Still about as believable as a scene depicting him making out with a woman.
Was ToteGay's little hobbit hole not adorable?
He sleeps on the floor under his creations. Say what you will about her, but that bitch clearly BREATHES fashion.
And how funny was it that Tim thought this was a skirt?
And how horrendous was Jillian's sweater? Girl, you know we're on your side, but ski-themed Christmas sweaters are such a gigantic NO.
Although we did think it was adorably self-confident of her to put herself on the list of great American fashion designers from Long Island. Soon, darling.
Rami, it's okay to introduce him as your boyfriend, you know. No one thinks you're batting for anything but the home team at this point. Points for opening up about your mother, though. That was sweet.
And now, to prove that we can rocket from kindness to bitchery so fast it'll make your head spin...
Yow. That is some serious FUG.
It's a tossup between Chris and Rami, but we think we're gonna have to go with Chris as having the coolest work space.
Okay, now we're gonna lift the veil a bit on the T Lo philosophy. When we discuss the blog and what exactly we're going to write about day after day, there is one refrain we repeat to each other over and over: "We can't care about whether or not the designers like us. We have to be true to our feelings and just hope they have a sense of humor." Now, we may not have always achieved that end, but believe us, it's always been a guiding philosophy for us.
Having said that...
It's not a place we'd want to live in (or get drunk in) but how freaking FABULOUS was that apartment?
And how adorable was he? He looks like one of the Osmond brothers!
Winner of the "Best Rack on Project Runway" award. We just hope his nipples didn't come off with the duct tape.
UPDATE: Note from Shannon (Christian's sister)
"Some clarification on the living arrangements for you...it's a small space, but clean and nice. The toilet clogs and the heat goes out on occasion, but it's no dump, just small. He was working before the show started, so he had enough to pay rent and eat ramen noodles. He has a roommate and the family has all been pitching in to pay a portion of expenses for the past few months. His apartment is on the sixth floor! I'm proud of Tim for making it up there.
To comment on the skinny silhouette, no hips and no breasts = me. Granted, I'm not 6 feet tall, but as one of his first clients, I like this very much. I know it's not for everyone.
I really enjoy reading all of the critiques and comments for and against my favorite designer. It makes me happy that so many get so passionate about this show and this is a great place to express opinions.
Love you guys!!"
[Screencaps: Project Rungay]
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I vote for Chris to be the #1 person everyone would love to go out (and get drunk) with. Can you just imagine the fun of it all!!!!
Jillian was just a little too full of herself, Christian seemed lonely and Rami is just very quiet
That apartment walks the line between fabulous and a creepy repository for people who go in but don't come out. I'd easily get drunk there just for the fun of wondering what happens next.
Christian stated his tiny microcosm was his "bedroom". Seems like he lives in the apartment with somebody else, yes? Does he not get living room and kitchen privledges? The Little ToteGay seems so closed up about his life. I just want to take him shopping to heal all wounds.
I think Chris is Hottie McHot. The little kid picture proved it.
"tlo said: He sleeps on the floor under his creations. Say what you will about her, but that bitch clearly BREATHES fashion."
Yes, it's like some kind of (if you'll pardon the expression) fairy tale. LIke Cinderella; in her own little corner, in her own little chair.
As for Rami's yellow coats: All I gotta say is, if French's ever went to war with Gulden's, Rami could make a mint outfitting their airforce.
Chris' friend's apartment reminded me of the Watts Towers, but it would give me nightmares.
Does Christian not have any friends? I realize he's very young and hasn't lived in New York all that long, but why visit everyone else's friends or family and not his? They could have at least showed him hanging out with Jack, Kevin, and Victorya.
Otherwise, I didn't find the home visits terribly revelatory (except maybe about Tim), but I, too, want to visit Chris' buddy's apartment.
I'm a bit confused. Wasn't that fabulously insane apt belonging to 1 of his friends? Granted I would still love to hang out there and with Chris and his posse.
That snarky remark 1 of them made about only watching it for Tim and Heidi and not just because chris was on the show was perfect
Also Princess' accodotains should not come as a surprise. He is only 21 and just got back from Europe. Still that is 1 tiny amount of space to work in, let alone sleep.
sorry I meant to say Christian's accomodations
"tlo said: And how adorable was he? He looks like one of the Osmond brothers!"
Doesn't every boy, who was a toddler in the 60's, have a picture of themselves in one of those little red suits? I bet he was wearing saddle shoes too.
But I wish you boys had put up the picture of Christian as a toddler. I would swear he looked just like Jack in it.
I loved Chris's friends apartment. I think it was awesome. I wish they would have shown more. The visit with Chris made me love him even more.
That being said, the visit with Jillian made me hate her even worse. She is a smug little tart isn't she? She isn't a great designer yet and you are so right about that TACKY, tired sweater.
Rami is pretentious, and everyone knew that was his boyfriend, why hide it. Why say this is my fag-hag and this is my boyfriend.
Christian, meh. Maybe it because it's NY, I don't live there, but I could never live in a place so small. But what do I know, I have a 4 bedroom house that rents for $250 per month.
I loooved Chris' pal's apartment! If you boys get an invite, take more pictures!
I had a bedroom like Christian's once, only mine had a Murphy bed in it (what luxury!)...
A couple of observations: couldn't help but notice that Chris did NOT rework his collection much, whereas Rami apparently started over.
GT, love the idea of Mustard Wars: it's much more chic than a plain old Food Fight
Are we calling sissybear Chris now?
You mean he's graduated? :0)
I love Chris because he's all about art. His friend Larry Vrba's jewelery is wonderful. The apartment looks like it was done with the same spirit and sense of whimsy as the late Tony Duquette.
I think Rami is diligent and works really hard. His space in Silver Lake is in a great location amongst the hip and monied, and the hip and not-so-monied. His apartment is great --an old spanish style place with garages stuck on the front.
Christian's apartment --wow, how clean. Amazing. No wonder he sleeps on the floor. He probably Swiffers it 2x a day. By the way, I listened to a good radio show with Christian as a guest. He was very gracious about all the designers and really loves Sweet P. Called her a "great designer, even if she wasn't so great at construction."
Tim driving. I'm just glad he didn't crash.
I do wish he would've shown footage somewhere of him going over to Sweet P's. Her role as the "decoy" was crucial for Bravo, and I think she deserves a little PR for going along.
Besides, I like her.
Yay the Badonkadonk apartment!! I adored Chris's friends. Also loved the point, just as Tim is leaving, when the friend with the fab apartment says, "Well, that seemed to go well" or something like that. Like a kind-hearted, pooped dad ... it made me think how nerve-wracking it is for the friends/family who want to Reflect Well on their designer.
The time with Christian did seem a little curtailed. If his friends didn't want to appear on the show, he and Tim should have at least had a little outing a la Danny V. and the coat-buying mission. I'd have to loved to see Tim and Christian step out to the bodega.
Agreed, Christian's apartment is teensy weensy.
how much would an apartment like Christian's run in NYC?
Never a huge fan of the home visits. It just seems that they use it to address anything that they felt was "edited" during the run. I still think Rami's mother looked almost exactly like him, in drag.
It seesm clear in an armchair psychologist kina way, that Christian had some troubles growing up and is using his outspokenness to protect the scared inner boy.
Jillian's comments didn't bother me in the least. She young and can afford to think that way. Good for her! The real world will beat her down soon enough, so let her have her bravada for now.
I had neighbors who have a similar, over-the-top apartment like Chris's friends. Nice to visit but would give you nightmares to sleep there. I also loved how you heard them as Tim was leaving "Oh, I think that went well" Faboo!
The apartment was horrendously scary, ok? Creeps me out. No wonder he came up with using human hair. But I loved Chris portfolio pictures, how ingenious? I loved every costume that he made and his facial expression in them were priceless. I'm distraught that Rami won.
Now my last hopes lie with the ToteGay.
Chris is my new secret boyfriend--what a seriously sweet person. But, as gorgeous as it is, there's no way in hell I'd even have a glass of wine at his friend's house...my clumsy ass would break something.
Also, am I the only person who thinks the picture of Rami's mother looks like Rami in drag?
FABULOUS, Boys--every word!
"I do wish he would've shown footage somewhere of him going over to Sweet P's. Her role as the "decoy" was crucial for Bravo, and I think she deserves a little PR for going along."
Ugh. They've never visited a decoy before. Though looking at that mess she sent down the Bryant Park runway, she definately needed a visit from Tim.
I wish people would get over Christian's apartment. It's true, it can be difficult to live like that, and it shouldn't be that way (and the way things are going, it's only getting worse). But the reality is that zillions upon zillions of people in NY live in tiny little cribs and still manage to lead productive, creative, interesting lives as artists, musicians, designers, dancers, actors. . . even regular people.
Rami's mother does look like him in a dress. Are we sure that was his mother and not his drag portfolio?
Uh...it's kind of shitty to be making fun of someone's dead mother.
I wish people would get over Christian's apartment
Just what do you propose we talk about? Maybe you need to lighten up, because this is obviously hitting close to home.
That is the exact reason I would NEVER live in NY. I couldn't live in a closet, I don't care what city it is in, it isn't worth it. I enjoy my space (and I have lots of it).
I wasn't making fun of anyone's dead mother. I was simply commenting on the fact that her son looks exactly like her.
So, is there some sort of Anonymous Scientology-like plot to make Project Rungay really suck? Because the random comments from people without the balls to sign their names are starting to piss me off.
My Mother is dead and I make fun of her all the time. If you cannot have a sense of humor about it, you would cry all the time. Lighten up.
What a pair that Chris has! Are they real?
Anonymous said...
Uh...it's kind of shitty to be making fun of someone's dead mother.
Who's making fun of his mother? We're just saying that he looks exactly like her, hence the comparison, Rami in drag. Seriously, how do these people end up on this blog?
Looking at those last two pictures just makes me love Chris more, more, and more. I want to be his BFF and go out with him. He rocks!!
The post is hilarious, boys! Christmas sweaters? No, no, and no.
I swear, I took one look at
Christian's place and went "Hey, it's about the same size as my senior year dorm room!" It sort of brought home how damned young PPS is.
I look at Christian's apartment and cannot believe he was able to sew all those pieces in such a tiny space. More power to you, girlfriend!
Oh and I forgot to mention...
"Still about as believable as a scene depicting him making out with a woman."
HILARIOUS!! That always cracks me up, Tim driving a Saturn in NY.
"These people" end up here just the same way everyone else did. Sorry I don't have the "balls" of "The Divine Miss M" whose driver's license SURELY bears the same name, thereby demonstrating her bravery, but why don't you all go tell your mothers that they look like a man in drag and see if she takes it as a compliment?
anon said, "Agreed, Christian's apartment is teensy weensy. how much would an apartment like Christian's run in NYC?"
Hard to say. Depends on where it is, whether it's rent controlled (probably not), and any number of factors. But if it's, say, a 1-bedroom he's sharing with someone else, it could be $1000 each, easily. Or more, or less.
If Sissy Bear had sent that Cruella DeVille costume down the runway the first episode, they could have cancelled the rest of the season as far as I'm concerned. Nothing else we saw all season was that hot. He may now be my favorite contestant ever.
Poor Xtian. It made me sad that we didn't meet his family or friends. That's one of my favorite parts of the season.
We had an apartment in the West Village 12 years ago that was comparable to Christian's and it was $1400 a month. I can only imagine how much he must be spending on his.
When Tim visited Christian's apartment, I kept wondering how he could sew in there without constantly banging his elbows into the wall. I know I would, anyway.
Anyone else catch Tim's Take where he said that PPS had his fabrics organized into black, blacker, and blackest?
Rents everywhere have risen. In cities, it's only going to get worse as demand outstrips availability.
Yet, there is something preferable to living in the city amongst other creative people. And so like Christian, I'd opt to stay even if it meant paying 2k to share sink space with a roommate.
Aw, guys. I'm sure Chris loves you, too!
Rami -- Echo Park represent! Silverlake represent!
Those Washington Redskins colors are better than the teal (or whatever it was) that he went with. (there's a gold version of the coat that was shot down in his mini-collection.)
JIllian -- Au contraire! That sweater was cute! It was the shorts that were fug.
Christian -- Good thing he's such a neatnik. Cute. I would've killed for an apartment that size when I was living in NYC at his age.
-- desertwind
Chris = fantastic. just the best, ever.
Now: am I the only one who thought it was weird that on PROJECT RUNWAY, on BRAVO, the issue of queerness was subdued and skirted in a VERY weird way?
Christian talking about the way working in a hair salon let him "express himself" and be accepted. Rami, going ON AND ON about his brother "catching him" closed away in his bedroom, furiously.....sketching and designing away! how it wasn't "masculine" enough.
I wonder if perhaps dear Rami is not OUT to his family. thus the refusal to say "this is my boyfriend."
The show seemed oddly unwilling to say "GAY" - which strikes me as kind of sad. I don't mean to say it should be all about "identity politics," but the home visits danced all around that queer mulberry bush (er, um...), saying everything-but.
i wonder about this.
I like the home visits. seeing Christian's teensy baby dollhouse made me like him even more. and Jillian's absurdly normal and odd family. And her awful sweater, and shorts-with-tights.
and Chris! loved his apartment, loved his friend's place even more.
if you get an invite to visit Chris, can I come along too?
Chris's friend's apartment was pretty amazing! He might have a problem getting his security deposit back, though.
It's a shame the stupid final elimination took time away from the Tim visits, which we all love.
I'd of loved to have seen Sweet P's visit as well. From what friends have told me, Tim went to see her too.
I loved Jillian's sweater!
Remember, she's a straight woman of middle class upbringing. The sweater is very reminiscent of what alot of women wear in the mid-west (especially those that have no emotions).
I think Christian lives with his b/f, no? And if I read correctly, he's fairly successful, so I guess real estate in NY really is overpriced.
And are we sure that's Rami's b/f? Does anyone know if he's actually dating anyone? Maybe the guy really is just a good friend.
Funny as always, but I'm surprised no mention of Tim Gunn interacting with Jillian's Long Islandy mother ("I went to see a clairvoyant, and she told me one of my children would be famous") and her boyfriend in a vest! Go Long Island!
Can you imagine doing acid in Chris's friends place? I picture the New Orleans graveyard scene in Easy Rider times 100.
I love the home visit episodes! Mostly, just to see Tim out of his element! He's so gracious, he makes the effort to be comfortable wherever he's at (even in that little car).
My most favorite home visit was Jeffrey's from the previous season. He totally blew my conceived notions of him out the window. Seeing him at home; happy and loving to his family, now that was great TV.
It's okay when friends instead of families are presented because sometimes, our friends are more family to us than the ones with the blood ties.
I LOVED that last picture of Chris.
Reminds me of Jessica Lange in 'Blue Sky', Jennif Jason Leigh in 'Last Exit to Brooklyn', Ellen Greene in 'Little Shop of Horros' and Cher's Laverne character.
His costumes are my dreams come true. I would like to spend every Halloween with Sissybear.
Why was Tim driving in Manhattan? Why does anyone drive in Manhattan? Doesn't Saturn have a car service?
I tuned in too late to see PPS and Jillian's home visits, but based on the screen cap I liked Jillian's sweater. TLo, that ain't no Christmas sweater. It's not red, there are no reindeer, no fuzzy ornaments hanging off. It ain't even Christmas sweater lite.
I enjoy the home visits I did see but Rami's seemed a bit circumspect, as if he was saying between the lines what he was unwilling to say directly. And I still think Chris is the one I'd want to know forever. Love that guy. And I love Tim. His prissiness is certainly one of his defining characteristics but sometimes it's charming and sometimes it's a character trait I have to look past. Tim's reactions at Chris's workroom fell into that second category for me.
It was so sad that Christian didn't have any family or friends to introduce us to, no?
Along the lines of Eric3000's observation about security deposits, my first thought when I saw Chris's friend's apartment: "Does the landlord know?"
Another thing that struck me, which hasn't in previous seasons, the vast number of outfits that the designers had made which never got to the final runway. I know Season 3 really didn't have the time to overdo it, but I don't recall seeing so many unused outfits during the home visits in Seasons 1 and 2. Proof, I guess, that, yes, these were very experienced and/or proficient clothes makers this season.
what amazed me most is that christian was able to work on his collection in his small space vs what rami has. it reminded me of michael & his toy sewing machine vs jeffreys studio.
loved the post. i hope you boys get to tour the apartment.
Bill said...
His costumes are my dreams come true. I would like to spend every Halloween with Sissybear.
I know, right? Halloween and The Mermaid Parade, we could talk for hours.
I want to know how the hell Chris did that with his moons??
GothamTomato said:
"Ugh. They've never visited a decoy before. Though looking at that mess she sent down the Bryant Park runway, she definately needed a visit from Tim."
for what I saw from this website SweetP's collection had very very nice pieces, and I especially liked her colors. To me the only one that was totally out of place was the last look (B&W pants and shirt). But otherwise I don't agree with your comment, I think Tim would have liked most of the looks. Yes, not super high fashion, but definitely something for the everyday woman.
sorry, that should say "moobs" Stupid iPhone writes its own words!
BTW re: PPS's apartment....it SO used to piss me off when I watched Friends and saw those apartments that there is NO WAY people with their jobs could ever afford!!
"Still about as believable as a scene depicting him making out with a woman."
"Was ToteGay's little hobbit hole not adorable?"
So many funny lines. You guys kill me every time.
Trust me, ladies, Christian's apartment is not THAT small.
I'm surprised no one's mentioned that Jillian has blue eyes in her interviews and brown eyes in her baby pictures.
Did anyone else notice?
Ahhh...Top Ramen: Nectar of the gods (or starving artists, at least). It's been a while since I've dined on it, but I'm betting that Christian does what I did--stock up when they're on sale, 10 for a dollar, at Rite Aid.
Where else can you get dinner for 10 cents?
Ugh. They've never visited a decoy before. Though looking at that mess she sent down the Bryant Park runway, she definately needed a visit from Tim.
A day without a GothamTomato rag on Sweet P is like a day without sunshine.
There was a picture of a young Chris in drag, when he was both slim and gor-GEOUS! To die for.
I too love the home visits, just 'cause I like to see studios, and where people live in general.
It would've been nice to see Sweet P chez elle -- I'm curious about her actual lifestyle.
Jillian's dad? With that hat and moustache? Color me surprised. Everything else was pretty much as expected. I guess she could afford that apartment on a salary from Ralph Lauren.
Tim said that Chris shares studio space with other designers and creative folks. So I wonder if that area with green curving walls and glass bricks was just temporarily set aside for him to display his collection.
Did we actually see his living space? My brain fixated on the friends' over-the-top mini-Versailles.
A day without a GothamTomato rag on Sweet P is like a day without sunshine.
Heh, I was going to say something similar to the other anonymous who disagreed with Gotham Tomato about Sweet P, above. Only I wouldn't have been funny.
A day without a GothamTomato rag on Sweet P is like a day without sunshine.
Well, in a way, a mere mention of Sweet P is like tossing crack at an addict. Gotham Tomato just can't resist.
Gotham Tomato just can't resist.
Yo, you kind of feel sorry for the old GT.
BY the way, Christian was on a podcast for twenty minutes or so. He said he loved Sweet P and that she was a great designer. He didn't think her construction skills were very good, but he loved her as a person and a designer.
I loved Chris's apartment! Wish I can get an invite too! lol
Rami had a full page spread in the LA Times Magazine Fashion Edition this Sunday. Rose Apodaca chose him as one of six who are defining LA Style (or "as defined by the borders of west of the 405, north of the 10, east of the 110, and south of Sunset Blvd). Believe me, the rest of LA just doesn't care.
He's got a high priced following, and he went on PR4 to find an investor with deep pockets.
An understandable reason to come on the show, even if it does baffle your clients who pay over $500 for a daydress.
However, it's not necessarily the ending that a lot of people want for a competition, which is one reason a lot of the response to Rami has been so sour. People like the rags-to-riches story, or in this case, the suburb-to-riches, hair salon-to-riches, or street parade-to-riches stories.
Though he may win it, I think more people will be delighted if Jillian or Christian wins. Loads would've been thrilled if Chris had taken the prize.
Larry's apartment was awesome! It reminded me of J.F. Sebastian's place in the movie Blade Runner:
I half expected Roy Batty to leap out and begin his Hamlet-like soliloquy:
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion...."
Christian's itty-bitty-berth, not surprising. I had a friend with an apt. in Greenwich Village, you could hardly toss dice in it.
Jillian's place seemed roomy and so did her sweater...that collar was like a Little-Shop-of-Horrors plant..."Feed me Seymour!"
Rami's abode seemed like what you'd expect from a West Coast small business owner...he probably pays $$$ for it. (his *friend* is adorable...I wonder if he drapes him?) >:)
Kanani if Rami was "riches" already he would not have done the show. Why do you think he did it? To try to break through like anyone else.
That is exactly why I'm pulling for Rami, because I also like a "rags-to-riches story" and on top of that he's self taught. Did it all on his own. He didn't have mommy or daddy sending him to a fancy fashion college or receive a formal degree like others.
It's simple to believe the hype Kanani, but trust me (and no disrespect) your analysis is very incorrect.
I have to agree with you Trent. Rami came from nothing and escaped a very desperate and repressive situation.
All people can see is that Hollywood stylist's and a celeb's love Rami's designs and they think he's too big for the show.
Past season's have also had somewhat established designers on the show. Yes somewhat...Rami is no Tom Ford...yet. And this season alone has had Elisa (her line Hunger World and has dressed Cher, Sarah Jessica Parker, Courtney Love, Cameron Diaz, etc. why don't you read her bio?) and Ricky who has his own line in major department stores like Nordstrom's and Neiman Marcus. Yeah, I've done my Project Runway homework.
This is actually my favorite episode. My heart melts when I see them with their families and friends, even if they were a total bitch on the show.
I wasn't at all surprised to find that Christian eats, sleeps, and breathes fashion. I expected that. And, I knew his family had joined him in New York in December and then again for Fashion Week. Yep, I'd read his sister's blog. But more than anything, I was actually sort of mama-proud of Christian for not falling into the trap of having a big apartment from a doting sugar daddy. He could have easily fallen into that trap, but he has stayed true to himself. Princess may be a lot of things, but he's not afraid to work hard and make something of himself.
The visits to Rami and Jillian and their very different families have finally convinced me that they weren't related. But seriously, I loved the look into their lives. Oh, and as for the TLo fug comment for Rami's golden cloth children...hell yeah! The momentary intrigue over something not draped quickly gave way to the overwhelming urge to gouge my eyes out. I'm glad he dropped the skirt and coat from his final collection.
Now, despite the fact that Chris was in NY, I wasn't at all astonished that the visit to him was the last visit Tim made, were you? If there was ever any doubt that he was kept solely because Cavalli loved his gown, this should have convinced even the most gullible. I loved the photo from his childhood and was glad to see his wonderful friends. For those among us who are estranged from immediate family, it all comes down to making a new family with truly lovely people who support you and care about you. Chris has done just that and really, who wouldn't love such a sweet soul?
As for Tim in that car? Bwahahahaha! Yeah, right.
Chris looks so cute in that black and white picture. I also loved his friends and you could tell that they really care for him. Larry's apartment is incredible. I'd love to see every single piece and detail in it.
Sorry, trent. I didn't say he was in the riches, what I said was that he is already established with a rich clientele. He also sells in 20 boutiques, and his clothing has been seen on many a celeb including his favorite --Dita Von Teese. He was also on Tyra Banks last year --a full fashion show. It's not hype Trent, it's the truth.
He's looking for an investor to take his business to the next level.
Valid reason, as I said. Every small business owner would love an investor to help them kick it up. Rami is no different.
But he's not Jillian nor Christian, who haven't started their own lines. And those are the two who I think garner the most support -not only because of this, but also because their designs and flexibility are very, very good.
It's agreed they all have talent.
Rami would be a very safe, sensible choice. He could take the money and expand his business.
Jillian and Christian would be a vote in the direction of believing they can do something someday.
(As it were, Rami has already garnered the interest of an investor to sponsor a show in NYC in 2009. Whether or not he wins, I guess he want for exposure worked).
Christian's room is as big as mine! I think I might have one square foot more than he does... I don't envy him his rent check, though. Thank god for inherited leases. You'll never get me, new rent prices! I will live under rent control until the day I die!
I do wish there was more on Christian, though. :c Where's some nosy parker to write up a wiki article on him?
Joan said: Now, despite the fact that Chris was in NY, I wasn't at all astonished that the visit to him was the last visit Tim made, were you? If there was ever any doubt that he was kept solely because Cavalli loved his gown, this should have convinced even the most gullible.
Funny, I thought "what about Chris???", too, when Tim left NY and drove that Saturn right onto the plane to meet with Rami in LA.
But now that I think about it...they just wantedd to end the "home visits" section with a little "zing". (Just like in a runway show, no?)
"joan said: But more than anything, I was actually sort of mama-proud of Christian for not falling into the trap of having a big apartment from a doting sugar daddy. He could have easily fallen into that trap, but he has stayed true to himself."
This is one of the nuttiest things I've seen posted here.
What do you think he is, a rent boy?
"A day without a GothamTomato rag on Sweet P is like a day without sunshine."
Hey, that's a pithy little saying. You should have it tatooed across your ass (in big letters).
And here's one for the other cheek: A day without multiple postings from a sad multiple-personality troll is like, any day we had here before the tourists showed up.
After seeing Christian's apartment, his speed during the challenges makes much more sense. You would have to be ridiculously organized and efficient to be able to work in a space that size.
Well, since Princess Puffysleeves is "Kind of a big thing" in her own words, I'm shocked that she doesn't have a Park Avenue penthouse guarded by packs of ferocious attack poodles...
"Winner of the "Best Rack on Project Runway" award. We just hope his nipples didn't come off with the duct tape."
I voted for him 10 times :)
What a great post! You basically just said everything I was thinking through the episode... but in a more creatively comical way.
What do you think he is, a rent boy?
That's the challenge for next season.
The designers will vie for a sugar daddy. 100k is nothing! What they'll need is support for about twenty years, fab apartments in many cities, workshops, manufacturing deals, low interest loans, and minions...lots of them.
Really GT, lighten up on the hate of Sweet P. Lots of us don't like one designer or another for various reasons, but you have a deep hate for Sweet P and it comes across as cruel and unusual hate. Why be so extreme? Let it go.
I am sure you will try to make some reply that demeans me and others that feel the way I do and I know I am not the only one making these remarks because this is the first one I made on this post, so I know others made the other remarks too (even though you feel it is the same person using different names for some weird reason). But really, it's just nasty and hateful of you to do that to someone. So please just stop witht the Sweet P hate. Be nice.
"Yow. That is some serious FUG."
Crack me up!!!
That was nice of Christian's sister to send a response, but I wish she would have addressed why the family didn't appear in his visit or why he had no "friends" appear. I am sure he has family and friends, but why wouldn't they be on the show?
As for his apartment, I am sure it is tiny because that is all he can afford. I remember my first apartment after college. It had one bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, a den, a dining room and an eat in kitchen. It was so small and the rent back then was $350 with all utilities included. I thought that was so outrageous. But now you can't find anything for that price and that was only in 1991.
Christian is so pale. He needs a little sun, not orange like the Duchess, but just a touch of tan to take away some of that whiteness.
Also, has anyone else noticed Tim Gunn's paleness? Look at his hands compared to his face. He has on make up and his face, but looking at his hands he is seriously pale. Doesn't anyone in NY ever get out?
Sunscreen, darling. It keeps one from wrinkling.--nycowgirl
Aww, Christian's sister is adorable. I just checked her blog. Christian is my favorite and I hope he wins.
Hilarious post, guys! My favorite part is always Tim driving that car.
I was a bit surprised with Rami introducing his boyfriend as his friend. I guess he's a boyfriend and a friend. Anyway... I was shocked with the size of Christian's space to work. Unbelievable! Jillian's family is so sweet and supportive. I can't never get enough of Chris. He's nice, talented and I'm very happy for him.
"Anonymous said...
GO CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!"
I wouldn't consider Christian an underdog.
Jillian's family had some strange accents didn't they?
"Miss Nancy said...
Really GT, lighten up on the hate of Sweet P. Lots of us don't like one designer or another for various reasons, but you have a deep hate for Sweet P and it comes across as cruel and unusual hate. Why be so extreme? Let it go.
So please just stop witht the Sweet P hate. Be nice."
Oh please. What blog to you think you're reading here? Every one likes and/or dislikes the work of different designers, but only surrounding SweetP is there this orbit of a couple of loony multiple personality posters whinily declaring her a sacred cow, wah, wah, wah...
Grow up or post on one of those terminally boring blogs where the owners are starfuckers and no one is allowed to say anything mean (or intelligent, or vaguely amusing), to interfere with said starfucking.
I mean, seriously, you are walking in on the middle of a cocktail party. There was a big, rollicking, raucous conversation already going on before you got here. For you to plop yourself down in the middle of the floor, and demand that everyone here change to accomodate you and your delicate sensibilities (or agenda) is completely absurd - and in the most boring definition of the word.
am sure you will try to make some reply that demeans me and others that feel the way I do
Am I right or am I right, exactly on cue you did it. I feel sorry for you. Bless your bitter heart.
To gothamtomato, I've been reading this blog off and on for a few years, have posted a few times. Your xenophobic remarks are out of line - i.e. referencing the days before the tourists showed up. I don't think TLo are doing this site for your personal benefit, or the benefit of a chosen few frequent posters. Read the sign!This site is for ANYONE on the internet to read, share and enjoy. If not, it would be a private site with a password. When TLo decide to limit participation, it will be their decision, not yours. You can be a bully at times. You don't have to be in charge of every cocktail party you attend. Auntzue
anon 1:57...hear hear!
Margaret said...
A day without a GothamTomato rag on Sweet P is like a day without sunshine.
Heh, I was going to say something similar to the other anonymous who disagreed with Gotham Tomato about Sweet P, above. Only I wouldn't have been funny.
8:11 PM
Anonymous said...
A day without a GothamTomato rag on Sweet P is like a day without sunshine.
Well, in a way, a mere mention of Sweet P is like tossing crack at an addict. Gotham Tomato just can't resist.
8:13 PM
Christian's teensy weensy apartment said...
Gotham Tomato just can't resist.
Yo, you kind of feel sorry for the old GT.
So is this the cocktail party conversation that was going on? Doesn't sound like it was all favorable?
Sorry anon dear, but one person transparently posting under multiple names does not a conversation make.
At least one of the voices in your head must tell you that much.
Ahhhh......guurrrllllllll fights!
Reminds me of the time I was on a cruise. A fight broke out between two women on the 8th deck. I went around them, not wasting a drop of my large, tropical cocktail with the flamingo hanging from the side and an umbrella speared through the pineapple.
The joys of being a tourista!
Troll --
It would be so much easier to believe you were more than just one person if you didn't obviously live on this site, waiting for Gotham Tomato to appear, and then post repeating, using the same syntax and insults.
I don't agree with everything GT says. I don't share her aversion to tattoos, nor her aversion to Sweet P, but I do know that her aversion to Sweet P isn't anything close to your deranged obsession with GT.
I always enjoyed the home visits, but these were kind of disappointing. Chris' was the best, his friends seemed warm and friendly.
Poor Christian, either got shafted and didn't get as much air time. Why no friends or family with him?
Jillian was no surprise, he visit was as boring as her clothing. I couldn't understand her "father", he had a strange accent.
Rami and his boyfriend, they were just predictable, I was hoping to see a little personality out of him.
But the best part is watching Tim white knuckle it while driving. You can tell he doesn't drive often. Too Funny.
"agnes gooch said...
Troll --
It would be so much easier to believe you were more than just one person if you didn't obviously live on this site, waiting for Gotham Tomato to appear, and then post repeating, using the same syntax and insults.
I don't agree with everything GT says. I don't share her aversion to tattoos, nor her aversion to Sweet P, but I do know that her aversion to Sweet P isn't anything close to your deranged obsession with GT."
Well said, as usual, Agnes, and I would also add that Gotham Tomato is one of my favorite commenters here, love her insights and jokes, but she needs to stop talking about Sweet P every single post. Quite frankly, it's getting old.
You people really need to leave all that petty bickering at home. Those of us who want to talk about the show, don't care who hates who.
This is very kindergarten. Grow up people.
Can we go back to the main subject of our post? Thanks!
Did anyone know why Tim did his visit's in such an odd way? You would think he would go to LA either first of last and do all the NY visits in a row.
Which he may have done them in a row and they just showed them out of sequence. Any insights?
When Tim was in Chris' "house" where his clothes were on the dress forms, was that where he lives? Or was that some sort of studio?
TLo! I must remember that little trick the next time one of my cocktail parties goes astray! Love your site!
Anonymous 12:53 PM, come out from under your rock.
Accents are strange if you haven't ever been anywhere. You should get out more.
I feel better thinking Xtian is designing for his sister than just designing for himself. (It was really bugging me, I mean the denim challenge? Ugh.) That's just sweet, though.
Mama-proud! I had MUCH admiration for Christian affording that apartment and creating in that space - organization IS the key! Talk about making it work! I'm trying make ends meet as a student in a new apartment eating ramen and I am impressed! The rent he must be forking over would set me up in a McMansion here.
I've only just moved and got cable and watch the entire season in a few days - I was dying! A viewing binge really takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the season.
As for Jillian - I'm also a "middle-class straight woman in the midwest" and I know that is a thrift-store sweater (and not in a good way). I think it came out of the same cardboard box from her parents' basement that those hideous X-mas decorations came out of.
And oh do I want to squeeze little bitty b/w Chris! (But not tear his head off or hang him from my rear-view).
"The show seemed oddly unwilling to say "GAY" - which strikes me as kind of sad."
You think that's something? Remember Zulema from Season 2? Did you know that she's a lesbian? Me neither, until I read about how Bravo edited the show so that no one knew and didn't let the Advocate mag know about her queerness when they were doing an article on PR gays?
You were omitted from “Seven for the Runway,” Advocate.com’s December 6, 2005, feature on the season’s gay contestants.
That is what I was most upset about. More than a month before the Advocate.com article came out, the [Bravo] PR people asked me a very specific question: “Do you want us to promote you in the gay market?” I said, “Absolutely.” When I saw that I wasn’t involved in the article, I immediately knew how [the producers] were going to play me.
Holy Crap!
I totally have a postcard of Chris in the getup with the big leopard bow on his head...flipping off the camera. I bought it in SF sometime in the mid 90's.
This is a late-breaking comment, 'cause I'm just catching up on these, but that snowflake sweater is from the Ralph Lauren collection--Jilian's employer. I recognized it, having seen it at Lord and Taylor a few weeks ago. My friend and I guffawed at it there, and I still can't believe she wore it. But it's a Ralph Lauren take on one of those Midwest Christmas sweaters.
I thought Rami's collection looked horrendous during Tim's visit, and couldn't understand WHY Christian was sleeping under his garments. The way they filmed it, his apartment looked like it measured about 30 square feet.
I understand New York is expensive and he has no money, but what the f?
Jillian and Chris's collections are the only ones that looked like runway material during Tim's visits. Both Rami's and Christian's looked strange and unready.
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