Congratulations to Tim Gunn for being chosen as Instinct Magazine's Leading Man of the Year 2006. Rock on, Silver Fox.
Managing Editor Robbie Daw had this to say:
"We were very fortunate and honored to have Tim take part in our Leading Men Of 2006 issue. I got to do the interview, and he truly is one of the nicest, classiest and most professional gentlemen I've ever spoken with."
WHOO! FIRST!!! (hopefully...)
Anywho, rock on, Timbo. We love him!! ;)
Oh yeah, and isn't that the most "i'm-a-coy-boy-and-know-you're-in-lust-with-me-and-want-to-come-over-here-and-kiss-me" smirk you've ever seen?!
he is by far at the top of people i wish i could invite to my home for a dinner party list... i am on this site, by the way, at least twice a day just so i won't miss the next post! it's like crack! only it doesn't make you feel and smell bad, and it doesn't hurt children and i can afford it... thanks again prgayboys for brightening so many people's days! WHAT IS NEXT FOR YOU TWO? and did you notice how some biatches stole your format and your tagline and everything to blog top chef? look it up, i mean it - instead of 'they sew - we rip' they're like, 'they cook, we roast' - i was really hoping you guys would do it, and i don't think i want to tune into their cheapass copycat blog just because they aren't being original... WHAT WILL YOU BOYS BE DOING NEXT? and, i'm so excited because nick v. is coming to seattle and i'm going to meet him! yay!
I think I'll frame that and hang it in my sewing room!
Yeah, yeah, Tim is hot and all but I want to hang out with you guys! Your my vote for leading men.
Let's hope one of his future magazine appearances is People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People. He's gorgeous inside and out.
You know, I didn't think the bobblehead looked at all like him til I saw this picture. They must have modeled it after this.
--Gotham Tomato
I LOVE Tim Gunn. What a hottie.
Best wishes, Silver Fox!
I never get tired of reading about him or looking at his pictures.
I can't wait to buy the magazine.
Thanks for the info, guys.
Wow! He looks 10 years younger on that fab cover but it looks natural not airbrushed! Good for him!
I'm very happy for him. He deserves all the attention and recognition he's been getting with the show.
Tim will look good on my coffee table.
The man is steeped in class. If only there were more like him around, it would raise the bar for the type of men I'd want my daughter to date. He should start a finishing school for men. It would be a massive success, because if you can't marry Tim Gunn, you want to be just like him.
Goddamnit he's beautiful...
Go on with your bad self, Timm!!! :D
I don't know him personally but I will never forget the way he conducted himself at the last event at Emmett's store.
He was so kind and polite to me.
Looked right into my eyes and listened to what I had to say.
I think he is a wonderful man!
GO TIM! YOU ROCK! It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, really.
YOWZAH!!! It';s about time! He's awesome!!! I admired him immensely from the day I met him at Parsons.
No surprise here. He's the bomb.
I could just repeat myself and say how much I love Tim and how amazing human being he is..and..yada..yada..yada...
Butthe only thing I think about looking at this cover, is how much I wanna lick it!
Damn! That's one hot man!
Oh, and I don't give the shits about him being gay... I'm a straigh (married at that) woman with MAJOR gay (male) fantasies...
"Oh, and I don't give the shits about him being gay... I'm a straigh (married at that) woman with MAJOR gay (male) fantasies..."
I hear ya. We married straight women are all fags at heart.
He looks so debonair...
Man of the Year? Psh. He is the Man of All Time and the Universe.
Oh Tim, you make kind and forthright look sooooo cool. I wish you could ring my doorbell once a month or so.
Does anyone else think Tim should have his own show?.....who cares what its about.....just an hour of Tim. All Tim TV! Love it!!
Tim Gunn, you are a gem!
Tim is my hero. I love that way he disects every design in every episode. I learn so much from him.
PR wouldn't be the same without him.
I want to be in a room with Tim Gunn and Sarah Jessica Parker. Two fabulous people representing my two most favorite shows. Can you imagine what the PR gay boys would blog about Sex and the City?
I love you Tim Gunn!
"We'll hold hands and skip through the Cloisters, shouting out "Shatangi!" to passersby and collapsing into each other with laughter."
Best PR Gay Boys line EVER!!!!!
Tim Gunn is the wisest and most fabulous mentor in all reality-TV land. I love him.
Tim Gunn was the first, and maybe only, person on a reality show who is there to help people.
He is also one of the only sane people in reality TV.
He is someone who is excellent at his job.
Congratulations, Tim!
"i hear ya. we married straight women are all fags at heart."
i loathe the word fag when used to describe a gay man.
tim is the epitome of grace and style.
Erudite, kind, has a sparkle in his eye, handsomely put together, and always a gentleman. Qualities all too rare in younger generations and pop culture in general.
He can be my boyfriend, friend, "girl friend" or "daddy" (especially the latter) anytime he wants.
We love you, Tim Gunn. Congratulations! You ARE the leading man.
I think it's important for people in general to understand that the gay world is represented by all kinds of people, and not just stereotypes.
Tim Gun is definitely a role model.
Where can I get a copy?
Hi Gorgeous,
How are you, darling?
The magazine is available at Barnes & Noble and Borders bookstores across the country, as well as most newsstands.
We can't wait to get our copy!
We forgot to mention:
The issue comes out the week of October 23.
I just went to their site and they have the "Mom of the Month." How cute is that?
Hey! Their Bachelor of the Month is from my city! Cool! Love our coverboy Tim....gorgeous as always. Sigh...
What happened to the TIM GUNN, YOU ARE MY HERO AND GOD, piece? Did you guys take it out?
Wah! Bring it back!
Don't you find the size of Bennett's TV set to be surprisingly small, not to mention outdate?. I would have expected a state-of-the-art LCD or plasma flat screen TV. I can't imagine having a viewing party for all the finalists with such an archaic and small TV.
Anonymous said...
What happened to the TIM GUNN, YOU ARE MY HERO AND GOD, piece? Did you guys take it out?
Wah! Bring it back!"
It's still here, darling:
His skin is flawless. I HATE you, Tim. Just kidding, honey. I think you rock!!
Ahhh to be a gay man the only time in my very hetero female life I think I would wish this. Tim Gunn is HOT. sigh , a reader from sunnyvale , california
Hey Diane in Seattle,
We at Blogging Top Chef loves us some Rungay too. In fact, we contacted them before our blog went up. Yes, we did copy their tagline and told them so. Its meant as a compliment, I assure you. No way could we ever be as Fabulous as these bitches.
Chef Biatch
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