And he is fabulous. A mile-a-minute wit with a story about everyone and everything, he showed us around the office and dished a bit about the design world and let's just say if we were less...responsible types, we'd have a lot of material for our Top Design blog.
Peter was off at a meeting (of Hates to Appear in Pictures Anonymous), so we didn't get to see him, but the office is gorgeous. We wish we could tell you something about the people that work there, but we were so swept up in the Lee Mindel Experience that everyone else was kind of a blur - like we were walking through a fabulous magazine layout. He is an absolute blast, though. Smart, funny and loaded with personality.

Anyway, we forced Lee to pose for pics, because judging by the comments that appeared the first time he made an appearance on PRGay, our readers want to see more of this hottie. Internationally recognized design superstar? Pfah! It's nothing compared to gay blog fame.
Laura really was there, guys. We swear we didn't just barge in unannounced and start snapping away. "Oh come on, guys. You don't want another picture of me," she whined. Puh-leeze. She's probably obsessing over some imaginary bit of leftover pregnancy weight, but she's crazy. She looks fabulous. And before she could protest, we took the pic to prove it.

So there.
Great pictures. You guys look hot! I can't believe you guys met THE Lee Mindel of Shelton, Mindel & Associates. I bet their office is gorgeous. Laura looks fabulous, as usual.
I'm an architect and have always admired the work of Shelton, Mindel & Associates. Their designs are gorgeous. Fantastic, guys! Does that mean you guys are part of the inner circle of design too? I hate you two bitches.
Lordy, but Lee is hot! Thanks for that bit of Eye Candy, guys. And another pix of Laura.
It's Christmas in January!
That first picture is a great shot of the three of you. Can I be you two just for a day? Is Lee available? Hot, rich, talented and famous? I need a husband!
It's a smorgarsbord of fabulosity. You all look great! I love Laura's sunglasses.
Damn!!! Gay men always look hot. I want to marry a gay straight man. Anyway, fabulous pics, as usual, gayboys.
zen heaven to the nth degree. now how many times can wwfans hate you bitches of fabulosity.
loveit loveit loveit
where is Finn?
where is Peter?
Now I am good for another 4 hrs. and I expect T&L to top this again.
Just add Peter to that picture and you have the FabGay4 group. Oh wait, Peter is not gay, but he can play one in a movie kind of thing, right?
Yum. Lee Mindel is talented, tasty hot. Has he met Tim Gunn?
What a charmed life you too lead! I'm so jealous! Thanks for the eye candy. ;-)
HOT!! : - P
Okay, did you deliberately leave out the most important info about Lee? Single or taken? Straight or gay? We must know.
You just give and give!
I HATE YOU BITCHES!!!! LOL I'm SO jealous that you guys get to hang with Laura and family. Lee is kinda hot! You guys have done such a great job with covering our FAVE PR3 designer in all her regal fabulous glamour.
Laura should have her own show, dammit!
JP :)
Now that's a fabulous sausage party!!
Yes, Laura included, after all, she certainly has the cojones to kick some ass.
As a bitch with needle, Cute as Lee is he can't really compete with the dresses! I remember them being stunning, up close they're even better! God! that's a lot of work!
Why do you tease us like this?
You left out the most important info: Married? Single? Gay? Straight? Listed on JDate? Hmmm?
--Gotham Tomato
Lee is a hottie and a sweetheart. I met him once at a party. As far as I know, darlings, he's gay.
I love his/their work. Here 's an article (and more pictures) about those chairs.
"The new Shelton Mindel Collection by Knoll—featuring a wood side chair‚ a table collection and two lounge collections—is showcased in the February issue of Architectural Digest."
Those dresses make my hands hurt just thinking about all the work!
Lee Mindel is yummy. I've seen other photos of him, but had no idea...
Lee Mindel (and Peter Shelton) should be a guest judge on the Top Design show.
Thanks for posting the wonderful eye candy!!! Ok, I admit I'm horny. Oops, did I just say that? But you guys look great. It looks like a professional shot.
Laura? Fab!!! I can only imagine what it feels like to be walking down a busy street of NY with Laura. I bet everyone keeps pointing at her.
okay, so this is kind of a cinderella story, yes?
there you two were, a couple of happy 'mos in philly, fabulous to be sure, but pretty much flying under the radar.
in what, six months? y'all have become your very own cause celebre and you're dashing off to laura's and lunching with malan and hugging tim gunn and taking up close pictures, standing in proximity to, luxuriating in the aura of that absolute. hot. fucking. man. lee. oh! lee, honey.
ain't y'all just something? very nice indeed.
Huh. I really can't imagine Laura, of all people, refusing to pose for a picture.
Fab Fag United!!! I love it.
You guys met Lee Mindel??!! I'm jealous. I can't wait for the PRG boys take on "Project Design."
"Bettie said...
Lee is a hottie and a sweetheart. I met him once at a party. As far as I know, darlings, he's gay."
Damn. Well, that's par for the course.
(says Gotham Tomato as she throws open the window and leans out and screams, 'Are there any straight men left on this island?!?!')
LaFemmeFataleduNY said...
"It's a smorgarsbord of fabulosity. You all look great!"
I couldn't have said it better. And Lee is a complete hottie, no doubt about it!
OK guys, spit it out. Is Lee Mindel gay, straight, single or taken?
Here's a great article (and pictures) about the office of Shelton, Mindel & Associates and some of their designs.
Very nice photographs! I never thought about studying art, design, fashion or something creative although I admire creative people more than any other people I've known.
Loving Lorenzo working the V-neck sweater over the white shirt. I can never get the tails to look right when I attempt that look.
I'm afraid that Lee is so perfect, it looks like you have posed with a cardboard print in the first print - something about the light maybe.
What an incredibly fun time you two must have had.
Lee looks hot! Great shots, guys! Bettie, thank you for the links. They're great articles.
Of course Laura's red lipstick is flawless...
So Mr. Mindel gave you lots of material for the Top Design blog? Oh please say that Todd Oldham has an evil side!
Mr. Mindel is a cutie for sure! He looks thrilled to be with you guys and well he should!
Thank you for the close ups of Laura's work! (even though this is the wrong post) Love to see the details!
Where are you taking us on our next field trip?
(jumping up and down and clapping my hands in the back seat)
"Oh please say that Todd Oldham has an evil side!"
Todd Oldham DOES have an evil side. (or so I've heard).
--Gotham Tomato
" Suzy said...
Lee Mindel (and Peter Shelton) should be a guest judge on the Top Design show. "
That's a great idea. Lee and Peter would be great (and hot) judges.
" GothamTomato said...
"Oh please say that Todd Oldham has an evil side!"
Todd Oldham DOES have an evil side. (or so I've heard).
--Gotham Tomato "
YES!!! Tell us all the dirt on the designers and judges.
That Lee Mindel is such a hottie. Laura is so lucky to
have two unbelievable men in her life. I can't get enough of Laura and Peter and that wow - Lee!!!!!
"LaFemmeFataleduNY said...
It's a smorgarsbord of fabulosity. You all look great!"
YES!YES!YES! Thank you for sharing, guys! Is Lee single? I need a hot and successful boyfriend!
Lee? One word: HOT!
I got nothing...
Is Lee gay? And is he single?
That Lee Mindel. So talented, handsome, tan and yummy. I hear that he has an unbelievable place in Key West.
OMG, Lee has a place in Key West? A Hemingway kind of Key West? That is so way kool.
As previously and so aptly noted: He is hotimento.
I wanna be his shortie. I wanna have his puppies.
Lee be frontin all over town. He gotta babymama anna shortie. forget him Ms Aufontine.
South Beach not Key West. OMG, now that IS hotimento. Would love to make some puppies in
that hot tub!!!!!!!!!!!
LAURA! Your fans miss you! We need more Laura in our lives! Hmpf!
HoneyPot said...I think Mr Leelee should be with the front man du MooneyStar...Not Tim Gunn...give the hottie a challenge.
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