Oh, there was much arguing last night over this dress. This goddamn season is going to be the death of our marriage. We hope you bitches are happy.
Lorenzo thinks there were better choices for the win on the runway, but Tom thinks this is the prettiest and most "garden party" out of all the dresses. Lorenzo just thinks it's basic and obvious. Although Tom has to admit, looking at the screencaps, this dress isn't quite as lightweight or fitted as it appeared on the show. She looks awfully thick-waisted.
A major point of contention: that he had so much of the muslin showing.
Granted, the straps are actually ribbon, but that whole flower bodice rests on the fact that he went a little light on the flowers, meaning, the muslin was actually part of the finished design instead of just a supporting garment. A minor point, to be sure, but Lorenzo is one picky bitch.
The thing that really sticks in Lorenzo's craw is that the judges quite stupidly made such a big deal out of the lack of flowers on the garments, never once considering that ...hello?! Flowers don't come cheap - especially in Manhattan. They made it quite clear that Daniel's use of flowers was a major factor in their decision.
Still, even Lorenzo admits that it was a pretty dress. He can't actually bring himself to compliment it, so that falls to Tom.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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I loved Andrae's dress...it had such an Audrey Hepburn look to it. I was bummed that he lost.
Kind of felt as if the judges selected Dan'l simply because he included flowers and the others didn't. I've always thought that the other designers should have been given credit for being innovative and not going for the obvious.
Now that i look at it, i think Chloe's dress should have won as it flowed the best and all of the muslin was hidden [i think]. thanks prg boys. and kisses.
I hated this challenge and I too loved Andrae's dress.
I really need to get a tv so that I can haughtily disagree/agree with your assessments. All I can think about is that a marriage shouldn't be placed in jeopardy over clothing designers...there should at minimum be real estate and pet allergies. The other thing that occurred to me is...flowers and plants clothing at a garden party? Did the world go and figure out a way to get rid of chiggers, bees, and flies? Plus...itchy. I thought these designs were supposed to be functional as well as beautiful and innovative. Don't forget pollen allergies. What'll they think of next, BBQ party using only checkered tablecloths, aluminum foil, and paper napkins as fabric options? I am working on my cattiness...is it convincing?
Although I thought this was pretty, I don't think the shape was that good, and I didn't like the muslin showing. I thought Kara's and Chloe's were both more fabulous than this, and that Daniel won by default for having the most flowers. Didn't it seem as they were deliberating that the judges' tended to like Kara's best? Sometimes it seems to me that they try to fake us out by disqualifying the obvious winner and then awarding the win to second place. Or maybe some of the judges cringed at the idea of giving Kara immunity.
And the judges really pissed me off with their flower obsession. Did Heidi really think, with their budget, that they'd be buying bunches and bunches of roses?
Oh this epi annoyed me to no end! The rules didn't say "make a dress out of flowers"; it was to make a dress for a garden party out of items bought at a florist. Just one more instance where the judges change the rules after the fact! They could have sent out models with vases dangling from their waists and fit the original rule!!!
But they all remembered poor Austin's corn dress and no one was gonna make that mistake!
I agree with NSO, I think Kara was robbed because they didn't want to give her immunity. I thought hers was by the far the nicest, and it had flowers in it.
And the judges sounded like idiots going on about the lack of flowers...it's been awhile since I watched the whole episode, but what was their budget? Something stupid like 100 bucks right?
I think this is the episode where Daniel got a little full of himself. He won the last with inspiration from a FLOWER and now the judges were fawning over this one. And in my opinion, he should not have won either. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Daniel V., but I seriously think it all went to his head.
Chloe was robbed on this one.
I agree--this doesn't look as good in pictures as it did on tv. Looks heavy. However, I think it's by far the best thing Daniel did the entire time, and I do remember thinking it was beautiful (on TV). But I also remember thinking Chloe's was pretty fabulous -- she met the challenge cleverly and creatively, and it really looked like a pretty dress. I can't remember Kara's or Andrae's right now, so I'm looking forward to seeing them here in the next couple days.
Boys, in addition to links to Tim's Take & the podcast, how about one to Rate the Runway for each episode? Seems like T's T no longer includes the images, so if you want to see everything at once you have to dig around the Bravo site for Rate the Runway. Just a thought. . .
Once again I totally agree with Lorenzo. The dress was pretty...pretty basic and uninspired. Like his dress in the last challenge, this dress interprets the garden party thing just a little too literally for my taste.
I think Chloe's was the most inspired and best looking. Heaven knows she worked her tiny little ass off to finish it on time.
I totally thought this was Kara's moment to shine, and she was robbed of it. Especially after the way they initially fawned over Santino's use of texture, it seems unfair that the judges didn't reward Kara for her own more restrained and subtle use of the same. Her design had a sophistication that neither Daniel's nor Chloe's did, and I really do think she was robbed. :-( Also, this was the episode I finally began to see some MK's crush on Daniel enter his commentary. Yarg!
Oh...and for the person who wondered a few posts back about whether Rebecca ever smiled, I think that might be it in the last photo. Either that or she has a cramp.
They chose this one for the dan fan factor and Nina's obsession with pretty flowers. I did like the way the flowers fell off, but the ribbon/muslin showing definitely detracted for me.
Kara's bodice was cute, but the skirt looked exactly like Andrae's (unfinished) and they couldn't auf Andrae and reward Kara. Plus I don't think they wanted to give her immunity. Chloe's was also a very basic dress, the only "innovation" was using actual leaves to imitate a fabric design. Big Deal! And Nick's and Santino's were over the top as usual.
Always loved this epi, tho, for "where's Andrae," and Danny V. coming out story.
And T&L, take a valium and lighten up! It's just fashion!
and btw, Austin's corn dress WON. Why was everyone so concerned?
Chloe was totally robbed.
Thought the same thing about the judges not realizing that flowers cost more money than the designers get.
Wouldn't you love to see Tim Gunn on Dancing with the Stars?
I thought Chloe's dress should have won because it was the most wearable and looked the most like a "real" dress. Daniel's was good too because of the use of some color..the flowers really made the dress stand out a bit more that the others. Kara's dress was good too...great use of textures. In my opinion, the judges really called it right by auf'ing Andre...his dress did look stiff and not very flattering to the figure. But you know what? Andre did prove himself to be a creative and innovative designer. He really had some good stuff throughout the season (some misses as well as hits).
JP :)
It's all coming back to me now. The more I stare at this dress the more drawn of an opinion I get. I really hate the skirt. But I really love the top. I hate that he has so much muslin showing too. I love his placement of the flowers and especially the color of the flowers. They are GORGEOUS especially contrasted against the green. In my mind he always had more flowers trickling down the dress, but that obviously isn't the case when I look at the caps. I would've given him 2nd or 3rd.
While I definitely prefer Chloe's dress, I did like the flowers Daniel used (and the placement thereof).
But the rest of the dress? The muslin showing through made me crazy.
As I recall, the designers did try to say the flowers were too expensive, but the judges didn't want to listen. Again.
The whole challenge seemed to me to have been inspried by Austin's cornhusk dress.
Daniel V's was a bit too Fairytopia for me
I swear there were some sort of Kelly Dolls (Barbie's little sister) years ago that were dressed like flowers and looked a lot like this.
There was also something a bit Gilligan's Island about it.
Without fail, Daniel V ALWAYS manages to make Rebecca look fat. She is a skinny girl. Why does his clothes make her appear so huge and thick-waisted? Very unflattering. In fact, the bottom half is entirely ugly. He is so over-rated, it's not even funny anymore.
Chloe's dress was much prettier! It was beautiful and any woman could put that on and look fabulous. The skull cap was an awesome touch.
Kara's outfit was more imaginative and interesting than Daniel's. Her basket weaving was superb.
Chloe and Kara were robbed.
Hilarious Post, Guys!
Now you 2 should take each other out for a romantic evening, proud that such a wonderful marriage can even take on a totally moronic challenge and come out smelling like a rose.
Yeah, yeah, right. Onto the important stuff: Kara really got me to like her in this episode, one, because of her design, which should'a won, and two, because of how she went out of her way to provide at least some assistance to Chloe. That was class.
Oh, and Danny V you cutie -- wash your damn hair.
In fairness in Daniel, he did have a nice design and the top is clever and pretty. It's just i feel Chloe and Kara did it one better.
Chloe kept to her design philosophy of clean lines while still accomplishing the challenge. She clearly had the most ambitious design and she pulled it off (grant with a little help from kara). The use of yellow leaves made the dress pop out. her minimal inclusion of flowers actually made sense since it would have detracted from the whole effect.
Kara's dress in my opinion was the most flattering and playful and made use of muliple textures. The overall fit struck me as the best
Both dresses complimented the models.
Also there is the whole muslin issue. While it is likely that Chloe did not cover every spot of muslin, it was hard to tell owing to the design. With Daniel's dress, it is so obvious and glaring that I find it hard to believe the judges would not comment on it. This is especially so since he should have been able to cover it up easily.
Geez, I never noticed how thick it is around the waist; but it is a pretty dress.
"The thing that really sticks in Lorenzo's craw is that the judges quite stupidly made such a big deal out of the lack of flowers on the garments, never once considering that ...hello?! Flowers don't come cheap - especially in Manhattan."
No kidding. They had a hundred bucks, which buys you, what, some Spanish moss and a roll of ribbon? Plus they had Austin's desiccated cornhusk dress to think about -- of course they weren't going to buy armfuls of delicate flowers that would have looked like crap the next day!
I hated the bra straps and top of cup we got to see, and I agree she looks huge, especially from the back. I remember one dress was called 'very shiny'. Santino's or Nick's? Of course they were gonna spray after Austin's disaster (BTW, I never understood how a half-shriveled garment could actually win a challenge) in PR1.
I've been thinking 'Get over Daniel V. !' for some time now. Didn't realize MK had a crush on him... Is it even true? And I can't remember Kara's dress at all. Chloe's was ok, though she was nuts to attempt all that glueing. I don't think Andrae's was the worst of the bunch, given the brief, but as usual it was probably 'his time to go'. Totally agree on the immunity thing and Daniel's getting a little full of himself, as we'll see later. He wasn't THAT great, he just happened to suit two of the three judges' aesthetics. Blah! Again, this is my least favorite PR run ever, designing wise. The characters are fun, but I saw more talent in either PR1 and PR3 (bliss!)
I think I shouldn't comment, because Daniel V. is going to be on the panel Saturday.
It was okay, but I much preferred Kara's (the raffia work was awesome), and she still had time to help out Chloe, whose dress wasn't blue. And my fave.
Can't wait for the Red Lobster post. Y'all know it's coming. :-)
I liked Kara's dress better, and I thought either she or Chloe should have won. I liked Daniel's dress, but I wasn't loving it.
I guess I'm in the minority, because I think they got it just about right. I thought Daniel's dress was GAWGEOUS, with just the right amount and color of flower, and the weave was awesome. I don't think it looked heavy at all.
CHLOE'S dress looked heavy. it was still beautiful, but not as beautiful on the model as it was on the table, which is a flaw, I think. But still I would have been happy to see her win.
I didn't think much of Kara's, or Andrae's, or Nick's, or Santino's. I would have voted Santino off -- AGAIN; he's been last in my book about six times now -- but Nick is lucky too.
I used to work at a florist shop and whenever I see leatherleaf ferns, the kind he used for the skirt, I have an "ick" reaction - they're just so cheap and ubiquitous; they're the carnations of the foliage world. And those orchids on the bodice? Pretty sure those are dyed. DYED FLOWERS? Leatherleaf ferns? And you call yourself a gay man! Did you have to buy flowers you could find in a middle-America grocery store? She's my prom corsage!
I liked Daniel V's dress because it looked festive but really, none of those dresses did it for me. Andrea's reminded me of astroturf.
This dress...is okay, I suppose. Having trouble remembering what I thought of this episode, but I think I preferred Santino's (well, I would prefer NONE of them, because I hate this kind of challenge so much.)
Was unimpressed with Chloe's because it really was just leaves glued onto a muslin dress, and knew Andrae's would get him sent home the minute he dragged in all that moss. Can't remember the rest though.
Funny, I don't remember the straps on Daniel's dress. I think it would look a lot better without them. Also, The totally conspicuous muslin REALLY ruins it for me. Anyway, I really think Kara should have won. Her dress was gorgeous and moved beautifully.
Chloe was robbed! Hers was clearly the best.
Uh oh. If you two break up, who will get custody of us?
--Gotham Tomato
Two words: Bali Hai
I thought this dress was OK but I thought Kara or Chloe should have won and I think Daniel won purely because he stuck flowers on it. The shape and fit were off and I could not figure out why the judges kept saying how wearable and dress-like it was.
I think Kara did a better job with the weaving, the bust didn't fit right, the skirt looked like a big bush, and, as someone pointed out, those orchids were obviously dyed, which is kind of cheesy.
I thought Chloe's should have won, and Santino's should have been booted. His was a big ol' bag of ugly. Daniel's was just okay...here again, I assert my case of the Throne of Orange crushin' hard on our Danny V. Never mind that MK is old enough to be his father, maybe its the hair?
Why didn't any of these damn designers speak up about the flowers?! Where's the backbone in this group? All they needed was to remind the judges how little money they had. I sure would have.
I do love this dress, but I agree that the muslin straps showing are a problem. They make her look like she's from Jersey.
--Gotham Tomato
I think I love Lorenzo
Ewwwwww!!!! Michael Kors had a crush on our little Danny V? Just the thought makes me wretch. Although it does explain a lot throughout and up to the very end of this season....
In these screenshots I think Rebecca looks so much like Austin, it's rather disconcerting.
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