you've entered has been used by another user." mind you, I've tried 3 different e-mail addresses and some really ridiculous usernames... Has anyone else run into this problem? I haven't seen any messages about not being able to "say" my name, just that everything is already taken.
For those of you who found an erroneoud "no picks" on your profile, don't give up - I found that too, this morning, and also no sign of me on the team. But later on, voila, there I was on the team list, with my points appropriately tallied.
It is the most vakakta website ever, but don't give up yet.
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