A Trip to EMC2

Monday, January 15, 2007 by
Y'know, that reunion episode is lame. We'll get back to it tomorrow. Today, we clean out our memory card.

Lemme tell ya something about Emmett: of all the designers we've met, he's the least like his on-camera persona. Funnier, wittier and bitchier in person, he is a total charmer.

A really, really tall charmer.

At any rate, we took a quick trip down to his gorgeous store the other day.

Mr. Hustle himself was running from meeting to meeting and seemed to have a million plates spinning on a million poles, but he managed to grab a cup of coffee with us and dish for a while.

We told him not to keep his banker waiting and we'd keep ourselves entertained by taking pictures of his clothes. We could probably sit here and write bitchy captions to all the photos, but really, the clothes are gorgeous (and beautifully made), so we'll let them speak for themselves:

Now, we ask you, what gigantic gay fashion designer would be complete without a little bitchy dog? Ladies and Gentlemen, Gizmo McCarthy on his widdle satin pillow.


Vic said...

Proof positive, isn't it dahlings, that while Project Runway is a great little show to watch, it doesn't necessarily pick the best designers to win. Some designers just can't hack the competition itself or work at their best under such insane pressure.

Emmett's clothes are to die for. Next to Laura's, I'd wear these in a sec. It's obvious he adores the female form and I have no doubt I'd look spectacular in some of the outfits you photographed.

Thanks for sharing, dahlings. And yes, that reunion show was lame.

Suzanne said...

When I grow up I want to be T & L...
fabulous trips into the city to meet up with fabulous fashion designers in their fabulous boutiques .....visits with Laura Bennett...
The fabulosity is killing me....

Anonymous said...

His clothes are beautiful. Emmett is a true gentleman and an inspiration to all up and coming young designers.

Anonymous said...

I love his coats! And that dog is so cute!!!

GothamTomato said...

"Proof positive, isn't it dahlings, that while Project Runway is a great little show to watch, it doesn't necessarily pick the best designers to win."

I second that emotion.

There is more to building a successful business than just being a camera whore.

I've been in Emmett's store and the clothes are GORGEOUS! And I was glad you highlighted the jackets because I think they are the best things there - I love a good jacket- and I especially LOVE that gold one. They are a bit over my price range, but I do not begrudge him that. They are worth every penny.

--Gotham Tomato

Gorgeous Things said...

OMG, that tweed dress is TDF! New inspiration. I have my Laura Bennett dress, now it's time to make something inspired by Emmett!

You're right, the reunion ep was lame, but not as lame as the season 2 reunion. I think that's just the nature of reunion shows.

And I just wuv Gizmo!

Did I actually say that?

DolceLorenzo said...

I've been in his store a few times and everything is fabulous, including the jewelry. Emmett is one of the few designers of the show who is actually making clothes.

Gigi said...

Too fabulous for words!

LauraK said...

Emmett is simply the best. Thanks for the virtual visit to EMc2!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful clothes! Thank you for the pictures.

Anonymous said...

I think Emmett is very talented. The thing is that he didn't produce enough drama on camera and just got a nasty editing cut.

Anonymous said...

I love that purple double breasted coat! I'm so happy for Emmett's success, especially after that ice skating disaster he had to wear. But he was gracious even in that.


Anonymous said...

I have one of those jackets. It is extremely well tailored and fits like a glove. His garments are very high quality and worth the investment.
His dog is adorable! Wasn't he on Emmett's bio video?

Anonymous said...

I've got to get myself down to his store. Lovely stuff. I agree with gorgeous things -- I would kill for that tweed dress. Okay, maybe not KILL, but definitely maim a bit. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Young offender, maybe you should buy some of Jay's clothes so you can support an anti-fur designer... oh wait, that's right.

Unknown said...

We LOVE Emmett! Looks like he really did quite well with launching a womens wear line...and how much do we LOVE the fact that he has been so supportive of his fellow PR2 designers? Looks like he is doing very well post PR, and so well-deserved too! Love the little doggie!

JP :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I want that red coat!

Anonymous said...

Wow... what a beautiful store! And such gorgeous clothes! I wish I lived in New York. I'd shop at Emmett's store every day.

Gizmo is a cutie! More Gizmo pictures, please! I'd like a close-up on Emmett's dog. I love seeing designers with their pets.

Miranda said...

Oooooh! I *want* that purple coat from the window. Covet, covet ...

Anonymous said...

young offender: I think that anonymous's point is that you can't buy Jay's clothes anywhere yet. What that has to do with the fur issue...yeah, I have no clue about that, unless anonymous is implying that an anti-fur designer can't make it in the fashion world, which is simply untrue. I know there are successful designers out there who eschew the use of fur: Betsey Johnson, Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood and Todd Oldham among them. Personally I don't wear fur, although I'm sure that some of the clothing I wear is designed by folks who use fur in other garments, but I respect those who don't want to support any designer who works with fur.

Anonymous said...

I always say, the smaller the dog, the gayer the guy. Love the photos!

yawningdog said...

Sorry anonymous,
But size really does not matter with dogs.

A couple of the dogs I babysit for have, as my daughter describes it, two dads. Instead of toy sized dogs, you could mistake their pets for ponies.

Anonymous said...

Tom, have you lost weight? You look fabulous. Did you boys happen to see Emmett on TLC's "What Not to Wear?" Really hilarious.

BigAssBelle said...

oh my goodness! it's an embarrassment of riches! i missed this post previously and i couldn't be happier now knowing emmett's wicked little dog.

the clothes are divine. love that red jacket.

Anonymous said...

-snort- Gizmo steals the whole show!

Anonymous said...

ok, Amazing talent yes
Deserved to win? yes
But inquiring minds want (read need) to know the all important question. Is Emmett single??
I would give my eye teeth to go on a date with him ( actually I gave my eye teeth to the orthodontist to have a great smile but that's another story)
PR boys please let one of Emmett's biggest fans know? Is the boy on the market and if he isn't who is the lucky bitch that got him???
Thanks in advance!!

Unknown said...

When was Emmett on What Not to Wear???? Did Stacy and Clinton have a participant shop in his store? Do tell!

Anonymous said...

Dish. Are Tim Gunn and Emmett a couple? Cause God knows they should be. A gift from the gay gods to one another, just blocks apart, yet no nooky? Please, let's get them together!

Anonymous said...

I so want that tweed dress!!

I must make a pilgrimage to NYC just to go to Emmett's store

Anonymous said...

A request. From the stats I have read I am about the same size & coloring as Emmett. I think he'd agree, the latest trends in men's fashion aren't usually made for our frames but he always looks so well pulled together. Any way to get some tips from him on which menswear designers I should be looking at?