T LOunge...
Reviewed by TLo
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Rating: 5
T LOunge...
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 by Author
...is now open. Hang up your wrap, check your lipstick, and grab a seat so you can flag down one of the waiters, all of whom are international male supermodels on the side.
But before you get too drunk and we have to pump your stomach again, darling, pay attention to this: PRGay Emmett McCarthy is buying the first round and he's throwing in a Tim Gunn t-shirt from EMC2 to the first 15 people who guess tonight's winner and loser correctly.
And it's pink! Perfect for T LOunge.
Did we forget to mention that it's signed by Sir Tim himself? Well it is.
No answers after 9 PM EST and try and limit your answers to... oh let's say 3. And say hello to Miss McCarthy. We're forcing him to stop by later. Maybe we can get him to put his bitchpants on and rag on the dresses tonight.
[Photos: emmettmccarthy.com - theghotel.ie]
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 362 of 362 Newer› Newest»win-terri
sorry boys!
Hoping tonight's judging is less cracked-out than last week's... Though I would LOVE for Terri to get some recognition and see a one-two punch for Stella and Blayne to get the big AUF (personalities aside, the taste level and work alone gives enough reason for the boot). Here's my guesses-
IN: Terri
OUT: Blayne
IN: Terri
OUT: Keith
IN: Kenley
OUT: Jerrell
I WANT THAT SHIRT!!!! Seriously, I'll pay for it. Gimme.
Blehhhyne has to go--skidoodle 'licious!
Ice-ice-cold diet coke and a scotch, please.
Win: Terri Lose: Blayne
Win: Suede Lose: Joe
Win: Kenley Lose: Jennifer
Win - Daniel, Kenley, Terri
Lose - Leanne, Joe, keith
Hell, I picked at random, can't really tell who the front runners are these days (especially with that huge Korto fail :\)
Winner: Kenley
Loser: Jennifer
Winner: Kelli
Loser: Suede
Winner: Korto
Loser: Suede
Midori Sour, please. (I'm feeling romantic & it's the perfect drink for lonely hearts.)
Win: Keith
Out: Suede
Win: Terri
Out: LeAnne
Win: Kelli
Out: Korto
Hello all--I've come out of lurking mode. I never could resist a pink t-shirt with a Gunn on it.
Win-Daniel (although I'm afraid what it would do to his heart)
Not a big drinker but will gladly supply gourmet nibbles and neck and shoulder rubs!
My guesses are:
1. Terri wins / Joe gets Auf'd
2. Kenley wins / Jerell gets Auf'd
3. Daniel wins / Leanne gets Auf'd
"suzanne said: Suzanne wants Suede the hell out of there."
Gotham Tomato actually wants Suede to stay as she thinks this talking in third person stuff is kinda fun. However Gotham Tomato does think Suede's days are likely numbered.
Re-Do! Since I realized I have to Pair them off.
Auf'd: Emily
Win: Kenley
Lose: Leanne
Also, since Stella isn't down with "Cheroine" as a name, I hereby dub her Chervira (ah-ooom boppa mow mow)!
The bastardized song is an earworm, though.
Hi, Emmet,
My guesses,
Win- Stella
Lose- Leanne
Lose- Keith
Lose- Jerell
Hello and a belated Happy Birthday to our esteemed Tim. Love love love for Tim.
Yikes! So hard to decide at this point without knowing if the judges have been smoking the crack.
Win - Kenley, Auf'd - Leanne
Win - Kelli, Auf'd - Wesley
Win - Terri, Auf'd - Jerrell
Win: Terri
Out: Leanne
Win: Terri
Out: Kelly
Win: Daniel
Out: Stella
Email: lebundy@yahoo.com
Oops! Can't Auf Wesley twice. I meant Daniel.
My guesses are:
Win - Kenley
Auf - Joe
Auf - Cheroin
Win - Suede
Looks like I'm late to the party...
I pick Korto for the win and Stella auf or...
Terri for the win and Keith auf or...
Daniel for th win and Leanne auf.
Good luck everyone!
Win: Terri
Out: Leanne
Win: Joe
Out: Jerrell
Love your clothes, Enmmett, wish I had somewhere to wear them!!
I think Suede will go tonight and Korto will win.
I'm going for Terri for the win and Stella to be eliminated
Good lord this lounge is crowded! Scootch over, honey,and let's watch the fun.
I'm liking that.
I LOVE that Tim looks hot and stylish and the designers look like miserable kids in red ponchos and rain boots =)
And isn't this challenge kinda a deja vu????
NYC is beautiful =)
please tell me i didn't hear that annoying little overtanned piece of leather call Sir Tim "Timlicious"!!!
Stella whines a lot, no?
anonymous - yes, unfortunately, you did. timlicious. for the love of all that is good. someone please slap blayne.....
omg - stella is getting on my nerves. and is probably gonna get auf'd.
Oh man, bombshell from Keith there. I knew there had to be an interesting story behind a male fashion designer from SLC. And gay too! He's got to be a lot stronger than I thought he was.
Please ......
Did you mo fo's truly epact a night on the town?
Well, I think I'm moving on to vodka shots. Where is one of those hot waiters?
Stellaluna for the win,
Blayne for the auf.
Late to the party but still game to play!
Uh oh. Keith is getting the auf edit.
The cheap-ass producers can't even think up a new challenge?
Someone ask the waiter to bring me a Zombie to get in the mood of this epi...
"Uh oh. Keith is getting the auf edit.
Oh dear, I hope not. Right when he was starting to get interesting! But you're right, they do tend to make people interesting right when they're about to go out.
Thank goodness I am not playing the Suede drinking game tonight!
please boy from Troy, stop with the Detroit shirt. I'm just saying...
that's the first thing i thought as well. i hope not, he sure is good to look at...
Is Leanne making more noodles?
Great Leanne - pick an inspiration photo which looks like the dress that almost got you auf'd last week...
Ahaha, Stella got her LEATHA
uh oh, stella finally gets to use her leatha
During the previews it looked like Keith was being painted as a jerk, but I like him more now than I ever did before.
Anyone who annoys Stella (not that that's hard to do) is okay in my book!
Oh Jaysus - Someone is doing Carmen Miranda.
Stella needs to stop whining WTF???? A lot of ugly outfits...what are they thinking????
Kenley is doing the Carmen Miranda dress...
Get the f*ck outa heah!
I luv heh!
Judging from the garments so far, the fussy detailed spirit of Santino was apparently not exorcised from the workroom after his season.
But at least Stella has her hammer and studs.
Been so busy watching the tube, I forgot to peek into the TLounge....
Interesting twist: Keith's model's gone. He's rather full of himself, isn't he? His dress at this point: can we say cyclone fence festooned with lots of bits of trash?
Terri, girl, bring it on!
Looks as though some aethetics are going to be skewered by the judges come Runway time.
All the best,
there is a whooooole lotta ugly going on in that workroom. and keith may be getting the auf edit because his dress is pretty awful. (no pun intended.) and what is up with everyone claiming to be "underground"?
one less bitchy note: looks like leanne figured out what she really needed to do with all those circles.
omg, Sir Tim, how i love you.
Ahaha, that's so precious. Holllla~
Emily darling,
Tim did not give you mixed reviews, he said you were f***ed
also, ghetto Tim Gunn? who knew?
*cringe* Perhaps Joe will get him a Detroit shirt
GT - I think you're right; Keith seems to be getting the auf edit.
Leanne and Terri for the win...
I want to STRANGLE Naugahyde, that pretentious git.
Hail to the Victors, babies.
(And no, I don't give a goddam about the football team. We're just the Best in every way.)
Thank you! I don't know how many people I've had to explain that to! GO BLUE!!!
I actually like Keith's dress now that I've seen his inspiration...
but my heart broke when I heard "growing up gay in Salt Lake City"
it was like the break up you know is coming.....
Whitney...who now remembers her password
This is going to be one fugly show...
Oh dear. Fuglicious.
Because I'm too cheap to shell out 99 Cents I'll vote here:
Nothing can replace 'Make it Work'
Holla at your boy is cute, but I don't want it surviving past one ep.
Tim is in FINE FORM tonight!! I am loving it!!
So to quote Sir Tim - about the dresses - "I'm concerned."
Ooh! I like Leanne's noodle skirt!
The Duchess says "toilet paper caught in a windstorm" - my trash in the cyclone fence is even more evocative!
Those designers we've virtually not seen during the sewing - doggone, wish there were more time to see each.
Daniel's dress looks lovely.
Korto, Joe, what are you-all making? No airtime!
Tim: Holla at ya boy - You are so game, Mr. Gunn. You just make us love you more. Well done!
All the best,
disgruntled in the d -
not heeding tim's advice = bad news on the runway. pretty much every time. (and i yell at the screen every time, too.) perhaps one day we'll have a crop of designers who have actually watched the show!
I know it's too late for any sort of contest, but my prediction is:
Auf: Emily (she didn't listen to Tim!)
Win: Leanne
But everything so far seems fuglicious.
Jen, Whitney (Kara J if you're out there)...
Go Blue, too.
I am getting a lot of entertainment out of Stella....
Leanne skirt's looking fab.
All the best,
Jack got some Saturn money. Good for him. Victorya next?
LOL! Tim! I love him!
short, shiny and tight = chip in a chip way
I love Stella's accent. I feel like I'm back home: "Wheah is my shit ovah heyah?"
OMG - another Carmen Miranda! There are two!
Oh God! It is the ghost of Santino!
Heidi in the shiny, tight and short again!
Hmmm...Heidi, your dress is shiny, tight and short. Again. Nina?
Leanne: designing for Morticia Adams?
The judges are smoking crack again...
Sandra looks like the kid in Mask with all that Botox...
I don't get the raving over Terri's, it had an interesting derivation w/ the graffiti, but the result is so v., I don't know...60s? It looks like something one of the Brady ladies would wear.
Nina said Carmen Miranda. Stubenville gets the price.
Korto Win
Joe Out
Leanne won this - her dress is gorgeous. Hands down - she rocked it out tonight!
I hate Kenley's dress, I can't believe the judges love it.
Keith is on thin ice. His dress is not good.
I love Teri's dress! It IS fierce!! And the judges LOVE IT!!!! FINALLY!!! Oh I hope she wins!!!!
Emily's dress is too ruffle-y......cha cha is right....!! Again - shoulda listened to Tim!
Jennifer is also close to being Auf'd - that dress is bloated and when it was coming down the runway, the model looked like she was pregnant.....
Too much wine and the twins blurred together on poor old dorothy g. Jennifer seems to be designing for an old Morticia. Sorry Leanne; loved yours!
CW - they're both safe, sorry.
i'm sorry, but blayne's dress was worse than ANY of them, even emily's.
I'm still hopeful for Keith, those two Carmen dresses have -got- to be worse....right?
Perfect tie-in commercial - Diane V. photographing in the woods for ideas for her dresses. Now THAT's a designer! And a gorgeous one who dresses her age and exudes self-confidence and talent.
I'd pick LeeAnne for the win &
Emily for the Auf.
yeah!! keith is ok!!
Kenley wins???
*SCREAM* The Purple Tumour Dress???? Really????!!!!!
I officially hate the judges. LEANNE or TERI should have won that.
Wow. This episode is boring with a capital B. They really aren't trying any more, are they?
Here's a challenge that's been done twice before and is already fairly boring (wow, take pictures and make a dress based off them, [i]fascinating[/i]!) paired with nothing interesting fabric wise and a decent budget to get supplies. Everyone is working on their own and there is no drama. Snooooze.
Was anyone else surprised that Kenley's fugly dress won?
I'm with Nina - "No comment"
Someone fetch me another Zombie... or twelve.
Thank G*d Keith and his nipples were spared!
Disappointed with the win, Leanne should have gotten it - but I'm glad Emily is rightfully out, and that Keith is safe. Hopefully he'll learn his lesson and not make another dress of toilet paper.
That dress, beautiful?
Emily is now just delusional.
WHAT!!?? The tumor dress won? I do love little Bettie Page, but NOT her dress.
I cannot believe Kenley won with that dress, and love Kenley. I'm glad she's not out, but she won. Really?
Blayne's never heard of Sgt. Pepper? I agree with Tim, "Oh,GAWD!"
Dude. DUDE. Did not see that coming. I really thought that Jennifer was going home--even though Nina didn't have a comment for Emily. I just really thought Jennifer's dress sucked donkey balls.
Joe just dissed the queens?? Oh no he dih-ih.
Bullsh*t on the losing dress - there were several that weren't even called out that were worse (I thought Korto's was an absolute snoozer), and it was certainly the best of the three low scorers. Keith should have been in the bottom two at least - I was having flashbacks to Vincent's hideous garbage dress with that sucker. I need a drink - extra-dry gin martini, straight up with a double twist.
Kenley's dress was a freakin' 80's nightmare. The horror. THE HORROR. I question her taste level. Leanne was ROBBED.
And Keith should have been out. Sorry, there was nothing whatsoever to that dress. Toilet paper in a windstorm, right on.
The upside of the auf is that I couldn't remember who either of them were, so it's one fewer mousy girl to keep straight, though I think they auf'e d the wrong one, if it had to be one of them. Jennifer's hem was an atrocity. Emily's was not the worst dress on the runway.
So, my overall feeling about tonight was: Bitch PLEASE. One of the worst nights of judging in PR history.
LEANNE WAS ROBBED!!!!!!!! WTF??????????
Keith's dress was hideous! It wasn't even a dress. I'm so mad right now.
They are messing with us.
They know that we are on to their little auf editing tricks, and so they've switched it out. I'm glad Keith is still around & I didn't think his dress was THAT bad.
How can a dress with a tulle-mur win? I want some of what the judges are on...
Agree with the Auf. Emily's dress was awful.
However - Keith was very lucky today. And so was Jennifer. All 3 of these designers made terrible decisions tonight.
What the f..k were those judges smoking? That assemblage of dishrags and toiletpaper so deserved the auf. Chachacha was at least a finished dress. Methinks the producers were afraid of sending 3 queens after another home.
I thought Leeanne should have won. But Kenley? Cmon! That dress wasn't pretty.
Emily broke the cardinal rule...always listen to Tim.He is there for a reason.
Blayne just might give Leatha Stella a heart attack not knowing Sgt Pepper! Don't ask him who Lynard Skynard is or she may drop dead if he didn't know!
Also, I think it's hilarious that Emily thought her dress was beautiful.
It's finished. I'll give her that.
That dress was hideous and any woman - thin or curvy - would look terrible in it.
Here's another problem I had with the episode.
Sandra Bernhard - she's fabulous, she's funny, and she was the only thing that made that piece of sh*t "Hudson Hawk" worth watching.
Having said that, she is quite possibly the biggest WTF judge this show has ever had. Since when is she known for either being a fashion icon or for being a major part of the fashion industry? Exactly why HER? Doesn't Donna Karan do New York iconography? Hasn't she been a guest judge before?
Leanne was robbed and they should've sent Jennifer home.
Sandra Bernhardt was a joke. One of the worst judges on the show.
Well, I actually think I called it, BUT I really think that Leanne was robbed!! Not only was the skirt really cool, but it's hard to pull that off after almost being auf'd last week. I'm wondering if Jennifer could do the same thing next week.
I agree with Andrea - I admire Terri, but I'm not as wowed by this week's design. And, I also agree with Randi that Blayne's design was BAD!!
Auntie L.
This was possibly the worst outcome of any Project Runway EVER. Seriously. WTF. Leanne was robbed. She created a perfectly constructed, well edited and beautiful top and skirt and lost to a cheap looking fabric and tulle monstrosity. While the cha cha dress wasn't exactly beautiful or flattering it was the absolute worst. There were plenty of "worst" options tonight, I would have thought that on the scale of fug it certainly wouldn't have ranked highest.
I was so convinced that the dress that ended up winning would land its designer in the bottom three. There is not enough WTF in the world.
While you may question my taste, i thought Kenley's dress was perfect for the challenge...it wasn't about being pretty, or even being wearable.
Still shocked that boring Nina wasnt an auf'ing offense....what about boring the ENTIRE UNITED STATES?!??!
While you may question my taste, i thought Kenley's dress was perfect for the challenge...it wasn't about being pretty, or even being wearable.
Still shocked that boring Nina wasnt an auf'ing offense....what about boring the ENTIRE UNITED STATES?!??!
I think the judges gave the win to Kenley over LeeAnne based the 'presentation' of the designers, rather than the actual designs they produced (ie; Kenley is the cheerleader, who is born with extra points, and LeeAnne is the nerdy girl, eggregiously overlooked).
All wrong. All wrong.
It looks as if you have the first shirt.
Too tired to look over any more entries.
I noticed a lot of Kenley wins, Jerrel or Leanne as losers.
I loved all 3 top 3 tonight.
I thought Terri would win, at least she got recognized. I agree with the Betty Page win, though. I like her dress.
Jennifer was the obvious auf'. I was a bit suprized they sent the other one home. All 4 of the look alike girls were on the stage at the same time. So I guess they aren't the same person.
Emmett, I changed my dress for you.
What is up with those vertical scars on Jennifer's model? Look at her knees...she's got scars running up and down on both. Why would you make a dress that had a hem break where it did knowing you had a model that had those scars????
Liked Leanne's design, and agree she got robbed. As for the auf, I'm disappointed Jennifer didn't get the boot.
Oh, Mylanta. TWO of those top dresses were a seriously hot mess. My god, who would wear that crap??
Haven't seen yet and already posted my picks for win/auf~ PR is aired at 10pm up here in good ole North Idaho. Wanted to share my night with the group. It is my 8th wedding anniversary ~ we are both having 1 hour massages at our house ~ ate lobster ~ and timed it all that when the massage therapist leaves we can lay in bed, eat chocolate éclairs and watch PR in an orgy of self indulgence. How great is that? Oh, and wine of choice & a great deal is Barefoot Pino Grigio. Pretty sure I didn't spell that right, but we have already killed a few bottles. Waiting for 10pm. Party on poodles.
My opinion on Kenley's dress: Looks like someone raided the trash pile after Carnival Cruise lines redecorated one of their lounges and made a dress out of old Kathy-gifford era couches.
YUCK. I guess this is what comes of getting a comedienne to judge - total comedy in the results!!
WTF, PR? WTF? I can't wait to hear what the boys have to say about this mess.
Happy anniversary
Anon 10:36
Sounds like you're doing it proper !
And thanks to TLo for providing such a great companion to my favorite show. I love this blog !
Ditto on the Happy Anniversary! What a dedicated fan...to schedule massages and have wine and eclairs while watching PR. I wish it were a more captivating episode for you!
Aussie in NYC said "a dress with a tulle-mur"...brilliant! Made me hoot with laughter!
Okay, maybe everyone else has said this, but why did Kenley win this one? I really like her as a designer but this dress really didn't do it for me. It made the hips look weird and bubbly and the color scheme was just a tad too 80s.
But the skirt with the flaps (i forget who made it) was just amazing. it was so simple but then intricate at the same time and so nicely constructed. That, i think, should have won.
Ok Breakdown Time:
Is this a "best of the previous challenges" season of PR? Hmm... I'm getting the feeling that the producers are getting a bit strained for ideas. This is two re-ran ideas out of three shows.
I thought that designs were much better this week. But I didn't win a T-shirt, so I'm still gonna let loose.
I can't believe this, but LEANNE turned it out - conceptual, edited, pretty, compelling. nice work Holly Hobby!
DANIEL - I really loved the subtle take on the light/shadows idea in his photo. interesting dress too. Best inspiration from his photo.
KELLI - A smidge hookeresque, but inventive, and she said she was going for that look. I am a big fan of Kelli. May need to do some editing in the future.
BLAYNE: Crap taped to a dress, part deux. horrid, too tight, and not cute dear.
KENLEY: OK - she won... huh?!?!? Looked like Minnie mouse got dressed in my Mom's patio furniture. Hated the shape, hated the print, I don't get it.
KEITH, Keith Keith ... we love your nippes and tattoos, but your genius-like creativity is looking awfully redundant week after week! Cheap, not clever, poorly executed, and NO SHAPE (sing it, Duchess Kors)! The quad-fecta of an ASS dress. Time to go back to SLC, babycakes.
JENNIFER: Ugh. Dresslooks like an Amish girl goes to NYC... Proportions on the skirt and sleeves were totally off. Color combinations were sad and depressive. Horrible. But at least it matches your hairstyle.
After three episodes:
Faves: Kelli, Terri, Daniel
AUF: Keith, Blayne.
Happy anniversary!
Sibella- you're totally right about Kenley's dress.
And may I just say that Jennifer isn't Dali at all. I actually think she's a good designer but when i see her dresses they don't exactly scream melting clocks and desolate landscapes
I was worried about Terri falling into Santino's mistake on the first incarnation of this challenge (first time they took photos during the day, this season they took them at night! Vive la différence!) She picked graffiti as he did, and picked a similar print fabric, but she made a much better outfit.
Leanne wuz robbed.
rerun notes: Blaynilicous' dress is horrid. How did he slip through?
Re: all the Sandra Bernhard hate. I thought she was actually pretty connected in fashion? Wasn't she featured as a good friend of Isaac Mizrahi in Unzipped?
Not to mention in Tim Gunn's bravo blog he talks about being impressed by her level of fashion knowledge.
If she was guilty of anything in her opinions I think it was in going for what she would wear rather than judging more editorially....
I thought all of Sandra's comments were right on. Blayne's dress was very similar to Emily's. He placed the ruffles better, that's the only difference.
Ok... I think the only way to explain Kenley's win is to look at the models. Her model's walk and energy were superfierce. I'm thinking Narzi Jr. Leanne's dress was great but her model was not memorable in a good way. That's the only thing that makes sense because, even though Kenley's super cute, her dress was ass.
As for Emily's exploding corsage dress, I thought her model looked like a "professional" (in the biblical sense).
Jennifer's dress was blah to the 10th degree. And nothing cuts like Nina saying, "I think it's okay."
One last thing, how on earth did Stella not fall into the bottom 3???? Her look was straight out of a circa 1988 Poison video!! I think she needs to let fashion go and take up metalworks.
Blayne's dress was horrible. I can't believe they didn't say anything.
Anonymous said...
Re: all the Sandra Bernhard hate. I thought she was actually pretty connected in fashion? Wasn't she featured as a good friend of Isaac Mizrahi in Unzipped?
Not to mention in Tim Gunn's bravo blog he talks about being impressed by her level of fashion knowledge.
Tim says that about every guest judge. You should take what Tim says with a grain of salt. He's way too PC.
Tom and Lorenzo:
Which designer won the Wet Tim Gunn T-shirt Competition?
Did I miss read your fan's challenge to win a free T-Shirt?
My bitchy pants are a bit too tight tonight to crack on any designer. Tom remember those pants? I was at the Gen Art Emerging Designer Access Show
selling EMc2 dresses, and missed tonight's episode.
I am sure you boys look pretty in pink!
I'll stop by again with my comments after viewing the show.
Leanne had the best design. period.
Nooooo, not Emily, she's so cool. Stella and Blayne need to go. They’re dead weight—tools, useless and always designing crap.
I'm not going through all 344 comments, but I'll just say that:
Terri = robbed. When's that girl gonna get some respect?
SO thought Jennifer was OUT. At least I'll be able to instantly spot Kenley. It's Kenley, right?
While I'm here, annoyed with the Shear Genius decision.
Love to all y'all!
Oh, see, and the "anonymous" above me giving Leanne some love, totally agree too. My close 2nd.
I knew they couldn't get rid of Keith so soon. I mean, first Wesley, then Keith? Don't think so. That would be sadness.
Anyway, carry on....
Please screen-cap Keith putting on his socks. I need me some reality show feet to satisfy my fetish.
Thanks. Love you all!
wow, i definitely thought the matronly dress should've lost. jennifer really didn't seem to get the challenge.
Wow. I again find the reactions here remarkable. I thought Kenley's was easily the best--a striking fabric and an unusual but sexy silhouette. Terri's was just not flattering, and Leanne's didn't fit well. I was pleased with elements of both but I wouldn't have chosen either for the top three.
Jennifer should have been out, though. There was simply nothing good about that dress, and she'd done nothing to earn the judges' favor before tonight. I don't think Emily particularly deserved to stay (terrible work tonight, and not great work before), but I'm puzzled why she was chosen over Jennifer.
Emily: denial! denial! denial!
That dress was not underground at all. And no comment from Nina?!?!
Wow-that's pretty harsh that she didn't even think Emily's dress was worth her energy to think of something bitchy.
Sandra: Granted, she has no fashion creds. But I liked all her comments and LOVED LOVED LOVED her calling Heidi out on sharing Leane's performance from the previous challenge.
Leanne: Robbed! Robbed! Robbed!
And I will definitely bid on that fit if it is auctioned!
It seems like a lot of people here are missing the point of the show. If the point is to find "America's next great fashion designer," as they say, it does not mean the show is a competition to make the prettiest dress that Midwestern housewives would like to wear. They're suppose to have a strong point of view and a keen eye - and Kenley's had that. By all accounts, Kenley's dress should not have worked, yet in a way it did. In the hands of a lesser designer, that dress would have been out-of-this-world awful, but Kenley both "made it work" and had a vision for those hideous fabrics. The shape modernized it, the purple prom fabric she got mitigated the Grandmaness of the main fabric, and it was great on Shannone. It does not mean that anyone could wear that dress down the street without looking ridiculous, but that's not what it's for. It's a special dress. An event dress. If I wanted to see nice, normal clothes for normal people to wear, I'd go to a nice clothing store. Occasionally part of the challenge is to design for marketability or a specific, and that's fine, but this is not usually the case (and even then, you're on TV, push it at least a little).
I wish more of them would push boundaries. Making simple designs we've seen 1,000,000 times does not a designer make, and I think there is a wide disparity these season between those that have the goods (Kenley and Korto, possi
Looks like Lenora wins a shirt, and anonymous @6:00 PM (good luck collecting, babe), and michael and leslie sort of won, but they didn't pick pairs, just three of each. Seems pretty soft to me. Lots of people got the winner, very few got the loser.
So much hate for my darling Leanne!
Oops. Those that have the goods (Kenley, Korto) and those that don't (Jennifer, Suede).
Oh, and Terri's was fierce except for the fact she paired it with pants. That was really hot like, 4 or 5 years ago. She wasn't bringing anything back, they just made the ensemble look dated.
You guys have to give Stella a harder time. She seems like she needs an anti-depressant or two. She talks with a cheap ass NYC/Jersey accent. And she seems very easily annoyed. This should all make for comic gold.
And she has no right to be offended by what you write. She's on reality television for crying out loud!!! She volunteered to be America's entertainment. And she is, but not in a good way.
Keep up the good work boys.
Not team challenges yet? Crazy, but I like seeing more dresses than less. Also none of this team leader always wins or loses deal.
Blayne - I was pleasantly surprised. I think this is his strongest look to date. Is it entirely wearable? No, but I liked it. I think he adorned the black dress in the right way and the colors worked well together. Contrast this with Emily's dress, which had a fairly similar concept, and his look succeeded whereas hers failed. B
Daniel - I have a feeling Tlo is going to hate this dress. Talk about titscrepency. I really don't like the assymetry in this dress. I like most of the silhouette but the left boob is bother me. The color doesn't quite work for me either with her skin tone. C
Emily - I thought the construction of the ruffles was pretty, it just wasn't right for this dress. Probably didn't help the black dress was boring and just had this thing tacked on. In the end, just seemed amateurish. There is a prettiness to it, but lacks a sense of style or sophistication. D-
Jennifer - Would have been my pick to go home. Navy charmeuse? Hard to not make look matronly. Just a bad design, but at least she took a risk. perhaps that's why the judges chose to send Emily home because hers was a poor design and didn't show anything interesting. I disagreed with the judges that this dress was boring. I would put that description in Joe's dress. D-
Jerrel - He's like the gay male version of lupe. At first you expect this dress to be elegant, but I hate it. I hate the color and looks dated to me. I have to give him props for the construction, it's beautifully executed, but I don't ever want to see any human being in this dress, maybe a drag queen. C (mainly for the amazing construction)
Joe - Another safe design. No risk, no gain. I mean it's a nice enough dress, but it's entirely forgettable. I hope he goes next unless he steps up his game. D
Keith - The idea was sound, just probably chose the wrong fabrics. He was unlucky cause he had a late model switch. I didn't think it was that bad, but he took a risk and failed in the execution. I can see why the bottom 3, but I respect the risk taking compared to other designers. C-
Kelli - The top looks like a cat mauled it, scratch that, a cougar. Just looks ugly and cheap. I'm disappointed because I loved her design from the first challenge. But I think she might just be a one hit wonder and will send mediocre dress after another til she finally gets sent home. C
Kenley - I don't know why this won. It's a pretty crazy look. Her model must have worked the shit out of it or something. I like the print and the colors, but I don't like the proportions of the sleeves. Still, it's executed well and shows innovation and her aesthetic. B+
Korto - I like the proportions of the silhouette. It's not as safe as Joe's imo, but all she really did was create a tasteful pantsuit in black. With this many designers, no way she was getting eliminated, but no way that dress was ever going to win. B-
Leanne - I want to love this, but I don't like the fit in the top. I agree it should have been basic, but not sloppy. The skirt is fabulous and thought for a second she was gonna win, then they gave it to Kenley. I guess the judges were itching for something colorful that day. A-
Stella - meh. I like the look, but the vest is too tight. The pants are cliche, but I like the color. Don't have much else to say. I'd like to see something more innovative. C
Suede - Suffering from Kelli syndrome? One win and its back to dullsville. This dress is fine, but I wouldn't call it chic or sophisticated. Well not every dress can be a creative masterstroke. C+
Terri - I think she was robbed. I usually agree with the judges, but this time I really think Terri should have won. Her model looks fabulous and I love the look. I guess kenley's was a bit more innovative, but Terri's looked great and was wearable. At least she got top 3 this week so the judges are recognizing her work. A
Lot of ho hum dresses this week. I really only like Terri's and Leanne's. Blayne showed improvement, and Kenley's dress was pretty good but not my fav.
Also, Jennifer should have gone home, but can understand why Emily was.
I think judges picked kenley to win because they see a lot of looks and perhaps this was new and fresh to them.
TIM said viewers would be shocked by the decision made early in the competition. Eventually the judges will come to their senses.
JOE is coasting through with boring dress after boring dress while others get cut for atleast trying.
KENLEY's talking behind people's back is getting annoying.
TERRI made a funky outfit that would fit right in with the underground music scene.
Staying true to her sense of style LEANNE created a charming outfit ready for pleasant night out.
I thought Leanne's dress was much more goregous than Kenley's but I think that something with color is more editorially exciting than something black, and that might have pushed her over the edge.
Also, while Kenley's dress looked like it came straight out of a Debbie Gibson video (just needs the hat), there is a whole generation that does not know Debbie Gibson, and finds that look fresh.
When Keith's dress first came on the runway, it remided me of the coffee filter dress, and not in a good way.
I thought Jennifer's dress was way fuglier than Emily's and I wanted Jennifer to go since I have a hard time telling her and Leanne apart.
I liked Terri's look too.
Also, since they are constantly talking about youth in fashion, isn't it time for a young, fresh judge. Can they replace Michael Kors with Zac Posen.
Or even if she is not young, she is so fucking divine, that I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, if DVF became a judge.
Way to go, Lenora! Good call.
Will you be posting a picture wearing your Love Gunn T?
They all seemed to take the inspiration too literally.
Well, I didn't win on my predictions, but I can't say I'm sorry to see Emily go. She was always in the meh category for me. But Kenley's dress for the win? Ick!
Been there, done that got the Tshirt.
Thanx, and it's AUTOGRAPHED!! I did my Xmas shopping early. I also have the bobble head doll. Autographed. Every AM I say hi to Tim and he says "Fab-u-lous!" Thanks to the Emc2 guys for shipping me two.
Love me my Tim and did anyone notice it was his birthday wednesday!!
55 or 56 ish. Hmm. He must have been blonde.
Ah, good to see the group up and at 'em. Sorry I've been away. It seems to be the season for funerals, and have to say --I wish it'd stop.
I was staying at a hotel w/o Bravo and missed this week's episode. I really enjoy TLo's recaps, which frankly --are enough!
Guess #1
Win: Stella
Lose: Daniel
Guess #2
Win: Terry
Lose: Suede
Guess #3
Win: Keith
Lose: Leanne
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