Were the stylists getting high off hairspray cans this week?
We're of mixed opinions on this one. On the one hand the colors and fabrics are gorgeous.
It also fits her beautifully but that's no surprise because Kara Saun's just that good and besides, she's been working with Jenny for weeks now.
On the other hand ...oy. We hate pretty much everything below the waist on this.
We don't share the same opinion on handkerchief hems. Tom almost universally hates them and Lorenzo can put up with them on the right dress*. We are, however, in complete agreement that this hem looks terrible.
*Yes, that's an incredibly gay sentence. Guilty!
We'll get to the megapants in a second, but with or without them, this just looks awful. There's deconstructed and then there's unfinished. This looks like the latter, although we doubt it really is unfinished. This is apparently exactly what Kara Saun wanted to do. That's what makes this garment so puzzling.
Those pants are a great big WTF. Look at the beautiful line the dress creates as it hugs her curves, then...ditch-digging pants. Huge, beaded orange leather pants. Nothing says "red carpet" like that, right?
Even the beading looks awful (although that's probably Robbio's fault).
Prior to appearing on Project Runway, Kara Saun had already made red carpet dresses for Eve and Queen Latifah. She should have known better than any of them what works best for that. We just can't look at this outfit and not think it was going to end up on some "worst dressed" list if it actually had gone down a red carpet.
Kara Saun, honey...what happened to you this week? Never once in any challenge did you appear to lose your way or drop the ball. You always sailed right through, confident in your abilities and rightfully so.
Interesting to note that Kara Saun is wearing a flowy dress over pants. Never noticed that before.
Anyway, Tim was pretty adamant about losing the pants and it seemed like Kara Saun found the idea ridiculous. Of all the designers in Season 1 - all of them - she was always the one most able to assess her work and make edits (although Jay's good at that too). This week, that all went out the window and it's pretty clear why. Because she was obsessed with throwing Wendy out a window, that's why. We'll get into the dramarama in another post, but it seemed obvious to us that her feelings for Wendy really threw her off her game. Her supreme self-confidence, which served her so well up to now, was really what did her in this time. She couldn't see what she was doing, apparently.
Reading over this, we sound like we hated this or something and we didn't. Like we said, without the pants it would have been beautiful, even if we don't like handkerchief hems. It's just that it was so surprising to see her so off and not even realize it.
Oh! And another thing! WTF is up with Nancy O'Dell informing the designers on the runway that she doesn't like beading or sequins? Hello? Wouldn't it have been better to say that when they FRIKKIN ASKED YOU WHAT YOU LIKED AND DISLIKED IN A RED CARPET DRESS?! Worst judge ever.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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I agree that the top of this dress is amazing. I also agree the bottom of this dress is awful. But I don't think losing the pants would have saved it. The hem was nasty. Perhaps if she had not spent all the time on the pants, she would have been able to do a more thorough finishing job on the hem, but she didn't.
Nancy O'Dell is one of those people that somehow found her way on to a television show. There are lots of them out there. They always make me scratch my head and say "she looks like a Texan babysitter on the make..."
I posted this yesterday but it seemed to have gotten lost in a sea of some drivel...
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i loathe nancy o'dell
boys! while i'm enjoying your commentary on the designer's outfits and concecpts, where are the cutting remarks? the dry humor? the witty captions that got me in trouble because i was laughing so loud? bring back the sarcasm!
I really liked the dress. The pants were hideous, and combined with the dress, a total disaster!
It's funny 'cause Kara Saun was always saying "you should listen to Tim," that the judges "will repeat everything he said," and this time she didn't.
Kara Saun was my favorite that season. And yes, that hemline was atrocious. But you have to remember that this was over two seasons ago (and wasn't Project Runway spaced a year apart during 1 and 2?) when it was hip to have pants underneath a dress. Obviously Kara Saun was trying to add some edge to an otherwise boring concept, but it just didn't work much... or, you know, at all. And some trends just don't hold up well a scant two years later, especially if they were on their way out already at the time of filming. Hell, so many of these dresses that season were all about the assymetrical draping at the bodice that just.would. not. DIE.
It's the cursed FCBF-- Final Challenge Brain Fart. The contestants reach the last precipice before Bryant Park they realize what's at stake and WHAM! Frozen Contestant.
Nancy O'Dell is the quintessential Hollywood Shill Fake Celebrity Wannabee. All Tits (not real) No Talent (is sincerity a talent? then she'd definitely talentless), I loved how Austin very subtly sneered at her when she asked if he'd design her Oscar dress.
The real exchange:
NO'D: Austin, will you design my Oscar Dress I don't really mean this?
AS: I'd love to but I'm way too talented to let you wipe my ass, you pointless bitch.
I would have like to have seen the dress with
a) lighter-weight pants (think sari)
b) no pants at all
and then it might have been easier to evaluate the dress/hem issue...
those leather pants really were a miscalculation, and it does make me wonder what the hem would have looked like if it had received the time and attention that the pants got.
Oh well.
I think Kara Saun wore pants over dresses a couple of times, if I remember correctly. It's not my fave look I have to say and those were awful orange mega pants. Still think ANYTHING could have been tweaked more than Wendy's. Nancy Old Dell has noooooo taste
I surf the web, not watch television except PR, WTF is Nancy O'Dell? What is her talent, besides getting DBT's? I don't even know who this woman is but I can tell she is the worse judge ever!
The closeups really helped me see things about this outfit that I didn't notice on the runway, which is another reason I love this blog so much. The pants WERE atrocious (LEATHER?), and the outfit would have looked much better if the same flowy material had been used to make the pants. The deconstructed/unfinished hems only seem to work well on the right fabric, and NOT plain woven fabric in a fancy dress. I agree, it was a real departure for Kara Saun. It was interesting that she could critique Jay's dress so much better than her own!
Enough shitting on Nancy. The woman's job is to interview celebrities - and the requirements for her dress were completely in line for what her job desciption is. On one hand, she has to be spotted easily, on the other hand, she is not there to out-shine or out-glitter the celebrities she is interviewing, or to blind the camera...hence no glitter or sequins. It IS her fault for not pointing that out earlier to the designers. Given the scope of her job, this was actually a great design challange, though unfortunately the specifications were not made clear enough. I think the other three designers - Jay, Kara, and Austin - were so confident they wouldn't be cut, that they used the challange to try to shine and express their personal voice, instead of paying close attention to the client.
The dress-over-pants concept works very well for women with certain body types (ie; the kind of legs that don't look too great in a dress - short, thick, etc). With just the right cut, and that combination, you can look thinner and taller.
I agree that the there's a lot great about this dress, but the hemline and THOSE PANTS lose it. If those pants were a sheer, flowy fabric, it would have been a totally different ballgame.
But then Nancy O'Dell was never going to go for that. Her only 'talents' are her boobs & legs, and if they aren't on display she has nothing much to offer. That is why she chose Wendy's outfit - bad as it was, it showed off her assets.
Oh please. Mocking DD list celebrity shills like NOD is part of our raison d'etre:
jdd said... she looks like a Texan babysitter on the make...
The sad part is having to watch someone like Tim Gunn shill for people like NOD (or a Hilton or a Trump). The gods must be crazy.
It would be nice if they could at least get guests that are a little more in on the joke -- like Kathy Griffin. So everyone doesn't have pretend to be dazzled by the star quality of people like NOD.
One of the things I liked about Wendy this week is when she said that she'd never heard of NOD and never watched ET. However, Wendy won because she is attentive to what the customer wants and that comes from the experience of having her own business designing for women who are not rock stars. Wendy isn't the most innovative designer (she also may not be very nice or sane) but you have to give her that much.
I do think KS is starting to get a little pissy at this point. I don't know if it is interfering with her designing but I think we are more likely to look for faults the more she acts as if she has none.
Honestly, if Nancy didn't like sequins or beading, why didn't she pick Austin? Jay and Kara's had beading and sequins. Wendy had some glittery fabric underneath the glurge of feathers. It doesn't make sense, although all 4 dresses were atrocious in my opinion.
I guess I still miss the princess.
Can't wait for your snarky review of the S1 runway finale, PRGayBoys! Keep up the good work!
Love KaraSaun! But this ensemble?
ACK! Nothing redeeming! The pants were an ignorant rendition of Powwow finery. Leather AND sequins? Who could possibly be impressed w/ such a combination? The dress was only "meh" on its own, but considering NO'D's requisites (albeit initially mysterious-- very unfair to the contestants)I understand its disqualification. This is probably the episode where the producers really started fine tuning rules so misunderstandings didn't happen again to this extent.
Much love to the PRGAYS!
Ditch digging pants-- LOL!
more laura, peter.lee please
"I do think KS is starting to get a little pissy at this point."
Well of course she is. She's been rooming with Sybil for a month by this point. She's probably afraid to close her eyes lest she be stabbed in her sleep.
--Gotham Tomato
"I do think KS is starting to get a little pissy at this point."
Well of course she is. She's been rooming with Sybil for a month by this point. She's probably afraid to close her eyes lest she be stabbed in her sleep.
--Gotham Tomato
GT-- You're the Bees Knees!
I can completely agree boys. The thought was nice (except for the pants, what was she smoking!!!) but it just didn't turn out well. I love the top of the outfit and I think the hair is precious but hello!!! Who's gonna wear a ripped dress and cargo pants! Blargh! And Nancy O'Dell is more like Nancy O'Who? to me.
this so reminded me of snow days at first lutheran elementary in ponca city.
dresses were de rigueur, not for religious reasons, lutherans being pretty lax about such things, but sexism was alive and well in 1964.
our dresses-over-corduroy britches looked about as clunky as this one does.
i really like the color, though. it does look a trifle indian, just too big on the bottom, kind of superfly bellbottomey.
Never really noticed the sloppy hem until I saw your screencaps--I must have been blinded by the god-awful pants. Regardless of what you think about the dress over pants style, these pants just do not work--whether alone or with a dress. Kara Saun was probably so upset that Wendy "stole" her fabric color, that she became determined to keep the pants at all costs (to create a bigger difference between the two orange dresses).
However, I do think that major tweaking (losing the pants and redoing the hem) would have left the client with a beautiful dress that looked great on her. And yes, the beads and sequins thing was very unfair.
I liked Kara's pants idea. However, I don't think it would work on a red carpet. I think the top is fabulous, the colors, and the beads. I hated Jenny's hair.
I didn't like this outfit at all. I thought Jenny was going to start jumping up and dancing and singing like in those bollywood movies.
I am a HUGE Kara fan but I didn't liek the pants. The pants should have been more form-fitting. The dress was gorgeous and could have been better received without the pants.
This one should have been a piece of cake for KaraSaun. As a costume designer she knows what works on camera and what doesn't.
Does anyone in the biz know if its Nancy O's PREFERENCE not to have glitter and sequins on her clothes or if it's like a TV rule or something?
I agree though that she should have said "Know that I generally never wear anything with glitter or sequins" when being questioned by the contestants.
Cheap ass bitch just wanted a free outfit.
Why wouldn't Nancy O'Dell say anything about the sequins sooner? Or did she just asume that no one would make a shimmery red cerpet dress? If so, what and idiot.
It was pretty. Just those damn pants.
why the pants kara? why why why?!?!!?
bollywood! Heh
A judge at the time said (if I remember correctly) that if the pants had been very narrow, they might have worked. May I add that dress-over-pants needs a slightly shorter dress? Somewhere between tunic and dress, y'know?
I remember clearly watching this look come down the runway and thinking 'meh'. Of all the episodes, this was probably the weakest. But I can't WAIT for your take on the reunion show!
PS - I already voted for PRunGay on the bloggies.. Go T&L!!!
Leather palazzo pants? I just don't get it.
Pressure got to Kara, plain and simple, and she can barely contain her distaste for La Pepper at this point. That distraction completely threw her off her game, turning her into a shrew.
I loved seeing La Pepper's hormonal mood swings and Kara Saun's reaction to them. She so dripped with contempt and dislike for Lollie Pepper that I actually started to feel sorry her, but only for 2.3 seconds.
I absolutely adore Jay and Austin.
What a fabulous, fabulous Season. Only Laura Bennett managed to top this bunch. All the other designers, including Santino (well, perhaps not,) pale by comparison.
Nancy O'Dell? Meh.
You hit the nail on the head. Kara Saun got distracted by her burgeoning hatred of Wendy. Neckline here was perfect, dress was okay, hem -- you are correct, it was deliberate. She took out a few rows of thread to create a little fringe, but it just looked stupid here, as did the asymmetrical blocks on the bottom contrasted with the sweet curves on the neckline. The pants? Barfworthy. You can see that so much better in the stills. Looks like she's going to the Cowpuncher's Ball and had her two-year old gluing the sparkles down the legs.
Who's the worst jude? Ann Slowey or Nancy O'Dell? They're both tacky and annoying, but was it a bigger crime to give Zulema the win & auf Emmett or to put Wendy in the final three & auf Austin?
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