"I ended up taking some silk chiffon and I decided that I would imbue it with a natural element and use grass stain as a staining method. In my own work often times I use teas, oils, and herbs to feed the fabrics."
"Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did."
Oh, we're gonna like this one, kittens. What's better than a complete whack job of a contestant?
A complete whackjob of a contestant with fantastic technical skills and that PR perennial, a "strong point of view."
What's that? Do we hear shock? We're pretty sure you all assumed we were going to trash the hell out of this dress, but hear us out.
First, go back and look at the above picture, but ignore the fabric tumor. That dress, until you get to the bottom, is GORGEOUS.
The sleeves and the bustline are absolutely beautiful. It fits her perfectly and the color is stunning. We agree with The Duchess. She had us at "Hello."
It's the "goodbye" that sucked.
Say what you will about the tail, but there's just no denying that this bitch knows what she's doing from a technical standpoint. Look at that seam.
See, all too often on PR, they put these designers in who have "strong points of view" but seemingly, little or no technical skills and we wind up seeing a lot of hot messes walking down the runway.
Yes, that tail was ass, but the dress itself was not a hot mess, not as far as we're concerned.
The thing she needs most - and we admit, we don't have a lot of confidence that she'll learn this in time - is the ability to edit herself. The dress would have been beautiful without the tail at all, but she actually could have made the tail concept work with about 10% of the fabric she used.
She also needs some help in the accessorizing area because those boots were an atrocious choice of footwear for this dress.
For any dress, really.
To be honest, part of the reason we want her to stay is because so far, this group seems to demonstrate a rather high collective opinion of themselves, and we would love it if the dirty girl in the corner of the cafeteria would show them up once or twice. Maybe even snatch a win away from the ones who are clearly already "judges' pets."
Go, Puppet Girl!
Just lay off the "natural elements" from here on out, mkay?
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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"Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did."
OHMYGOD ROFLMAO. You guys fucking rock!
I totally agree with you guys. I thought the dress was gorgeous. I love the color, the sleeves, the brooch (or button?) it was the endless tail that ruined it.
Elisa = Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club!
"Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did."
Perfect marriage of facial expression and inner monologue :)
What was she thinking? It looks like her dress got caught in her laundry. Fabulous post, guys!
I think my favorite part of the episode was when Male Paris Hilton with stupid black hair called Elisa strange. For some reason, I don't think you have the right to say that about anyone.
I completely agree with everything you guys said. Everything about this dress was great except the tail wasn't really thought about enough.
I completely agree with you guys 100%. I loved the dress waste up, and I do think she was fun to watch. And I loved Jack's blakc and white dress with the turquiose, I thought he would have been a contender for the win, but what do I know?
Oh, they'll keep her around for a while. She's a combo of last season's "crazy" Vincent and "off the grid" Angela. She's "Vingela."
She'll be in there until at least the last 5 or 6. You can count on it. They have to keep the crazy in there to make it interesting.
I agree with you guys, the crazy ladies dress was cool!!!
She's a combo of last season's "crazy" Vincent and "off the grid" Angela. She's "Vingela."
BINGO! Love that!!
I agree. I think she used the shoes because she copied the seam treatment from them. They totally didn't match, colourwise, and suede? You want to keep from catching on the train and you choose suede?
You could tell by Lorange's expression that they're thrilled to have such a wackadoo to harrass. The judges will play with her like a cat plays with its kill, and then slam her when they get bored.
I can't recall--what was the reaction of the other designers as they watched this come down the runway?
the seems on the front of the boots match the seem on the back of the dress. theme.
I agree. The dress is quite beautiful in an odd sort of way. I like the color and the train, it makes me think of a peacock. There is way too much wadded fabric in the train though and I don't like the laundry ball she is carrying in the still shot. The way she worked the fabric (silk jersey?) puts me in mind of a collection Zandra Rhodes did in 1977 called "Conceptial Chic". I do think Miss Elisa has skills. The only thing I have to disagree about is that it does not take all that much talent to drape a one seam jersey dress, especially an asymetrical one.
I think she did the grass staining just for camera time and that was a smart move on her part.
I'm also agreeing except...
I liked the boots-- especially the way the gathered front matched the back seam on the dress. The two colors were an unexpected combination.
But I do think that she deserved to be in the bottom two simply because of the train(wreak).
OH! She TOTALLY is Ally Sheedy from "The Breakfast Club"!
Couldn't agree more about the boots. The Manifesti were HOWLING at the screen. The clash of color was hideous.
Glad to see we have a SANTINO this season ... GOD how we've missed him.
Carry on.
Hilarious, bitches! Puppet Girl rocks! She's hilarious in that Lupe-y way but with talent.
The best quote from the whole episode (possibly the whole season) was when Heidi said "it looks like she's pooing fabric." LMAO
I love Elisa already. She's a true artist. Speaking of using natural elements to stain her clothes, I heard she uses spit in the next episode.
you bitches dont miss i thing as in the boots matching the seam! what would i do with out all of you?
Am I dreaming or did I see a picture of Elise somewhere on the Bravo site wearing those boots? I think they are hers (how'd you like to be that model? Stuffing your feetsies into tubes of suede into which Ms. "I don't even wear antiperspirant because it's not organic" had been sweating for a while?)
Right on everywhere else. She has talent. And vision. It's just deeply weird.
Hahahahaha. You guys, where the hell have I been? You guys are hilarious! Now I'm going to have to read the entire archive. ;)
I love the dress. The tail is mad and distracting.
Great critique (as usual).
I would love to see a screencap of Elisa literally measuring her model BY HAND. That was a first for me!
Hooray! Awesome post. I could not agree more. I look forward to seeing what she does next. I liked how she owned her mistake (not editing the train). It makes me think she just might be one to learn from her mistakes. We'll see...
I also love her spirituality. As a fellow yogi, I love that she practiced doing yoga in a confined space in preparation for the show.
Could it be true that she has also thought about how to get more on-camera time by doing things like rubbing her fabric in dog shit? Great thought sewing siren. Love it!
I'm not sure if you heard, but apparently Elisa is the bastard child of Austin Scarlett and Guadalupe Vidal.
Who knew?
When the dress came down the runway, I actually sat up. Because it was beautiful, minus the disaster she was dragging behind her. That fabric was so fluid and the sleeves on the dress were fantastic.
I LOVED her explanation of what she was thinking when she created the design....LOTS of sound effects instead of actual words.
Lupe Part 2.
I don't even think she used the grass stained stuff. I do believe that was her attempt at letting the other designers know that she was all cool and weird and esoteric.
I don't know .... The sleeves actually vaguely remind the Manifesti of Vincent's shiteous "coutour" dress from last season ... remember, the oddly-cut sleeve that A L'Orange lambasted him on the runway for? Seems to us that there is more than a slight resemblence here. We still don't like it.
Soooo true! She's extremely entertaining and talented...so I just hope she never pulls something like that again.
""Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did.""
Tim would never say that. He'd say, "I'm concerned."
But you have said what I've been saying. Get rid of that tail (or have a short train in the same fabric as the gown), and it would have kicked ass.
And, my god, who is Christian to say Elisa is strange? Pot, meet kettle.
That fabric poo train REALLY took away from the fact that Elisa is very skilled.
ITA that some of the contestants are way too impressed with their own fabulousity as designers, so in that sense Elisa is indeed refreshing.
Guys. The top looks like what Commander Troi would wear to a spaceship formal.
I actually want her to win! Seriously, how awesome would that be: Her dress was beautiful (minus the train which seemed to the costume of a dead Reno Showgirl). I hope every episode she either does something incredibly beautiful or incredibly over the top Santino style, only to come out at the end of the show with the most majestically Marionette- inspired fashion extravaganza! Go Elisa GO!
Dead on again.
The dress itself is really beautiful, and I actually liked the boots with it because it they were completely unexpected and entirely inappropriate. I like this girl. She's not the same old same old.
The Ally Sheedy comparision is perfect!
That's the best pic of Tim ever, and you captioned it perfectly.
Carry on.
"Lilithcat said...
""Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did.""
Tim would never say that. He'd say, "I'm concerned."
Ha! You obviously don't know Tim, my dear.
Sorry -Tim Gunn & I cannot get past :
A. The Lawn
B. The Tail
C. The Boots
Wickety Wack, Wickety Wack, is all I have to say!
I sort of understood what she was trying for *thematically* with the boots, but I just hated them -- both because the color only kinda sorta matched (it needed to be a perfect match or something clearly different) and because I thought the boots added visual bulk to an area of the overall look that NEEDED NO FURTHER BULK, thankyouverymuch.
I didn't think the dress was gorgeous without the "tumor," but certainly had some elegance and nice line...it will be fun to see what else she comes up with.
"dirty girl in the corner of the cafeteria would show them up once or twice"
T&L, Thank you on behalf of all the girls (then called "queer") in the corners of the cafeteria - you called this one! You go Elisa!!!
Well...at least she didn't put a basket on her head or cover her butt in fluerchons or whatever the hell they were called! :)
Vingela? Maybe, but perhaps with a little more skill if she actually does edit the crazy voices in her head :)
I agree, boys. I thought the dress itself was lovely -- the color, the sleeves, the drape. Just beautiful. And then came the poo (tm La Klum). I look forward to lots more of Elisa -- I'm rooting for her to make the top 3, because I bet her collection would be a SHOW.
I'm surprised T&L didn't point out that Heidi sort of stole the "pooing fabric" comment (which I loved) from them: way back in season 1, in the wedding dress challenge, Austin designed a turquoise dress with a similar train, and T&L said it looked like his model was "shitting fabric."
Great minds think alike, I guess. :-) And it was funny both times, at least to my immature mind.
@ anon: I think my favorite part of the episode was when Male Paris Hilton with stupid black hair called Elisa strange. For some reason, I don't think you have the right to say that about anyone.
Hehe. When he said that, I couldn't help letting out a: "Helllooooo Pot" but apparently my new roommate has never heard the pot --> kettle = black comment before (no idea how)
Technically skilled? Are you kidding? GIRLFRIEND USES HER HANDS TO MEASURE PEOPLE. And if she was so "technically skilled", she'd have noticed that the fabric couldn't handle that train the way it was constructed, and would have been able to correct it in those two hours she spent sleeping.
Just sayin'. I love a wackadoo as much as the next (and she's adorable), but it wasn't THAT great.
Actually, without the train and the boots, I think this dress would have been a contender for the win. And I loved her nearly incoherent explanation of what she was going for. So glad they didn't auf her--there's clearly potential here to do great work--not to mention entertainment value. In my mind, she's much closer to Lupe than to either Angela or Vincent--so far, I don't find her annoying, just a little wacky.
"Technically skilled? Are you kidding? GIRLFRIEND USES HER HANDS TO MEASURE PEOPLE."
And the dress fit her perfectly. So yeah, "technically skilled."
I LOVE Elisa!
Yea she's a little crazy, but she's not Vincent/Lupe crazy. And she clearly has more skill and artistic vision than any of the other designers who get the "kooky music" edit.
Her little nap was a screw you to the other designers still toiling away with their boring garments and inflated egos.
And I understood exactly what she meant with her sound effect descriptions on the runway. She's going to drive Nina nuts and we're all gonna benefit!
"Bitch with a needle" here, sorry, it wasn't that hard to make that dress! I made stuff like that for my Barbies when I was a little girl. As for the seam treatment? Can you say whip stitch? I knew you could :) Not impressed.
You guys totally captured the look/inner dialogue with Tim. I laughed out loud when I saw La Nina's face as that fabric diarrhea came down the runway.
Tami S.
" Samantha said...
Technically skilled? Are you kidding? GIRLFRIEND USES HER HANDS TO MEASURE PEOPLE. And if she was so "technically skilled", she'd have noticed that the fabric couldn't handle that train the way it was constructed, and would have been able to correct it in those two hours she spent sleeping. "
1) She can measure people with her clitoris for all I care. It's the end result that matters.
2) The train was her vision not a technical mistake.
My grandmother refuses to use the mixer to make her cakes, and yet she makes the best cakes I've ever eaten. You don't need to use a standard tool to be qualified as skilled.
Ok, off to the next post. I'm a little behind here, boys.
"I'm surprised T&L didn't point out that Heidi sort of stole the "pooing fabric" comment (which I loved) from them: way back in season 1, in the wedding dress challenge, Austin designed a turquoise dress with a similar train, and T&L said it looked like his model was "shitting fabric." "
Yes, but it's a lot funnier when said in a German accent by a supermodel. (Sorry boys, I still love you!)
I think she smoked a little too much of the grass while she was staining the fabric. After getting good and fucked up, she decided to go all creative and design a poo train dress. It took too much out of her so she had to sleep it all off. The producers must have edited out the munchies and giggles.
Elisa: It is my professional opinion that Miss Elisa is several walnuts short of a Waldorf Salad.
And on the runway, she sounded like she was channeling Professor Irwin Corey.
But I'm wondering: Is she naturally daffy, or is this calculated (because anyone who's been paying attention knows that the crazies get a pass - for a while, at least).
I agree that the top of the dress was fab (and she was one of the few who didn't give her model titslexia). But the boots made it all look a little too Celine Dion.
--Gotham Tomato
Go Elisa! You probably should have realized that the model was going to trip on the way back up the runway, but I love your wacky style. Just listen to your instincts and cut the tail off next time.
I actually liked the dress as well. The "concept" of the train and boots was also, right there, just didn't work in real life. This shows the signs of an organic mind, which I appreciate. I also like that she doesn't seem to be making a spectacle in her kookiness, meaning that it's all her and not an act, which is refreshing on a reality show. Time will tell of course if I am right or deluded. Go Elisa, let your freak flag fly!
Oh, and I loved that she measured with her hand. I do it in the kitchen all the time to general success (who needs a measuring cup!). It's just a sign of knowing yourself and your craft.
I am going to love seeing the egos getting all crushed throughout the season. Seriously, many these people think highly of themselves.
I costumed a production of Seussical the Musical--My Maizie Bird had a tail that looked EXACTLY like the 'poo fabric' See here is where she went wrong--you need to attach the tail to the waist area of the dress, letting the fabric flow out and away from the feet-hence no tripping. Of course I am not sure why someone would want their first Project Runway dress to look like Maizie the Bird from Seussical but it is not up to me to question the thought processes of 'creative geniuses'.
I can't help but agree on this urgent matter.
Yay Puppet Girl!
I liked the front of the dress, but thought I'd seen it somewhere before. The anonymous post with the Commander Troi comment nailed it for me. Star Trek, the Next Gen! That's exactly what Deanna would have worn, minus the poo train.
-- rain brain
Agree with you all - nuts makes for good TV and she will make it at least midway on the kookiness factor.
Whoever said Ally Sheedy in Breakfast Club nailed it. Perhaps she'll do a balck dress and shake her dandruff all over it for a snow effect.
What really killed me was Elisa's, "it's a haiku of a cut," with the accompanying sound effects and hand motions. Genius nuts.
And as a new student of yoga, I got a little kick seeing Elisa doing her yoga moves in the corner.
Is it too much to hope that Elisa hit menopause early because I'm already a little nervous about, you know, the whole...fabric... thing.
"Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did."
ROFLMAO... also!
Yay puppet girl!
Confession? She kind of makes me nervous, and we aren't even REALLY in the same room! But I often feel that way around performance artists --- I'm just never quite sure where they are going next, and if they will expect me to go with them!
I love Elisa. She's the least pretentious of the bunch and she's talented. I'm rooting for her.
"Yeah, that's great. Do you also use dog shit? Because you just did."
Freaking hilarious!
and we would love it if the dirty girl in the corner of the cafeteria would show them up once or twice. Maybe even snatch a win away from the ones who are clearly already "judges' pets."
how sweet and how true. yes, those of us who began our ascents to grand and glorious lives after high school always love it when the underdogs chew out the soft belly of the big dogs.
i wasn't a dirty girl, unless you count the aura of marijuana always clinging to my bell bottoms and pea jacket, or the black lipstick and black nails, which will look a bit unclean. but i was certainly the artsy, creative, quiet, dope-addled smarty pants who turned a slow start into a fantastic life.
i'm lifting a cup of coffee in a salute to dirty offbeat crazy knee walking creative girls (who need to learn to edit themselves) everywhere.
Hear, hear. Dirty girl is a great contestant, and I too hope she crushes a couple of overly cocky fellows once or twice.
As for "she can measure people with her clitoris for all I care." -- that would make for an interesting show, although my new glasses tend to steam up more than the old ones.
PRG comments are absolutely spot on as usual.
Does anyone else think this dress looked like a longer version of Austin Scarlett's wedding dress for his crazy model?
Does she not look like she's sewing mermaid fins for herself in that last pic.? Swim, swim with the happy dolphins! Smush, smush, the silk into the grass! Stretch, stretch to greet the day! Smile, smile when the judges smite you! (oh, and they will.)
Is this an instance of crazy channeling to be a creative genius? Watch what happens! (Sorry, couldn't help it.)
I really don't understand how she could NOT know that the model wouldn't be able to walk with that train.
"Dog shit..." I SAID THAT while she was having an orgasm on the grass in the park! I would really love to watch an episode of this show with you guys.
She IS flat-out bonkers, but unlike last season's crazy, she can actually sew ... even if her methods are a tad, shall we say, unconventional. I am not sure she'll last as long as final 6, but I also thought Vincent would be the first one auf in Season 3, so what do I know? Just that your comments make my favorite show even better.
I expected this dress to be awful, judging from the train, and I was shocked with how much I liked it minus the train. Her "organic" approach to sewing it on herself was a hoot, and looked very difficult! The best thing was her explanation on the runway. All I could think about was Angela's CRAZY explanation last year about the french art teacher (or whatever it was) out of left field. Nina didn't let this one pass either! And I really loved that she finished so early and was so relaxed she TOOK A NAP!! This is going to be fun!
i loved that the "pooing fabric" comment was so reminiscent of santino's "it looks like a BABOON exploded on her BACKSIDE!"
Sorry, but her stuff looks more like performance art costume than fashion.
I don't think Puppet Girl is going to last long.
Elisa's dress was heinous. It looked like a peacock giving birth.
I agree with you guys! Above all else, I'm curious as to her actual level of insanity, and would like to see her stick around until that can truly be determined...
bigassbelle said:"how sweet and how true. yes, those of us who began our ascents to grand and glorious lives after high school always love it when the underdogs chew out the soft belly of the big dogs."
Well, you had me until you started on the canine cannibalism metaphor.
But before that - if you've ever been to a high school reunion, you'd know that it is the odd ones who become the successes & lead the most interesting lives; while the cheerleaders & football players just get old and fat and lead desperate lives of mind-numbing suburban banality.
No matter how much you hated high school, it is worth going to a reunion just to witness this firsthand.
--Gotham Tomato
"But before that - if you've ever been to a high school reunion, you'd know that it is the odd ones who become the successes & lead the most interesting lives; while the cheerleaders & football players just get old and fat and lead desperate lives of mind-numbing suburban banality.
No matter how much you hated high school, it is worth going to a reunion just to witness this firsthand.
--Gotham Tomato"
Oh this is the sweet truth isnt it? It's only worth one reunion attendance though. I could never handle more than that!
Elisa. Is. Not. Like. Vincent.
Good GOD. I mean, she can SEW! Vincent couldn't make something good if his life depended on it. Seriously, the dress was an interesting concept, except the train was too long and thick.
What. The. Hell.
Why wasn't this freak auf'ed? This is like Vincent/Angela Redux.
Dog shit is right. That "dress" is fecal.
It will be interesting and more so by your critiques. I was surprised she stood at the end of the day.
They left her on because she has impeccable credentials....and you were right-that dress was great until we got to the "Rahhhh-train!"
but she's not a laura bennett. no one on this season is.
It was a little difficult to ignore those boots. Believe me, I tried to wish them out of existence but they wouldn't go away.
I would love to see a screencap of Elisa literally measuring her model BY HAND. That was a first for me!
Yeah, my 5 year old measures things by hand too. There is no way that Mommy is 11 hands tall! That was kinda weird for a designer to do that.
Ugh. I think the top of it looked like a shitty prom dress from Forever 21.
F** hilarious! I was crying by the time she accessorized the boots with the "tail poo" (dixit Heidi). Feeding the cloth with natural elements was pretty good too.
There wasn't one single whackjob on PR Canada, and even mildly obnoxious contestants like MG (pre-elimination) and Biddell (pretty much the whole season), weren't even in the same league as major stars like Elisa or Christian, not forgetting Miss Red Dress, for sheer shock value.
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