Got a little note from Jaysus reminding us that he's on QVC tomorrow night (along with Chloe Dao):
"my tentative scheduled time is 10pm but you could tell your
audience to tune in between 9 pm and 11pm.
they can also log onto qvc to
order around the same time, 9ish.
the line will feature a checkerboard
topper coat, like the one shown in the documentary film "eleven minutes".
that is available in a grey version and a berry version."

"there is a striped cowl neck sweater with pockets available in a grey/black version, a berry version, and a teal version. there is a circle pattern quilted ski vest available in a fuchsia with a turquoise lining and a turquoise with
black lining. there is a silk blend scoop neck 3/4 sleeve sweater with
ombred bangles and beads available in a winter white version, a fuchsia
version, and a turquoise version. a colorful circle print silk tunic, and
a pair of stretch sateen trousers with a double front pocket detail
available in black and burgundy.
can you please mention that these items are available, as with all qvc
items, in xs through 3x. thanks!
all my best!
xox. j"
WOULD IT KILL ANY OF THESE BITCHES TO THROW US A BONE AND DO A LITTLE MENSWEAR? We're so jealous of you bitches. Get your credit cards ready!
08:00 - 12:00 AM ET Get a sneak peek at the latest designer fashions for Fall, 2008 during Our Fall Fashion Designer Gallery. Tune in at 8pm ET for 4 hours of all brand-new styles from some of fashion’s most esteemed designers, including Bradley Bayou, George Simonton, Chloe Dao, Dennis Basso, Jay McCarroll and more as they share the collections they’ve created especially for QVC. Plus, we’ll present a special collection of brand-new Signature Selection items - designs that epitomize the signature style of these popular designers. And you’ll make no payments and accrue no finance charges until November, 2008 when you shop with your QCard®. Some restrictions apply. Only QVC can bring you the new fall collections of so many of today’s hottest designers during our Fall Fashion Designer Gallery."
Fashion Designer Gallery [QVC]
[Photos: Trawtopia/NY Magazine]
lol. Why does his hair look like christians?
Looks more Mondrian than checkerboard to me, but it's his line, he can call it whatever he wants.
When do the rest of us get to see Eleven Minutes? Will there be a DVD or a wider release or a showing on Bravo or what?
I was in Canada during Lauras sale and got totally screwed out of the LBD
Seriously! Just one lousy men's t-shirt or a sweater, c'mon!
Although I have to say I love that jacket so much i'll probably end up buying it...all my support to Jay!
Oh, macasism, I went to the Eleven Minutes screening in NY and there was a Q&A with the directors...they said they're rying to get it into theaters, but if that doesn't pan out it will still definitely be available on DVD. Just give it some time.
Good luck to Jay & Chloe!
thenycourier, ENVY! Thanks for the info. I'm sure TLo will let us know when it comes out.
Jay is still my fav PR designer.
I love that checkerboard coat. Love it.
PhantomMinuet said...
I love that checkerboard coat. Love it.
Me too. It' s gorgeous. I'm definitely buying something tomorrow. Yay! It'll be my first Jay McCarroll.
I finally watched season one on DVD and Jay is by far one of the most talented designers I've seen on this show. Good luck tomorrow, Jay!
The checkerboard coat is gorgeous. Wish I had the money to buy one *sigh*
For someone who dislikes Christian, Jay sure likes Christian's hair...
Killer! I love the coat.
astrid said...
For someone who dislikes Christian, Jay sure likes Christian's hair...
3:10 PM
Oh, please, Jay has had this kind of hair LONG before Christian was sashaying his tiny ass on PR. Can we focus here on what really matters? Jay's clothes?
Hey now, I love Jay's clothes! And I'm not the only one who has pointed out the hair similarity.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks Jay's hair has gone all Princess on us.
And yes, why hasn't anyone tackled menswear?
LOL @ Jay having Christians hair
Joan said...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks Jay's hair has gone all Princess on us.
And yes, why hasn't anyone tackled menswear?
Jay got that haircut right after Season 1. He wanted to change his image, have a more professional look, just watch Project Jay. I don't think Christian had even been born yet.
That's an old picture taken in 2006. This is what his hair looks like now.
Awesome, I'm very excited for Jay! By the way, his documentary is incredible! I highly recommend it.
I caught Jay at the Philly showing of eleven minutes last week. Jay took questions at the end of the film and he mentioned the QVC gig. I hope his sales numbers are huge!
Jay is even zanier in person than on TV (if you can believe it.) The end of 11 minutes is really sad and it amazes me that Jay just soldiers on after such a huge buildup and an even greater disappointment. I hope everyone on this list gets a chance to see the film.
And BTW, Jay was wearing a bandanna on his head, so I have no idea what the hairdo currently looks like.
Hey TLo, Do you guys know if Laura will be on QVC again with more of her stuff, and more little black dresses?
Can you find out, I've been waiting since April.
Good luck to Jay. His stuff sounds interesting.
Last spring I attended Jay's premiere for "Eleven Minutes" in Philly and saw a woman wearing his coat, and let me tell you, it's abfab and gorg! To die for, ladies. Definitely an eye-catcher and you'll standout in any crowd wearing it. Can't wait for tomorrow night!
And I've said it before, but Jay is so much cuter, sweeter (& way taller!) in person. The pics do him no justice
- edina -
Any idea how much is stuff will go for? For example, that checkerboard jacket?
I love that coat; it's so mod! Unfortunately I'm about 40 years past my time for wearing mod anything. (Rends clothing and tears out hair).
It's pretty funny that people are thinking that Jay copied his hairstyle from Christian.
If Jay got the hairstyle from Christian, then Christian got the hairstyle from Barnabas Collins. (And if I was Bill, I'd know how to put a hotlink right here, with a picture).
anon said
"Why does his hair look like christians?"
What I love about Jay is he is a true original. Jay has been rocking this look for a long while. But, ahem back to the clothes and to that GORGEOUS checkerboard coat which is to die for. Go Jay!!
Here you go, Gothamtomato!
Barnabas Collins
LOVE the coat!!
go Jay!!
Sounds great! I'll be watching it tomorrow and hopefully will find something to buy for me.
That coat is super chic as MK would say. Bad timing for me as I'm going on vacation tomorrow but I hope he sells out (as in all merchandise sold). He deserves to make some money in this business.
And I still think Harvey owes him $100,000.
Gidget Bananas said...
I love that coat; it's so mod! Unfortunately I'm about 40 years past my time for wearing mod anything. (Rends clothing and tears out hair).
Don't sell yourself short. I could see that coat on anyone from the late teens into the seventies (of course you would want to wear pants or a longer skirt under it).
I can't wait to see the rest of his line.
I also think Jay's aesthetic is particularly suited to men's wear. In fact didn't he show some men's wear at one point?
TheNYCourier said...
Seriously! Just one lousy men's t-shirt or a sweater, c'mon!
Courier, Jay does have a couple of men's T-shirts on his website. There is a link to it on Rungay's main page.
That coat! I must have that coat!
Jay will always be my favorite -- a homeboy with genuine, undeniable talent. Glad to see him looking so good right now too. Rock on Jay. I will so be buying that coat.
Love that checkerboard coat!
I. Am buying. That. COAT!!!!!!!
omg- thank the gods at QVC for allowing us chubby girls access to chic-ness.
OK, someone is "going to get stabbed" if my sister doesn't get one of those coats. I'm just sayin'.
YAY! Jay tonight on QVC!!! I can't wait!!!
The coat is to die for. I hope I can afford one.
Jay, I love you!!!
Whoo-hoo! AFter 5 seasons of PR (4 years already?), I finally got my Jay McCarroll. THough I gasped over the coat, I had to go practical and went with the washer sweater (SO JAY) and the circle print silk tunic. I haven't been this excited about clothes in a *long* time! I hope you guys will be able to give us a follow-up--I'll be in bed by the time jay is supposed to be on the air!
I was more than ready to buy that coat tonight but the colors available do not do the coat justice. It is MUCH cuter in the modeled version you showed. I am quite disappointed. :(
Ick, I've been watching since 9 and all I've seen is a bunch of crap for the cast of Dynasty to wear at the retirement home! Bob Mackie sucks! I want Jay and Chloe!
I actually caught a bit of Chloe's pieces this evening on QVC and was just thrilled!! She had some darling pieces and it seemed like every one of them sold out. Thanks for the heads up!
Major PRG fan here and constant lurker....had to post. Just watched Jay on QVC, thought his collection was great, signature Jay and so stylish and comfy. I thought he was relaxed and fun to watch as always! Just wish he had that vest in a similar style for men!! Best of luck with the collection, Jay! Your Field of View fans still love you!!
dammit, they didn't have the white/green combo.
I bought the "berry" one, and the vest in blue.
Was disapointed not to find the one pictured here online.
But, found the berry combo as well as the black and white.
I really like berry...but it seemed like a lot.
So I ordered the black and white.
We shall see!
I loved the pieces!! Congratulations, Jay!
Kanani said...
I really like berry...but it seemed like a lot.
So I ordered the black and white.
We shall see!
I ordered the black and white one too. I can't wait to see it.
I caught Jay's gig on QVC last night. The pieces were great and I hope his sales were huge. The trim on the 'washer' top was very clever; leave it to Jay to make the connection between hardware and couture.
I was disappointed that the yappy host barely let him get a word in edgewise. Hello; if anyone from QVC reads this, what is the point of having the designer as a guest if the host is going to talk over him? I realize that it's not a talk show interview, but please let him say more than two words before you cut him off. The QVC host was borderline rude IMHO.
I had to tune out 1/2 way through (already way past my bedtime) and agree with stubenville--the poor host just kept pestering and talking over Jay. Did he get to talk to anyone on the phone? At one point the host said something and Jay said, "Oh are we going to talk to someone?" and seemed SOOO excited. Unfortunately, the host didn't go to someone on the phone then and was like, "Oh, later."
We love you, Jay! And I'm so glad that it looks like everything sold well! (at least the coats sold like hotcakes--most were sold out by the time the segment ended).
What was with the styling on the Berry combo?
The lady looked like she belonged in Bob Mackie --not Jay McCarroll. Didn't get QVC's lack of styling AT ALL. Really detracted from the overall look, although maybe QVC does border on WALMART all too often.
I would never ever have made a purchase from QVC were it not for this site. TLo should get a serious cut of the financial action.
But I don't know about "selling like hotcakes" - looks to me like there's plenty left of everything, even the next morning.
you have to get Todd (Verow) and Jay in the same room or same street walking toward each other. Their language would uncurl your you know whats... there has been witnesses...
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