Congratulations, Kenley!

Thursday, July 31, 2008 by

Well, we've had three challenges so far and we feel we're ready to make an assessment. Ready? Here it is.

This group of designers isn't as polished and lack the precision of last season's.

Which isn't to say they're not talented or creative. They are. In fact, they remind us a bit of the Season 1 group. Younger, rawer, and more willing to throw some crazy shit down that runway instead of pulling dress #64732 out of their professional trick bag. With this group you really have no idea what they're going to do and that's a great thing. It also means, in the words of one previous season's designer's text to us during the show "There's a lot of ass on that runway (guess who said that!)," but that's a byproduct of creativity.

And another thing before we get to the dress...

Celebrity judges. Hate 'em. Especially when they're not really known for their fashion chops and they're not acting as the client. Last night wasn't about dressing Sandra Bernhard. It was about having Sandra Bernhard spew her uninformed opinions about clothing she had no interest in. Give us a celebrity that wants to wear the winning entry or feature it in their vanity line, but don't give us disinterested has-beens whose latest face hasn't settled in.

Okay. Now.

The dress.

True story: we were watching with a gaggle last night and when Kenley was announced as the winner there were shocked gasps and outrage, but Lorenzo just smiled, leaned back, put his hands behind his head, and said simply "Well, I love it." When greeted with the chorus of "WHAT??!"s he countered with "Balenciaga, Spring 2008." THAT'S why the judges loved it.

Certainly it's not a direct ripoff, but she's clearly working in current trends. The bold, almost tropical print, the high collar and puff sleeves, the general proportions - it's all there.

In the light of morning, Lorenzo's sticking to his guns. He still loves it.

Tom doesn't love it, but he sees what she was going for and he appreciates that.

Regardless of your thoughts on the style of the dress, she nailed it in the execution. There was some unusual construction and fit with this look and it all looks flawless.

Even if you don't like the tulle, you have to admit it's perfectly utilized. She made it conform to the line of the skirt and it doesn't look bulky or unruly. It forms a perfect compliment.

What got the judges moist is that this was such a modern look. Ripped straight from the runways, as it were. Leanne's piece was quite beautiful but in the end, it was a lot of "seen-it, done-it" in terms of fashion. This wasn't.

If we have to criticize it, we really think she almost lost it when she picked that fabric. As we said, it's such a modern shape and silhouette, but that fabric looks like the DNA-infused bedspread in an '80s motel.

She went on and on about her inspiration and how the fabric really captured it and we don't see it at all.

The other criticism we have is with the proportions. It's so tight and fitted in the top and then it balloons out around the hips. It's a somewhat severe look and it doesn't entirely compliment Shannone's body.

Still, it was modern and interesting and different. We know a lot of you will disagree, but we think she deserved the win. We also think her combination of style, risk-taking and flawless execution make Kenley The One To Watch from here on out.

More detailed pictures:

[Photo: Bravo/Barbara Nitke/ - Screencaps:]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of]


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Lisa said...

I think Terri should have won it! Can't wait to hear what you have to say about her garment.

lovemesomeuli said...

I just didn't feel it for this garment, you know? Not my cup of tea, I guess. If you ask me, Shannone won this one for Kenley. She can work it!

Anonymous said...

Points to Kenley for putting something different out there. I would have given the win to Leanne.

Wow, didn't even recognize Sandra. Her hair style appears to have been inspired by Leanne's looptyloop dress from last week. I agree she was an inappropriate choice for a judge.

mjude said...

i have to say i was suprised kenley won, not that i didnt think she deserved it but i really thought it would have been terri.

Anonymous said...

I did not love it! I think the top is extremely tight across the shoulders and with a high collar it had to have choked the model. That said, I really think the judges are crazy this season and rewarding creativity first and foremost. Who would buy this stuff and where can one wear it except to fashion design class. The dress was very costumey, but hey Christians winning look the two tone dress made the model appear obese but everyone raved.

Anonymous said...

Terri's dress was amazing and the way the judges kept going on about how they want to know the girl behind the dress I thought she got the win. Oh well...maybe next week :)

Myra Flection said...

I have to say, Shannone stands out as the best model and kodos to TLo for pointing her out early on. She worked the shit out of the dress. She made it look like she loved it and I have to think that helped secure the win.

Anonymous said... that I see the pics from the Balenciaga, Spring 2008 collection, it makes perfect sense why she won.

I still hate that pattern and I'm not too fond of the Beleciaga stuff either.

lovemesomeuli said...

Forgot to say how I love TLo's description of the print on that fabric. Priceless!

Bacon Lady said...

Well, I did NOT like Kenley's dress, and that's saying a lot because I'm pretty much in love with her otherwise.

I think Terri should have taken the prize.

I want to make Kenley's dress into pot holders for my tacky Aunt Betty.

Anonymous said...

"If you ask me, Shannone won this one for Kenley. She can work it!"

Hey, lovemesomedaniel, my post exactly! Kenley is blessed with talent and major skills...and with the best model in the group. Shannone is amazing.

Not my favorite dress at all, but interesting and skillfully done. And going with a recent runway style was bound to make Nina and Michael drool.

There were a lot of surprises last night--one of which was how Jennifer escaped elimination with that hot mess she sent down the runway! Junior high home ec project...gone SO wrong! Blayne's dress deserved the bottom 3 at the very least. His "talent" seems to be regurgitating fabric. That thing was a hideous shmata. And he is creepy in the extreme.

Keith is turning out to be quite the little bitch, isn't he? And not in a good way.

Joe is a major sleeper this season. Terri's outfit was great and also helped by a good model.

Agree with the boys about celeb judges. Ho freakin' hum. Where is Zac Posen when you need him???

Anonymous said...

I think this comes down to personal taste. Kenley's was definitely 1 of the better dresses so it being part of the top 3 was not a surprise.

I preferred Leanne's but I think part of my love for it comes from her pulling a "Stella"-rebounding from a near aufing disaster.

I respect what Terri did in concept but I really couldn't get into it that much. It certainly was 1 of the better outfits though and I get why some people thought it should win.

Again personal taste

Well at least we're finally getting to see the designers' styles and POV-for better or for worse.

Side note: Daniel may very well head towards that breakdown you warned about if he doesn't work on his time management.

And Terri's claws coming out next week! Hmmm? Is Keith too competitive like Kenley says? Hmmm


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! good morning, girls. Just switching back and forth for last weeks news and I see a new entry. Blame the crank. Now I've gotta read ya. (Sorry, channelling Cheroin).

Anonymous said...

I love Kenley - I like the '40s inspiration that she puts into her work and most of what I've seen from her. However, I find it so funny that when Austin put the tulle in his dress in season one, no one would want to wear that "frou frou" per Nina. However, here we are 5 seasons later and tulle is FAB! Also, Loved Teri's look but also find it funny that they nailed Kara Saun first season for the dress over pants and now it's chic!
Cracks me up how things change!

Mindy said...

Not fond of the proportions, as TLo mentioned, and the print bordered on a fabric prop from "Golden Girls," but I have a total girl crush on Kenley and love her style, so I'm happy she's with us for another challenge at least.

FashionFanatic said...

I loved the dress. It's fresh, young and VERY IN. She totally deserved to win this challenge.

Anonymous said...

Kelli or Suede should have been in the top 3. I don't get how they thought Terri's was "styled perfectly." The model looked like a drowned rat and the outfit looked too big on her!

And Kenley's dress....BARF! They used to rag on Michael for looking too Gucci with the silver buckles everywhere and yet nobody mentioned her blatant ripoff of Balenciaga. Its disgusting looking. DNA infused 80's motel coverlet, INDEED!

Anonymous said...

ya gots to read Sandra's guest blog on bravo.

FashionFanatic said...

"Anonymous said...
Loved Teri's look but also find it funny that they nailed Kara Saun first season for the dress over pants and now it's chic!
Cracks me up how things change!"

My thoughts exactly! The pants did not go with that dress, but I'll get to that later.

Chris (Topher) said...

she definitely deserved it. the look is flawless.

Jennifer said...

I think Terri should have won. Her design was much more wearable and really looked New York. Kenley's was runway - and I thought of the same Balenciaga thing (I was picturing the alien looking ads with jennifer connolley in them).

You would think that perhaps the judges would have criticized her for being too much of a copy cat (they have criticized for that in the past).

Check out my full review at

Embeedubya said...

Sandra Bernhard -- puh-leeeeze! I agree that the designers are interesting this season, but the producers are whack! Maybe they just threw this season together too fast to get some A-list guest judges, i.e., people in the fashion industry, for heavens sake! And this is the second recycled challenge (season 2 did dresses "inspired by New York"). Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the show. There was some interesting stuff and I'm glad Kenley won. I haven't looked ahead to guest-judges-to-come but perhaps I should to keep from being blind-sided by another Sandra Bernhard. Perhaps Carrot Top will be judging a repeat of the dog challenge. This time using cats. They all have to make dresses that are aloof and don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully executed, yes. But it looks like a sofa from a Boca Raton lanaii. And it has a rip and the stuffing is coming out.

Terri's made even my husband, who would happily wear a college T shirt and cargo shorts if I wasn't bureau chief, gasp. It was beautiful.

But yeah. I get it. Balenciaaaga.

Brian H. said...

I kinda wanted Leanne to win, but have to admit I was initially surprised and excited about the audaciousness of Kenley's dress. Oh, and this:

Keith: I actually found a magazine on the ground that had been kicked around...

My Husband: And I picked it up and put it on my model.

Anonymous said...

in other news, did you see the TV Squad report on Tim Gunn? He didn't get paid at all the first season?

Anonymous said...

I think the difference with Kara Saun getting criticized is becuase the outfit was designed with a specific client in mind for a very specific function that had special considerations.

This challenge did not have those constraints


Anonymous said...

Terry was robbed!

Anonymous said...

Spot on about the Guest Judging!

Kenley's dress... hideous.
Balenciaga's 2008 Spring Collect...also hideous.


Anonymous said...

"OpenID sixgables said...

in other news, did you see the TV Squad report on Tim Gunn? He didn't get paid at all the first season?"

Yes, and it's also on this site. look around.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I have to admit this is my least favorite of Kenley's three outfits, but I'm still thrilled that the judges gave her the win. I also give her props for helping Daniel out as he tried, once again, to finish his dress for the runway (and which means that she finished hers ahead of time, despite the ambition of the look).
Also glad that Terri made the top 3, although I'm not sure why people are claiming she was robbed. Terri's outfit was not her best of the season either. (If anyone was robbed, it was LeAnne.)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hated this dress. Ugly proportions and, as one of the other designers (y'know, the STRAIGHT GUY) said, the fabric looks like 80's Palm Beach lawn chair. Then the tulle stuck in there like a goiter.

Feh. It had no place in the final 3, much less the winner.

Really thought that the twin Von Trapp Edelviss girl would have been auf'ed. Just to avoid confusion. Hated the losers ruffles, but not bad enough to lose. This show was a total balls up by the judges.

And yeah, what's with the has-been non-fashion judges???? Sandra, darling, the Madge train left years ago.

Double, no triple feh.

Anonymous said...

I hated this dress. Who the hell would wear that? Yes, I want to look like I have a gigantic purple ass. Leanne was robbed!

Anonymous said...

"theres a lot of ass."


Gail said...

I don't love it. I don't even like it. It looks like a sawed off muu muu to me. Terri's on the other hand - Loved It! It looked like it would be so fun and easy to wear for just about any woman. Leeann's, though, was the winner for me. It was flawless.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Leanne's dress/outfit should have won. She redeemed her noodles in a big way.

Bailey said...

The point of the show isn't necessarily to design clothes for the normal person to wear on the street. It's to find America's Next Great Fashion Designer (not that it generally accomplishes that). If you want to see nice, normal clothes, go to a clothing store. Yes, almost anyone would look totally ridiculous wearing that dress in almost any occasion, but that's not what it's for. It pushed to limits of design far more than the other dresses, and she clearly had a vision. Any other designer on the show, given those materials, would have created something 1,000 times worse. She's got her own style, she's got a great eye, and she's turned in 3 professional, finished dresses, which is more than I can say for most of them.

I DID think the dresses should have been tied to NYC more. I felt that was the challenge, not "I took a pretty picture of colors on the street so I'll make a dress out of those colors," but whatever.

Terri's decision to put that dress over pants was her downfall. That look is too old to be in but too new to be retro. You can't recycle things from 5 years ago and consider yourself 'underground' or on the forefront of fashion.

Anonymous said...

I love Kenley, and think the dress was well made and very interesting.
Have to stop there, though. It just reminded me of a bubble gum machine in a fun house.
Is the House of Balenciaga the REAL fun house?? UGH

Anonymous said...

But I do adore Shannone the model. She can sell anything.

Yep, I'm done now.

Anonymous said...

I'm no expert - just a longtime viewer. All the references to Balenciaga, construction, fit etc. may be correct, but my first reaction upon seeing this dress on the runway was "that's ugly!" I like Kenley and her modern retro feel, but in the end, I don't like this dress.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely hated this dress. What ca I say? FUGLY!

kerry (washu) noodles said...

I wish we had seen more of Jerrell's dress! It seemed beautiful (and complicated!)

Anonymous said...

Carrie Bradshaw was the only who could wear tulle and not look like a six-year-old going to her ballet lesson. This was atrocious!

Anonymous said...

Lorenzo, put the crack pipe down : )
This dress is one of the ugliest things I've seen on the show this season. Leanne's was beautiful and every woman would want to wear that.

Anonymous said...


Bailey said...

I actually agreed with a lot of what Sandra said, and thought she was a good guest judge in that respect, but agree on the wtf factor. I'm guessing the show just couldn't get anyone better this week. Still, I think I would've preferred an unknown fashion magazine editor to a washed-up comedienne.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you being a bit hard on Sandra?

I LOVE the blog and everything, but aren't your opinions also "uninformed," by which I mean "untrained"? Unless I totally missed something and you work in the fashion industry.

Anonymous said...

Terri's dress was one mall shop away from Chico's. If her model looked even ten years older, she could sell it to them unchanged.

I don't like Kenley's but it's much more in line with bleeding edge New York right now.

Bill said...

I understand the judging and your comments but have to say that I didn't love it.

It looked like something that Nancy Beebe would have the girls of It's a Living wear to waitress a big luau at the Above the Top Restaurant.

or maybe something Sheena Easton, Saundra Santiago or Olivia Brown would have worn on Miami Vice.

Anonymous said...

Wow...why the Sandy hate?

Anonymous said...

Shout out to Bailey. Thank you for saying all I was thinking. So tired of hearing people say "who would wear that?" etc. This is a show about design - about making bold choices, about showing you have an awareness of fashion (of the past and the present), and can synthesize them in new ways, take them in new directions. It's not about making a "pretty" dress. (If it were Joe would be the frontrunner.)
I also agree that the pants on Terri's design turned out to be a bit of a dud. Instead of giving it a wow factor it somehow subtracted from the look.

Anonymous said...

"Bailey said...

I actually agreed with a lot of what Sandra said, and thought she was a good guest judge in that respect, but agree on the wtf factor. I'm guessing the show just couldn't get anyone better this week. Still, I think I would've preferred an unknown fashion magazine editor to a washed-up comedienne."

I agree. Remember that eBay woman? Anybody who works in the industry.

Anonymous said...

Kenley's dress isn't my taste at all but I can see why she won. It definitely has a "wow" factor.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Aren't you being a bit hard on Sandra?

I LOVE the blog and everything, but aren't your opinions also "uninformed," by which I mean "untrained"? Unless I totally missed something and you work in the fashion industry."

They're not judges on the show. That's the difference.

Bailey said...

Also, if you look closely, Terri's fabric for the dress was straight-up Monet. No, not "ok from far away but a big up mess up close." I'm talking full-on, completely literal, silkscreened Monet print. I did not like that either, as it didn't really reflect the gritty, kind of grafitti 'underground' thing she was going for.

Anonymous said...

Bah, I liked Leanne's dress way better, but whatever.... judges will be judges.

Bill said...

TLo said...whose latest face hasn't settled in. Yeah, that was tough to look at.

I love me some Sandra B. She can be very funny and puts on a killer live show. And her comments about the tulle were funny.

But we also wondered the heck she was doing there.

And Bernhard's hair - MESS! It was very reminiscent of Leanne's noodle dress

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think this is about who stole the latest look from Bagalencia or anyone. Fashion Forward? Fashion Fugly.

Leanne's was not just a redemption moment, it was an amazing rendition of an architectural design, and it was something that any woman would be thrilled to wear. AND immaculately rendered. I can't say that about the other top 2.

Stop telling us we are hicks because we don't get the latest wrinkle. I know ass when I see it.

And HEY. Isn't anyone else celebrating Mr. Gunn's birthday yesterday??!?!?

He's worth a toast with cognac.

tom in kc said...

Aren't we overloking the bigger issue: Sandra Bernhard will soon be touring again in her one-woman show from the 80s, Without You I'm Nothing.

"No one speaks of pavilions anymore. And that truly saddens me."

Anonymous said...

The only good part about having so many contestants is that they can't give us sneak peeks of them all before the runway. Loved Daniel's fabric and silhouette. Please hold up, darling, we're rooting for ya. Stealth contestant Joe was a little more interesting this time, but Kelli's was fascinating, all 2 seconds that we saw. Leanne's was downright flawless.

I only likes me some vintage Balenciaga. Kenley gets the win for redeeming the most hideous fabric on earth?

DolceLorenzo said...

Anonymous said...

Aren't you being a bit hard on Sandra?

I LOVE the blog and everything, but aren't your opinions also "uninformed," by which I mean 1"untrained"? Unless I totally missed something and you work in the fashion industry.

1- Lorenzo worked in the industry. Read their interviews.
2- They're not deciding who goes to Bryant Park.

Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

I love Kenley, but do feel that her dress was certainly not the best on the runway this week. I don't hate the tulle hip-bubble colostomy bag piece, but feel that it ruined what could've been a very modern and flattering silhouette. Every time I see an image of the dress I feel compelled to place my index finger over the tulle colostomy bag to correct the wrongness of the silhouette. Sure, it makes it a very fug garment from Norma Kamali's fall 1984 collection, but at least it doesn't look so odd on the model.

- edina -

Bill said...

I'm with you, tom in kc!

When I was a little girl, I used to go home for lunch every day, and I'd pretend that my mother was a waitress in a roadside cafe. I'll have a side order, ma'am. A side order consists of a white-meat tuna, a dollop of mayonnaise, some carrot strips and potato chips. And then I'd sit at the counter... and ignore her.

Anonymous said...

I think any dress where the word "goiter" comes up in the judging should be automatically removed from consideration for the win. This look was okay, but Leanne and Terri both created much better overall outfits. Love that Leanne couldn't hide her "What the fuck?" face when Kenley was declared the winner.

I also have a contrarian view about Sandra Bernhard - I thought she was fun and gave reasonably informative criticism.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Balenciaga comparisons or no, that dress is BUTT ugly. I don't even think Krystle Carrington would have worn such a monstrosity, and girlfriend loved her big shoulders and motel bedspread prints.
Leanne was robbed!!!

Anonymous said...

What was with Korto's jumpsuit? That neckline looked a lot like what she's been wearing herself. And what she's been wearing herself looks like what Forever 21 was selling last season.

Anonymous said...

I think Leanne should have won it hands down. I understand the whole Balenciaga connection, but I still didn't like the design of Kenley's dress (although I do love Kenley's overall perspective).

I definitely did not like Terri's outfit. Kenley may have ripped from Balenciaga, but Terri ripped from Lane Bryant's catalog.

Kelli's dress also got short-changed, IMO.

However, I've decided that I want Michael Kor's saying "...noooo review" as my new ringtone.

Anonymous said...

This dress was beyond fugly. I don't get it.

BigAssBelle said...

The bold, almost tropical print, the high collar and puff sleeves, the general proportions - it's all there.

it's all there alright, including massive ugly. that was a hideous thing, all bubble-hipped and just seriously, seriously fug. ugly ass dress.

and the beautiful dress, the most magnificent thing, belonged to sternum boy, who's getting little credit for his glorious designs.

y'all trashed last week's confection, but i thought it was tres magnifique.

i know they're designing for skinny little clotheshanger models, but as a woman of a certain age, i am enchanted by beautiful, well made clothes with a touch of glamour and great style.

sternum boy . . . my choice for winner of this season. just saying.

Anonymous said...

I loved the dress. It's so what's out there right now. You go, Betty Paige!!!

BigAssBelle said...

oh, and this print? carole little c. 1998.

Anonymous said...

Terri wuz robbed.

But I liked this. But Kenley, what is it about your aesthetic that is killing Shannone's boobage? She makes her look narrow, unibreast. Something is really bugging me here. Shannone strutted it out, though, bitch is fierce, to be sure. Brava diva.

tom in kc said...

Last one, Bill, I swear:

There must have been dust on those mints.

On another note, Sandra's face is so swollen I have difficulty believing it's the result of Botox, Restylane or any other cosmetic procedure. It looks like "steroid face" -- I sincerely hope she's not ill.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

You guys are so on the money. This group seems a bit more raw and unpredictable than in the last couple seasons, if not the last 3. Some of them have already given us completely dreadful and pretty impressive (i.e. Leanne, Jerrel), which shows it's just too early to know what's what. But I agree that Kenley is one to watch; so far, each one of her designs has been well made and better than a lot of the other entries.

As for you Boys, "that fabric looks like the DNA-infused bedspread in an '80s motel" just about says it all. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kenley! We love you, girl! We're so proud of you!

Stubenville said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i would rock the SHIT out of that dress, love it.
i did shout balenciaga as soon as i saw it though ;)

kenley for the top 3!

Anonymous said...

hahaha the balenciaga comment was the exact same thing i said to my friends to justify kenley's outfit.

great minds.

Anonymous said...

Cannot believe Stella was safe. My jaw dropped when her model came out, and not in a good way. I suppose it's because it was also boring?

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Frank said, "I think the difference with Kara Saun getting criticized is because the outfit was designed with a specific client in mind for a very specific function that had special considerations."

Kara Saun's pants were wide and heavy; if I remember correctly, they were leathuh. The objection wasn't to pants with a dress, per se; it was to those pants with that dress.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and BTW:
Leanne's design is leading the bidding on PR site. Above all others.

Does anyone know where the $$ goes from these auctions? Should be to a good cause, but I see nada on the site.

A homeless designers' group? Pregnant kittens? What??!?

Anonymous said...

It's a fabulous dress. You bitches know nothing about fashion.

Stubenville said...

"Eddie, EDDIE: what are you wearing?

It's LaCroix."

"It's fabulous."

Kenley's dress was a tired, fugly LaCroix rehash made from Aunt Esther’s chaise lounge cushion. And the "Oh it's fashion; it's not meant to be worn on the street" comment is delusional; the judges are CONSTANTLY asking "Who is she? Where is she going?" Did you watch the first episode of this season?

The judges need to check into Betty Ford for a double session.

Anonymous said...

"it's all there alright, including massive ugly. that was a hideous thing, all bubble-hipped and just seriously, seriously fug. ugly ass dress.

and the beautiful dress, the most magnificent thing, belonged to sternum boy, who's getting little credit for his glorious designs."

i'm sorry but jerrel sent a new jersey prom dress down the runway (i should know) it was tacky, bad color, and just...UGH

those saudi royalty must be lookin ROUGH

Bailey said...

Stubenville said...
And the "Oh it's fashion; it's not meant to be worn of the street" comment is delusional; the judges are CONSTANTLY asking "Who is she? Where is she going?" Did you watch the first episode of this season?

Sometimes the challengers are geared to marketability and a specific client, which is fine, but often they're not, and it's called Project RUNWAY for a reason. The runway is precisely the place for conceptual clothing that wouldn't work in real life. It's not called Project GAP Designer for a reason.

Kasey said...

The first time and Kensley picks and insanely fug print that has be “questioning her taste” as Nina would say and she actually adds two tones tulle to it and Fantasy Island Prom Queen Barbie wins, I swear Tatu was going to drop from under the tulle and yell“ the plannnnnnnnne the plane. And since when is “dynasty bitch” a compliment? The real winner was Leanne who she got hosed,I am glad we finally got to see Terri's work which I loved oh and I was a littled miffed by why Jerrell didn't get any extra love hello full length gown?

Anonymous said...


Karmander said...

What's wrong with the Judges rewarding creativity first and foremost? That's how it SHOULD be in a competition of this nature. I loved Kenley's dress (a little more time looking for the right fabric would have behooved her) but the tulle was vibrant and eye-catching and not in a displeasing way.

I love terri, but I just didn't like her outfit this week, it was too much fabric and I hate the dress over pants look.

Anonymous said...

Kenley's dress looked like something Barbie would wear.

aimee said...

Sandra's looking a FRIGHT. You guys so nailed it with that "new face hasn't settled in yet" comment.

I can see why Kenley won. The dress isn't really my cup of tea, and it bears NO resemblance, either literal or conceptual, to that photograph. Still, Shannone rocked it and I can't really quibble with the win.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'm hip enough for the fashionistas. I personally liked Joe's literal translation for top 3. Kenley's edge was Shannone who walked like she owned the joint, but Xaviera is quickly gaining ground.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

I have a request, and please don't yell at me:

Would it be possible to get through the rest of the day without anymore "[fill in the blank] was robbed!" ? Just for one day? Could we try it?

Kasey said...

"Anonymous said...
Kelli or Suede should have been in the top 3."

Umm not darling, Micro Suede's outfit looked like Baby Phat circa 1995 soooo macy's jr deparment!

Anonymous said...

You guys can't be serious. This dress was a joke. She looks like one of Willy Wonka's assistant in that dress.

Anonymous said...

"Brooklyn Bomber said...

I have a request, and please don't yell at me:

Would it be possible to get through the rest of the day without anymore "[fill in the blank] was robbed!" ? Just for one day? Could we try it?"


Anonymous said...

I recently stayed in a hotel in Miami that seriously was made from the same fabric that Kenley used. Ugh!! HATED IT!!

Anonymous said...

I love Kenley's chic dress. Shannone looked gorgeous in that dress.

Anonymous said...

OK, tell me there wasn't producer influence in this decision. At first, Kenley's dress was good for someone with one thin thigh and one fat one, or someone with a goiter. Then... it's the winner. WTF? Change of heart? I can't imagine it. And I don't get it.


Anonymous said...

"that fabric looks like the DNA-infused bedspread in an '80s motel."

ROFL. You boys rock!

Anonymous said...

I liked Kenley's dress silhouette, but the print was hideously fug.

Anonymous said...

Kenley's dress was horrible! The tulle was such a huge mistake, colored tulle never works.

Bailey said...

I find it hilarious that last week everyone was complaining about how terrible Leanne was and how awful her ideas were, and now this week's work was genius. News flash, folks: it's the same concept, just executed differently (and better, of course). I like her and think she has great ideas and will go far, but as of yet her style (what she wears, what was in her portfolio, and the designs she's made) has been either nerdy secretary ruffles or tesselated fabric piecing. And yeah, that skirt you all love so much is 100% the noodles you ripped to shreds last week, just reimagined. Sorry to inform you.

PhantomMinuet said...

Color me surprised. I didn't think there was any way that Kenley would win after the goiter comment. But apparently, unnatural growths are tres chic this season.

Personally, I thought Leanne or Terri should have had the win.

As for Sandra, we may have a new contender for worst guest judge of all time. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were a mess. Why would anyone looking at her think she knew a damn thing about fashion?

Anonymous said...

One: Yes, yes, yes, enough with the celebrity judges!

Two: While I loved Leanne's separates, I wasn't surprised or unhappy that Kenley's design won. She took some chances, and pulled it off. Her model sold it, too.

Ala Suede, bitchybitchybitchy is fine with Kenley's win. And, yes, she's one to watch

Anonymous said...

Fascinating take. I just couldn't figure out why they loved it so much until your post. Now I definitely get it. And you're right, Kenley is a force to be reckoned with. I totally agree about Bernhard. We were all 'Whaaaa?" when she was announced!

Anonymous said...

We're also sorry that you were forced to inform us of that, Bailey.

Anonymous said...

"Bailey said...
Sorry to inform you."

Well, thank you... and sorry for having a different opinion. Apparently you can't handle that. No need to bash someone because he or she likes something you don't.

Anonymous said...

You know what? It's official. I don't like you. There I said it. I feel so much better now.

Anonymous said...

" Bailey said...
Stubenville said...
And the "Oh it's fashion; it's not meant to be worn of the street" comment is delusional; the judges are CONSTANTLY asking "Who is she? Where is she going?" Did you watch the first episode of this season?

Sometimes the challengers are geared to marketability and a specific client, which is fine, but often they're not, and it's called Project RUNWAY for a reason. The runway is precisely the place for conceptual clothing that wouldn't work in real life. It's not called Project GAP Designer for a reason."

Yeah, but it's not called planet fugly either. That dress was ass. And there were much better designs (not GAP, just not toxic) that didn't even make it to the top 3. The pants and dress combo was not uber chic, just well styled. Leanne had an immaculate style, as did 2 or 3 others, that wouldn't bore Nina and made it work.

Eeeesh. Spare us your fashinisto nazi rhetoric. If it's so obviously traced to last season, what makes that POS high fashion besides plagarism? Kenley is a wonderful Bette Page, and I hope she goes on in this competition, but not on the basis of this rag.

C'mon. Those of us with estrogen would beg (literally, with tongues hanging out) to disagree.

lynnlandries said...

I thought it was refreshing and loved the way she used the toole. I just didn't like the granny styling on top and I have to agree that the fabric was VERY 80s motel bedspread. but, a lot of that fabric look is out right now. gag. I don't have all the names straight, but the dress/pantsuit thing should have won.

Anonymous said...

"News flash, folks: it's the same concept, just executed differently (and better, of course). "

True enough.

What disappointed me about Leanne's stuff this week was the tank top. Sure, sleeveless will be around for a while longer still but it's looking very tired to me. She could have used long sleeves, high neck, maybe a bias cut, _anything_ other than what every woman watching has half a dozen of in her tee shirt drawer.

Bailey said...

Damn some people are touchy. Did you miss Fashion Bug's latest sale? Sorry 'bout ya.

And for the record, I liked Leanne's better than Kenley's. That doesn't mean I think she deserved the win. Some of us can separate what our own personal taste is from what style is.

Anonymous said...

just for the record kids, sandra has been all about fashion WAYYYY before any of you started getting all up into it because of this show. and, i am also certain they censored the hell out of what she said. to paraphrase edina monsoon 'drop the attitude, you only write for a blog.'

Anonymous said...

Fashion is a business first and foremost. Many moons ago, i worked in the industry, if your goods don't sell then you go out of business. Innovative design can and does sell, its called trends. This season who is the customer is the question? Calendar girl meets June Cleaver meets Courtney Love? I know it is early, but the show is not working for me, Jerrell appears to be talented and there is zero footage. His dress was very elaborate for a one day challenge by one person with $100. All the contestants are only sewing their personal astetic without any other specific customer in mind.

Anonymous said...

Bailey said...
Some of us can separate what our own personal taste is from what style is.

Words. out. of. my. mouth.

Citysqwirl said...

Sandra has been fascinated by Fashion and discussing it publicly since she first appeared as a young comedian on the scene. She regularly references the designers she admires and wears quite edgy and gorgeous clothes on occasion. You can see her in the front row at runway show after runway show. She's also friends with a lot of the top designers. She's even in a nice scene with Isaac in Unzipped. So her fashion cred is at least as good as Debra Messing's . . . who was a finalist judge.

As for being washed up, her live shows are still killer -- touching and hilarious, with great songs.

Although I do agree that her new face needs some cooling time.

Anonymous said...

"suziesmartiepants said...

Fashion is a business first and foremost. Many moons ago, i worked in the industry, if your goods don't sell then you go out of business."

My dear, what is sent down the runway isn't what's going to be hanging on those racks at the store. Fashion Marketing 101.

Bishop Blue said...

Kenley's dress was so fugly I thought she was going to be auf'd -- and then she won the whole thing!

I love how, when she was working on it, she was crowing about how it was inspired by '40s calendar girls. And then when the judges said it was totally '80s, she was quick to bob her head and grin like a maniac in agreement. Nice backpedal, Betty Page.

DolceLorenzo said...

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
I'm loving it.

Myra Flection said...

B Bomber
Can I add to your request ? I love reading everyone's comments so can we edit just a tad more, bitte? 5-6 paragraphs too much ! I have to get SOME work done today.

Anonymous said...

"C'mon. Those of us with estrogen would beg (literally, with tongues hanging out) to disagree."

Nope, not all of us.

That thing Terri put out is the result of a tawdry night best left unspoken about between Lane Bryant and Chicos. It will sell fast on QVC should Terri get far enough to get a contract with them.

OTOH, QVC is not the persumed client for this stage of the competition.

Bailey said...

I agree with everyone that Sandra IS known for fashion, to some degree, even if it's not for looking fashionable herself...which is not uncommon. (Take Betsey Johnson - great designer, looks like a crazy bag lady.) I still would have preferred someone in the fashion industry, however. Though she was light years better than Natalie Snoreman.

Jerell's dress would not have been hard to construct. Ruffles aren't hard to make if you have a ruffling foot. It IS hard to use a bunch of them and not make a Barbie dress, which is unfortunately how it turned out. Meh.

Sewing Siren said...

I loved Betty Page's dress. I completely agree with the win. If pressed, I would have to say the sleeve length is the only element I am not crazy about. It is a stand out dress for a night out, not for everyone of course.
I hope she goes far in the competition, I would love to see a full collection from her.

Misha said...

I really loved Terri's garment. It was original and completely wearable. Her model looked magnificent.

I get that Kenley's reflected a very current look but really - that 80s hotel fabric. Yuck!

I think Terri was clearly the winner. There were some other good pieces this time too - Jarrel (lovely), Kelli (fierce), Leanne (refined) and I hate to say it, Blayne (fun).

Anonymous said...

My dear, what is sent down the runway isn't what's going to be hanging on those racks at the store. Fashion Marketing 101.

That's for damn sure, since we can all just ask Jay McCarroll, his innovative winning knitted designs of Season won have morphed into T- shirts on QVC. This is a reality show with a cast of characters, that so far have not with the exception of Laura K not made a living at being the next great American designer.

Anonymous said...

Talk about seen it done it! This is so eighties--it is no breath of fresh air. Leanne was robbed, period.

Sewhat? said...

My two problems with Kenley's dress are the shoulders and the fabric pattern. Totally agree with your assessment of the fugly fabric...that would have beeen a bigger negative for me than it was for the judges.

The shoulders, though....
Strictly Laura Ashley 1982...nothing 'modern' there.

I REALLY liked Leanne's dress but I think she will have another chance at a win. For me, Terri's with the pants under it was the 'been there done that'. If she had the model JUST wear the dress I wouldn't have argued with her getting the win.

But what do I know...I'm not a "comedian from a previous era" (you know, like a previously owned car) who has an inability to apply make-up and questionable taste when dressing myself.

Anonymous said...

I agree with lovemesomedaniel. Kenley should kiss the ground Shannone struts on, because that bitch worked the hell out of that fug.

Anonymous said...

fragileindustries wrote "Stop telling us we are hicks because we don't get the latest wrinkle. I know ass when I see it." BRAVO!

I also know ass when I see it. And so do the judges. Their initial reaction was negative to the tulle bulge on the left hip, and the unflattering stomach area. And the print. Then the brainwashing kicked in, and they changed their minds.

I know fashion, and I know that clothes are supposed to make women look like the beautiful creatures they are. Kenley's dress did not do that. The dress was ass.

The only two designers who have (for the most part) consistently made unique, modern, well-constructed, well-fitted clothing are Daniel and Joe. The clothes make the women look beautiful, which is the whole point.

And I snorted scotch up my nose when Heidi appeared at the runway show wearing yet another SHORT, TIGHT and SHINY get-up. I would have loved to hear what Nina was saying to herself at that moment!


Anonymous said...

I don't have a comment really. It's not the outfit I would have picked. I wanted Terri to win--and I also liked Leeanne's separates. But it's nice, and creative even if it evokes a DNA-infused bedspread ( that visual boys!).

So I guess I understand the win. And her work, like Terri's has been consistently good.

And I didn't mind Sandra Bernhard as guest judge. As much as I like Natalie Portman from last week, she had little in the way of intelligent fashion comments (I like that bow tie, etc.). At least Sandra brought a critical eye to her deliberations and thought beyond the runway.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Talk about seen it done it! This is so eighties"

News flash: The 80s is IN!

Anonymous said...

"when are they going to give it to a black woman?"

Puh-lease! This isn't a black-white issue. It should have been Leanne. And to whomever said this competition is about a fresh new designer, well what the heck was Kenley doing when she channeled Balenciaga? Recycled is recycled is recycled. Let's see something NEW!

I lovvvvved Kelli's. Talk about interesting...

Sewing Siren said...

Anonymous said...
"suziesmartiepants said...

Fashion is a business first and foremost. Many moons ago, i worked in the industry, if your goods don't sell then you go out of business."

My dear, what is sent down the runway isn't what's going to be hanging on those racks at the store. Fashion Marketing 101.

Anonymous, I don't understand your comment. In regards to this show, certainly the object is not to get the garment in a store. It is of course to get the attention and approval of the judges. But in a real industry (not tv reality show) fashion show the object is most certainly to sell the garments to stores. Are you talking about Haute Couture? Because that has absolutely nothing to do with the American fashion industry.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough on Kenley's dress looking like the Balenciaga -- too bad (for my own serenity about the judging) that I hated that line when I first saw it and thought that Jennifer Connelly looked like a moron when she wore it around red carpets. So, the gnashing of teeth continues...

Anonymous said...

Add me to the "What was she thinking with that fabric?" list. UGH! It made it very hard to judge the design, because I could figured out some of the lines, because the were distorted by the pattern.

Cedar said...

I just want to submit my vote for a "loved it."

Rainwood said...

I thought a lot of the designers had a really good photographic eye. Some of those photos were unexpected and gorgeous.

I don't understand Kenley's win and why imitating recent Balenciaga propelled her to the win. I too thought she'd been picked to be in the bottom 3 and didn't see any connection between that dress and her beautiful photo.

Leanne's dress is one of the most memorable of any season. It's up there with Jay's Chrysler dress for me, such a great interpretation of the tree grate, and I'd have given her the win. T Lo, you said that it's been done before but if Kenley's so reminiscent of Balenciaga, couldn't the same thing be said about hers?

Anonymous said...

Uh, I feel as though I'm the only one who hated both Kenley's and Terri's work last night. During the judging, I kept saying "This is weird..." I thought I had fallen into an alternate universe where the judges rewarded only the dresses with the highest levels of ass.

I can't believe Kelli's work, which I found to be not only one of the most interesting entries but also the best interpretation of her photo (and very New York), was dismissed without a word. And that purple and green, early-90's-Miami-uphostery that had a passionate yet forbidden affair with some purple cotton candy, actually won the challenge? Like I said, alternate universe.

Also, I also thought immediately of Kara Saun's Grammy dress when I saw Terri's work, and expected the judges to rip it apart. I guess someone gave them access to all that glue the designers resort to using when the going gets tough.

Mom said...

I would still love to go get drunk with Sandra Bernhard.

And I thought the editing for both the win and the loss was very confusing. A lot was clearly left out because I didn't think the judges liked Kenley's outfit best from the commentary shown, and I thought Jennifer was dead meat for sure.

I would have given Leanne the win and Jennifer the auf.

Anonymous said...

Bitches, since we all agree that boring is "out" can we try to refrain from complaining every week that 1) "no one would wear that outfit" and 2) "____ was robbed."
Seriously, these comments are, uh, boring.
At the very least, can't we try to keep our eye on the bigger picture? Kenley is clearly one of the season's standouts, whatever one's thoughts on this particular dress. And so is Terri. Glad she finally got some props.

eggs mayonnaise said...

TLoves, you make a valid point about how the guest judge should also be a client in some way. Having said that, since Chris Crocker is retiring from youTube, let me say:

Leave! Sandra! Bernhard! ALONE!

As gratuitous gig-plugging guest judges go, at least they found someone who IS (yes, IS) connected to fashion and can speak somewhat from experience. They could have done a lot worse (and will do a lot worse once Harvey's PR hits Lifetime, belive me).

One other thought: Does it seem like not enough of the designers saw things like the Balenciaga Spring 2008 collection before filming started, and too many of them still have the SATC movie fresh in their heads? A lot of the fugly pieces (like Emily's) seem to be aimed at the Carrie Bradshaw market. The joke is, there is no Carrie Bradshaw market, because nobody but SJP with the proper lenses and filters can pull off those wacky garments.

Where's Andrei? said...

What the hell is wrong with CREEPY BLAYNE?!

I know we have a lot of fashion to discuss, but I can't believe only one person has mentioned his creepiness today--I know you all saw his INSANE stalker moment with Kenley.

"I'm going to EAT you." Staring maniacally at Kenleyl.

Wh-wh-what the hell, Chucky.

My new name for him.

We need to get him Auf'd if only for Kenley's safety.

Anonymous said...

I like this dress and I agree that it's modern, perfectly executed, different and very stylish - but I still don't love it.
I'm not very happy with fashion trends at the moment, that high collar thing and the broad shoulders just aren't mine.
Also, I didn't get the connection between the fabric and the picture she took?

Tal said...

Awful guest judge to go with a really hideous dress.

I don't see where the photo matches the print. At all. The photo is a bright orange, and the dress is a mint green. Not to mention, what is exactly "New York at night" about that?

I imagine that being "creative" and "different" is exactly what fashion criminals Vincent Libretti and Jeffrey Sebelia are thinking whenever they make something. It's code for, "we can't think of a good reason to give this person a win."

Anonymous said...

I often disagree with the judges but I usually understand why they chose as they do. I knew there had to be some fashion reference to Kenley's dress I didn't know because to me. that little number has fashion victim written all over it - in a Miami Golden Girls sofa print.

I would have aufed Jennifer instead of Emily as well. Emily's was ass but Jennifer's was hideous.

Anonymous said...

i really like kenley & her designs, however i wasn't crazy about this one...didn't like the print and i didn't like the high, mandarin-style neckline. i would have preferred to see it with a more open neckline -- of course that would have been less unusual.

i really liked leanne's - i can see why it didn't win -- not as much innovation, but it's truly classic and classy. and what a recovery from last week's monstrosity!

Anonymous said...

It looked like one of the Shear Genius "Charlie's Angels Challenge" stylists worked on Sandra's hair. Can't wait to see your blog on that next door!

The way Kenley was waving that tulle around before she applied it to the dress I was expecting some kind of dish scrubber explosion hanging of it. As it was, I was glad to see the restraint she used with it.

I did prefer Leeanne's outfit but wouldn't say she was held up at gunpoint, pistol whipped and relieved of all her worldly possesions.


Teri said...

While I nor anyone I know would wear Kenley's dress...I absolutely loved it. When I saw the tulle in progress, I had no idea it would end up looking as interesting and fresh as it did. I think she did an amazing job and certainly deserved the win.

musicalnuke said...

Seriously, this is awful. She claims to be inspired by pinup girls and Betty Page and instead we get poofy sleeves, poofy skirt, and some sort of jungle print? It's like Working Girl outfit made in Panama.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is saying that Kenley used tulle. I thought the purple was ombre. There would be a big difference in feel and drape between ombre and tulle. Ombre is less tacky.

Still, that pattern was super fug. She was very brave to use it and I think the design pushed it to its boundaries. If it was less than perfectly executed and Jerrell would have been up there. Terri and Leanne may have been robbed, but for Terrell to get tossed in with the average folks, well, that's just not right.

Cerebelle said...

When Kenley started describing her plan for this challenge as 30s and 40s style, I said "of course"; then when she went on to describe it as calendar girl, I said "OF COURSE." And then she said her point of view was new and different, and I just about died laughing.

Look, it's cool if you want to look like and design clothes that look like Betty Page, but don't claim it's something new or different. Someone hasn't been on a college campus lately.

Like Lumi mentioned, I just love how she changed her tune when the judges described the look as 80s--she acted like that had been her plan all along. Hated, hated the teal and purple fabric, but the tulle was just icing on the ugly cake.

Mike S said...

HATED the winning dress. When I saw it come down the runway, my comment was "lose the tulle and add some length and you've got something a substitute school teacher would wear to church on a special Sunday". The high collar? The puffy sleeves? Don't care if it is on's fugly! And I certainly don't see ANYTHING about this dress that says "NYC Nightlife".

Gorgeous Things said...

I totally agree with everything you say, though I'm with Tom on the admiring-but-not-loving the dress. I also immediately shrieked "Balenciaga!" and woke up my 10 year old, who was snoozing on my lap. It was better than just about everything else on the runway, bt I didn't see the inspiration reflected in it.

Oh and I TOTALLY agree about the celebrity judge phenomenon. Puh-leeze. Give me Fern Mallis or even the boys from Heatherette any day of the week over the gaggle they have had lately.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how people say "so and so was robbed", "the judges are on crack", but I mean everyone's taste is going to differ.

Kenley's dress is not a look everyone is going to love (and I didn't either), but I can look at it and say it was well made, executed flawlessly, had great styling (great model too), and was a pretty ambitious design. I would not have picked her to win, but I don't begrudge the judges taste here. Besides, the girl deserves to win after sending down 3 great looks 3 weeks in a row.

Anonymous said...

I think terri's dress was run of the mill average. Kenley's was more worthy of the win.

Anonymous said...

She should not have won...leanne followed the rules of the challenge better (so did terri, for that matter)!
they probably just gave it to her because they didn't want to screw her over twice!

GothamTomato said...

As much as I love tulle, the other fabric was awful & ruined the look for me.

That print was just was too Jimmy Buffet for my taste.

And I would have thought she'd lose some points for it not relating to the mosaic in the slightest.


Where's Andrei? said...

Has anyone watched the PRunway site interview with Sandra?
I don't have the 'coveted' American Express access and hope that someone who does could fill us in...

Does she give us any insight as to how the judging went down, and what her personal connection is to the world o' fashion?


Anonymous said...

To me the single funniest thing on this episode was when Michael Kors RAVED about seeing Terri's dress and pants combo. Wasn't it just a PR season or two ago that he called the dress/pants combo "tired." As in, aren't we all tired of seeing a dress with pants? I cannot remember the episode...was it in PR3? Oh I laughed so hard at him tripping over his saucy words.

Anonymous said...

This is why I love you boys. Perspective on a win I would otherwise have found perplexing. It is fugly-beautiful, truly. But I can't help thinking I would love to wear something Uli made with the fabric, while I can only admire what Kenley has done with it from a remove. To each his own, as Ma Cher Gunn would say.

Let's face it, Kenley has some mad skills, whether she's your cup of tea or not.

CroqueMonsieur said...

"Gorgeous Things said...
Oh and I TOTALLY agree about the celebrity judge phenomenon. Puh-leeze. Give me Fern Mallis or even the boys from Heatherette any day of the week over the gaggle they have had lately."

EXACTLY!!! Having a couple of gay friends in the fashion industry and attending their shows doesn't make you a fashion expert.

Anonymous said...

I tried as hard as I could to like this but I still can't stomach anything that even remotely points to the 80's. Kenley is one to watch though.

Loved Leanne's. I thought it was the best interpretation of the night.

Anonymous said...

The fabric was indeed a dicey choice, but you critics are missing the point somewhat. The really smart thing about this dress was that it referenced not one but *two* 80s fashion movements simultaneously: the structured look that dominated high fashion, and the wild colors and prints that originated in urban graffiti style and New Wave (think Duran Duran) and filtered down to suburban kids. Mall stores were full of big boxy shirts in crazy patterns and colors similar to those in her fabric: hot pink, cobalt blue, flourescent tones galore, with lots of squiggles and smudges in the pattern. The light aqua was a problem -- teal would have been more accurate -- but hey, she had like an hour to find the fabric.

Not to mention that she had all this going on while simultaneously referencing the very different Balenciaga dresses. Way cool!

Lenora said...

I'm a little scared to wade in here. My, everyone took their bitch pills this morning, didn't they?
I didn't really like Kenley's but I can also see why she won; it was creative and well made. There are definitely challenges on here that are about "regular" people but this wasn't one of them. This was about interpretation and creativity.
I don't think anyone was "robbed" but I thought Leanne's was beautiful. And Jerrell's may have been "New Jersey prom dress" but I thought it was also beautiful.
I did like the example of yet another designer not listening to Tim and paying the price.

La Louis Bonita said...

While I agree that unqualified judges hinder the show's potential to feel authoritative, at least Sandra Bernhard was, uh, DESCRIPTIVE. Natalie Portman was one of the single worst judges in history, spewing unimportant lines such as, "I really don't like asymmetrical." Oh, really, Natalie? I didn't know this was America's Next Top Things That Natalie Portman Likes.

Sewing Siren said...

Cerebelle said...
When Kenley started describing her plan for this challenge as 30s and 40s style, I said "of course"; then when she went on to describe it as calendar girl, I said "OF COURSE." And then she said her point of view was new and different, and I just about died laughing.

Look, it's cool if you want to look like and design clothes that look like Betty Page, but don't claim it's something new or different. Someone hasn't been on a college campus lately.

Like Lumi mentioned, I just love how she changed her tune when the judges described the look as 80s--she acted like that had been her plan all along...

That's interesting. I miss a lot of the comments the designers make, because I watch the show at a "party".
But I really see the 40's influence now. Those gathered cap sleeves and the flounce at the hip and the vaguely tropical print. I think I like it even better now.

Sewing Siren said...

And I forgot to add, I don't blame her a bit for "changing her tune" about the influence. Let them think what they will as long as you get the win.

Fnarf said...

I thought this was a bad choice, but the Balenciaga snaps make it obvious. And even though it's not to my taste, I think Kenley's gotta be the favorite right now; she's consistently good.

"Sofa on a Boca Raton lanai"! Thank you, Sixgables!

Laura said...

Could not get past the gawdawful fabric. Did not pass go. Did not collect $200.

Cerebelle said...

Sewing Siren said:

And I forgot to add, I don't blame her a bit for "changing her tune" about the influence. Let them think what they will as long as you get the win.

I'll admit, I'd do the same thing if I were in her position, although the snap change in tune was still pretty funny.

The construction of the garment was definitely 40s, and I think I would have liked it better had she not used the insane 80s fabric for it. Although I will never like bubble skirts, and to me THAT was a bubble skirt--waaay too puffy. Couple that with the tightness at the torso and it just obliterate Shannone's figure like TLO said.

Terri's was definitely my favorite; I think she did dress with pants the right way. It looked chic and sexy to me.

Karla said...

Okay, so Kenley designed something unusual. Points for that.... But it looks like a dress with a suspicious growth. Biopsy that thing! My first choice (in case the judges or anyone here care and please don't answer that) would have been the black dress inspired by the tree aeration grate. Audrey Hepburn would have worn that one, and if its good enough for her, it's good enough to win. (Apparently, I often take my fashion cues from dead people.)

Anonymous said...

Even my boyfriend recognized Kenley's dress as a Balenciaga knockoff. Love Balenciaga, hated Kenley's cheap copy-cat dress. That and the fact that her dress had nothing to do with her "inspiration." Last night's episode was *yawn*.

Anonymous said...

Hideous fabric, hideous purple tumor. Congratulations, you are the winner of this challenge! WHAT????????????

Anonymous said...

I guess I don't know anything about fashion because I don't understand how this dress made the top three let alone win.

Anonymous said...

Kenley's dress looks even worse in that picture than it did on TV.

Anonymous said...

The judges joked about her dress and than they give it to her? I'm confused. It must be the editing.

Bailey said...

I didn't think Kenley's print fabric was even all that 80s. The pattern was so 40's housedress. The color scheme overall may have invoked the 80's but when I think that decade, I think neon, geometric prints, clean lines, spandex, etc, not Grandma's couch fabric (which that shit was, regardless of how well Kenley used it).

Anonymous said...

"Sewing Siren said...

And I forgot to add, I don't blame her a bit for "changing her tune" about the influence. Let them think what they will as long as you get the win."

I don't remember that. When I saw the fabrics she was buying I was like 'oh my god this is going to look hideous' but I think she did an amazing job.

Anonymous said...

"Bailey said...

I didn't think Kenley's print fabric was even all that 80s. The pattern was so 40's housedress. The color scheme overall may have invoked the 80's but when I think that decade, I think neon, geometric prints, clean lines, spandex, etc, not Grandma's couch fabric (which that shit was, regardless of how well Kenley used it)."

The fabric was perfect for what she had in mind. Let's not forget that.

Anonymous said...

If anyone of the other designers had used the same fabrics, they probably wouldn't have been able to produce the same results. Therefore, she is a winner. She made great fashion out of shitty fabrics.

Bailey said...

Anonymous said...

The fabric was perfect for what she had in mind. Let's not forget that.

Yes of course, I wasn't trying to imply the dress wasn't great or take away from Kenley's vision. You'd HAVE to have a vision to see that in the store and make it work. I doubt she chose it because she thoguht it was 'cute' or 'pretty.' Really, it's a compliment to Kenley that that fabric was really kinda hideous, because her dress wasn't as all.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

ya gots to read Sandra's guest blog on bravo."

"Can you expand on your least favorite and favorite looks from the challenge?

As you know, I was really into Terri. I thought she did a wonderful twist on comfortable. Sexy Rock 'n' Roll wear. Something that I would love to wear on stage. I wanted to go to a funkier place, but everybody went with the pretty white lady."

Here's a link to her blog.

Joanie said...

While not something that totally floats my boat, I thought Kenley did a great job with the color and construction. It was different. And it wasn't boring. There was something to it that made you look twice -- not out of disgust, but because you were curious about the details. And that counts a lot in my book.

Anonymous said...

Great post, guys. Kenley's dress reminded me of one of Christian's runway dresses--really similar silhouettes. I figured she had gotten points for construction and pulling it off, but the Balenciaga link makes what's going on even more clear. I also think it's kind of because Kenley arguably deserved the win last week.

Glad to see Terri's been noticed, though this was my least favorite of her outfits.

I agree that this group isn't as finished as last year's group. So far, every show has had multiple candidates for elimination and exhibited less of the show-stopping technical prowess of Rami, Chris, Christian and Jillian. They're an entertaining group though, just because they don't have the same technical skills. The only time I really saw the Season 4 crew come apart in a big was during the men's wear challenge.

Glad to see no team challenges so far--way too many last year.

Where's Andrei? said...

Here's an interesting tidbit!
Miss Sandra calls out the other judges from last night's decision:
(from her blog on PR site)

"PR: Can you expand on your least favorite and favorite looks from the challenge?

Sandra: As you know, I was really into Terri. I thought she did a wonderful twist on comfortable. Sexy Rock 'n' Roll wear. Something that I would love to wear on stage. I wanted to go to a funkier place, but everybody went with the pretty white lady."


"but everybody went with the pretty white lady..."


Sting 'em Sandra Bee.

Bill said...

Anyone else think Dear Tim leading the contestants in their rain gear looked like Miss Clavel with her student charges from the Madeline books.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kenley! Your dress is gorgeous. I wish they were selling it on Blufly. I'd buy it in a second.

Lenora said...

Ahh, Bill, I love your references and the fact that you almost always have a picture to go along with it.

Anonymous said...

I hate this dress. If this is the direction they're going I'm not watching this show anymore. Leanne was robbed. What happened to making a woman look good? She looks like a baloon in that dress.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge fan of the 80's at all. Even though I was born then, the fashion was hideous and so is this dress.

Anonymous said...

Shannone worked ths sh*t out of that dress. She killed it! So far above all the others! So far!

Anonymous said...

I don't think a dress that is so obviously ripped from a 2008 spring collection (although I wouldn't have known this had you not pointed it out--I just thought it was ass-ugly) should have won. Kenley and Kellie are my current favs but not this dress. Sorry.

I was actually pulling for Leanne. She normally irritates me in that "rode the short bus to PR tryouts way" but her dress was really lovely. And I seem to be the only one who didn't like Terri's outfit. I thought it looked really messy.

Anonymous said...

How is it that I just found out about this blog? It's awesome! I thought Kenley kicked ass. What I liked about her is that no matter what the others designers said about her choice of fabrics or design she stuck to her guns.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

I don't think a dress that is so obviously ripped from a 2008 spring collection (although I wouldn't have known this had you not pointed it out--I just thought it was ass-ugly) should have won. Kenley and Kellie are my current favs but not this dress. Sorry.

I was actually pulling for Leanne. She normally irritates me in that "rode the short bus to PR tryouts way" but her dress was really lovely. And I seem to be the only one who didn't like Terri's outfit. I thought it looked really messy."

It's NOT the same dress and that's not what Tlo said:

"Certainly it's not a direct ripoff, but she's clearly working in current trends. The bold, almost tropical print, the high collar and puff sleeves, the general proportions - it's all there."

Anonymous said...

Sure, this dress was inspired by the 80's, the 80s is back and Forever 21 is there to prove it blah blah blah but not in a good way. The bottom line is this dress is hideous, I don't know anyone who would wear this dress. It's ugly and made the model look like an oompa loompa.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that a clip from the preview didn't make it into the episode? The one with Tim Gunn saying 'just slit my wrists and push me in front of a taxi' I loved it.

Anonymous said...

Shannone IS the winner of this challenge. She worked the shit out of this dress and I think that helped secure the win.

Anonymous said...

Ugly is the new beautiful. Yeah... But we can't forget that some of us still prefer pretty dresses. Leanne was robbed. So unfair...

Anonymous said...

If there is one thing a dress should not do it is to make your model look like she has a giant grape lollipop ass. I was surprised Kenley won.

Anonymous said...

This dress isn't for everyone but it looks hot on the model. Certain silhouettes work on different body types, so you can't design an outfit and expect it to fit everyone.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...


Season 1 Kara Saun won several challenges. Season 2 Zulema won a challenge. I forget S3 and 4 but anyway this has nothing to do with being black.

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