Oh good lord. It's gonna be TOUGH to get past that hair. Seriously, how much time does Princess take to do that every morning? If Lola Falana sustained a head wound, her hair would look something like this.
Granted, we're pretty sure his entertainment value has an expiration date on it, but for now, we're kind of enjoying Miss Thing.
But we digress.
There are things to like and things to hate about this look, but ultimately, we think Christian should have been the winner this week.
Once again, we fear we may have shocked you all.
It's all about the jacket, a bold statement - one of the boldest on the runway - near-perfectly executed.
We say "near-perfectly" because we agreed with Tim that it was a little odd that he went to such lengths to make sure the bodice was perfectly symmetrical, but then didn't bother with the sleeves.
And we're not at all crazy about that black trim. Still, it's an impact piece.
The skirt...well, that's another story. We just don't care for the hem, although we give him points for being a little original with it.
We like the gentle pleating at the top, but we're not supercrazy about the sash.
Ultimately, we agree with Nina's take: it was a well-executed garment with a distinct point of view done in fabrics that weren't the best choice for it. The plaid is fine, but the neutral colors on the skirt do nothing for it. It would have been better overall if the skirt had been done in black.
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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His model scares me - her styling makes her look like some sort of Teutonic etiquette boot camp instructor. Girl seriously looks like she could cut a bitch.
Hmmm. I'm kind of hated this look. But every time he opens his mouth I want to pinch his cheeks and maybe adopt him. He is so cute in an obnoxious, overly confident little kid sort of way. He is fun TV.
The jacket was beautiful, I will give him that, but the skirt? I was yelling at my television for the model to pull her skirt out of her panties.
You guys are right. This should have been the winner this week.
Of all the runway looks, this one stood out for all the right reasons.
Elisa's stood out for all the wrong reasons (but I agree her dress nice except for the train).
I think the skirt's cut was fine -- not to my taste, but fine. But I agree that it desperately needed to be in another colour. Black would've been acceptable, but a nice deep brown or a medium-dark burnt orange would also have worked, I think.
But please, someone, give him a haircut! Please?
To me, Christopher looks like he was drawn by Hank Ketcham, while he was going through his little known Goth Period.
But, what was with the model's hair this week? Am I crazy, or do they all look like they're about to start screaming SHNELL, SHNELL, SHNELL!!!??
--Gotham Tomato
I would have been happier if this had won over Rami's, but I still like Chris' better. Then again, would the smug look of satisfaction have looked better on Christian? I rather loved his shocked disgust at Rami's win.
Girlfriend is seriously overplaying hir hand with the pathetic attempts to get screentime. I predict he will lose his fanbase quickly.
Can you imagine the kind of horror his parents had to put up with? I'm sure he was a monster!
My favorite part was when Christian blew off Tim Gunn saying, "that wasn't the point." I have a feeling he's not going to be taking advice from anyone.
I was also thinking, was it Bravo Foreshadowing(tm) to show him blowing off Tim's advice? Perhaps this attitude will come back to bite him in the ass later in the competition.
His attitude sucked and I would never wear this or the winning TOGA! And while I thought Elisa was whack I could cut off the fabric crap train and wear it.
Miss Christian definitely goes for Vivienne Westwood homage..
Remember when Jay McCarrol would shake his hands saying "I..hate..Wendy"? Christian made me feel that after his many self-compliments.
But he's not boring, so we'll watch what happens..ugh.
T-Lo said,
We say "near-perfectly" because we agreed with Tim that it was a little odd that he went to such lengths to make sure the bodice was perfectly symmetrical, but then didn't bother with the sleeves.
Forgive me, while I come from a long line of very accomplished seamstresses, I truly know nothing of technique, etc. But while the the bodice was symmetrical, weren't the sleeves symmetrical w/ each other? Maybe I wasn't viewing the entire jacket correctly? I'd appreciate your learned view (and those of your brilliant, HILARIOUS posters) on the sleeves or my inability to understand symmetry in this context.
Love you guys!
Emma P.
It's cute and so is he, but I don't see it as the winner. The seam on cb is perfectly matched, but that isn't that hard to do, further more there was really no need to have a cb seam on that jacket. The asymmetry I think Tim was refering to is the plaid isn't matched on the back or front princess panels and the sleeve caps are pleated a little differently makeing the sleeves have a little akimbo , it looks like a sewing mistake rather than intent. I think the skirt would have been great in the same plaid as the jacket, but it looks like none of the designers had very much yardage of any particular fabric (except Rami who had 70 yards of gray jersey).
I think he is the love child of Edna Mode and Truman Capote.
Yes, sister christian is going to be a handful. I have to agree with anonymous 2:24 in that I kept thinking that the model came back from the bathroom and needed to pull the skirt out of her pantyhose. It looked very "Angela" to me.
I liked the top but am with Tim on thinking that you can't do perfect work in one area and then show blatent disregard for it in another. Maybe it was supposed to be a statement, but it would be one that only he understood so that he could tsk, tsk all of the underlings who are not as advanced as he is.
GothamTomato said...
To me, Christopher looks like he was drawn by Hank Ketcham, while he was going through his little known Goth Period.
But, what was with the model's hair this week? Am I crazy, or do they all look like they're about to start screaming SHNELL, SHNELL, SHNELL!!!??
--Gotham Tomato
Did Tresemme hire Gustav the Prussian hairstylist? You vill haff zis haircut und you vill like it!
oh man... this kid is priceless... so entertaining. im glad he is a talented designer, its the only reason that i think i will be able to handle his ego... speaking of which, how are they able to able to fit 15 designers in without christian's big ol'bucket head (filled-to the rim with ego) knocking everyone out.
Emma, dearheart, don't apologize ... because you are absolutely correct. The sleeves are perfectly balanced with each other and absolutely Aesthetically Pleasing.
He OBVIOUSLY "Bothered with the sleaves."
Honestly, we do not parrot opinions, we have our own ... and we believe even Tim would agree with the Manifesti.
After all .... A L'Orange and Ms. Elle had nothing uncomplimentary to say about the "asymmetry" which so worried Tim.
This little queen is funny and talented but needs to be slapped a few times, quickly and repeatedly. But he's young, and life will eventually take care of that. In the meantime, fun for viewers of all ages!
"He OBVIOUSLY "Bothered with the sleaves."
No, he admitted to Tim that he DIDN'T bother with them and maintained that it was a conscious decision.
Did the Manifesti watch the episode?
"Honestly, we do not parrot opinions, we have our own"
"After all .... A L'Orange and Ms. Elle had nothing uncomplimentary to say about the "asymmetry"
The very definition of irony.
Amen, Thombeau. I'd like to give him a good dose of shaken-designer-syndrome as well.
I am completely baffled by the accolades given to this garment. Maybe if it were in different colors and fabrics I would have felt differently, but as it was? This just didn't seem like Top PR material to me. And Christian, while he does get props for constructing three pieces in the time they were given, doesn't seem very good at defending his choices. He strikes me as the type of person who flies by the seat of his pants and hopes that everything comes out okay, rather than plans it out and "thinks about it". This might serve him perfectly well, though. Some creative types are like that. They don't have to think, they just do.
Kit Pistol's black, gray, and red number was my pick of the litter, but the way things are going, I'm sure it's hated the world over. :D
I didn't like this, and I don't like him.
The whole look makes his model look stumpy. I assume she's not, so that's his fault entirely.
And him? I can't get over his "I'm kindof a big deal" in the promos. It's not that I'm bothered by hi bravado (it's actually kinda cute and totally age-appropriate), but just that he's, like, two years behind on his memes!
Ok, I need to get more precise. She doesn't look stumpy, exactly (her legs are crazy long, and the skirt lets us have a nice peek at them) - it just looks like her torso is about half as long as it should be. something about the proportions is off.
Christian's in that immature, center of the universe phase of life. Not listening to Tim is a big mistake though. And his outfit was the puffy, arty farty sort of thing I'd expect of someone who's decided to re-enact the 80's, including that silly hairdo of his.
-- rain brain
Get rid of the sash and the trim, make the jacket a bit longer and fitted, and I'm all over that one. I actually kind of like the hem, but then I have a bit of a thing for uneven hems (if properly done, and in the right fabric).
(P.S. Shouldn't that be "Princess Poofysleeves"?)
Little 'Ho on the Prairie. I'm done.
OK Look---I don't remember Tim talking about the sleeves at all--what he was talking about were the two back side panels. THEY were not symmetrical--take a look at the pictures--it is plainly visable. This is the kind of 'tailoring' that you get with massed produced garments. It is an amaturish mistake. The trick in sewing is making the center back match up, though as someone else said-it's really not that hard. Getting the two side pieces to match is a cinch unless he really had very little fabric to work with--more likely though is he didn't plan his pattern layout very well.
Anon 3:48
Watch the episode again. Tim says he isn't clear why he took such a long time to make sure the back of the jacket is perfect and the sleeves look like an oversight.
Mmmmm....I don't think that Christopher is any more overly confident than, say, Rami. But Rami can camouflage his cockiness with his hotness. Christopher doesn't have the hotness, so it makes the cockiness more apparent.
But I have a feeling we'll see the same divaness from Mr. Hotness before long.
--Gotham Tomato
I *hate* the hem on the skirt. It looks like it's caught in her pantyhose after a last-minute trip to the toilet. Some trailing TP and the look will be complete.
When Tim said that the designers had until 1 am, I said, "Tim, honey, you'd better check with Little Miss Priss' mommy and see if she can stay up that late."
For me the problem with this jacket wasn't just that the plaid was asymmetrical on the back but that the sleeves were sewn so that one was puffier than the other. If the asymmetry were planned, I would think that he would have made it more obvious. Instead, I was looking at the model and thinking, maybe it's the way she's standing. But as she moved around, the one sleeve was still puffier than the other, and the shapes of the two were just different enough to bug but not enough to be edgy. Not that anything done in that plaid could be edgy, of course. In the 70s my mother had a Thanksgiving tablecloth made out of that same material.
I loved it. It made a huge statement, which is what the challenge was all about.
This little confidence queen is gonna get smacked down HARD someday.
His look for me is somehwere between Joey Heatherton and Kristy McNichol. I also get a weird early Streisand vibe off of him - perhaps its the towering ego and self-confidence.
My favorite moment with him so far was when Heidi said the outfit was growing on her and Christian said, "It should." He's lucky that glamazon didn't get up, go over and snap him in two.
I had that suit in the 80s---no lie. The plaid was a bit more subdued (red with a narrow black window-pane) but the skirt was exactly the same cut/pleating only with a straight hem and in black. My husband recognized it first---"take the crap off the front of the jacket and change the colors and you had that suit didn't you?"
I did indeed...
I really REALLY disliked the hem of the skirt. The jacket was original but I don't think I'd wear it personally. Still, I think unless Christian has an unexpected meltdown he'll be around for a while.
Initially I thought Santino had a cocky attitude, but he was hilarious. In those ways, Christian reminds me of Santino.
I also thought Cristian's jacket was well conceived, designed, and executed. I did find that impressive from the youngest designer. I do think that the skirt failed to harmonize with jacket and could have really popped had the symmetries been similar.
I agree Christian should have won. My second place nod goes to Chris. As for Rami's Angela Keslar inspired toga, if that's fashion then I guess Tim's right and I'm off to Macy's to pick up some linen to drape.
My mother taught me to sew and would always yell at me when I didn't "match my plaids." Christian was very careful to match the plaids at the center back seam for the dramatic v in black but the side pieces and the sleeves were just cut out of whatever material he had left (i.e., not matching-- the stripes don't line up evenly, which can make you look asymmetrical). If they were working with remnants he might not have had enough material to match the plaid-- it usually takes a little extra fabric and extra time for careful cutting (two things he may not have had).
What's much worse is when the plaid doesn't match on pants... one leg always looks longer than the other.
I just kept editing Christian's head in my mind, every time he appeared on the screen. It's kind of like what I do, here in a truly redneck Red State, when I see a kid on the playground and think to myself, "Oh, honey, with a Land's End catalog and a trip to the barber, I could move you into a whole new demographic." Christian ignites the same feelings in me.
"If Lola Falana sustained a head wound, her hair would look something like this" - I almost died right then and there. That was perfect!
^^^^ Agnes Gooch, LMAO ^^^
The skirt looks like it was caught in her pantyhose after a potty break. Something odd and stupid about a plain camel pleated skirt with an asymetrical hem. Maybe he's hanging out with the nice people at the school uniform store???
It's weird that the plaid was SO engineered on the jacket, and he could have put those sleeves on the bias and carried it right on through---that would have been sharp. But no. The princess has decreed.
Small boy will have a comeuppance. Or a butt-whuppin' as we say in the South. As GT pointed out, it takes a big set to sass La Heidi.
The hair pretty much looks like my dog licked it.
I kind of feel as if it were a Vivienne Westwood knockoff. It was ambitious and had a point of view, but I just don't like it.
One of my favorite moments in the show was when Christian said "Stay awhile" to his model in such a characteristic way that the producers felt the need to include subtitles for those viewers who are not fluent in the "whiney queen" dialect.
you didn't shock me - I thought he should have won as well!
I was a little worried about Christian when I first saw him, I must admit. My first thought was that if SNL did a PR spoof, this guy would be one of their characters, but then when I saw his runway outfit, I was pleasantly surprised. I purposely didn't watch or read any of the designers bios/whatnot beforehand so I could judge them purely on their clothes, and Christian might just be my favorite.
I don't like him and I hated his design.
Christian was robbed! He had the best design.
If Harry Potter married Austin Scarlett, Christian is the child they would have had.
" Anonymous said...
I don't like him and I hated his design."
Hi, Rami!
I can't get over that, given a buzz cut, he'd look like my friend's fabulous twin.
And how short is he/tall is that model, anyway? Lordy.
I'm oh, so glad that T-Lo is not lowering themselves to "oh, it's this year's Austin Scarlett" kind of commentary. Most of the other recappers and bloggers just can't wait to telegraph that they've watched the previous seasons, as though remembering Angela gives them some kind of street cred.
T-Lo: keeping it fresh!
LMAO. I think he summed things up when he said he was a celebrity in his own mind. He dreamed big dreams while waiting to be let out of the high school locker.
Word around town is he is really good friends with "suyper hero" sweetie Jack Mackenroth....someone told me they saw them out at a local gay bar. I think they would make a totally fabulous "gay friend" duo....they could have a tv show.
" GothamTomato said...
But I have a feeling we'll see the same divaness from Mr. Hotness before long."
You are sooooooooo right.
I don't think Jack has the attitude but if he does that's okay....I love Christian and Jack.
I agree with GT - Rami has a pomposity that makes me want to puch him on top of his balding head...I can just hear his horrible, affected voice ...I designed this for Jessica Alba. He sucks.
I like his attitude. He's cocky. There's nothing wrong with that if you do it right. He laughed after his "big deal" comment. He's 21 -- he knows it, we know it.
The hair, though. He looks like he just took a bullet in his right ear and the left side of his skull is in the process of splattering over the wall.
Oh, that's not very nice, is it? Sorry.
I like the garment, but agree with j random that another color -- not black -- would have made the skirt tolerable. As it is, it's just "urk" with the beige in the plaid.
does the sash have anything to do with hiking that skirt up her right leg?
because that just had the look of an easy access, in and out kind of thing more appropriate to the commerce of poontang on street corners.
not the skirt itself. boring as hell. just the function of that thing, whatever it was, that kept it all bunched up on her leg.
the models this year . . . the models. :(
I honestly couldn't stand to look at this outfit during the episode. It looked like he timewarped back to the set of Dynasty and stole one of Joan Collins' outfits. Fine for the mid 80's I suppose...not so much now.
it looked to me like a princess di outfit from the 80s
PS he is amusing but will soon need a slap
Hate the outfit and the model is scary.
so, what is with the models this season? some serious ugly going on
Sweet Fancy Moses! Y'all are BACK! Thank heaven. I've missed you so.
I love how it says he's from New York when he was the shampoo girl at Bubbles Salon in Annapolis. At least that's where I know him from.
What would have happened if he'd just put a big ol' 80s-style MOB fleurchon on it somewhere? Winner for sure!!!
My fave is still Big Chris' after watching the episode a couple of times and looking at the pictures for hours. He had the styling and the great garment.
I'm mad at the Fantasy Runway thing for losing my picks. I totally nailed this one, except for the best hair. But it says "No pick" for the winner/loser thing. How did that happen? I got points for knowing they went to Paris (big duh on that one).
"His look for me is somehwere between Joey Heatherton and Kristy McNichol."
Bill, you genius, you. Who comes up with a Kristy McNichol reference just when it's needed? Perfect.
Christian is a genius, darlings! Get used to it.
Flock. Of. Seagulls. Hair.
I can't get past it.
Christian is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE of PR4! I don't know, it's just something about him that makes me go all mushy over how adorable he is.
Yeah Im kind of over Christian already. He reminds me of Angela a little bit.
Tim: The lines are not even on both sides.
Christian: Yeah I meant to do that.
Very much like Angela in the jetsetter episode.
"I kind of like Holly Hobby."
and of course Elisa is Vincent. I was rewatching the first episode of last year (trash the apartment) and Vincent was so in love with that hat even when he tried to add a potholder to it. Now that the whole thing is over and I can take comfort in the fact the whole world hasnt gone to hell in and a handbasket and he didnt win.
I love this kid. For real. The design wasn't my favorite of the bunch, but it was, IMO, markedly superior to Rami's toga. It showed some imagination. It had "flair" -- the kind of flair that begs to have little quotation marks put around it. It was more than a little ridiculous, which seems to be true of Princess Puffysleeves as well. Please let him stick around -- I'm thinking he's got at least one smug, ungracious win, two cry-and-cuts, and possibly, if we're lucky, a major runway meltdown in him. Plus some brief unexpected moments of semi-genuine humility and humor, so we can all go "Awww! He really is an endearing lil' moppet, underneath it all!"
I can't wait.
Yeah Im kind of over Christian already. He reminds me of Angela a little bit.
Tim: The lines are not even on both sides.
Christian: Yeah I meant to do that.
Very much like Angela in the jetsetter episode.
"I kind of like Holly Hobby."
and of course Elisa is Vincent. I was rewatching the first episode of last year (trash the apartment) and Vincent was so in love with that hat even when he tried to add a potholder to it. Now that the whole thing is over and I can take comfort in the fact the whole world hasnt gone to hell in and a handbasket and he didnt win.
Yeah Im kind of over Christian already. He reminds me of Angela a little bit.
Tim: The lines are not even on both sides.
Christian: Yeah I meant to do that.
Very much like Angela in the jetsetter episode.
"I kind of like Holly Hobby."
and of course Elisa is Vincent. I was rewatching the first episode of last year (trash the apartment) and Vincent was so in love with that hat even when he tried to add a potholder to it. Now that the whole thing is over and I can take comfort in the fact the whole world hasnt gone to hell in and a handbasket and he didnt win.
Yeah Im kind of over Christian already. He reminds me of Angela a little bit.
Tim: The lines are not even on both sides.
Christian: Yeah I meant to do that.
Very much like Angela in the jetsetter episode.
"I kind of like Holly Hobby."
and of course Elisa is Vincent. I was rewatching the first episode of last year (trash the apartment) and Vincent was so in love with that hat even when he tried to add a potholder to it. Now that the whole thing is over and I can take comfort in the fact the whole world hasnt gone to hell in and a handbasket and he didnt win.
ambitious maybe, but this is just not a good look. It's all just a little too precious. If you want to bring back 80s fashion trends, there would be better ones.
Very QueenWood. Not original at all.
Christian's skirt was all Westwood and his jacket was also very McQueen/Westwood. Nicely constructed but I could go out and just buy Westwood. Not impressed. Why did none of the judges bring this up?
"anonymous said... Christian's skirt was all Westwood and his jacket was also very McQueen/Westwood. Nicely constructed but I could go out and just buy Westwood. Not impressed. Why did none of the judges bring this up?"
Agreed 100%. However, Nina did bring it up on her blog at bravotv.com. Maybe she mentioned it during the judging and we didn't see it. I think that Christian is just so young it is very difficult for him to have a point of view distinctly different from the superstars that he "worked with" while in London.
Overdone, overdone. Design, execution, attitude. I wouldn't wear this to a dogfight.
Jeanne Marie said...
Kit Pistol's black, gray, and red number was my pick of the litter, but the way things are going, I'm sure it's hated the world over. :D
-- It was my fave, too!
-- desertwind
Too Vivienne Westwood. I don't see how this gives him a unique point of view as opposed to him having adapted another designer's as his own.
That being said, I just don't like Christian---he reminds of me of the kind of kid I wanted to kick when I was younger because he was so full of himself. Girl, get over yourself! And the hair! Sweetie, I've seen cockatoos with better haircuts.
All I could think when I first saw this suit was "80's redux."
It's not growing on me one iota and it's still looks very Dynasty woman business meeting.
Why the judges were wetting themselves over Rami's MOB toga is still beyond me.
Am glad they gave him the win rather than Princess Christian though - could you imagine how insufferable the overblown ego would have been if he'd won 1st challenge? Oy!
The look I really enjoyed and feel was overlooked was Chris' gorgeous richly colored gown.
I like his hair.
I was calling him Flock of Seagulls while watching the show. I think I had that outfit in the eighties too, but my plaids were better matched and I think my skirt was black. Yeah, I just aged myself here LOL!
Tami S.
He used to shampoo my hair at Bubbles when he was a teenager. I loved when he was working---he was always making me laugh and gave good head....massages. LOL.
He is a good guy and always had talent--a bigger personality than this one horse town.
I hope he does well on the show.
Good luck Christian!
So let me get this straight - this was the best outfit of the week, even though
a) the sleeves were asymmetrical
b) the trim of the jacket was ugly
c) the hem of the skirt was ugly
d) the color of the skirt was wrong
e) the sash didn't work?
Seems pretty flawed for something you're naming the best outfit of the week.
Fugly and overrated.
His model saved this look. There's some serious copy-catting going on there.
Heh-LOH, Mr. McQueen.
The man with the sideways flock of seagulls haircut designed something purposefully asymmetrical... I'm stunned.
I keep wanting to reach out and straighten up his wig.
Christian is definitely this season's byotch, and he has the talent to back it up.
Anon 5:49 PM :
that might be because none of the outfits were real standouts - at least his had some nice construction.
Christian's model looks like Elaine from "Seinfeld." She really didn't give this outfit anymore than it already had.
This outfit was the best, and Christian is a hoot. I can't wait to see more....
Flock of Seagulls? No. Limahl from Kajagoogoo.
I gave up on giant sized L.L.Bean plaids when I moved to the city. Sorry. That outfit is fugly. From a design standpoint I can see where he's coming from, and I understand why the judges were awed (the skirt moved beautifully down the runway.) But when my most elegant friend, the one with impeccable taste and an unerring eye, gasped in horror. Well, that said it all.
"Ms. Place said...
From a design standpoint I can see where he's coming from, and I understand why the judges were awed (the skirt moved beautifully down the runway.) But when my most elegant friend, the one with impeccable taste and an unerring eye, gasped in horror. Well, that said it all."
Just because it isn't your friend's taste it doesn't mean that the design isn't exquisite. That's a very limited way of looking at things.
Christian has a very unique vision and that's what makes a great designer - divergent thinking.
I kind of think it is a wig. The sides and back just have that wig look.
i thought the jacket was too much and too obvious. maybe with a brown tweed skirt it would have played better.
So far (hello! one whole episode into the season), I LOVE Christian. I think he's hilarious, and I can't wait to see what else he comes up with.
Christian's garment deserved the win more than Rami's boring drapy thing. He looked mildly shocked he hadn't won, too.
Still, the black trim was ass and the skirt only so-so. But the guy's hair and ego are hilarious!
Hope he stays a while.
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