We sighed longingly as this too-pretty-by-half footballer and his increasingly alienesque wife inexplicably turned the entire western world on its ear. "Why?" we wailed. "Why does England of all places lay claim to two of the most vapid airheads to take up tabloid space? England!! That's where Madonna went to die, for God's sake!" They should be

Well poodles, break out the fireworks because we now we have our chance. Posh and Becks are coming home. And honeys, they are not prepared. The British tabloids may be nastier than ours, but we have a round-the-clock, 200 channels, full on celebrity worship culture going on here. While their people are busying themselves by building them up, let's make plans for the inevitable tearing down, shall we?
First off,

Second, plastic surgery. Oh honey, moving Posh to LA is like Elvis setting up Graceland in Hershey, PA. This can't be good. Having that many world-class plastic surgeons only a 15-minute drive away is going to have her looking like an insect in no time. Well, more like an insect. It's only a matter of time before he succumbs too. He's aging pretty well, but we suspect she'd rather he look as tightly pulled as she does so people won't talk.

Third, endorsements. Let's face it, this is why they hopped on the plane. He'll get the inevitable men's product, fashion and fragrance ads but we predict he'll be hawking cable tv channels within 5 years. Her? She'll want to be the face of Lancôme but one closeup on that overtanned hide and she'll be the face of
And finally, reality television. Honeys, we'd be surprised if this

Anyway, aren't you all atwitter? Fresh meat! It's so rare that we get them all wrapped up in a bow like this. Sit back and enjoy the decline, we say. An arrest within 3 years and a divorce within six. You heard it here first.
being the center of my own universe, it's rare that i lift my gaze from the drama that is me long enough to pay attention to the lives of celebrities (aside from those who appear on my three favorite sites, gay, gayer and gayest).
i will, though, be on the lookout for opportunities to plung my very sharp claws into these two. foolish little twits ~ meeeooow!
I say divorce in less than 3 years. You're forgetting the half-life of Hollywood marriages, poodles.
My claws are sharpened, my tongue's been witted. Bring 'em on, guys. I'm ready to do some serious dishing.
Oh but how I do love the Posh and the Becks. I really want to see them make it in all of their irreverent bigger-than-life nonsensical glory. Perhaps they will become the new role models for Hollywood couples. I say Viva le Posh n Becks!!!
LOL! Oh Minerva! You 2 have hit the nail on the head into the ground! The Brit Ex Pat LA brigade is already taking bets over how many times Becks will have to drag Posh drunk and screaming from a Pub in Santa Monica before he decides to dump her (or at least make his affair w/ the hot LA nanny public). Stay Tuned!
PS: Katie is supposedly getting Posh roles in all of her upcoming movies. Yikes! Gird your wallets!
what -- I thought they divorced on the connecting flight via Atlanta?
You guys totally rule! This is one of your sharpest blogs ever. it's right on the money. Also some of your funniest lines. Keep it up!
The Chavs are coming! the Chavs are coming! *
They are truly nasty.
Belongs on your 'Best Blog Ever' list!
* check this link and scroll down to see more about these two 'celebrity Chavs'
Great stuff, particularly re: the reality show. You're right, it's absolutely inevitable. My only question now is, Where will it fall on the entertainment scale? As guiltily pleasurable as Nick n' Jess? As boring and pointless as the Catherine Oxenberg "I Married a Princess" snorefest? As odd but still annoyingly contrived as "Living with Ed?" Sorry to say, but I'm sure I'll watch at least one episode.
chicksinger, formerly known round these parts as mk (not michael kors)
I called the Scientology thing the second I heard mention of their friendship with Cruise and his recruit..er wife.
"She'll want to be the face of Lancôme but one closeup on that overtanned hide and she'll be the face of Coach."
You guys RULE! You never fail me.
"An arrest within 3 years and a divorce within six. You heard it here first."
Oh, you guys are WAAAYY too generous. Arrested (her) in 1 year, affair (him and please God don't let it be with Paris or Brit Brit!!) within 18 months, divorce within 2 years or as soon as Becks inseminates Katie, whichever comes first.
This from ESPN.com:
""Most of the value is from David's worldwide endorsement," MLS deputy commissioner Ivan Gazidis told Reuters on Thursday. "That's a separate deal. That's his deal with [Creative Artists Agency] and 19 Entertainment. That's not something we're involved in."
"19 Entertainment, for those of you who don't know, is Simon Fuller's company. The same Simon Fuller who created and owns the rights to the "American Idol" and "Pop Idol" phenomenon. He's also the one-time guiding mentor behind the success of the Spice Girls and the former Posh Spice herself, Victoria Beckham."
"It doesn't take a genius to figure out that as part of the lure to draw Beckham to MLS, one can assume the Beckhams will be given a varied array of choices in film and TV with which to conquer America. Whether this will result in the much-mooted talk show for Posh, a "Beckhams" reality TV show or Victoria's addition to the "American Idol" judge panel, one can only wonder. However, it's clear that a large portion of that additional $40 million or so annually factors in the prospective TV and film platforms."
Two other rumors: Posh is going to play an alien/Thetan in the next Cruise production (not a stretch there) and Beck's contract includes stipulations that MLS can photograph him in his undies and spandex to "promote and enhance" the league's image. I feel the vomit rising in my throat even as I type this!
"Little Falafal Cruise"...
You boys are TOOOOOOO much!
Anonymous 3:33 said:
"(or at least make his affair w/ the hot LA nanny public)". Damn, thought it read "hot LA TRANNY"! Now that I can wrap my head around!
"Oh honey, moving Posh to LA is like Elvis setting up Graceland in Hershey, PA."
Just like "you can't just leave a merengue...."
I read that Becks signed a $250 million contract. TWO.HUNDRED.FIFTY.MILLION.DOLLARS.
That buys hella lotta Botox.
(he is insanely hot though....)
...but wait- before anyone decides to hate her, watch this:
Oh dear, it was revealed this morning by Georgio (Armaini) that Becks may be making the move to LA in order to jump start his movie career. He is realizing the he only has a few good years of footie left and needs to start looking to the future. (this is Armani talking)
Revenge of the Scientologists
I agree that you were too generous! Arrest in 6 months (him- solicitation)/ Divorce 2 years (Him-Spousal Abuse by her)
Scientologists in 3 months if not sooner!
Yes, he is mouth-wateringly handsome but taking himself out of the worldcup with minutes to go, spoiled any of his beauty for me. He strikes me as the guy that stops before you get yours wink wink nudge nudge
Becks is unbelievably, freakishly beautiful. However, that man needs to stick to what he does well: football, and standing there quietly looking pretty. When I heard his interview about coming to LA, it almost ruined the mystique for me. That voice, GOOD GOD. He sounds like a nasaly, adolesecent girl, ugh. But for the love of everything holy is that man fun to look at.
I don't know why, but I find Posh hypnotic. I cannot understand why she demands my attention. It's like that monster on Space:1999 that hypnotized people and left their skeletons as a calling card of its eating habits. Yeah, like that:
Suzanne said...
"I read that Becks signed a $250 million contract."
With who?
And James Derek Dwyer, you are TOO funny. Maybe you should hit T&L up for an internship in catty commentary. *wink*
Darlings. When you look like Becks....you don't need, well, anything. Sharpen those talons. Tear them down. That little hornet of a woman should be squashed. But all the attention only brings me more luscious photos of that near perfect specimen of man. YUMMY.
Brian said...
Anonymous 3:33 said:
"(or at least make his affair w/ the hot LA nanny public)". Damn, thought it read "hot LA TRANNY"! Now that I can wrap my head around!
Works for me...or--
Suzanne said...
"I read that Becks signed a $250 million contract."
With who?
The L.A. Galaxy (professional soccer team)
Sorry for injecting the sports perspective, but Wayne Gretsky is still married to his skanky wife, even after her drug bust. Same story, take the big money for a useless LA team just cause wifey-poos has visions of movie parts dancing in her head. Blech.
I think their reality show will be more like Breaking Bonaduce.
I lived in the UK when those two got married and spit out their kid, and I swear to GOD I have been so sick of them for years.
This is projectGAY.com, right? Where is the posting on the most pressing topic of the moment, the one that has all the gays all atwiwter? The monumental rise of Jennifer Hudson to full-on diva worship status? Hell, the entire sequined, singing and dancing extravanganza that is Dreamgirls must merit at least a small mention.
Just saw an article in the NY Daily News about this, the speculation being that Becks is looking for an acting career because his years as a soccer player are likely coming to an end. They quoted casting directors who said that he could have a movie career based on his looks alone, but the unknown element is whether her can act at all. One casting director spkoe off the record with a word of warning, "Posh shouldn't be let near a camera!"
The funny thing was the photo they used of Becks looks like he's separated at birth from Hal Sparks of Queer as Folk fame!
To me it's all a bunch of hooey. He's a nice looking guy but no more so than a hell of a lot of others.
"To me it's all a bunch of hooey. He's a nice looking guy but no more so than a hell of a lot of others."
It's all relative:
for a Brit, he's pretty good looking, but that's not saying much.
SNF in VA-
Thanks for the Chavs link - I just found a new way to waste time. What a FANTASTIC site - I've bookmarked!
Also, Posh scares the kee-rap out of me. One creepy looking being, I can't imagine what she'll start to look like with all the upcoming botoxified and surgified improvements she'll be sporting!
TOO FUNNY! I'm in London now & we were chatting about this last night. The Brits are sad to lose Becks (not so much the alien Posh) but are curious to see how they fare in LA.
Becks is totally gorgeous and the rumor is he wants to act. Unfortunately, the minute he opens his mouth...the perfect illusion of this man is squashed. Flat. Take note - how often do you really hear him speak? "Hush. Don't talk..."
Ok - I love the fact that Becks is coming - I spent a small fortune to see Man Utd when they toured the US for the first time and what did he do to me? Yeah that's right - he left Utd. like two weeks before the tour!! I lived - they had plenty of other Hottie hot hotties to fill the gap...but still...
I'm hoping for some Hot Mess action on the Posh front, but I'd like to see David persever and do great things for the US soccer community...shirtless if possible...
It's a celebrity decline exchange. They got Madonna. We get Beckham. They get a Lady of the Manor Manqué. We get another Scientology Celebrity Nutter. And he's a pretty one too. Fair enough.
After all, Beckham is one of the greatest soccer players -- athletes -- of all time. I'd even put him in the pantheon with my beloved Brazilian boys -- although no one brings the joy like they do.
On the downside: he played for Manchester United and, more to the point, Posh Spice comes with him.
This isn’t fair. This means we have to suffer both a Lady of the Manor Manqué and a Scientology Celebrity Nutter. I think this means that England has to take TomCat. Or at least Mel Gibson.
Posh’s accent is so un-posh that the fact that she chose this as her "spice" name would be sad if she weren't such a golddigging bitch. Being in the US where most people don't know any better will only make her even more insufferable.
Fun Fact: even after her “autobiography” had been published she told a reporter that she has never read a book in her life.
The best introduction to this nit-witted humorless twat is Jon Stewart's interview with her and Baby Spice. It's on YouTube.
Seriously, check this out. Posh rules. Very funny!!!
Eh, fuck Posh. Please give us Andrea Corr. And the rest of her family, they sing nice. ::wink::
Andrea Corr is everythign Posh has tried to achieve musically and with surgery, but can never have.
Wow! Where idid you find a foto of Posh smiling?
I dunno, they've survived English Footballer's Wivesdom, which is a pretty harsh test...
-- desertwind
THIS JUST IN: In this week's Entertainment Weekly (yeah, I know...) the Couple of the Moment is snarkily mentioned not once but twice.
On the Hit List, at number 9: "David Beckham moves to L.A. He and Posh were drawn by the good schools, picturesque nannies, and natural collagen springs."
A few pages later, in The Shaw Report: "IN - Embracing Posh and Becks; FIVE MINUTES AGO - Mocking Posh's wardrobe; OUT - Lusting after Becks"
So, our GayBoys were right (of course). Let the Games begin!
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