My goodness, kittens! There are SO MANY DRESSES! Stick with us, we're gonna get to them all.
Terri's sweet, isn't she? Lorenzo thinks she looks like Donna Summer, but that's probably just the gay in him - and we don't mean Tom.
The looks in her portfolio were simple, but chic. To be honest, we hadn't really considered her a contender and we were prepared to be bored by her work.
Then she picked those mop heads and we were prepared to be appalled. We were sure she was going to produce a trainwreck.
Well, we're not too proud to admit...
Model: Xaviera
We were dead wrong on all counts.
We have to give her major credit on this one. Who looks at mop heads and thinks "sweater?" She had to have known what she wanted to do immediately because she got right to work as soon as she hit the workroom. No "Oh, why did I pick mop heads? What am I gonna do?" drama. Girl just sat down and started braiding.
That is a chic and creative top. We both love it. It's worth pointing out that it doesn't look sloppy or bulky. She knew exactly what she was doing. We love the way it separates and comes back together.
The only reason this was ignored by the judges is that she blew her wad on that top. The skirt was an afterthought and it looks like it.
Granted, a simple skirt was what was needed for that top, but she looks like she just stapled a tablecloth around her waist.
Where would hipster chicks be without Bettie Page? How would they know where to put the flowers in their hair?
Cute. Nothing earth-shattering, which seems to be par for the course with these portfolios.
Model: Shannone
On the other hand, we LOVED this. But before we go any further...
Shannone = LOVE. She is FABULOUS and we're ready to declare her our S5 DIVA right now.
Anyway, the dress:
Great use of the lawn chairs. She made that shit look like expensive fabric and she arranged the pattern for maximum impact.
It's really the skirt that makes the look here. We just love the geometric, asymmetrical aspects of it. the way it creates a new shape but still flatters the wearer. We give her points for making the bust out of a dodgeball too, but we barely notice that. It's all skirt here.
More pics:

[Photos: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Projectrungay.blogspot.com]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of projectrunway.com]
I do love the way Terri made the mop heads look like a cable knit. Kudos for that. And I think the skirt would have worked if the tablecloth fabric had cooperated. She actually had the same sort of problem that Cheroin had, but she didn't whine about it.
As for Kenley; I think this look could easily have been a top 3 contender. She used the same lawnchair fabric as Jerrel, but hers works so much better. And having been traumatized by the dodgeball in elementary school, it takes a lot for me to love one. But she managed to make me love this use of one (maybe, partly, because it won't be launched at me from across the asphalt).
As for the Bettie Page hairdoo; many, many moons ago, I tried the same thing - cut my hair into the short Bettie Bangs. I looked like a mental patient.
Not a look for everyone.
Three of the people who will make this season interesting. Let's just hope there's no OHMYGOD moment that sends them packing in the early going.
And your comment about your new favorite model - good eye. It always surprises me that's there's not more model-swapping. Don't the designers see how incredible one girl is over another? Or are they just afraid to go with a (slightly) unknown quantity? Just wondering...
Well, I don't necessarily see mopheads and think "sweater," but plenty of times I've seen sweaters and thought, "mopheads!" Does that count?
Kenly's screen type says she used tablecloth.... I don't see it. I only see lawn chair and rubber ball. It was cute, but the skirt was a bit odd, in a good way.
The mop heads were GENIUS. Don't care that the skirt sucked. THey should have at least let us hear a blurb or two from the judges banter. That is the problem when there are so many contestants.
I am so thankful that you can slow it down for us Tlo, and we can actually see the looks!
Isn't Sharone the model that Keith fed? Yeah, she's fab, but she may be too HM.
As for the clothes, I liked both of these. Especially the mop top. Genius!
Loooved Terri's mop-crame halter top. Wish they'd focused more on her handwork in the workroom rahter than Stella's meltdown. I have the feeling our girl Terri's going pretty far in the competition because of the minimal camera time she was given. Can't wait to see what else is up her sleeves.
Kenley's dodgeball bustier and origami-inspired skirt are fabulous! She and her model, Shannone, make a great team. Shannone reminds me of those amazing models from the 70's like Beverly Johnson. I want those cheekbones! and that body!
- edina -
nothing like a prgay one liner ("the gay in Lorenzo, not Tom") to have me getting states in the dentists office waiting room because I am snorting like a frggin hyena
Shannone made that look. She is definitely fabulous! The skirt was good, the top not so much. Killer mop top, though!
Anonymous said...
Kenly's screen type says she used tablecloth.... I don't see it.
She used it to create the waistband.
i love our new betty page. hope she is around for awhile. now we have donna summer! lol you boys are the best.
i loved both of their desgins.
Terri has me intrigued, definitely. Embrace the mopheads! And I like the striped dress in her portfolio.
Kenley's portfolio doesn't do it for me, but her lawn chair dress coulda been a contender. This is the sort of thing that hooked me on PR in the first place: seeing someone with the creativity and skill to take something as ridiculous as a lawn chair and turn it into a chic-looking outfit. And don't underestimate the dodge ball bustier: transforming seemingly-impossible materials into something wearable is what this challenge is about.
I thought the macrame top was cute and rather innovative. When she was pulling them from the rack in the store, I wondered what she was going to do with them. My only wish is that she'd continued the theme with a skirt (perhaps dying the mop heads a different color).
Kenley might surprise us all quite soon.
When I saw that mop top come down the runway I looked at my mom and said "I want that top"...maybe a little longer(no need to show tummy)...but that is something I
would wear in a heartbeat!
I'm loving Terri's top - it's inspired. I wish she had spent more than 37 seconds on the skirt, however.
Gotta disagree with you guys on Kenley; I thought the shape of the skirt was a mess, especially since Jerell did so much better with the same material IMHO. I have to give the girl credit for not overworking the trims, though.
So TLo, enough of the normal ones, your kitties want another whack job to get their claws into... paper towels or doggie waste bags perhaps?
absolutely agree - I was disappointed that Teri didn't much more attention for her top cuz it was awesome and very lovely. The skirt, yes, tragic.
Kenley - I honestly don't remember and again when I saw it coming down the runway, I thought cool skirt! But then all the attention was directed at the usual suspects.
I like these 2 - hope they go far.
Terri's top was beautiful. Who would've thought that mop heads could be so stylish? Kenley's skirt is to. die. for.
They were both great looks. I was really impressed with Terri's creation.
you think the braided mop top isn't sloppy or messy? it's totally messy! blegh.
" herdgirl72 said...
When I saw that mop top come down the runway I looked at my mom and said "I want that top"...maybe a little longer(no need to show tummy)...but that is something I
would wear in a heartbeat!"
Ha! My daughter turned to me and said "mom, can I make one too?"
"Anonymous said...
you think the braided mop top isn't sloppy or messy? it's totally messy! blegh."
Considering the time they had to execute these garments, I don't think so.
I disagree about Kenley. I thought the skirt made the model (who is fab, BTW) look hippy when her hands were off her hips. Also, while inspired, that top is too heavy & looks very uncomfortable.
Terri, on the other hand was totally inspired! I love her and hope she sticks around a looonnng time!
Is there a shot of the back of Terri's mop head sweater?
I think you are right on all counts on these two. They definitely are focused and imaginative, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of their work.
i just don't get Kenley's skirt. it isn't the worst thing on the runway by far (Girlicious, anyone?), but something about it looks awkward to me.
Terri's mop-top is amazing. AMAZING. I felt bad for her that she got sooo little time on the judging table, because she really did what the essence of the challenge was all about: take an unconventional material, and make it look amazing.
Chris March designs for Walmart
Dear god, boys, don't give me a heart attack!
The article actually says, "Wal-Mart, one of the event's sponsors, stayed relatively under the radar at the fashion show, which included looks by other designers, including Chris March . . ." It doesn't say he's designing for them. (Though I must say a design mash of Chris March and Hannah Montana would be, hmmm, interesting? unique? unusual? frightening?)
Fashion on the Square is more than just Wal-Mart!
I agree about Terri being one to watch. I like her, and think she'll have some interesting pieces this season. But the skirt totally was an afterthought, which is why she wasn't T3.
Kenley got robbed. The skirt was fabulous, and the dodge ball bustier was fun. I don't care if Korto used all that 'detailing' and used produce. It was a tent, and it was constuction-worker yellow. Where is someone going to wear that caftan? Kenley should have been in that spot.
I am prepared to like Terri after that first episode. and I would like to like Kenley after that skirt, but I'm having a hard time reconciling her indifference to her model's illness (or whatever) that we saw in the bonus clip. I'll chalk it up to stress this time, but if it happens again, I will be very miffed.
Lilithcat said...
Chris March designs for Walmart
Dear god, boys, don't give me a heart attack!
The article actually says, "Wal-Mart, one of the event's sponsors, stayed relatively under the radar at the fashion show, which included looks by other designers, including Chris March . . ." It doesn't say he's designing for them. (Though I must say a design mash of Chris March and Hannah Montana would be, hmmm, interesting? unique? unusual? frightening?)
Fashion on the Square is more than just Wal-Mart!
Fixing it : )
I thought Terri was heading in a really creative direction when she got the mop heads. I think if she had kept the top the same and just made it a little longer (like a micro mini) and eliminated the tablecloth altogether, she could have be top 3 or even won. The tablecloth skirt almost ruins it, both she and Wesley should have faced the thin tablecloth with muslin and their designs would have hung better. Also this model has the narrowest hips I have ever seen.
I love Kenley's skirt. The top is okay, I thought she was going to use a marbled bouncy ball. I think she used the same red tablecloth as Terri for the waistband of the bustier top.
Terri's moptop was beautiful, but the skirt was a total afterthought.
As for Kenley... the lawnchair skirt had great sturcture and visual interest, but was disconnected from the top, and how the heck would you sit down in the thing?
The judges got it right; as complete looks, these were middle of the road.
I loved Kenley's, too, and think she got short shrift fr the judges. She really transcended her materials, which is what the challenge is really about. Kudos also to Terri -- you could tell she was ready for this challenge, unlike almost everyone else! I also agree that the lack of screen time probably indicates that these two will go far in the competition. Re: Shannone, it's pretty amazing that she was able to work the runway like she did after nearly fainting in the workroom!
SS said, "I think if she had kept the top the same and just made it a little longer (like a micro mini) and eliminated the tablecloth altogether, she could have be top 3 or even won."
Ooh, great idea, Sewing Siren. Never would have thought of that (but, then, buttons and hems are about as far as I go).
Thanks for noticing a model, TLo. I want some model drama this season!
I just can't tell these 20-something white brunettes apart, yet.
I also thought Terri's model was beautiful.
None of the Season 4 models are sticking out for me, but if I had been competing in S3, I would have handcuffed Nazri or Camilla to my wrist.
We're aware that another site out there posted a screencap of the PR wikipedia page, which supposedly gives away the winners and losers of the first five challenges this season.
We talked it over and we decided we don't want to link to it. Please don't link to it here and please refrain from commenting about it. It will ruin the viewing experience of many of our readers.
I was impressed by Terri's top as well. With Kenley's, at first I thought the red and blue were incongruous. When I saw the styling of the model though-- Gorge! Loved the red shoes and lipstick. Tied it all together.
Terri's stripped dress reminds me of my beloved pair of sequined Gucci jeans Mr. P bought me for my last B-day. Gorgeous! I wonder if Terri had extended the mop top to make a dress would it have had the same impact? Though I doubt she would've had the time. The skirt, otoh, had no interest whatsoever.
Kenley's skirt was so architectural it really made me sit up & take notice. Given her book doesn't move me much, that skirt she created still makes me look forward to see what else she has in her bag of tricks.
These ladies are definitely contenders!
gothamtomato said...
As for the Bettie Page hairdoo; many, many moons ago, I tried the same thing - cut my hair into the short Bettie Bangs. I looked like a mental patient.
Not a look for everyone.
GT, darling, you just said a cotton pickin' mouth full!
Shannone is GORGEOUS!!!!
I love Terri's top but I thought Kenley's skirt was out of this world. Very creative and great use of the materials.
Terry is so sweet. I love her : )
"Joan said...
I thought the macrame top was cute and rather innovative. When she was pulling them from the rack in the store, I wondered what she was going to do with them."
I was like, oh no, what are you going to do with mop heads?' and she did a fantastic job.
I would work the shit out of that skirt sashaying through the streets of my little town. It's beautiful!
I love Kenley's design. It's very chic. So far, Shannone is my favorite.
Terri is a risk-tasker. I love that!
The great thing about your screencaps is they invite closer scrutiny of garments that flashed by. My initial response to the runway was a guarded ICK; looking at the pieces more carefully makes me think it might be a very interesting PR after all. Thanks, sweeties!
I have a feeling Terri made macrame plant holders in the past.
Anyhoo... very creative and unexpected. Most would have used it as some kind of fringe. I think the judges will have to sit up and take notice of her.
I thought Terri's woven mop head top was the coolest out of all of them.
I hated Terri's portfolio but her design kicked ass. I loved Terri's mophead top.
"Anonymous said...
Kenly's screen type says she used tablecloth.... I don't see it.
She used it to create the waistband.
I thought that she used the red tablecloth to construct the bustier and that only the cups were made from the dodgeball. Was I wrong? If so, what did she use to make the rest of the bustier? Anyone know? Love that skirt.
Kenley's bangs are so cute, I love her Bettie Page look.
"Embeedubya said...
Three of the people who will make this season interesting. Let's just hope there's no OHMYGOD moment that sends them packing in the early going. "
Amen, sister! They need to send Cheroine, Blayne de Soleil and Vinyl home first.
"I have a feeling Terri made macrame plant holders in the past.
I have a feeling she's a knitter. ;-)
Kenley is fierce! Her look is so fabulously retro.
Lilithcat said...
Is there a shot of the back of Terri's mop head sweater?
We added a better shot of the back.
Hi, I'm new!
I only discovered Project Runway when I caught the last half of the wrestling challenge. And now I own all the dvd's, and I've been poring over your site. It's really amazing. I wish I'd found this show much earlier. I'm so excited to be watching it in real time!
I agree Shannon looks fabulous, but wasn't she one of the models who came tromping out with that clydesdale walk? Tia is my current fav, she really seems to have her stuff together.
I do have one tiny, tiny request. When you're less busy, would it be possible to add a common tag to all the *ology posts? I love to compare the season's output of the different finalists from the various seasons, but finding the Lauraology post from season 3 takes a whole lot of digging. But thank you for all the incredible work you put in.
Now you said that the model that Kenley used is going to be one of your favorites. but in one of the bonus videos...isn't she the one that nearly fainted? If she keeps that stunt up I'm not sure how reliable she will be...
Just a thought
Wesley, Daniel (cuz they b in lurv) and Terri for final three. And Terri wins. I love Korto though. Love the CUT TOE phonetic help- reminds me of Sade's first single sleeve...
I was just reading Tim's blog on the Bravo website and was happy to discover that he too was a fan of Kenley's outfit. I thought it was deserving of a top three finish, because of the innovative use of materials, and their transformation into a stylish and believable/wearable outfit. Frankly, I can't say the same for Korto's, which looked like a yellow tablecloth and a veggie necklace. (Yes, a nice one, but ... )
The thing about that skirt, though, is it was obviously tacked in at the last second, so it didn't flare out to expose her tootie.
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