"As Kara Saun, I feel it's important not to sell my soul. Because if there's one thing Kara Saun's learned, it's that you shouldn't sell your soul. Otherwise, you're just a dirty girl."

"Haha! Yes, I HAVE lost weight, Heidi! And I colored my hair!"

"Ohmigod, you like, totally looked like a bitch. Your, like, daughter must be so, like, embarassed."

"Yes Alexandra, it IS a shame that you couldn't make a simple bathing suit or master English, isn't it?"

Daniel: Wendy, are you totally in the zone when you're creating and following your bliss or are you totally in the zone when you're being a horrible human being?"
Nora: "Oh, Daniel..."

"...shut up."

"I didn't do it, you know. Seriously. I don't know why everyone keeps looking at me. Do I look guilty?"

"Wendy, you're so awful and we all felt sorry for you because you're a mother and because you didn't know about makeup and you had no talent."

"Oh Vanessa, that's very sweet. It's true. I do take motherhood very seriously. What else would I use to get people out of my way?"

"What about Austin? Did anyone check out his story? Seems pretty shady to me."

"Y'know Heidi, I might be a sociopathic bitch, but I think if you look around, I'm not the only bitch in the room, know what I'm saying?"

"Oh, check out Dirty Girl. Dirty Girl thinks she can give us a little sass, does she?"

Kara Saun: "You see, I, Kara Saun, think Dirty Girl shouldn't speak because it's clear to me, Kara Saun, that she has no soul. No soul, no speak. I think I speak for everyone when I say that. And why? Because I, Kara Saun, have not sold my soul."
Wendy: "Do you people hear the kind of shit I'm dealing with here? Are you getting this?"
I know im in the minority on this one, but Wendy never really bothered me that much. At least she was honest about being a bitch. Kara Saun is the one that by this episode was getting on my last nerve. I can't wait for the finale epsiode rundown.
I wanted to slap Kara Saun every time she used the word "soul" in any context, because it was always in some condescending, obnoxious way.
I know I say this every time, but I think this time I might actually pee.
How do you guys *do* it?!
Wendy never bothered me that much in the first viewing, but I really hated Kara. Now I see why people hated Wendy, and I don't like her as much as I did, but it was the elevator thing and the shoes thing that really got to me.
I mean, go on and on about soul and integrity and then smuggle in shoes and *then* pretend they cost $15 a pair!
If I were the producers I would have made those models walk down the runway barefoot, I seriously would have.
Oh, um, spoiler alert.
Who will NEVER utter the word "KaraSaun"
Because I, Kara Saun, have not sold my soul... yet!
But ask me how much I'm selling my soles for....
[To be continued in next week's episode.]
OMG, every time they used the word "soul" I rolled my eyes. Pleeease!!
"Oh, check out Dirty Girl. Dirty Girl thinks she can give us a little sass, does she?"
Meanwhile, the thought bubble above Austin's head reads, "I wonder which side of my face looks prettiest in this lighting?"
Have you ever noticed that Nora and Daniel have the exact opposite haircuts, the end result being that they form the Yin and Yang of stupid looking hair?
I am with you guys on the Wendy thing. I mean, she was a bitch but I didn't think she was as bad as Kara. Wendy didn't have that aura of self-righteousness Kara wore like one of Austin's cloaks. What's worse is Kara so tried to play how "real" she was. Yeah, like as "real" as Jennifer Lopez.
Oh, hahaha. Heee heee heee. Tee hee!
Everone on that show whored themselves for something. Some did it with more grace than others and managed to retain some humor about the whole experience.
Kara Saun and Wendy deserve to be locked in the same room together for 24 hours. What a Harpy Match that would be!
That's what I call plain old good TV!
OMG i cant stand DANIEL FRANCO
i hate him with such a passion it needs a cream!!!!!
you could tell nora just wanted to tell him to shut his bliss-less mouth up
Oh good lord. You gals read my mind. Hey doesn't Jay get any bitchy input?
Don't read this when you're in a totally empty computer lab with only the lab guy in the room... I burst out (okay, snorted) and it was MAJORLY un-hot.
Like, Austin in a Batman onesy un-hot.
I KNEW you would use that picture of KaraSaun over the
"Oh, check out Dirty Girl." caption!!
I kept expecting her to lean over and smack Wendy on top of the head!
"You guys were correct in your assertion about Kara Saun being preoccupied with being too angry Wendy and not focusing on her own job. It is like business: as soon as you take it personally, it is your downfall."
Yep, just like Donald Trump came completely unglued, made a collosal ass out of himself and revealed his true bigotries (including homophobia), in his relentless attack on Rosie O'Donnell.
As much as I liked Kara Saun (and her clothes), in the end, she was thrown off her game by getting side tracked by her distaste for Wendy. Of course, I don't begrudge her her feelings. I'm sure she felt it a great injustice that Wendy was in the final 3.
But while all 3 sold their souls to a degree: Kara with the shoes, and Jay with the idiotic, posed backtracking - calling his sister to try to get himself saying something nice about Wendy on camera (after Mama Pepper worked on him) - it was Wendy who sold out the most because SHE sold her daughter, not just in the end, but all season long. THAT was truly the most disgusting maneuver of all.
And BTW, why no mention of Jay's absurdist get-up?? He looked like Lefty Lemon in a sport coat.
--Gotham Tomato
As I watched this I started to think "wait a minute, why do we all hate Wendy anyways?".
Everyone keeps saying that the only way she made it to the final three is deceit, and that she has no talent, but I don't see how that's possible. I don't think Nina gives a rat's ass whether she's good television. She, and others, have gone on record repeatedly saying that they're only judging the clothes.
I think she just makes a really good scapegoat. "I got aufed for making a clown dress, ergo it's that bitch Wendy's fault."
Kevin always looks like that.
Kara & Wendy catfight is soooo tired. Bitches, just sew and quit with the Jr. High antics.
You gay bitches are the best bloggers ever on planet earth!
this was wet your pants funny. just the perfect after dinner treat i needed. thanks, darlings.
and that last photo with wendy's big white eyes ~ it's perfect!!
"i, kara saun . . . " i am dying. the whole thing was just divine and your dissection of it was exquisite.
"Young offender said...
And can someone tell me how Alexandra got her face that shiny? I'm gonna try that for my next Christmas pageant when I have to play a tree ornament."
ROFL. I noticed the same thing. I was like, why is Alexandra so shiny?
loved this post! The comments under Kevin's picture are priceless.
I, Kara Saun, comes off super self-righteous but I still thought she was cool. Wendy scares the pants off me
"Daniel: Wendy, are you totally in the zone when you're creating and following your bliss or are you totally in the zone when you're being a horrible human being?"
LOL. So many funny lines. It's hard to pick one. Great job, boys!
"Oh, check out Dirty Girl. Dirty Girl thinks she can give us a little sass, does she?"
Picture and caption: PRICELESS!!!
You know, Vanessa really does have pretty hair. Hmmm.
Yes, I'm about 10 posts behind.
More on-topic: I loved Kara Saun -- I even loved her haughty, holier-than thou bitchiness, for some reason. But I'm still crackin' the hell up at your "I, Kara Saun" captions. Hilarious.
And I'm almost certain that somewhere in the world, at any given time, there is at least one person (and probably a good deal more) who just wants to tell Daniel Franco to shut up.
HA! Kara Saun was so totally the Bee-yotch and WAY more Machiavellian than Wendi. And I don't just say that because I met Wendi!
K.S. didn't sell her soul with thayt whole thing about getting the designer shoes "donated??"
Jay was such a little bitch to Vanessa. Yelling at her because she criticized the show? Jay has made MANY bitchy bitter comments about the show, other contestants, his ELLE spread, bleh, just about everything.
Pot meet kettle, Jay!
He looked ridiculous. Look in the mirror, Jay. That's why you'll never get a date.
I'm in the camp that thought Wendy, though crazy and not nice, is not exactly evil personified, and that the Wendy-hating has been way too disproportionate for her offenses. As you point out so wittily, there's plenty of reason to spread some of the hate around (Kara, Vanessa, Kevin, Daniel--I mean you).
Oh, La Pepper. She seemed so proud of her new appearance.
The screen shots and the corresponding comments were FANTASTIC...
but I am weeping, WEEPING I tell you, because I just found out that Tim Gunn was on the Today Show this morning discussing Golden Globe fashions. I missed it. I am devestated.
did anyone else notice that when vanessa accused wendy of ruining the photo of her daughter, wendy didnt respond. no yes. no no. just a sneaky little smirk.
im telling you - bitch did it herself!
Make sure to place your bids! Kara's soul will be on e-Bay this evening. Starting price $0.99.
It really was so Jr. High, wasn't it. And I loved it 'cause I never spoke up in Jr. High.
I'm with NSO on La Pepper. Dirty Girl was good TV and playing the game, and no one was completely innocent.
"I, Kara Saun" - hysterical. I'll be calling her that from now on.
hey filthetc.
I read that Kevin admitted he did it, I think just last year or so. Which explains the squirrel impression.
I didn't like Wendy all through the season, but I like KaraSaun even less after watching shoe-gate. Selling one's soul, indeed. Wendy could take lessons from self-righteous KS.
Jay McCarroll said that Austin was the real culprit. He drew on Wendy's picture.
"Oh, check out Dirty Girl. Dirty Girl thinks she can give us a little sass, does she?"
ROFL. You bitches are hilarious!!
punditmom: Wait -- you met Ms. Pepper and discovered that her name is spelled "Wendi"? Is this a Bravo mistake along the lines of Michael/Mychael? Is that the way it is?
Okay, I was in training for PowerPoint in Speech class and was reading this instead.
I got as far as, "Oh, check out Dirty Girl. Dirty Girl thinks she can give us a little sass, does she..." before my cover was blown.
Ah well... it was worth it.
"No soul, no speak."
ROFL. OH.MY. GOD. That is so funny!
Make sure to place your bids! Kara's soul will be on e-Bay this evening. Starting price $0.99.
I laughed so hard that I could barely breathe.
Oh and the whole posting was also hilarious boys. You sliced through all of the ugly egotism and hostility and exposed all the the hilarious lunacy under the surface. No soul. No speak.
As KaraSaun, KaraSaun was really ahead of the game in terms of product placement wasn't she, KaraSaun? PR didn't really get savvy to that until the second season.
Dennis said...
Come on - Wendy was a bitch on wheels. Evil incarnated. Hateful and self-loathing. What a sad little woman with no life, willing to pimp out her daughter in order to manipulate people's feelings.
Sick, twisted Wendy.
Yes she may have used her daughter to get futher in the competition but she didn't make Alexandra's bath suit to small, she didn't make the judges realize Rob was still there because he's a smooth talker. We're giving wendy way to much credit. She can only do so much. The crap set down the runway by some of the designers is their own fault, not hers.
Was thrilled to learn that she, Kara Saun, had not sold her soul. Because, you know, she, Kara Saun, coming from Hollywood & working in the film industry....well...we all know that everyone there doesn't sell out anything, especially their soul...
"We're giving wendy way to much credit. She can only do so much. The crap set down the runway by some of the designers is their own fault, not hers."
How true!
Doesn't it say alot more about the designers who supposedly succumbed to Wendy's mind games than Wendy herself? I mean, if these talented people folded under pressure from her, then imagine how long they'd last in the 'real world'.
C'mon everyone.
They would have been eliminated, Wendy or no Wendy.
my favorite part was when nora kept telling daniel franco "no" "no" i thought that was hilarious
also love the picture of kevin
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