And Austin continues with his ongoing salute to former First Ladies. One of the many reasons it's a tragedy that he didn't make it to the final 3 is that he almost definitely would have unveiled his "Jackie" for Bryant Park and kittens, the thought of Austin Scarlett with an adorable bob in a pink Chanel suit and pillbox hat walking down the runway to introduce his collection is almost too precious to consider. We weep for the world's loss.
he did show at bryant park as the decoy. Revolutionary War chic was his theme, i believe.
My seven-year-old daughter saw those pictures and said, "Who is THAT? (pause) He looks like the prince from Shrek 2."
Austin is really a character. I saw him at the Heatherette show wearing a fur cape, white gloves and a pearl necklace. He looked fabulous!
the world needs more austins. he is an original and goes his own way regardless of the opinions of others.
my opinion of that is that he is fabulous and he has my greatest admiration.
as rhett said to scarlett, "the dogs may bark, but your caravan rolls on." roll on, austin, you precious thing.
When I saw Austin walking into that bar wearing a cape and a tricorn hat, I was like, what? LOL. He is so funny. Was he wearing lipstick?
Unique and fabulous. I just love Austin and Jay. They're like fine seasonings added to a simple soup. Without them this world would be a mighty dull place to live in.
Austin is a beautiful thing. Long may he reign
PS I adore Jay too
OMG - Tim Gunn is coming up on the Today Show to dish about Golden Globe fashions! I guess I am going to blow off my meeting
These pictures remind me of "Hairspray." Could Austin become a movie star? How about a cameo in the next John Waters' movie?
I hope Austin is enjoying the love. He is wonderful. That last picture! Straight to the heart!
You are doing Season 2? Yes? The best season?
Ha -- y'all nailed it! Austin was channeling Pat before Watergate got to her.
Gotta love Austin!
NOw I think I've got it!
He looks like the love-child of Pat Nixon and Peter O'Toole...
He didn't know where to look when the whole "Mustache-gate" thing came up. As a matter of fact didn't he say something to try and get everyone to change the subject??
Pat Nixon.
Pat Nixon?? Not our dear Austin.
No, I'd say he more resembles Elizabeth Montgomery (AKA Samantha Stevens on Bewitched).
The biggest crime on Season 1 of PR was that he did not make it to the top 3. The second biggest crime was that his being a decoy was an afterthought, so he did not get the full amount of time to do a collection for Bryant Park.
--Gotham Tomato
It seems to me like everyone is expecting a lot more out of these judges than we're going to get. When was the last time we got more than 30 seconds out of any of the judges on either Runway or Top Chef? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I'm going to get to "know" these judges at all. I sure don't know much of anything about the Top Chef judges, that's for sure.
It pisses me off to no end that his makeup always looks better than mine!
I still love him, though
I think I may have mentioned this story already before but it bears repeating. Austin used to pose for sketching classes at FIT, to give students practice with their clothing renderings. A friend also did the same. My friend was more of a physique model, but also did costumes and draped poses. One day, Austin came in and my friend said, "Austin, I love your costume for today!" to which Austin replied, "Oh, were we supposed to dress up in a costume for this session?"
Ya gotta love conviction.
i saw austics decoy collection and im sorry to say that it was terrible.....almost as bad as michaels.....but i think it was because he only has 2 or 3 months to put his together
Oh the eye-rolling and groaning going on in this office. Why can't I have hair like that!!!!
I think Austin would rather wear the Oleg Casini version of Jackie.
And I'd also like to see the Austin as the mourning JBK because he would be delicious in a face veil.
"George G said...
I think I may have mentioned this story already before but it bears repeating. Austin used to pose for sketching classes at FIT, to give students practice with their clothing renderings. A friend also did the same. My friend was more of a physique model, but also did costumes and draped poses. One day, Austin came in and my friend said, "Austin, I love your costume for today!" to which Austin replied, "Oh, were we supposed to dress up in a costume for this session?"
Ya gotta love conviction. "
LOL. I can only imagine what he'd consider a costume.
His makeup and hair says "Pat Nixon" but his costume says "Adam Ant".
All I have to say is......"YIKES!" Austin is definitely a "hair-hopper". That is definitely a "hair-don't"!
Put him in a pantsuit, tone down the make-up, boost his testosterone a bit:
Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
are you guys going to recap austin's showing at bryant park?
it wasn't televised, but I know he had one.
Forget politics, go Hollywood. My Girl Austin is Dina Merrill all the way!!
Go ahead, Google her (Dina that is). You'll see.
Meaning this as my best displaced southern chic compliment...that is some damn big hair!
since Austin did the "decoy" show at Bryant park, are there any pictures out there to see what he presented?
Pics of Austin's decoy collection at Bryant Park are on his website (or were last I looked a few months ago)
I liked it, very different from anyone else's, Austin has a different view of the world, and it's a beautiful one :^)
oh my goodness. one of these days i'm going to get busted for giggling too much at my desk at work!
whew. thanks, i needed that!!
Oh! Oh! I have an idea! Let's have an Austin/Wendy Hair Harpy Cage Match!!!!! Kara Saun can take on the winner!
I can't help falling in love with him every time I see him. :)
One drunken evening in the suburbs, my friends and I mixed some Stoli Vanilla and cream soda and *voila*, the "Pat Nixon" cocktail was born...
...Austin, I raise a highball of "Pat Nixon" in your honor.
PS - Use ginger ale and you've got a "Mamie Eisenhower"!
I love her! I mean him!
I swear, he could teach us a thing or two on how to use hot rollers. I could never master the things - which was practically a disability in the 80s!
One drunken evening in the suburbs, my friends and I mixed some Stoli Vanilla and cream soda and *voila*, the "Pat Nixon" cocktail was born...
...Austin, I raise a highball of "Pat Nixon" in your honor.
PS - Use ginger ale and you've got a "Mamie Eisenhower"!
This may, truly, be the best PRGay comment in all the land.
personette said...
We will.
I don't care what anyone says, from the moment I saw Mr. Scarlett I thought: If Jonathan Harris (Lost in Space) & Max Factor could have had a love child...this is he and his name is Austin. Check it!
That last picture of Austin is awesome!
Y'all are TOO FUNNY!
OMG Pat Nixon? That is hilarious!!!
His hair reminds me of Jessica Lange in the '80s.
We really do need more Austins in the world.
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