That's right, kittens. Metrosource magazine once again invited us into their pages and this time we picked the interviewee. It could be no one else but our own Sir Tim of the Gunn. Tim was smack in the middle of shooting both PR and Guide to Style when we approached him and, bless his gay heart, he somehow managed to find that 25th hour of the day to sit down with us and spew.
And darlings, some of our gay bitchery must have rubbed off on him because Miss Gunn let her hair down in a way we'd never seen in any other interview he's given. To wit:
"Okay, bitchery time. Who would win in the following cage matches? Heidi vs. Nina This match ends in a stalemate; that is, neither the Teuton nor the Latina wins or loses. But high drama does, indeed, ensue as they reenact that fabulous scene from Mommie Dearest when Joan (Nina) wrestles Christina (Heidi) to the living room carpet and tries to strangle her while Barbara what’s-her-name from Redbook is present writing an article about La Crawford’s happy home. “Barbara, PLEASE!”
See what we mean? You'd never catch him talking like that in New York Magazine. Do check out the whole thing here - and support our efforts by running out and buying the dead tree version pronto, bitches!
Oh, and thanks Tim! We love ya, Silver Fox!
Gunn Play [Metrosource]
[Photos: Getty Images]
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Hmm, office paperwork vs. reading TLo interviewing Tim. No doubt who won that contest!
Besides, I’m a hair-puller and a biter . . .
I'm sorry, but I just can't picture that! (Although I'd like to.)
Could there be a feisty bitch under those airtight pinstripes?
Absolutely perfect questions! His answer to the 'cocktail of choice' left me both touched AND rolling on the floor at the same time.
I still don't know how he does PR, his own show AND make a decent contribution to Liz Claiborne at the same time. Maybe he's a closet speed freak...
"suits that have lost their immaculateness" God, I love Tim.
Great interview, boys.
You guys are the best.
Don't just do interviews...you should have your own magazine!
Could anyone imagine the editorials?
You lucky, lucky bitches!
Wonderful interview, guys. It made my morning. I wish you could do more interviews like this...
I personally thought that they just put Tim on a diet of cocaine and energy drinks to get him through his shooting schedule - at least you helped debunk that theory!
Thanks TLo!
Fucking awesome and hilarious interview. I'm so proud of you both. I'm here since day one, bitches : )
Tim Gunn, a gin & tonic man? Fabulous! Love. It. Here's to yet another fantasy of me with Sir Tim having cocktails at sunset at the Ritz-Carlton Central Park.
Great interview guys! Tim is such a clever and witty man. I'll love him even when he's eight-years old and his pin-striped suits are even less immaculate and reek of Ben-Gay and mothballs.
Running out now in search of the dead tree version and to support MetroSource and of course, you guys. Kudos!
Big XXX & OOO,
- edina -
Hilarious questions! Thanks, boys! What a lovely way to end my week!
The stars aligned....TLo and Tim Gunn. Fabulosity.
"I'll love him even when he's 'eighty-years old'...."
*shrinks away quietly in humiliation*
- edina -
Great questions; great answers. Your interview leaves me more in love than ever. (w/ Tim and TLO)
Lorenzo, is it true that it's your birthday?
As we say in Russian: "s dnyom rozhdenya!"
Oh, God, this made my morning. I'm about to go to my closet and toss some ancient no-longer-pristine-white shirts.
I've done interviews for years and it's particularly challenging to devise fresh, provocative questions for someone who's already been interviewed a bazillion times. Congratulations on a wonderful job.
Tim Gunn wearing Converse no-strings at Dunkin Donuts!!!!!
(Kana cannot finish this comment because she just died of happiness)
I put martinis aside in favor of Manhattans ever since September 11. It’s part of my own display of patriotism.
Seriously, the man is perfect.
And the interviewers are divine, too. Very natural ebb and flow to your interviews. Love 'em, keep 'em coming!
If you’re going to wear flip flops, then please get a professional pedicure or practice the proper grooming of your feet at home.
Amen, sister!
Converse no-strings
Wow! To me, that's the most surprising thing about that interview. I wouldn't have pegged Tim Gunn as a sneaker wearer.
you are eating very poorly and don’t get enough sleep ... Really? Then tell me something that I don’t already know!
So true. That line she used could apply to about 98% of people in this country.
Great interview, guys! Thanks.
Fabulous interview, guys! I love Tim Gunn!!!!
"Michael Kors vs. you
I’m a Platonist at heart, so I’d cede to Michael without so much as a scrap. Besides, I’m a hair-puller and a biter, so I’d immediately lose out on the former."
LOL How cute is that? I love him and I love you both.
Great questions and Tim is just fabulous beyond words. I have to go back and read the whole thing again. I love Tim's vocabulary.
Brilliant said, I wouldn't have pegged Tim Gunn as a sneaker wearer.
He also owns motorcycle boots, for when he's "really feeling butch" [sic!!]. Check out this People magazine video for more of what's in his closet.
Great interview!
I love Tim, and want to be his personal assitant!
TLo-Congratulations, I am so glad that more of the world is being exposed to your wit and wonderful writing.
Happies of Days, Lo!!!
Ah, What a great interview! And great questions!
Great interview!
Is today really Lorenzo's birthday?
Feliz Cumpeanos!
Thank you for the birthday wishes, kittens!
Yes, it's my birthday. I just turned 21. Now I can drink legally!
Yes, it's my birthday. I just turned 21. Now i can drink legally!
Then lets all have a shot of tequila! Woot!!
Gods, I so :HEART: the Gunn. And I also :HEART: you guys.
Happy 21st Lorenzo! ;^D
Awesome!!! Tim is a doll!
LOVE LOVE LOVE TIM GUNN!!!! Best thing on the show!!!!!!!!!!
Casey said...
I've done interviews for years and it's particularly challenging to devise fresh, provocative questions for someone who's already been interviewed a bazillion times. Congratulations on a wonderful job.
I agree 100%. You guys always have the best questions. More, more, more...
Great job! There so many delicious visuals that come out of this interview. Tim going all ultimate fighter in a death-cage match especially! (But of course, he would even flex with style!)
I'd love to see a pic of Tim in his no-string Converses!
HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY LORENZO! And many moooooooooore!
Happy Birthday! So what trouble are you going to get in today, and do we need to start collecting bail money now?
Also, good job on the interview with Tim. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't love what you're doing.
I love the interview, guys! So gay, so fabulous! I can't wait to get my copy.
Fab Bday Lo!
"Kanani said...
Happy Birthday! So what trouble are you going to get in today, and do we need to start collecting bail money now?"
That's hilarious, Kanani.
I have a feeling that Tim is a lot bitchier and funnier than what we see on TV. Thanks for the interview, kittens!
But next time you get the chance to interview El Gunn, ask your loyal readers to pose their questions and pick one to ask him!
Nice job on the interview, sweeties.
And happy birthday, Lo! You don't look a day over 20 so go ahead and wear those cargo shorts and tank top. And flip flops assuming your feet meet Tim's test.
Fabulous Interview!
Fabulous Birthday Lo!
You boys are just Fabulous!!!
Thank you for doing what you do!
When can we have a contest to meet you?
And finally, after a long day of making it work, what’s Mr. Gunn’s cocktail of choice?
If I’m home, then it’s a gin and tonic. If I’m out (a rare occasion, to be sure), then I have a Manhattan. I put martinis aside in favor of Manhattans ever since September 11. It’s part of my own display of patriotism.
When he drinks his Manhattan, does he eat the cherry or leave it in the glass?
I will just be happy to live vicariously through you 2...
As someone who has been here from day 1 (literally) I honestly can say I am not at all surprised that you nailed this interview!!!!
Tim is such a lovely man -- kind, gracious, and funny. Thank you for brighten up my day, TLo!
I smell Pulitzer!
Only TLo could get Tim to open up so freely.
Well done!
P.S. Happiest of days for you Lorenzo.
"This world demands the qualities of youth: not a time of life but a state of mind, a temper of the will, a quality of imagination, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease."
- Robert Kennedy
Here's to your "youth"!
"No, I’m never sick of being asked to say, “Make it work!” However, “What happened to Andrae?” is another matter…"
LOL. That got old very quickly. There are only so many times you can hear that before you want to just say, "Okay, enough."
Great interview and Happy Birthday! I just love the little real-people edge you guys bring out in all of your guests. It makes a nice connection between the us in the real world and those living on the other side of the majic window into Bravoland.
Happy Birthday Lorenzo! We are fellow Cancerians, I see. I hope you have a fab celebration!
Happy Birthday, Lorenzo!! Now that you are 21, can we all get together for a Manhattan with Tim???
Great article! Loved every word!
Tim is the best of Project Runway. If I decide to keep on watching the show once it moves, it will be because of him. If he were to leave PR, I think that would be the final nail in the coffin for me.
I adore him so much I just want to squeeze him.
I literally loved every second of reading that. I want to him to be my gay uncle. Great interview, Tlo, and happy birthday Lo.
he is most divine!
i have met him in real life. this is a true story:
Tim Gunn's posture is so straight, he can be recognized from behind. He was walking with his back toward this adorable woman and she come flying up behind him screaming, "OMG!! I love you I love you!" Tim took it all in stride. He was most gracious and genuine.
Also, at the event where I met him, he took questions. He was very honest with his answers and confessed he had a "mean streak."
He is just the best!
Thanks for the interview.
Just here to chime in with everyone else and say great interview. Tim always seems a little too perfect (not that there's anything wrong with that) and you guys brought the human (not to mention bitchy) side of him.
Happy Birthday, Lorenzo!!! I'm on the other side of the country so I can't join you for the inevitable cocktails now that you can finally drink but I'll raise my glass to you this evening!
Tim Gunn should clone himself. So we could achieve world piece.
Can't get enough of him! Great interview.
I think we should have a contest.
The winner gets Tim Gunn to come over and direct as you use the pumice stone.
The second runner up gets a pumice stone and nail buffer autographed by Tim. Third place? Well, in Tim's world, there is no such thing!
Loved the interview, it was the perfect companion for my G and T and tacos (it's a Santa Fe thing)
KJT said: "When can we have a contest to meet you?"
I agree! Hopefully I will be moving from a clinical job to a management position, I could use some wardrobe assistance!!
God, that man is perfect. Lilithcat, that is an awesome video. I can't believe how small Tim's closet is!!! I would kill to see him in those tennies.
Happy 21st Lorenzo! I echo all the above when I say, great questions! Now wonder Tim loves you two. You make it fun to be interviewed by you.
that was awesome! nice work :)
Fabulous interview! And an almost-belated Happy birthday, Lorenzo!
Wow. You finally got a chance to interview your idol, and here I thought you might actually ask him something interesting. Or maybe, like, even about fashion. What a snooze. Everyone here is fawning as usual, of course. Whatevs. Still love you guys but this was a wasted opportunity.
It also breaks my heart that Tim went on and on with that tired Mommy Dearest crap every middle-aged gay man seems to be obsessed with. The novelty wore out about 15 years ago.
OK, the "tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen pour yourself a cup of ambition" just made me fall in love with you guys all over again.
Who knew?
Congrats, TLo! Off to read the fabulosity!
God, I love him so!
Happy birthday Lorenzo, yes you may drink, have a Manhattan!
YAY! Congrats on the interview, Tom and Lorenzo! Hilarious. I look forward to reading more of them in the future!
Great interview! Though I am disappointed to read that Tim has breakfast at a Dunkin Donuts. Ha. (Unless there are some really hunky Chelsea guys in there.)
Fabulous interview, and happy birthday Lorenzo!
This is good stuff! Thanks for a great blog!
Fabulous interview. And I'm sure Tim appreciated it as well.
Whenever you're in the position of having to be interviewed regularly, you get used to all reporters asking you the same dumb questions over & over. YOU however, asked Tim questions that were fresh, and you listened, and I'm sure that's why you got such great answers out of Sir Tim.
You boys should be the official interviewer of all things PR. (Oh wait, you already are). Make that; you'll soon be bigger than PR, and I await more interviews in the future.
BTW, I should add that the part about him walking around in jeans & sneakers cracked me up. I can't picture him looking anything but crisp in a suit.
I'm thinking he can likely walk around completely unrecognized in his casual attire.
"If I’m home, then it’s a gin and tonic. If I’m out (a rare occasion, to be sure), then I have a Manhattan. I put martinis aside in favor of Manhattans ever since September 11. It’s part of my own display of patriotism."
I love Tim!!
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