Back in the show's heyday, one of the things for which it was celebrated was its style and justifiably so. The gals almost always looked great and when they didn't look great they at least wore clothes that got viewers talking. Come on, how many times did Sarah Jessica flounce across your TV screen to the sound of "What the fuck is she wearing?"
All of the credit for that must go to the show's stylist, Pat Field. Her funky, New York aesthetic was the perfect fit for the show and, if it wasn't the launching point for trends, it was at least the place where a lot of people heard about trends for the first time. We can credit her with introducing (or re-introducing) Manolo Blahniks, Fendi bags, big fake flower pins, newsboy caps, and nameplate necklaces to the style-starved masses.
But darlings, we're looking at the pictures from the movie and ...well, someone needs to put her down because she's clearly lost it.
Let's start here:

Charlotte's fine, if a little plain; Carrie's working an updated Annie Hall, which we don't love, but we don't hate; Miranda actually looks fantastic here; and then there's Samantha.

Show of hands, ladies: how many of you wear a jacket, skirt, belt, bag and shoes all in exactly the same color? And while we're at it, how many of you dress like Krystle Carrington by way of Mildred Pierce? Kim Catrall and SJP have been at each other's throats for years, but we didn't realize Pat Field hated her too.
Let's look at that Miranda number again:

She never looked that good. We always felt that Pat either didn't know how to dress the character or didn't know how to dress Cynthia Nixon, but the color and the silhouette look great on her.
But before we get too optimistic:

While this isn't awful, it's pretty much a good-on-paper dress. It probably looks much better on a hanger than it does on a real person. That print widens her and ages her at the same time.
As for Charlotte:

Nothing new to see here. By necessity, Charlotte's wardrobe was always the most conservative and always the most like something you see real women wearing on the streets of Manhattan. Although sometimes it veered into caricature territory and we have to say, that pink and polka dot number does look a little cartoony to us.
Now, let's look at Carrie. Brace yourselves, girls.

Oh come ON. Is she fucking kidding us? First off, that whole flower thing was played out years ago and Carrie stopped wearing them some time around the 3rd or 4th season, but even so, if she wants to try and revive the trend we think she should be thinking a little smaller. She looks like a Christmas decoration. A tacky one.

Pat always had a great eye for garments and a somewhat weird eye for accessories. That dress could be beautiful, but not with that coat, that belt, those shoes and that bag.
Speaking of the latter...

Those shoes are hideous and that bag might be cute on a nineteen-year-old art school student.
Which brings us to our final, painful point:

She is too old to be dressing this way. We don't necessarily share Stacey and Clinton's dictum that women over 35 can't wear mini-skirts. As with so many things, it depends on the woman. Kim Catrall certainly looked great in them well into her forties. SJP...doesn't.

And while this isn't as unflattering as the previous outfit, it's still not something a 41-year- old can pull off. Frankly, we're not even sure a 21-year-old could do it. What's with the little half-gloves? Between them and the thigh-highs, we have this overwhelming urge to yank on her.
Darlings, this movie was not a good idea. We can smell it from here.
Don't the girls have some say-so in how they're dressed? Creative control or something like that? Wow, SJP is livin' back in the day.
I get the impression that Kim Cattrall is being punished.
And SJP is being dressed like a superannuated streetwalker.
they could dress them in leftover CATS costumes and I will still pay to see the movie on opening night.
"that bag might be cute on a nineteen-year-old art school student."
the ones that can afford $375 bags, anyway
Let's face it, fashion is kinda stupid. By the time you can afford the goods, you're too old to wear them. Even on TV.
I never did like the Patricia Field look. Carrie's style is boho hooker, a terrible idea that way too many women tried to copy.
Samantha has always been a caricature who sometimes dressed well, but often did have that Dynasty thing going on.
Field equated Miranda's lawyer with frump most of the time, which is so, so wrong.
And Charlotte had this southern debutante look that just seemed like the opposite extreme from Carrie.
And I hate that they're all doing that luggage disguised as handbag thing. Those purses could hold a Labrador.
Is that SJP or Kelly Wearstler in that last shot?
The "fashion" is just hidious, truth; what were they thinking. OMG it's all just wrong, wrong wrong
Given Sarah Jessica's disastrous perfume commercial for Covet, I have to believe that more than 50% of the blame for her "look" is a personal desire to stop time, and reclaim Carrie as she was.
It's too bad she and Fields couldn't go in more of a couture direction, since Carrie would have grown up in the intervening years and become the world-famous fashion icon Mrs. John Big. Carrie should now be known as Cassandra (or whatever the fuck "Carrie" is short-ified for), and her picture would be on the inside pages of Vogue and Bazaar at the opening of the Met or White House dinners.
Such a society diva would NEVER carry an Eiffel Tower purse to a White House dinner. It's too frivolous, and if Carrie is still that young and naive, then her character has nothing to tell or suggest in the real world ... if she ever did have.
Sarah Jessica has been around (both on her own and as an accoutrement to her husband) and should have a feel for the proper vibe -- although her perfume commercial suggests otherwise. I wonder if Pat Fields has.
Hee-hee. This whole age thing is something that all women have to learn at some point.
I was very lucky, as a kid, to live next door to a woman who did NOT understand this & I can still remember her strutting around in mini-mini skirts & thinking, she is waaay to old to be dressing like that. She was only in her late 30s, but I was in 5th grade at the time so, to me, she was old.
But every time I go shopping for clothes now, I have that in the back of my head: Not wanting to look like that 'old lady' trying to look like a teenager.
--Gotham Tomato
Oh, lord! I thought "Krystle Carrington" before I even read your comment!
How many of you wear a jacket, skirt, belt, bag and shoes all in exactly the same color?
I hope the answer is "none of us". And if anyone did, do you have any concept of the time it would take to find that many items in reds that match? It's like navy. You think the shoes match the bag, and then you get out into natural light and go, "AAAARRRGH!"
Field equated Miranda's lawyer with frump most of the time, which is so, so wrong.
Speaking as a lawyer, you are so right. I can be chic, stylish, and kick butt in the courtroom. Women lawyers have come a long way from trying to dress like men, thank goodness.
I would just like to know where they found an actual pay phone in New York!
The red on red outfit? Kim Catrall is clearly being punished for holding this movie hostage for 3 years. Or maybe she's dropped the himbo & gone looking for older men again - like Santa Claus.
Charlotte has always been dressed like the Connecticut/trust fund/upper east side priss. That's a look that those women carry through with all their lives. So no surprises there.
Miranda looks too fabulous (in that first dress) to be a Brooklyn mommy, so maybe this means she left Steve & moved back to civilization. That big spotty dress is something else, but those retro patterns are everywhere, and I don't like them. I think they are actually like the current overpriced handbag craze: A joke on the public by the design industry - to see who will be dumb enough to buy them.
Now to poor Carrie: She's always dressed like the bohemian/artsy type, (except she she shaved her legs). That's a look that doesn't travel well (like into your 40s). Carrie is going to be the toughest character to dress in this film. She always had clothes that were waaay above her financial station (if she really was living on her salary from writing a weekly column & not turning tricks on the side), that was what was always so Holly Golightly about her. But now she'll be married to Big, and what will someone with those tastes do when she has all his money to play with??
Patricia Fields used to have a shop on 8th Street & I used to shop there (when I was in my 20s). Truthfully, she always catered (mainly) to drag queens, but somewhere I still have a ridiculous skirt that I bought there & now cannot believe I ever wore. It's very Carrie, but I might haul it out for Halloween.
--Gotham Tomato
"Anonymous said...
I would just like to know where they found an actual pay phone in New York!"
They are everywhere (and always will be).
--Gotham Tomato
This movie will be interesting to look back on 20 years from now.
I love Miranda's shoes and bag in the second picture. Her hair looks great too. And is Charlotte supposed to be pregnant in this movie?
I agree; this movie was not a good idea. However, a good screenplay can save the day.
Sorry guys but its a movie not real life. The outfits are supposed to be over the top. You guys are just looking for stuff to bitch about.
"Sorry guys but its a movie not real life. The outfits are supposed to be over the top. You guys are just looking for stuff to bitch about."
Hi Pat!!!!
I agree w/ the posters who contend it's not about age appropriateness, it's about TASTE. My 17 year old niece refuses to wear leggings like SJP's because, "I don't want to look trendy today & stupid forever". I think the mini dress she's wearing is quite lovely-- very flattering for her dancer's legs. However, the green outfit and its complimenting florals and hard line, contrasting accessories, while I'm sure are very age appropriate, is ASS.
Emma P.
You are right about everything here. Especially this:
"like Krystle Carrington by way of Mildred Pierce"!
That movie is definitely a bad idea. But you know that at release time the media will just be eating it up.
Yeah, you pretty much summed up my feelings. I was over the show about 2 minutes after it ended. Actually, I was over it when Baryshnikov showed up, but I stuck around for the Paris locations and the clothes. I'll probably see it on rental.
Maybe the oversized flower rehash was inspired by a preview of Dior's Spring '08 Collection. And doesn't Galliano look like he could be Pat Field's brother?
"thombeau said...
That movie is definitely a bad idea. But you know that at release time the media will just be eating it up."
I don't know about that. It depends on the story they came up with. The big question is: Will they dumb it down now that it isn't on HBO and has to sell tickets in middle America. Did they write this movie for the HBO audience or for the watered down audience watching the edited version on basic cable?
As long as some of them are single, and they don't pander to the suburban mommy brigade, it might still be interesting & it could work.
Funny, urban career women, speaking intelligent lines (written for them by gay men) worked on HBO. I hope they pull it off.
--Gotham Tomato
"Funny, urban career women, speaking intelligent lines (written for them by gay men) worked on HBO. I hope they pull it off"
--Gotham Tomato
me too!
GothamTomato said...
"thombeau said...
That movie is definitely a bad idea. But you know that at release time the media will just be eating it up."
I don't know about that. It depends on the story they came up with. The big question is: Will they dumb it down now that it isn't on HBO and has to sell tickets in middle America. Did they write this movie for the HBO audience or for the watered down audience watching the edited version on basic cable?
With all due respect to the fabulous GT:
Why is it when someone justifies/explains Hollywood's dumbing down of... EVERYTHING, it's blamed on "having to sell tickets to Middle America". I work as a producer and writer for a major production company, and know for a fact that my bosses NEVER consult anyone from Middle America or anywhere else as to how smart or stupid something should be. From my experience Middle America is just as smart (and stupid) as the rest of the country. Unfortunately, the people who make the decisions re: media content thinks EVERYONE on Earth is dumber than they are (and they're the antithesis of bright or imaginative). That's where the problem lies.
Emma P.
I have every confidence Michael Patrick King will be faithful to his vision and characters.
Emma P said - My 17 year old niece refuses to wear leggings like SJP's because, "I don't want to look trendy today & stupid forever".
I love that line and am going to use it. Thanks!!
I'm not a fashionista. I thought most of Carrie's clothes were crazy and/or awful throughout the show so this just looks like more of the same to me.
I resisted SATC for a long time but fell in love with it when Ed forced me to watch it. We plowed through all 6 seasons on DVD a few winters ago, and I felt like I lost friends when it ended.
It was always about the characters and relationships for me. I can ignore the fashions. Only the green dress and the red outfit look truly awful to me. I'm hoping they manage to stay true to the characters and present an engaging and satisfying story.
My only fear concerning this movie is that if it's successful it might set off a rash of other TV reunion movies. I don't want to see The Golden Girls, Designing Women or the girls from Facts of Life up on the big screen.
I never bought into the whole Pat Fields thing even though I have always been a huge fan of the show. I always thought she dressed SJP like a ocmplete idiot, with the exception of that tulle number she wore in the last episode.
I see some things never change.
Oh yeah. I almost forgot. That dress was a Versace.
I think I was over the show when Carrie fucked around on Aiden with Big. WHAT THE FUCK. And then they ended up together? WHAT THE FUCK TIMES TWO.
It was like, everyone else got to "learn a lesson" but Carrie is still this dimwit who can't realize when somebody's bad for her.
I'm disappointed because you know this movie means that Samantha broke it off with that-young-thing because who wants to see nice, committed Samantha?
I was so excited to see Miranda wearing something flattering that I didn't even notice that Samantha was dressed like Kirstie Alley from her Cheers days. Until you boys pointed it out, that is.
Are those shoulder pads I see? Yeesh.
ummm ... is it just me, or is "charlotte" clearly pregnant in the one shot where she is holding all the shopping bags?
Well, after thinking about this for a bit I have decided that Pat knows what she is doing.
"Carrie" is the kind of character who might very well hang on to dressing too young as she ages, depending on how happy her life is. Look around you. There are plenty of women who get caught in a stylistic time-warp. There are plenty of women who think that 40 is the new 18. SJP in real life knows better. Remember "Carrie" is a character, not a real person.
The same with Kim Cattrel's character; however it looks like her character moved to a somewhat less slutty version of her former style. She actually looks like any number of NYC real estate agent/ pr agent types you can see all over the city.
"Charlotte" is the only character whom you would expect to look truly current in an understated way. Her character was the only one with the background and income to wear designer 'young society matron' clothes. You can see her real life versions in the charity fund raising party pictures of NYSD, Town and Country magazine, W, Page Six, Park Avenue Peerage and Socialite Rank.
"Amanda" looks the best her character has looked, perhaps because her character has finally grown up.
anonymous said...
I'm disappointed because you know this movie means that Samantha broke it off with that-young-thing because who wants to see nice, committed Samantha?
Since the IMDB breakdown for the movie lists Jason Lewis (Smith) as a cast member, maybe we're in for some interesting character twists/development.
Emma P.
Why can't they leave well enough alone? They're too old! Jesus! It's embarrassing.
I was thinking about scenarios that I would write for this movie, moving Carrie forward in her life, but I do like the idea that maybe she's a fly caught in amber for a reason. If Carrie is still figuratively wearing Miss Havisham's wedding dress because she's split up with Big and wants to keep her life the way it was when they were an item, then she *would* dress too young.
Interesting concept, but I can't see it selling tickets to a crowd that's already brittle in its expectations.
If I were writing the script, Carrie would have evolved into a Babe Paley sort of icon. She would be dressed as fabulously as Meryl Streep was dressed in "the Devil Wears Prada". And, like Babe Paley, she'd probably be wrestling with the demons of a wandering husband and a lifetime of wandering eyes and near-miss assignations. She would have become a Swan.
Audrey Hepburn made herself into an icon by throwing Edith Head under the bus and insisting on Givenchy. Sarah Jessica should let Pat Field dress the other three, but insist that she be dressed by Lagerfeld or someone of that caliber (although, please god, not Versace).
Unless, of course, she *is* to be portrayed as a 21st Century Miss Havisham, in which case Pat Field is exactly right.
"anonymous said...
I'm disappointed because you know this movie means that Samantha broke it off with that-young-thing because who wants to see nice, committed Samantha?
Since the IMDB breakdown for the movie lists Jason Lewis (Smith) as a cast member, maybe we're in for some interesting character twists/development.
Emma P."
Yes, maybe he's now with Anthony.
--Gotham Tomato
I hate the term age appropriate.
Funny how when Tim Gunn makes women dress age appropriate everyone thinks they've aged 10 years.
Hell-in every scene the four women should be wearing a vagina hat and singing a decently written song.
And there you go...
Stop being so serious! It's fun! I think they all look great, in that fun, weird, quirky, kind of unrealistically realistic way. If that makes sense. Which it probably doesn't. Oh well.
"Anonymous said:
I hate the term age appropriate.
Funny how when Tim Gunn makes women dress age appropriate everyone thinks they've aged 10 years."
--I concur. It's one thing to say, "dress to flatter your figure and showcase your best features." It's quite another to shove someone into the clothing donations closet at the local nursing home.
NahnCee, you are exactly right about what 'should' have happened to "Carrie" and Co.
Time will tell...
Finally someone agrees with me that the clothes look horrible.
I also thought it wack they let the Charlotte pregnant picture get out. Since in the series she couldn't have kids, this is a HUGE spoiler. When is this movie coming out, next year?
You haven't seen awful until you've seen the Carrie Bradshaw wedding gown from the movie.
This thread reminds me of when me and a friend went to see the second Matrix movie and Keanu Reeves came out in that long black coat with the panels. The coat was cool as hell and we both mentioned that we loved it after the movie. We both realized of course that if we actually wore that coat in real life we would look like total morons.
It's a movie. It isn't real. And to quote Michael Kors..."lighten's just fashion"
Will all the dreary people telling us to lighten up please take their own advice?
gothamtomato said:
I don't know about that. It depends on the story they came up with. The big question is: Will they dumb it down now that it isn't on HBO and has to sell tickets in middle America. Did they write this movie for the HBO audience or for the watered down audience watching the edited version on basic cable?
As long as some of them are single, and they don't pander to the suburban mommy brigade, it might still be interesting & it could work."
Have to agree with Emma P. that the fabulous gothamtomato missed the mark on this one.
Leaving aside the relative intelligence of people who make life choices that could be characterized as "middle American", I believe the "suburban mommy brigade" is just as likely to get HBO and to watch SITC as anyone else. Probably more likely, since their smarter, funnier urban counterparts are undoubtedly going out to fabulous parties every night and not staying at home to watch TV. HBO isn't exactly some secret society open only to the intelligentisia. And SITC isn't exactly Shakespeare, or even Oscar Wilde.
The wedding dress looks fine, it's that god-awful thing perched on the side of her head that's the problem. Oh, and I read that the "pregnat Charlotte" scene is a dream sequence, but they could be calling it a dream to throw people off? I'm not looking forward to this trainwreck at all.
"lsaspacey said...
I also thought it wack they let the Charlotte pregnant picture get out."
With the movie being shot on the streets it is impossible, in this day & age, to prevent pictures or story spoilers. There is practically live blogging of every location & sighting. I agree that it won't be as much fun knowing so much of the story in advance. (And I don't think all this attention would have occured if they'd filmed it right after the show ended, as they originally hoped.) But then again, it could be like with the end of the series - they filmed extra story endings so no one really knew what was going to be broadcast.
--Gotham Tomato
"Bittybis said: Have to agree with Emma P. that the fabulous gothamtomato missed the mark on this one.
Leaving aside the relative intelligence of people who make life choices that could be characterized as "middle American", I believe the "suburban mommy brigade" is just as likely to get HBO and to watch SITC as anyone else. Probably more likely, since their smarter, funnier urban counterparts are undoubtedly going out to fabulous parties every night and not staying at home to watch TV. HBO isn't exactly some secret society open only to the intelligentisia. And SITC isn't exactly Shakespeare, or even Oscar Wilde.
Sorry if you were offended, but the reality is middle America/suburban mommy brigade is more conservative (ie;dumb) & conformative than NYC (or other major urban areas). That's why most creatives leave there. And SITC, the original, was NOT conservative & not conformative. It was smart. If they have to do to the movie, what they had to do to the show, to put it on basic cable and make it palatable to that more conservative audience, then that isn't that original show anymore.
And I never said HBO is a secret society. But what it is, is a channel that has the creative freedom to create intelligent and interesting programming because it is not free to everyone who has cable - which means that they don't have to deal with the mommy brigade complaining, 'what about the children' over every adult detail in the production. That frees them to create interesting, smart adult programming that does not pander to the conservative suburban mommies (and virtually EVERY program on regular broadcast TV does). Those conformative stories just aren't interesting to me or probably most of the original audience for SITC. If it were, we would have been watching 'Home Improvement' or some other brainless sitcom.
SITC was the first and only comedy to intelligently deal with smart, single, urban, ADULT career women. If it gets dumbed-down for the middle American audience, it loses its compass & heart. (Its gay heart.)
--Gotham Tomato
Right on as usual boys! I loved SatC during its run, but now I can't watch my old DVDs without wanting to kill Carrie. I thought they wrapped the show up nicely with Carrie getting Big, Charlotte getting her Chinese baby, Miranda getting married and Samantha getting that super hot piece of ass Smith Jerrod (she definitely scored out of the 4 of them). And, all of them escaped 6 years of lotsa sex with merely a single bout of crabs between them. So why, why, why make this movie??? And why, why, why in those HIDEOUS outfits??
Pat Field does need to be put down. Whatever she once had, she's lost it. Either that or she's drunk with power and is just fucking with all of them.
Dear Gotham Tomato:
You are certifiably adorable for being conscientious enough to address the comments to your comment. Just thought I'd weigh in from an experience standpoint to identify who is actually doing the dumbing down and for what reason.
Emma P.
PS: Your comment re: Smith hooking up w/ Anthony= Priceless!
Suzanne said...
I never bought into the whole Pat Fields thing even though I have always been a huge fan of the show. I always thought she dressed SJP like a ocmplete idiot, with the exception of that tulle number she wore in the last episode.
I see some things never change.
Totally in agreement with you, Suzanne- I never understood the Pat Field love. As clothed by Field, Carrie often looked like a fashion victim, not a fashionista.
Given the passage of time since SATC ended, it's time that these gals be allowed to be dressed like the successful, confident women they were on the series,rather than 40 somethings who are desperately clinging to younger looks.
Of course, I will still be forking over the $$ to see this when it opens...
Always love it a lot when a smart urbanite takes a soft slap at the mommy crowd. They be *so* touchy in their come-backs, hurted feelings and insistance that the world give them respect for doing for free that which nannies do for money and get no respect for.
Yum, G-tomato. :-)
Stop trying to stir up trouble and talk about fashion. I am getting sick of these urban career woman vs. suburban mommy topics. Now, as a 19 yr old college student I would like to know who designed Carrie's Effiel tower purse.
I would like to know who designed Carrie's Effiel tower purse.
Ye god's and little fish hooks, why?!? Surely you're not going to BUY it!
Yech, bleck, ick, yuck ... p-tooooey!
"Anonymous said...
Stop trying to stir up trouble and talk about fashion. I am getting sick of these urban career woman vs. suburban mommy topics. Now, as a 19 yr old college student I would like to know who designed Carrie's Effiel tower purse."
The bag was designed by Timmy Woods. It'll be available on Thursday 31 January, 2008 and costs $375.
The Effiel Tower bag is available on Patricia Fields website right now...$375
Ye god's and little fish hooks, why?!? Surely you're not going to BUY it!
Yech, bleck, ick, yuck ... p-tooooey!
lol. watch me.
You two are spot on as usual!
bitch bitch bitch...
i'll see you all at the cineplex.
I always thought it was curious that Pat Field had trouble dressing a redhead, when she herself is a redhead (albeit not a shade of red found in nature).
"Hi Pat!!!!"
I loved what Pat Field did for The Devil Wears Prada. Why not here?
i actually love the green dress + coat outfit. it's an unusual combination but work some how, plus i've been into those crazy fetishistic gladiator shoes. the purse however is debatable.
in general i have the same reaction to complaints against the show's styling as those who complain about it showing sex, smoking, etc. it's not real! they're characters! fantasy! no one's saying they are an embodiment of 100% of real women (ny or otherwise) and no one's saying you need to act or dress like them. viewers often live vicariously through the characters, wishing for their lifestyles (something the show often cheekily recognizes, a la the often ridiculous clothing) and people are offended when the "dream" doesn't look exactly like they want it to! carrie is not you, and no one is forcing you into that too-short dress or 2' flower. even if it starts a trend, no one's saying you have to follow it! isn't that how all of fashion works?
I don't understand the "It's not real!" defense. So? Whether it's "real" or not, the clothes are ugly.
oh my god, you guys! sex & the city is filming on my corner!! i got to watch the whole thing from my window!
they had the full crew out last night. sprayed down the corners with snow. big cranes with spotlights everywhere. extras dressed up in full new year's eve gear (party hats, noise makers, etc.). and sarah jessica parker running through them and around the corner.
she looked amazing!! calf-length fur-trimmed trench-style coat. off-white stiletto booties. off-white trousers. and a silver sequin beret. sounds crazy, but was seriously fabulous.
they shot the scene over and over of the extras running into each other and celebrating, with sjp running through and past them, like she was trying to get away from someone or fleeing after a fight. filming wrapped after midnight.
the trucks & cranes are still parked outside, so they should be back once the rain passes.
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