This one goes out to all our Bitches With Needles

Monday, January 15, 2007 by
Hey, this memory card-dumping is fun! We hardly have to write a word.

When we got to Laura's, we were so into the gay uncle bit, what with the oohing and aahing over little Finn, that we barely noticed our surroundings. "Hey, I thought for sure you guys would want pics of these," Laura said, indicating the dress forms behind her.

Darlings, they're her runway dresses! Bad Daddy couldn't part with them and won a bunch of them in the Bravo auction. Camilla is apparently dying to wear the short dress on the right.

Knowing that with Laura's work, the beauty is in the details and knowing that the Bitches who Stitch in our readership would have our heads if we didn't provide closeups, we humbly give you the following. We do it all for you, kittens.



Vic said...

My day is absolutely complete. Breathtakingly beautiful.

She shoulda won.

Gigi said...

Laura's work is so amazing! Her attention to detail is unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

You should call this site Project Laura. The only one I like is the black lace with the black belt.


SassyGinger said...

Yup. Still in love with the final runway dress.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting the close ups. I am in awe over all the bead work she did for those dresses. I'm inspired to try my hand at some beadwork.

I used to make intricate embroidery designs by hand for my twin daughter's dresses, and it was hell on my eyes. Did she use a magnifying glass to help her eyes stay focused?

My favorite dress is the short beaded dress with the long beads swinging from the bodice.

Thanks again!

mamafitz said...

inside photos, we want photos of the insides too! gorgeous dresses, just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Her husband is so thoughtful, and they are where they are loved and appreciated. That's cool.

Anonymous said...

Anne said: "The only one I like is the black lace with the black belt."

Well, I guess that's what makes the world go 'round. I look at the black lace number and think that's the very sort of thing that got Daniel Franco booted off.

Now, I know the "bitches with needles" want to see the details, but the beauty of the sequin work is seen from afar. I'm not a big fan of these (or the black lace), but credit where credit is due.

SassyGinger said...

I keep forgetting to add that you guys have a great camera! What brand is it?

TLo said...

Katie said...

I keep forgetting to add that you guys have a great camera! What brand is it?

Hi Katie,

Glad you enjoy the pictures. It's a Panasonic.

Anonymous said...

The amount of work Laura did on those dresses is just staggering. The dresses looked fab from afar, but often a closer look at PR clothes reveals imperfections. Not with Laura. Her outfits are flawless. *So* in awe of her.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the close-up shots, guys. Laura's work is impeccable!

mjude said...

thanks for sharing! i just love to look at her clothes, they are just beautiful.

GothamTomato said...

THANK YOU for these details!!!! That beadwork is stunning.

These pictures prove, yet again, that those so-called 'judges' were f#cking blind!!!

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

it would make more sense to me if Anne meant to write: You should call this site Project Laura. The only one I don't like is the black lace with the black belt.

Martha said...

Does the woman sleep? Those sequins are just killing me.

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous. You guys have the best closeup pictures for all the dresses.

"Camilla is apparently dying to wear the short dress on the right."

I bet she'd look GORGEOUS in that dress. Camilla is FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that after seeing these close up, I don't really like them. The whitish colored one looks OK, but I don't really like the rest. I appreciate the amount of time it must have taken to execute all that work, but I guess it's just not my style. I still love Laura though :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she got to keep some of her dresses. Good job, BadDaddy!
I always feel bad for the designers who have to part from their work on the show.

Anonymous said...

I love love LOVE that short beaded black cocktail dress. I would look stunning in that dress : - )

Kate said...

I agree with mamafitz, I'd LOVE to see what Laura's garments look like on the inside.

I saw the Project Runway tour when it came to Macy's in Philadelphia, and was able to see Laura's final-look gown up close and personal. The way she used the beads and sequins to make the dress look as if it was reflecting the color of the belt was astounding, and there wasn't a loose thread or uneven hem or missing bead/sequin to be found. If I were a rich person I'd have outbid Bad Daddy for that dress, and displayed it on a form in my home as a work of art.

I have a photo of myself standing next to that dress. I'd share it with you, but I look like the Titanic standing beside that tiny little garment!

Anonymous said...

"Kate said...
The way she used the beads and sequins to make the dress look as if it was reflecting the color of the belt was astounding, and there wasn't a loose thread or uneven hem or missing bead/sequin to be found."

And I agree with you, Kate. I saw them here in Chicago and they are gorgeous and flawless.

Anonymous said...

Glorious! Divine! Magnificent! Even these words
aren't strong enough for the work that comes from
Laura. She truly has a gift!

Anonymous said...

The whole collection's pretty amazing whether you like her style or not (I do). She did everything by herself. I'm a sewer and I can tell you that's a lot of work.

BigAssBelle said...

oh my stars, do her fingers STILL hurt??? criminy, mine are shrieking in pain just looking at that gorgeous work.

it is gorgeous ~ i particularly love that first piece. stunning. what a talent.

Erica said...

*is floored*


I had NO idea

Anonymous said...

Wow. Those are even more beautiful close up.

Anonymous said...

Is that a Birkin bag in the background?

Thombeau said...

WOW. Thanks for posting these! And lest certain anonymous responders forget, Laura is one of the reasons why this blog came into existence!

Anonymous said...

Stunning doesn't begin to describe the level of work and artistic talent that went into these dresses.

My fingers bled at the sight of all those sequins! Then my back went into spasms at the thought of hunching over the garments in such an intense way for hours, days, at a time. Damn.

Laura uses sequins like Monet used paint.

Anonymous said...

Laura's detailing is perfection! If I were a woman I wear EVERYTHING she makes.

Susan said...

Just beautiful, as is Laura!

Anonymous said...

Laura's amazing skill and expertise on work like this always made me feel confident that she knew whereof she spoke when she accused Jeffrey of getting illicit help.

Anonymous said...

Completely delightful. Laura's so lucky to have you boys to follow her around. You are her official gays! That, in it self is an achievement,

Pepper2 said...

Laura's work certainly stands up to close scrutiny. It's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

lovely lovely things. I especially love the short dresses

Bill said...

"Camilla is apparently dying to wear the short dress on the right."

Kittens, SO AM I!!!!!

Will Laura produce it in a men's 42 regular?

Anonymous said...

There were alot of us who were speculating that the 'Bad Daddy' who was bidding on the dresses was Peter... I guess we were right!

Imagine if she had had the resources to do this kind of beadwork in Paris: she would have certainly fulfilled the attention-to-detail aspect of the couture challenge.

Thanks for the close-up shots: the beading is fantastic! I didn;t realize that the long lattice pattern on that one dress was beaded, too.


meredithp said...

As an unofficial b*icth with needle, thank you thank you for posting these photos. And thanks to Laura for reminding you to take them! Just love PRG, Laura and you two.

Mel said...

WOW! I really do think she should have won. I love them all, and the closeups are so great to see all the details!

Anonymous said...

Holy Moley! My eyes were crossing just looking at that detailed beading. So much work... so freakin' gorgeous.
When I was a child, I closely watched my mother knit a sequined shell (white w/white iridescent sequins) to go with a formal long black skirt she whipped up. (It was 1960 and obviously mom was tappng into her inner Jackie). She wore it to opening night at the opera when the MET came to Cleveland. She was fabulous that night. I was so impressed. She was cross-eyed and beautiful at the same time!
When I saw Laura's beading during PR, I was reminded of my mom's attention to fantastic details like that.
I believe my mom still has that outfit in her cedar closet.

Anonymous said...

hot.. sexy....

Anonymous said...

lol seems like she bought her own collection back... but wouldnt you

Suzanne said...

Her fingers had to be paralyzed by the time she stitched all that beading on.


Anonymous said...

Sure, it's true that beadwork like this looks better when you're a little distance away, but most of us never look quite this closely at other people's clothes, and so we see it from a proper distance, as intended. But these close ups sure help to see the amount of detail and work involved. As someone who does a lot of needlework herself, I have a real appreciation for the amount of time that went into the collection. And to imagince doing all this beadwork within a few months--I have great respect for the stamina of Laura's eyes, fingers & shoulders. I'd be squinting and aching so bad.

Anonymous said...

Not only did she have to hunch over those garments for hours on end, she was bloody pregnant at the time! Laura is fabulous and incredible.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear lord, I just got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome looking at those pictures. Wow.

and she breastfeeds, too? Laura's my hero forever.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is WOW!
Did the judges even look at these garments up close or truly inspect them or do they just view them from twenty feet away as they walk by? That might explain a few things.

Laura is truly an artist and Bad Daddy was sweet to buy them all back. A wise investment, because they are soon going to be worth a fortune.

Anonymous said...

I knew it... I knew it... I watched the auction and saw that "Bad Daddy" won the final runway dress and it wasn't hard to figure out who "Bad Daddy" was.

Anonymous said...

I hand-beaded and sequined an evening gown for my daughter many years ago. It took forever and my fingers were sore for months. I'm in awe of Laura's craftsmanship and energy!

Sewhat? said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple, she should have won.

personette said...

it's interesting that peter bought them all back. There was all this press about how laura's dresses fetched the most money. I cant be the only one who saw all that? It was all over BPR and Anyway - turns out that it was her husband buying them all up. Intereting. I am so jealous of you getting to know her and be in her house that I cant stand it

Gorgeous Things said...

Aaaahhhhhh!!!! I'm just getting on the site and seeing this now. I love you guys! I love Laura! I love her work and I love this site. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

That beading is nothing short of breathtaking. Laura is AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Laura's working is amazing. She's really talented. What a source of inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!! Thank you sooooooo much for these pictures, guys. You two are the best!

Sewhat? said...

Brilliant said "Is that a Birkin bag in the background?"

I think that not only is it a Birkin bag on the table, but that looks suspiciously like some of Frank's turtle poop on the floor under the chair. Could you love this family any more?

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe she did all that by herself. That's amazing!

Anonymous said...

This is something that is so far beyond me I can just look on in awe, thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

The bitch put perfect seems in lace.


Fine, I bow down.

Anonymous said...

Totally meant "seams."

Anonymous said...

ok, whether you liked Laura or not (and I did) you can't fault her at all for her detail and craftsmanship. It's nice to see that she is so much more then just a talking head!

Anonymous said...

Laura totally outsourced some of that beading detail. There's no way she could have done all that work by herself. I have a gut feeling her mother - the sewing teacher who was living with her - helped her out.

Special K said...

My goodness. The detail is amazing. Laura did a beautiful job. Thanks for the pics!

Anonymous said...

"Laura totally outsourced some of that beading detail. There's no way she could have done all that work by herself. I have a gut feeling her mother - the sewing teacher who was living with her - helped her out.'

I don't think anyone questioned whether or not she did the work herself, during or after the show, for a very good reason.

You're forgetting that she turned out at least two dresses with beadwork (for two different challenges) during the show, and had only a day or two to do each of them in.
With that, she established that she can, and does, do beautiful beadwork in a very short period of time.
These dresses are examples of what she can produce when she has more than just a day or two to work on each garment.

Anonymous said...

"Laura totally outsourced some of that beading detail. There's no way she could have done all that work by herself. I have a gut feeling her mother - the sewing teacher who was living with her - helped her out."

. . . her mother wasn't living with her.

Anonymous said...

"Laura totally outsourced some of that beading detail. There's no way she could have done all that work by herself."

Okay Peanut, ahem, "Anonymous" you won. Go back into your cave now.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, guys! Thank you so much for these pictures.

Anonymous said...

"LauraandMichael said...

"Laura totally outsourced some of that beading detail. There's no way she could have done all that work by herself."

Okay Peanut, ahem, "Anonymous" you won. Go back into your cave now."

Exactly!! Can we talk about Laura without an anonymous Peanut fan present?

GothamTomato said...

"Laura totally outsourced some of that beading detail. There's no way she could have done all that work by herself. I have a gut feeling her mother - the sewing teacher who was living with her - helped her out."

Having had a grandmother who could bead, crochet & knit amazingly quickly (who could easily knit a sequin sweater in one day, while still cooking dinner), I know that it is entirely possible to do that much beading that quickly.

Laura already demonstrated how meticulous she could be under the time constraints and pressure of the initial competition -unlike Jeffrey who was a sloppy, sloppy mess (I saw that tablecloth dress up close & it was a MESS, with much visible glue.)

Nope, I'd say Laura did that work on her own. The one who had help was junkie peanut.

--Gotham Tomato

Melody said...

From a bitch with a needle, I have to say thank you for the photos especially the closeups. That Laura is incredible.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great surprise! Her dresses are stunning pieces of art. How adorable that Laura's husband bought them back. You guys totally made my day with this.

Anonymous said...

And yes, Laura was the winner by a mile.

Anonymous said...

My day is absolutely complete. Breathtakingly beautiful.

She shoulda won.

WORD. Laura's work is truly fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Ater seeing that MY fingers are hurting!

Anonymous said...

Love the closeups!! She does great work. You really couldn't appreciate it on TV.

Anonymous said...

Another "bitch with a needle" here...those clothes are spectacular! Thanks bunches for sharing them with us. Our girl certainly does some quality work. Next time, how about some inside shots?

Tami Simkins