Well darlings, we may have to come up with another nickname for Christian because clearly "Princess Puffysleeves" isn't accurate.
Oh sure, there's a surfeit of puffiness (as well as pleating and ruffles) here, but much like Laura Bennett and the bogus "plunging neckline" criticism of the judges, it's not a design element he used nearly as much as is assumed. If anything, he could have just as easily been dubbed "Sir Skinnypants" because he returns to that just as much.
What can we glean from this? Well, despite the fact that it's not as narrow as previously assumed, he DOES show a fairly narrow range here. As we said, girl really likes his ruffles and pleating. He also likes pairing highly structured, voluminous pieces with body-conscious pieces like tube dresses, pencil skirts and yes, skinny pants. He turns to black WAY too much and when he does use color, it's always neutral in tone (browns and creams), with the exception of the SJP challenge dress.
Despite these criticisms, we think he's obviously an extraordinarily talented designer with a ton of potential. Nearly everything he showed during the competition was almost perfectly executed and had some little twist or design element that raised it above the others. Win or lose, the boy has the chops for a tremendous career ahead of him. He just needs to get his current design fixations out of his system.
[Photos: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com]
I did like that, after looking at his work from the whole season, you could see common themes.
With some of the other designers, the work was all over the place and not in a "I can do anything" sort of way.
Lots of talent. Imagine if he had been on the show ten years from now?
why have you made your typeface smaller?
There are a few cluckers here, but I agree that he has the chops. And isn't it ironic that someone with such a colorful personality uses virtually no color in his designs?
As I've said before, I think that the designers are not using color because they are playing it safe. Color is such an emotional thing that popping your little head up above the color rampart makes you an easier target for the judges.
I'm wondering what he might do when freed from that constraint. Or will he just stick to the dull.
He had a slump with the Hershey's and prom challenge, but bounced back with the couture challenge and all his work after that was stellar. You can see in the progression of looks that despite his attitude, he learned through the course of the competition. If I were a size 2 and twenty years younger, I would totally be dressing like this. And say what you will about the 80's-inspired design elements, that's what's happening now. I think Christian has a rare combinatation of talent, training, discipline, inspiration, and awareness of current trends. We'll be hearing a lot more about him.
Anonymous said...
why have you made your typeface smaller?
Hit refresh : )
whew, thank you (re: typeface)...
i feel ten years younger.
Challenges 1, 2, 5, 9, offers very similar silhouettes due to the jackets. I guess you can tell he has a consistent style.
The talent is there for sure. He is definitely what Angela Keslar could be if Angela has visions and talents. They both love trims and fringes a lot.
I do think he's the best in the season but I'd really like to see what he could do other than skinny pants, puffy sleeves and those fringes of his.
He is the one with the most potential.
Color is over rated. It also can not be substituted for design and construction.
Anyone else sick to death of this season? It seems to have been drawn out endlessly, and is just petering out now.
I honestly can't muster the effort to care who wins. Perhaps because I find the remaining contestants (the "Remnants") bland and boring.
Looking at the pictures now, Princess Puffysleves is the perfect nickname and I'm amazed you guys came up with it so early.
The kid does have talent, and the ego to survive in the competitive environment. I hope we will be hearing more from him.
"Princess Puffysleeves" is apt. With one possible exception, every sleeve/shoulder on every woman has been puffy. And every pant has been skinny.
And the comparison to Laura is interesting, but a clasically-tailored cocktail dress done 100 times make SO much more sense than skinny pants and puffy shoulders done 100 times.
anonymous 10:26 said:
Color is over rated.
Well, black can be (and has been) used waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. I agree with Gotham Tomato in that using black is playing it safe. Then again, I can't exactly blame the designers for that, given the numerous random crackpot decisions made by the judges.
Agreed on all counts. He used a LOT of black, and his Bryant Park collection was almost entirely skinny black pants, if I remember correctly. Hopefully, this is just a phase he'll outgrow. He is very talented. He will go very far in this business.
I never minded the repeated use of gathered sleeve caps or ruffles. I like it in fact and the whole group of work does show like a collection (like Jillian).
I have to strongly disagree about the workmanship on several of his designs. The Bitten dress, the Menswear, The prom wear, the candy and the Art inspired outfits are fair to poorly executed. The boy needs to stop bragging about what a fast sewer he his and take his time.
I do admire the amount of work he produced and the courage he had to be the leader in every team challenge that he partipated in. I *hope* that he ends up in fashion and not just famous as a reality tv character.
PS could up please add the RTW (from En Garde) dress to Jillian's line up?
Color is over rated. It also can not be substituted for design and construction.
And black is overused and represents a lack of courage and imagination on the part of the designer. IMHO, of course.
PPS's aesthetic is not one that overly appeals to me, but he's a talented little thing. And kinda sweet, when he isn't being all fierce and everything. :-)
Don't forget that the fabric budgets often were ridiculously low--and less-expensive fabrics can look better in black than many colors.
Love it. Love him. I love that he has a clear aesthetic, and his work is impeccable.
Talent, yes. Maturity, not so much. Like you said, he needs to get a lot of this out of his system.
Can you imagine what this kid will be like in another 5 years?
So well said, there's hardly anything to add.
I think Miss Skinny Pants is just exploring his current "phase" and will move on to another when it suits him. He shows nothing but himself and I think that's awesome. I'd like to see him win but I think it's Jilly all the way.
Looking at the Bitten challenge -- I think he wore that jacket when he was doing a lot of his little interviews in the show. I have enjoyed his designs this season. I hope he gets work with a designer opposite of McQueen so he can broaden his chops. Like his first challenge, he grew on me.
And seriously, what about that teeny space he works in, my God! The amount of organization he must need to navigate in there is mind-boggling.
His skinny pants work because of the puffy sleeves. Princess Puffy Skinny? Puffskinifer? Puffy McSkinington?
lima bean said...
And seriously, what about that teeny space he works in, my God! The amount of organization he must need to navigate in there is mind-boggling.
Don't feel too sorry for him Lima Bean, his parents probably pay as much for that tiny space as Jillian pays for her apartment across the East River.
Yes, PP/SS definitely has talent and potential. I would really love to take a time machine to 10 years from now to see how his aesthetic (and his hair!) evolves.
Quick question: What is that couture pose/hunch thing?
Puffysleeves Skinnypants made a big deal of it and I'm just wondering why it's a big deal.
I don't mind puffy sleeves so much, except it gets a little redundant and most of his jackets are overworked, imho. But skinny pants are not "wearable" or "translatable". Just imagine going to the airport and seeing a normal, even fit, but normal woman trying to wear something Christian-esque. Dollars to donuts you would say to yourself, "ooh girl, leave that look to someone else." That's my problem with Christian.
"He just needs to get his current design fixations out of his system."
Hopefully he will. Otherwise he'll be a one hit wonder.
The PPS moniker isn't off base, IMO, but he does seem to have walked that fine line between "One Note" and "Point of View" successfully, at least as far as the judges are concerned.
My problem is that I have disliked the puffy sleeve look since about 1973 (maybe even before that), and I have a hard time seeing many of his designs as being particularly "fresh".
With Christian I see versatility, spontaneity, capability and endless amounts of creativity. He's also quick, which means he doesn't deliberate for long and has a pretty fixed vision of how he wants things. However, he's not so stuck that he can't change.
And he's only 22.
This is someone who has marched to the beat of his own drummer his entire life, and whether or not he wins PR isn't going to stop him. He'll go far.
He also has great hair.
" PhantomMinuet said...
And black is overused and represents a lack of courage and imagination on the part of the designer. IMHO, of course."
And not only that, black is the most difficult to photograph. So, while his work is the most editorial, design-wise, if he should win, I don't envy the photographer who has to shoot his collection for Elle. It'll be a tough job!
The kid can definitely sew. And he has the ability to make strong decisions quickly and decisively, which will serve him very well. I still think his collection shows a lot of the same stuff, albeit with flair.
I just pray to god he doesn't influence fashion to revisit the 80's mall fashions I see as such an influence in his work (and his personal aesthetic - anyone get the feeling Heathers is his all time favorite movie?) Of course, in the 80's we didn't call them skinny jeans, we just wore them skin tight, as in "need a hanger to get them zipped while laying flat" tight.
I was pleased to see that his "sew not over" collection embraced prints. Love him or hate him (and I go back and forth between both), he'll be interesting to watch over the next few years.
" Gorgeous Things said...
Yes, PP/SS definitely has talent and potential. I would really love to take a time machine to 10 years from now to see how his aesthetic (and his hair!) evolves."
OK, when I read that, what flashed in my head was a picture of an older Christian, bald, with his remaining hair standing up all around the edges of his receeded hairline, like an avante garde collar. (Of course, that'd be a lot better than those bald guys who grow the ponytail.)
eesh, he is talented I guess, but his clothes, all lined up together, are one fugly showing....UGH> co-sign anon @10:26while last season's winner was a total disappointment, this season its like, who cares? Bland, Bland and more bland.
I agree with TLO again.
Christian has certainly got skills.
He was one of my favorites and picks for the finale.
I do think he has a narrow range however. I was hoping he'd prove that wrong with his finale collection, but he didn't seem too. Black is great, but very safe also. Beidge is well ... beige. It the words of Gianni Versace "Armani is so ... beige." ;)
I'm not surprised he struggled with the prom challenge and I'm still not sure what he would/could do with color or dresses for that matter.
His spot in the finale is certainly deserved though.
As always, many thanks to TLo for bringing it all together!
See, it's just such a very very mixed bag. I disliked so many of his creations, notwithstanding his undeniably fine execution. The lack of color makes me very unhappy. I'm not that sophisticated, it's true, but I'm not seeing design elements that I would like to see translated into ready to wear. I don't the placket front blouse with ruffles! I don't like skinny pants! I don't like asymmetrical plaids for jackets!
Me just no likey. But hearty good wishes to Christian.
Still hope Jillian is the winner based on what I've seen of the final collections.
Can't wait for Wednesday!
I agree he is talented, but of the top designers (and even including some from the middle, i.e. Kevin and Kit) Christian's designs are least wearable.
Not only are the tight, tight bottoms impossible (can anyone but a size 0-2, 15-25 yr old wear that?) but even many of those jackets would look awful on anyone but a stick figure. Too much going on in the chest and shoulders if a gal actually had some boobs under there and not a swan-like neck.
I realize that it's high fashion, but so is Jillian and Rami and I could probably wear many of their outfits (in the right size). I love that Jillian's clothes are fashionable, unique and also wearable. I covet her coats.
I can appreciate his talent and his passion, but I'd like to see more of his own voice in the work he executes; not his influences.
Also, am I the only one who feels he doesn't have a mature grasp of the female body at all?! He needs to learn about accentuating the waist/hip ratio in a more flattering light or he will never have a faithful straight female following.
Hmm, more than half have puffy sleeves, so I wouldn't drop the PPS nickname so quickly!
He is talented, but I worry about him. Assuming (and this may be a big assumption) that the edits accurately reflect his personality and behavior, he is at a huge risk of alienating the very people he needs to have on his side if he is going to succeed. Losing at Bryant Park may, in fact, be better for him in the long run than winning.
For being only 21, PPS/PSP, is surely talented and shows great promise. His designs are not my taste, however. Skinny, skinny, skinny pants are only becoming on those who have skinny, skinny, skinny tall bodies and wear a size 00.
That being said, I will repeat again, the kid IS talented!!!
He is such a breath of fresh air after last year's winner, Jeffrey Who???
I don't find him obnoxious, either, but rather a hyperactive lad who knows he's good and wants to show it off. I don't think he was ever malicious in a Wendy Pepper sort of way, and I think that sort of self-confidence should be encouraged, if anything.
Finally, I was touched by his itty bitty dinky apartment when Tim Gunn visited. Compared to the luxe surroundings that the others are working in, how on earth does Christian manage to wrestle around mega-yards of fabric and get it to come out so fabulously. I'm glad he got the $10K reward, too, although it's apparent he didn't use it to move on up to a bigger space.
I keep thinking Yves St Laurent when I watch him, and sincerely hope Christian manages to not disappear down the rabbit hole of drug addled insanity from too much talent causing too much pressure too soon. So far, he seems to be having way too much fun for that to happen.
Ditto, Phantominuet ("PPS's aesthetic is not one that overly appeals to me, but he's a talented little thing. And kinda sweet, when he isn't being all fierce and everything.")
He's clearly talented and sews really, really well. But there are only a couple of designs that I find appealing. But no matter--he's so young; he has time to learn and develop, and he certainly has the potential to do that, especially if he's smart enough to seek out the right mentors and teachers.
Sewing Siren, I love your green coat!
I am so disgusted with this show now, that I have nothing to add. Without Chris, there is no excitement. Christian is Christian and there is only so many ways to rehash the same comments made by everyone else. He is a good seamstress, but he has a long way to go to be a mature fully-rounded designers. However, he will will. This show is so biased and predictable, he will win.
I think the great thing about Christian is that he took his signature elements and made them work for each challenge, instead of ignoring the challenge and just making whatever he wanted.
Sure, he makes a statement on the runway, but if no one buys it, where's the career? His clothing is wildly unflattering to most women. Look, I think he's a talented little imp, but he needs maturity to be successful.
NahnCee said...
Finally, I was touched by his itty bitty dinky apartment when Tim Gunn visited.
Actually, as a Manhattan resident, I thought that space looked pretty luxurious. It had tons of natural light and I didn't see any signs of water leaks, rodents, or roaches. The hardwood floors were nice and the common living room was palatial. Heaven!
I, for one, hereby apologize to Rami for ever thinking he was a one-note wonder with the draping.
The PRGayBoys "-ology" series has opened my eyes to the relative diversity of Rami's work as opposed to the little spiky-headed kid's work. PuffySleeve McSkinnypants deserved the one-note label more than Rami did.
I stand corrected. Drape on, Rami! Drape on.
He doesn't need to "get over" his current phase. Artists work through themes until they get all the meaning and personal viewpoint expressed through them.
Also, he was dressing really skinny, tall models for the mose part. He made clothes that would fit and look good on them for the runway - not for the general sized public.
As Tim would say, it looks like a cloudy day.
All I can think about it wanting to rip the cloths off the Mens Challenge model and do him right now!
"nahncee said: I'm glad he got the $10K reward, too, although it's apparent he didn't use it to move on up to a bigger space."
That's because, first, in Manhattan, that 10K would buy him maybe 3 months rent in a bigger space (if he was lucky to find it).
And second, he would have had to been capable of time travel, since the home visit was taped at 2 months before the reunion.
Anonymous said...
He doesn't need to "get over" his current phase. Artists work through themes until they get all the meaning and personal viewpoint expressed through them.
There is a vast difference between commercial art and fine art. Where as a fine artist quality of work may suffer from worrying over the marketability, a designer working in the commercial arts must never forget the customer. I have to add that I don't find Christians work all that "out" there and except for the last piece (Art of Fashion) it is all commercially viable (my opinion).
Also, he was dressing really skinny, tall models for the mose part. He made clothes that would fit and look good on them for the runway - not for the general sized public.
It is true that there was no commercial purpose behind the runway shows for Project Runway, so like a student show all Christian or any of the designers need worry about is how the garment looks on that particular model. The usual *point* of a fashion show however, is to sell garments (to the general public).
That being said I don't think the silhouette favored by Christian (up until Fine Art) is all that unflattering. I don't see it "high fashion" as much as Junior Dept.
Brooklyn Bomber said...
Sewing Siren, I love your green coat!
Thanks Brooklyn Bomber. That is the fit and flair "Watermelon Coat" that I donned to discuss Jillians body of work. I meant to change into puffy sleeves for Christian.
Gothamtomato said, That's because, first, in Manhattan, that 10K would buy him maybe 3 months rent in a bigger space (if he was lucky to find it).
Don't forget the security deposit and the broker's fee!
Sewing Siren --I love the green coat and this latest outfit you've got up. Wonderful!
Show more!
To Sewing Siren "Don't feel too sorry for him Lima Bean, his parents probably pay as much for that tiny space as Jillian pays for her apartment across the East River." === Why do you think his parents pay for his apt? His mother is a school teacher and on his sister's blog - mentioned that she rode the bus to visit him (living in DC area, if you have money you take the train!). Plus, he was working since he was 13. He mentions he has a room mate. Sad that I know all of this from reading blogs, etc. -- I am just waiting for this show to be over - or get my meds adjusted.
I agree with all you've said about Puffy.
I've grown to love the kid. There's an exhuberance to his work. As Roberto Cavalli said: he loves what he does. He could use the money (and the breathing space that will bring) for a few more years of exploration. He's serious about this work and I think he'll surprise us. In a good way, I hope.
-- desertwind
PS - Christian, if you're reading this blog you say you don't because it's "mean", don't get such a big head over this. I think Jillian's final collection is better than yours.
Mimi, I certainly don't have any insider information on how Christain manages to pay his rent. But he just completed his education in England, and traveled to Paris several times while still in school. It is extremely unlikely that an American would have a paying job while living as a student in England. Then he immediately is cast on a reality show. I don't see where or when he have the opportunity to be making income. Maybe I'm wrong.
Anonymous @ 1:19, you said:
Also, he was dressing really skinny, tall models for the mose part. He made clothes that would fit and look good on them for the runway - not for the general sized public.
While that may be true, it's no less important to flatter a feminine shape on the runway as much as in the showroom. That the models are skinny and lacking the curves that everyday women have is not much of an excuse for him to ignore it completely. I honestly think he just doesn't quite know how yet, despite his talent in concept and design.
Also, someone else mentioned his Manhattan apartment being luxurious? You hit the nail on the head. He may be sleeping in a closet, but from what I could see in the background that was no typical Manhattan walk-up tenement. I lived south of Houston for six years and a place that clean with that much light and beautiful flooring is not common, unless you have a lot of cash.
I'm with another laura. Kid is way talented, but he's still an irritating kid. And I think a bunch of these are just fug, not just artsy-fug. I wish him well, though.
It will be interesting to see how the judges skew here. Christian is the truest fashionista, Jillian the most poised to take off. Kors I think is exactly the right model for her.
I just saw Sister Christian's fugly prom dress in a store in Provincetown. I totally love him but it was even worse "live"!
Rami's story about his Mom was very touching. Chris' bud's apt. was awesome! Jillian looked like she fell out of 1982.
Another thing about Christian that impressed me was how quickly he worked without giving up quality. He usually finished several different things, well sewn, before others finished one. Kid has fast fingers!
I'm with Sharon. Christian's designs require a straight body. No matter how thin you are, his designs are unflattering on anyone with hips and breasts.
I can deal with the sleeves and the skinny pants, what I totally don't get is his tendency to have a wide light-colored band of material at the waist in several designs--i.e. the otherwise brilliant Levi's design.
Jillian's slowly grown on me just because she has an eye for wearable clothes with a unique touch--I really could see her becoming a big name in fashion just because sportswear is huge and needs some new names. She's a potential moneymaker in a way none of the others are.
BTW - Christian's aprtment is a 6th floor walkup (according to his sister's blog).
-- desertwind
Some clarification on the living arrangements for you...its a small space, but clean and nice. The toilet clogs and the heat goes out on occasion, but its no dump, just small. He was working before the show started, so he had enough to pay rent and eat ramen noodles. He has a roommate and the family has all been pitching in to pay a portion of expenses for the past few months. His apartment is on the sixth floor! I'm proud of Tim for making it up there.
To comment on the skinny sillouette, no hips and no breasts = me. Granted I'm not 6 feet tall, but as one of his first clients, I like this very much. I know its not for everyone.
I really enjoy reading all of the critiques and comments for and against my favorite designer. It makes me happy that so many get so passionate about this show and this is a great place to express opinions.
Love you guys!!
Maybe puffy sleeves is not as accurate as we all assumed, but there is a common pouf at the shoulder (what the far more knowledgeable Sewing Siren called a gathered sleeve cap) that he seems to be infatuated with. I'm not a big fan, it's too girly looking for my taste, but it certainly suits his theme of ruffles and intricate bodices.
What I can't decide is how much of what Christian is good at is actually his sewing skill. He works fast but he also works within a fairly narrow range of looks. Christian being able to sew well allowed him to turn out a lot of look in a short period of time. His BP collection shows what he can do given a long period of time, but he seemed to stay within that same narrow framework. I don't want to go all Peggy Lee about it, but is that all there is? I hope not.
OHMYGOD Shannon i love love love your brother i am so rooting for him he's so talented and funny. thank you for posting here.
I'm willing to bet the farm he wins the whole thing. I can honestly say he really CAN be "the next great American Designer", which I cannot say about Chloe or Jeffrey. Jay absolutely is worthy of that moniker as well.
I just think he has a LOT of growing up to do.
i liked his collection from the start of the show. christian is uber talented for sure. i did think that he had a think for skinny pants though. =)
time and experience will help Christian's aesthetic, which is freaking AMAZING as it is. It is not MY aesthetic - but really, I don't watch PR for anything that *I* might wear (I'm short and round; no one's designing for my body).
I teach at a large urban university, and I can very easily see the undergrad girls snapping up Christianesque clothes by the bagful. Yeah, most women don't have flat bodies (which, if you recall, VictorYa prefers as well), but most women aren't six foot tall Glamazons like Heidi Klum. Or any of the other models who are wearing the clothes. And I do think that, if he had to (for commercial reasons), our boy Christian could modify, adapt and create new more versatile garments. I really have come to love him over the course of the show.
He's got WAY more skills at 21 or 22 than I had then, and I think he'll do well. I also think - as has been suggested here - that a lot of his personality is performance - bombast and bravado, as opposed to some sort of deep-seated nastiness.
i love Christian. No one can take the place of darling Sissybear in my heart, but Christian is my pick for the win. and for great things to come.
"lima bean said...
And seriously, what about that teeny space he works in, my God! The amount of organization he must need to navigate in there is mind-boggling."
I noticed how organized he is, usually people that age don't give a damn about organization.
"I'm willing to bet the farm he wins the whole thing. I can honestly say he really CAN be "the next great American Designer", which I cannot say about Chloe or Jeffrey. Jay absolutely is worthy of that moniker as well. "
Ditto, ditto, so much ditto! Well, maybe not the bet the farm part, because I think since Jay, PR has shied away from the unproven crazy talents winning the whole shebang in favor of designers with an established career in fashion. Pity, that. Hope it's about to change, though I think they might play it safe and go with Jillian and her Ralph Lauren-ish sportswear. The most recent Tim's Take was very telling. Apparently he advised Christian to devise a business plan before Bryant Park because he didn't want to see him get dinged for youth and inexperience a la Daniel V.
If Christian wins, it will be the first time since Jay that I will be excited to see what the winner does with his career. I loved the exaggerated shoulders and the marriage of the feminine flounces with the more androgenous elements (like skinny pants) that he's been playing with this season. Much like Jay's increasing proclivity for layering fabric during season one, I think of it as creative exploration of a unique aesthetic that is bubbling to the surface. Christian's work is fun to look at and I imagine fun to wear. You'd definitely stand out in a crowd. I also think it's extraordinary that his work reflects his passionate and exuberant love of fashion even when the color palette is black and neutrals. I think that's why he became my favorite. Comparatively, Rami's work reflects his gravity towards classic beauty, and Jillian's work is well crafted and well thought out....almost methodical. I don't know, from an intellectual standpoint, I see the value in her pieces, but emmotionally, her stuff just leaves me cold.
tristessa said...
If Christian wins, it will be the first time since Jay that I will be excited to see what the winner does with his career. I loved the exaggerated shoulders and the marriage of the feminine flounces with the more androgenous elements (like skinny pants) that he's been playing with this season. Much like Jay's increasing proclivity for layering fabric during season one, I think of it as creative exploration of a unique aesthetic that is bubbling to the surface. Christian's work is fun to look at and I imagine fun to wear. You'd definitely stand out in a crowd. I also think it's extraordinary that his work reflects his passionate and exuberant love of fashion even when the color palette is black and neutrals. I think that's why he became my favorite. Comparatively, Rami's work reflects his gravity towards classic beauty, and Jillian's work is well crafted and well thought out....almost methodical. I don't know, from an intellectual standpoint, I see the value in her pieces, but emmotionally, her stuff just leaves me cold.
That is an interesting take Tristessa, I personally feel like the judges did Christian a disservice in the last challenge by not pointing out the costumey-ness of the garment that won him the challenge, up until that point (in my opinon) all of his designs were some what on edge, but also wearable, and manufacturable at a number of price points, including ones that his fan base could afford.
I am not suprised at the direction his finale collection took as he recieved nothing but praise on the last challenge. I do think there are far too many unwearable"show stoppers" for a 12 piece collection. If he is called out on it at the final critic, it will be a bit of a shame, because if he had recieved constructive criticism for the Art of Fashion challenge,I believe his finale collection would benefitted.
Well, I know he didn't use puffy sleeves as an element as much as Rami draped, but I always thought of his being named PPS was more of, oh, a philosophy and attitude. To me, his voice, his cadence, his vocabulary, his gestures, his expressions, his HAIR . . . he simply is an embodiment of Princess Puffy Sleeves.
He does seem to do a lot of ruffled fronts. How about Puffy Breast? Or just plain old Princess Puffy?
- Donna in Seattle
Ooooo, how about Puffy the Fashion Slayer?
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