What was your reaction to Heidi’s harsh comments saying that your dress was “distracting and cliché,” and your ”voice as a designer” didn’t come through?
You know they’re looking for big labels, which don’t stick. I totally disagree.
Did you think Kenley’s dress deserved to win?
No. I don’t think it was flattering. We were making fun of it. One side with this huge sort of balloon, voluminous thing, and the other side just not. I think Leanne should have won, definitely.
What about all of Kenley’s comments about your dress, calling it unoriginal? Hers looked pretty similar to Balenciaga’s spring collection.
Uh huh. Um, well, first of all, in fashion you have to know that nothing is new, its just a new way of doing it. Do I think my dress was new? It’s an asymmetrical dress, so no I wasn’t breaking the minds of everyone. I was a little annoyed that they edited that clip of Kenley in, because in my opinion she heard what the judges said on the stage and then repeated it in a later interview. I just thought it was kind of tacky.
Do you have any more insight into why you think you went home?
I don’t know if I’m allowed to comment. Sandra Bernhard said it wasn’t her decision, that she actually really liked the dress, but it was a group decision in the end.
What about the strongest designers?
Leanne and Korto were my roommates and I think they both have a really strong and individual design aesthetic and I would love to see their full collections.
More here.
Project Runway Roundup: Emily Auf’ed, Says Kenley Comments Were "Tacky," Stands By Her Dress [Fancast]
[Screencap: Projectrungay.blogpost.com]
Oh lordy lordy lordy. Denial much?
O Jesus. Whatever warm fuzzies I felt for Emily are absolutely gone now.
So much for having a gracious exit.
This interview just shows me that all her coolness and positiveness was bullshit.
Bitter. Bitter. Bitter.
"Did you have any other beef with Kenley that we didn’t see?
That’s not something I want to focus on, I’d rather talk about positive stuff."
Okay--then why is most of your interview about her!!!
Kenley! Kenley! Kenley!
"Did you watch the show before you wound up getting on?
I don’t own a TV. I spend a lot of time out in the world... my boyfriend is an artist...you know, living a very active life."
OMG! Bitch, get over yourself!!!
Talk about a complete 180 in personality!
Wow! That was a really underground perspective on things.
Kenley is amazing.
Emily is not.
She just needs to get over herself.
Her dress with the nasty puke ruffles was fugly fugly fugly and a total cliche....
Kenley was innovative and interesting.
Sounds like someone was a really party pooper. I'll be happy when all the riff-raff is edited from the show and we can get to the real deal designers.
In an interview with People she stated she is okay with the judges' decision because "all of the models wanted to buy my dress. I think that they’re my market – young, gorgeous girls. That’s who I want to dress."
wow--sorry--this my second post already. i just feel completely duped by her duplicity.
Not exactly gracious, but you can hardly blame her for being bitter. Not many would agree that her dress was the worst.
I don't really understand the obsession with Kenley though. It wasn't her fault.
I do think the producers throw in stuff that makes the playing field uneven. But this type of interview is unlikely to bring much sympathy her way.
* side bar- I don't understand her comment about the industrial sewing machine. If you can use any sewing machine you can use an industrial one, they are extremely simple and tough.
Looking for big labels that don't stick? She lost me there. They should chip in, get her some sticky labels, and move her along. I don't think her bitterness is very underground.
Yeah, what was the labels-sticking thing about? I didn't understand that.
She really comes off as kind of a bitch. I can understand the Kenley stuff, since she's probably jealous as hell and just taking it out on her. It was the "I live such a fabulous LA life going to MY FRIENDS' concerts and doing the hipster shuffle while wearing indie headbands and having an exponentially more glamorous and ACTIVE life than you" bullshit that really made me want to puke.
The saddest part is that there is a lot to recommend about her Smoke and Mirrors collection. a lot of it's stylish LA fashion. Too bad your ugly Barbie dress and your utter density blew it for you, bitch. I'm looking forward to never hearing about your pretentious ass ever again.
Two more things I've learned from watching PR:
1. Always listen to Tim.
2. Bitter post-auf interviews always destroy any good will you may have garnered.
Seems like a reasonable interview after getting kicked off. In her defense, they did keep asking her about Kenley - its not like she went "oh, yeah - and wasn't Kenley tacky." Its certainly not worse than everyone's little Panda, Allison, and her comments about Laura after she got booted.
I kind of liked Emily. I also kind of like Kenley, although I think the win last night was a WTF judging moment. I think she may have favored designer status for awhile, aka the Rami syndrome.
Has anyone checked out Emily's collection? I don't think its particularly ground breaking (or underground), but a number of the pieces are cute. I'm showing off my amazing fashion knowledge with that adjective, huh?
Sorry...short shortS
Wow, she really needs to watch what comes out of her mouth.
"What'd you think about the way that they portrayed you and your loss?
Well, first of all, I was shocked that I got kicked off! What were they thinking?"
Tlo just posted another interview with her; see "Don't Miss" and by the way, I'm loving the new features, guys. I also love the article on short short in the NY Times. I love that I read about it here first.
Sheesh! Bitter, bitter, bitter!
Sounds like we missed some fun catfights. Can't wait for the reunion show. "Live from the BravoTV Studios: It's the Emily/Kenley Cage Match! Watch what happens!" Tim, of course, would be the referee, and Heidi would be the announcer
I'd watch that!
There is definitely no love less b/w the two girls, and I'm sure Kenley's mentioning that Emily copied her dress from the Elle magazine cover (as TLo also pointed out) added fuel to the fire. You might note as well that, on her exit video, Emily warns her fellow contestants to beware of snakes slithering on the ground. I assume now that this is a veiled reference to Kenley.
Let's face it, it must have been hard for Emily to be around someone who is two years younger than her, more talented, and swooned over by the judge. Poor Emily all she got was two "good enoughs" and an auf'ing.
Anonymous said...
There is definitely no love less b/w the two girls, and I'm sure Kenley's mentioning that Emily copied her dress from the Elle magazine cover ...
Actually she did...check out her interview for Burning Questions on the main page of this blog. Isn't that funny? I personally think that you should always leave on good terms.
So I guess Kenley is the snake. (And apparently Blayne is the Walrus).
Though, just because Emily is delusional about the beauty of the dress that got her das boot, it doesn't mean she is delusional about Kenley. It is possible that Kenley is duplicitous. I suppose time will tell.
"Emily said: I wouldn't change my dress. You know, I stand by it."
Gee, she sounds like John McCain standing behind his assinine Paris & Britney commercial.
"So I guess Kenley is the snake. (And apparently Blayne is the Walrus).
Though, just because Emily is delusional about the beauty of the dress that got her das boot, it doesn't mean she is delusional about Kenley. It is possible that Kenley is duplicitous. I suppose time will tell"
I agree, you never know. But Kenley doesn't strike me as someone who pretends to be your friend and then stab you in the back (remember Wendy Pepper?). Kenley just seems to speak her mind, like when she points out that Emily's outfit was badly copied from the cover of Elle.
I could be wrong, but I just recall the image of Kenley sitting on the ground helping Daniel complete his garment for this challenge. This doesn't strike me as very snake-like behavior.
High school drama.
Sad. Emily. Sad.
This is a prime example of why Bravo's new offer of management assistance to recent contestants should be a good thing. Though Emily is undoubtedly talented and gracious among friends, she is in serious need of some public relations coaching. What could have been an opportunity to generate good will -- afterall, her dress wasn't that bad, particularly in the context of memorably bad garments in PR history -- ended up making her sound very bitter and defensive.
Her complaints about an uneven playing field at Mood Fabrics seemed a bit odd, given that fabric choice wasn't her downfall in this challenge. Couldn't she have checked out the Mood web site (which includes store layout maps, a virtual tour, and information on some of their inventory), visited the LA store, and/or perhaps asked a NY-based friend to do a little reconnaissance for her?
"Bitter post-auf interviews always destroy any good will you may have garnered"
Agree. You should use your "time in the sun" wisely. Get auf'd doesn't have to be the end of the world. Look at the wonderful and gracious Malan. In contrast, who is going to want to have anything to do with this delusional bitch now? Her comments about how much Sandra liked her dress etc. just shows how selective her hearing is. Yeah, maybe your dress wasn't the worst but it SUCKED nevertheless. Get over yourself.
GothamTomato said...So I guess Kenley is the snake. (And apparently Blayne is the Walrus).
And will the snake eat the rat?
"This is a prime example of why Bravo's new offer of management assistance to recent contestants should be a good thing. Though Emily is undoubtedly talented and gracious among friends, she is in serious need of some public relations coaching. What could have been an opportunity to generate good will -- afterall, her dress wasn't that bad, particularly in the context of memorably bad garments in PR history -- ended up making her sound very bitter and defensive"
Absolutely agree with you Rachel. They seem kind of par for the course though with Emily. She strikes me as a bit delusional.
Poor Emily,
I don't suppose it occurred to her to, say, check out Mood on her own.
So Kenley had never used an industrial sewing machine? I'm even more impressed with her skills, then.
Yeah, Emily needs some PR skills.
She also trashed kenley on the BPR podcast! delicious!
She's probably the snake in the grass.
Bravo has slight kenley bitch edits going on if you pay attention closely.
"Poor Emily,
I don't suppose it occurred to her to, say, check out Mood on her own."
Yeah, I mean the show has been on for five years, and Mood has always been the fabric store that the designers have used to shop for fabric, so it would have made sense to maybe do some homework or something. And, if not, SUCK IT UP. I've never heard an auf'd designer complain that they weren't given a tutorial at Mood! Lame.
There's alot of bitterness in this interview (and the EW interview as well). I wonder what really was going on?
And the emphasis on Leanne and Korto--that's great to support the roommates but it seems that something's amiss. I crave more information!
"There's alot of bitterness in this interview (and the EW interview as well). I wonder what really was going on?
And the emphasis on Leanne and Korto--that's great to support the roommates but it seems that something's amiss."
Yes, the whole thing is odd. Since when did a designer, when asked to name whom they think has the talent to go all the way, only refers to their roommates? I'm guessing that Kenley was not the only designer that Emily did not get on with.
Can i just say I hate bitterness?
Suck it up and be grateful for the opportunity Emily.
Wait, Wesley and Daniel are a couple now? How interesting. :D
huh...given her sewing machine comment, emily didn't like kenley from day one.
Aw, poor thing.
I just looked at the collections on her site.
What struck me as funny (strange) is that she's got very charming & well-tailored jackets (trapeze & peacoat with strong fabric choices) but her dresses are so sloppy.
Maybe she needs to learn to focus.
-- desertwind
Just a little nit-picky for gothamtomato: you know that "das boot" means "the boat", right, and not "the boot"?
Just sayin' . . .
Just call me a helper.
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