Because we liked Sweet P, we're definitely sorry to see her go...
...but we can't honestly say we disagree with the judges on this one.
Well, that's not entirely accurate. Lorenzo says he loves the dress ("Sue me!"), but even he agrees there were some serious problems with it.
Peacocks by Melchior d'Hondecoeter
Her choice of inspiration left us feeling much the same as when Daniel Vosovic decided to be inspired by a flower and the judges treated him like Michelangelo over it: "Oh. A peacock. Because THAT'S never been done."
But then she chose some interesting and beautiful fabrics and seemed to be taking it to a more interesting, less literal level and we were intrigued.
Then she did that.
To be fair once again, Lorenzo kinda liked it but Tom thought she looked like the Queen Mother out for walkies. You had to go there, didn't you Sweet P? You HAD to put FEATHERS on her.
Aw, we're teasing. We don't hate the feathers that much (yes we do), it's just that the dress didn't quite come together as it should have.
We like the color blocking - and the color choices, for that matter - but we just didn't like the lines it created.
Even worse, we didn't like the color blocking paired with that print. It overwhelms it completely.
And then...
...there's the pockets. We've stated our dislike for pockets in dresses before, but come on. Those are some lousy proportions. She could fit her gym gear in those saddlebags. She could put a baby in each one and get her grocery shopping done.
To top it off in our best Nina voice "There iS Something to be deSired in the execution." Choosing to do such a simple look left her no wiggle room in that area and it just came off looking unpolished and even a little sloppy.
We share what appears to be the majority online opinion that there seemed to be some mighty arbitrary judging going on last night, but we can't honestly argue that she didn't deserve to be auf'd.
Her work subsequent to this has shown that she's a talented designer, but this dress was just a huge stack of no. Sorry, P.
Watch her exit video here:
[Photos: metmuseum.org/bravotv.com - Videos: bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Yep, she deserved to go home. It was poorly sewn and a very strange "design".
Nothing on the post, just MAD AMOUNTS OF LOVE on valentine's to my FAVORITE bloggers.
I need a cigarette. Very satisfying episode.
So like Bravo to smack us upside the head with a top ten tackiest challenge and then follow with the cultural high-water mark of the MET. I mean, seriously, the MET? private viewing?? with cameras??? Perhaps Gotham Tomato and other members of the NYC tribe (toddny?) can confirm, but I would think getting this kind of access takes some serious juice. And crossing of palms with silver.
Ah, Sweet Pea. She was ready for an auf, but glad to see it was at least deserved on this challenge. To give her deserved props, Sweet Pea does make cute, commercial dresses. But as MK (I think it was him) said, “it that fashion?” Cute dresses aside, it was clear that in this company she was out of her league when it came to execution and out of her depth when it came to a clear design aesthetic.
And how freakin’ adorable is Roberto Cavalli? I just want to wrap him up with a bow and take him home.
I loved the patterned fabric when she was buying it, but oy, what she did with it. That blotch on the upper left chest looked like either an armpit stain on the move, or a nursing bra malfunction. And the bucket pockets...I will never understand them on any piece of clothing, no matter who designs it.
That dress evoked no "peacock" for me. The color and proportions and grandeur were not present. Elisa's "pooing-fabric" dress was more reminiscent of a peacock than this saddlebaggy, colorblocking, puckery, minimalist sack.
Not that everything should be so literal, but a train or some over-the-topness is needed when talking about a peacock for f---'s sake. This was more of a plucked chicken dress.
I would have called this a mis-step, but she hasn't wowed me enough this season to merit Top 5 IMO. Nice lady, but time to go home.
It’s nice that she can make cute, wearable dresses, but this challenge did really highlight how she wasn’t quite up to par with the others. I really, really loved the print! It’s a shame she chose to use it with such strong, almost primary colors. I was also totally confused by the pockets. Maybe that’s where the peacock laid its eggs?
I still like her, but she did really deserve to go. She got to show in the park, so that is a great win for her in and of itself.
Every single garment she has done all season (with one exception) has been unpolished and sloppy, so that was not a surprise. She has also shown no taste with regard to color or fabric choices.
But those pockets, Oy. Forget about the peacock: She looked like she was channeling Johnny Appleseed, so he could travel the countryside in drag, spreadign appleseeds from those enormous pockets.
She survived much longer than she should have, and with less to back it up than others who were auf'd sooner.
Veruca Salt,
The Met is closed every Monday, so I'm assuming that they allowed filming on a Monday. I used to work at one of the Met gift shops and they allowed us to visit the Met (the offices in there are still open) on Mondays. Some halls and rooms were not even lit. They were rather creepy that way. It was one of the most awesome experience I've ever had, now that I think of it.
Yeah...shame it didn't work out becasue hse chose one of the more interesting inspiration pieces in that it wasn't a person wearing something.
I loved the headress it was my favorite part of the dress (oops).
Here is my question- Why pick the peacock painting and do a fucking short dress?? This painting is screaming (don't you hear it?)for a fitted turquoise sheath with a long long train of many colored chiffon layers.... or something... not a patch worky sundress. Come on, P you are sweet and I wish you success, but this was a big messy miss.
NBC peacock, there. I don't have much more to say about this dress. But I have written a send off for her.
Okay, what does "Spread Eagle" mean?
I know what it means, but what could it mean between the designers, as mentioned in her exit video?
Inquiring minds...
I wish Sweet P had chosen something else and Chris had done the peacock painting. It could really have been great in his capable and over-the-top hands.
This dress was more evocative of the tumble of fruit dropped on the ground in the bottom right corner of the painting than of the peacock. All the mpdel needed was a monkey sitting on her shoulder picking at the dress, and she would have nailed it.
sus said, The Met is closed every Monday . . .
Do they still have Member Mondays?
Back on-topic:
I liked the fabric she chose very much, but agree that the added color blocking detracted from it. The feathers were, I'm sure, a response to Tim telling them that hair styling and maquillage would be considered in the judging. She was the only designer to attempt that integration.
Happy Valentine's Day, ladies and gents. Boy am I ever glad I found your blog a couple of days ago!! Yes, I am slow on the uptake at times. I almost peed in my pants reading some of your posts. OMG you are the FIRST thing I turn to every day.
Lilithcat said...
Do they still have Member Mondays?
I worked for the Met (one of their satellite shops), like, 16 years ago (back when I was Christian's age). At the time, the Met was closed to the public (and members) on Mondays. I don't know when/if that policy changed. Back then, it was a special honor to go in there when the rest of NYC was outside. We were the only people walking around that day.
Loving Sewing Siren's design for the challenge.
It looks like Auntie Mame visits the Temple of Dendur. I think they should sign you up for next year!
"veruca salt said: Perhaps Gotham Tomato and other members of the NYC tribe (toddny?) can confirm, but I would think getting this kind of access takes some serious juice."
Getting private access to the Met is rare & not an opportunity to ever be turned down.
I got close too private access once, and it was one of the highlights of my life. It was when they had their exhibit of Van Gogh drawings. It was just me and some guy who had the exhibit all to ourselves & it was amazing. There would have been no way to study the drawings when it was full of tourists.
It was just quiet & beautiful & I was listening to Kevin Bacon read Vincent's letters to Theo, on the audio headset, as I was walking the exhibit. Truly amazing! I also got to spend some private time in the 19th Century European painting galleries as well - which brings me to a question:
The thing that I was wondering about last night was, why didn't they go into the 19th century European paintings, which are just the next rooms over from where they were? We might have actually gotten some color out of them, if they had.
I like Sweet P, but her work has been substandard much of the time. She's only coasted by because other designers had a worse week.
This dress REALLY needed a train. I was hoping she'd use that print for the train instead of what she actually did with it.
The other surprise for me is how little she did with her budget. Chris, Christian and Jillian came up with multi-piece creations, and all Sweet P could generate was this (relatively) simple dress?
Love Sewing Siren's design.
Is that a fish or a Tim Gunn bobblehed at the end of the line?
I don't think she ever really did well with these challenges - she has been overwhelmed and directionless more than once.
Kind of disappointing that no one took the Egyptian place for inspiration. This was a pretty Eurocentric bunch.
Sewing Siren, I too loved the headdress.
Anonymous: Spread Eagle is Sweet P's 'Diva' name. See last episode.
Does anyone else think she should've taken Elisa's train of "fabric poo" and used that as a reference? First thing I thought of.
What a clear example of how out of her depth she was! Whether you liked what they did or not, the other designers had a clear vision of what they wanted to do and executed it well. Her look, as most of hers have been, was a simple mishmash, exhibiting no vision or artistry. And poorly made to boot. How typical was it that Chris had to point out the loose threads hanging from her hem, while she made one of her usual hapless comments about not even noticing that. She kind of grew on me, personally and professionally, as the show went on but really, she was one of the weakest designers of the entire group. She's the luckiest woman on the planet since she got to show at Bryant Park. But that's kind of a travesty, since so many other stronger designers than her should have had that chance (Kevin, Victorya, Kit, even Elisa). And Bravo, can we stop with the decoy collections already? It's unneessary.
"lilithcat said: The feathers were, I'm sure, a response to Tim telling them that hair styling and maquillage would be considered in the judging. She was the only designer to attempt that integration."
But the hair didn't even go with the dress. It was a very plain dress with avant garde hair. It was a last ditch attempt add interest, but there was no relation between the hair & the dress.
I have the biggest crush on Sweet P. The BIGGEST. Yeah, she totally deserved to go...that dress was terrible...but, man, I would love to date her.
I hope you guys keep tabs on Sweet P. There's definitely a market out there for cute dresses and without ridiculous time constraints and materials I think she can produce some quality work.
In other PR news, my Emmett McCarthy shoes arrived today and I love them! Thanks to your reporting of his recent sale, my wallet is only a tad bit lighter. You guys do such a great service for the rest of us fans. Love to TLo!!
Thanks for the insight sus and Gotham Tomato.
GothamTomato said...
"It was just me and some guy who had the exhibit all to ourselves & it was amazing. . . .
It was just quiet & beautiful"
I am swooning. How wonderful.
dumb question for the smarter bloggers here- would sweet pea's expenses be renumerated by the producers? Or would she have to produce the decoy collection on her own budget?
How could we not think of Elisa's first dress when we saw that the inspiration was a peacock?! But sweetie, you missed the mark on this one.
I too like Sweet P, but this dress was bad. It is such a simple design that it needed impeccable execution-and I honestly didn't see any aspect of the painting in her final product.
Hopefully Sweet P will find a financial angel who can help continue making charming dresses that are very, very wearable.
Hugs to Sweet P. She is such a genuinely lovely personality.
to anonymous at 1:26..
In the past, they provided the "decoys" with funds for their collection as well as access to hair and makeup pros for the show. All the better to throw off folks at the show.
Yes, Bravo provides it all, including transportation.
The way I see it, any showing at Bryant Park is better than not showing at all. Her collection was fun. I'm glad I got to see it.
She kind of grew on me, personally and professionally,
Yes, she grew on me too. I think we've all felt like her at various points in our career or worked with someone like her.
Her colors and design sense isn't necessarily to my liking but then, mine isn't a lot of people's either.
Chacon a son gout!
"SUS said...
That dress evoked no "peacock" for me. The color and proportions and grandeur were not present."
I'll echo the others who have already pointed out that she was lucky to have made it this far. She's been out of her element and/or league throughout the season.
Some of the clothing I've seen (on the show, her website, etc.) isn't so bad, cut wise, but dayum her color sense leaves *a lot* to be desired. This dress was ba-ad.
The dress wasn't as lovely as it could have been, could have been constructed better, etc. But, as Sweet as Sweet can be, this wasn't a winning garment.
Sweet P showed more range with her decoy collection than many thought possible and she DID get that opportunity. Good for her. Now we know she's capable.
Moving on...
The silhouette of that dress just seemed all wrong for peacock. I didn't much care for the colors, either, but I don't have much color sense.
Sweet P probably never had the right aesthetic to get to Bryant Park, and it was clear that she was often a bit overwhelmed by the Project Runway format, but how sweet was she last night, especially in the way she handled the auf? Anyone who still thinks of her as a talentless and tacky biker chick is one of those unrepentant snobs who'll be the first ones up against the wall when the revolution comes.
Sweet P is very sweet, but her dress was not. The fabrics chosen, the colors, the blocking, the pockets. Yep, I'm in agreement on all those criticisms. Just not a good look.
Sweet P has such a childlike nature - which is kind of endearing - but she's also 46. It's strange to say this about the oldest contestant there, but she'll need to grow up some if she wants her next business to be successful. Fashion is a tough place.
rain brain (who looks like she'll be forced to open a Blogger account now)
Her sweetness and quirkly clueless nature will be missed. You gotta like her. I must admit I got a tear whern I saw Rami embrace her and even said he loved her! But she was so supportive of the others and said they deserved it. She was right.
If two designers were to go, she would be one of them. That dress is not really pleasing to the eye. And you guys are right about the lines and the pockets.
I really like sweet P, but I hate this dress. The colors are just too much, the proportions are off, and it the feathers were god awful.
This garment was not worthy of a second chance.
Rami, in his way, tried to bring something new in his grecian garment and his execution is as always, nearly flawless.
Chris designed a fabulous, over the top gown, but once again made the dramatic collar the focal point of the gown, which he and Christian did previously.
I think the judges should have probably auf'd Rami last night for not bringing something new, but I can understand that they think he is a talented designer. I mean, even if you are bored of his designs, you can't deny the excellent craftsmenship on that dress. And his model did look lovely in it.
You're completely right, she should have gone. But I loved her. Couldn't help it. Such a nice gal.
Happy Valentine's Day, boys!
I like Sweet P, and even though she fell far short on this challenge, she did have some successes during the season. Even if she doesn't seem to have the sort of grand imagination some of the others have, I'm looking forward to seeing her decoy collection.
Can anyone give me the link to that? (I'm actually waiting to see the others on the show--guess I'm one of the few who hasn't previewed 'em!)
Just have to say this was my favorite challenge of all time! I was just at the Met last month and I just love it so much. Sad to see Sweet P go, but it was deserved. Happy Valentine's Day to all!
And, yay, Sewing Siren, for using the Temple of Dendur. I was disappointed no one did.
I wish they'd been assigned something to get their imaginations flowing in new directions --
Chris: the Japan rooms
Christian: Chinese porcelains
Jillian: Tiffany glass
Rami: armor from the middle ages
Sweet Pea: Temple of Dendur
The dress has a little bit of a 20's vibe that I wish she'd explored further. The dropped waist silhouette with pockets reminds me of a gown on display at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles, that was made for the opening of the hotel's Crystal Ballroom in 1924. I have no idea if she had any intention of doing a 20's look, but she could have done a great update on it if she'd thought about it.
Okay, I agree with you guys on this dress. But I couldn't disagree with you more when it comes to pockets in dresses. I LOVE the trend of putting pockets in dresses. As a woman who buys dresses all the time, if the dress has pockets, it's a huge selling point for me.
"but dayum her color sense leaves *a lot* to be desired."
I have to tell you, my mother and an awful AWFUL sense of color.
Oh lord --it was bright pink & orange carpet with dark walnut furnishings. My first bedroom had 2 blue wall and 2 brown walls.
Continue, please. That was a mind fart.
New York Post said today "Case Clothed" is a "great title." You go PRG readers!
"Bennett's column, "Case Clothed" (great title) - illustrated by fellow "Runway" alum Robert Best - tackles fashion dilemmas for frazzled moms. Bennett knows from whence she speaks (she's a mother of six)"
"We might have actually gotten some color out of them, if they had."
You got color. Swett Pea's was a big, colorful mess.
As your basic suburban, PTA mom I was prepared not to like Sweet Pea when I first read about her. A tattooed member of a female biker gang?! Suburban Shudder! But it didn't take long for her to become my favorite and I wish her all the best and am crossing my fingers she wins fan favorite.
Andrea said...
Can anyone give me the link to that? (I'm actually waiting to see the others on the show--guess I'm one of the few who hasn't previewed 'em!)
Hi Andrea,
Here it is!
Have been a champion of Sweet Pea's all season. Absolutely do not agree that "every single garment she has done all season has been unpolished and sloppy." That's just hateration.
However ... last night's garment was unpolished and sloppy. A Big dissapointment.
This was Sweet's last chance to pull off a stunner, and she pulled off a big dud. She definitely deserved to go. I feel at peace with the decision, because to me it was the RIGHT decision.
At least she got to show at Bryant Park (YAY!!!) a shining fact that all the Shadenfreude in the world this morning can't diminish.
I felt bad for Sweet P but her dress was fugly. At least she got a chance to show at BP.
She deserved to go home. Poorly executed and hideous fabrics and colors.
"I have to tell you, my mother and an awful AWFUL sense of color.
Oh lord --it was bright pink & orange carpet with dark walnut furnishings. My first bedroom had 2 blue wall and 2 brown walls.
Continue, please. That was a mind fart."
... and one that made very little grammatical sense. But please. Go on. We all want to know more about your Mother, your upholstry, and your childhood bedroom. This is, of course, the most appropriate place for such a posting.
Thanks, Boys!
"Kanani said...
Continue, please. That was a mind fart."
I've taken to calling those episodes "cerebral flatulence"...that way, it sounds like a real medical condition.
I like Sweet Pea but she didn't have the goods to make it all the way...it is definitely between Jillian and Christian at this point.
LOVE this episode!! Finally some real fashion!
Sweet P is sweet but her designs are very commercial and nothing innovative or special about them.
Something about it just didn't sit right with me. I couldn't (and still can't) put my finger on what bothered me the most about it, whether it was the red going up the middle or just the proportions. But I think Ms Pea is a talented designer, and I'm sure she'll have a bunch of job offers after this. She's shown she can play well with others, and that's key in the fashion business.
"dumb question for the smarter bloggers here- would sweet pea's expenses be renumerated by the producers? Or would she have to produce the decoy collection on her own budget?"
I think I remember the first year Austin had far less money to produce his decoy collection than the other designers.
I think that's been fixed and I hope they spent some of that product placement money on giving ALL the designers decent budgets.
Hey, there are worse things in the world than showing at BP and having Michael Kors tell you your clothes are commercial and wearable.
"redspring said...
"dumb question for the smarter bloggers here- would sweet pea's expenses be renumerated by the producers? Or would she have to produce the decoy collection on her own budget?"
I think I remember the first year Austin had far less money to produce his decoy collection than the other designers."
That is true and I think Kara Janx had the same amount of money to spend as everybody else.
i don't love sweet P. she's been coasting by week after week, relying on her competitors and tim to give her advice, floundering along at any challenge which required innovation. imo, there were other designers with more talent who got aufed long before she did, so i think this episode's decision was long overdue.
if she wins fan favorite, it will be on the basis of her personality and i will be disappointed.
I liked the hair, wish the dress had matched.
Note to future PR contestants: don't use birds as inspriration. First Santino's firebarf skating outfit, now this. Sweet P grew on me but ultimately had to go.
I HATE the "tie" between Chris and Rami. Just make up your damn mind judges.
Lastly: LOVED RC as guest judge. BEST. One. EVAH. Even Princess was humble for a minute in his presence.
I liked the dress and/ thought it was unfair for Sweet P to be the only one Alf-di mean, Chris' dress was pretty much a copy of what he did or the other challenge, he didn't deserve to be on the final 4/3 (whatever...). Anyways, I hope Sweet P wins the fan favorite. . .
I hearted the Sweet P and just wanted to see her make it to the last 3. But yes, she choked on her peacock feathers with this challenge. It's like she had too much freedom and couldn't keep her vision contained. OH well. I look forward to the final show!
"You got color. Swett Pea's was a big, colorful mess."
But color from someone who knows how to use it would have been great. There is so much that someone with the right abilities could do with a peacock theme, both in color story and silhouette. But this designer was not that someone.
Sweet P was a sweetheart, and a great reminder to not judge the book by the cover! However, as she herself admitted, she should have gone all out, made a long dress with a wonderful train, and made the dress match the light-heartedness of the feathery headdress. It was pretty enough, but very forgettable. Art is all about IMPACT, IMHO!
"Hey, there are worse things in the world than showing at BP and having Michael Kors tell you your clothes are commercial and wearable."
Right On!!! LOLOL Yes.
"You, my dear, are NOT that designer."
She had a great run, but she f*kked this one up. She knows it, we know it. End of story. Why not just graciously leave it there? What point is there in inpuning the depth of her talent, her entire history, her very character?
What point? And who are you to do so? I say grow up.
In the second video, of the LA contestants, she says One is my new wife!
"But this designer was not that someone."
Says you, sweetheart.
Love ya, Pea! Congrats!
BrianB - Of course! She copied the Miss Biltmore dress. I was watching the runway trying to figure out where I'd seen that before. It's too bad she didn't have a polished, more presentable gown. I am with Gotham Tomato on this - her work has been sub par this season. I really feel like she was not used to competing and did not have a quick imagination to come up with designs - and stick to them. My whole impression of her was of panic and self doubt. It goes without saying she is a nice person, but she never was a contender.
I love Sweet P, she really is sweet! But that dress was WRONG.
Au Revoir Sweet P. Look at all the exposure you got nonetheless!
As far as the dress, it was an interesting take on the peacock but clearly not enough of anything. Didn't find the red stripe down the back interesting or flattering but odd and distracting.
And the comments about the babies in the pockets..lol...maybe Ms. Bennett would wear it. Ok on second thought.... ;)
Happy Valentine's Day Loves!
I loved Sweet P, but honey, what was she thinking. There were so many possibilities with that peacock motif and that is what she did??
It didn't even resemble a peacock, I was expecting the dress to have feathers or at least simulated feathers with a much smaller and more intricate blocking of colors. She totally blew it and then she was all surprised when she got the ax. Come on. She had to know that dress sucked. She had to.
But she didn't know. That's why it is sad.
I do agree on Sweet P for the auf. The dress just doesn't work - any of it. Sorry Sweet P darling.
I will say in her defense that I do not think it was fair the model was late for the fitting. Perhaps Sweet P could of changed the dress had she had more time to look at it on the model.
At this point in the competition you need to have your own asthetic/personality.
I liked Sweet P but she depended on the other designers and Tim's input. It was time for her to go.
And as for Chris napping! It seems like he didn't want to compete anymore. He should have went too.
And Rami and his effin' toga too.
We've already seen all the damn runway shows!
When is Bravo going to time the airing of the finals so it is before Fashion Week?
Is it so hard to count backwards?
Guess I'm feeling a little bitchy.
Happy VD Fuckers!
I read on the bravo website blog that Sweet P had trouble not talking to the camera men. I guess that sums her up. She is friendly and wanted to talk to everyone. Bless her heart. Maybe that is why she stayed as long as she did. She was too nice to auf.
I'mmm so over this season. Im over puffy sleeves and tight pants. I'm over big things on one shoulder being declared as dramatic. I'm over draping. I'm over sweet little dresses. I'm over coats too, but Jillian's outfit rocked. She was robbed.
That was "first elimination of the season" bad.
"Note to future PR contestants: don't use birds as inspriration. First Santino's firebarf skating outfit, now this. Sweet P grew on me but ultimately had to go."
Or birds's nests. Look what happened to Kit!
she's high as a kite in that video!
Jillian's outfit was horrible. The coat was just ok, but that dress was a hot-bloody, gold lame mess. How could they have looked at that with a straight face and say good job, you are through to Bryant Park?
I still have a hard time understanding exactly what their issue was with this dress. I liked that she was the only person to have an inspiration other than "It's like the outfit in the statue/painting, but for now." I wouldn't go so far as to say that I liked the results, and I wasn't particularly surprised that they auf'ed her, but I do think the decision was based more on her history than on this dress.
I feel the whole Rami/Chris thing was unfair. Chris did an unsmart thing by reproducing one of the most unforgettable looks to ever grace a PR runway, but he didn't deserve to be on the block for it, especially after Cavalli was so profuse with his praise that he made Chris cry. They did it to create tension: who will show at Bryant Park??!! But it was unfair to Chris.
Rami deserved to be eliminated. For weeks, they've begged and pleaded with him to do something besides draping. They've told him over and over that they want more and different, yet he's sent the same thing down the runway every time, even in challenges like the WWE where you'd think that'd be impossible. At this point, he's either refusing to learn, or he's just not capable of anything else. Last night's dress was predictable and blah. I don't understand why he's still in it at all.
Is it bad that I still rank Jay's collection as my all-time favorite?
None have remained with me like his.
It would be interesting to see how others rank all 4 years of collections. After Jay, my favorites are Jillian, Laura, Christian and Ulli.
My bottom three are Sweet P, Wendy and Chloe Dao. I just could never get into those fabrics and sleeves, too "Dynasty" for me.
Great recap. I agree, except I kind of liked the feathers. Haha. I think a tail, subtly done so as not to be too literal, would've been a great addition.
Off Topic: Bryan Fuller
Since you seem to have abandoned your other blog, I felt the need to write this public thank you note on your PR blog.
I just wanted to thank you for recommending "Pushing Daisies." I had seen it advertised and thought it looked interesting, but never really made an effort to watch it until you blogged about it. The creator, Bryan Fuller, is also responsible for "Wonderfalls" and "Dead Like Me," both of which I had heard good things about, but had never been able to watch (I tried to get hold of "Dead Like Me" a number of times, but fate always intervened--cable died, emergency phone call, etc.)
Since "Pushing Daisies" was the most accessible, I decided to make an effort, and boy am I glad. It's fresh and imaginative. I am presently renting "Wonderfalls" from Netflix and watching "Dead Like Me" on their instant viewing, and both are equally fresh and inventive. Fuller also apparently wrote for "Heroes." I think OutZone has an interview with Fuller (you might have even blogged about the interview last year...).
Anyway, I'm looking forward to future episodes now that the strike is over, and I hope that your fans will give it a try. Both "Wonderfalls" and "Dead Like Me," as creative and critically acclaimed as they were, suffered untimely cancelations.
I'm going to be quite honest in saying that I actually really don't mind the dress. I would totally wear it.
However, I would also like to add that I probably wouldn't pay more than $35 for it and would pair it with jeans or leggings. I'd probably also prefer it if it were made of a more casual material than that silky looking stuff.
The thing is, Sweet Pea's designs aren't high fashion, but she makes great casual wear. I mean, if she opened up a store that sold clothing for girls in their mid-teens to early twenties, I think it would be a HUGE hit. She's a practical designer, and it shows.
I felt really bad for her, but she accepted it so well. She's actually my favorite personality-wise of the contestants--she really lives up to her name. I'm so glad she got to showcase her line at Bryant Park anyway!
"Off Topic: Bryan Fuller
Since you seem to have abandoned your other blog, I felt the need to write this public thank you note on your PR blog.
I just wanted to thank you for recommending "Pushing Daisies." "
I have to second this. PD is the ONLY new show I have added this season. By the time you recommended it, I had given up on everything new I was trying.
Thanks for the tip.
Funny that she could suggest ways to Rami how to improve his Avant Garde dress and make a great dress then, but otso much now.
Tim's Take on Bravo's site said they were there before the Met opened.
Would have loved to have seen them go to Museum of Modern Art, Guggenheim, or Whitney.
Happy Valentines Day to TLo and all our fellow commenters! Love ya!
Note to stubenville:
Just saw your diatribe #610 in the "Tonight's the night" blog. You make ranting a fine art form! Ranting done with style, oh yes! :-D
For me, the sweetest moment from last night was seeing what appeared to be genuine affection between The Pea and PPP. The brief shot of her sitting on the couch and Christian sitting on the arm next to her made me believe that they did have a connection. Maybe P was a 'Mom' figure for him?
And I really loved her reaction [which was not shown during the broadcast but in the preshow] when Tim said her dress was looking shlumpy! The eyes flying open, the hand to the mouth, the horror!!! She is such a contradiction--tough biker chick with a softie center. Gotta love her!
Daughter saw first screencap and said: "that one lost, didn't it?" LOL (PR is on past her bedtime so she sees it on the weekend)
Poor Sweet Pea. If you are going with peacocks, my god, do the feathers, the teals, the blues, the greens - so much there to work with.
this is a shame. sweet p was always a super lady and she did impress me a few times. but i was always left hoping for more from her. this challenge was no exception.
with some of the most spectacular works of art in the world as her inspiration, with room after room of van goghs, monets, manets, klimts and renoirs to choose from, i found her option of the peacock completely baffling. in comparison to the other works available to her, this seemed the most boring and overdone. and then she did nothing special with it... it was a dress. and a particularly weird one at that.
poor girl. at least she got to show at fashion week after all. i wish her well.
I actually like the dress (from the front, at least, insane pockets and all) but it simply wasn't the knock-the-judges'-socks-off kind of show piece Sweet P needed to produce to get herself a place among the for-real finalists at fashion week. Sweet P missed the point of the challenge and that's always fatal.
She's been a favorite of mine (wasn't her exit interview sweet?) but even so, I'm surprised she made it this far.
At least she wasn't so literal like the others....
I kinda didn't like her for a second when she was all exasperated over Elisa that time when they were working together and she did that little eye roll behind her back to Tim, but as the epis went on she grew on me....
Go on. We all want to know more about your Mother, your upholstry,
Ha ha...
Yeah, well, Mom had quirky color sense but she also happened to be an ace dressmaker. Her construction skills were incredible. I picked the fabrics myself for my own clothes. I am happy to report to you that I escaped wearing "earth tones" in the 70's.
Anyway, Happy Valentines Day, everyone.
May you be lucky at TJ Maxx today, if not lucky between the sheets. Except for Veruca Salt, who:
And how freakin’ adorable is Roberto Cavalli? I just want to wrap him up with a bow and take him home.
I hope she does.
I was disappointed that it was Sweet P. who chose the peacock painting. The painting was so lovely, and the dress was so very mundane. I wonder if Sweet P. was hoping to challenge herself by chosing that piece -- perhaps she recognized that she needed to make a dramatic impact on the runway (for once) to save herself. Alas, she couldn't pull it off. The dress was, to me, utterly forgettable. Like most of Sweet P.'s stuff, frankly. And once again, she had execution problems.
But there really wasn't any way Sweet P. was going to survive this challenge. Some of her stuff has been decent, even attractive, but that wasn't going to cut it here. I can tell you guys, I've been going to the Met since I was a little girl, but never once do I remember exclaiming: "Wow, everything here is so cute and pretty!! And with a little tweaking, almost well-constructed!" This challenge just underscored the fact that Sweet P. was out of her depth. I've said it before (and probably won't say it again, so don't worry!): Nice woman. Not America's next great fashion designer.
Oh, and btw, Judy: I'm not inpuning, or even impugning, Sweet P.'s character or her history prior to this show. I'm sharing my opinion of her work on PR. It seems to me that that's what most of the other commenters are doing as well. It seems to me that that's kinda what this blog's all about.
I love Sweet P, but this sorta sucked. Loved the colors, hated the pockets, was mystified by the Kids in the Hall "Chicken Lady" styling.
happy valentines day to my favorite blogging couple!
this dress made me sad. i hated that reddish color she chose - i just thought it was ugly (maybe it looks better in person). a peacock is a brilliant, glorious sort of creature, and there was nothing brilliant about Sweet P's dress.
I wish they had chosen a different hall of european art, though - the 18th century is sort of grim, in some way. And I'm sad everyone but Rami went with euro paintings.
Sweet P got on my nerves by the end of this season - she always seemed so flustered and out of her element, and it just started to feel pathetic. i wanted to shake her and say "pull yourself together!"
i liked the feathery head, but only because i like feathers in head-gear (hats, usually).
This is always strange when you like the personality, but Sweet P earned the auf this episode.
Oddly, I think she was on to something with some of her choices. I also liked the artwork she selected, but the result just didn't come together.
Yes, Miss P's peacock dress was a clunker. I often wonder what these folks could do, however, if they had MORE TIME. They are forced to do things so quickly on this show, I have no idea how they manage to do anything that fast, so a clunker is INEVITABLE from time to time from the BEST of 'em.
I can't wait to hear what all went on when Sweet P and Rami were teamed up together. Maybe they will discuss this on next week's reunion show. The show tried to make Rami the bad guy, and maybe he was, but so often there is far more to the story than we get to see. And besides, ANY of us could get irritated out of our minds in these high pressure situations, even when working with a Sweetie like Sweet P.
lemniscus said:
Lastly: LOVED RC as guest judge. BEST. One. EVAH. Even Princess was humble for a minute in his presence.
I agree! loved him! My vote for worst guest judge - Donna Karan. So irrational and aggressive.
"Oh, and btw, Judy: I'm not inpuning, or even impugning, Sweet P.'s character or her history prior to this show. I'm sharing my opinion of her work on PR. It seems to me that that's what most of the other commenters are doing as well. It seems to me that that's kinda what this blog's all about."
Thank you for pointing that out, Thyrza! Hope it gets through....
Nice person, but right choice.
Since PR is going to make Rami & Chris do a
"design-off" maybe they should invite
Owen Wilson & Ben Stiller to be the guest judges to judge the models on their "fierceness".
They can play clips of Zoolander for instruction purposes!!
Rami & Chris do a
"design-off" maybe they should invite
Owen Wilson & Ben Stiller to be the guest judges to judge the models on their "fierceness".
But which one will have "Blue Steele!?"
I get the feeling that Judy's referencing gotham tomato's five thousand posts per blog about how abysmal she thinks sweet pea is.
An opinion that she's entitled to - but it does get tiresome - Especially because I find most of Gotham Tomato's posts interesting, educational and often funny, but the prolific pea-bashing got dull a while ago.
do what you're good at tomato-girl! be fabulous! leave the trampled pea be!
I knew that it had to happen sooner or later, Sweet P's aufing. Out of all of the designers she seemed the sweetest and kindest; I think the workroom would have been a much hasher place without her. All that said, I don't think she had the right combination of style, taste and construction skills to win PR, so it was inevitable.
P.S. - thanks Lynette. I was so frustrated I just had to do a 'seagull' (fly in and crap all over the producers.)
Several people have said that they wish the designers had been taken to more modern galleries-- but as an employee of a museum I can tell you that more recent works of art would still be under copyright. Even deceased artists such as Matisse and Picasso have agencies that handle requests to show their work on screen. PR would have had to pay a big fee and get special permission to show the images on TV. Not that the Temple, G&R galleries, and European Paintings weren't good choices, it's just that they also avoided some potential problems by limiting the designers to those galleries.
sorry to see the P go, but i can't argue with the decision. she was the only one who could have been eliminated. i really hated the color blocking -- especially the orange stripe down the back. i liked that she took something that wasn't a human in a costume by which to be inspired, but it just didn't work. my 12-year-old daughter said "i expected there to be something longer in the back with more color". maybe a little literal, but probably would have been more interesting.
i agree with tlo about the pockets. never, never, never put pockets on anything besides the most casual of clothing. they always dress things down and usually add weight to the silhouette. definitely not MY image of a peacock....
As a dyer (not someone at Death's door, rather one who works with color and cloth) I have to say my major problem with the big colorful mess that was Sweet P's contribution, is that those big blocks of color are not reminiscent of a peacock. They are somewhat like a pop-art poster or a Peter Max version of a dress. Had she chosen a variety of ombre fabrics in which one color gently blends into the next, perhaps with an iridescent effect, she wouldn't have had to wave a single feather at the end result. The cut of the dress and the side-saddles/pockets were problematic, but to my eye, the big issue was those big blocks of color which did not evoke anything avian except a big goose egg in her score.
I will miss her - she does seem very nice. Based on her runway show, she has talent and commercial appeal. But last night's dress really laid an egg.
Rosie's Girl
Note to people saying her dress doesn't invoke a peacock: it's not supposed to invoke the peacock, it's supposed to invoke the painting. If you look at the painting, and look at the peacock's body without getting distracted by the huge tail, you'll see that it's actually quite close to the colors and patterns she chose.
That's not to say that I think this is a great dress or that she shouldn't have done something else with it. I'm just saying, if you look closely at the painting, you can clearly see her inspiration there.
Glad to see other people talking about the poor construction in this one--there was a closeup shot on the hem, in particular, that made the whole bottom of the dress look sloppy and bunchy. I've felt this way about more than a few of Sweet Pea's outfits, actually, even the prom dress that's been praised all over the place. Like, the construction problems I keep seeing in her outfits are the kind *I* have (and I'm fairly terrible at sewing--can follow a pattern, not much more.) I shouldn't be seeing that from people on PR.
Although I do agree that at least her design wasn't as literal as some of the others.
just visited Sweet Pea's myspace page:
There are loads of Happy Birthday messages there...her b-day is Feb 14th?
on Valentine's...the sweet pea?
how apropos! :)
Those are great color choices P made. They don't scream peacock but reflect the tone of the painting.
The feathers remind me of Liz Taylor and her feather poof hats (1972-ish?).
-- desertwind
PS - When P was aufed, she really thought that was the end of the line.
In today's EW.com interview, P says she was working in China on a new job when she got a fax from Bravo wondering where her signed contract for the Bryant Park collection was!
She quit the new job and got to work.
I wonder how much time she had? I wonder if including the fifth place finisher as a decoy was not originally planned? I'm glad she got to show.
-- desertwind
completely off topic BUT!
I was perusing the internet and what did I discover...
None other than our FAVORITE 16-year-old harlot, Melissa Haro from season 1 made it into the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
I always knew she had it in her. (And so did that creepo from Page Six)
Sigh. Much as I despied her tats (and still do), Sweet P grew on me. And with a peacock as inspiration, she could have really done something.
I look at the end result and have to wonder, "Wha' happened?"
Ah, Sweet P. How you lasted this long is still beyond me, but you were cute:)
Anyways...I loved this episode. And I am anxiously awaiting you Rami post.
"This is what I do."
Apparently Christian is the one who is responsible for the feathers. There is an interview with Sweet P on EW.com in which she praises Christian for helping her.
"Christian also helped me out with hair and makeup on this last challenge. He took my model up because I was still in the sewing room."
tehkou said...
Note to people saying her dress doesn't invoke a peacock: it's not supposed to invoke the peacock, it's supposed to invoke the painting.
Point well taken. However I went back and looked more closely at the whole painting, and the use of color in the dress does not invoke the painting for me either. The issue is the same - big blocks of primary color in the dress, more shaded, subtle tones with relatively small areas of brighter color in the painting. Perhaps it is the proportion of colors used. I can see how perhaps the shapes in the dress are similar to the shapes in the painting, but the effect still leaves me cold. As always, this is a matter of taste. We would all be wearing identical, probably boring, uniforms if we all liked the same things.
tehkou said...
Note to people saying her dress doesn't invoke a peacock: it's not supposed to invoke the peacock, it's supposed to invoke the painting. If you look at the painting, and look at the peacock's body without getting distracted by the huge tail, you'll see that it's actually quite close to the colors and patterns she chose.
That's not to say that I think this is a great dress or that she shouldn't have done something else with it. I'm just saying, if you look closely at the painting, you can clearly see her inspiration there.
Yeah. Agreed. The colors are reminiscent of the painting, but the proportions of those colors are off. The dress doesn't capture the majesty of the painting, in scope or detailing.
Although Sweet P's time management skills are nonexistent and her latest design was a clunker, she has real commercial potential. I still think that she was robbed of a win in the Levi's challenge. If only her finishing was a bit refined.
Good luck, Sweet Pea! Can't wait to see what you'll do next.
I appreciate that Sweet P made a dress that really expressed who she is as a designer. I really loved the orange stripe down the back. To me, it evoked an artist's hand, the way it traced the curves of the body. I agree about the print. It was too subtle for the other colors. If she had chosen a brigher print, the dress may have been more successful. I kind of like the pockets as an execution of a different shape concept, although I think they are not something anyone would want to see as a trend. The judges' decision made sense to me, although it was too bad that it was not made clear to the designers that they were to make a runway piece as opposed to a commercial piece.
Here's the interview with Sweet P in EW.
She's good at what she does. I'm glad her skills landed her a job last year. I hope she'll get more after her showing at Bryant Park.
rosie's girl said...
However I went back and looked more closely at the whole painting, and the use of color in the dress does not invoke the painting for me either. The issue is the same - big blocks of primary color in the dress, more shaded, subtle tones with relatively small areas of brighter color in the painting. Perhaps it is the proportion of colors used.
Oh no, I totally agree. I don't think it was really a completely successful interpretation of the painting entirely. I was more responding to the people who seemed to be saying that the colors had nothing to do with a peacock, that a peacock should be so-and-so color and so-and-so way, and P didn't use the color that a peacock is supposed to be.
So I just wanted to point out, she wasn't using a peacock, or the archetypical image of a peacock that everyone has in their mind (because everybody knows peacocks are blue!)... she was using the peacock in the painting, which definitely did show the colors she used.
But I agree that, even with that taken into account, the proportions should have been different.
Ditto on the love of pockets expressed above. I love, love, love a dress or skirts with pockets and go out of my way to find them.
PD? Best show not on cable.
Sus and Sewing Siren nailed it cold. The dress needed to be longer. It needed a train. It's the second contest in which Sweet P should have turned to La Elisa for inspiration.
The WWE Diva could have ripped a polymorphic cape
and Sweet P's peacock could have used some fabric "poo."
Her print was exquisite and evocative and should have been highlighted. Instead, she botched it with the fabric blocks.
The "bucket pockets"? A big feature of her "decoy show" at Bryant Park. I think she considers it a signature look and part of her point of view.
Anyone know who is Sweet P's new wife (that she mentioned in her exit video?)
Isn't it time for another Alex cartoon? Please?
sweet p is probably my favourite runway contestant of all time. while i understand why she left, im sad to see her gone for personal reasons.
she's just so fucking cool. and SWEET. you could tell she's for real.
I preface this comment with a statement that I think Sweet P is totally adorable. But that peacock-inspired dress may well be the ugliest dress of Season 4. I can't think of anything worse.
Sweet P is cool, she is truly sweet but I don't feel she's got the talent for this level of fashion. Don't get me wrong, she has talent but just not at this level.
Now, after saying that, it was either her or Rami. Rami did his same old, same old. Sweet P's dress was reminiscent of Home Ec in high school. Sorry.
The dress was pretty, I loved the fabric, but it wasn't very well executed. And Sweet P was proud of it, where Jillian was acutely aware of the fact that her execution wasn't absolutely perfect.
Sweet P was always going home last night. That was a given.
Is that dress made of taffeta?
Peacock-ISH colors don't make a dress about a peacock. I'd like to know where she thought that red was on the bird.
This dress lacked the drama of a peacock -- if each color had ended in a rounded shape so the hem looked like petals and if the dress had had a flowing train, even a short one, there would be more to talk about.
Her dress looked more like the answer to "give us a disco dress in unusual colors."
Does it seem to anyone else that when the designers are exhausted, they revert to bad fashion roots --Ricky - slutware, SweetPea - disco girlhood, Rahm - that damnable draping.
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