Kimonos and Whookers

Friday, July 18, 2008 by

We're calling it now: we think we love her. She's fabulous, talented and (so far) has a quiet, no bullshit approach to things.

Can't say much about her portfolio because they didn't show much. What's there looks fine, though.

And speaking of fine,

Model: Katrina

THIS is superfine.

Yes, she used the easiest materials to construct the dress and yes, it's a fairly basic kimono, but she demonstrated a great eye and more importantly to Nina, great taste.

The dress, while not exactly visionary, was nonetheless a strikingly beautiful look rendered in that lemon yellow. And the execution was flawless.

Compare this to Wesley's dress, which was made with the same material. While his dress was very cute, this dress was striking and memorable. Love that detail on the belt and love the layered sleeves.

Back? Also gorgeous.

What truly bumped this up to the memorable column was her use of the produce.

Contrasting that bright yellow with the rich greens and reds of the produce - and cutting the tomatoes to get more of an effect - showed a fantastic visual sense.

Plus, we love the asymmetrical arrangement of the produce for the collar. Much more visually interesting.

It's too early to make predictions, but this is such a fantastic first entry that we have to say that Korto looks like one to watch. Besides, it's so cute when Heidi tries to say her name.

And speaking of one to watch...

"If I'm the first eliminated designer I'll be the biggest jackass of the nation."

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, HONEY. It's FAR too late for THAT!

Let's just skip her portfolio and go straight to the REAL Cheroin.


Like a hooker in Whoville. A Whooker.

It's always fun to watch Tim being forced to interact with people he'd probably cross the street to avoid.

As for the "dress" (using the term as loosely as possible):

Model: Kendall

Honestly, what is there to say?

The only reason she's still there (aside from the whole "she makes good television" thing) is because her dress, while a half-assed attempt at best, did actually convey her point of view fairly well.

In other words, if she had a pile of vinyl or patent leather instead of cheap trash bags, she would have probably made the exact same dress.

Of course, Jerry doesn't agree, but why would he?

"First and foremost Stella put a garbage sack on a girl, and she whipstitched it. We gave her the nickname "The Whipstitch Garbage Bag Girl." I can't believe my fully tailored trench coat, which was beautiful with a full dress underneath it, was outshined by a trash bag. She should have gone. She gave up during the competition and during the runway show. She told the judges 'I don't really want to be here, I just put this together in five minutes, I had other people help me,' so it was kind of discouraging to hear that she didn't want to have anything to do with the show."

And that's the thing that's so annoying about her. Her "take it or leave it" attitude. Look, bitch: there are a ton of talented designers who would love this opportunity. Step up and stop whining.

And no, you can't have any crack.

More pics:

[Pictures: Bravo/Barbara Nitke - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
[Additional Pictures: Courtesy of]


TheNYCourier said...

I absolutely love Korto. I really hope she makes it to the finals.

Cheroin? Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Is that a ring of bell pepper Korto used for the belt detail? If so - brilliant!

As for the Whooker from Whoville (love you guys!), it'll be interesting to see what she does in the next episode - looks like it might be another unconventional materials/recycling challenge.

Anonymous said...

I love Korto, and I especially loved that she used a yellow bell pepper for the belt!

Mom said...

Korto intrigues but if you notice the few portfolio shots, the runway dress and the clothes she wears (presuming she made them), there's virtually no evidence of bodice construction skills. I wonder if this will be her fatal flaw. But agreed: her sense of color and composition is divine.

Stella bugs but in a really entertaining way. I just can't imagine anyone paying money for her clothes. Or even bartering with crack.

lovemesomeuli said...

Whooker from Whoville! Hee hee! That woman is definitely not right in the head . . .

Anonymous said...

Stella may have been saved by her model, and she sure got lucky there! Just like last season, these models are generally horrible - not attractive, not good walkers, they look like the producers just stood on the street and pulled in tall skinny girls. Why has the model quality sunk so low?

Anonymous said...

Korto's dress took a paper tablecloth from mundane and functional to high fashion. I think Tim's comments gave her the push/encouragement she needed to step up her game with the collar. I would love to see more of her work - the skirt on the dress with the black bodice looks like shibori -beautiful!

Re the garbage bag ensemble, could she not have taken those unfortunately thin, tacky bags and braided or woven her way out of trouble? By doubling and cutting thin strips she could have had a material that, while not beautiful, at least would have provided the makings of an interesting garment. What a piece of work (bless her heart)!

Brooklyn Bomber said...

"It's always fun to watch Tim being forced to interact with people he'd probably cross the street to avoid."

Great line!

Korto's dress was wonderful, and if not innovative, well, a most impressive use of yellow paper tablecloths. It reminded me more of the S3 use-what's-in-the-hotel challange in which, as I recall, designers were chastised for using sheets (the winning garment) and other fabrics.

As for Stella, if she really did say all that--that she didn't want to be there, etc.--it's surprising that they didn't send her home.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Sewing Siren--the dress! I'd noticed your new picture, but didn't make the connection at first. You look wonderful!

Lilithcat, happy birthday!

DolceLorenzo said...

I loved Korto's and I love her whole approach to fashion (watch her bio).
Cheroine aka Whooker (Brilliant, by the way!) is just a joke that will last longer that it should.

Anonymous said...

"If I'm the first eliminated designer I'll be the biggest jackass of the nation."

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, HONEY. It's FAR too late for THAT!"

That's EXACTLY what I said!

Trish said...

Korto is one of my favorites. She used a tablecloth but she didn't do another short, flirty dress/skirt. She did a dress that lots of us could wear not just a size 0. In the wrong hands, that dress could have been just a blinding caftan.

Anonymous said...

I liked what Korto did - out of everyone who copped out by using tablecloths, it looked like she put the most effort in to make it fashionable, and not just a tablecloth dress with stuff stuck on it. She has a great sense for color, but I just hope she keeps her design stamina up - I don't want to see her go brain dead for ideas in later challenges.

As for Cheroin - what is there left to say? The nickname says it all.

Jeanne said...

Wait. Project Runway started already? How could I have missed it? Its on Bravo? Oh well, I'll have to watch it when they re-run it a gazillion times.

Anonymous said...


Anybody know where Bill is? I miss his commentary and am dying to know what his take on things are....

aimee said...

"And no, you can't have any crack."

Oh. My. God. This is why I worship at the altar of TLo every morning. And the Whooker from Whoville!

I really liked Korto and her dress, too. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

Alex! said...

Korto was terrific. Very deserved win- she stood out head and shoulders.

As for Garbage Bag dress... I liked the fact that you could almost see the model's puberty.

I'm all for more Outfits That Would Only Work In Boobie Bars.

Or OTWOWIBBs, as my mom calls them.

(she's a computer from the eighties, and mostly speaks in acronyms. It's been hard to meet her halfway with that.))

Anonymous said...

I loved what Korto did as well --but, God Help me, I find myself just fascinated by Cheorin

I love that she bought the GENERIC brand of Trash bags and according to TIm - she also bought a red table cloth -- and didn't use it. And now I am just amazed that she had help putting her outfit together -- Like I said -- I need help because I am just drawn to trouble.

Anonymous said...

I love Korto. There is a large African immigrant population in the Metro D.C. area, and her design reminds me of some of the beautiful African dresses I've seen-flowing, vibrant colors.

As for our Whooker, my eyes are still reeling from that rear-view shot of her barreling down the aisle in Gristedes.

Anonymous said...

Well, it was a GREAT FIRST EPISODE!! There are so many contestants that intrigue me. Along with Korto (who deserves the honorable mention the most), I loved Terri's macrame (sp? Sorry, I haven't used the word since the 70's.), Joe's ovenmitts, Jerrell's paper umbrellas and even Suede's doggie bags.

The thing with Jerry is that I would have liked to see more of his work. I saw his use of black in his portfolio and salivated like a Pavlov dog. (Yes, I know it is very 80's, but Yohji is still doing it.)

Stella reminds me of Jeffrey and PR has already explored that area of design. So far she isn't as good as him. She's like a former Grand Funk Railroad groupie who grew old and had to support herself DJ'ing at an AOR radio station for the past 30 years. A cross between Angela from PR3 (she always barely made it thru the challenges too) and Nina Blackwood.
--Frances Spencer

mjude said...

agree about korto. she is one to watch.

as for our new whooker from whoville(LOL) i think she is funny. hope she stays around a bit. it will be interesting to see what she does next challenge.

CQAussie said...

Korto's dress was amazing - and I loved that she used the tomatoes cut up to be more jewel-like.

Stella annoyed me cuz she did give up and was all, oh fuck it all, I'm out. It was disappointing cuz I thought she would bring the much needed attitude factor.

Her dress was total meh.

But I take issue with Jerry cuz his "dress" or "outfit" or whatever that monstrosity was - WAS EVEN WORSE. HOW can he even say it was a full trenchcoat and dress??? It was NEITHER! It was a fucking raincoat with a TRAIN and a BLOODY HOOD! And the dress was pieces of kitchen towels stuck to the model's body and was all going wonky anyways! Oh please bugger off bitch. I think it's WORSE that Jerry thought his look was GOOD. It shows that he has no discernable taste. Hence totally deserving of the AUF!

Alex! said...

She's like a former Grand Funk Railroad groupie

I'm guessing Dio era Sabbath, personally.

Gigi said...

I love Korto! Her work has an interesting ethnic feeling that can be tacky in the wrong hands - she manages to make it look chic. Did you notice how the tomatoes sparkled like rhinestones on the runway? Brilliant!

Cheroin? If nothing else, she'll be interesting to watch.

Gorgeous Things said...

Cheroin - love it! And those legging/shorts things she was wearing? Well, in the words of Nina, I question her taste level.

Anonymous said...

I love Korto as well. Her dress looked fantastic coming down the runway.

As for Whooker....*face palm*

Anonymous said...

Cheroin's trash dress was chip in a chip way, for sure. I still think she should have gotten the auf because, frankly, that's barely a garment. There was no fitting, no patterning, no real sewing (throwing a whip stitch around the edge? puhl-eeze). It wasn't CLOTHING! At least Jerry made clothing, no matter how horrendous the outcome was. He showed that he can construct a garment. Stella showed... nothing but a crap attitude.

I pray to the Goddess of the Runway that she's not the Vincent of this season, the talentless, obnoxious hack with the NY accent and the bitchy 'tude who inexplicably lasts far into the season, beyond the point where we are all sick to death of her. Though, arguably we are already there...

But I agree about Korto-- she rocked that table cloth. With my lousy TV picture, it actually looked like fabric, so clever was her design. I hope she continues to be this good.

Anonymous said...

SPOT ON! Oh, TLo, you gave me a good laugh when I needed one. Whooker from Whoville.

I agree with bitchybitchybitchy on Korto's dress as having an African feel - I've seen stunning, elegant dresses in Kenya of the same sort of design - stylish, modest (which is a cultural norm) but definitely not boring, and a garment that clearly gives the wearer a good feeling. You walk proudly in those sorts of clothes, and Korto's dress hit all those marks.

I'm getting a sense that Season 5's challenges may be re-visits and re-works of challenges from seasons past. Don't hold me to it, but that's my take for the moment.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Korto's kimono dress should have won. Talk about a statement piece. Her model looked absolutely stunning and sublime as she came down the runway. Korto's defintitely #1 on my list of season favorites and I can't wait to see more from her. (Please don't f*** up, girl!?

As far as Cheroin aka the Whooker from Whoville is concerned, how the hell did she/it even make it past the first round of tryouts? I can only assume she fit the "female lead: visual joke" role requirement for the season (since Blayne ran away with the male lead role).

P.S. Thanks for posting the talking head shot of Cheroin. That image alone seems to sum up her entire character. Do they purposely grab the designers at their most vulnerable moments and encourage them to look their most ridiculous for these shots? (bad hair, hoodies, hats, crying, etc.)

- edina -

PhantomMinuet said...

I knew Eeyore's Biker Babe wasn't going home, because she was getting the full court press, faux-loser edit. But I wish she had. She is such a drag. And I don't mean that in the good way. :-p

Jerry's ensemble was dreadful, but it required significantly more effort to create, so I understand his anger and disgust about his offing in the first round.

She rocks.
That is all.

Anonymous said...

Jerry's "trenchcoat" was "beautiful?" Sure, the Whooker's dress was pretty terrible, but at least it showed some sort of point of view. Sour grapes.

Anonymous said...

Good to see Alex! back here - are you going to get us any comix later in the series?

Korto must be with us for a while because she got a lot of air time. Isn't that how this works?

Love you, TLo!

Rainwood said...

Wow. I guess I'm the only one who thought the vegetable collar on Korto's dress wasn't so great. To me, it looked like an afterthought as well as the garnish on a platter of crudites that had come alive and was planning to wrap itself around the model's throat like a python.

As for Cheroin, she can't leave fast enough for me.

Joanie said...

I agree that Korto has a very unique perspective and may just end up being the breakout designer this season. She also gives off a very content, confident vibe, which is a refreshing change.

With her garment, I loved the details in the sleeves and at the waist. Add the garnish, and it was a winner in my book.

As for Cheroin, pphhhtt.

Anonymous said...

Cherion's model walked the hell outta that outfit. Didn't we learn in season 1 that trashbags were a cop out???

I like Korto's aesthetic and personality so far and since she's got curves, I have a feeling she designs stuff with us juicy booties in mind.

Anonymous said...

Better than I could've put it.

But on second thought,she's more like Alice Cooper with bangs & ponytails.

Stubenville said...

I'm really warming up to Korto, but I worry about the silhouette she used; Nina and Oompa Looma are all about young, young, young... and that dress Korto made looked old, old, old. I hope she doesn't turn out to be another Uli (IMHO a wildly talented designer who the judges unfairly considered to be too repetitive.)

And I hope Cheroin/Bag Lady gets "auf'd" reeeeeeal soon; her accent and her whining are working my last nerve. Okay, you're a rocker chick; but do you have to look like you dressed in the dark? And that doofus hairdo with the Magic Marker dye job... it's just too fugly.

Sewing Siren said...

I like Korto too. Her personal style is great. I love that necklace she has on for the runway show, I wonder if she designed that as well. She deserved to be in the top three.

Stella, Stella, Stella, how did you only end up with two thin trash bags to work with? I can not understand why she didn't double or triple up the bags or gather them to make them stronger, and did she just get $70 worth of bags or did she have more material to work with? I have the feeling something was edited out. ...

Red Seven said...

Just to be contrarian -- I dubbed Korto's dress "Yella-yella-salmonella" last Wednesday. The kimono was fine, but day-old produce ... gah. Inventive, perhaps. But -- gross.

The pasta skirt with the tomato label top should have been in the top three instead (imho).

And Cheroin's dress -- from the waist up -- gross. From the waist down -- actually, kind of interesting. And for all her bitching and moaning, didn't really look like cheap garbage bags. I'm not saying she shouldn't have been at the bottom, but her effort was way better than Jerry's.

Anonymous said...

LOVED Korto's dress with the veg details. Brilliant!

Stella seems so out of her element. Aside from that fiasco of a trash bag dress, her lack of confidence was what really put me off her Eeyore's Biker Babe - too right!). Although her taste too hard-core, heavy-metal rocker chick for me, I'm going to give her another chance. But if she starts that whining again, her auf'ing won't come a minute too soon.

Lilithcat said...

I mentioned elsewhere, but will repeat it here: I thought slicing the cherry tomatoes made them sparkle like rubies!

Lilithcat said...

Thanks, brooklyn bomber!

Anonymous said...

I have to give Stella a little credit - she knew she sent a piece of shit down the runway, and didn't pretend otherwise.

Unlike Blayne and his DiaperThingie.

Washington Cube said...

I want Stella to do her hommage to Streetcar Named Desire. I want fitted tee's with cigarette packs rolled in the sleeve, chiffony prints with a whiff of ether around them, hats made of Japanese lanterns to cast a gentle glow on aged complexions.

I want a Northern Star outfit on a young man swigging a coke with "desire" outlined in sequins.

A bubble dress for Blanche's hydrotherapy. French military for when Stanley goes off on the Napoleonic Code.

Finally, I wish Stella to create a "Kindness of Strangers," straight jacket. She can fit it on herself as Michael Kors will be escorting her off the runway as we watch her struggling contortions behind the shadowy scrim.

Stubenville said...

Sewing Siren said...
did she just get $70 worth of bags or did she have more material to work with? I have the feeling something was edited out. ...

Hey Siren - you're on to something. Somewhere it was mentioned (Tim's take?) that Bag Lady had a tablecloth and some other color bags which she chose not to use. Why get creative when you can whine about it?

I was pleased that a number of the other designers yelled at her to "Snap out of it and do something." Perhaps we should really be calling her Eeyore?

Cedar said...

Stubenville sez, "I hope she doesn't turn out to be another Uli (IMHO a wildly talented designer who the judges unfairly considered to be too repetitive.)"

Well, Uli did make it to the final three, and was even a very strong second place. I don't think it's an insult to call someone "another Uli."

Count me as one of the people who didn't much like the produce color. I like it in theory, but in actuality, it looked too heavy and clumpy.

Casey said...

I'm semi-heartbroken that none of the contestants arrived with vintage Louis Vuitton luggage.

Anonymous said...

Red Seven said...
Just to be contrarian -- I dubbed Korto's dress "Yella-yella-salmonella" last Wednesday. The kimono was fine, but day-old produce ... gah. Inventive, perhaps. But -- gross.

I agree, Red Seven. While I love Korto, and loved the dress, the veggies were a bit more than I could stomach. I detest tomatoes....I am really rooting for Korto, because I think she shows, so far, an understated classiness.
Cheroin turns my stomach as much as tomatoes do. (No offense to Gotham Tomato!!).

Anonymous said...

Korto's skin is ridiculously amazing, no?

and is it just me or do the models....not look like models this season?!?!

uhhh gtg MY VEGGIES!!!

GothamTomato said...

The thing about Korto's dress is; even though she used a tablecloth, she transcended that basic material, and made it into something fabulous. Everyone else who used a tablecloth, ended up with something that still looked like a tablecloth. Big difference - and demonstrated a vision & taste level that the others lacked.


Stubenville said...

Cedar said...
Stubenville sez, "I hope she doesn't turn out to be another Uli (IMHO a wildly talented designer who the judges unfairly considered to be too repetitive.)"

Well, Uli did make it to the final three, and was even a very strong second place. I don't think it's an insult to call someone "another Uli."

Sorry I didn't express that better; I think the judges consistently undervalued Uli's achievements and performance. The work she did with prints was breathtaking! I believe she deserved the win over Tattoo Boy.

I just hope the judges don't stereotype Korto in a similar way "Oh another ethic style from Korto 'cuz she's a minority."

GothamTomato said...

""If I'm the first eliminated designer I'll be the biggest jackass of the nation.""

When I heard Cheroin say that, I immediately laughed at the thought of two things: 1. she should have thought of that before she left the Atlas in pigtails, and 2. what a field day you guys would have with her.

What the hell is it with PR finding middle-aged women who still wear pigtails??? I swear, these PR casting directors really need to stop hanging out in methadone clinics.

As for that getup she was wearing, when they showed that butt-shot, I couldn't figure out what it actually was she was wearing. Poor woman, she never got the memo that CBGB's closed.

And as for the dress: horrific, but it also did remind me of a famous bathing suit from the 60's that was famously photographed for LIFE Magazine. (I'm sure anyone who read LIFE during that time can picture the photo I'm thinking of).

It can only be that she was saved from the aufing because they think they'll get (what they think is) 'better' TV out of her. Certainly not for any talent-based reason.


Anonymous said...

I'm just not feeling the Korto love yet.

I thought the best look on the runway was Keith's even though it was a tablecloth, it was the best looking dress IMO.

I also really liked the style Jennifer's even though it needed some color.

Kelli deserved the win for innovation.

Anonymous said...

Whooker? Cheroin? On such evidence, genius lies. That was the hardest I've laughed in days. Although I see Jerry's point, truly. Yes, it conveyed her POV, but that's because her POV involves making half-assed hooker clothes that not even she really cares about. The real question is how can someone who purports to evoke such outrage be so damned boring?

And right on with Korto. I even loved what she herself was wearing; that necklace is fantastic.

GothamTomato said...

"steubenville said: And I hope Cheroin/Bag Lady gets "auf'd" reeeeeeal soon; her accent and her whining are working my last nerve."

From the first episode, it seems that she may be this season's SweetP - whiney and lacking in any real talent or construction abilities, but kept around for some bizarre reason (ie; so the hapless have someone to identify with).


Brooklyn Bomber said...

Gotham said, "(I'm sure anyone who read LIFE during that time can picture the photo I'm thinking of)."

I think you're talking about the topless Rudi Gernreich suit. Of course, I'm WAY too young -- way, way, too young -- to remember it; I must have read about it in a history book or something.

Anonymous said...

this is Tim's description of Stella's outfit:

"Stella. Oh, Stella. Her time in the workroom can best be summarized by the word, "stalled." She was a mass of indecision. She struggled with a red plastic tablecloth, but feared that she didn't have enough of it. Terri offered to give her some of her same red plastic, which was enormously generous, and I gave both of them permission to do this. So, what happened to the red plastic? I don't know. All that I know is that at the last minute, Stella swapped it out for those nasty, flimsy black garbage bags. The look that she created was preposterous, a deformed apron, in my opinion. My certainty that she would be a goner was underscored by my longing for the red plastic tablecloth. Now there's a statement!"

so, it's even worse now: she had more material and didn't know/care to use it.... I thought she was definitely a goner.... but I guess her "drama-value" was more important.....

Anonymous said...

I noticed some of the models actually had, you know, boobs this season. I predict that there will be a wardrobe malfunction in an upcoming episode.

Anonymous said...

"and no, you can't have any crack."

I have latted my computer!

love you boys!!

Alex! I can't wait to see what you do with Cheroin.

I too think Korto will go far-- I don't know if she will win, but I think she will be around for a while.

Didn't Bill say something about vacation a few weeks ago?

GothamTomato said...

"Hellene said: But on second thought,she's more like Alice Cooper with bangs & ponytails."

Actually, I'm thinking that she looks a lot like Steve Perry, especially in the last picture.

I wondered what he's been doing lately.


Jenn said...

I agree about Korto, I like her personal style as well. Love that she lives practically next door in AR. She's one I'm rooting for!

The "Cheroin" tag is SO incredibly perfect. Looks like a suite of personality disorders going on with that one...yikes.

Anonymous said...

Poor woman, she never got the memo that CBGB's closed.

TLo, if you ever need a sabbatical, can you let Gotham fill in for you?

Agree with you about Korto. And Cheroin/Whooker has already inspired two hilariously apt nicknames. She's a great muse for you two; hope she stays a while.

Jenn said...

..and "whooker" is brilliant too.
She wore horizontal stripes on her thighs!

Anonymous said...

sewing siren & stubenville, I, too wondered if StaleStella had purchased any other goods at the market that she could have worked into her look. And was part of her workroom meltdown her refusal or unwillingness to use any of these other materials? ITA: Something else was up with her storyline. They had to have edited out the other stuff she'd purchased, as well as an off-camera cursing fueled crying jag followed by a phone-in session with her sponsor and doctor from the clinic. Hardcore rocker chick my arse.

Anonymous said...

Bitchybitchybitchy nailed it--I didn't see a kimono at all; I saw traditional African dress. If I'm remembering correctly, Korto is a Liberian native. I lived in Kenya (other side of Africa) for a short while, and I recognized the wide sleeves and general silhouette at once. Most African clothing would include some sort of headwear as well, so Korto didn't just do an ethnic piece, but used that gorgeous outline to create a very stylish dress. Color me impressed!

Cheroine? I'm sure she's a "sweetheart" as Tim professed, but she's got no business being on PR. I think they picked her for good TV, not design capability. They seem to throw a few personalities on the pile every season.

Lenora said...

I don't think Jerry "lost" so much as the judges tossed a coin to decide who should leave. Another words, they were both hideous, just hideous in their own ways. I do love the fact that Jerry is so delusional about his design.

I agree about Korto; her dress was beautiful. She's definitely one to watch.

Thanks for TLo for the lovely shot of Cherion in the assless chaps (I don't know, is that what they were). I missed that view in the show. I don't know if I should really be thanking you now since I may have to poke my eyes out.

I would also like to chime in on the "Where's Bill?" group. I hope he's having a lovely vacation somewhere but he's supposed to check in before he's allowed to do that!

Sewing Siren said...

GothamTomato said..From the first episode, it seems that she may be this season's SweetP - whiney and lacking in any real talent or construction abilities, but kept around for some bizarre reason (ie; so the hapless have someone to identify with).

I can't figure it out. Her buisness is leather corsets and pants, that kind of thing. They require a tremendous amount of skill both in fitting and construction. Plus if she works with "rock stars" they are really picky perfectionists in what they wear.
She must have choked when she couldn't use her first idea of trash bag "leather" pants, but that didn't sound like a good idea to me (even if the bags hadn't torn).

Emma P. said...

Anytime anyone starts a sentence w/ "Look, bitch", I'm on the floor laughing.
Korto's really looking like a contender. I love her oeuvre.
I wouldn't count out Jerrell yet. He reminds me of a legendary LA comic named Paul Mooney (who created "Homey D. Clown" for "In Living Color"), stylish, gay & cuttingly hilarious.
Jerrell has that same sensibility and his lawn chair dress was quite fabulous.

Oh Cheroin, the Ramones circa 1989 called, they want their pants back.

Emma P. said...

Stubenville said...
I was pleased that a number of the other designers yelled at her to "Snap out of it and do something." Perhaps we should really be calling her Eeyore?

How about Eewhore?

PS: Korto's skin is gorge! But I was particularly mesmerized by her eyelids: No fair! I couldn't possibly wear those colors together (deep green & yellow gold), I'd look like a corpse!

Anonymous said...

Alex, yer killin me.

I still feel that our dear Stella was more deserving of the auf. Just slapping shit together is a greater sin than having a serial killer aesthetic. Well, in MY heaven anyway.

Loquacious Chase said...

Korto's model reminded me of Frieda Kahlo, but with less eyebrow. I can't wait to see more of Korto this season.

Stubenville said...

assless chaps...

Hello boys and girls - for the few of you here who have yet to slink through your local leather bar, chaps are by definition 'assless': they are essentially two pants legs sewn to a waistband.

As for Cheroin's "look" I think we witnessed a pair of leather Daisy Duke's over candy striped tights. Don't try this at home, kids...

d-kat said...

EEYORE? I think EYESORE is more like it.. . . I just don't even have words for her shitty attitude.

Are we sure that's not Ric Ocasek with a face lift, a wig and fake eyelashes?

Anonymous said...

First thing: Yaaaaaay! Alex! is back!

I love Korto's dress! It's something the everyday woman can wear. I've been saving a bolt of this gorgeous Japanese print for years and I'm going to ask my dressmaker to replicate Korto's design. I especially like the obi knot in the back!

TLo? Did you two watch or read Horton Hears a Who recently?! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oops. Let me edit my post with:

But no produce on my Korto dress.

But thinking of the necklace possiblities is really exciting!

whowontherabbit said...

Am I the only one that didn't really like Korto's dress? I liked that she used the produce and her usage of the cherry tomatoes as 'brooches' was pretty genius, but it seemed like the dress was too simple and the silhouette just didn't seem fresh to me; the neck piece totally saved it.

Anonymous said...

In a clip they showed Stella telling Tim, "Look at my fabric!" while holding the garbage bags in disgust. All set to bitch and moan to anyone w/in an earshot. I know Sweet P was always more challenged than the other contestants last season. But Stella just was pissed that she couldn't get the Mood Fabric Frenzy challenge from last season's first show. I need more wine to drink in her whining. --Frances Spencer

Anonymous said...

KORTO is angry. She is boiling inside. I didn't see her smile once in episode one. I do not want her to go far in the competition because she seems ungrateful to even be there. In all her bio videos she has a cross facial expression.

KENLEY should have been in the top three instead. Her dress was fun and pretty.

KEITH would have been a good choice for top three as well. His dress was sexy and well-made.

PJ said...

I was kinda intrigued by Cheroin's (classic) idea to use trash bags to make pants/outfit. What was so incredible absurd was the fact that she went and bought the cheapest trash bags. Hefty Stretch bags might have actually worked. She had $75 and all she was buying were trash bags. Was she trying to keep the change for a fix or somethin.

Anonymous said...

LOVE Korto. Her West African/Arkansas accent is too sweet.

I don't think she's angry, Runway Fan. I think she's just very reserved, confident and determined in a quiet way.

There's a sweet moment on one of the Bravo bonus videos where they're waiting for the verdict. Stella reaches over and straightens Korto's necklace.

Cheroin! God help me, but i like her. I don't know why, but her trashy "dress" is looking better to me in these screen shots. It's got some kinda style. Awful as it may be.

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

I think I'm really going to like Korto as well. I especially like how she said that she knows being in a supermarket because she's a mom. :) On her bio on the Bravo website, it says that her "designs are intended for real, full filgured women." How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

I'm with pj --- Cheroin (love it!) said she was thrown because she meant to buy the really heavy, glossy black garbage bags. What DID she do with her $75? Also, as suggested by others, it is telling that she was so paralyzed that she couldn't take what she DID have, and change course.

I thought Korto's dress was lovely.

Bill???? Where are you????

Scarlet said...

I think Stella was cast to be this year's Elisa. Sort of "out there". However, as out there as Elisa was, she was neither whiny nor a complainer. And, while her designs weren't my taste, she put a lot of vision and work into them. Stella sewed her model into a trash bag. Not impressive. A barrel with suspenders would've been more interesting.

Poodle said...

Did any one else love Joe's two peice outfit? The macaroni skirt and oven mit top? The picture at the Bravo site isn't all that great, but I thought it looked beautiful on the runway.

Emily C. said...

I liked Korto's dress for the most part but I felt like the shoulder thing looked like a festering wound =/

Anonymous said...

I expect to see a lot of great things from Korto. I think she's fabulous and judging by her site very talented.

Anonymous said...

Boring, it did not wow me at all, it looked like a salad bar on a tacky table cloth.

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again, Korto may be just the next Mychael, as it was Tim who pushed her to take the step up to the plate and she THEN went for the use of the produce, that garnished the whole thing to the next level. She's good, but she's got to WANT it a bit more. Let's see if it is just the TIM GUNN factor, or she can do it on her own as well... Certainly the favorite for the moment.

GothamTomato said...

"muntaha said: I especially like how she said that she knows being in a supermarket because she's a mom."

Yeah, because no one else eats.


Anonymous said...

Interview with Cheroine:

"My vision is to become the next Chrome Hearts," Zotis says. "I'm the queen of rock fashion - my clothing comes from the essence of punk rock. Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne - that's who I want to work with."

Zotis' signature intricate custom leatherwork and handcrafting has earned her a solid reputation in the rock community. Clients seek her out via word-of-mouth, and she can command upward of $1,500 for a pair of leather pants.

So what's a girl like her doing on a show like this?

"My friend called me up and said, 'You can do this,'" Zotis says. "My other friend said that to me, too - and then Tim Gunn really loved my stuff. So I decided to go on the show.

"I had a store before," she says.

Zotis, the boutique, was open briefly on the Lower East Side but didn't last long, the designer explains, because the building lacked heat.

"You can network from a store, but not when you work out of your apartment - you don't want people you don't know coming over," she says. "But I need to be seen."

As for her run on "Project Runway," fans will have to tune in when the season airs, beginning tomorrow night, to find out. For Zotis, the experience was priceless.

" 'Project Runway' completely evolved me as a designer," she says.

"I wound up not doing what I do - they have great dressmaking machines, but not the machines I needed - you don't really need a button store when you do what I do, you need a hardware store," she laughs.

"I couldn't really show them what I do, but it turned out very elegant and very classy. And I'm inspired to design another collection - something a little bit more mainstream - to see if I can put it in a store somewhere."

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

I'll say it again, Korto may be just the next Mychael, as it was Tim who pushed her to take the step up to the plate and she THEN went for the use of the produce, that garnished the whole thing to the next level. She's good, but she's got to WANT it a bit more. Let's see if it is just the TIM GUNN factor, or she can do it on her own as well... Certainly the favorite for the moment."

I was a little disappointed to see her crying already on the runway. It looks like there's going to be a lot of crying this season, that's what Heidi said

Anonymous said...

While Jerry sent out that monstrosity under the coat, I did kind of like the coat - okay at first I didn't know it was a train - I thought is was just long in the back. But I though the front and collar were cute and took work and I like when Rain coats have funky closures (LOVE when they have that FireFighter closure. The gloves???????

BUT he actually worked on his and compared the the trash bags (hello - you had $75 and bought the CHEAPEST "trash" - good bags could have worked) and I was nauseous at that TOTALLY HIDEOUS MONSTROSITY (and his diaper/Kotek thing too) At least you could wear Jerry's coat in public without either being arrested or institutionalized.

Anonymous said...

While Korto did do a damn fine job with this challenge, I couldn't help but remember Chris March's bio from last season and think about his dress made from produce. This challenge would have been tailor-made for him.

As for Cheroin, every time I see her I get this eerie gnawing feeling in the back of my head I'm looking at Richard Belzer in rocker-chick drag. Must be the combination of the whiny voice and the nose.

Anonymous said...

Jerry was robbed!!!!!!!!!!!! This crazy woman should've gone home!!!!!!! So unfair!!!!!!!!

Cornellian said...

I didn't think the trash bag dress was *that* bad but then again, I'm not a fashionista or anything.

But honestly.. if Jerry, maybe, hadn't made his model wear the gloves? She'd be gone.

Anonymous said...

Did you guys know that Stella's middle name is Barbarella? Check her myspace page on the front page.

Anonymous said...

"My name is Stella Barbarella Zotis...
I design and build custom rock regalia for Rock Royalty, pirates, superheros, hookers, pimps and, whoever is tough enough to wear it...
this is not fashion...
it's pure style.
My label is called ZOTIS CUSTOM ROCK REGALIA."

She's something else.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"If I'm the first eliminated designer I'll be the biggest jackass of the nation."

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, HONEY. It's FAR too late for THAT!

Hilarious! I'm a huge fan of the show and I love the blog, guys!

Anonymous said...

"Like a hooker in Whoville. A Whooker."


Rachel said...

Loved Korto. I think hers looked the best, given the circle-tits on the winning dress (although I understand why the judges felt it was more innovative.)

I'm kinda excited to see what Cheroin does in future challenges. We all love (and love to hate) the crazy floats in the parade.

Anonymous said...

Jerry, Patrick Bateman called. He wants his raincoat back. He promises to be nice to you when you drop it off...

Anonymous said...

"At least you could wear Jerry's coat in public without either being arrested or institutionalized."

Sure, on your way to the murder it would be fine but you'll only be arrested and institutionalized afterwards.

Jenn said...

Patrick Bateman, indeed. Jerry should have sent her down the runway with an ax from the accessories wall.

Would have been better than the gloves.

Anonymous said...

Korto is MY GIRL! She should have beat pancake boobs - no question!

Anonymous said...

Korto is, i feel, on her way to the Top 3. That dress was perfect! I agree with the judges because of the fact she used a tablecloth so it wasn't innovative. All of the "top 3"'s dresses used the materials in the right way and made them look like something one would find in a fashion boutique.

CroqueMonsieur said...

Korto is fabulous, isn't she? What an interesting background she has. I wonder how she ended up in AK.

Anonymous said...

The yellow kimono is fabulous, Korto did a great job with it.

Stella on the other hand should have been aufed, this garbage dress was even worse than Blayne's diaper look.

Anonymous said...

"It's always fun to watch Tim being forced to interact with people he'd probably cross the street to avoid."

Gawd you have me laughing over here. Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Have you checked out Tim's blog on the Bravo website? He expresses surprise (to say the least) at all the praise heaped on Korto's outfit. "To me, the floor length kimono sleeved dress that she created was a mere derivation of the Han-Bok, the traditional costume of Korea. Even her use of the kale and tomato neck embellishment concerned me, because it was merely that, an embellishment. On Korto's behalf, I was relieved (and a little stunned) that the judges responded so positively to her design. In fact, they singled it out as one of the top three. I was puzzled, but go figure."
Have to say, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Whooker from Whoville!!! From the striped tights to the eyelashes -- that pretty much sums it up!

I'm dying over here!!

Roxy said...

Cheroin... Priceless!

I think Blayne de Soleil merited a place in the two worst creations line-up. She should have had 3rd place.

Why in heaven's name didn't she buy Glad bags? Because they were green? I was fed to the teeth hearing her moaning about how she "hadn't got no fabric."

You had 75 $, moron!

ScaryMerry said...

I've only recently discovered this blog and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your recaps of the episodes that I've already seen. Perhaps my favorite comment was the "Whooker" one. I seriously laughed (teehee, oximoron... ^_^)for like five minutes straight over that one. Kudos!