Some of the comments people are talking about how she shouldn't be here, how crappy she is, how weird and gross she is, I think she's fun! I mean, she may not be the best designer but I think she makes for pretty good TV.
Cool digs, boys! Make mine a margarita on the rocks. As for Stella, if she stops whining, I'll might my opinion of her might improve if she stops whining.
Can I get another one please? Well she's kooky. A lot of designers didn't have a sense of humor, look at VictorYA. But I think Stella could be a lot more fun.
Yes anonymous I do. Every day which is probably why I'm starting to get buzzy haha.
Well it's just my opinion and what I see is what I see. I think Stella is cool and fun to watch. I hope we see some interesting things out of Suede. With hair like that he's bound to be creative.
Gin and tonic, double in a tall glass with extra lime please. Stella is Stella. She is great fun to bitch about and she probably knows it. Cheroin is one of my favorite TLo knicknames ever. This is definitely the wrong place to be sensitive.
I'll take a Glenlivet neat, thank you. I had a visceral reaction to Stella because of her whiny attitude and the crap she pulled out of her ass for the first challenge. It has nothing to do with her tatoos (if you were wondering), because I liked Sweet Pea a lot. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the next episode. Sir Tim and the 'pterodactyl at a gay Jurassic Park' comment is hilarious and I can hardly wait to see the monstrosity that brought out that comment.
The TLounge is such an awesome idea, guys. It sure makes the waiting a lot easier. It's still early to judge their potential, but this is surely a very entertaining group of designers. My favorites are Korto and Wesley. Who's your favorite?
Stella's appearance and personality do not offend me. Her design sensibility does. Using leather and distressed denim for "rock looks" is sooooooo, soooooo tired. Do people really still feel badass and counterculture wearing their contrived little uniforms? Ugh. I really hope we don't see the same thing from her every week, but I feel like we will.
Stella was really lazy and annoying for a first episode
Her original plan didn't work out and she just spent the time moping and whining until someone told her to at least TRY and when she did try it reflected exactly how she made a hurry and not really caring
Lovin' the T Lounge Boys. Thanks for throwing open the doors. I want Laua Bennett in a fabulous dress and perched on a baby grand in the corner crooning showtunes and standards every Sunday night.
Fabulous company here (Sewing Siren, Brooklyn Bomber, Tom in KC, Gotham Tomato, Mariana, Another Laura, Lillithcat, Gorgeous Things, Hutchlover, Lola, ProfP, Patsy Stone, Ms Sangrail, Lenora, Agnes Gooch, Emma P, Thombeau, and, well, just ALL of you). Better grab that big booth in the back, tom in kc.
I'll take a Margarita rocks with lots of salt. And keep 'em coming every half hour until someone passes out. Then bring them every 45 minutes.
I'll take a margarita, rocks, no salt. Are there munchies? I agree that some of the comments are about what Stella looks like but please Joan Jett did that look at least 20 years ago. And whoever said that Suede's hair meant he must be creative obviously hasn't been paying attention. You can see hair like that everywhere, no creativity needed.
I'll take a Maker's Mark and Diet Coke. I like my bourbon, thanks.
So my boyfriend who gave up after only two episodes last season (and I can hardly blame him for being bored) is back on track this season - but mainly because he thinks Kenley is super duper hot. Let's hope she stays around, so I can get him to keep watching with me!
Make mine an appletini. I'm ready to hear the suave, sophisticated Silver Fox utter the phrase "Holla at yo boy!" Also ready for the day when detailed, closeup shots of Blayne reveal traces of a white substance around his nose. Just saying. Quit sniffing.
I like Stella because she's amusingly awkward (reminds me of Bradley), and because I reflexively root for underdogs. And because people here jumped all over her and called her a druggie, which makes me automatically want to take her side.
That said, I'm looking forward to what Korto, Kenley, and Wesley will actually be producing.
FAB design, Boys! I could settle in there for a good long natter....
Absolut Citron cosmopolitan, extremely chilled - and I want the dividend, please. Yeah, yeah, I know, the cosmo is so over, but I like 'em for the summer. When we go to the T LOunge in the winter: a Manhattan, but of course.
One more margarita over here - but only one. More than that and I'm apt to start strutting the red carpet doing bad impressions of Heidi and Tim and making fun of past designs.
...Blayne says "Girlicious" ...Suede refers to himself in the third person ...Korto refers to being a mom ...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy ...Daniel says something neurotic ...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty" ...Wesley shows up in shorts
A. You are not Heatherette. B. It's not all THAT cool or fashionable to aspire to be Heatherette. C. Even 12-year-old girls are embarassed for you. D. Your dress was fucking ugly.
hahahaha I hope Blayne leaves too.....and it looks like I'm gonna drunk ass wasted by about the third minute - if I drink according to gretchen's rules!!
Oh! Speaking of bitchery, did anyone see the New York Magazine daily article on the major bitchery being heaped on Blayne by fans of Christian? The Cut
Now, someone be a dear and order me a dirty martini with extra olives? Here's my Amex. Start a tab. I'll pick up the first round.
toddny: I like Kelli but honestly, I don't know for sure yet....we'll see after tonight. WHY the hell am I STILL at work???? (oh right....cuz it's only 3.30pm here....hahahaha.....)
lemniscus said... "Barby, Leanne has bangs and sometimes wears glasses.
Hope that helps dolly!"
But I still get the feeling they're pulling the old twin switcharoo on us. You know, pull the bangs back, lose the glasses, and then play tricks on the poor, unsuspecting souls that are watching the show with too much liquor in their systems.
gorgeous things: GASP!! great article!! and I agree - it WAS an ill conceived idea by Blayne to start a NEW catchphrase =)
"Girlicious" is very lame and bordering on creating inappropriate images of young girls in their mummy's heels..... And he is very clearly trying HARD to be the new FIERCE.
Christian was just being the usual delightfully self-absorbed person that he is and he couldn't give a rat's bum what he said or who heard it or what they thought =)
I like Korto and Daniel so far, but there are so many of them, it's hard to pick yet. A couple more episodes (and a few more Glenlivets, barkeep! oh, hell, just bring me the bottle) and I'll have a better idea. So far, those are the ones that have stood out for me in a good way. As for who stood out in a bad way, let's just say that any of the bottom three could have gone home and I would not have disagreed with the judges decision.
Hate it like something I hate very much. Looks like he put no effort into it at all. Too much time being a media whore, not enough time thinking about clothes, I think.
I almost forgot today was WEDNESDAY!!! OH joy...the hot mess is back tonight at 9!! What do you think Uglicious will churn out tonight? And not to be greedy, but with this many people, a bottle of Pinot Noir and 1 glass.
Ooh...ugh......sorry I was puking in the bathroom and then my friend texted me and it's all a hot mess....has anyone seen my little puppy? Gimme another Bellini please.
I'm rooting for Daniel and Korto to go to Bryant park. I would also like to see more of Wesley though. He has taste.
tim in kc, I have found that the "big booths in the back" are always the nicest places to park it.
...and we still need someplace to sit.
tripletmom96 and gorgeous things, I hope you ladies hold your liquor better than I do (not that hard to accomplish). The last time I ordered a Dirty Martini (okay, 5 of them), I ended up standing on a table in the bar, dropping trou and having an attractive new acquaintance autograph my skiivies with a Sharpie. Scared him away for sure. But that left me free for meeting Ed a few years later. I also tossed my cookies in my ex's new car on the way home so I did accomplish something positive that night.
But you do know the Martini Rule, don't you? Martinis are like breasts. One's not enough. Two is just right. Three is too many. I learned that the hard way.
"Gorgeous Things said... Oh! Speaking of bitchery, did anyone see the New York Magazine daily article on the major bitchery being heaped on Blayne by fans of Christian?"
So the Daily News needed to call in experts to analyze the situation? Yeah, 'girlicious' is middle school. Is that unlike those loser Christian fans who feel the need to launch a media campaign proclaiming Christian supremacy. (rolls eyes). Zzzzzzz...
Too funny (in a pathetic groupie kind of a way). Can't they just snark and get over it like grown ups?
I finally saw Christian's collection on bluefly and I do like some pieces like the skinny pants and the Transylvania shirt
but I can't scrounge up the money to buy any of it."
The boys have a post about it under page two with pictures. I like a few things but it's very puffy sleeves like anything he makes. I'm curious to see if he can design anything outside the box.
I am mystified that people seem to think Christian is the first person to have uttered the words "hot mess," "fierce," and "tranny" before. Oooooooooold news to the gay community. His talent may be unique, but alas his personality is so very tired.
It's four hours before show time and this place is packed. For me something cold, fruity with an umbrella. The harder stuff can come later.
The pterodactyl comment may not be tonight. I think the lead in said, "in future episodes" not "next" one. Remember how they started showing the pattern book drama in the preview several shows before it aired.
I am mystified that people seem to think Christian is the first person to have uttered the words "hot mess," "fierce," and "tranny" before. Oooooooooold news to the gay community. His talent may be unique, but alas his personality is so very tired."
Amen, sister! It annoys the hell out of me. Those terms have been used for many many years.
Ok, maybe I've had enough already...sorry for the typo. before you know it I will start drunk dialing. That shit always gets me in trouble. No shots for me tonight.
A Ketel One and Cranberry, please. If Blayne stays past tonight, leave the bottle.
Siren - I'll buy you the bottle of whiskey if you let me scoot in next to Bill for 10 minutes (if he doesn't mind talking musicals for a few - I'm so out of touch here in the sticks.) And Bill, your two drink tab is on me just to see what you do with the curtains.
...Blayne says "Girlicious" ...Suede refers to himself in the third person ...Korto refers to being a mom ...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy ...Daniel says something neurotic ...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty" ...Wesley shows up in shorts"
LOL!!!! Yay! I love this!!! I'll have a remy martin with a waterback dammit!!!!
...Blayne says "Girlicious" ...Suede refers to himself in the third person ...Korto refers to being a mom ...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy ...Daniel says something neurotic ...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty" ...Wesley shows up in shorts"
oh lord! Most of us will have passed out before they have even shopped for fabric
...Blayne says "Girlicious" ...Suede refers to himself in the third person ...Korto refers to being a mom ...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy ...Daniel says something neurotic ...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty" ...Wesley shows up in shorts
*~*~*~yes, we will be playing this game tonight!!!!!
Can I get a Long Island please? Thanks. Mmm... sweet, sweet alcohol.
Now, I know everyone talks about how all these designers look the same, which is of course somewhat an exaggeration just to make a point, but seriously, Leanne and Jennifer are the same person aren't they? Aren't they??? They're both quiet, nerdy girls with some overworked styles int heir portfolio. They have like the same facial structure, the same hair color and the same hair color. Ok so Leanne has bangs. I think. *mind implodes*
bailey said: I am mystified that people seem to think Christian is the first person to have uttered the words "hot mess," "fierce," and "tranny" before. Oooooooooold news to the gay community. His talent may be unique, but alas his personality is so very tired.
TOTALLY agree - altho I have to admit a weakness for him, I think he's cute - in an insecure, please look at me kinda way =)
vodka tonic please!
I'll pass on the shots game after all cuz mama has to work tomorrow =) but you all go on - I can run to and from the bar with fresh ones!!
Great place tonight! I'm going to camp out directly under an air conditioning vent for a few minutes and then ask the bartender if he/she could create a Jurassic Pterodactyl drink special for tonight. If not, I'll take a vodka gibson and whatever munchies are on offer.
To Estelle! (raises highball for more Glen - any Glen'll do)
You know, Vincent's hat from the first challenge of S4 had an air of Sophia Pitrello to it, in my opinion. He should have thrown together a nice cardigan out of an atlas throw...
Here, at last! Hey, if I'd known the T LOunge had opened so early in the day, I'd have called out sick or taken a personal day.
I'm with you, Anonymous (6:56). Am NOT looking forward to hearing Tim's "holla at ya boy." Poor Tim. You would've thought there were several clauses in his contract where he could get out of talkin' street, slang or urban vernacular.
Oh, and could someone please turn off the big-screens showing the PR4marathon in the VIP lounge? Jeffrey's crying scene when he's exonerated from Laura's accusation is making me ill.
Good luck on the bar exam! 30+ years later, I still recall the trauma. (I was so convinced that the bus would break down on the way to where I was taking it that I actually got a hotel room near the exam site, which turned out to be an excellent plan. )
Words of advice: go drinking after the exam, not before, and don't spend your lunch hour or the evening between the two days of exam talking about "was that a contracts question or a conflict of laws question?" You'll just drive yourself nuts.
Came back the other day from Seattle --did I tell you? I'm probably moving next year. Had a blast. Didn't have a computer the whole time, neglected to watch PR, instead, was looking out at Puget Sound.
But it's good to be back. I'm off to fix dinner now so I can watch PR later on.
I'm still at work too, and the A/C's off, and it's HOT. Make mine a Lillet, please, on the rocks with a slice of orange.
Now: who's it going to be this week? Blayne or Stella? One of the has to go. Nothing else matters to me at this point. Except I want lots and lots of lingering shots of Leanne concentrating with her glasses on.
Damn. I missed the opening of the lounge today! You guys must have some fantastic radar...I deal with the public, and about the time you opened up, I was getting screamed at by a pretentious sort who figured the best decision he could make today was to wear a black dress shirt, black slacks, sunglasses, and a bright yellow Spongebob Squarepants necktie.
Yeah. Good times, that.
So...(bellies up to the bar) Johnnie Walker blue label, neat. Leave the bottle, please.
3 oz Hpnotiq Liqueur 3 oz Red Bull 1 oz Bacardi 151 Rum
In a shaker, mix equal amounts of Hpnotiq and Red Bull with ice. Empty contents into a highball glass. Fill a shot glass with Bacardi 151 and light it up. Take the shot, drop the shot in the glass with the mixture, and shoot the whole thing.
Interesting contest; I think we're seeing a truer view of the contestants. There is also a lot of ugly brown satin being hurled down the runway tonight...
Kenley's was nice but Terri's was so much better....
OH SNAP - Wesley is getting his ass handed to him. And not in a good way.
I am NOT loving Stella's dress. The lace is ok. The judges are on crack. But agree with Nina - compared to Garbage Bag Dress, it is better. But that's not saying much....
Oh I am afraid for Korto.....cuz those DO look like fins.....
Oh lordy - they LOVE Suede's dress???? It's a STRAW BASKET with a TUTU!!! HATE!!!! Hate.
Leanne shoulda listened to Tim. Those pockets make it look like she's fiddling with stuff in her Area. And WHAT is that thing slapped on the side of her head.
STILL can't believe they liked Suede's dress.....
I think Kenley should win. And Korto is probably going home.....or Leanne......the assasin....
Ok, last comment, I meant - I didn't see Wesley's SHOES. Not his dress. BUT HE'S GOING HOME....WHAT?????!!!! His dress DID suck but Leanne's SUCKED MORE!!!
I can not believe Suede won. Am appalled. Appalled.
(and I did finally see Wesley's shoes, they were fug. Poor Wes. Bye cutie.)
I really need a shot or FIVE right now. I can not believe Suede won. I can not believe Bluefly is gonna make THAT dress. I know it had a lot of work go into it and props for that - but it was such an ugly styling. Hate hate hate.
Korto would have had a better time with the judges if she'd worked those inside-out seams and had leaned them down.
Stella's wasn't as tight as Wesley's; it presented a smoother silhouette and did reflect her vision. A considerable comeback for her. But, boy, she sure looks biker/goth/severe.
Wow. Lots of waterworks!
Suede's dress is going to be rather costly for BlueFly to produce....
Wesley was the correct choice for Auf'ing. Lots of bad decisions there, but Leeanne wasn't far behind. She looks sort of Mennonite....
Gotham Tomato is wondering how much Blue Fly is going to have to charge for Suede's labor intensive dress which, BTW, Gotham Tomato would have worn back in her 20's.
I thought for sure Kenley had it in the bag because her look was easier for Bluefly to reproduce. But Natalie P. and Heidi carried the day by swooning over Naugahyde's outfit.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 293 Newer› Newest»Um...can I get a vodka and cranberries and why are we being so mean to Stella?
Who's being mean to Stella?
Seems like we're going to have to shout down that long line of tables.
Some of the comments people are talking about how she shouldn't be here, how crappy she is, how weird and gross she is, I think she's fun! I mean, she may not be the best designer but I think she makes for pretty good TV.
I'll take a Manhattan (sweet, straight up) and a seat near gotham tomato, sewing siren, bill and mariana (the unoriginal).
You opulent bitches !
Make mine a marguerita, strait up with salt. Or wid as thay say in south philly.
Myra Flection
Um... make that two, and because she's whiny with apparent sense of style or humor?
Cool digs, boys! Make mine a margarita on the rocks. As for Stella, if she stops whining, I'll might my opinion of her might improve if she stops whining.
OOOooo! New bar. Are we going to go on a TLo lounge crawl at the end of the season????
Can I get another one please? Well she's kooky. A lot of designers didn't have a sense of humor, look at VictorYA. But I think Stella could be a lot more fun.
I should have it "preview" instead of "publish" :)
Madeline - come here often?
It would appear not. Did you linger at all over the many (and very pointed) Blayne and Suede comments on your way in?
How about any of the previous seasons' postings?
I don't think Stella's being treated any "meaner" than any of the other "colorful" characters (er... designers) ever have been.
Vodka rocks here.
Now, what were you saying?
Yes anonymous I do. Every day which is probably why I'm starting to get buzzy haha.
Well it's just my opinion and what I see is what I see. I think Stella is cool and fun to watch. I hope we see some interesting things out of Suede. With hair like that he's bound to be creative.
Just watched another preview and cannot wait for tonight!!
Tim Gunn: "It looks like a pterodactyl out of a gay Jurassic Park!!"
Gin and tonic, double in a tall glass with extra lime please. Stella is Stella. She is great fun to bitch about and she probably knows it. Cheroin is one of my favorite TLo knicknames ever. This is definitely the wrong place to be sensitive.
oh wow! new episode, new bar scene! I like it!!!!
ROAR I'm missing the premiere episode tonight because I have to work! I'm gonna be fidgety tonight. They rerun the ep. at 11:30 right?
I'll take a Glenlivet neat, thank you. I had a visceral reaction to Stella because of her whiny attitude and the crap she pulled out of her ass for the first challenge. It has nothing to do with her tatoos (if you were wondering), because I liked Sweet Pea a lot. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the next episode. Sir Tim and the 'pterodactyl at a gay Jurassic Park' comment is hilarious and I can hardly wait to see the monstrosity that brought out that comment.
Can't wait to see what Blayne cooks up tonight that makes it worthy of being a pterodactyl in gay Jurassic Park
For anyone interested...
EW.COM has a best/worst Project Runway list that's fairly spot on.
Back to the bar !
Myra Flection
The TLounge is such an awesome idea, guys. It sure makes the waiting a lot easier. It's still early to judge their potential, but this is surely a very entertaining group of designers. My favorites are Korto and Wesley. Who's your favorite?
SoCo and Coke, please. I'm in the "watching it for the hot messes" stage. Bring on the anonymous hordes...
"Anonymous said...
For anyone interested...
EW.COM has a best/worst Project Runway list that's fairly spot on.
Back to the bar !
Myra Flection
3:23 PM"
My favorite design still is the dress Jay made for Banana Republic. Stunning! Worst design I have to go with Santino's turkey outfit.
I'm actually excited to see what Daniel Feld does. He's very talented and he has great taste.
Mexican martini over here!
I'm a Stella Ramone fan myself, but she won't last long if she doesn't lighten up and get creative.
Any guesses as to who is gone tonight. Damn, I miss that Fantasy Runway game, glitches and all!
i'll have a dirty martini, please. it's only 12:30 here, but hey, it's after 5:00 somewhere in the world, yes?
i, too am looking forward to seeing the monstrosity that inspired tim's comment about it looking like a 'pterodactyl at a gay Jurassic Park'
game on, kittens! now everyone put on your bitch-pants & let's party!
Stella's appearance and personality do not offend me. Her design sensibility does. Using leather and distressed denim for "rock looks" is sooooooo, soooooo tired. Do people really still feel badass and counterculture wearing their contrived little uniforms? Ugh. I really hope we don't see the same thing from her every week, but I feel like we will.
Martini, please, Hendricks, with a twist.
Fav: Jay's Chrysler Bldg
Worst thing ever: Santino's lederhosen "lingerie"
I'll have a sgroppino, per favore. And keep them coming.
I should warn you that I am going to have to duck out for a couple of hours to go to a book sale, but I'll be back for the main event!
Nice lounge - I see we have our own runway/red carpet!
Stella was really lazy and annoying for a first episode
Her original plan didn't work out and she just spent the time moping and whining until someone told her to at least TRY and when she did try
it reflected exactly how she made a hurry and not really caring
Lovin' the T Lounge Boys. Thanks for throwing open the doors. I want Laua Bennett in a fabulous dress and perched on a baby grand in the corner crooning showtunes and standards every Sunday night.
Fabulous company here (Sewing Siren, Brooklyn Bomber, Tom in KC, Gotham Tomato, Mariana, Another Laura, Lillithcat, Gorgeous Things, Hutchlover, Lola, ProfP, Patsy Stone, Ms Sangrail, Lenora, Agnes Gooch, Emma P, Thombeau, and, well, just ALL of you). Better grab that big booth in the back, tom in kc.
I'll take a Margarita rocks with lots of salt. And keep 'em coming every half hour until someone passes out. Then bring them every 45 minutes.
The decor is perfect for a theater queen like me. The red curtains remind me of one of Lucie Arnaz's costumes from "They're Playing Our Song." I'll be cutting them down and wearing them by my 5th drink.
Are there nibbly bits served here? Any PR contestants here? Who's touching my leg? Stella who? Bring me another 'rita!!
I'm SO with you on missing the Tresemme Fantasy thingy. The best part was the cool, Euro-house mood music. I don't think I ever heard who won.
As for this season, I'm looking for some interesting work from Daniel and Korto.
Myra Flection during a SLOW work day.
What would I do without my gays !!!!!!!!
Interesting. I suppose, if the lounge isn't a unqualified success, you can always offload the drapes on a local madame.
P.S. I'll have a short margarita.
tom in kc said...
I'll take a Manhattan (sweet, straight up) and a seat near gotham tomato, sewing siren, bill and mariana (the unoriginal).
Tom, honey I'll sit by anybody that will buy me a drink. And if they are drinking whisky, then all the better.
I'll take a margarita, rocks, no salt. Are there munchies?
I agree that some of the comments are about what Stella looks like but please Joan Jett did that look at least 20 years ago. And whoever said that Suede's hair meant he must be creative obviously hasn't been paying attention. You can see hair like that everywhere, no creativity needed.
Bill, it's been said that I have "a big booth in the back" but we'll still need someplace to sit...
Sewing Siren, dear...I'll ask the bartender if he'll just leave the bottle....
I'm going to miss Runway AND SG tonight. I'll have to wait A WHOLE EXTRA DAY to watch them....
Gimme a shot of tequila. Tequila is necessary to deal with this disappointment.
I'll take a Maker's Mark and Diet Coke. I like my bourbon, thanks.
So my boyfriend who gave up after only two episodes last season (and I can hardly blame him for being bored) is back on track this season - but mainly because he thinks Kenley is super duper hot. Let's hope she stays around, so I can get him to keep watching with me!
I'd like a pint of Strongbow, please... maybe a ploughman's lunch platter too, with good bread?
I'm interested in what that Jennifer turns out tonight...
Make mine an appletini. I'm ready to hear the suave, sophisticated Silver Fox utter the phrase "Holla at yo boy!" Also ready for the day when detailed, closeup shots of Blayne reveal traces of a white substance around his nose. Just saying. Quit sniffing.
"it's been said that I have "a big booth in the back" but we'll still need someplace to sit..."
Tom, I just spewed my sgroppino all over the computer! Since it's your fault, you have to buy me another.
Waiter, two Manhattans over here ... oh, wait, did you want one too?
Lemondrop please!!!
or Midori sour
or both!!
Love the T LOunge!-- the chairs look comfy yet stylish.
I want to sit with everyone!
Will Alex! be coming too?
Maker's on the rocks for me, please.
I like Stella because she's amusingly awkward (reminds me of Bradley), and because I reflexively root for underdogs. And because people here jumped all over her and called her a druggie, which makes me automatically want to take her side.
That said, I'm looking forward to what Korto, Kenley, and Wesley will actually be producing.
You guys are killing me!
Wild Turkey on the rocks, please.
(whoops, hide it! I'm still at work!)
FAB design, Boys! I could settle in there for a good long natter....
Absolut Citron cosmopolitan, extremely chilled - and I want the dividend, please. Yeah, yeah, I know, the cosmo is so over, but I like 'em for the summer. When we go to the T LOunge in the winter: a Manhattan, but of course.
All the best,
"Anonymous said...
For anyone interested...
EW.COM has a best/worst Project Runway list that's fairly spot on.
Back to the bar !
Myra Flection
3:23 PM"
I'm glad they mentioned Austin Scarlett's Grammy Dress. I honestly loved that gown...
Oh, and I'll just have a Shirley Temple. Can't be drunk before tonight's episode!
I happen to like Stella - cosmo pls!
are we allowed to talk non PR Stuff??
(if so....what do we all think of the Christian Bale fiasco?? Other than that he's delicious of course...)
...Joe mentions his daughters.
btw - I'm IN for a TLounge Crawl end of season!
One more margarita over here - but only one. More than that and I'm apt to start strutting the red carpet doing bad impressions of Heidi and Tim and making fun of past designs.
Hm. That could actually be a lot of fun.
Two margaritas, please.
Well, this week's lounge looks like the perfect place for a walk-off. Who's first?
...Joe mentions his daughters.
Oh, let me add!
...Blayne says "Girlicious"
...Suede refers to himself in the third person
...Korto refers to being a mom
...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy
...Daniel says something neurotic
...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty"
...Wesley shows up in shorts
"a pterodactyl in gay Jurassic Park" ????
Why am I missing this tonight?!?!
I need another shot of tequila, please.
I'm sure we've talked about it, but I still can't tell Jennifer and Leanne apart. They are identical.
In re: Blayne and "Girlicious"...dear God.
A. You are not Heatherette.
B. It's not all THAT cool or fashionable to aspire to be Heatherette.
C. Even 12-year-old girls are embarassed for you.
D. Your dress was fucking ugly.
I hope he's gone tonight.
hahahaha I hope Blayne leaves too.....and it looks like I'm gonna drunk ass wasted by about the third minute - if I drink according to gretchen's rules!!
champers for me darlings and I'll bring cake. We have left over from our office b-day celebration here...
Toddny, I like Korto and Daniel so far but it IS still kind of early.
Barby, Leanne has bangs and sometimes wears glasses.
Hope that helps dolly!
Oh! Speaking of bitchery, did anyone see the New York Magazine daily article on the major bitchery being heaped on Blayne by fans of Christian?
The Cut
Now, someone be a dear and order me a dirty martini with extra olives? Here's my Amex. Start a tab. I'll pick up the first round.
toddny: I like Kelli but honestly, I don't know for sure yet....we'll see after tonight. WHY the hell am I STILL at work???? (oh right....cuz it's only 3.30pm here....hahahaha.....)
Sewing Siren, will Wild Turkey work for you? It does for me!
I wuvs you all, even those who don't want to sit with me, sniff!
Brooklyn, honey, I saved a seat for you right here next to me! (pats the chair)
12 year old J&B on the rocks, please.
Now, where were we?? Laura perched on the piano? Lounge crawls? Pterodactyls?? Girlicious?
I'll have another J&B!!!
lemniscus said...
"Barby, Leanne has bangs and sometimes wears glasses.
Hope that helps dolly!"
But I still get the feeling they're pulling the old twin switcharoo on us. You know, pull the bangs back, lose the glasses, and then play tricks on the poor, unsuspecting souls that are watching the show with too much liquor in their systems.
gorgeous things: GASP!! great article!! and I agree - it WAS an ill conceived idea by Blayne to start a NEW catchphrase =)
"Girlicious" is very lame and bordering on creating inappropriate images of young girls in their mummy's heels..... And he is very clearly trying HARD to be the new FIERCE.
Christian was just being the usual delightfully self-absorbed person that he is and he couldn't give a rat's bum what he said or who heard it or what they thought =)
I like Korto and Daniel so far, but there are so many of them, it's hard to pick yet. A couple more episodes (and a few more Glenlivets, barkeep! oh, hell, just bring me the bottle) and I'll have a better idea. So far, those are the ones that have stood out for me in a good way. As for who stood out in a bad way, let's just say that any of the bottom three could have gone home and I would not have disagreed with the judges decision.
Hey everyone! Love the lounge, but I can only stop in for a quick one.
1 shot of the cheapest vodka you've got, bartender, for old times' sake.
I'm looking forward to the pteradactyl comment, but the thought of the design that might have produced it scares the hell out of me.
Off to catch up on on skinny men in bright, ass-clinging spandex (aka Le Tour de France)! And then watching PR & SG. Love all your comments!
Anyone check out Christian's Bluefly collection?
Hate it like something I hate very much. Looks like he put no effort into it at all. Too much time being a media whore, not enough time thinking about clothes, I think.
Check it:
Thanks gorgeous things!!
I'll have another lemondrop--
and I'll need another for Gretchen's game--
although I will be sipping not taking shots.
No one likes a sloppy drunk--
sophisticated maybe, but not sloppy.
Can't wait to play!
I almost forgot today was WEDNESDAY!!! OH joy...the hot mess is back tonight at 9!! What do you think Uglicious will churn out tonight? And not to be greedy, but with this many people, a bottle of Pinot Noir and 1 glass.
So glad you are back Bill, btw.
Ooh...ugh......sorry I was puking in the bathroom and then my friend texted me and it's all a hot mess....has anyone seen my little puppy? Gimme another Bellini please.
I'm rooting for Daniel and Korto to go to Bryant park. I would also like to see more of Wesley though. He has taste.
tim in kc, I have found that the "big booths in the back" are always the nicest places to park it.
...and we still need someplace to sit.
tripletmom96 and gorgeous things, I hope you ladies hold your liquor better than I do (not that hard to accomplish). The last time I ordered a Dirty Martini (okay, 5 of them), I ended up standing on a table in the bar, dropping trou and having an attractive new acquaintance autograph my skiivies with a Sharpie. Scared him away for sure. But that left me free for meeting Ed a few years later. I also tossed my cookies in my ex's new car on the way home so I did accomplish something positive that night.
But you do know the Martini Rule, don't you? Martinis are like breasts. One's not enough. Two is just right. Three is too many. I learned that the hard way.
"Gorgeous Things said...
Oh! Speaking of bitchery, did anyone see the New York Magazine daily article on the major bitchery being heaped on Blayne by fans of Christian?"
So the Daily News needed to call in experts to analyze the situation? Yeah, 'girlicious' is middle school. Is that unlike those loser Christian fans who feel the need to launch a media campaign proclaiming Christian supremacy. (rolls eyes). Zzzzzzz...
Too funny (in a pathetic groupie kind of a way). Can't they just snark and get over it like grown ups?
I'll take a Labatt (what can I say, I'm from Buffalo)!
"It looks like a pterodactyl out of a gay Jurassic Park!!"
How can "Angry Tim" beat that!? (Though I have all the faith in TLo!)
Can't wait - even though I am taking the bar exam next week - I will be watching tonight. Priorities, you know...
Na Zdrowie!
I finally saw Christian's collection on bluefly and I do like some pieces like the skinny pants and the Transylvania shirt
but I can't scrounge up the money to buy any of it.
"MyMannequinMusings said...
I finally saw Christian's collection on bluefly and I do like some pieces like the skinny pants and the Transylvania shirt
but I can't scrounge up the money to buy any of it."
The boys have a post about it under page two with pictures. I like a few things but it's very puffy sleeves like anything he makes. I'm curious to see if he can design anything outside the box.
I am mystified that people seem to think Christian is the first person to have uttered the words "hot mess," "fierce," and "tranny" before. Oooooooooold news to the gay community. His talent may be unique, but alas his personality is so very tired.
Oh, I forgot to order my drink. Cosmo, please. The bartender is HOT!
It's four hours before show time and this place is packed. For me something cold, fruity with an umbrella. The harder stuff can come later.
The pterodactyl comment may not be tonight. I think the lead in said, "in future episodes" not "next" one. Remember how they started showing the pattern book drama in the preview several shows before it aired.
"Bailey said...
I am mystified that people seem to think Christian is the first person to have uttered the words "hot mess," "fierce," and "tranny" before. Oooooooooold news to the gay community. His talent may be unique, but alas his personality is so very tired."
Amen, sister! It annoys the hell out of me. Those terms have been used for many many years.
am i to late to join?
cosmo please & make it strong. cant stay long.
stella makes me laugh. hope she stays. looking forward to the show. i think i have seen the 1st one 4 times over the weekend. can we say addicted?
you are a fabulous group btw!
Gotham Tomato said:
"Well, this week's lounge looks like the perfect place for a walk-off. Who's first?"
It's a motherfuckinwalkoff! Oh, I miss those days in S3.
Pour me another and once we finish off the beluga or shall have some smoked salmon nibbly things.
How about we do a shot every time Blaine says, "Girlicious?" Who's in with me?
project runday is my favorite day of the week.
Ok, maybe I've had enough already...sorry for the typo. before you know it I will start drunk dialing. That shit always gets me in trouble. No shots for me tonight.
A Ketel One and Cranberry, please. If Blayne stays past tonight, leave the bottle.
Siren - I'll buy you the bottle of whiskey if you let me scoot in next to Bill for 10 minutes (if he doesn't mind talking musicals for a few - I'm so out of touch here in the sticks.) And Bill, your two drink tab is on me just to see what you do with the curtains.
gretchen said:
...Joe mentions his daughters.
Oh, let me add!
...Blayne says "Girlicious"
...Suede refers to himself in the third person
...Korto refers to being a mom
...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy
...Daniel says something neurotic
...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty"
...Wesley shows up in shorts"
LOL!!!! Yay! I love this!!! I'll have a remy martin with a waterback dammit!!!!
"patsy stone said: Pour me another and once we finish off the beluga or shall have some smoked salmon nibbly things."
I vote for the nibbly things. And, of course, a round of slippery nipples, in honor of Keith.
Vodka tonic extra lime....Keep them coming! and can we all also toast the late great miss estelle getty!
Bill - that's a good one! actually my mantra about martinis is:
i love a martini, two at the most; three, i'm under the table, and four, i'm under my host.....
Mai tais for tonight, please. Something tells me it's gonna get tropical tonight
gretchen said:
...Joe mentions his daughters.
Oh, let me add!
...Blayne says "Girlicious"
...Suede refers to himself in the third person
...Korto refers to being a mom
...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy
...Daniel says something neurotic
...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty"
...Wesley shows up in shorts"
oh lord!
Most of us will have passed out before they have even shopped for fabric
Wow! I missed some bloodshed! Look at that gushing rive....oh wait, that's carpet.
Is there anything left of Tami S.'s bottle of Glenlivet or shall I grab another? Lots of ice please, I can work while it melts.
May I please have a gimlet up and an ashtray? With a Wesley in shorts back, thanks!
...Joe mentions his daughters.
Oh, let me add!
...Blayne says "Girlicious"
...Suede refers to himself in the third person
...Korto refers to being a mom
...Leanne refers to herself as stealthy
...Daniel says something neurotic
...Kelli say she's aiming for "ugly pretty"
...Wesley shows up in shorts
*~*~*~yes, we will be playing this game tonight!!!!!
so excited. :D
i am clearly going to need a new pair of shoes for this event!
Can I get a Long Island please? Thanks. Mmm... sweet, sweet alcohol.
Now, I know everyone talks about how all these designers look the same, which is of course somewhat an exaggeration just to make a point, but seriously, Leanne and Jennifer are the same person aren't they? Aren't they??? They're both quiet, nerdy girls with some overworked styles int heir portfolio. They have like the same facial structure, the same hair color and the same hair color. Ok so Leanne has bangs. I think. *mind implodes*
bailey said: I am mystified that people seem to think Christian is the first person to have uttered the words "hot mess," "fierce," and "tranny" before. Oooooooooold news to the gay community. His talent may be unique, but alas his personality is so very tired.
TOTALLY agree - altho I have to admit a weakness for him, I think he's cute - in an insecure, please look at me kinda way =)
vodka tonic please!
I'll pass on the shots game after all cuz mama has to work tomorrow =) but you all go on - I can run to and from the bar with fresh ones!!
Un mojito, por favor. And, if Blayne stays, a bottle of Maker's Mark.
absolutely. cheers to the late Estelle Getty, may she rest in peace.
how can you NOT love the Golden Girls??!! =)
Popping in for a quickie. Love the digs.
Stoli Lemonade, splash 'o Cran in a Jane Russell glass, please.
It akways takes me a while to warm up to new casts, so holding judgement for now (at least pre-judgement).
Great place tonight! I'm going to camp out directly under an air conditioning vent for a few minutes and then ask the bartender if he/she could create a Jurassic Pterodactyl drink special for tonight. If not, I'll take a vodka gibson and whatever munchies are on offer.
You have me wanting a drink right now. Going to get me a Malibu Bay Breeze.
I say Blayne stays because the producer want to torture us even more (even though his Dumbilicious self needs to go.
Three shots of tequila. Better bring me the whole frickin lime while you're at it.
I don't get Bravo, and I can't download the episodes. I'll need the drinks to get through the night.
Here's hoping a pretty boy wins.
To Estelle! (raises highball for more Glen - any Glen'll do)
You know, Vincent's hat from the first challenge of S4 had an air of Sophia Pitrello to it, in my opinion. He should have thrown together a nice cardigan out of an atlas throw...
I am so not looking forward to Tim saying, "holla at your boy"! I will definately need a shot before and after.
why are we being so mean to Stella?
She's creepy and she's kooky
She's seriously spooky
She's altogether ooky,
Our PR Cheroin!
Why yes, I have started drinking! How did you know?
Here, at last! Hey, if I'd known the T LOunge had opened so early in the day, I'd have called out sick or taken a personal day.
I'm with you, Anonymous (6:56). Am NOT looking forward to hearing Tim's "holla at ya boy." Poor Tim. You would've thought there were several clauses in his contract where he could get out of talkin' street, slang or urban vernacular.
Oh, and could someone please turn off the big-screens showing the PR4marathon in the VIP lounge? Jeffrey's crying scene when he's exonerated from Laura's accusation is making me ill.
- edina -
Vodka martini, three olives, please. You all are getting started a bit early. I have some catching up to do!
I'll take a Sierra Nevada and move on
to the hard liquor later.
Bill - yea! Sounds like you will get as tanked as me!!! Whee!
What about shots when Tim says "Make it work!"
Nibbly things are good. If we don't have any, I'm happy to steal some olives from someone's Martini!
Anonymous 4:47 -
Good luck on the bar exam! 30+ years later, I still recall the trauma. (I was so convinced that the bus would break down on the way to where I was taking it that I actually got a hotel room near the exam site, which turned out to be an excellent plan. )
Words of advice: go drinking after the exam, not before, and don't spend your lunch hour or the evening between the two days of exam talking about "was that a contracts question or a conflict of laws question?" You'll just drive yourself nuts.
Bombay Sapphire and Tonic, please.
Came back the other day from Seattle --did I tell you? I'm probably moving next year. Had a blast. Didn't have a computer the whole time, neglected to watch PR, instead, was looking out at Puget Sound.
But it's good to be back. I'm off to fix dinner now so I can watch PR later on.
Well hello there. tossing off wrap, tossing off jacket, tossing off second wrap to reveal a white poufy marshmellowey blouse.
Glass of red please.
only a half an hour before they show the new episode.
I must start getting on my laptop so I can multitask while watching
I'm still at work too, and the A/C's off, and it's HOT. Make mine a Lillet, please, on the rocks with a slice of orange.
Now: who's it going to be this week? Blayne or Stella? One of the has to go. Nothing else matters to me at this point. Except I want lots and lots of lingering shots of Leanne concentrating with her glasses on.
Damn. I missed the opening of the lounge today! You guys must have some fantastic radar...I deal with the public, and about the time you opened up, I was getting screamed at by a pretentious sort who figured the best decision he could make today was to wear a black dress shirt, black slacks, sunglasses, and a bright yellow Spongebob Squarepants necktie.
Yeah. Good times, that.
So...(bellies up to the bar) Johnnie Walker blue label, neat. Leave the bottle, please.
Love the lounge - I'll have Champagne.
I ordered Jay's checkerboard coat in
berry. Maybe a kir royale to go with the berry.
Congrats on your blog - I've recommended it
to other PR fans.
Jane from Boston
I'm fine for drinks, two glasses of pinot grigio and I'm giggly and stumbling already.
usmcsgtftl said... a black dress shirt, black slacks, sunglasses, and a bright yellow Spongebob Squarepants necktie
I gagged a little when I read about that tie. I feel for you; I work with teenagers and they often make me gag.
I can't wait to see what Cheroin comes up with this week!
I'm having Zima. Yes, really. I don't care what anyone says, I love it. And I'll need lots of them to put up with Tanlicious.
anonymous 8:11 -
You are far braver than I. I order white wine when I'm wearing white!
Suede! Shot!
I'm in a "70's Happy Hour" mood, so I'll have a pitcher of Screwdrivers!! And a shot whenever Tim says "I'm troubled" !!
Auntie L.
How about they let the models choose at some point?
Take a shot, he just called himself Suede.
Do we drink at "darthlicious?"
If so, pour me another margarita, por favor!
Too many Suedes!! I can't keep up...
(sliding under the table)
Aw, Suede's really sad. Bartender, give me a double.
He just used the word "I" when referring to himself! Good job, Suede.
What does Tim see in Suede's design?
I need another drink...
I missed the first 10 minutes of the show. Would someone mind telling me what the challenge is? Much thanks!
omg steeeeeeella! stop! you're killing me.
I'm going over to the bar to invent the Tim Gunn cocktail. Something silvery. I'll make it work.
K What's the deal with Stella's eyelashes?
Re: the drinking game
If Suede keeps this third person crap up, Spiral Jacobs going to be drunk before this show is halfway over.
cocktail dress for their client: their model. twist: models bought the materials(!) which are supposed to be 'green'
Blayne's one to talk about a leatherface!
Keith making Daniel's bed = bromance?
"My husband's leather. My kids came out of me...leather." Do I like Blayne now? I think I do!
I want some girlicious leather
I completely agree Vindaloo.
Does it seem like the producers are trying *too* hard this season to make characters already?? Or are the designers doing it themselves?
I want some girlicious leather
kwb- My money's on the designers trying a little too hard to be characters.
oh gawd - MORE vodka tonic PLEASE!
Wesley in his calvins. Cute =)
Keith's rats tail braid thing - not cute.
I love it "team ugly brown fabric" however, I missed the gay jurassic park comment...did they edit that out?
Drapey McDraperson: That pretty much confirms that Kenley reads this blog.
Leigh is so sick of suede leigh wishes he would go home so leigh doesnt have to hear him refer to himself in third person!
BUT - the Leather Smack Talk was HILARIOUS!!
hahahahha See - when Blayne is himself MORE, versus the stupid Licious-Tan-Boy.....he's funny =)
Suede and Keith both have a little curly thing at the back of their heads. Please tell me tails aren't back in! Worst 80's hair trend evar.
Leigh - let me buy YOU a drink honey!!
well said.
"Please tell me tails aren't back in! Worst 80's hair trend evar."
Ummmm.... mullets??
well thank you!
ohhh natalie portman!
I thought it was gonna be mk olsen
Silver Gunn Cocktail:
3 oz Hpnotiq Liqueur
3 oz Red Bull
1 oz Bacardi 151 Rum
In a shaker, mix equal amounts of Hpnotiq and Red Bull with ice. Empty contents into a highball glass. Fill a shot glass with Bacardi 151 and light it up. Take the shot, drop the shot in the glass with the mixture, and shoot the whole thing.
The designers are also going too far with the big puffy neck thing
WHAT????!!! Terri DIDNT WIN???? Noooooooooooooo.........
these runway shows go too fast early on... but suedes is so gross! haha
he spent too much time refering to himself in the 3rd person!
that cocktail sounds good!
Carol - I agree. I thought Terri had this won!
BTW - what the fug is Wesley wearing on his feet?
Interesting contest; I think we're seeing a truer view of the contestants. There is also a lot of ugly brown satin being hurled down the runway tonight...
Whaa??!! Why aren't they saying Stella's dress looks like it belongs on the corner of the wrong side of the tracks? Am I just completely out of it?
Kenley's was nice but Terri's was so much better....
OH SNAP - Wesley is getting his ass handed to him. And not in a good way.
I am NOT loving Stella's dress. The lace is ok. The judges are on crack. But agree with Nina - compared to Garbage Bag Dress, it is better. But that's not saying much....
Oh I am afraid for Korto.....cuz those DO look like fins.....
Oh lordy - they LOVE Suede's dress???? It's a STRAW BASKET with a TUTU!!! HATE!!!! Hate.
Leanne shoulda listened to Tim. Those pockets make it look like she's fiddling with stuff in her Area. And WHAT is that thing slapped on the side of her head.
STILL can't believe they liked Suede's dress.....
I think Kenley should win. And Korto is probably going home.....or Leanne......the assasin....
I can't believe that Terri didn't win!! But, I must admit - I do like Suede's...
Auntie L.
How dumb is Leeann's model? If Leeann gets auf'd, no one is going to pick her after what she said.
I agree, Terri had the best design.
If I were playing the "take a drink every time Suede says 'Suede'" I'd be in the emergency room having my stomach pumped.
However, I really loved his dress - who'da thunk? But it was balanced, innovative and becoming on his model.
The three bottom designers are all reaching for the tissues -- have we ever seen the potential Auf'ees anticipatorialy weeping?
All the best,
ok - I officially BELIEVE Judges are on crack and so is Natalie Portman (MUCH as I love her!)
Terri shoulda won!
BUT since she isn't even in the top ranks....then Kenley should win. If Suede wins.....I'm NOT Watching anymore!
NO! I take that back....!! I mean.....ugh. SO TORN....
I need more vodka pleeeeaaasseee!!
(I didn't see Wesley's dress.....was too busy being disgusted by his dress......HE may go home.....)
My vote is for Leanne or Korto to go home....
So Nina doesn't like Wes' short, shiny and tight, but then likes Stella's short, shiny and tight? Color me confused.
UM, do they not know which percentage is higher? 47 is higher than 37. Are they even trying this season?
Grr. I can't watch right now, but I'll be all up on this shit later tonight. Why must I miss out?!
I think they just circled the wrong answer on the survey answer.
And BTW, that Top Design host India Hicks: If I'm not mistaken, she was one of Princess Diana's bridesmaids.
Suede f***in' rocked it! In the third person! AGAIN!
Indeed she was -
Oops - one of the early favorites is going home; and it's a shocker!
This time difference-thing sucks tootie!
Hope some of you are still beside the table, as opposed under or on top of it, when we west-coasters get to behold the suede-liciousnes of it all.
Pace yourselves!
was Wesley wearing red crocs on the runway?? he is too cute though!
The teasers for each new episode this season are EPIC, by the way. Consistently juicy.
Go angry Tim! Love seeing him like that in the previews. :)
Worst episode ever.
Did ole girl just say eXpescially?
He flipped us off!
please screenshot that TLO.
Tim Webster's Unabridged Gunn actually used the phrase 'hot mess'.
Is he going through menopause?
I am major PO'd at the editing. Where was the 'gay Jurassic Park' comment from Tim? Did I miss it pouring a G&T?
WHAT? WHAT?? WHAT???!!!!!!!
Ok, last comment, I meant - I didn't see Wesley's SHOES. Not his dress. BUT HE'S GOING HOME....WHAT?????!!!! His dress DID suck but Leanne's SUCKED MORE!!!
I can not believe Suede won. Am appalled. Appalled.
(and I did finally see Wesley's shoes, they were fug. Poor Wes. Bye cutie.)
I really need a shot or FIVE right now. I can not believe Suede won. I can not believe Bluefly is gonna make THAT dress. I know it had a lot of work go into it and props for that - but it was such an ugly styling. Hate hate hate.
worst judging EVER
Korto would have had a better time with the judges if she'd worked those inside-out seams and had leaned them down.
Stella's wasn't as tight as Wesley's; it presented a smoother silhouette and did reflect her vision. A considerable comeback for her. But, boy, she sure looks biker/goth/severe.
Wow. Lots of waterworks!
Suede's dress is going to be rather costly for BlueFly to produce....
Wesley was the correct choice for Auf'ing. Lots of bad decisions there, but Leeanne wasn't far behind. She looks sort of Mennonite....
Good show, TLo Loyalists!
All the best,
Three Words, people. Say 'me with me:
Love you, Nina. Now, get a real job!
"A dress that is tight, shiny and short is the quickest way to look cheap."
Fraulein said it and Fraulein KNOWS.
(umm kortos inside out sh*t???)
Wesley Nault is a phenomenal talent, whose time got cut wayyyy too short.
They should have never let models pick fabric, or at least regulated them enough to not have 3 models pick the same ugly fabric.
i am so mad/sad/confused...
Everyone, watch out for Wesley Nault, he is amazing, you will see.
okay, still wasn't crazy about Suede's. Worked hard though. That certainly showed. But winner? No.
Oh man, it is wicked hard to type with this much vodka in me...
Loved Kenley's. I want to look like Kenley. I love that 40's look. Could I muster up the nerve to dress like that in soccer-mom-suburbanville?
Whoever is in charge of the Bravo Surveys is clearly drinking on the job cuz hello?? 47 = HIGHER than 37.
Bravo must have sent out a memo to their people "Bravo management couldn't be arsed even making an effort this season. And neither should you."
Gothamtomato - you are my IDOL. I LOVE that you knew who was Princess Di's bridesmaid. Well done!
Sorry, Fraulein. I stand corrected.
Must have left the room for another glass of wine and didn't say who said it.
Gotham Tomato is wondering how much Blue Fly is going to have to charge for Suede's labor intensive dress which, BTW, Gotham Tomato would have worn back in her 20's.
Is Kevin a crip or a blood? Or did his botox go bad?
Cheroin/Stella: Love huh!
Suicide Girl: Love huh too!
Bland actually had some personality this week, less 'liscious is good...
So sorry to see Wesley go, but truly she had it coming after that trannie mess he sent down the runway. Big feet I noticed too... Mmmmmm.
Less weeping, bitches. Man up!!! This is FASHION!
thenycourier = PRW Comic Book Guy
j.davila, the tails are a form of mullet, a very skinny, twisty, lame form. And I have seen some lesbians rock the mullet. No one rocks the tail.
I thought for sure Kenley had it in the bag because her look was easier for Bluefly to reproduce. But Natalie P. and Heidi carried the day by swooning over Naugahyde's outfit.
Vindaloo - go on girl!!! you can do it!! get your 40s on!
I hope you boys will post a freeze frame of Heidi's face after Nina said, 'Shiny, tight and short is the quickest way to look cheap.'
I believe that Shiny, Tight and Short is what Heidi named her children.
Nooooooo, not Wesley.
Auntie Mame had it right...never buy your boy that first pair of long pants.
I'll miss ya, Wes!
Nina's Shiny Short Tight comment is pricelss =) hahaha I love that woman =)
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