FASHION HOUSE (working title), a creative competition program based on the British format of the same name, replicates the workings of the fashion business through a fashion house. Teams of designers will live together and work to create not just a single item of clothing but an entire, cohesive line. These collections are created on deadline and are presented to commercial buyers with the opportunity of having the designers' line mass marketed.
Now THAT'S what you do when you get dumped. No premiere date for the show has been announced yet. Needless to say, we plan on having opinions.
[Photo: Nytimes.com]
I'd watch that. I'll miss my Project Runway on Bravo, but this is tasty.
There's still going to be some Bravo fashion bitchery!
I'm going to hold my opinion until I see it, but I can already see the downside: Not having the Persimmon Princess, NINAGARCIA, and the Teutonic Titwillow.
But this seems fierce, too.
I consider NYC to be an essential component of Project Runway and I expect to suffer from serious lack of interest when it moves to LA. I'm very relieved that there will be a new show and a new reason to live - and more fodder for TLo. Auf wiedersehn, Weinstein!
Sounds better than Stylista...
oooooo! this sounds fun. Bring it on, bitches!
I LOVE it!! Now, if they could just get a fabulous host....paging Iman!!1
See ya, Harvey!!!
Auntie L.
Someone has to say it ...
Fabulous, I'm so watching it especially if you guys are blogging it.
I don't know...it seems a little too much like Big Brother crossed with Project Runway crossed with The Apprentice....
"Anonymous said...
I consider NYC to be an essential component of Project Runway and I expect to suffer from serious lack of interest when it moves to LA."
I feel the same way. When you think of fashion in the US you immediately associate that with NY and Bryant Park. I'm looking forward to this show. It's actually a very interesting concept.
Works for me.
That looks amazing. I'm sold!
Outstanding! A little competition is good for everyone, IMO.
Way to bring it, Bravo!
Oh my....according to the article, Rachel Zoe is getting her own show. I think my recorder would explode if I tried to tape it......
Anything has to be better than that SJP "art" project coming up...
Would that the fashion house
show beat PR.LA in the ratings.
We should all sign up to be Nielson families.
I don't understand the fuss about what channel a program is really on. sure, Lifetime isn't the most exciting channel, but when i tell Tivo to go fetch Runway, it doesn't care what channel it's been moved to. I don't watch the commercials or bumpers anyways, so who really cares what corporate entity whored up the money for our li'l design monkees?
besides, Runway MADE Bravo what it is today. who's to say it won't do better re-creating Lifetime in it's own image? :)
Despina said... Someone has to say it ...
Good for you, Bravo! I'll give it a shot.
If it recreates Lifetime, I'll be thankful. Lifetime saying it's a channel for women when all it does is show movies about cheating husbands and abusive domestic situations is an insult. I think I have more concerns than just getting married and ending up in a bad relationship.
Either way, I'll watch both shows and hope this new one isn't a flop.
This looks promising =)
It's the loss of the Magical Elves and their creative staff that'll be the true missing element to season six. you can't replace the entire production team and have the same show.
Hmm, I hope it's not too much like a real life mass market fashion house. Because you know they would have to pay me to watch that.
The thing I like about PR, isn't the drama, so much as watching what they come up with given wacky restraints and/or materials. In that way the show is more like school than the real garment industry. That's what is entertaining (to me).
Freakin' LOVE IT. I'll be glued to the boob tube for that one. F the Weiner Brothers.
~Another Bravo Whore~
I'd watch it esp if the 1st season had teams composed of the top 5 or 6 designers from each of the previous Runway seasons. Now THAT would be uber drama!!!
Awesome! I'll watch any show about show!
YAY! More fashion more Tlo : )
Ok, "Fashion House" sounds really cool. It would be even cooler if they could lure Tim Gunn into leaving PR/Lifetime to be on it.
Sweet! "This is the true story....of seven designers....picked to live in a house....and upstage Project Runway every step of the way." If they do this RIGHT, they will choose some faces we know and build the drama from there. Definitely worth catching!
Quote: "I don't understand the fuss about what channel a program is really on...besides, Runway MADE Bravo what it is today." I don't care if it's shown on C-SPAN, as long as it's based in New York City. And the models? It will be interesting to see how the designers adjust their creations for silicone on wannabe starlets. As for Runway making Bravo what it is today (James Lipton fans would disagree), I think that could be summed up as bitter, seriously ticked off, and out for revenge. I hope they get it.
LIke some I have reservations about this show. It could be good but it could be too much like the apprentice and big brother
For instance will we be seeing fashion output every episode?
I'm saying many of us were looking forward to Top Design and look how disappointing that was.
I also have mixed reaction to the loss of magical Elves. They are a successful company and I am none too keen on the burhnam/murray group doing PR but I have to say I have been a bit disappointed with them the last couple of seasons in the way the show was produced. Didn't hate it but less than thrilled.
Some of the edited is way too manipulated even for reality TV. Sometimes I felt they went too far in maniufacturing drama or people's reactions. I think back to Marilinda supposedly taking Jeffrey's hand when the judges were slamming him and it turned out he was taking her hand when she was feeling faint.
And just look how much people find suede and blayne annoying but the Magical Elves are the ones giving them all that camera time in the final cut.
Or worse the way they shot the final runway shows for S3 and S4. I was livid since they did not give enough time for people to see the dresses long enough to process a reaction. Perfect example is when they would do the super close-ups of jillians clothes and followed only by a one second medium shot. I felt they really screwed her in that regard.
pardon my rants
"These collections are created on deadline and are presented to commercial buyers with the opportunity of having the designers' line mass marketed."
Very interesting. This is one aspect of the industry that we don't see on Project Runway. I'm curious!
Here's more info:
"Fashion House aired for seven weeks in Fall 2003 -- more than a year before Project Runway debuted on Bravo in December 2004 -- and featured 20 young European designers that were organized into four five-person teams representing the U.K., Italy, Sweden, and France competing against each other at a "fashion house" set within Rome's Costume and Fashion Academy.
Similar to other reality talent competitions, industry experts and celebrity guests reviewed the contestants designs and shared their feedback with home viewers, who then voted for their favorites via text-messaging, telephone voting and interactive television.
Four designers survived the eliminations and made it to the finale, which featured a full-scale fashion show of the finalists' collections. The winning designer -- who received an internship with British designer Stella McCartney -- was then determined via the combination of home viewer voting and an "international jury" that attended the fashion show. Versace also manufactured one of the original outfits from the winner's collection under its Versus label, however additional editions of the show were never produced.
According Bravo, its Fashion House adaptation will follow a format similar to the European original and feature "teams of designers" living together and "replicat[ing] the workings of the fashion business through a fashion house by designing an entire, cohesive line."
Similar to Project Runway's designs, the collections will be "created on [a] deadline." However unlike Runway, the designs will be "presented to commercial buyers with the opportunity of having the designers' line mass marketed" -- which would seem to well with Bravo's move to expand into merchandising and find ways to "participate in the [financial] upside" of the post-show success of its reality contestants. "
I'm excited!!
I will definitely have to check it out!
That actually sounds like a really good idea. I'm glad Bravo is revamping their fashion reality show.
LOVE IT! I'm a buyer and I just can't wait to see this show!
This sounds promising. Suck on it, Weinstein!
Now that could be one fantastic show! Pity Tim's already booked, though.
And I would never doubt that you would have opinions. That's what we count on you for! Well, that and snark. ;-)
this sounds good but not as thrilling as watching every week to find out who gets eliminated. instead its more like watching every week to see drama.
If that means more fabulosity and bitchery on this blog, I'm definitely watching it.
OH!! I know who they need for the "mentor" position.
Fern Mallis - she would be awesome! But she's probably crazy busy. :-(
James Lipton has fans?
~ Dogbreath ~
"Lilithcat said...
OH!! I know who they need for the "mentor" position.
Fern Mallis - she would be awesome! But she's probably crazy busy. :-("
That would cool, and how about Kelly Cutrone for some drama?
" TheNYCourier said...
Sounds better than Stylista..."
I think Stylista will be a trainwreck but fun to watch.
I'm willing to give it a shot. Let's permit things, for the time being, to unfold.
I am there! Bring on the mimosa's and bitchery!
"Bravo is moving on and flipping the bird at the Weinstein Company"
In response, Weinstein is seeking product placement from the Audubon Society.
I would love it if they just brought over the British show, and didn't even make an American version. British accents are so entertaining just on their own.
"The winning designer -- who received an internship with British designer Stella McCartney -- was then determined via the combination of home viewer voting and an "international jury" that attended the fashion show."
That's a nice prize; working with Stella. From what I hear, she treats her employees well.
However I don't like the home viewer voting part. Too many tasteless idiots in the voting pool - and whichever designer appeals to teenyboppers or housewives will win, regardless of whether they have any real talent.
"GothamTomato said...
However I don't like the home viewer voting part. Too many tasteless idiots in the voting pool - and whichever designer appeals to teenyboppers or housewives will win, regardless of whether they have any real talent.
Indeed. That happened with "Make Me a Super Model." You could tell teenage girls were voting for the boy they liked and sending home the girl that bugged them most.
I'll add that to the pile of fashion shows I watch : )
Watching the Brit version could be lots of fun!
Or, teams of students just out of Parsons versus FIT versus FIDM versus RISD... etc.
Are Magical Elves producing?
Hmmmm. Gonna run & see if there's any YouTube of this show.
-- desertwind
PS - Poor Project Runway. They listened to our complaints that Season 4 designers were too established & professional -- and look what we get! A bunch of babies who can't sew.
I'm Curious about how eliminations will work. It seems that on the Brit version by the end there were four designers and four lines---but were the lines produced by that designer alone, or by that designer and all the people who had been kicked off? For a team-based format, they still seemed to have an individual winner.
You could do some interesting team things to add drama. If after each episode, each team voted off its weakest member and sent him/her to the team to their right. It'd be like the card game hearts!
Also, I want to know who's producing this for Bravo. I think the magical elves are moving on to movies, so I doubt it'd be them.
Oh, God. Good premise, bad outcome if audience-voting is a finale tally.
I don't want any of my shows to be left to the whims of the massive heavy-on-the-uncouth segment of the audience. And I know of what I speak since I'm loathe to admit being in that majority myself... .
I want my shows to be judged by industry professionals - preferably those who will snarl when needed, praise sparingly and plucked eyebrow waving when appropriate (except for the male judges, please).
Hmm. Fashion House just sounds like a mish-mash of a lot of other shows, most of which have long lost their appeal. (Indeed, the whole of Bravo's upcoming schedule is full of tired retreads. Yawn.) Still, I'll cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Oooooh, this could be fabulous!!!
Or a huge letdown like Top Design.
Remember, Liz Claiborne Inc. is trying to rebirth and reposition itself in the fashion world under Tim's watchful eye and executive mentorship. Could it be that LC will be one of the company's that gets first shot at the designs that the winning team has created? Just a thought...
I've been hoping that Bravo would air some of the international versions of PR: Project Runway Canada and Australia, and even Project Catwalk (tho that one leaves me a bit cold).
That would be one way to steal Lifetime's thunder. But I guess that would still be giving money to the Weinsteins?
Bravo! I think it's time for a change. So far this season can be short and shiny, it looks chip, no?
To me having PR located in NY was a problem in that it meant the clothes being designed were focusing on weather and temperatures that leave out at least one-third of the country.
Even the clothes designed by Baby Jillian are, many of them, too heavy to be worn in warmer climes.
Uli designing with a Florida background was casually clumped into "Resort Wear" and deemed unwearable in New York. Chloe Dao didn't have the same esthetic but consistently designed a lighter look for her Houston client base.
It's just wrong to lump these clothes into a lesser category of "Resort Wear" and not pay attention to them. And not very good marketing, either, to whack off a huge chunk of the market as being unimportant (and unfashionable), especially when that chunk involves (rich) Miami and Atlanta, (very rich) Palm Beach, (very very rich) Dallas and (filthy rich) Beverly Hills.
If Project Runway in NY had acknowledged that not everyone will wear boots and tweeds all the time and geared some of the challenges towards women who live in places where it's mostly warm, it would be one thing.
But to say that NY is the focal point of Project Runway is also to say that the women of New York (and the weather they live in) determines what the rest of us MUST wear. I think that's just wrong and I'm looking forward to seeing if designers on a show based in Los Angeles design for their audience living in sunshine 300 days a year or for Michael Kors and the tartan wool manufacturers of Scotland.
This actually seems pretty amazing. A good alternative to PR, though I'll still miss it. However, this seems more like a look into the actual business, whereas Project Runway was a little unrealistic with the "one person doing everything" philosophy.
Definitely sounds better than "Stylista." Being a huge fashion obsessive, I'll watch what happens.
- edina -
Question: what is the image from? I am really liking a lot of it, but not recognizing it from anything >.<
I'm willing to give it a shot. Could be interesting.
Much as I generally like Magical Elves' editing, the way they edited Tim's comment to Ricky ("It's stunning" which made it sound like he really, really liked the dress--instead of, "Just make sure it's stunning" which is what he SAID) makes me watch PR with an even more jaded eye. The blatant interference of the producers in the decisions of the judges was the beginning--while you suspected in season 2 (Santino), it became painfully obvious in season 3.
It will be interesting (?) to see how the producers stirring the pot works with the new production company. Could they have made Vincent look even nuttier?
Team of designers....
Hmmm....I think they should re assemble all the crazies from PR seasons past. It would be a ratings explosion! Wendy Pepper, Jay, Peanut ....all the "personalities" in one room. And who knows? They may even come up with a decent garment or 2.
"nan said:To me having PR located in NY was a problem in that it meant the clothes being designed were focusing on weather and temperatures that leave out at least one-third of the country."
What show have you been watching? (And what have you been smoking while watching it?)
This sounds very promising!
I'll give it a try especially if Tlo is blogging it. By the way, you guys need to blog "Make Me a Supermodel" it's an awesome show and the models are hot.
It's going to have to be a huge house to accommodate all these teams. Where are they going to find that in NY?
The jury is still out on whether I will ever be able to watch anything appearing on Lifetime. ugh. I am not sure and for some reason the channel really does matter.
But THIS looks like it might be quite good.
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