We love when Tim visits the designers every year. It's a great way to learn more about who each designer is and gain a better understanding of their aesthetic.
Plus it's just fun to see Tim totally out of his element.
If we drew bunny ears and whiskers on him, he couldn't be any cuter.
Now you want to draw bunny ears and whiskers on him, don't you?
Waitaminnit...Michael has a neck tattoo? How did we miss this? What is it with the necks this season? Between Robert's bullfrog neck, Keith's praying mantis one, Jeffrey's twice-as-big-as-it's-supposed-to-be one and now this. PR Season 3 was all about the necks this year.
Michael's house is cute and it was sweet how excited he was to see Tim and show him his stuff. He was like a kid with his little league coach.
PAM! We love Pam. One look at her and you see exactly where Michael got all of it - the looks, the personality, the drive. Everyone wants a mom like Pam.
And actually, Michael's dad was pretty awesome in his own right. We loved how he said that he didn't care if Michael sewed or worked as a beautician(!). The world needs more dads like Michael's.
And Damn, if he wasn't rocking that afro 25 years ago. We have a sudden urge to get out our old Commodores CDs.
Motown Philly back again!
THE most frequently asked question we get in email is "Is Michael gay?" Girl, we want to respect you, but this pic ain't exactly helping your denials.
THIS pic, on the other hand ...HOT. CRAZY HOT. DAYUM!
It's official.
Tim Gunn is The Whitest Man in America.
Michael has an amazing family! Wow. Don't we all wish our own was just as "functional." Love how his parents obviously support Michael and his dream. And I love how Michael acknowledges how lucky he really is to have that kind of support at home.
The old photos were great! Michael is a cutie but man, who knew he could be so sexy, sultry and sophisticated? Dayum is right!
Michael, if you see this: you're a winner. Good luck!
It looks like there is a sibling but there was no mention made of him/her.???
Yes, love Michael. Now we all see where/how this exceptional man was formed.
(too lazy to log in.)
I love how in the podcast Tim goes SO into detail about their homes....how he said Michael's home is absolutely spotless (gay trait #637)
Love, love, love the comments--I cannot WAIT to see how you guys handle Laura's house--I haven't laughed so much in ages!
Pam is the second cutest mom in America (mine's first). The best mom on TV.
Can anyone confirm: is the hot photo of Michael one of his modeling shots? He had told Kayne he did modeling before on the jetsetter challenge.
Bald-brother-in-visor seems cute as well...You go, Pam! There's certainly good genes in the Knight family...
...Tim for President! He could go to a Latino-American bar mitzvah at a Buddhist temple with ease, grace, and respect for everyone...
I want Tim at my house on Christmas morning, sitting on the sofa in his jammies, drinking egg nog with my Nana...
What a nice, sweet, and funny (always with the PR boys) post with my morning coffee. Perfect!
Isn't his familiy adorable?
I fell in love with them watching the episode. I was ready to join them for dinner.
I adore you guys, btw - anytime I need a pick-me-up a come to this site!
Faithful Reader
Tim Gunn is also the most polite man in America! We need a Tim Gunn School of Charm in this country!
Visiting the designers at home is my favorite part of the season. Michael is even more adorable at home, surrounded by his amazing, nurturing family. Not too many dads would be supportive of their son sewing and designing clothes so that made me a little misty-eyed. Good luck to you, Michael (I'm so glad you ripped off those sequined pockets)!
motown philly back again! love to read what you are thinking, i come here at least once a day, the show is just all right this year, the recaps are fierce!
The Knight family IS adorable. I want them to adopt me.
I also love watching Tim go to the designer's houses and workspaces.
Too bad I don't care who wins any more! This season is WAY past over for me.
There has been too much manufactured drama, and not enough design.
this is so cute! Bunny ears! I wish I only visited this site once a day (more like 50)
YEAH PRGboys!! You posted that blue-jacket-photo! He is so HOT in that picture. And yeah, who is the tall, bald guy in the family shot? He's pretty hot, too, from what I can see. *TTSSSSSS*
Michael's parents should write a book titled:
'How to Raise a Talented, Gracious & Kind Man'.
--Gotham Tomato
"Tim Gunn is the whitest man in America"...
Oh, I'll be grinning all day over that. Thanks for the giggle.
It was GREAT to see Tim out of his element. I just LOVED it. I especially liked how excited Tim was to see Michael's house. He was very cute.
Michael's family is what people dream of. Love, acceptance and encouragement. Wow, he's got it all already.
Lastly? Who gives a shit if he's gay or straight? Why is that always THE question? There's so much to Michael. How would sleeping with a man or a woman change him? Enough!!! He's adorable!!!
I cannot believe that your laser gaze sand frame-by-frame capabilities missed Michael's neck tattoo. My favorite of the visits was the visit with Uli. You could see Tim Gunn's skin blistering under the Miami sun.
What a contrast in parenting skills! Michael's Dad was, and is, very supportive & loving. It sounds like Jeffrey's Dad didn't know the meaning of the words. What a shame! No matter the outcome of PR3, Michael is a winner and his parents should be very proud, both of him and of their own efforts raising this man.
And how cute was Michael showing off his new braces? Ya gotta love him.
Suzanne, not only was the house spotless, but according to Tim's podcast the man he shares the house with is a "lovely guy," or words to that effect.
Maybe more of a tell than the clean house. Who wouldn't scrub their house down to white glove standards if Tim Gunn were coming over?
And who is the hottie in the gray tank top? His brother? Maybe that his gay lover!
Micheal looks too cute in braces!
His assymetrical flat top is part Grace Jones (Slave to the Rythm era) and part Will Smith (The Fresh Prince of Bel Air era).
Lovely, deserving sentiments toward Michael and his family. Michael has already won much more than the PR finals. Tim's visit with his family went by too fast! Maybe there's unseen footage of Tim and Michael hitting the clubs around Atlanta!
I think the tall bald man, is his cousin, I rewatched last night and Michael said that he was taking Tim to his cousins house and his family would be there.
Latest gossip has Michael and Brandy spending a lot of time together with her flying to Atlanta and he flying to NY to see each other. But hey they could just be friends.
Either way I just want to smoosh the heck out of him.
Tim is so eager to learn more about the designers, and I think it's adorable. Go on withcho' bad self, Tim.
And...am I going to have to be the first one who says Michael's brother-in-law has nice little booty? Look at that picture when they're all praying. Yum. Makes me miss black men...
Oh my god! How have I missed this blog all season? I just found it today. I feel like a loser. :(
I love it! Of course, now I will spend all day at work reading the archives.
I can't wait to read what you say about Tim Gunn's little stark white feet. He's feet were so white, when he was sitting at the beach with Uli, it looked like he was kicking around flour.
I love Tim Gunn. I love Michael Knight (Brace Face! Hahahahaha!) I love Michael's parents. I love the PRGayBoys. Lovelovelove!
I see Michael in footie pajamas with a big fluffy bunny under his arm. I just wish I were proficient with Photoshop!
Another great post, GayBoys!
Michael is such a little punum!(my grandmother yiddish is rusty feel free to correct spelling) I could pinch his cheeks! I know you guys will get to Jeffrey, but everybody ragging on his digs should understand that he lives like an artist and in LA no less, I gotta give him props for that.
Somebody already said it, but I'll say it again. I am waiting for the screen capture of Tim Gunn's white, white feet on the beach with Uli. That just SLAYED me.
It was great seeing Tim in Hotlanta, even though his visit was brief. From what I could tell, it looked like Michael lives near Brookhaven, in any event, his house was totally cute. His family was very sweet -- Tim looked so cute at the prayer circle -- you know inside he was thinking "this is not what we do in New York." Now I gotta say, I met Michael a few weeks after the show started airing (but before he had won his first challenge) and totally didn't pick up the gay vibe AT ALL (and 75% of my friends are gay men in Atlanta,I can smell family a mile away). Granted, I did run into him at Nordstrom, but I just didn't get the vibe in-person. Regardless, he is cute as can be (thank God he got braces, I can stare at his teeth on TV without cringing), and although I think his collection was a mis-step for Bryant Park, he'll make BANK off the hip-hop community here alone.
Can La Belle Gunn truly be out of his element? He's gracious, hip, intelligent, kind, handsome-- the list continues. Those qualities are welcome everywhere.
Whitest Man in America? Suddenly that moniker isn't so bad.
Maybe Wisest?
love the cute little house. love the family. Michael's kind, warm and unfailingly generous treatment of others seems thoroughly believable to me now. (Not that I ever doubted it, really, but it was always possible that he was getting an angelic edit or simply knew how to conduct himself in front of a camera.)
On a completely different note... we all know you boys are in touch with Laura. She's said in the past that she thinks the editing has been fair. What I want to know is, does she still think that now? I got the feeling this past Wednesday that we the audience were being pretty seriously played. She can probably say something about the editing of this past episode without breaching contract by spoiling the next one.
Ok I need to add my comment, first of all I LOVE LOVE the blog, you guys do a great job!!!
Now some have wrote about Michael's sexuality, he is talented, so should it matter if he is gay or not, and his parents are obviously supportive in everything he does, and Michael says he is not gay, so since he has all this support from his family isn't only logical that if he was gay he would not have to lie about it....????(Plus the Treach pose from Naughty by Nature was too sexy, Damn!!!)
It's just plain weird to see Tim Gunn on a beach, isn't it? I wonder if he silently freaked out when Uli took him to the beach? I wonder if he ever takes that suit off...I wonder if his skin is translucent...I wonder if he has skin? Maybe he's a robot...
Regardless, he's fabulous. GO GUNN! ;-)
Brandy?! Reality shows synergy and p.r. at work. She's workin her side of the fence, he his, and thats that. My michael is not going to be working c-list. he will be in demand by a good list of clients ahead.
Michael is so talented and HAWT!
Love the posts, guys.
"Jeffrey on the other hand.... that was another story. Didn't his place look kind of trashy? I can't imagine Tim taking part in the small, informal buffet he laid out."
I am no Peanut fan but this is just mean and untrue.
I can *not* stop staring at that guy's butt in the gray sweatpants. That butt could just NOT be improved on.
(What? There was other stuff in the post?)
"It's just plain weird to see Tim Gunn on a beach, isn't it? "
Actually, I think it's just plain weird to see him with his jacket off.
I think a challenge for next season should be: the designers all have to create a new look for Tim. THAT would be funny.
--Gotham Tomato
Love the clever posting heading. Does anyone else get it?!
OMG! The Motownphilly pic is hysterical.. But I have to admit, I was thinking more "Kid N' Play" with that hairdo. =D
You guys are the SHIT! What are we gonna do without you two once the season is over? *sniffle*
"Anonymous said...
Love the clever posting heading. Does anyone else get it?!"
Tell us. Now I'm curious.
The PR gay boys always have great headings. My favorite is "Uli, Madly, Deeply".
OK, I'm so glad you mentioned the nexk tattoo, because I remember thinking as I watched, "Is that a...? NO! Couldn't be." But yeah, I think it is. I'm from Atlanta, too, and I know this sounds weird (since Atlanta is such a gay city), but there are plenty of men from religious backgrounds in the South who just wouldn't even think about being gay, just because their religion is so strong. That said, I have no idea about Michael. I try and just take people at their word about these things. If they don't mention it, then they will when they're up for it. But if my gaydar gets tripped even a little, I'm not going to assume he's straight. So I'm up in the air on the thing.
His family is SWEET! I love them. :D
I'm glad I'm not the only one with their DNA standing at attention over that shaved head white jumpsuit outfit....
Love Michael and love his parents. All are winners!
I loved Jeffrey's house best of all because it looked comfortable, lived in with lots of favorite things around. Remember, a toddler lives there and it needs to be toddler safe plus a fun place to play.
I know this is gay land, and I love the PR boys for it, but can we focus on the other parts of the post?
I think Michael said what he had to say about that to Andy. He says he isn't gay, so, at least to me, that is enough.
Love you all too. Kisses.
I about fell off my chair when I read the caption "Motown Philly Back Again!" ..how did you guys pull that one out, it's amazing how you captured the look,essence,feeling of that photo with Michael exactly right(a little Boys to Men) ..hahahahaHA!! As a former New Jersey girl who lived 5 minutes from Philadelphia, I can tell ya ...you guys called it out...oh I love that "just call it as you see it!" How cool was that AFRO...and Michael was totally Brick House..in that shaved head & white robe looking photo, looks like a modeling shot, He's a Hottie!!!!!!I want him.
Michael was totally checking out the models during that walking-audition, I think he is totally straight. Sorry guys.
Yes But Jeffrey's house in LA no matter where it is probably sells for $1 Million US Dollars. It looked like a pretty nice neighborhood, sweeping hills, it could be Hollywood Hills, Santa Monica Hills or the Valley, even if it's in the hood....if he owns it, it's worth about $1million. Hence the LA Overpriced Real Estate market. A shack in LA is $1 Million dollars, but Jeffs house looked rather nice Spanish style early 1920's to 1940's exterior and very artsy. It was sweet.
When Michael's Army Sergeant Dad was talking about his career choices, and the camera zoomed in on Tim's "He's lucky to have such supportive parents", that REALLY said a lot to me. My DH and I just looked at each other.
The nice part is that they truly ARE a close family. Bravo for all the fellas on this episode. There were fathers in all the right places.
(And where does Laura live that the elevator opens in her house?? A renovated factory?)
I love Michael and you guys are too funny....I believe Michael when he told Andy he wasn't gay...straight men can clean house too, that's just a stereotype,my mom is a clutterbug and my dad is always trying to clean the house up when he is off(and he is definately not gay)...and it does matter, cause if he is gay that shatters the dreams of his fangirls..lol...
PS, Seth, that was a rude thing to say about Jeffrey's place, I didn't think it was trashy, not everyone is rich and glamorous like Laura or Uli, and just because a dinner is informal doesn't mean it is bad....
Oh and that modeling pic of Michale is HOT!! You guys are right! Dayum!
"(And where does Laura live that the elevator opens in her house?? A renovated factory?)"
It's called a loft. They've been popular for about thirty years now. If you have the whole floor there is no need for unusable hall space. Only the tenant can unlock the elevator for that floor.
Love, love, love Tim but it gives me even MORE of an "awwwwww...." feeling to see Tim holding hands in a prayer circle, tensed up behind the wheel of a car, backing away from turtle poop ("I draw the line"), showing the whiiiiiitest feet in America on the beach with Uli....Tim is totally loveable and never more so than when he is out of his element.
This is so totally weird: I want to be Tim's dad. :)
Ok, am I crazy, or do the coffee cups in TALP's house say "Slut" on them?
Yes, for some reason, THAT's what I noticed. And alas, I have no Tivo, so rewinding is not an option.
Hot Atlanta Knights seems like a play on Hot Desert Knights, a well-known disributor of homosexual pornography for "the gays."
Oh, SNAP! That Motown Philly photo! I thought it was a baseball cap with the bill pointing up. Only now just realized that it's actaully Michael's hair!! Oh those eighties fashions. What were we all thinking?
I only say I hope I run into Michael when I move to ATL in a couple months. Damn I love him.
PRGay's wrote:
"PR Season 3 was all about the necks this year."
A slightly alternative reading of that statement could involve "necks" as it is often used, being short for "rednecks"...
I can imagine Prof. Gunn walking into the Parsons work room to be greeted by the predictable scene of flannel shirts, baseball caps and denim. Beer gut and tobacco chewin' optional.
Prof. Gunn: Designers, for this challenge you will work in teams of three. Each team will design and execute a couture drag queen outfit for each of the fabulous Queer Eye Guys! You have a budget of $500 and two days to make it work!
*camera pans to contestant's reactions*
Jethro: huuunngghh?
Roscoe: queers? queens?
Billy Joe: *spits out some chew*
Ugh. No offense intended toward my fellow pasty white peoples, but please don't ever let PR ever ever "be about the 'necks"!
Hey Anon-
Thanks for the clarification on the loft-they don't have them where I live. The last one I really noticed was on "Fatal Attraction".
Dangit, now I have "Mowtown Philly" in my head.
I think I have it somewhere on my iPod. Must get rid of this earworm now!
That being said, Michael is a cutie-patootie.
THANK YOU BITCHES!!! A very funny and heart warmingly gay way to start my day. Unlike the Blog Nazis over at BPR, your words actually get me warm and fuzzy and rollin' on the floor.
This is the first blog I ever wrote in, and it was about 10 days ago...in that time, I've laughed, I've cried, and I shook my head quite a few times...it's fukcing TV for crying out loud...brilliantly edited for high impact...with brilliant creative minds at work.
The Fab-Glam Boys increase the entertainment value of being a fan...nasty mean-spirited blogging haters don't.
OK, so Knight is hot...too fucking hot if you ask me...with that 80s prep boy look updated with urban chic...roommate huh? But all I could say is "the waaaallllllls, the waaaaaallllls." Gadzooks Batman! And his dad almost made me cry...almost, this bitch don't cry easy, unless it involves a harness and sling. Michael’s place was like his teeth and his design aesthetic, evolving into brilliance.
But Laura's "Half a block" city loft was too die for, except the turtle shit...get her another maid Einstein! Sooo New York. The fashion world needs Laura’s elegant voice to be heard, she is just a bad mommy-fucker.
Uli, and I do love how Tim pronounces Ooooli, had incredible views and soooo Miami. Hope she wins just so she can get an Ocean view in the future...Meeeeow. Seriously, can you not love her too...with that back-story and how you see her designs as the antithesis of her upbringing. The fashion world needs Uli’s freedom in design; she is a freedom fighter of fashion!
Jeff’s quaint little hillside cottage paled to his sweatshop operation can’t ya just see all the little illegals running around there when the cameras aren’t rolling? It was reminiscent of that scene from the Wiz with Evilene. In this episode, it was not the Jeffery I have come to smirk at…it was a kinder and hurt-er (new word) little peanut…I almost felt a sympathy for him, almost, this bitch don't give sympathy, unless it involves a gapping wound from a harness and sling accident. But those zippers used as piping…does this piece double for food storage? The fashion world has heard of peanut from Cosa Nostra, give somebody else the money.
Here’s what those loveable, sexy, liberal “save the world” producers (aka, Andy, I love you) are going to do…after seeing the Bennett’s Urban version of Tara…and knowing Michael’s too young (aka, Daniel V. I love you, fellow FIT Alum)…and Peanut’s already got a gig…there gonna give it to another adorable immigrant (aka, Chloe, I love you and Dynasty Revival in S2, & fellow FIT Alum). Or they’re gonna give it to Laura, who they know can succeed in a way that truly has not been by Jay or Chloe. Or they’re gonna give it to peanut, just to show they’re cutting edge and he can run a sweetshop too…although I think Laura’s employee uniforms would be more chic.
Who knows, I’m discombobulated at the moment.
I copied the picture and added bunny ears, whiskers, and a nose.
Michael's family gives me the warm and fuzzies. :)
First off, it really should make no difference what Michael's sexual prefereance is -- he is awesome no matter what.
However, the people who keep citing Andy's blog need to go back and review it. Michael didn't deny it -- he refused to answer the question.
Also, Tim says in his Podcast he was really touched by the support Michael had from his family. He also mentioned he had a roommate. I wonder if Tim was especially touched because he realized how incredible it would be for an Army Dad to love and support his son no matter his sexual orientation was?
And I thought I was the ONLY ONE who noticed Michael's neck tattoo!
Now if only Bravo could give us more fashion and less smashin'.
that's HOT-LANTA to you, brotha.
Alex, you just discovered PRG? You're in for a treat. There's only ONE THING WRONG with this blog: you can only discover it for the first time once!
How did we not notice the tattoo until the home visit unless he got it before the home visit! He is truly fabulous and I loved his family. That old pic of him is so very kid n play. LOL
i'm glad the neck tattoo was mentioned, but what exactly does it say? it seems kinda blurry, like it's been covered with make up or even in the process of being lasered off.
michael is adorable but tim gunn has my heart! he makes me swoon!!
I LOVED this visit. It was great to see how supportive his parents are. It's what made him into the super kind, gentle, and talented man he is.
And the Fro ROCKED.
Love the screen captures! Bald, athletic Michael is gorgeous....I can't wait to hear what you thought about Laura. (And her husband) =)
"Tim Gunn is the whitest man in America."
Bwaa haa haa haa ha ha!
Sexy, too.
And wasn't that just so funny that the diners at Michael's mon's house sat at two different tables? Welcome to Any Family USA!
DAYAM! can I just say that your site is hella funny? You got a lot of us here in my office crackin' the hell up. there is no sturm und drang here at all.
jennifer, he had the neck tattoo during the taping. it was visible from time to time.
I LOVE YOU GUYS! I wish I could have watched every episode with you. As soon as this past episode finished (I had to TiVo and watch it last night) the first thing out of my mouth was OMG I wonder what Project Rungay have to say about this one!!! You don't disappoint! So what happend AFTER it's all over???
Tim's visit to Michael and Laura were the most entertaining part of that episode.
Michael's family seemed adorable. I chuckled when Mike made comments about his collection "Ooh it's nasty..." Unfortunatelly, I think he was right. I wasn't impressed with what I saw.
But what America doesn't realise it that JEFFREY'S little Bungalow type House in LA is probably worth more or just as much as Laura's floor loft in NY CITY. Jeffrey can get a $1million, $1.5 Million- ...easy for the house in LA. His house was actually kind of in a nice area too from what I could see. People just have no idea about the Prices in California and especially anywhere in the LA or San Francisco Area. Just go check out any LA Real Estate on-line.
Okay if All designers are equally talented, what do the judges do...give it to the one who needs the $Money the most. Jeffrey or Michael or Uli win.
"Motown Philly Back Again"
what black male over the age of 25 doesn't have a pic like that from back in the day? ahh, how i miss the days of new jack swing :)
thanks for making my day, as usual :D
Gigi said...
"Tim Gunn is also the most polite man in America! We need a Tim Gunn School of Charm in this country!"
Wouldn't that be wonderful? Imagine how much more pleasant everything would be! I thought Michael was incredibly gracious, and his family was delightful. Bunny ears and whiskers... Hahahahahahaha! He's so cute...
You guys just do it to me. The Commodores - totally describes the dad pic. How do you always hit the target? I am so in love with you I friggin' can't stand it.
Michael and Tim, like a a chocolate and vanilla twist cone. I'm all over both of them. Let them melt in my mouth.
How adorable! Michael is my favorite.
His mother is so sweet. It's nice to see that he has a loving family that cares so much about him.
Michael is my absolute favorite. Besides being a fine ass brotha his attitude is so hip hop. I love him!
Tim, sans jacket, with shirt sleeves rolled up.
That's a sight I could get used to....
Yes, I absolutely agree, Tim Gunn IS the whitest man in America. He may be the whitest man in the world.
I love you guys, I just thought you aught to know.
I would have given up all my wordly possessions to see Jeffrey try to design for Michael's mom, Pam. She would have tolerated his BS up to a point and then laid him out flat, which he needs desperately.
Flo Anthony reported yesterday that Michael is kickin' it with Brandy. I guess that answers your question.
its true, i had to draw bunny ears and whiskers on that picture of michael
ummm...guys? Commodores "CD's"?? back it up a notch and try LP or 8 Tracks.
Umm... you realize that the Commodores were released on CD a good fifteen years go, right?
Motown Philly or Bald, Michael is smokin'!
Picture of Tim Gunn holding hands in a prayer circle: priceless!
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