In or Out: Victoria Beckham

Thursday, May 29, 2008 by
Posh goes out of the house looking like Flintstones Barbie:

The dress is pretty bad and yeah, the Hermès bag and Versace shoes are way too matchy-match, but we can't help it. We think she's workin' it. Probably because we love each of her accessories on their own, while at the same time wishing she hadn't paired them up. Come on, it's so easy to hate Posh, but don't you think those shoes are just a little killer?

They're from the Versace Fall 2008 RTW collection and a bitch could do some serious damage with those things.

[Photos: Celebutopia/]


TheNYCourier said...

If they weren't in bubblegum pink I might get on board with the shoes and bag, but as they are: fug.

Anonymous said...

She has *never* been in. Ever.

Blah-blah-blah "fashionista" blah-blah-blah all you want but that dame doesn't do no-thang for any clothes she wears and she usually looks like she's desperately struggling to maintain some sense of fabulousness when she goes out in her expensive 'looks'.

Honestly. I have a hard time not looking at Victoria Beckham as being in the same class as any of the "Real Wives of..." broads (except I've seen pictures of her husband nekkid and he is kinda yummy).

She wears him well, though.

Anonymous said...

The shoes are okay.

But she looks like an asshat.

Anonymous said...

I find the matchy-matchy too boring and rigid, but those shoes are GORGEOUS, especially the first and the second one.

Anonymous said...

I love Versace. It's the hooker-with-money look. Posh is always IN, darlings. I want to be her when I grow up.

Unknown said...

If Barbie was a hooker, she'd wear those shoes.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

The shoes are definitely killer: you could step on a pebble, or the heel could get caught in the tiniest little pothole or air grate, and you'd fall over and crack your head. Yes, they're pretty to look at, interesting as objets, but that's all. Her toes and the balls of her feel must be screaming, even just walking from the house to the car.

The dress looks boxy because the skirt & top are the same length; it'd be better if the skirt was longer.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't care WHAT Victoria "Sourpuss" Beckham wears.
She always looks FUG to me.

FashionFanatic said...

The dress is kind of shapeless. The bag is every fashionista's dream. The shoes are to die for, but not in pink.

Anonymous said...

IN. She looks fantastic. On another note, I don't really understand the hatred towards Victoria Beckham. She's fabulous and a fashion icon!

Anonymous said...

maybe i'm alone here, but i kind of hold posh to different fashion standards than other people. it's almost like i don't think of her as a real person, but as a character in some "girl power" cartoon like "jem and the holograms," which makes the absurd things she wears seem perfectly appropriate. there are no fashion rules when you're a cartoon, just endless possibilities for the person drawing you to dress you in outfits that wouldn't be possible in real life.

now i'm picturing "posh: the animated series," replete with full-body pleather catsuits, thigh-high stiletto boots and capes...and it's SPECTACULAR.

SUS said...

Did she pull a page out of the Rachel Zoe playbook? Not digging the matchy-matchy, but whatever. I guess I don't care (I know, What!?).

I forsee an arthritis, hammer-toe, and corns-filled future for Posh.

CQAussie said...

In. I mean, out. I mean, in.....ugh!! Martini over here PLEASE!!

First glance - FUG.

A couple of seconds later - hmmm....could do the shoes....not pink though....the patent red ones look fab....

Love Posh's hair though...always have....not sure about the bag....looks like it has a skin condition.....even if it is Hermes....

She's so hard to LOVE/HATE.....I feel I should HATE....but I can't help but....not.....

WHERE are those drinks??!!

Beth said...

The skirt looks like a swimsuit cover-up. With the shoes, she looks like she just got off the pole. NOT something to wear to the PTA meeting.

I read somewhere she has a terrible disease called Debilitating Fashion Syndrome (DFS). It’s a condition in which sufferers allow their fashion choices to hamper their ability to lead a normal life.

Surely there is a medical trial out there somewhere so she can get the help she so desperately needs.

Sewing Siren said...

I don't hate her, but I don't really get why she is popular either.
The shoes are fabulous, I think if Kim Cattrall had worn this type of shoe with her Westwood dresses at the various premieres, she would have had more successful looks.
Victoria's dress looks like a old bathrobe that was cut-off with rusty sheers. And I'm tired of that bag already.

Vegan said...

Each piece is just slightly off. The ostrich texture (or is it real ostrich?) on the bag is wrong with the hot pinkness. The shoes would be fantastic if it weren't for the toe cleavage. Never liked toe cleavage in a closed-toe shoe. The clean wrap top of the dress does not go with the Santino-Rice-shredded-ruffles on the bottom. Sorry, Posh!

veruca salt said...

Kinda trashy. But sometimes a little trash is what a girl needs.

I agree that she is working it. I just like my fashion icons to appear a bit more effortless. But then again, we all can't be Laura Bennett.

Thombeau said...

The shoes are freakin' awesome.

Anonymous said...

In the words of Tim Gunn, that's a whole lotta look. The pieces individually are more than the sum of the outfit and that's a problem.

Love the shoes in every color but not so much with that dress and bag.

The dress is my least favorite. It just doesn't do anything for her.

Posh gets props for putting it all out there but she needs some better gays to advise her.

Kanani said...

It always cracks me up when I see c-list stars with an entourage of assistants who look like they threw their own clothes on while running through the aisles of Costco.

Well, Beckham had a lousy inaugural year in L.A. as a soccer player, so I guess it's merciful that Posh sets herself out for the media to skewer instead of her sidelined husband.

Anonymous said...

Hooker shoes are never a good thing. HIDEOUS.

Gorgeous Things said...

Like the bag. I'd love it if it was in a tan. Hate the rest of the outfit. She's not an icon, she's a glorified housefrau, so I don't worship at Posh's feet.

DolceLorenzo said...

The shoes are FABU! I love Posh and I want her husband.

Anonymous said...

I saw the pictures and I immediately thought of you poddles. I love how she goes to freaking Pink Taco wearing a Birkin bag. The dress is fugly, though.

Anonymous said...

Love - the shoes.
Hate - Posh and the dress.

Anonymous said...

The shoes are gorgeous, but one false move and you're dead.

Brooklyn Bomber said...

Vegan said, "The ostrich texture (or is it real ostrich?) on the bag is wrong with the hot pinkness."

Yeah -- not only do I hate the idea that an ostrich may have died for that, but I've never found bumpy ostrich leather attractive.

Joanie said...

sorry, she just looks tacky.

Lilithcat said...

The shoes are butt-ugly, and the color is atrocious! The dress is merely tacky.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the back of that dress shows her tootie.

That and those horrible FrankenPosh shoes spell OUT.

NahnCee said...

OT - on the radio this morning here in LA, I *thought* I heard them saying that Christian will be designing something for Whoopi Goldberg for the Tony award show June 15.

This is a bit mind-boggling because Whoopi just doesn't seem his type. The radio person said something about his designs being too floofy for her.

Maybe he'll put her in something pirate-y with thigh-high boots and enormous white sleeves.

But I am so happy that EVERYone seems to know what Project Runway is, and who Christian Siriano is. I wonder why poor Jay never managed to get on board the same rocket.

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes but Posh is OUT. The dress is very unflattering.

NahnCee said...

OT - on the radio this morning here in LA, I *thought* I heard them saying that Christian will be designing something for Whoopi Goldberg for the Tony award show June 15.

TLo posted about it here.

Anonymous said...

I think posh looks great!! always does so please everyone get off her back.

Anonymous said...

lala said
maybe i'm alone here, but i kind of hold posh to different fashion standards than other people. it's almost like i don't think of her as a real person, but as a character in some "girl power" cartoon like "jem and the holograms," which makes the absurd things she wears seem perfectly appropriate. there are no fashion rules when you're a cartoon, just endless possibilities for the person drawing you to dress you in outfits that wouldn't be possible in real life.


Anonymous said...

The shoes are beautiful (not so much #3). I love high heels, but those are just... How do you walk on the streets?. I guess you don't walk.

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes. Love the bag. But, perhaps not in the matchy-matchy was she's wearing them. The dress is dreadful...on her. I'd have given my life savings to have actually seen her come trotting out in those things.

On Posh, a big old, "OUT."
On anyone else, possibly, "in."

- edina -

GothamTomato said...

She looks like a lottery winner.

But I bet she could puncture any of Becks' soccer balls with one quick flick of those heels. I bet he's a little afraid of her when she wears them.


Anonymous said...

oh my god those shoes are a weapon.

Anonymous said...

Can this woman ever dress casual?

Anonymous said...

I like to dress up in heels everyday and I have 3 small children. If you can handle walking in them then why not??

Anonymous said...


Stephanie Lucas said...

There's this weird up-down-up-down tension going on between the huge bag and the tapered wispy skirt that doesn't work for me at all.

I like the shoes, but not in the fuschia, bleachh.

I'm really proud to have typed this without any typos given the fact that I'm downing shots of morning Patron after noting last night that our new "home" for PR was running a marathon of "Must Love Dogs"

Anonymous said...

I think she's in. Not a look I'd recommend for most women, but I think she pulls it off.

It's a little trying to hard wearing all these expensive designers but the dress seems so light and casual.

And I don't necessarily like the pink with the black in this case.

But it's not horrible and it works for her, but I'm not in love with it.

the shoes are fabulous, and she gets props for that. I think a light color was the way to go, but not sure hot pink was it.

Anonymous said...

I think she looks great although I'm not a big fan of pink but I read somewhere that Posh loves pink. By the way, her bodyguard is kind of hot.

Jason said...

David - Thank you! Who cares about that fugly pixie troll? I would much rather discuss her superhot daddy bodyguard.

Anonymous said...

She looks like a life sized Bratz doll.

Anonymous said...

She looks fug to me. The bag and the shoes are quite nice actually but the dress is horrible on her.
Btw I really don't get it why she is so popular?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Btw I really don't get it why she is so popular?"

She had a successful career as a pop singer, then she married one of the hottest men in the world and she loves to wear designer clothes. Paparazzi heaven!

Anonymous said...

Love the fuck-me-hard shoes and the Birkin bag, of course.
Say what you want about Posh but the bitch knows her fashion.

Anonymous said...

Victoria Bekcham knows her fashion style and consistently wears clothes that look great on her, she feels very confident and for her, fashion is fun.

Mom said...

I've come to the conclusion that both Victoria Beckham and Sarah Jessica Parker have selflessly devoted their lives to proving that the whole is less than the sum of the parts.

Although, kanani, you may have a point about VB taking the media hit to deflect attention from hubby.

Anonymous said...

I almost want to hate it, but I cant. Fab! Where can I get those shoes and bad O_O

Anonymous said...

I scroll down this site all the time and was shocked to see Posh in a shirtdress. Then I kept scrolling. What a shame she caught her dress in the revolving door! I bet she was steamed. At least by her expression she looked pretty steamed.

Anonymous said...

Hate the shoes- Only a drag queen could pull those shoes off. The super high heels were all over Cannes last week and they did not work for anyone. Too much shoe look! Shoes should not make a bigger statement than the outfit, itself, unless it is a LBD.

Gorgeous Things said...

GothamTomato said...

"She looks like a lottery winner."

Hahahahahahahahaha! Snort!
OMG GT, you slay me. I'm going to tuck that one into my awesome insults file and use it!

Another GT

Brooklyn Bomber said...

GT said, "She looks like a lottery winner."

Great line!

Anonymous said...

I do like the shoes but I think they look better in red than in pepto pink.

Overall I think she is OUT. How is this girl a fashion icon? Her best accessory is David and she shouldn't be photographed without him!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tranny hooker shoes. Hideous. And I am SO tired of her sour puss face all the time.

Flinkman said...

i think she looks totally fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Those shoes might explain whither the sour expression.

Anonymous said...

Unless you're Angelique, I say NO on the shoes.

Anonymous said...

I like the bag and the shoes, but not together and in the same color. The dress... Well, the less said about that, the better.

Ms Sangrail said...

Capital 'O' out.

Emma P. said...

The dress looks like a shortie.
The shoes & the Birkin are gorgeous. You'd think a person who can afford such luxury would outwardly express some amount of joy.
Whenever I've had the opportunity/priviledge to wear accessories so beautiful (Mr P included), you couldn't tear the grin off my face w/ a crowbar.

Hutchlover said...

Killer is right. They killed my feet just looking at them.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Unless you're Angelique, I say NO on the shoes."

Bwahahaha! You're right!
These shoes scream Angelique! (Saw her toddling about last summer-truly scary)

Anonymous said...

Hermes or not, that bag is a snoozer. My mom had an ostrich pattern bag eons ago when I was a teenager. This one reminds me of it, except in pink.

The shoes look interesting. I would even dig the pink if she had worn them with something else.

I agree with whoever said that she always looks like she tries too hard.


Anonymous said...

Just because I think the dress looks ridiculous doesn't mean I hate her.
To be honest, I have no opinion on the woman herself one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

I. do. not. like. those. shoes. And I give Posh 2 points for creativity 3 points for courage, 0 points for smarts, and 0 points for overall grogeousness, thereby making her a 5. Ignorable.

carlabarla said...

Out out out. That shade of pink is so bad for her.

Anonymous said...

love the accessories. hate the dress. OUT!

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are fabulous i don't know what some of you are smoking i would love to have a pair.

Anonymous said...

A black Birkin would have suited her better in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I like the shoes but they do not go with that dress or the bag. OUT!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Hate the shoes- Only a drag queen could pull those shoes off. The super high heels were all over Cannes last week and they did not work for anyone."

I agree, Gwyneth Paltrow is a prime example of that.

Anonymous said...

Well, I live in flip-flops and running shoes, but my bare feet look fabulous and I have great posture and no back problems.

Anonymous said...

"Bettie said...

I love the shoes but Posh is OUT. The dress is very unflattering.

NahnCee said...

OT - on the radio this morning here in LA, I *thought* I heard them saying that Christian will be designing something for Whoopi Goldberg for the Tony award show June 15.

TLo posted about it here."

Oh, I hadn't seen that. Thanks, Bettie.

My feet hurt just looking at Posh in those things.

Anonymous said...

I love the whole outfit! and her Birkin is FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

Here's what Tim said recently about Victoria Beckham:

" 'I'd only seen pictures of her looking inscrutable. I'd never even seen an interview with her, but I was blown away by how articulate she is about fashion.

'She really understands textiles, length, proportion and fit and she can talk about them all passionately.

'There was more depth there than I expected. She's a very thoughtful individual.'"

LOL. You gotta love him.

misskelley said...

my first thought was, "well, they didn't show her cutest accessory: the kid!" awful, i know, to call a child an accessory, but hers are cute. :)

and lola: i would TOTALLY tivo that cartoon.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the brand of her sunglasses? They're the only item I would want from her um, ensemble.

Anonymous said...

kelley said:

"and lala: i would TOTALLY tivo that cartoon."

where's alex! when we need him? :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan. She always looks bound up, constricted, slightly off balance --in a word, uncomfortable. And somehow, she makes expensive clothes look cheap.
Here, I find the combination of that pink with black particularly awful.

Sorry --that was really harsh. She actually does seem to be kind of a sweet personality.

Anonymous said...

The dress was okay until I scrolled below the waist. Gah.

The bag is to die for. In another color. I'd do it in a purple shade myself.

The shoes? Nope. Too much, in any color, for me.

That said, she gets points for having a pair of brass balls more effective than anything Becks could dream of having, even with the help of a cup. ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the Jem and the Holograms reference.
You are right-- she isn't a real person--
I too see her as a cartoon character--
somehow it wouldn't be a stretch for her to play Wonder Woman. The outfits she could wear!
The blue boots, but stilettos, and what a bustier that would be!

Stephanie Lucas said...

Came back, gave it another try, still not working.

I know this going to sound lame but somehow I think if she had a really cool necklace kinda balancing out the weighting I might feel different.

Not the Donna Karan manhole cover one however.

Brandenburg3rd said...

Killer? Yeah, as in "fall down and break your neck."

I know I'm in the minority, but I just don't understand why anyone--male or female--would want to totter around on spikes the width of a ballpoint pen. (Loved the Laura B. recent Case Clothed, even if I will never, ever own a pair of shoes with more than a 1-1/2" square hell on them.)

misskelley said...


now i'm picturing an action-doll spinoff from lala's cartoon. dressed by santino. which brings the phrase "hot tranny mess" to mind.... (it's late and i've had too much caffeine!)

Anonymous said...

You know, this is one of the few times where the accessories are the outfit.

Perhaps posh is wiser than we think. She chose an easy, loose black (important) dress and let everyone focus on the killer shoes and bag.

And those shoes literally are killer, she should be considered armed and dangerous wearing those.

I'm not loving the bag as much, but how many outfits do hot pink bags go with.

i'd say In. It was a risk, and she really is working it. but please, don't try this look at home (but do get these shoes in a different shade)

Anonymous said...

Germaine Greer does Victoria Beckham.

(plus pix of the same purse... wisely matched with black pumps)

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

Toe cleavage: yuck.

Anonymous said...

I have to confess, I actually kind of love Posh. It's the way she's so ridiculously serious and determined about fashion that kind of charms me. As for the look, the dress is rather soft and feminine, for her, and the bag and shoes make a nice counterpoint to that. The matchiness isn't great, but those shoes are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

My first thought was that a cat got to her dress. YUCK!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see those shoes working on Gwyneth Paltrow, if they were black. The pink shoes look like stripper shoes and therefore cheap and ugly. They do not look like hooker shoes, because a hooker actually needs to stand on a corner for long periods of time and noone could do that in these shoes.

Jenn said...

LOVE the bag, HATE the shoes.

Anonymous said...

For fun I tried on a pair of shoes not unlike these. Granted I am approaching senior citizenhood (but will never admit it) but even in my younger years I NEVER COULD HAVE WALKED IN THESE THINGS! Despite the fabulousness or sheer hideousness of the megaheels I have to give props to anyone who can wear them without suffering a fall. They're great news for fetishists and orthopedic physicians.

Anonymous said...

Let's see YOU wear those horrible shoes. Thrn you can say how fierce they are.

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes. They're very in right now.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Let's see YOU wear those horrible shoes. Thrn you can say how fierce they are."

I did and they ARE fierce : )

PhantomMinuet said...

I hate the shoes. As stitchstitch said, they look like hooker shoes for Barbie.

There is ugly, and then there is trashy. And those shoes are trashy.

Anonymous said...

If she looks like a disaster every time she goes out. Makes you wonder what she wears around the house that doesn't see the light of day. I'm so sick of looking at that pouty face too. She definitely needs to get over herself.

Anonymous said...

Is toe clevage in now?

Those shoes would make for a great diplay of a row of knarled corns. YUCK!

LittleDoodles said...

Sigh...she tries so hard but never seems to get it quite right...personally I love her just because I think she does everything a bit tongue in cheek (although on my part it might just be a personal rebellion against the UK press over here...I think they must reaally hate her!)