Drama Queens

Tuesday, January 09, 2018 by

Oh, Joe. You fill us with mixed emotions this week. On the one hand, we could feel your utter joy upon finding out the challenge and we were pulling for you to get a little recognition and felt your frustration as you got passed over for the win.

On the other hand, it looks like you put so much pressure on yourself that you kinda got a little douchey there for a minute.

We liked the design on paper. A little too NASCAR, but then again, that's a hell of a lot closer to appropriate than the cocktail dresses, Bo Peep, and brunch outfits.

And for the most part, we liked the final product.

In reality, it was just as NASCAR as it looked on paper but we honestly didn't mind that so much, even if it wasn't a particularly unique approach.

The fact is, he put out a look that looked like it was supposed to be worn at the Olympics. That puts him so far ahead of the majority of the pack, we don't blame him for thinking he had it in the bag.

Also, matching the red and blue zippers was a nice touch and kudos to the judges for noticing it.

But here's where it failed. The word "skort" is usually met with a gasp at Chez T Lo, but he sold us on the idea when he sketched it. Certainly it would give the appearance of looking a little more formal than shorts while giving them a little comfort and still looking sporty.

Why, then, would he make the front six inches longer than the back? It looks like an apron. We suspect it was so long so he could have those graphic elements without looking crowded, but why not make the shorts longer to match it, then?

Despite that, it was a pretty sharp look. We can understand why the judges didn't pick it but we suspect that he wouldn't agree with us on that.

We think Daniel is entertaining in that high-strung, sweaty, dandy way that you see, well....nowhere, really.

But we have to say he got on our nerves a little this week. All this "I'm into high-end glamor. This has nothing to do with what I'm really used to. It's all very confusing to me." bullshit got annoying real fast. This is the fifth season of the show. If you really thought you were going to go in there every day and make pretty little cocktail dresses for 4 weeks, then you're being really naive.

"I am catering towards a cocktail, more evening, more fantasy look from the 40s and modernizing it."

Really. And no one slapped you and told you to snap out of it? HELLO? OLYMPICS? DOES ANY OF THAT RING A BELL?

The funny thing is, for all his talk of how chic and glamorous it was going to look...

She wound up looking like Olive Oyl guest-starring on Sex and the City.

Come on, what are we supposed to say about this? Just like Jennifer's it was so far from appropriate that all you can do is point and laugh at it. The judges certainly did.

"This isn't it, right? She got here late from another job and didn't have time to change, yes?"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm sorry. I can't. Someone else handle this one."

To be fair, there's no line we could write as funny as the Duchess's "Republic of Cocktail" and "Olympic drinking" comments. Bitch was on her game. We salute you, Persimmon Princess.

Poor thing looked like he threw up in his mouth a little, too.

It's like Jackie Kennedy as portrayed by Minnie Mouse.

It's Just. So. WRONG.

Even if he had done it in a more sophisticated color than that purple-y blue that changed colors under the lights, it's still not all that interesting a design even for a cocktail dress, nor is it all that glamorous.

Truly, this was one of the most delusional episodes of PR ever.

More detailed pictures:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of ProjectRunway.com]


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Gorgeous Things said...

And what was with the fit on the bust of Daniel's dress? Can any of these folks fit a woman? Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

I liked Joe's outfit. He at least tried to create something, you know, for the Olympics!

I've never wanted to slap more people in my life. And coming from my family, that's saying something.

Bailey said...

I can't believe you totally ignored Joe's main douche moment - the sewing machine debacle! We've already covered the "queen" stuff, I'm not opening that can of worms again, but come on, Joe. Ragging on Daniel in your baby voice ("Wahh, wahh, it's all about me, Daniel") made you look like the selfish, immature baby. Maybe everyone should follow you around the workroom constantly to make sure they don't touch anything of yours!!! Asshole. Oh, and your skort still looks fucking ridiculous with "USA" written on it. 3rd place indeed.

Daniel's is just ugly, it's not even glamorous or chic or any of the other things he described his style as. He also keeps talking about how he modernizes glamorous looks for the present day but everything he creates is a boring, literal retread. Too bad, he showed promise at first.

GothamTomato said...

And Daniel's dress was doing something wonky to her breasts as well (sorta like those new high-tech swimsuits, but more lopsided). But the thing that was the oddest (aside from the fact that it had nothing to do with the Olympics) was the buttons over the crotch area. Sorta like some multiple choice... oh, never mind.

As for Pasta Joe...His WAS sporty, but not really opening ceremonies. And something weird is happening between where the jacket ends and the skirt begins. Some cute elements, but not really a completed concept.

And I HATE skorts almost as much as I hate tatoos.


Anonymous said...

Bailey said...
I can't believe you totally ignored Joe's main douche moment

Noooo, they did not "totally ignored" it.

On the other hand, it looks like you put so much pressure on yourself that you kinda got a little douchey there for a minute.

With a screencap of the sewing room.

Yes, true, they didn't call Joe "an asshole", they handled it a little better.

You complain and bitch and moan in every comment you make. And God forbid if one of us disagree with you. Your rants are getting old.

Unknown said...

Spot on re Miss Kors, TLo. Hasn't she been in midseason form from the first runway show? All hail the Duchess!

Anonymous said...

"She wound up looking like Olive Oyl guest-starring on Sex and the City."

Boys, this is the reason I read your posts every day!

Ugh! I think of Joe as one of those guys I find myself bike racing with: they are super-competitive and start acting like a jerk because they "know" they will win even before the first pedal is turned. NO suprise that Joe played football, because he certainly played the part of the obnoxious high school jock this episode. Not only did he get all pissy with Daniel, but if you venture to the Bravo site, he also got very douchey with Jerrell as well. It's nice that Korto was the one to hand his ass right back to him. (Ha, ha! Beat by a girl!)

As for Daniel, there are no more words. Duchess L'Orange took all the good lines. But I have to ask myself this: why the hell is he listening to Kenley and how does Kenley seem to have such influence over his design? Stop messing around with the new friend, and focus on your design, man!

Anonymous said...

I honestly think that when they sent the designers into that museum the producers handed a out different rules to some of the designers.

They really are running out of ideas.

As for the skort, like you said, make the shorts longer--it's ok, no hoochie mama is gonna wear them in the Olympic stadium anyway--they can be longer without fear of retribution by the Brittany Spears crowd.

I'm not even going into the "cocktail" WTF dress. Talk about a way to create controversy when there is already plenty about this year's Olympics. Lets have the whiner (without cheese please) confess he's never watched the Olympics and design a bridesmaid dress that only the most vindictive bride would pick. Don't forget the deer in the headlights styling he chose too. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

I am STILL pointing and laughing!!

I liked Joe's design. But I can see why it wasn't picked. But props to him for actually thinking about his target client and audience.

Oh Daniel, if I could just reach through the TV and slap you, then I could die happy. He's seems like an annoying little snot who had everything handed to him. And I absolutely HATE his reaction to Apolo and the challenge.

GothamTomato said...

"We think Daniel is entertaining in that high-strung, sweaty, dandy way that you see, well....nowhere, really."

I've been wondering if Daniel was cast because Uncle Harvey was hoping to get some antiperspirant company to do a product placement.

But I'm also wondering if listening to Betty Boop (Kenley) is doing him any favors. That outfit MIGHT have been helped by a jacket - and most all Olympic ceremonies outfits have jackets.


Miz Shoes said...

Yes, the Duchess was on her game Wednesday. I was howling over the Republic of Cocktail-Land and Olympic drinking.

I think NinaGarcia's a bit over this group, too.

GothamTomato said...

BTW, they showed the actual opening ceremonies outfit on the Today Show this morning: Ralph Lauren and one of his usual wasp-wannabe yachting costumes.

Gotham Tomato was not impressed.


Anonymous said...

Though I have always despised skorts, Joe's was the design that most captured the Olympic "look".
I would have preferred perhaps a good looking pair of mid thigh shorts, or a well tailored wrap around skirt.
What can I possibly say about Daniel's dress? The only word that comes to mind for me is "CLUELESS". OK...it's an overused word, but the guy just seems genuinely clueless. Kind of like Don Knotts wandering around Henri Bendel or Bergdorf's.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Too funny, Boys! I especially love the Olive Oyl reference & Persimmon Princess.

I didn't think Joe's was shorter in the back--was it? I'm thinking shorts underneath with a longer skirt all around (and slit on the side). . .but it's hard to tell. Poor guy, he really thought he had the win. I felt a little sorry for him.

I kinda liked Daniel's dress (though not for this challenge). But his complete bewilderment during the sketching just seemed ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I felt very attached to this episode and was really excited, since I know quite a few Olympic athletes and I played hockey at the college level. It's hard finding clothes that flatter a muscled female body - our proportions are different enough that most clothes never fit correctly. I was pretty disappointed at the 'Athletic? But I didn't like the jocks in high school!' vibe I was getting (not that I liked the jocks in high school either) from a lot of the designers.

CQAussie said...

I was wondering about the length of the skirt as well on Joe's design, it looked odd. But I also wondered if making the shorts longer might have had a different effect than intended? I still think Terri should have won. But I say that every week. I wish the judges would give her the win - Duchess said HOORAY For Sportswear for goodness sakes!! Then they gave it to KORTO?? UGH. I'll save the rant for later.

Daniel looked like he needed someone to fan him. But I agree - he really was being very stupid and had his head way up his ass. It is season 5. If the designers don't get it by now, they need to pack their bags and get on home.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

And mwah! to you, too, Bill! (from yesterday)

Anonymous said...

Never have so many with so much done so little.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Daniel just take his plastic cup dress and add some strawberry twizzlers? (Must go back to Ep.1 recap to check.)

Stubenville said...

@sshole Joe's skort and top looked like garb for a NASA flight attendant and the proportions were G*d awful. He didn't deserve the top three IMHO.

Daniel, poor Daniel. He behaves like a frightened chihuahua. Honey, take a Xanax... or twelve. As for Duchess' comments on Daniel's garments, they are his wittiest ever.

Anonymous said...

I love Michael Kors now. He made this episode go from hilarious to hysterical. My husband snorted his beer!

Oh, and all the delicious douchey drama between Daniel and Joe... that's the stuff of my dreams, baby.

TED said...

Joe's outfit looked good only because most of the other designers decided to totally ignore the challenge. If there had been ten actual examples of sportswear on the runway, he'd have been in the bottom or the middle of the pack.

He and Daniel are both also-rans in this competition. Daniel can't stand the pressure, and Joe is simply not an inspired or inspiring designer.

Anonymous said...

While a fitted uniform type jacket probably would have improved the overall look of his outfit I don't think it would have helped him out of the bottom three. The man was think of doing some "chic high-end bolero". His version would probably still look inappropriate.

Joe was closest in feeling to what would have worked but I felt his was a bit too generic or commonplace.

As far as his hissyfit, he was over-reacting and shouldn't have made such a big deal about it. but I can see people getting bent out of shape over the situation. We've seen in past seasons where designers in the heat of completing the task inadvertantly get in each other's way on the machines or change things up.


Anonymous said...

Hey Antares!! What? No "picture this" today? Come on ... humor us to make this day go by faster.

Anonymous said...

TLo, I live for you guys when PR is showing. You are doing a great job this season again.

Gotham, I hate tatoos too. But Kenley resembles Betti PAGE and not Betty Boop. Daniel's model is a real-life Betty Boop prototype. She is gorgeous and is saving him from being eliminated sooner. I saw Daniel's audition video. His fascination with birds creeps me out in the Norman from Psycho way.

Joe did something athletic and should be commended for it. This was something you could walk around and wave at people in a stadium for 5-6 hours. The skort is something my preschoolers wear. But the Olympics are youthful. He should have lengthened the shorts part.

Joe's exposure to gays must be somewhat limited. I'm sorry if anyone thinks I'm making allowances for his "douchey" behavior (great description). He is a guy's guy. My husband always roots for him. Instead of cutting grass as a hobby, he cuts fabric. It is unique in this set of circumstances and that is maybe why he stands out to me.

Thanks for reading, Frances Spencer

Whitney said...

Oh Gotham Tomato, reading you comments are one of the best things about this blog!

I threw up in my mouth a little when Joe said skort.....I was instantly transported back to the stylings of my seventh grade cheerleading squad. We ruled the school in skorts...but it was 1997. And we were twelve.

But, like others have said - at least he made an outfit for the olympics!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I fail to see anything good about Joe's look. I know I'm now biased because of his douchiness - I really want him auf'd now - but I thought he had a chance of going home with this outfit (granted, that' before I saw the monstrosity that was Jerrell's outfit).

Sure, he made something suitable for the Olympics - as a warm-up suit in between events. It was NOT Opening Ceremonies, by any stretch of the imagination. Do we really want our athletes representing our Country wearing Daisy Dukes? The Today Show had the actual Ralph Lauren designs for this year's Opening Ceremonies this morning. The athletes are wearing full suits - much closer to Terri's look than Joe's.

I simply don't see anything good about Joe's designs. His "inspiration" look last week was far too literal, and this week's was beyond NASCAR. Really, we get the USA link - there's no need to overdo it (unless he were going to go all-out Warhol on us).

Quite frankly, you could tell it was designed by a straight guy - no style whatsoever (take that Ms. "too many queens").

Whitney said...

Also, I don't know if anyone else has seen this, but Keith has updated his myspace.....


...and it completely explains why I keep defending his mediocrity.

That horse tattoo is gorgeous!

stmkent said...

"A little douchey"? Dude should become the spokesman for Summer's Eve. The harrassment over the thread was the most ridiculous part--especially since he was all on Daniel's short and curlies in a nearly empty sewing room. Pick a machine, sit down and STFU.

I'll add my "bravo" to your assessment of Miss Kors this week; and whoever said that Nina's over this season's group is totally right. I'm getting a "look, I could be doing something else" vibe from her this season.

Anonymous said...

I love that you titled the post "Drama Queens"! Joe certainly qualified for that title this week.

Daxx said...

I'm glad you called out Olive Oyl. I was looking for the inspriation and at first thought "Bettie Boop goes to France", but Olive is much better.

Joe was funny. It's always the darama queens that call it out in others.

The only thing that I feel bad for Daniel for was the jacket. You KNOW it would have looked like wonder woman. No matter what the judges say now, they would have nailed him had he done it. He was just lucky that Jenn's was so far off.

Anonymous said...

I really like Daniel, but this was delusional, and how is it that you guys can find just the right descriptor for EVERYTHING?! I mean, Olive Oyl on Sex in the City--perfect. I just hope that if he gets aufed next week, he at least throws a nice, solid punch at laugh girl

I was rooting for Joe with the Gristedes challenge, but he really worked on my last nerve this week. Great that he's confident, but he's a bit mean. Check out the bonus video where he and Jerrell are talking about their outfits at Atlas.

Oh, and Joe, skorts now (at least judging by those my daughter wears, go all around and there are shorts underneath--it's not an apron.

Anonymous said...

I actually much prefer Joe's look to Korto's. I just can't see her outfit being used at all. Joe's, typical though it was, and notwithstanding the too-short shorts, was really well thought-out Olympic style sportswear.

Anonymous said...

First: Joe almost got it right. If a skort is ever, anywhere, appropriate, it might be at the summer Oly Opening. But that front skort skirt was fugly. And straight men are allowed to get bitchy too, doncha know? They just aren't very good at it.

Daniel... I think he was judged way too harshly. I know I've seen fairly dressy little shifty dresses at Oly-O's. And with the piping and trim it was certainly sportier than Jerell's design, and arguably better than Keith's poofy skirt. I could see athletically built women wearing it well. It wasn't great, but it wasn't as ass-y as some of the others.

Now. Bailey. I read you as very articulate and believe you introduce some interesting points. But your delivery is so venomous that it makes me not want to "listen" to anything you have to say. You are introducing an unnecessary tone of hostility to this very fun blog. From some of your responses to others, I don't believe you're doing it intentionally. We're all opinionated, as you might have noticed. It's a good thing. You don't need to be so hostile and defensive about your opinions, we'll love you for them if you don't make us hate you for them. You can respond to others' opinions without reacting to them, if you see what I mean? You probably don't give a damn, but please take this as kindly as it is meant: If you've received similar feedback in your real life, think about it. You might try dialing it back just a tad. You might be listened to more. You might find life more enjoyable.

'kay. I'm done.


Anonymous said...

MissKor's comments about Daniel's design were fabulous...my hat is off to the Dutchess of Orange!

And then TLo, Olive Oyl guesting on Sex and the City...


PhantomMinuet said...

Considering the extremely casual nature of some of the opening/closing ceremonies ensembles this year, Joe's outfit wasn't far off the mark, at all. And it was very sporty. Frankly, I was pretty sure he was going to get the win, when Tim was shown commenting on the wittiness of the blue/red zippers. IIRC, no one has been auf'd, if Tim said something really positive about the design in the sewing room scenes.

As for Joe's sewing machine meltdown, I loathe Daniel with the fire of ten thousand suns, so I assumed Daniel was being an asshole first and simply got the better edit. ;-)

cbgalagher said...

Joe is a big fat homophobe baby! Ugh, I am soooo tired of his references to "the queens" Enough already, everyone knows your not gay (cough)

Mike B. said...

The more I think about it, the more I think Daniel should have gone home for this. One could wear Jennifer's out of the house (if not necessarily to the Olympics) without being laughed at. And the designers were so collectively flummoxed by the brief, it seems a little silly to single her out as the one who didn't grasp the challenge.

I like Joe's more on repeated looks, but only slightly. In the end, I have problems with it, but those problems are really with the brief itself.

aimee said...

HA! Olive Oyl on SATC! As usual, you guys completely nailed it with that description -- though I like the Minnie Mouse quip, too.

As for Joe... well, I almost liked it. If he had only made the shorts longer. As it is, it just looked stupid. I loved the mixed zippers and liked the graphic on the front of the skort. He pissed me off with that queens comment, though. He was the one bringing the drama, not Daniel.

Leonard Was Hopeful said...

I usually think Miss Kors' comments are entirely too catty and queenly, but DAMN! You guys are right: "Bitch was on her game" this week. I laughed so hard my dog thought something was wrong with me.

Anonymous said...

Alright... by popular demand (that's 1 demand, but I'm easy)...

Picture it. Columbus. 1980-something. I'm in middle school and join a volleyball league. But I am horrified by the underwear pantie thing they call a short. I was a chunky to fat kid and there was NO WAY I was going to wear some underwear as outer wear while playing a sport. And mind you, I was a majorette so I knew from tacky, short, spangled costumes cut wayyyy too high on the leg. And my mother, who was none to keen on my playing a REAL sport, said no way to the pantie. Then she talked to some of the other mothers on the team and convinced them too to protest the pantie!

So, the league official said we could wear a short or something, but they all had to be the same. So my mother makes a mini-skirt with a short under it. A skort. BUT... oh lawd... she decides they should still be feminine. So she makes the skirt part out of cranberry red velour with little shorts out of white poly charmeuse with bloomer elastics at the bottom. She wanted to add lace but we convinced her it was itchy. At the end of the year, our little gift bags the mothers made for us included a tiny bottle of Love's Baby Soft perfume my mother. While this skort was neither the first nor last I would wear, it was the most uncomfortable and ridiculous.

Somehow, my mother has a telepathic link to Jarrell. It explains the frock he sent down the runway.

Anonymous said...

I'm really curious if the designers were given more direction than what we saw, because based on what we saw, the directions were confusing. As a college teacher, I know that bad assignment=bad product. For instance, why take them to the hall of fame or wherever they went if they didn't want the designers to use that as inspiration? Also, making an outfit for opening ceremony doesn't tell anyone whether they should be making a cocktail dress fit for Jackie O or a sporty outfit to be worn to compete in. Why make a sporty outfit if the opening ceremony doesn't involve being sporty? That goes against the grain of seasons past. For the record, Leanne's was my favorite outfit. She, like Jillian, seems to get designing in context and for a target audience.

Bailey said...

Suzette I understand what you're saying but I guess on some level I just don't understand. I agree I can be venemous toward some of the outfits/designers but I don't tell people to stop posting or that they aren't welcome here like some have to me. I also don't understand why others' mean-spirited or negative comments pass unnoticed but people seem to jump on me (Mariana, please leave me alone). I have no problem with people disagreeing with me but I guess I just don't quite see why I stand out so much here. I will try to work on it. Thank you for stating your opinion in a civilized manner towards me.

OT: I agree with those that say a bolero would not have helped Daniel's look. The bolero he was making looked large, structured, and voluminous and would have ratcheted up the ridiculous level by about 100 times.

cbgalagher said...

God, I almost forgot about Jerrel. What was that?

Mom said...

I think what was ultimately so dissatisfying about this episode, for me at least, was that it felt like the judges were simply trying to choose the outfit that sucked the least. Even the top 3 had some significant design or construction issues, if you want to be honest about it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Daniel's dress was WRONG, as was Jennifer's. But the reason they deserved bottom two, most of all, was because of the absence of any sense of humor, mischievous or joy in their final designs. (And the absence of these things in Jennifer's work proves again the inappropriateness of referring to her aesthetic as surrealist.) Otherwise though I found the runway show to be quite FUN, even when off the mark, and the judges' comments were hilarious. Duchess, in particular, was ON. She deserved a gold medal.

Anonymous said...

olive oyl guest starring on sex in the city? minnie mouse as jackie kennedy? this is your funniest post ever. kors was hilarious too.
still, i don't think sporty skorty is at all what the olympics opening ceremonies are about. and i think the judge's ideas about women athletes and their bodies and fashion sense was RIDUCULOUS. they are women. they're not philosophically opposed to a dress. waiting to see what they'll actually be wearing today...

Anonymous said...

Did you all hear Daniel's " I went to a Private school" comment? (I'll bet he was always the last one picked for a team at recess) What? Private school only trains you to make little cocktail dresses?

I had high hopes for him with his cup dress in the first challenge, but now, hmmm.

Another Suburban Mom said...

Now as someone who rocks skorts on a regular basis, I wanted to love Joe's look. However, the uneven length killed it.

If it had been the same length all around, it would have won.

Skorts are meant to be a subtle short, and a way for those of us who like to wear a shorter skirt be able to do so without constantly having to worry about tootie issues.

I also think that Joe's look was the most mass market. I could seriously see a version of that at Target in every size from 18 months to 2XXL.

That is one issue I sometimes have with the show is exactly what constitutes a great American designer.

Is it someone who creates goregous pieces of (bearly) wearable art that few can fit into, and fewer can afford, or is it someone who makes clothing that is appealing to a broad spectrum of people.

TheNYCourier said...

If a two-toned zipper and a SKORT are the best aspects of your design, maybe you should just be designing Nascar clothes.

Anonymous said...

"I'm really curious if the designers were given more direction than what we saw, because based on what we saw, the directions were confusing"

I think the problem was simply that 1) some or most of the designers on the show have no background in sportswear, and themselves are not "into" sports and 2) have not viewed the opening ceremonies before and had to imagine what precisely this entailed (though one assumes there were some pictures of the opening ceremonies at the Olympic museum). On top of this, the designers also wanted to make sure to express their own point of view. The result was some of which you saw. To be honest, I don't hold it against them too much, especially since some of the outfits were such wacky fun (hello Jerell!).

Anonymous said...

OK - I am anti T-shirt, and never wear the things, but
"The Republic of Cocktail-Land" is BEGGING to be TShirted. Maybe with "My Sport is Drinking" on the back.

I think we should have a contest to design the Official Flag. Not to mention elect leaders...

Anonymous said...

"If a two-toned zipper and a SKORT are the best aspects of your design, maybe you should just be designing Nascar clothes"

I agree, and clearly the judges would have had a fit if the reverse had happened and all the designers had tried to produce such outfits. So it was a fine line the designers had to walk. Most of them failed, ending up too far on one side or the other, but the task was a tricky one. I mean Joe probably deserved his top three status, but if everyone had done something along these lines the runway show would have been a snooze. Instead, it was a LOL riot.

Patsy said...

I'm sorry, I would totally have ragged on Daniel too if I were Joe.
Daniel is a neurotic sweaty little creep. Maybe Joe was unjustified for the whole machine-thing, but I would vent my frustrations on an idiot like Daniel too.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Lecter has given me the heebie-jeebies since his audition video where he has all those birds and moths. (Perhaps bird flu makes him sweat like that.) Joe should watch himself or he's going to look like the poster for Silence of the Lambs

Anonymous said...

Regarding the leadership issue at the Republic of Cocktail-land, T-Lo, time to step up. Your minions are calling you to lead them... The President and First Partner. Or Gay-dy, whatever. We love you.
Maybe it should be a dictatorship. I'm good with that... Fly the flag proudly in the lounge!

AnninMpls said...

Is anyone else frustrated by the camera work during the runway? It seems we rarely get to see the back of the outfits these days.

And I'm with those who feel that skorts in this day and age should be skirt all around with shorts underneath. the split back and solid front (even when done properly and all of the same length) isn't generally flattering.

Patsy said...

Oh, and blushlife? I am ALL ABOUT that t-shirt!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Ooooh! Better idea: T-LO can be Co-Dictators, and LAURA can be First Lady. Isn't that just dreamy? Our own JackieO. Anyway, it is sorta like that already, no? And I'm proud to be a citizen of the Cocktail Nation...

OK. I'll stop now. Except for the flag. I'm serious about a design contest.

Back to fashion. Or not.

Anonymous said...

Yes, MK was on his game. Too, too funny.

And Daniel and Jennifer must have been channeling the same weird retro vibe. WTF?

I still predict that Daniel will have an Andrae-style meltdown, and I cannot wait. He's like a nervous little bunny. Easily startled, and always wide-eyed like he just arrived on the planet and can't figure it all out.

Anonymous said...

blushlife said:
OK - I am anti T-shirt, and never wear the things, but
"The Republic of Cocktail-Land" is BEGGING to be TShirted. Maybe with "My Sport is Drinking" on the back.

I think we should have a contest to design the Official Flag. Not to mention elect leaders...

11:18 AM

---------OMG....what a GREAT idea!!
Design entries for the official flag would be fantastic, and maybe TLo could address Duchess von A la Orange about autographing the winning entry!!

Anonymous said...

Mariana (The Unoriginal)said: "... People here love the comments (Bill, ToddNY, Isabella, Gotham Tomato, Gorgeous Things...just to name a few)"

Whatever happened to bigassbelle? Remember her?

Sewing Siren said...

I liked the two tone zipper on Joe's, that was clever, and the predominate white with just the red and blue stripe. I wonder what happened with the length on the front panel of the skort, he didn't sketch it that way. If the proportions had been correct, he may have won the challenge.

Daniel, it is hard for me to be objective, because I want him to show at Fashion Week. But what is up with pretending like you don't know a thing about sportswear or athletic wear? You wear it. How about one of those striped blazers you are so fond of or the striped hoodie your wearing in the work room? How about one with stars on it or something? Come on at least try! He could have made a skort out of the evening fabric or the cocktail type dress out of a athletic fabric. I know he came off as a bit of a snot in this episode, but I am going to chalk it up to pressure and editing. I still want to see more.

YvesPaul said...

I did like Joe's, I think he should have won instead of Korto.

katiecoo said...

I really thought Joe was a contender for the win but yes, that length discrepancy (lengcrepancy? nah) kind of threw the eye in to a bit of a twitter. But then again that could give the team an edge over the other teams now that I think of it. Subliminal off balance throwing through a skort.

GothamTomato said...

"But Kenley resembles Betti PAGE and not Betty Boop."

I know. That was a JOKE.


Anonymous said...

I liked Joe's but was turned off by the edit that made him kind of smug. And as usual, TLo, you nailed it with the NASCAR comment. It was just a little too something for me, and that was it. But congrats for actually meeting the terms of the challenge!

I wonder if Tim will come to the workroom and deliver a general smackdown to this group on next week's show. AGAIN. They really need it!

Anonymous said...

Alot of people are hating on this season, but I am loving some things about it.

For many reasons.
It reminds me alot of season one in the rawness and sometimes clueless nature of the designers.

I Love that this blog is back this season better than ever with BIG garment pics and more detailed commentary than last season. Also the posts on other aspects of the epsiode besides just the runway garments.
I Love that there have been no team challenges yet where the team leader gets spanked and sent home.
I Love that they messed up so bad this time because it makes for hilarious blogs and board chatter and hilarious one liners and smackdowns from Tim and the judges.

Since I have no favs yet , I hope they F-up every time just for the after show fun it makes....LOL

Now there is alot I dislike this season too.
For one IT"S PISSING ME OFF that they seem to only give 3-5 designers camera time each episode...I mean it's so bad that certain people are completely forgotten.
I don't recall other season's being this bad. Kelli won the 1st time and afterwards I forgot she was even there. I mean they never showed her working, shopping, with Tim, with her model...NOTHING!! FOR ALMOST 3 EPISODES!! kEITH , SUEDE, AND LEANNE ALSO UTTERED BARELY ONE SENTENCE ALL SHOW MINUS THE RUNWAY VOICE OVERS.

Instead they give all the time to Stella, Blayne and his nonsense and split the rest between Jennifer crashing, Daniel whining,and Kenley being self-important. At least this week we got some Korto and Joe mixed in with the others we have been saturated with.


ALSO the runway shows going by so fast they break the sound barrier....grrr... it's really buggin! Have we even been shown the back of a garment this season??? Some of them have interesting back details that we have to see from sites like PR.com, and i'm sorry but that is bullshit! I want to see the whole creation, back and front!
Maybe new editors isn't going to be so bad next season.

THE ONLY WAY I SEE THE DAMN CLOTHES IS TO COME HERE EVERYDAY!!! (again much thx for the BIG pics..please dont go back to small ones or slide shows)

I have no favorite male that i tune in for like in the past with Jay, Santino and the rest of the "D" boys, Kayne, Chris and Christian.
I pretty much hate all the queens this year. They try too hard. Suede is lame, and Blayne, my GOD if I have to listen to his tanning bullshit every week I may have to mute every scene he is in. Some think he is funny but I just do not.
daniel is a whiny douche, keith is ok but not fun to watch as a character, Joe is straight so therefore boring by nature, LOL, jerrell is too gay if that's possible, all his neck swinging and mannerisms bug.

So, yeah, not having a favorite gay that I want as my gay husband on the show is no fun at all.

Stella cannot get off of my TV fast enough...ugh

The only ones I really like so far are Korto, terri, leanne, jennifer pre auf, So bizarre to like only the women this time...

P.S. Do you guys actually read every comment these days? Now that it's in the hundreds every post? :)
Just curios to know with this show and SG if you get the chance to read all your readers comments.

Anonymous said...

I would have accepted a win from either Joe or Terri, their work seemed the most like what I remember from watching the Olympics. They also would have been the easiest for the Olympic Committee to get their mitts on and fine tune. I think the committee would have been thrilled to have something they could market like a NASCAR logo jacket.

But maybe in Joe's case this outfit would have been better for standing on an awards podium than at the ceremonies. The skort could have been changed to a wrap skirt to go over a swimsuit or gymastic's leotard very easily and be easy to pack in a gym bag too.

I guess the point is he and only a couple others actually seemed to think about what goes on at the Olympics. It's hard for me to think that some of the others have been completely oblivious to the blanket coverage that happens every time they come around.

Daniel's looks like something Lucille Ball would wear on the old "Here's Lucy" show in the early 60's, with spiked heels and her big red bouffant.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does anyone else think that Kenley looked like she thought the wrap DID work for Daniel's dress (or at least toned down it's fug factor) but deliberately told him to ditch it? Sorry but there was just somethin' a little sinister, sabotage(y) in the way she didn't quite look him in the eye when she convinced him to lose it. Also the preview for next week showed her totally laughing at her "friend" Daniel on the runway next week!

Could Kenly as Betty Page really be Wendy Pepper in disguise?!?! Oooooo, let's hope so! Thngs are about to get good!

TLo said...

P.S. Do you guys actually read every comment these days? Now that it's in the hundreds every post? :)
Just curios to know with this show and SG if you get the chance to read all your readers comments.

Yup, we read every single one of them : )

Kanani said...

Joe's outfit --I don't like skorts except on 7 year old kids.
Too bad the short and the flap weren't of equal length. But, of all the outfits it was the only one appropriate for the ocasion --especially at the end when the athletes are tearing around the track, riding on one another's shoulders.

Daniel's outfit was laughable. Did he not understand who he was designing for? The female athletes have huge thighs, broad shoulders. Their physiques are proud. They'd look stuffed into those costumes, like a stewardess in a play, or a frustrated housewife serving cocktails.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Joe's outfit reminded me of this.

FashionFanatic said...

Daniel completely missed the boat and it's pretty flawed as Gorgeous Things already mentioned the fit on the bust.

Joe's wasn't formal enough and and not exactly fashion forward either.

Anonymous said...

"She wound up looking like Olive Oyl guest-starring on Sex and the City."

Freaking hilarious!!!!!

I feel bad for Joe, he thought he had it in the bag, hence, the cocky attitude perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Who thinks a SKORT is a good idea? Seriously. That thing was hideous, I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the whole thing with the sewing machine was ridiculous. Does he own one of the sewing machines?

Anonymous said...

Thx TLo for the fast response.

I'm glad you saw how grateful I am for the large garment stills this season.

I am really getting a better take on the designs thanks to the blog. God knows they fly by on TV faster than a lightning strike and no TIVO for me to do the pause thing. :)

Beth said...

Maybe Daniel's design would have looked good back in the 40's. The only way it would remotely work in the 21st century is if one viewed it on a black and white television. That color was horrendous. His perspiration issues are sickening. Take a shower, please.

And for the record, I believe that he and Joe were both acting kind of douchey.

Someone must have TOLD the judges that Joe's zipper was 2-toned. With the shitty lighting on that runway, there is no way in hell Frau Seal saw it on her own.

Anonymous said...

Joe's was too literal and a little vulgar for an opening ceremony.
Daniel's wasn't THAT bad, it just wasn't right for the challenge.

Alex! said...

How did Daniel so quickly go from charming, quiet, spastic, and talented to a deluded, self-important, snot?

I liked him better when he was sweaty and jumpy and trying hard.

Now he juts comes across as a smug rich kid that used to make me nuts in prep school...

(As always, I will assume it's the marvels of reality show editing, and he's actually a really nice guy.)

But he does need to amp up his game.

Alex! said...

Someone must have TOLD the judges that Joe's zipper was 2-toned. With the shitty lighting on that runway, there is no way in hell Frau Seal saw it on her own.

It seems like I've heard that they actually spend a lot of time scrutinizing the outfits, especially the top three/bottom three.

I think someone mentioned that the critique/discussion with the designers can sometimes go on for close to an hour.

Bailey said...

Did anyone else love Daniel's reaction when they asked him, "How are we supposed to get 'US Olympic Team' from this?"

"Because of the brilliant red and the brilliant blue!?"

Further proof these designers, for the most part, don't have a clue. Representing the US Olympic Team is more than just red white and blue, NYC at night is more than pictures of pretty colors you took, and innovative grocery materials do not include tablecloths and shower curatins. I feel Bravo has to be intentially torpedoing the show before its move to Lifetime. Some of these people just could not have gotten on otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Mystia at 11:57 compained that we don't see all designers equally each week.

of course that is because they have enough deisgners to field an entire division of baseball teams.

so use it to your advantage. those that are interviewed are almost certainly in the top or bottom 3.

As the herding masses are weeded out, we should feel like we are spending more time with individuals and their creations. As for now.... LOOK FAST!!!!!!

-TLo Addict-

Anonymous said...

Most of the designs were hardly appropriate for the task at hand. I don't know if it's because they're young designers but they don't seem to quite grasp the inspiration+task concept.

Kanani said...

The "USA" on the back of Joe's outfit definitely puts it into a "Ricky Bobby" realm.

Anonymous said...

You ladies Rock! LOL And could Michael Kors comments be any funnier? He earned major points!
Kara K.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I LOL at the Princess's comment. He TOTALLY is on his game this season!

Anonymous said...

delusional absolutely nails it. and the judges: hysterical.

Dan said...

I concur that Joe was a bit of an asshat this week, which makes me not sad in the least that he didn't win (i know karma will get me...). But if he would have simply shortened the front the the length of the shorts, I really think he would have won it. Its sporty and athletic, it has the opportunity to show the body off well, and could be translated to menswear very easily. I do think a shirt should be added, like a tank or something... for practical reasons. Only models walk around with just jackets on.


Sewing Siren said...

LindaLA said...
By the way, the whole thing with the sewing machine was ridiculous. Does he own one of the sewing machines?

It was ridiculous, yes. However in a "school" setting it occurs quite frequently. Some of the machines are "good" and others not so much. The actual operating of an industrial machine is simple, simpler in fact than a home sew machine because there is only one function (straight stitch). They do get a lot of use and some get a litte wonky and sometimes students start fucking with things they shouldn't so some of the machines are not functioning in top order, therefore one machine might be a favorite.
In a real life factory setting it never occurs, because the operators job is to sew one operation (say a sleeve inseam) over and over again. No reason to leave the machine except to go to the potty.

Bill said...

Olive Oyl/Sex and the City; Jackie Kennedy/Minnie Mouse - you boys just kill me!

I know I often live in the TV Land of my past, and Joe's design brought me right back to this NASCAR precursor.

The judges laughing at Daniel was just pure gold! Part of me felt bad for him but most of me felt like he should have seen it coming. He could not have been further off from the intent of the challenge.

kittens not kids said...

most delusional episode of anything, ever, indeed.

the judges seemed to be thinking semi-cumulatively about Jennifer's work when they decided to auf her. she's done the same wrong thing each week. daniel, though hardly stellar, has managed to do semi-wrong in a different way. also, i still cannot get over her absolutely foolish and moronic insistence that her aesthetic is "surrealist."

Joe's was the most literally sporty. i was okay with Korto's win, thought Terri really rocked it out with her 4-piece ensemble. but this was a shockingly badly executed challenge. everyone just made a 1940s dress and pretended they were modernizing or reinventing the wheel or something.
delusional fools, all of them!

Anonymous said...

The skort is kiddie wear to me, something I buy for my seven year old granddaughter. The only acceptable type is the kind with a skirt all the way around, not the weird apron type, and the only reason to wear one is so you don't show your panties when you are on the playground swing. I expected Joe to win this one with his background in sportswear and was kind of flabbergasted at how bad it looked.

Check out Daniel's audition video. Wow, what a conceited creepy guy. Yech to him and his clothes.

The reason I post as anonymous is because of the kind of in group versus out group nonsense going on in this thread. I don't like it when one group of commentators think they own the blog and start throwing their weight around, causing the threads to go off topic (especially with personal banter.) However, Bailey's comment was close to trolling and if all you want to do is criticize the bloggers and commentators here, maybe you need to find another blog that makes you happier.

Anonymous said...

Just looking at the images and thinking

a) how much better Joe's outfit would have been without the USAs

b) that what killed Daniel was his fabric choice. Imagine the same dress in something matte and navy blue with white trim, and perhaps a matching white linen jacket and he would have been right up there with the winners.

I still hated his 'how dare you even make me think about the Olympics, can't you see I don't DO sports' attitude though...

Alex! said...

I still hated his 'how dare you even make me think about the Olympics, can't you see I don't DO sports' attitude though...


It's the VictorYa syndrome... "I'm WAY TOO SOPHISTICATED for this challenge... so I will make a shitty denim trenchcoat and lose."

Any time a designer thinks they're above the paradigm of the show, they start to lose focus, lose challenges, and lose viewer sympathy....

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Gotham. I feel like a douche now.

Anonymous said...

More douchetastic behavior coming your way: Anonymous 1:01 pm was written by Frances Spencer.

Anonymous said...

Duchess said Republic of CocktailLAND if i'm not mistaken...brilliant. i can't wait to become a citizen there.

Sewing Siren said...

Alex! said...

Any time a designer thinks they're above the paradigm of the show, they start to lose focus, lose challenges, and lose viewer sympathy....

I will never lose sympathy for Daniel. Never!! Anyone who manages to get through Pratt will always and forever have my undying empathy (wait that's a little different isn't it?)
He did come off like a snot,though. Maybe the editors have a story arc in mind...

Tal said...

A lot of the dresses this season seem to be mocking the vagina. What is with all the designers feeling the need work at the center of a dress?

We've had fur diapers, vagina pockets, flowery bloom nonsense, and now this door.

Am I just being delusional?

Bill said...

BrainB said...Daniel's looks like something Lucille Ball would wear on the old "Here's Lucy" show in the early 60's, with spiked heels and her big red bouffant.

Exactly right! Though my thoughts waere running more toward Christina Hendricks as office manager Joan Holloway from Mad Men. Same time period.

Now there's a challenge/cross-promo I'd love to see: Design an update on early 60's office wear. Winner's outift gets worn to the Emmy's by one of the cast of AMC's Mad Men.

(jon hamm, jon hamm, jon hammmmmm, sigh....)

Anonymous said...

Skorts are wonderful! To play sports in. Indeed, I play tennis in one regularly, jog in one and have been known to wear one when I've been feeling a little large for shorts. Well-constructed and they can hide quite a few sins. But I really hate the ones that look like shorts from the back. The only ones I like are the ones that look like skirts, with the shorts attached. Alas, Joe fell into the shorts in the rear category, and therefore into a class of fugly. Still, athletic wear it is, and Olympians are, you know, athletes.

Daniel? Feh. Like he got asked to do a costume for the "new Peggy Olson" on Mad Men.

Anonymous said...

Joe's other behavior/comments aside, I have to sympathize with him on the sewing machine issue. In Home Ec class (lo those many decades ago), we were not assigned seats/machines and it lead to a lot of catfights concerning the very same issue. Unthreading a student who had been working on a machine, threading it with your color, then NOT rethreading the other students color. It is a hassle and when you have a specific time limit, it matters. Our issue was resolved with assigning machines & if yours broke you used another but rethread it when you finished. There are adult ways to settle things besides sniping & 'wining' to the camera as Joe did.


Anonymous said...

Ummm ... can't we all just get along? TLo have created this awesome forum (which I only discovered halfway through last season and now enjoy more than the actual show) for all of us to add our two cents. As TLo says, this blog is open to everyone.

I have noticed more contention since Bailey began commenting, but enough posters have asked nicely that comments be nicely put and they are ... so that should be that.

I truly enjoy reading all of your comments and am beginning to feel like you're people I'd like to call friends.

So, having said that, I'll go back to lurking now.

Thanks to TLo for all the hard work they do in putting this masterpiece together. Mwahhh!

Anonymous said...

That's "Whining"...not wining. Sheesh!


Anonymous said...

I know that bad assignment=bad product. For instance, why take them to the hall of fame or wherever they went if they didn't want the designers to use that as inspiration?
I think they just overestimated the designers common sense. I've love the opening ceremonies, I've seen them many times. Everyone is usually dressed as a flight attendant. Occasionally, they get a little sportier or have to wear a funny hat or something. But it's a uniform that has to look reasonably good on a multiple number of body shapes and sizes, and will have a corresponding male uniform next to it. Very few of the designers got that.

I think they were taken to the museum to see past olympic uniforms and make some connections between what the designers should know about historical fashion and seeing how that was translated into historical Olympic-wear. Or the designers should have said to themselves "women in the 40s wore skirts and women in the Olympics in the 40s wore similar skirts. Women in 2008 wear _____ so women in the Olympics in 2008 should wear _______." The assignment was to fill in the blanks. It is not PRs fault that all of these designers seem to have failed the analogy section of the SATs.

Julie The Vintage Goddess said...

What is it about these guys that makes them think that they can just ignore the challenge and make whatever they want?

and how does one become a fashion designer without a bit of basic fashion history?
Daniel's dress had nothing to do with the 40's and everything to do with the early 60's. (which might be what set MK off since he is all about the early 60's this year...Jesus, he was funny this episode)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mystia at 11:57 compained that we don't see all designers equally each week.

no it's just that it seems some people we see NONE of at all in an episode while it seems we are made to endure every comment out of Blayne's mouth.
Also Blayne is one of the only designers who we have seen Tim with in the workroom in every episode so far.

Anonymous said...

** I meant to say Stella too. There has been alot of Stella in every episode so far when others haven't been showcased hardly at all in 4 episodes.

After 4 episodes I do not think the same 2 people who are in the middle each week should get showcased the most in all 4 episodes

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that the Olympic skort is to fashion what the mullet style is to haircuts -business from the front, party view from the rear. Or vice versa.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I hope Daniel (and Jennifer, Jerrell and some of the other designers) will look at the pics of today's opening ceremonies

Note plenty of sportwear, shorts, casual summer jackets but no cocktail dresses, sunhats or sweaters and no high heels. If fact the only dresses were worn by the Irish women-and they're the typical sun dress types.

I will say I think the Iranian female athletes have interesting outfits. The men wore traditional native garb like some of the african/mideastern countries are prone to do, but the Iranian women worn a sleeker, unifromed version of their robe and Bhurka


Anonymous said...

"blushlife said...
It occurs to me that the Olympic skort is to fashion what the mullet style is to haircuts -business from the front, party view from the rear. Or vice versa.

1:29 PM"



Anonymous said...

Has anyone mentioned how the buttons on Daniel's dress were kind of in a ... strange... place? Really, I've never seen such awkward placements for buttons.

Hutchlover said...

Honestly I'm siding with Joe re: the sewing maching debacle. He already had white thread in the machine. Daniel should've asked around before he re-threaded it to make sure no one was using that machine.

As Daniel said, there were many other machines around not being used.

I think Joe's could've been the winner if not for the longer "apron" in the front. DANIEL should've been auf'd. At least Jennifer, no matter how boring, constructed her garment well and used a former Olympics as a point of reference.

Whitney said...

Oh, the Republic of Cocktailand is a great idea! Please TLo? Pretty, pretty please with cherries and whipped cream?

Kanani said...

I used to like how the lips were never in sync with the voice.

Anyway, I hope these guys have a cartoon challenge soon.

lovemesomeuli said...

Joe, you definitely captured the spirit of the challenge and might have won if it weren't for that wonky length discrepancy.

Daniel, honey, I love you as my screen name implies, but you didn't do what was asked of you and got nailed for it. And it looks like you're in the hot seat again next week for "taste level." Hang in there, baby. I believe in you. Just relax.

lovemesomeuli said...

Oh, and don't listen to Kenley. She wants you out!

Sewing Siren said...

Kanani said...
I used to like how the lips were never in sync with the voice.

Anyway, I hope these guys have a cartoon challenge soon.

A cartoon challenge would be super. They could make a new dress for Olive Oyl. Or Betty and Veronica, Betty and Wilma, or Judy and Jane Jetson..

Beth said...

thanks to Frank for posting the pics of the opening ceremonies. I love the Olympics!

Sad to see how badly the American team was whored out by Ralph Lauren. Don't you think he could have left the jumbo sized polo ponies off this time? But I guess it really does define America: Capitalism at the expense of all else.

Kanani said...

As long as we're on the Olympics...

What's with the belt on the French team?

Love the Swiss team's outfits. They're very "skater." Do the Swiss have more fun? Well, they do here.

The US Team? Help! I'm having a JC Pennys flashback. They look like TOUR GUIDES. And yeah, I noticed the logo. It's an upscale Ricky Bobby moment (Ralph Bobby?).

The Ireland team looked like the fog.

Sri Lanka? Really? So drab for a country that could easily slip into color.

Oh Canada! You going to Cirque du Soleil? The maple leaf will never be the same. You have firmly ensconced yourself in with hostel dwellers across Europe. I love what you've done with your meek image.

Lawrence of Arabia! The Saudi team looks dashing in their traditional robes. However, I did note the absence of women.

Since when did Aussies decide looking like flight attendants was preferable to barbecuing beer swillers?

Spain's are an exercise on how to make women look shorter in bright yellow suits and red flats. Please, pass the paella Miss Flight Attendant.

Anonymous said...

I kind of liked Joe's skort although the longer skirt in front looked like an apron, which was just weird.

Anonymous said...

Joe's outfit was awful. The USA emblem was just tacky and the length was way off. Daniel's left me speechless. How can you NOT listen to Tim Gunn? He's ALWAYS right.

Lilithcat said...

Here's the thing about Joe's. Aside from the weird proportions on the skort, it was too obvious. There was nothing particularly modernized or innovative about it.

Daniel, well, I don't know what Olympics he was thinking about.

DolceLorenzo said...

"Sewing Siren said...

Kanani said...
I used to like how the lips were never in sync with the voice.

Anyway, I hope these guys have a cartoon challenge soon.

A cartoon challenge would be super. They could make a new dress for Olive Oyl. Or Betty and Veronica, Betty and Wilma, or Judy and Jane Jetson.."

Shear Genius did that and it was awesome.

Joe's was OK, a little too obvious and literal. Daniel should've gone home just for that 'fuck I'm going to to whatever I want' attitude alone.

CroqueMonsieur said...


If I haven't said it enough: Thank you so much for all these wonderful posts. You guys make the show so much more enjoyable.

Bill said...

blushlife said...It occurs to me that the Olympic skort is to fashion what the mullet style is to haircuts -business from the front, party view from the rear. Or vice versa.


Hooray Blushlife! I was going to point out that you just invented the skullet, but apparently that name has already been given to a mullet variation involving MPB or a shaved head. Yikes!!

Joanie said...

Delusional episode...yes! That's exactly what it was. Full of delusional designers, drunken waitresses, and well, let's face it, judges on nitrous oxide. And you know what? The judges need laughing gas more often. They're so much fun that way.

I did feel Joe captured the sporty nature of the challenge but totally don't get the length of the front panel on the skort, though TLo's explanation does make some sense. I'll take it. Please wrap it and bag it and I'll send my driver to pick it up later, thank you.

Daniel's unraveling is becoming so predictable, I'm rather uncomfortable watching it. Of course, I believe it could be an act for the sake of the cameras. If it's not, someone needs a valium.

Anonymous said...

"Bill said...

Hooray Blushlife! I was going to point out that you just invented the skullet, but apparently that name has already been given to a mullet variation involving MPB or a shaved head. Yikes!!"

OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!! My eyes! If that wasn't so hideous, it would be the funniest thing I have seen in years.

Really, how scary!


Anonymous said...

The sex and the city part was spot on.

To me she looks more Betty Boop tho, it's the hair.

She's totally Betty Boop who had to borrow a dress from Samantha Jones on laundry day.

In fact, I think Samantha wore that exact dress in the 3rd season :)

Sewing Siren said...

Kanani said...
As long as we're on the Olympics...

What's with the belt on the French team?

Love the Swiss team's outfits. They're very "skater." Do the Swiss have more fun? Well, they do here.

The US Team? Help! I'm having a JC Pennys flashback. They look like TOUR GUIDES. And yeah, I noticed the logo. It's an upscale Ricky Bobby moment (Ralph Bobby?).

The Ireland team looked like the fog.

Maybe the designer for the Irish team uniform was a surrealist.

Anonymous said...

Btw in minor defense of Daniel

a colleague showed me pictures of the Polish team on a chinese website and the women were wearing something similar to Daniel's cocktail dress....EXCEPT in a tasteful wine color and no wonky buttons or piping. They did have matching shawls though. Still sadly better than what he came up with.

Oh yeah I did forget to mention about those French sashes. Plus the italians are in grey! Ugh!

I don't the Saudis will have female athletes anytime soon. It's funny that the Iranians have a couple though


Kanani said...

Sewing Siren said
Maybe the designer for the Irish team uniform was a surrealist.

HA! Good one!
I've gotta get on the road. I'll miss you all. Keep up the good spirits! I'll check in when I can find my way to a computer.

Anonymous said...

loved the olive oyl comment, boys! and how right-on! poor daniel really didn't get it at all. duchess hit the nail on the head with the "republic of cocktail-land" & olympic drinking events. i laughed my head off at that one. and even if the challenge had been "design an american themed cocktail dress for a night on the town", i still didn't like it....

i actually liked joe's design. i really appreciated the fact that he actually designed something that looked like an athlete would wear it. i loved the zipper detail. i agree with the criticism of the length of the skort...the shorts should match the length of the skirt part. i would have voted to make it all the longer length. while not the most inspiring outfit, at least he "got" the challenge.

as for his "douchey" behavior -- yeah, he was pretty obnoxious, but i would have thought that everyone would tend to settle into a particular workstation and not move around to any old machine - so i can sort of understand his frustration seeing someone else at "his" machine. machines can be touchy, and each one can have its own "personality" - little idiosyncracies that one learns to work with. also, some can be a real pain to thread, so i can also appreciate his being annoyed that someone re-threaded it.... that said, he still didn't need to behave that way - but keep in mind the stress that they all are under....can't speak much for the "queens" comment -- i'm hoping he just meant "drama queems", but if not, then he may be in the wrong business....

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Julie said, "Daniel's dress had nothing to do with the 40's "

Yes! Thank you! I'd say late '20s/early '30s farmhouse (the piping, the buttons) mixed with early '60s Kim Novak.

But I'm kinda with Sewing Siren. . . I want to see what Daniel's going to do, because I liked his portfolio looks. He's gonna have to pull himself together, though. If they make him design for someone's mother I'm afraid he'll lose it entirely.

Anonymous said...

"Alex! said...

How did Daniel so quickly go from charming, quiet, spastic, and talented to a deluded, self-important, snot?"

my guess it would be editing.

poor daniel. my grandmother used to wear a house dress on her cleaning day that looked very similar to his design this week. couldn't help but give him a sympathy wince after nina's "mary's little lamb" comment and mk's hearty cackle, though. (and yes, i am heartless. because i laughed too!). perhaps taking designing advice from henley or manly or whatever miss page calls herself, isn't such a wise move.

it does seem as though joe might have cracked his nut over daniel a little too hashly, but i wonder what is being left out of the editing there also. he seemed pretty laid back in previous challenges. the little jacket was cute, but those the bottoms? yek. maybe it's my irrational disdain for the word skort. but, what a freaking mess. they definitely could have been tailored much more sleek and attractively.

p.s. i love this blog and the comments and commenters. you all are great.

Cedar said...

Daniel's hideous dress immediatly reminded me of the little Frenchy costume thing that got Chris aufed last season.

I don't understand how Daniel is still here--both his and Jennifer's dresses missed the point entirely, but at laest Jennifer's was well made. That adds something in my book.

Joe's outfit is cute, but very sports department at Target. if everyone else didn't screw up so much, there's no way he woulda been in the top three.

Anonymous said...

"lynette said...

delusional absolutely nails it. and the judges: hysterical."

Wow! Another lynette! lynette, sweetie....how about we go with lynette (the old one) and lynette (the new one)?! :-D Yes, I am old, but not tired!

Back to on topic: I thought Joe made the most effort to capture the Olympic theme. He should be commended for putting ALOT of work and details into his outfit.

This really was an entertaining episode. I have sympathy angst for Daniel. Even though we saw his usual tortured soul persona, we also saw a happier (?) Daniel too.

Red Seven said...

Call me oversensitive if you want to, but to my mind, Joe is a heterosexist @$$#o!e. That he believes he can carve out a career in the fashion industry and bitch about the "queens" on national television not only makes him a tool, but a stupid one.

A shame, because I really liked that pasta dress, for a hot minute there.

Anonymous said...

I thought Daniel's model looked like she had come off the Good Ship Lollipop.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Frank for the link to Opening Ceremony pics.

I thought the Americans looked OK. The "costumes" were strange individually, but the herd effect was nice, despite the oversized "ploppies" (what we called wearers of polo ponies in high school), and the tendency of the young-uns to wear the caps in wierd and dorky ways. As a herd, they made a statement. And it was of a positive, young and innocent America, unlike the horrific look of a gang of biker bullies had, say, Stella designed the costumes.


Stubenville said...

Well kittens, as sophisticated as Laura B would be as first lady of the Republic of Cocktailland, I'm going to propose Amy Winehouse for the job. Not only is the girl appropriately named, but she seems like she can toss back a few drinks without batting a (false) eyelash.

Stubenville said...

I just stumbled upon Ms. Winehouse's favorite cocktail:

It's called a Rickstasy -
* three parts vodka,
* one part Southern Comfort,
* one part banana liqueur
* and one part Bailey’s

It sounds barftastic.

Anonymous said...

Right on, Boyz. Right on, write on.

Daniel's model is sweet, isn't she?

I liked Joe's styling and that nod to swimmer's cap look.

-- desertwind

Sewing Siren said...

Stubenville said...
I just stumbled upon Ms. Winehouse's favorite cocktail:

It's called a Rickstasy -
* three parts vodka,
* one part Southern Comfort,
* one part banana liqueur
* and one part Bailey’s

{{Shudder}}. There's nothing worse than a sweet drunk. That's what Mr. Villareal, my brother's drum teacher, used to say (when he served me my first cocktail way back when).

Anonymous said...

Here ya go, Republic of Cocktail - to celebrate 08/08/08 and the Olympic Opening Ceremonies:

"London Fog" (henceforth renamed the Beijing Smog):
1 1/2 oz gin
1/4 oz absinthe
Shake. Drink till Fogged.

...and Chinese takeout.

Anonymous said...

Stubenville said...
I just stumbled upon Ms. Winehouse's favorite cocktail:

It's called a Rickstasy -
* three parts vodka,
* one part Southern Comfort,
* one part banana liqueur
* and one part Bailey’s

OMFG! That explains a lot. {{{{Shudder}}}}


Sewing Siren said...

blushlife said...
Here ya go, Republic of Cocktail - to celebrate 08/08/08 and the Olympic Opening Ceremonies:

"London Fog" (henceforth renamed the Beijing Smog):
1 1/2 oz gin
1/4 oz absinthe
Shake. Drink till Fogged.

I've got it! To turn the "London Fog" into the "Beijing Smog" garnish it with a lit sparkler! Wah!

Anonymous said...

Please don't attack me for the things i'm about to say...ok?...ok.

Why is everyone so down on joe about the Drama queens comment?

I honestly think that if any Gay designer on any season made a crack about hetero's or straight designers no one would take offense.

They would probably laugh. Gay men always bag on straight guys for having no taste or style but if a straight guy makes a generalization of any sort about gays he is labled a homophobe.


Gay man: "Look at the poor dears clothes, and is that Stetson I smell?. His mono-brow is tragic. Love the caveman walk, Fred Flintstone. The poor thing can't help it tho, he was born straight, he has no clue."

I doubt anyone would be yelling "SEXIST!" or HETEROPHOBE!!!

Straight man: "My teenage daughter doesn't swirl her neck that much even, during a tantrum and what's with that walk? He looks like he's gonna dislocate one of his hips soon if he doesn't reign it in. The poor sap probably can't help it being born gay and all."

BOOM!...HOMOPHOBE! ASSHOLE!...PIG!...CLOSE-MINDED.. He needs his ass beat. I hate him now...etc.

It's the same double standard with racial comments.

An African-American person can say all kinds of racist things about white people or openly rip on white stereo-types, but if a white person says a word about an African American, even if they are just stating an opinion without being racist at all, they get attacked from all fronts.

And look out If you make a joke about another race as a white person. If you're famous it can end your entire career and start a media backlash that can destroy lives.

I just don't get the double standards.

If there was ONE gay designer there with 5 straight guys and in his interview segment he said..(in a snarky way of course)
"it's so boring here and it smells like armpit sweat because there are too many un-groomed, hets around!"

No one would be at all offended even tho it suggests that all straight men are boring and smelly.

So why it so offensive if Joe hints at gay men being dramatic? People say it about women at least 137 times a day in all walks of life. That's considered alright and what Joe said isn't??!!??

I'm all for political correct, respectful behavior, but it needs to be across the board, not racially and sexually specific with the ridiculous double standards these days where straight white people have a book of things they cannot say or even mention in a friendly manner, and the book is growing every year.
Other races and sexualities do not have these boundaries and do not have to censor themselves in fear of being labeled racist or sexist.
I do not think any race, gender, religion, sexuality, etc. is superior over any other. We are all people just trying to lead a happy life while we are here.

Lighten up people, I think you are making way too much out of what Joe said. If it was said by any of the gay men no one would have given it a second thought.

Bill said...

Hi anonymous@4:07 PM. There was a lot of discussion along those lines in response to the Episode 4 preview posting. There were plenty of supporters of your point of view and at least as many detractors. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but we all needed a few drinks by the time the discussion ended.

Anonymous said...

I dunno. Amy Winehouse seems more like Mayor of Crackville, though girlfriend CAN sing (when she's not puking.)

I think she lacks that certain "je nais ce quoi" of what we need in our First Lady. Or at least that is what Carla Bruni-Sarkozy would say...

Anonymous said...

Daniel is pretty. end.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above me, if you can't see why a straight guy complaining about 'queens' on a show devoted to FASHION is idiotic, I'm afraid I don't know what to say for you. I think he and Daniel were both being childish, but the whole 'I AM STRAIGHT MAN HEAR ME ROAR' thing is irritating and entitled. It would be nice if the token straight guy could stop reminding us that he is resolutely heterosexual.

That said, am I the only one who noticed that Daniel said Kenley was using that machine before him? I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't trying to undermine him in the hope he'll get sent home. I'm veeery interested to see what happens with those two next week.

It seems like lots of the designers this season are one-trick ponies. Daniel can only make cocktail dresses, Kenley is stuck in "Bettie Page for Target" mode, and Stella only wants to work with LEATHA.

IMO, Jerrell is the one to watch. He's got that over-the-top, costumey thing going on that Chris March had last season; his outfit for this challenge was absurd, but it was well-made enough and indicated enough talent to keep him in.

Daniel, Joe, or Keith will be gone next week.

Bailey said...

Why is everyone so down on joe about the Drama queens comment?

I honestly think that if any Gay designer on any season made a crack about hetero's or straight designers no one would take offense.

They would probably laugh. Gay men always bag on straight guys for having no taste or style but if a straight guy makes a generalization of any sort about gays he is labled a homophobe.

I agree with the double standard. I don't like that either. I know many straight men who have lots of style, and jokes like that are the same as pretending all gay guys are dramatic queens.

As a gay guy, I wasn't really offended by his use of the word 'queen' (although I don't buy that he meant 'drama queen,' either). What bothered me was the fact that it appears Joe was the one being overly-dramatic and then just decided to "blame it on the homos." Perhaps the edit was particularly unkind to Joe but I suppose we'll never know.

Lilithcat said...

I'm not one to tell people what to post, but, jeez, guys, as Bill says, the previous "discussion" over the "queen" remark drove us all to drink.

And one hangover per Project Runway episode is about all I can take at my advanced age.

Thank you all.

Lilithcat (who is more than old enough to catch the Sgt. Pepper reference)

Anonymous said...

re: "skullet" - Sweet Baby Jesus!!! Now that is Shear Genius!

re: Beijing Smog cocktail - the sparkler garnish is perfect. I wonder where I can scrounge some up...

Just sayin: I love all you peeps!
xoxo Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 4:07 PM, the voice of reason. Thank you.

Joe's comment was not homophobic. It was his attempt at trying to be clever. Call it witty or tasteless or whatever, but it wasn't fearful or hateful toward gays.

Amazing how some people freak out so easily. As if they are waiting for a reason to bitch and scream foul. Those are the true drama queens.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:40 wrote "It would be nice if the token straight guy could stop reminding us that he is resolutely heterosexual."

As a straight woman, who has associated with lots of gay and lesbian folks, I find that comment hilarious and refreshing! How many times have my straight friends griped "Why do they have to keep reminding us they're gay? We get it!"!

Maybe things are finally coming around, maybe the human race is going to be OK after all.


Anonymous said...

"IMO, Jerrell is the one to watch. He's got that over-the-top, costumey thing going on that Chris March had last season; his outfit for this challenge was absurd, but it was well-made enough and indicated enough talent to keep him in."

in absolute agreement with you. i would love to be able to pick up that adorable skirt. put in a much different context (say with a sweet tight little black cashmere sweater and some knee high high heeled boots), it's very cute.

i hate to offend anyone else's sensibilities, but...the blouse! that silhouette can just come across as so old. or, maybe i am just projecting this post traumatic christian over-kill. but please let it be over.

and, someone beside blane seems to be channeling princess puffy chicken sleeves this week.

stop that, jerrell.


Anonymous said...

Bailey i think he honestly didn't just decide to blame the gays, I think it happened to be daniel and probably suede or Blayne irritating him.
Hence the remark.

I still think there was probably more to it and probably more comments by Daniel and suede we didn't see or Danny boy probably went on and on about when he went back to the workroom whining to Kenley or others.

Truth is we really don't know.

Joe was kinda assy this episode but for reasons other than that one comment

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to open the can of worms guys.
I missed that last discussion about this.
I brought it up because of all the Joe bashing on THIS thread over the comment.

Glad I missed that last thread because after reading it i would have gotten sucked into that arguing my point way too long..lol

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to add that as a gay man, Joe's comments didn't offend me. Those bitches are drama queens. Granted I think his behavior to daniel was over the top, but his comment was pretty catty for a straight guy. And I can relate to that :)

What it comes down to was I think he was making a joke, not trying to put a group of people down.

Rainwood said...

Drat, I'm always the flea on the end of the tail of the dog! Joe's was a second place finish for me. Yes, it was kind of NASCAR now that you mention it and the front of the skort was odd, but it was sporty and more appropriate than almost everything else.

And I now look at fashion disasters like Daniel's dress as wonderful opportunities. Without them, we'd never hear things like "Republic of Cocktail Land." You're absolutely right about the Persimmon Princess. He had his bitch pants on this episode and they were fitting very snugly.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous above me, if you can't see why a straight guy complaining about 'queens' on a show devoted to FASHION is idiotic, I'm afraid I don't know what to say for you."

I'm sorry but that is just silly. I'm not trying to be confrontational but I have to address that.

What difference does the kind of show he is on make??? Because it's about fashion he is not allowed to get irritated by people he thinks are over dramatic if they are gay?

That's like me dining at a place where kids eat free. Should I expect alot of kids and noise?


Am I allowed to be irritated and speak my mind if some of those kids are screaming at the top of their lungs, hitting and kicking people at random, and throwing food and dishes around the resturant?


And if anyone told me to just accept it because it's a kid friendly resturant I'd probably give them a fat lip. I know kids will be there but it doesn't mean I have to put up with shit that crosses the line.


You cannot tell someone to alter their reactions to a conflict because the people he is upset with are gay and gays rule the fashion world....seriously????

I'm not even saying he had good reason to be pissed off. we didn't see all that happened.

Still whether gay people, straight people, or purple people eaters pissed him off, he is entitled to his feelings no matter where he is or for what purpose.

Unknown said...

"She wound up looking like Olive Oyl guest-starring on Sex and the City."

Classic. I love you bitches so very much.

Anonymous said...

there was a collective roar of approval of Miss Kors last nite. We had to rewind and rewind and rewind and wonder what Tlo would say...and rewind some more...watch it in slow-mo, and then replay the runway...geez does it take anyone else 2 hours to watch this show?

Emma P. said...

Anonymous said...

"IMO, Jerrell is the one to watch. He's got that over-the-top, costumey thing going on that Chris March had last season; his outfit for this challenge was absurd, but it was well-made enough and indicated enough talent to keep him in."

Not only was his outfit for the challenge TOTALLY absurd (Mother Goose takes her crack pipe to the Great Depression Olympics), did you catch what girlfriend was sportin' herself?
Like an Andrew Sister styled by the Caten Twins.

I am SO rooting for Jerrell!

Anonymous said...

Ow, Bill, my eyes! You should be putting warning labels on pictures like that Skullet. Tonight's nightmare is cast!

Anonymous said...

Did any of you see the actual Opening Ceremony costumes from the countries? Many of them invoked Jerrel, Jennifer, and Kenley. Terri's would be the most logical given what I saw. None of the countries wanted "athletic" - they all sported school boy and girl looks or otherwise they went "native."

Pam said...

Daniel shoulda been auf'd for that outfit. Inappropriate, poorly made, poorly fitted, and really only suitable if you want to play Mastermind on someone's coochie.

Anonymous said...

The outfits could have been a lot better. But I'm still glad that Jennifer is the one out and not Daniel. I think he's capable of producing a lot more. We just haven't seen that it yet.

Anonymous said...

Heidi is color blind. Daniel's outfit was not purple.

Anonymous said...

he SO should have been aufed for this monstrocity

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Heidi is color blind. Daniel's outfit was not purple."

I thought Daniel's outfit was blue too. I thought Joe should have won, his outfit was the most appropriate to the occasion. I also like how he incorporated the colors red, white and blue. You have to have the colors representing the country.

Anonymous said...

The only design I could see on an athlete was Joe's. That would definitely look great on athletic bodies.

Anonymous said...

In Daniel's defense re: the sewing machine issue, he DID say that Kenley was using the machine before him, so we can't blame him entirely for "stealing" Joe's machine.

Wow TLo, I can't believe you guys read every single post. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think Joe actually had the cutest outfit, I liked the entire outfit.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like Joe's outfit. It was way too literal and he was such a douche about the sewing machines.

Anonymous said...

I think Joe could have won if he hadn't made the flap in front so long and no help in the world could have helped Daniel's monstrosity. Wait, there's also Jerell's, but I'll get to that later.

Mad Fashionista said...

Dahlings, Jerrell's outfit was a puffy, pouffy nightmare. With capri leggings, no less. And I believe that hat was last worn by Minnie Pearl (if you don't know who the Beatles are, I guarantee you won't know who she is). I love the Andrews Sisters comment. It's the first week that someone else has worn something more interesting on their head than Kenley.

There's retro, and then there's vomitacious.

Meanwhile, I think Jennifer was trying for Olympic Barbie. And Daniel is this season's Sweet P...the slow-motion nervous breakdown. I do hope there is a flip-out episode, dahlings! Can you imagine Daniel going after Joe with a pair of pinking shears?

And did anyone else wonder if Tim was thinking filthy thoughts when he stood next to Apolo Ohno?

Simone said...

I'm glad Korto (or Korta which is it? I'm lazy to check) won but Joe outfit was a good attempt. Maybe it wasn't perfect but at least it was in the realm of sportswear.
I just don't get Daniel and some other designers who sent couture looking things down the runway. Ok maybe sportwear isn't your thing but don't pretend that a COCKTAIL dress is appropriate for the Olympics! It's like some of them didn't even try to think "olympics", "sportswear", "2008".

Anonymous said...

Is Daniel's model pregnant or fat gut his signature look?

eric3000 said...

I was also impressed that the judges noticed the zipper.

If Joe was so in love with that machine he should have put his damn name on it.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious post, guys! Project Rungay should be required reading for PR viewers. I'm so glad I found it.

About the episode: Everyone has already commented at length (ahem) on the godawful skort but I just want to add, what was up with the horrible grey jersey (I believe) of the shorts? It just looks like a pair of junior high gym shorts with a tacky apron thrown over them to me.

Anonymous said...

Kittens, I'm watching the Olympic opening ceremonies on NBC (while working, unfortunately, waaaah), and those outfits for the U.S. athletes are really not looking good. Maybe I'm a sucker for "ethnic costumes" but damn, girls, those outfits are BORING!!!

Anonymous said...

Another Laura, I, too, just watched our athletes parade. Sorry Ralph, but not only were they boring (the uniforms, not the athletes!),the athletes were pouring buckets of sweat in those blazers, and the pants didn't fit the women very well.

Red Seven said...

To Anonymous @ 4:07 ... we live in an unjust world -- I don't want to write a thesis on social justice in here, but there are certain groups (white people, men, straight people) who have more power than those in other groups (people of color, women, straight people), and when a person from the privileged group demeans an entire non-privileged class of people, it's DIFFERENT than the situation in reverse.

I'm a white gay man. I don't say the "n-word," but do not begrudge African-Americans who do. I reap untold benefits from my skin privilege every day, so I'm not about to whine and cry because they get to say a word I have no interest in saying anyway.

I also don't go off on rants about straight people; it's not nice and there are too many straight people in my life that I love -- but if I were to hear a gay contestant on Project Runway roll his eyes and say, "there are way too many straight people in here," you're correct ... I'd probably think it was funny. If you wouldn't find it funny, don't feel bad, because the straight people still get to run the world while I enjoy a tiny chuckle at their expense. And no, life isn't fair: but for the time being, that unfairness benefits the heterosexuals at the expense of everyone else ...

Off my soapbox now. I totally think Leanne should have won this week and she wasn't even in the Top 3.

Anonymous said...

Joe's outfit was the best in my opinion. Not perfect, that's for sure,but you look at it and you can see the inspiration. He was robbed, everything else was ass.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Another Laura, I, too, just watched our athletes parade. Sorry Ralph, but not only were they boring (the uniforms, not the athletes!),the athletes were pouring buckets of sweat in those blazers, and the pants didn't fit the women very well."

Very boring. I hated it.

Anonymous said...

TLO guys are WEAK!!!!! TLO are typical gay men in that they will trash other gay men and women but wouldn't dare criticize a straight male because they don't have the balls to. Notice how TLO completely ignored commenting on Apollo Ohno as a judge. Last week they tore down Sandra Bernhard for not being knowledgeable about fashion even though she is.

Several reports have studied straight males and their attitudes toward gay people. None could find a straight male that was not prejudiced against gay people. All of them were either moderately or extremely prejudiced against gay people.

Gay people have been oppressed for thousands of years across the globe because of heterosexuals. So whenever a straight person makes a derogatory remark it's very threatening.

TLO grow a spine!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where can I see this bonues video where Joe is mean to Jerell? Help!

Anonymous said...

^^^^^^^^ Who's the crazy one?

"Daxx said...

I'm glad you called out Olive Oyl. I was looking for the inspriation and at first thought "Bettie Boop goes to France", but Olive is much better."

LOL. Hilarious, I love it!! yes, better than Bettie Boop.

I liked Joe’s outfit. His zippers were cool and the whole thing worked for me. I don't get Daniel.

Anonymous said...

BONUS video. I don't even know what a "bonues" video might be.

Anonymous said...

As much as I dislike Joe (and I do, for a multitude of reasons) he should have been the winner in my eyes. Was the skirt part a little apron-y? Absolutely. But it was the only look on that runway that looked remotely like it could be worn by Olympic athletes representing the USA.

It wasn't earth-shattering, but it was appropriately made for female athletes and appropriately has the colors of the US flag. Everyone else either made something totally inappropriate for women coming in all sizes, or made ridiculous color choices, like odd blues, purples, teals, and pinks.

Korto's outfit was nice. But did it fit this challenge? No. It would not have fit those athlete's different figures and heights, it was see-through below the waist, and the black color, leather inclusion, and overwhelming whiteness were totally not right for the challenge this time around.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Where can I see this bonues video where Joe is mean to Jerell? Help!

Are you talking about this bonus video here? I think they're just joking.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I've just finished watching the video and Korto is kinda of a bitch to Kenley.

katiecoo said...

OMG it looks to me like some PR rejects may have designed some of these "costumes" for the opening ceremonies over here. Well, over there I mean.

Brazil? Those poor dears. Bahamas? They look like Janet Reno!

The wall of Cuban athletes look like a sea of mud moving down the field with their, what, dull grey/beige/taupe colored suits? HELP!!!

And then there are the Chinese cowgirl cheerleaders in baseball caps on the sidelines.

An African country I missed the exact name of seemed to get it right w/ some color and some of their culture. Why is a business suit associated w/ the Olympics? Pray tell...please!!!


Ok I admit I have never paid as much attention to the fashions during these ceremonies but these athletes work HARD to get there, not to be dressed like oddly suited clowns!

Rant over! I had to come somewhere to do it.

Anonymous said...

I feel a little bit better about our designers' debacles having looked over the Opening Ceremony outfits from other countries this year. Yes, the Ralph Lauren outfits look like realtors at a boating club, but these are even wordse:

Maybe Jerell got his wackadoodle inspiration from the crazy outfits from Spain:

Talk about overdesigned, with the wide red belts over white blazer from La France. The women are wearing freakin' berets and the men, twee little straw hats:

Argentina: http://tinyurl.com/5qqmrs
These look like hospital scrubs-- that designer would have been auf!

And you always have to ask about the Netherlands, what were they smoking?

Anonymous said...

I loved this challenge! Joe's skort was my favorite. It was patriotic looking and very appropriate for this challenge.

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