We've been meaning to do this for a while and since we've pretty much talked the latest episode to death, now seems like a good time. THANK YOU ALL once again for your support, your comments, your emails and your kind words. At the risk of repeating ourselves, we are absolutely blown away by the response this little cry for attention has received. And the best part? The cherry on top of this big gay sundae? You guys are the best, the smartest, the funniest, the bitchiest, the MOST FABULOUS crew of supporters any blog could ask for. We feel like you're all on the couch with us on Wednesday nights. We love you all! MWAH!
And since we couldn't fit this in anywhere else this week:

Ms. Klum, that is entirely too much tootie.
You Boys rule! Long may you reign!!
In one short week you've become an essential part of my PR viewing experience (second only to sitting with my beautiful partner Ed each Wed. night and dishing/loving the show as it happens). MWAH right back.
LOVING your blog guys, have to download PR (naughty I know but hey, whats a boy to do) as its not shown on UK tv, except some obscure satellite channel currently re-running season1.
anyway, when PR is off air and u need something new to blog you have to hope that 'how do you solve a problem like maria' (BBC show to find new lead for the sound of music) is being shown on some cable channel over there or has been adapted by a US network. Deliciously camp and reading you guys' take on it every day would be the icing on the cake. I get the feeling you'd love it :)
keep up the good work
love russ
Oh no, THANK YOU! You guys brighten my days. This is my very favorite PR blog.
Yay! We love you, too! MWAH!
(Since this doesn't fit anywhere else, I'd love to see a still of Pumpkinhead Kors' reaction to Stacey's somewhat seee-through dress from the first challenge. I LOVE how he turns and waves "it" away and says "I just don't care for that". In my head, I translated that to "Oh...vagina! I've never cared for that. Put it away!"
And right back at ya, guys! I have to check your site several times a day now to see if you have something new up, so you are a big presence in my life! It is the most fun, deliciously catty, and wonderfully bitchy site anywhere. Keep it up! Oh, wait, is that politically incorrect?
Yaknow, she models frilly undies for a living...you'd think a slip would be doable. I wonder if Michael Kors could see what she had for lunch.
I add my "luv youse" to the rest of your raves. A day without the PRGayBoys would be like a day without valium...er, sunshine!
You two are the best! I love reading this blog every chance I get. All of the stuff you say is absolutely hysterical! and I love it!
Oh, and agreed on Heidi's cooch. What's up with her and fashion this season? Did she sleep with Santino and have a baboon's ass explode on her butt?
Let's keep all that tootie under wraps, shall we?
Oh, I do love this place. And thank you SO much for mentioning our backlit Heidi. I couldn't belive TWoP didn't bring it up. yikes. I just imagined Mama Kors giving Michael an elbow, "See? Whores."
Heidi and the judges riped the designers a new one because of the amount of leg shown in the back slit of the black skirt a few weeks back. It was far more tasteful than Heidi's outfit. In a room full of designers nobody can say "Hey, here's a thought. How about a slip?" If you look at the video again, you can see the cooch shot when she was backlit by the white sign before she even came around the screen.
No, no. Thank YOU. This is my most favorite PR site, and I check back here obsessively. I don't know how I'd make it from episode to episode without you guys. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeze find something else to blog about once the season is over.
Deana - Word, except I can't believe Rich at fourfour didn't bring it up. Love love love the site - carry on!
-MWAH- right back atcha, Babies. You are my favorite website, let alone blog, of all time. Love you boys, you are the Bitchy Best-est. You make PRun way more fun than it already is.
I completely agree with the rest of your loyal fans. You guys are a scream!
(When do we get pix of you on the runway?)
I'd love to be on the couch with both of you. ;)
Telling you all my problems and you wiping my brow saying "poor poor Dear" over and over again. :)
Muah back atcha fabulosos!
No, no, no, THANK YOU! I've been obsessed with this blog since I got the link a couple of days ago! Its FABULOUS!!!
"Ms. Klum, that is entirely too much tootie." I'm waiting for her to come down the runway in anything BUT a gunny sack! LOL.
We like you! We really, really like you!
Oh my GOD, I didn't even notice how sheer that skirt was! Heidi, I'm ashamed!
That said, from one Philly girl to a couple of my now-favorite Philly boys, thank YOU for writing this blog and making me miss all my gay friends who I never see anymore. Keep it up! :)
I love you bitches!
Other than BPR, you are the only PR site I check daily for updates!
Thank you! I check your site for posts every day - partially because I'm so obsessed with PR, but mostly because you all are absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the great work, and please, keep it up!!
Oh Tootie... now that's funny! Keep it up boys. I'm lovin this site!
I hate to be contrarian, but I loved the sexy lil see-thru number on Heidi... I might be in the vast minority here, but I would wear that in a heart beat if I had her legs!
(Finally, my true hussy comes out!)
Tooties aside... Am almost getting teary eyed at the prospect of another season ending. Its going too fast! I've only just discovered your blog...and I LOVE IT!
I came across this site accidentally maybe 2 weeks ago & I feel in love! I think the thing I love most about your site is that you don't have to be gay or straight to love it. You guys are way too FUNNY (in every meaning of the word) wink,wink!
Love you guys and love the blog.
Your brother in snark
No, thank YOU! I really mean it boys, as an aging (ala Laura) mom, I would like to thank you for introducing me to the world of incontinence. Every time I read your freakin blog, boys...
TMI, I know, just like Heidi's Vergnügen box
Thank God someone else noticed! I thought I was the only perv out here. Now I know I'm not alone... (sniff)
Didi you guys also notice the crowd of color behind the screen near the end of the runway when they call everyone out again? Looks like a conference or something going on back there. What IS that?
Thanks for the tootie comment!! I started yelling at the TV when she came out...c'mon who the heck dresses her these days???
well thank heavens, you've addressed the tootie problem. i've been pondering this since she came out in full display last week: heidi and her heinie. too much information for me.
"Oh...vagina! I've never cared for that. Put it away!" ~ that is hysterical.
and as for you boys, what are you going to do once this is done? you must carry on somewhere else. what what what? don't just abandon us, your loyal and adoring fans. we'll be crushed.
double MWAH to you, the ultra fabulous ones. you're absolutely grand.
I've turned a few friends onto Rungay. There's just nothing better than two gay men dishing like old ladies on the beach.
Luv you luv you lots!
You boys give me a little giggle every day. Thanks for the great, bitchy work that you do! You are the first place I check on Thursday morning when I get into work. You make me forget my bitterness at having to work for a living for at least a few minutes. I have been pimping you to all of my P-Run addict friends, too!
I loooove your commentaries. I too read every day...but i do have one small request...can you put up like some printable calling cards with the webaddress on them? I am always scrambling for something to write with for writing down your website for all PR fans I meet around town and at work :)
Jenn in Vegas
i swear to god, im more addicted to your blog than the actual show...
what the hell are we gonna do when the season is over?!?
Bless you both for the TOOTIE comment! LOL!
That was easily one of my fave quotes from last season. My finace will bust it out at the most random times and just crack me uo with it!
You guys are the shit. Thanks for doing what you do. I laugh every time I come here. =D
No, thank-you! You boys are darling!
You guys are the best.
I have to keep myself from entering your blog every wednsday night, because we only get the episodes on Thursdays here.
I LOVE your blog. You're fantastic.
Oh no, thank YOU!!! MWAH and MWAH on each cheek dahling! As Kaynebow says, you are the sunshine that brightens up our mornings.
Someday I hope to grow up to be as fabulously glamorous and bitchy as you two (and Laura). Much love from your new BFFs at the bealeblog. Thanks for the add.
I'm ashamed to say that I didn't notice the tootie situation on la Klum.
Mwah to both of you. You complete me. You had me at, "Remember not to breathe mommy's air."
Honestly, you guys are the most fun I've had on the internet since I discovered online erotica. To find a blog that not only cracks me up but includes astute and prescient commentary on the fashion and creative process, and then does both at the same time? Fabulous!
You guys can have Tim to love, cherish, and bitch with, as long as I can have his babies inside me.
No, thank YOU.
And, hootie aside, what was up with that off-the-shoulder top? I thought those went out with Jennifer Beals' career.
I love Project Rungay! "You're my sunshine in the morning. You make me laugh."
Is it jsut me, or does that picture look like Heidi's wearing a diaper underneath her dress?
You guys rock! I feel like I'm on the couch with you on Wednesdays, too. Which is making for a crowded couch, what with my roommates and my random friends that come by to watch, as well.
But that's okay, just don't eat all the popcorn, and keep the commentary flowing.
Speaking of too much from Miss Heidi, did you see the Yahoo TV preview? She almost falls out of her top.
You will be getting much more love soon as I have sent this blog to every single one of my PR fan friends/associates. By far the best up there.
Thank YOU! you guys are as much a part of PRun for me as the show itself! You guys make me feel Fierce and Fabulous instead of frumpy and forty, which is closer to the truth.
no, thank YOU. I love you. I mean it. I want to date you and buy you pretty things and surprise you with trips to paris. then, when this hot passion has settled down, i want to become regulars at the same restaurant and read separate sections of the sunday paper amidst a comfortable silence. years later, i'll take you to paris again.
I must say that's a very flattering picture of the two of you. Which one of you is getting crowned?
Do y'all watch Dancing with the Stars? There's some serious material there - just a suggestion for "APR" (after Project Rungay). I mean now that you have us hooked you can't possibly leave us dangling 'til next season!!
wait, wait, y'all are from philly??? how'd i miss that?
You guys are fabulous. Wait, somebody told me you guys were in LA.
Well, wherever you are darlings, carry on. I love your blog.
Wow, I didn't notice how see through the dress was. Fire the bitch, Heidi.
Loving your blog, guys.
You're making this season of Project Runway the best season ever.
You guys are the best! Now, you are not causing only me to waste precious work hours, but almost every one of my coworkers is hooked now too! It is refreshing to find a few boys as bitchy as me! I love it and I love you guys for keeping it up (ahem). And if only I could be on the couch with you watching intently tonight......
Yes, there is an entire roller rink of tootie up in there. I think I even saw a baby Seal popping out.
Too much tootie!!! Bwahaahhaaaaa! I have't laughed so hard since I first saw that hat Vincent made for the first challenge.
Great job!
I love that Heidi likes to share her body so much. Maybe she wishes she was wearing Victoria Secret on her show so she could get paid twice. BTW, why is know one talking about her stylist? Its one fashiontastrophe after another this season.
Too much tootie? Amen! And she has way too much space between the tops of her legs! Ooh, weird, sorta like how a Barbie doll is built. Aah well, if that helps childbirth, guess it can't be all bad!
Keep it rollin', guys. This is a fabulous blog with just the right amount of snark...and love.
Love you guys! I start my days with you. You have made me weep with laughter (Princess Pinking Shears? - PRICELESS)on so many occasions. This is the best thing to come out of Season 3!
MWAH to you!
I love you boys!!! (I also always look for your comments on the Bravo website blogs, especially on Rucker's blog.)
I hold you up as a model for my gay boys. I think I'm giving them witticism inferiority complexes, but they need to strive for greatness and make it work!
Carry on, dears!
Count me as another fan who's enjoying your blog more than the show this season. Carry on!
Divas, the only solution to "what to do when its over" is for us to buy you the Season 1 & 2 DVD set and start from there!!!
Love, love, love this blog!
Thanks for doing it.
OMG, now I can't wait for this week on this blog. SO much material!!!!
I have my "list" and hoping you pick out some of the same dandys.
I was with ya on the couch tonite for sure...! :D
It means "two" in German.
Angela's GONE!!
And it was kinda humiliating....does anyone know if she flew back 1st class or if they stuck her in the back of the plane? :)
I love you guys too. If only for acknowledging just how smart and bitchy your readers are.
My friend sent me a link to your blog only a few days ago and it totally makes my Project Runway day!
Thanks from one Philly gay guy to two others for the laughs. Can't wait for your comments on this week's ep. Guess Angela's on the Swiss Miss bus back to the states!
And if you're looking for something between PR seasons, Amazing Race 10 stars soon. :)
You guys are freakin hilarious! I check this site every day! Whatever will we do when the season ends????
your translation of heidi's german was quoted in the linguaphiles community on livejournal.
you guys are great!!! I read you before I read tim gunn!
heidi wears granny panties, heidi wears granny panties, heidi wears granny panties!
That's funny. Mir. Thanks for letting us know.
Guys, I just wanted to echo all the love! I tell everyone I know about Project Rungay (really confuses the people who don't watch PR, but screw them). Keep it coming!
Will somebody please give these fabulous men thier own show?? PLEASE??? Thank you for being the gay bitchy sunshine in my day!
Will somebody please give these fabulous men thier own show?? PLEASE??? Thank you for being the gay bitchy sunshine in my day!
Anonymous, I echo your hiccup above but I want them to start hosting their own show Live via the (whatever colored carpet) at the Bryant Park tent. And behind the scenes. :)
Too much tootie...that is too much!
Oh. My. God. You guys are GREAT! Hilariously witty. Like, I can read the same article over and over again, and still laugh just as hard as the first time.
I'm gonna miss you when PR's over!
Thank YOU! As Bill said you are "...an essential part of my PR viewing experience."
My daughters (17 & 18) and I read all postings together. If that's not 'family values', I don't know what is!
I totally HEART you (with flames!)
Thank you guys so much back! I haven't laughed so much in years! Your point of view is hysterical but oh so true!
i look forward to reading these blogs every week after each episode and my friend and I LOVE discussing at least half of everything you post. you guys crack us up.
I love you guys. You're the best thing to happen in my fashion world since dark bootcut jeans.
I might even offer you guys my firstborn.
And there has been too much of Heidi's axe wound as of late. Is this bravo's vain attempt at getting straight male viewers b/c they were doing ok last I checked?
I have a new fashion keyword: "TMT!"
I heart your blog oodles.
You guys rock and all but please don't lose your edge. Serve it!
too much tootie, noooo! great blog; it's a joy to read, my fellow queens.. i'm from kayne-land of norman..
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