Chicken alert.
Bravo's certainly packing the show with man meat this year, aren't they? We can't say we disapprove.
This dress got a lot of compliments among the viewership, it seems. We are forced once again to ask if we were all watching the same show.
It's not that we hate it or anything. It's not ugly - in fact, Lorenzo thinks it's quite pretty - and it's for the most part, well made.
It's just kinda boring with a side of tacky.
Let's break it down, shall we?
We really like those colors together. We admit, we're suckers for tone on tone. It's also a well-constructed dress. It fits her well and we like the proportions (for the most part).
The detail on the bust is pretty and she was beautifully styled. A+ for presentation.
This concludes the nitty portion of our program. Moving on to the gritty...
This is supposed to be a "night on the town" dress. Question: What the hell town does she live in? Does it have bullfighters?
Was it National Ruffle Week and no one told us? Apparently, to this lot of designers, New York can be summed up by giant flounces.
It's not just that it's so prominent that it looks like it's eating the rest of the dress, it's that the fabric he used for it is too shiny and actually looks a little cheap. And as a design element, it's more appropriate for a Carmen costume than a "night on the town" dress.
Dress good. Make woman pretty.
Or, y'know...not.
Accuse us of giving our lust object a free ride if you want (although we did say last week's dress looked like a coffin liner), but on second and third glance, this wasn't as bad as we thought, at least in design terms.
It wasn't a bad starting point for a concept. A dress based on the idea of faded and discarded pieces of paper could have been interesting and even pretty.
The problem was in how the concept was realized. To start, he made really bad fabric choices. There is not one print in there that has any visual impact or even interest.
We realize the inspiration was a faded and weathered magazine, but he needed to find a way to make those elements pretty and in this case, he went a little too literal. She looks rained on and washed out. This needed at least a hint of bolder graphic elements peeking out.
Tim was spot on when he raised fit as an issue with this design. Unfortunately, Keith didn't appear to listen, since the dress came off somewhat shapeless. On the other hand, his model dropped out unexpectedly and fit would be the exact issue impacted the most by that.
We also didn't agree with the choice to make it look like dangling sheets of paper.
Layers, yes. Floaty, dangly slips of paper that look like a parade costume? No. As always, Nina put it best.
"It's not polished, the effect is sloppy when it should be more together. Maybe it has to do with the hem --"
"But that's my point of view."
"Honey, don't interrupt when Nina's talking, alright? Nina's the one with the scorecard, got that? You think you can just cut me off at the knees like that? Like some sort of editorial assistant? You think I don't still have power? I have power, kid. Say it."
"You have power, Nina."
"Yes. Now, if you had made the hem more even..."
More detailed pictures:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of ProjectRunway.com]
Oh, hooray, more Nina screencaps! And my weekend has started off on the best note possible. Thank you, boys!
LMAO at his face with the captio "you have power Nina"!
I liked the first dress a lot but I agree that it had very little to do with his photo or the spirit of the challenge.
The second dress....well she looks like she was a old magazine put through a paper shredder and thats never a good look. It really was sloppy and un-chic. Oh Wait! I have it...SHE looks like a frigging Pinata!!!! Just picture her dangling in the air surrounded by blindfolded children wielding bludgeoning weapons.
Jerell's dress WAS really kinda tacky, and I didn't even think it was all that pretty. I think he has a point of view but I haven't liked any of his dresses so far.
Keith's was ugly. He made such obvious mistakes, I really thought he might go home. If you're going to just dangle scraps of fabric like that, you OBVIOUSLY need to anchor that with a strong, fitted shape. And yes, I don't think he could possibly have chosen worse fabrics. Are we sure he's gay?
Nina is my God. Bow down to The Nina.
Dearest TLo,
Let's prtend that Keith is actually built more like Christian Siriano.
Would you still be giving him a pass for the two heinous dresses in a row he has sent down the runway?
If it weren't for the 'edgy' mancandy contribution to the cast, Keith would have been LONG GONE after the coffin liner dress.
Boys, boys, boys...you must take the Gay-goggles off to truly assess the dress !!!
Or lighten up on the Martinis
There's no place for the eye to rest on Keith's Post It dress. All that fluttering is just too relentless. A great fit would have surely helped but I can't think what it would need to pop that look.
Jerell's dress was quite nice but it didn't seem like a "Night on the Town" dress. More a red carpet gown or performance dress. Lose the train and keep it somewhat short and it might have looked more appropriate to the challenge. I guess it just looks like who wants to drag that around while they're having a night out?
Jerell: What's missing? Oh, yeah...castanets.
Keith: Explosion in a swatch factory.
You guys are besotted on this one. It's one of those rare dresses that looked even worse in movement than it did just hanging there.
I think, maybe, just maybe, the dress might have stood a chance if there'd been some part of the torso that wasn't littered with scraps. Something to give it some sort of form.
But while I can see why Emily was sent home for sheer boringness and inability to place a ruffle, I'd wear her dress before this one.
Oh, I just took another look at the first picture and it looks like the gayest bathhouse ever!
I hate to say it but I don't think Alyssa did a good job selling that dress. I don't think it's horrible. The concept is there it's just poorly executed. I'll take good concept/poor execution before I take bad concept/good execution. In real life, designers are not making the dresses, the are designing them.
Jerell's looks like something you'd find backstage at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.
The Duchess got it right when he said that dress looked like toilet paper. It looked awful!
Keith's: I thought it was kinda interesting but too white. It didn't remind me of toilet paper though...
Jerell: Wrong for the challenge. I can't believe the judges didn't say anything.
I thought Keith should have gone his was the worst in my opinion.
I really liked Keith's concept. The whole episode I was hoping the dress would turn out, and by the end, I was suprised that he didn't get sent packing.
Oh, and Jerell's dress? I guess I was bored.
The thing with Jerrell's dress is that it's supposed to be for a night on the town-- for a night out in New York. Even if you manage to wear that train and keep it away from the leaky trash that's waiting to be picked up outside every food or beverage business after dark*, where can you go wearing a train? Where can you go out where no one's gonna be walking on part of that dress? There's just not that kind of personal space in the city.
* They took their inspiration photos after dark in the rain. It's inconceivable to me that Jerrell never had that moment of "omigawd, what did I just step in?"
Nina has always been a stickler for hems...frays,threads.
When Jerrell spoke to the hair stylist he said, "think night at the opera". Maybe he meant to say think night in the opera.
Keith can't be gay. It would have been good as a black dress and a hem.
"Honesty.not.pc said...
The second dress....well she looks like she was a old magazine put through a paper shredder and thats never a good look. It really was sloppy and un-chic. Oh Wait! I have it...SHE looks like a frigging Pinata!!!! Just picture her dangling in the air surrounded by blindfolded children wielding bludgeoning weapons."
Keith's dress did look like an exploded pinata. He talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk. So far, I'm not impressed with his designs.
Love the Nina's screencaps, guys! Hilarious!
I think Jerell's dress would've worked without the train. I don't get his inspiration, idea for the dress...I guess a night on the town can be interpreted in many ways.
I ended up liking the Keith's dress, it was different and it had a lot of movement.
I ended up liking Keith's dress, it was different and it had a lot of movement.
I think Keith's dress was just plain fugly. Sorry, guys. I have to agree with BlueNote that it looked like an explosion in a swatch factory.
As for Jerrell, it was a nice party dress. Not spectacular, a bit costumey, definitely not a night out in NY dress, but it wasn't horrible either.
When will these dimwits learn to listen to Tim and to NOT FUCK with Nina?
Jerell's dress was nice, but he missed the concept of the challenge. He should have reserved that look for a red carpet challenge.
Keith's dress looks like it barely survived a Nikki Blonsky/Bianca Golden Carribean brawl.
I hate Keith's dress. I don't think you're giving it a pass when you say the concept is good but the execution is a fail. This dress is a BIG fail. Sandra was right about putting more grey in the look or something besides that awful white. Sorry boys, don't like Keith, and hate this look.
THANK YOU for more Nina screencaps, though nothing, I think, will beat the Rami as a "little bird" text you had.
As for Jerrell's dress, meh. Nice colors, but more of a prom dress or a bad bridesmaid outfit than "night on the town." I think most of the designers missed this "night on the town" part of the challenge.
The Duchess is running out of catch phrases because this DID NOT look like toilet paper caught in a windstorm. Please...The end result wasn't good but not that bad either.
I loved Jerell's dress, so glamorous and fabulous.
Keith's was a shapeless mess. I thought for sure he was going home. Sigh.
Jerell's taste level reminds me of Kaynebow's.
Here's what Keith did: took about 4 different fabrics, cut them into squares with pinking shears, and sewed them onto a basic sheath. No structure, no silhouette, no hem, no nothing. That's not fashion, that's an art project. At least Emily's fit and was finished-looking, and was no more stylistically questionable than Keith's. Her offering looked like a dress. His looked like something made by a high school senior in Home Ec class, thinking she was making something wild and crazy. If that's your artistic vision, Keith, please go home.
I thought Keith's dress sucked and how did Jerell whip out that gorgeous gown in two days?
Keith's dress looks sloppy and unfinished, juts like the judges said. I hated his picture, concept, everything about it.
Jerell's dress was way over the top for this challenge. Who wears a train to a club? Seriously.
I liked Keith's flapper dress and it's not because he's hot. I thought it captured his inspiration.
Keith's dress: There was too much white and the silhouette could have been refined.
Jerrel's dress: I immediately thought 'where did that come from?" It had nothing to do with the challenge or even with the picture he chose.
Oh I forgot to mention that I'm LOL with Nina and Keith's exchange. "You have power, Nina." She sure does.
Keith is in urgent need of a fashion intervention. Someone must sit this hottie down and gently tell him that bandannas, rattails, and serial killer glasses are not ok.
What a group of provincials this season, eh?
-- desertwind
Jerrell's dress was the right dress for the wrong...or is it the wrong dress for the right...oh, screw it. It just felt like it's a dress he's done to perfection in real life and he was bound and determined to do it here before he gets auf'd. It could have been the "night in the ER with your 3-year-old who has a peanut up his nose" challenge and that's what Jerrell would have whipped up.
As for Keith, well, I liked the concept and I think it could be refined into something cool (here's where Gollum's vibrant fabrics would have worked) and with a waistline. But as it was, he was lucky to survive this round.
"agnes gooch said...
It could have been the "night in the ER with your 3-year-old who has a peanut up his nose" challenge and that's what Jerrell would have whipped up."
ROFLMAO. I can't stop laughing, Agnes.
Love "Mynameisninahearmeroar", boys! You never fail : )
Oh dear, darlings, it seems that lust is blind too, because Keith's dress was ass. I'm not talking Keith's cute ass either. I'm talking wicked butt ugly ass.
The Nina screen caps are priceless! I would love to get one of those page-a-day desk calendars with TLo's NINAGARCIA screen caps.
You are right - Jerell's dress would be dirty, wet and ripped from being stepped on in a New York second. I do see how the garment relates to his picture though. That is a photo of a fountain, right? If so, the rows of ruffles cascading down from the dress relate back to the falling water. The general shape of the fountain in the photo is also referenced in the shape of the dress.
Keith's dress looked like a raid of the rag bag.
Hilarious! The "you have power, Nina" look on his face is perfection.
In defense of Jerrel's dress (the first of his designs so far that I find defensible), I think Sex & the City has given a lot of people a skewed idea of how people in NY dress. NOBODY in NY dresses like Carrie Bradshaw, and that dress is a sort of Carrie-goes-to-the-Opera dress.
Agnes Gooch, I like your theory: "It just felt like it's a dress he's done to perfection in real life and he was bound and determined to do it here before he gets auf'd."
As for Keith's, uh, creation. . . he had the germ of the kernel of an inkling of a concept, and that's about it. Compare it to Mychael's coffee filter dress. Same method, entirely different result.
Kieth's dress reminded me of the preschool project where the kid takes wee tissue paper squares and puts a dot of glue in the center and then sticks them on a picture. Only tissue paper often comes in interesting colors.
As for the lust...god did a good job on his construction. The fit is very nice. But the styling--curly rat tail, omnipresent head-bandana--it shows a lack of taste.
After a rough 24 hours, the spot-on screencaps exchange with La Nina was exactly what I needed. Thank you!
As for the garments themselves: Jarell's would have been pretty-this-side-of-boring until Nicole turned around and unveiled that tacky train; I don't find much redeeming in that thing Keith made with a second, third or even a fourth glance. Though I can't help but agree that the model switch might have made things even worse for him. Lucky for him that two exceedingly boring dresses were sent down the runway, and of all the things his garment were not, it certainly wasn't boring.
"I liked the first dress a lot but I agree that it had very little to do with his photo or the spirit of the challenge"
True, but the designers recognized that this was the first challenge where they had a lot of freedom in choice of fabric, etc., and I don't hold it against Jerell and others that they used the challenge for their own purposes. If someone like Emily deserved her auf'ing (more than Keith, I believe) it is because she completely wasted the opportunity with a painfully simple and tacky dress.
Jerell can be whimsical when he's doing his best but too often veers into costumey. Keith on the other hand hasn't the skills to execute his vision. That boy needs a year or two at Parsons and he could be good.
They both look like costumes. The first one for a Broadway show and the second one for a school play.
"sixgables said...
Kieth's dress reminded me of the preschool project where the kid takes wee tissue paper squares and puts a dot of glue in the center and then sticks them on a picture. Only tissue paper often comes in interesting colors."
Agreed. My daughter did something like that a few years ago. She used magazine pages but the effect was the same.
I think Keith was given a pass because his model dropped out at the 11th hour.
In honor of National Ruffle Week - I shall go to the storage unit & find my prom dress from 1985 (evidently its now appropriate to wear for a NYC night on the town)
I don't understand the point of establishing a challenge when in the end some designers are grilled over their choices and others, like Jerell designing a ball gown clearly wrong for this particular challenge, get away with it.
Keith's dress was terrible. It looked like a shredded potato sack.
Keith's creation did look like pieces of toilet paper. It did not work for me, sorry boys. I am glad that he stayed, though : )
Keith should have gone home. He work was creative but poorly executed. At least Emily's was fitted well.
Keep saying to yourselves, "Keith is not hot, Keith is not hot....".
Because he is NOT. I think he may have been trying to put his own spin on Mychael's coffee filter dress from the "tear the apartment apart" challenge, or Christian's Reeses wrappers dress or maybe he tried to channel Chloe's ice skating dress. He failed miserably and ended up creating an eyesore.
Jerrell had a good concept,though not right for the challenge, too costumey and done in an awful sh*t brindle brown.
Hurrah for your Nina screencaps! What a hoot!!!!
Cool concept, but the execution was meh.
"the flaky knitter said...
I think Keith was given a pass because his model dropped out at the 11th hour. "
I think so too, and to be fair, when you only have a day to make a dress that kinda sucks.
OK, i can't believe i'm saying this, but I loved the dress Jerell. it was an interesting dress and everybody else's dresses were so boring.
I liked Jerell's best actually.
Jerell's dress looked lovely on his model. Keith's was too baggy and I agree with you guys that the fabrics chosen weren't that great.
I loved loved loved Jerell's but but very impractical for a night on the town in New York. Keith is still too green.
"Keep saying to yourselves, "Keith is not hot, Keith is not hot....".
Because he is NOT. I think he
Sorry, StkrShock, Keith is VERY hot! He is bang-my-head-against-the-wall-call-me-your-bitch hot!
I can understand your criticism of Jerell, but how exactly was Kenley's dress for a "night on the town", then? The melange of bright, 80's miami colors doesn't exactly look like something at Bungalow 8. At least his palette said something a lot of the other designers' didn't: evening. But, anyway...
It's been three challenges. I don't care how hot he is or how shiny his nipples are, Keith has to go. If he wants to argue about Nina's taste let him do it back in the midwest screaming at an issue of Elle. Or, Marie Claire. Whatever.
I agree that Keith may have some interesting concepts, but doesn't yet have the chops to pull them off - especially in an environment like a PRW challenge, where there's so little time and so much pressure that you might be able to recover from a single misstep, but two or three and you're doomed.
Actually, Keith said stuff about being Mormon and gay in Utah while they were walking around town..
It was really easy to miss.
"I don't understand the point of establishing a challenge when in the end some designers are grilled over their choices and others, like Jerell designing a ball gown clearly wrong for this particular challenge, get away with it"
Well, Jerell got away with it because there were a whole truckload of boring and/or fugly outfits for the judges to chose from for bottom three. Maybe they should institute a bottom five, in "honor" of the craptastic field of designers. Jerell's punishment for making an inappropriate dress was TO BE IGNORED, neither acclaimed nor defamed. And, from what I can tell from the clips, the judges' indifference to his work must be driven the man crazy. You know she'd love to be up there defending her vision and/or accepting applause and bouquets of flowers.
"Tina said...
"I don't understand the point of establishing a challenge when in the end some designers are grilled over their choices and others, like Jerell designing a ball gown clearly wrong for this particular challenge, get away with it"
Well, Jerell got away with it because there were a whole truckload of boring and/or fugly outfits for the judges to chose from for bottom three. Maybe they should institute a bottom five, in "honor" of the craptastic field of designers. Jerell's punishment for making an inappropriate dress was TO BE IGNORED, neither acclaimed nor defamed. And, from what I can tell from the clips, the judges' indifference to his work must be driven the man crazy. You know she'd love to be up there defending her vision and/or accepting applause and bouquets of flowers."
True. I like your suggestion.
They should also do what Shear Genius did last Wednesday. The cuts were so bad that the judges did not name a winner.
I would pay good money to see the designers' reaction if Heidi said one day "I'm sorry but there's no winner tonight and three of you are going home tonight because you all sucked."
vindaloo said...
"Oh dear, darlings, it seems that lust is blind too, because Keith's dress was ass. I'm not talking Keith's cute ass either. I'm talking wicked butt ugly ass."
"Butt ugly ass" is my new favorite saying.
I really liked Keith's dress. I agree that it didn't accentuate the models figure, but it wasn't as shapeless as the judges made it out to be.
I was impressed with how well Jarrell executed his ambitious dress. A champagne or ivory color would have been a much better match to his photo and also made a better looking dress.
Why is Jerrell styling his model so harshly? Nicole is the same pixie Jerry overwhelmed with dishwashing gloves and rain boots and now Jerrell has overwhelmed her, but in a To Wong Foo way.
I didn't think Keith's was that ugly. If his dress had a belt cinching in the waist, it wouldn't have been so bad.
"Keep saying to yourselves, "Keith is not hot, Keith is not hot....".
Because he is NOT. I think he
Sorry, StkrShock, Keith is VERY hot! He is bang-my-head-against-the-wall-call-me-your-bitch hot!
4:26 PM
Toddny, anyone who still wears an 80's neck dangly is not hot. He IS cute, though!!!
Am I the only who thinks that Jerell comes across as being really full of himself?
" Anonymous said...
"Keep saying to yourselves, "Keith is not hot, Keith is not hot....".
Because he is NOT. I think he
Sorry, StkrShock, Keith is VERY hot! He is bang-my-head-against-the-wall-call-me-your-bitch hot!
4:26 PM
Toddny, anyone who still wears an 80's neck dangly is not hot. He IS cute, though!!!
I hear you but clothes, earrings, bandanas etc come off you know.
Keith's dress was good on paper but once it’s actually made, it looked unflattering and a little "school project."
About Keith's "tail" - hate to say it, but the cool kids these days love the '80s, and he's not the only young guy I've seen wearing one recently in LA and NY. It may be ugly, but he may be in the vanguard of something...
I totally agree with you, T Lo, on Jerrell's dress. The ruffleupagus is again roaming the halls at Parsons.
And I loved Keith's dress. But only because it inspired another one of your fabulous smackdowns by Nina. Those are the best.
Oh God, your Ninacaps make my day! I'm still wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes.
You know, regards the "Carmen" dress, it's so reminiscent of a recital dress I wore back in the eighties. I'll get DH scan a picture and send it to you.
The toilet paper dress was a "cool as concept" but the reality just doesn't live up to the idea.
Toddny, you could also use the bandana as a blindfold so you don't have to see the tacky accessories and rat tail.
"Anonymous said...
Toddny, you could also use the bandana as a blindfold so you don't have to see the tacky accessories and rat tail."
That's hot. OK, I need a cold shower.
See you guys later.
It was obvious to me that Keith only had time for Part One of his dress project. Part Deux: Mix up wheat paste and water, plaster the goo on dress and model, let dry = one completed Pinata Dress!
I can't believe it. Here I am in the cheap seats (70th something posting) and I get to be the first to call Keith's dress a hot mess. He should have just made his muslin sheath, dusted it with spray cement and threw handfuls of scraps at it. Voila! The same effect in 30 minutes; plenty of time for a long Sissybear style nap.
Jerell, babe - you made an incredible looking gown. I love the colors, but as many have pointed out it was the wrong garment for the challenge (and a bit PPS with so many ruffles.) If you can sharpen your focus, your skills will carry you to Bryant Park.
Now as for Keith's hotness or notness, think of him as a quickie renovation job. Buy contacts, buzz off the doofy tail, go on a clothing shopping spree and you have freshly minted studly boyfriend. Just be sure to burn all his old stuff.
Ooh, wouldn't Keith be cute paired with Dale from the prior season of Top Chef?
What deluded chutzpah on that Keith! "But, that's my point of view." Rich!
The dress was pretty bad. I think i would have stopped watching the season if he was eliminated. The designers are boring and are not as talented as they were last season. The only thing left to watch is eye candy.
Exhibit #1 ad #2: Boring and done.
Keith looks nipplelicious in those screencaps : )
Ha! I love that screencap of Jerell with mask on. Hilarious! I actually love this group, it reminds me of Season 1 and Austin and Robert with mask on and Starr crying every challenge and Vanessa and Nora getting drunk...great reality tv.
Keith's is just a "paper dress," and we’ve seen plenty of them.
What cracks me up is that these designers get this twisted view of reality creating garments that no woman would be caught dead wearing them.
Jerell's dress was quite impressive, and I love the train and all the ruffles. It reminds me of all the beautiful dresses I saw in Spain.
Jerrell's dress looks like it was destined for a tango on Dancing with the Stars.
On the other hand, Keith's concoction is just too . . . too . . . too . . . Oh, how do I say it? Too much like something Vincent (from Season 3) would come up with . . . and then call it "couture" and then go on to tell viewers that it either turned him on or got him off. Take your pick.
I feel like I am always contradictory - but since Nina helped choose the monstrosity that won.. I feel VINDICATED.
I liked the "hem" on Keith's dress.
There I said it. I actually liked the concept. Not a fan of the material though.
I'm underwhelmed.
I was surprised Jerell's wasn't in the top three. It's a gorgeous gown. I mean, seriously, look at Keith's and then look at Jerell's. No comparison!
I have to say that the real highlight of this blog, for me, is the screencaps with the captions. The ones of Nina in particular are friggin hilarious every time.
Keith's toilet paper dress is absolutely hideous! It was not made well, it doesn't even fit the model right. It takes something pretty hideous that is able to both terrify and be just plain wrong at the same time.
"You have power Nina"
You guys ROCK!!!!!
"Keith - he got exactly what he aimed for, it looked just like a wet, dirty, destroyed piece of paper in the gutter.
Jerrell - boy needs to tame that ego cause so far his stuff sucks. That was just a poorly made Zac Posen gown."
My thought exactly.
I kind of liked Keith's until I saw it on the model. I wonder what that dress would've looked like on Shannone.
“I was lucky enough to find a ruined, water-covered magazine on the ground.”
Well, that's what the dress looked like. Somebody said, I forget where, that it looked like bodega flags.
Thank you TLo! We had some disagreement chez Prince as to Jerrell's dress. My husband liked it; I thought it looked like a costume.
Keith's dress .. eh. The silhouette behind the scrim before she walked on the runway wasn't too bad, but that's the best I can say about it.
Long time lurker, first time poster. First of all, thank you for the pictures, guys. We get to see the dress for about 10 seconds a piece. I thought Jerell did really well considering his two previous garments although I agree, not appropriate for this challenge. Keith is still young and has a lot to learn, I think.
I absolutely adored Jerell's dress. I love the silhouette; the colors he chose, not so much.
"Honey, don't interrupt when Nina's talking, alright? Nina's the one with the scorecard, got that? You think you can just cut me off at the knees like that? Like some sort of editorial assistant? You think I don't still have power? I have power, kid. Say it."
LOL. All of your captions are hilarious but this one had me !
I was kinda disappointed with most of the dresses. The biggest surprise, though, was Jerell's dress. It's glamorous and sophisticated but the style and the fabrics are too formal for a night out.
Dear Keith: you were supposed to take your inspiration from the magazine. Not make your dress out of it. Way too literal, honey.
I'm just sorry you didn't get a screencap of Jerell burning off his stray threads with a cigarette lighter.
Could it be that Jerell took some license with what a "night out in NYC" was, and decided it was a night out at the Metropolitan Opera and then a formal ball? Why does it have to be night clubbing? Seems to me that a night in NYC holds lots of possibilities, and Jerell picked one of them. His dress is head and shoulders above Keith's and many of the other hot messes that got thrown down the runway. It looked like he WORKED. More than I can say for Keith or Emily.
nycourier: "I can understand your criticism of Jerell, but how exactly was Kenley's dress for a "night on the town", then? The melange of bright, 80's miami colors doesn't exactly look like something at Bungalow 8."
Not Bungalow 8, but Brooklyn for sure. I've had some idiot in that dress (guy? girl? does it matter?) spilling bad beer on me for months now. The demographics or sociology of NYC nightlife is getting a bit off-topic, though.
stubenville said:
Ooh, wouldn't Keith be cute paired with Dale from the prior season of Top Chef?
Hells to the naw! You should say a few our fathers for putting that image in my head.
Love the Nina screencaps!
Love Neena Gaahhhsia!
okay you're right about jarell's dress not being a night out on town, but it was really beautiful. the fabric was NOT too shiny you bitches
but yeah you guys are lustin, keith should have gone home--what he did was pretty fugly. His, Jennifer, and Emily's dresses would all put their clients on the worst dressed list but
Keith's dress would be put on the "went under the lawnmower" list
I also think you guys are calling jerell's dress tacky because he's kind of tacky.
Nina, once again, brought the house down around here. Her look when Keith backtalked her...priceless. I looked at my husband and said, "Oh, you do NOT want to bring that game over here." We were giggling about that today. In the middle of a silly baby shower.
Nina: I heart you.
helloI'mPatsyStone said:
When will these dimwits learn to listen to Tim and to NOT FUCK with Nina?
AMEN. The PR commandments that must be obeyed are as Patsy said - Listen to Tim, and do NOT FUCK with Nina.
BTW- I still love Jerrell's design -yes,, it's more red carpet than a night out on the town in NYC, but he has skill.
One more thing (and very late at that): I LOVE your title... "Gettin Bizet" to tie to Jerrell's opera theme. You guys are so creative and fantastic. I love everything you do.
Either Keith was trying to create a Shambling Mound costume for a D & D gathering, or he looked at Vincent's creation from the recycling challenge and thought "I could make something just as lousy and use real fabric!"
It's funny, the color scheme of Jerell's frock was what I didn't like about it. It seemed old and musty-rusty to me.
Actually, color- and texture-wise Jerell's gown is like the classier, older cousin of Lupe's horrid Nicky Hilton dress. Without the detachable socks, of course.
But the real reason that interesting looks from Jerell, Kelli and Joe were pushed aside was that they didn't really evoke the picture that inspired them. That was half the challenge.
As for Keith, it's all been said. Just keep wearing that tank top honey, and fly under the radar for a while...
p.s. The Nina caps made me howl. Thank you!
really made me think of quilting squares. Those fabrics looked CHEAP.
I thought Jerell did a great job on a fairly major garment with the time allotted. Granted, it wasn't exactly an evening out on the town sort of dress, but it did have impact and it looked very well made.
Keith's dress? I wasn't wowed. Even if his original model had shown up, I don't think that would have helped his fit issues. Still the dress wasn't as horrible as it could have been.
"You have the power, Nina"...great line!
Jerrell's dress wasn't appropriate for the challenge. It's nice, but it's not for a 'night on the town', unless you're going to the prom or something. Too much. Keith's dress, what can I say that hasn't been said already? I agree with the Dutchess, it looks like toilet paper in the wind. This would have been perfect for the first challenge, just not this one.
Didn't Jerell's dress remind anyone else of a certain designer in Season 4?.....
Oh--forgot to say how much I loved the headline: Gettin' Bizet...? Genius!
And the "exchange" between Queena and Keith? OMG. I mean, seriously brilliant!
Whatever you guys have in those coffee cups, me want some!!!
love all the snark, honeys. but it hink you need to expand your fashion vocab and perspective just a tad. your crtitiques are pure PR jargon. :)
I love it when you guys bring The TermiNina smackdown. :-D
Jerrell's gown is what women wear to the Met, or one of the 500 black tie affairs that take place in Manhattan nightly. That's a reasonable interpretation of the challenge and kind of an interestingly mature one -- there are more aging debutantes than Carrie Bradshaws in NYC.
As to Keith -- you are giving angry gay Mormon too big a break. That dress was ass. It was a slightly, only slightly, more creative version of Vincent Libretti's recycling challenge dress. Heinous. But at least he tried something creative, so I'm okay with him being in and having headBrandle out.
I have nothing new to add, so just MWAH for the Nina screencaps. I love her and I love you guys.
Yes, I agree Jerell's dress was pretty but inappropriate for a fun night out on the town. Imagine trying to dance or get into a cab in that dress! It's more like a nice red carpet dress for someone without much fashion sense.
Jerell did a fine job with the ruffles, considering the amount of time he had. To bad he didn't use a little restraint with the length.
I don't know what to say about Kevin's, except that I don't think changing models at the last minute hurt him one bit.
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