"For my online collection, I just really wanted to push myself to make things I really would want to wear. It's the ideal of the whole Kit Pistol philosophy that you can mix more nighttime-looking clothes with more casual layering pieces, so it's really about the way that I like to dress."

Well it's certainly very Kit, which is as it should be. Although we wish some of these designers would embrace color a little more. We like the first look but there is something a little weird about the proportions. Don't those "straps" look like they come down awfully low? It's giving her a saggy titty look. We like the buttons on the sleeves but we're not sold on the sleeves ending in little fingerless gloves. LOVE the second look. Third look, interesting but the overall effect isn't that flattering.
"The three-look collection is about special pieces representing flattering fits and elegant details which play an essential part in a woman's wardrobe -- delicate embellishments such as pleated and ruffled necklines, sleeves, and hems, as well as decorative quilting that make each piece unique. It's about classic pieces with a modern twist that complement a variety of women with different body types. I desire to bridge the gap between the old and the new, the mythic and the ordinary, story and storyteller. I delight to bring allegory to the arena of fashion."

Good god, that boy likes to talk about his clothes. Not that we can blame him, since this was a VERY strong showing. Nice to see SOMEONE using color and that purple is very hot right now. The first look is absolutely flawless. Beautifully done. We love the second look but that jacket looks a bit overworked to us, which as we've seen this past week can be an issue with Rami. Too many design elements for such a simple silhouette. Third look: Lorenzo likes (except for the collar) and Tom vehemently DISlikes. It's kinda pretty and feminine but - again - a bit too overworked for such a simple little babydoll dress.
Click here to see all the collections!
Click here to see all the collections!
I must admit that I LOVE Rami's first look, right down to those shoes. I would vote for him just based on that ensamble.
The other looks do indeed look designed to death. I am not a fan of that heavy fussy coat at all.
Kits peices were very unique and had a strong POV but it's a little too much for this suburbs girl. I would have to take the kitchen shears to those sleaves that end in gloves...shudder. Thats like pajama's that end in feet!
The high necks on ALL of these looks are beginning to choke me. A little flesh would compliment both collections, IMO. ESPECIALLY against the lovely purple.
Kit's were decent, though not special enough to get my vote. Not up to the level she achieved in the challenges.
Rami's--good god. Yes, it's nice that he didn't shy away from color, but these colors were pukey. And the silhouettes...well, if he wanted his models all to look like they're shrugging their shoulders, then mission accomplished.
Rami's look number three
would look adorable on my
three year old niece :-)
I don't like the "wrist spats" that Kit is using. Just a little too weird.
I hated Rami's third dress. That particular shade of purple was just icky (although to be fair it may just not look good on my browser) and it just looked itchy and, well, ugly. But I did like the first look. I didn't dislike the coat in the second look -- it was a better one than what we saw in his match up against Chris.
Rami's mini collection is the perfect Spring '09 to follow the Fall '08 he showed at fashion week.
I like Kit's collection a lot. I think the hand spats aren't connected to the sleeve and I love the way the sleeves button up. She is getting my vote.
Oh, Kit...again, with the black. I'm so bored. Plus, I really don't respond that well to Kit's aesthetic. I didn't really like any of these looks.
As for Rami, I love the use of color. Love it. Like the first outfit, like the coat, hate the third dress. It looks all out of proportion on the model, and it's as busy as an LA freeway. Still, two out of three ain't bad. :-)
I agree with you on Kit. Not bad but could ahve been better
I was very pleasantly surprised with Rami's. Although not crazy about the excess of the 3rd dress, I felt these outifts as a whole were better than the daywear he had in his bryant park collection. The vibe was better and showed more restraint
I find it ironic when he talked about not having to be the "loudest" to be dramatic or good yet he went very "loud" with a number of his piece in the finale.
who cares about rami's clothes?
we all just want to see him naked, with those little white towels drapped around his big body. that's the part i'm going to miss of PR4 :(
jokes apart, his collection is beautiful and fresh. i'm extremely tired of black-black-black clothes collections that have been presented during NY fashion week. a little bit overworked, but flawless.
Kits -- that last skirt looks like ugly 70s gauchos -- bad!
Rami -- First skirt is pretty, but good luck sitting comfortably in it, and forget about eating.
Second look, coat is too busy and flappy. Third look, just what women need in their wardrobe -- a dress for a five year old. I do like the purple, however. Maybe he should have draped something!
You guys are so mean to Rami! He doesn't talk about his designs any more then any of the others. I honestly don't get it. This site is becoming nasty.
Didn't like the third looks at all. Did anyone think the outer jacket on Kit's third look a little bit like a Star Wars costume? Rami's third look is just a shiny plastic artificial mess. If he used something softer, I would have bite. But I kinda like everything else from both collection.
I have serious problems with Rami's work. The three looks here, the face-off with Chris, and the runway show all have the same problem: beautiful, amazingly crafted clothes that are not flattering. That third look makes the model look thick. I don't get it. Allison & Malan were kicked off for that exact problem.
Maybe it's me, but I thought Rami's first look showed some titscrepancy. Typical Rami. And the third look - are we sure he didn't borrow that from Ricky?
As for Kit - meh....
My vote's going to Marion.
Rami, ok, but the colors would make me look sallow. Kit's first piece would make any mature woman's boobs look saggy. She has a distinctive point of view, though, and that must be admired.
I like Kit's concept. I do it myself.
As far as Rami's designs are concerned, blech! I really can't stand the first design. The second leaves me lukewarm. The third would look fantastic on an 11" doll.
I'm watching this past week's PR right now, and Tim is visiting Rami. OMG, did anyone see the picture of his mother? She looks EXACTLY like Rami in drag!
That coat of Rami's makes the model look thick. That woman did not live on tic-tacs and water so that she could look like a matron. and given that his client base is likely to be more mature women, I'm certain they wouldn't appreciate it. And I super certain they wouldn't wear that last dress. Heinous. Aside from the horrid neck ruffle (please, please stop!) it's just unflattering.
We're rowing the same boat as far as Kit is concerned.
But I thought Rami's was disappointing. I'm not a big fan of purple but I'm even less of a fan of the shades that he chose for the second and third looks. That's one of my main concerns with him - his color choices often seem to be on the muted or ashy side. And the silhouettes are both overworked and underflattering.
Theoretically, Rami's purple is a lovely color. In practice, anyone above a size 4 would look like a grape.
No more high necks!
As for Kit-- why would anyone wear a button-up turtleneck under a sundress? Ick. And the enormous plaid skirt in her 3rd look is very old looking.
Both of these collections were misses.
Well, I'm on the love-the-purple-not-the-designs boat in the Rami fleet of opinions.
I don't get the mythic or the allegory, but he IS a good storyteller. And anyone who dips his brush in the purple paint is just fine in my book.
But if I see another babydoll dress, from anyone, I just might scream. If you're not sporting blonde curls & tap shoes, a babydoll dress is all wrong.
As for I think she was on the right track with look #1, but veered off before she got there. The rest: Nope.
"anon said: This site is becoming nasty."
Oh, the humanity! Goodbye cruel world...
Kit, what's up with the Minnie Mouse hands?
Rami's third look, in three words:
None of these did anything for me, sorry. I didn't hate them, but I didn't care for them, either.
Honestly, I don't know how anyone can love Kit's second look. It may be very nice, but who can tell? Those damn lighting people at Bravo make it impossible to see any detail on black garments. Of Kit's three, I prefer the third.
Rami, now, yes, he gets kudos for using color, and I like that purple (I'm in a purple mood, though; I was buying paper yesterday, and was drawn to some gorgeous purple chiyogami and kujaku!), but I'm generally unimpressed. The first is best, but the skirt will make any normal woman's hips look even bigger than they are. The jacket in the second look has the same problem - it will make the average woman look bulky on top. The third should not be worn by any grown woman. It's a child's dress.
Kit's first design makes her model look like a hooker mime.
Not thrilled by anything. None of Rami's pieces are very flattering, and Kit seems a little stuck in some weird retro thrift store limbo.
The low scoop neckline on Kit's jumper is actually very '80's (I had a few variations on that theme), but not done very well, IMO.
Non-plussed over here.
REALLY, REALLY disliked both collections!! Absolutely nothing about either one was in the least appealing, except maybe the blouse on Rami's first design, and that's saying a lot!!!
My vote went for Rami.
I was impressed, as I thought he would do his usual draping goddess shit.
Kit's was awful.
None of it worked, and I was disappointed because Kit was actually my favorite designer overall! A shame.
I like Rami for his use of color, but not the third shade of purple. I can't see "for women of all ages" in his 3rd piece - I saw that & thought Easter dress for girls, from 3 months to maybe 7 years, with some serious parental arm twisting involved. Sorry Rami, I'd rather see you in a towel than any adult woman in that dress.
I *want* to like Kit's collection because I think she had the "Phantom" role in Season 4. I want her to stand out and be awesome.
But these three looks? Not enthusiastic about them at all.
And Rami's? I know he was trying to go in a different direction from everyone else, and hooray for that, but ... not enthusiastic for his looks either.
Rami's first look is pretty darn fabulous. The other two are definitely overworked, particularly that hideous coat!
First look is cute and the longer straps don't bother me much if this is worn on a younger woman (teen, perhaps?).
Second look is really nice with the fitted shape. The texture is so important to the success of the garment.
The third look is sold based on the cut of that coat. Look at it! The culottes are actually kinda cute, I hate to say. Yes, they're a fashion trend I'm fond of, but the print against that coat is absolutely wonderful. The blouse simply finishes the look.
First look, you don't throw a pleat or ruffle or any sort of bulk at the widest (or just under the widest) part of the hip unless the woman is emaciated and you're trying to make her look larger.
Second look, still say it's a Willy Wonka jacket.
Third look is just too damn busy. And that color!
Rami, you don't strike me as a bad guy, but you don't seem to understand a woman's body as much as you think you do.
These pieces show a versatility to Rami that has been absent throughout most of this show. He has been my least favorite because of repetitiveness, but I think this is a strong showing, one of the strongest of all the contestants. He appears to be taking in the criticism he received all season! When were these looks produced, anyway?
Oops...Kit's culottes..."fit I'm not fond of.
Proofreading is your friend.
I really liked Kit's collection; Rami's, not so much. I agree with Tom about Rami's third (babydoll) dress. The proportions and neck are all wrong, too Baby Jane. It also makes the model's head look gigantic.
I love Rami's 3 piece collection. In my opinion the best and should win. VERY marketable.
This blog and TLO have really been great and fun!
I do however think that the second look it pretty hot too. The jacket is flawless. I do not think it's overworked, it's just the feel of that look for a young fearless customer. I think the simple slacks make it work.
I also love the metallic lining for the lavender baby doll dress. Very young and pretty.
I just think it's a smart 3 collection all around.
Rami's last two looks are absolutely horrid. Kit's collection is just okay, but I wouldn't say it's bad.
Kit rocks! I love her designs!
Anonymous said...
You guys are so mean to Rami!
"The first look is absolutely flawless. Beautifully done. We love the second look but..."
Reading comprehension is a beautiful thing.
I'm torn between Rami's and Christian's. In my opinion, they had the strongest online collections. Some of the other collections were extremely amateurish looking.
I really adore Rami's three looks. So feminine, current and well crafted.
I also like Kit's it's very cohesive and looks very much like her style.
But I'd say Rami's for the win also. I just think it's fabulous!
Rami knocked it out of the ball park with this.
The best I feel so far...
I like Kit's 1st look. But I like all 3 of Rami's. Hot!
I agree with TLO, his is a very strong presentation.
I'm also thinken Rami's is the winner too. But who the hell knows who'll be voting on the Bravo website.
loves Rami's!
I'd wear all of them.
I love the color and styling too!
My fav is the jacket and pants.
Kit's looks were very good - exactly what you could see her wearing, but it's not my taste.
It was pretty much the same with Rami, although I HATED that third look. The dress looked like it was too small for the model or something. The proportions were off somehow
are kit's shoes from forever 21? cheap.
RE the third look:
It comes with free matching underwear for the woman who may choose to shrug her shoulders, sit down, bend at the waist, or perform any other number of normal body movements.
The underwear is elegantly and beautifully draped, with just the hint of asymmetry (buttscrepancy is the new titscrepancy).
Rami went on about designing looks for a multitude of body types.
Looking at those garments, I think he's full of it. All of those pieces may look (somewhat) fantastic on a size zero model, but even a 6 or an 8 would look chunky.
Unflattering, all the way around.
I can't stand Rami's looks, but that's because I'd look like a jaundiced eggplant if I wore any of it. Purple is a terrible color on me.
Rami's is the best 3 piece I've seen so far. I don't even understand some of the negative comments - maybe jealously and/or threat? Opinions sure, but some seem so off.
I love it. Color, fit, design, styling -- all of it.
I'm sorry, I really like Kit's, maybe more than anyone else's. Rami's seemed too old to me somehow.
I love Rami's 3 looks.
I also love his final collection.
I'm such a Rami fan I hope he wins them both!
I honestly cannot understand all the Rami love. He clothes are not spectacular. His color choices are awful. There is no WOW factor or x-factor. All of those looks can be bought at Fashion Bug.
Kit's were really great and I cannot believe that Ricky and Sweet P stayed on the show longer than her. She is way better than Jillian or Rami.
You don't always need a "Wow" factor to be stylish and fashion forward.
I don't see a "Wow" factor is any of these online collections to be honest. (perhaps in Rami's and Christian's actually) I don't think "Wow" was the challange. It was an online challenge for BravoTV voters ~ probably young. I see what TLO means about color. I think black/white was probably not the best choice for this challenge.
I love Rami's too. It just works.
kit and rami both got edge, i don't know maybe it's a west coast thing. i love them both.
i heart rami's collection! i'm loving the color purple at the moment. the all-black look is just a wee bit boring.
i'm all rami on this one!
i heart rami's collection! i'm loving the color purple at the moment. the all-black look is just a wee bit boring.
i'm all rami on this one!
Rami's first look was my favorite of any of the looks by any of the designers, but I voted for Kit's as my overall favorite.
Rami dress me! Dress me darn you!!
I love his 3 looks!
Kit's work always seemed, to me, to be not quite there. Same here. The skirt of the first outfit reminds me of my old black sweat-shirt that I wiped my paint brushes on. Of the three pieces I liked it best. The second look was okay. The third: I liked the long jacket very much, but not the culottes.
I think Rami is a very talented guy, and he has considerable knowledge of the history of his chosen field. He can do interesting little twists on so many old forms, but he's not very adventurous. At heart he seems to be a merchant (when asked why he went on Project Runway he basicly said it was to boost his business,) so I wish he would take inspiration from the Phoenicians and travel farther out to sea. At least this time he sought inspiration in work closer to our own time, in Tudor England and fifteenth century France, and perhaps that neverland known as the future. I especially liked his third look, though it disturbed me at first. The proportions defamiliarize this very beautiful young lady's body. The lilac color works very well with her pale skin tone and red hair. Of the many high collars seen throughout this smaller competition, this is one of the best. From the waist up she almost looks like she could be posing for Nicolas Hilliard, she just needs the proper sleeves.
Dale Wittig.
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