"Might as well face it, you're addicted to Puffysleeves, Christian!"
Boy, did she EVER live up to her nickname this week!
Fun challenge, right? We like nothing better than to see the designers unleashed at this point. Quibble if you will about the judges' choices, but all of the designers left at this point are good, so it makes sense to let them run a little wild.
Portrait of Andres de Andrade-i-la Col. by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
As soon as we saw this picture, we rolled our eyes a little. Black, with puffy sleeves and a high collar? Get OUT! It was such an obvious choice for Christian that we can't even come up with a joke for it. We're a little surprised that he didn't try to sew a dog out of organza.
If Christian has a dog, it should be named Organza.
Yes, in a lot of respects it's the same ol', same ol' with Princess, but we find ourselves in the position of wanting to defend him here.
Unlike Rami, who just churns out variations on the same boring, but pretty dress week after week, Christian is putting out different looks that use a lot of the same design elements. Yes, this had ruffles and puffy sleeves and a bib collar. But it also looked original and distinct enough from previous work that we don't think you can apply the same criticism to him that you would to Rami.
We loved the blouse and the pants, not so much on the vest thingy.
Sure, it's all a bit much, but Christian's the only one who consistently puts out looks that look like high end couture. Say what you will, but the boy's got a vision.
You could argue that it's something of a derivative vision and we wouldn't fight you on that, but he keeps sending out these incredibly dramatic, incredibly well executed looks at a time when boring retreads keep walking that runway and for that, he deserved the win last night.
REALLY hate that thing.
Oh sure, he's getting predictably snotty about the whole thing and if he wins it at the end, PR will once again have rewarded someone in part for being a self-aggrandizing shithead, but that's reality TV and our Princess really does have the goods.
She's not JUST good television. She can design and sew the SHIT outta something and even if we've seen it before, we can't help but be impressed by it.
[Photos: metmuseum.org/bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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Go Christian!!
I love Christian. I love Rami! Its okay to stick to a style if it works for you. I mean, c'mon. Jillian...and coats. Chris and big things on the shoulder. Sweet P and little dresses. They all stick to pretty much what they do...the only one who gets torn down for it consistently is Rami. Pretty good episode!
I had a problem with Christian winning last night; I had a problem with the different standards Chris is held to. Always beating him over the head for being costumey, and repeating his avant garde look (which, I thought, was Christian's, BTW) and then Tim tried to get him to be more costumey.
Cavalli loved Christian's work, but thought Chris was more of an artist. He said Chris' was the "highest" and he said that he could show couture in Paris.
So how did Christian win again? I call foul - I think the judges' minds are made up before the designers even pick out their fabrics.
I won't beat a dead horse, but I can't get past the sense of seeing variations on the same idea from PPS.
She can design and sew the SHIT outta something
She can, indeed. But what I did not like about this design was that it made the model look heavy and bulky on top. Now, it's true, considering how little these women have on top, that that's a considerable accomplishment, but it is also not a desirable one!
Of all the arrogant a-holes who've ever graced PR, he's the only one who's got the goods. Other than Jay, who is more original in my view, he may be the best designer they've ever showcased.
And after he learns that couture, no matter how critically acclaimed, is dying and unsaleable, and that arguably the best young designer in the world, Olivier Theyskens, had to look for a job when his line was shut down by its corporate parent for a lack of sales, his attitude will be adjusted. By the market.
Dear TLo,
I echo and endorse your sentiments and evaluation, gents. It was a good episode, though I would have actually liked to have seen more construction footage, and certainly more lingering shots of the final garments.
I have to say the drama of Christian's outfit really was rather magnificent, and the judges wouldn't have ruled otherwise.
As to Titscrepancy Draperson - I was hissing at the screen. Bad color, predictable, matronly. I can't quite say that the fix was in.... but at least two of the judges had to have been besotted and blindered.
Yeow. I'm a little *ahem* beetchy this morning.
Notwithstanding, hurrah that SissyBear was given the full inclusion, and Jillian's jacket really was lovely, though the dress, from what I could see (lousy camera work there, Bravo - too brief a view), looked a little Vegas-y.
Back to billables!
All the best,
Robert Cavalli- most charming and charismatic guest judge ever. On a random side note, was anyone else disappointed that none of these people figured out where they were going when they gave them the street corner? 82nd and 5th-- if you've been in NYC more than 5 minutes, wouldn't you know that's the Met? Even if they're in seclusion. Christian I'll give a pass to since he's only 12.
What I loved was last night, he sent something crazy and over the top down the runway. Season after season the last episode, the designers send safe dress after safe dress down the runway. Chris and Christian sent crazy over the top pieces down the runway, and that made me happy.
My small problem was that in the challenge there was no direction about if the piece should be wearable or not... can you really, on the piece's own merits, judge Chris' against Rami's?? Is over the top couture better than wearable in every challenge? Michael often asks the designers, "Where is she going". Obviously the question was not the right one for two of the designers, but I think that makes the judging process wrong.
I loved Jillian's because I felt it was artistic and wearable.
This was a remarkable costume (I never think the costumey tag is a bad thing).
People criticize his repeated puffy sleeves, but to me, if there would be a criticism about any sameness in the challenges, it would lie in his use of color (or lack of it). But I have felt that about most of the designers this season. Though when someone does goes out on a limb with color, THAT is what they are likely to be criticized for, so I get the playing it safe there. Still, I love color, and would liked to have seen more of it this season, because it says so much about the designer.
Also, I want a good back shot of Christian's outfit to see what the pants looked like from behind.
He generally makes such cute pants.
PPS made his model look like a marshmallow. Jilian did a jacket. Chris copied Christian and got praised for it. SweetP did a sweet little dress. Rami draped (though I loved the color and the loose drape). How boring.
Yep, Christian's got IT. He's amazing. ITA with wannabe.
We need more shots of shirtless Rami. That boy should be on the cover of "Inches."
I thought Chris's outfit was far more original and beautiful than Christian's. The judges have fallen into a rut of calling Chris's work "costumey" even when it's not. Christian's was more "costumey" this time. Chris' was GORGEOUS.
i think the only reason we're impressed by it is because, compared to what everyone else is putting out, it looks very different.
I thought this was great - loved the pants, especially. He is so talented. How did he put this together so quickly? However, despite all this, everytime I look at the blouse I can't help thinking of the puffy shirt in Seinfeld.
While I agreed that Christian's was the best offering on last night's runway, I can't help but continue to be disappointed by the results of the last challenge, as in every past season. Though the ball wasn't dropped by all designers, as has almost universally been the case previously, Christian's garments lacked an interesting color palette to truly make it as memorable as it could have been.
I'm a Jillian fan and I would have loved to see her pick up another win leading into the runway shows, but despite her second place finish I was not overly impressed with her garments either. The coat was interestingly detailed, but I am over the metallics trend and the accompanying dress left me cold. To be fair, we are watching Project Runway two seasons behind current prevailing fashion trends, but I never bought into the metallics craze in the first point so it was a dispensable showing.
Well, I agree with you boys, but I also disagree, too.
I think that Christian has great technical skills but I don't personally think that his 'vision' is his at all.
Yes, he worked for Vivienne Westwood and Alexander McQueen (and boy does it show), but would he actually survive Central Saint Martin's?
I also nearly choked when PPS criticized Sissy Bear for being repetitive. Child is full of himself, isn't he? And the expression on his face when Roberto Cavalli gave Chris the higher praise was priceless.
That having been said, I liked this ensemble better than most of the stuff he's churned out, and I think that he deserved to go to Bryant Park.
Why is it when Chris designs, it's a costume, but when Christian designs an actual costume, it's couture?
I'm so over the Princess and her catty remarks. That outfit belongs on an opera stage.
Great episode. Go Christian! Our little totegay deserved that win. It was FIERCE!
Was disappointed in Sweet Pea. :(
If she had not done the color blocking but instead had taken those different colors shredded them and had LOTS of them in layers, it would have been so much better.
I HATE the whole Decoy thing! Just show the freakin' episodes earlier!!!! STOP THE DECOYS!
I agree that this was a well done outfit, but I am not so sure I agree with it winning. Chris' was just as good. But when he did something so similar to the couture outfit from before, I was kinda worried. I think Cavalli saved it for him.
When I look at Christian's clothing, I think about the Seinfeld episode with the puffy shirt. That is what it looks like to me. Where would you were that thing? I could see someone wearing Chris' to a nice formal event, but I don't know where you would wear this thing.
Will miss Sweet P, but hers was horrid and I don't know why the love for Jillian's it was equally horrid. That gold lame dress--yuck.
I was so hoping that Rami would go home, but he got a reprieve.
I don't think "puffy" comes even close to what Christian sewed last night. Billowing sleeves, peut-etre? Wow! They were truly amazing. While not my favorite character on the show, I really think he's got the goods to win the ball of wax.
Wasn't Zac Posen 21 when he first sent out a collection in NYC? Besides some Sean John money, Christian needs to learn to love making women look and feel beautiful more than he loves to admire his own handiwork.
This was just a dramatic intrepretation of what we have already seen from PPS. I can't see what the fuss is over on this one. The puffy blouse was too short waisted and the vest thingie's details did not show up well because AGAIN, he chose to use black. I am so over the princess. She make for good TV, but she doesn't do much else for me.
I had nightmares last night after watching this episode, but I'll save most of that for when we get to discuss the Rami decision.
As for Princess, I find myself wondering if his true genius isn't in sewing -- and I don't at all mean that as a slam! How many designers can actually sew as well as this kid? Probably very few. How many need to? Probably none.
That said, I'm not sure his ego could withstand being "just" a seamstress (seamstrer? what's the male term?). But I don't think his potential as a designer is anywhere near the caliber of his talent in sewing.
I hate to admit but Christian had the best design. He deserved to win!
I wonder if poor Rami felt set up. I mean they drop them in the middle of the Greco-Roman garden?! It's like dropping a heroin addict in Afghanistan and expecting him to stay straight.
I liked pretty much all of the designs last night, though really only Sweet P showed any signs of being inspired by a work as opposed to just trying to recreate it. Personally I preferred Jillian's more.
If they ever do this challenge again, they should drop the designers in the modern galleries. THEN we'll see something interesting.
Lizawithazee said, was anyone else disappointed that none of these people figured out where they were going when they gave them the street corner?
I know! I was shocked! Some of these folks live in New York. How could they not know instantly that it was the Met?
I mean, I'm not from NYC, but if someone said, "meet me at 82nd and Fifth Ave.", I'd probably wonder why they didn't just say, "Meet me at the Met."
We all love SissyBear but c'mon that thing was so costume-y and looked just like his last design.
And I feel compelled to add a random thought -- is Princess even old enough to remember the Seinfeld puffy shirt episode? Seriously.
Addicted to pufflysleeves! Y'all kill me (though I doubt Princess would get the joke 'cause he was busy being born).
I think she deserved the win because these puffysleeves were different than those in previous challenges. Really, this was gorgeous. I grant him the win, but I wish someone would tape his obnoxious mouth shut. "Fierce. Fears! Fierce." What a tired 'catchphrase' (if you can call it that).
"Lilithcat said...
Lizawithazee said, was anyone else disappointed that none of these people figured out where they were going when they gave them the street corner?
I know! I was shocked! Some of these folks live in New York. How could they not know instantly that it was the Met?
I mean, I'm not from NYC, but if someone said, "meet me at 82nd and Fifth Ave.", I'd probably wonder why they didn't just say, "Meet me at the Met."
I agree, but they probably made the designers say those things to look like it was a big surprise.
Last night's challenge was fun. I think they each did great work. I agree with Kristin's comment about the lack of direction regarding the garment's wearability, that sort of worked against Sweet P. I guess they assumed that if you're going to be inspired by great, dramatic art that you'd go in a more dramatic direction.
I loved Christian's crazy outfit, he really can think/design quickly and execute some beautiful things. I loved the colors in Chris's dress, it was beautiful. And, I've never liked Rami's stuff, but that dress last night was pretty, just not my thing.
I'm a bit annoyed about the ending of the show, though. Kind of a cop out to not make a decision. I would prefer to see Chris as the winner over Rami, but I sort of doubt it will go that way.
And the Robert Palmer girls at the beginning of your post made me laugh out loud! You all are the best.
Whenever people refer to him as Princess, I always think of a spolied little chuihaha or however the hell it's spelled. Especially since he seemed to have loved being carried around in a purse by Jack.
C'mon, I can't be the only one thinking that.
TLo said, "We're a little surprised that he didn't try to sew a dog out of organza."
Oh, you Boys! Always making me laugh.
He can sew. Mad skills. But his bitchy, petulant, haughty attitude sucks. He'll get his at some point.
And I know he was going for an androgynous look, but the model looked like she had a basket in those trousers.
It was costumey fun, but I've seen it before.
Oh princess, you really do live up to your name. The little know it all really can deliver, I'll give him that. But I still love my Rami and want want want to wear his dress! I can't say the same about Christian's outfit. Yep, it's high fashion, but I guess I'm just not snobby enough. I prefer things you can actually wear when it comes right down to it.
anne said:
Yep, Christian's got IT. He's amazing. ITA with wannabe
ITA with wannabe and anne. Christian most definitely has IT.
It's quite impressive that he was able to complete a complicated shirt and vest, plus the pants and that other thing in two days, and to do it so well.
I loved Chris' design. I think sometimes that the judges have him pigeonholed as costumey, and that colors their opinions.
Loved Robert Cavalli, BTW-what a charmer.
You cannot, even for an instant, tell me that Christian's looks are not the same. I agree that I hate seeing Chris criticized because of his portfolio (but didn't like the fit or execution of his gown last night - it looked sloppy). Christian is young - that's it - so that's why Michael Kors positively creams his panties when he exclaims how chic the outfit is. Christian has a limited palette range; he has ONE look (who cares if he just redistributes it on some other boney part of the model's body?). He sews fast and well…and he’s full of himself and his immature ‘fierce’ drama (I mean, really…snapping your fingers like a throwback from ‘In Living Color’ – please). Good luck to him…because that seems to be what fashion loves. Would love to see him when he gets older and looks like Chris.
As much as I think he is incredibly childish, he is a very TALENTED child. Cannot take that away from him. Score anouther one for the chicken lady.
BTW his Dad was in the front row at the Bryant Park show- Mr. Conservative in a suit and tie- very sweet to see im with his camera, clearly totally excited for his son.
Bored by Rami's dress, even tho' it was "pretty."
I think the comments about Chris' dress are unfair...this just proved that the Couture dress was truly HIS, even though PPS got the win on that one. Glad Cavalli was there to fight for my boy.
Christian's outfit was very editorial. Maybe the blouse is wearable. Eh.
Sweet Pea's dress was the only one I'd wear. I thought the color choices were lovely.
Jillian's coat was nothing new for her. The dress was tacky with a capital T!
THANK YOU, Histrogeek, you said exactly what I've been thinking. I'm not a huge fan of Rami's, though he does make beautiful dresses, but really, I thought he was set up to lose this episode. And, the Egypt room was powerful and all, but can we PLEASE venture into modernity for once? How cool would it have been for someone like Chris to reinterpret a Picasso? Or for Jillian to take off from something even more modern? Maybe next season...
There's a difference between a distinctive style, which Christian and Jillian both have, and the inability to do anything else, which Rami has pretty much shown.
Christian makes things with signature puffy sleeves and ruffles, but they're on dresses, and pants, and jackets, and shirts. Rami drapes. And drapes. And then drapes some more.
The most telling challenge for me was the WWE challenge, where Rami continued to drape in a fabric that doesn't warrant it and for a client for whom it was entirely inappropriate. Christian adjusted, and his look was fantastic.
Rami doesn't just have limited range, he has (I suspect) a limited skillset. He hides it behind his one-boob look and his magnificent ass (which is why I think he's been granted a walk-off with Chris), but he's a terribly limited designer, and that's different than a designer who has an identifiable style with range.
Thanks for the comment on Jillian's dress. I didn't like it either. The coat was great, though. I usually like her stuff, so i was surprised by the dress. But Sweet P? Ick. Girl, what were you thinking?
And the Seinfeld reference? Hysterical and so true!
Remember in the "real woman" challenge when Christian complained that his woman always wears black, doesn't wear prints, colors, skirts, or dresses...? He's sent an awful lot of black and more than one pair of pants down the runway this season. I understand his vision and if he matures a bit he probably has the fierceness to succeed in fashion. I admire his construction skills. But I don't think he's original.
Adigail said: "I had a problem with the different standards Chris is held to."
I couldn't agree more.
As for Christian's look, I thought it was going to be just ridiculous until I saw it on the runway. It was great, but it was also just an amplified version of what he did on almost every other episode.
I think it’s fair to ask: Does Christian have any other tricks up his (puffy) sleeves?
The thing about Christian is that he is actually designing for himself.
Don't you think this is exactly the elfin boy-child look he would wear if you could get away with it on the streets?
PPS outfits often take women and turn them into emaciated boys -- the puffy shirts cover up the breasts and the skinny pants make the models look waistless. I know he says he is playing with androgyny, but I think he forgot the "gyny" part, and just kept the "andro"
"If Christian has a dog, it should be named Organza."
Princess was clearly the winner last night. I loved that Jillian as in.
Dear Rami,
The Society of Women in support of men in Towels was thrilled to see you in a towel last night.
We were less thrilled with Christian's look. Yar, there be a mighty pirate. Though we are happy he has yet to grace us in a towel.
"PR will once again have rewarded someone in part for being a self-aggrandizing shithead"
Once again your mastery of the English language impresses the hell out of me. Tom and Lorenzo, I hope your day jobs are as writers because you're just so GOOD at it!
Now I have to go walk Organza. LOL.
He's amazing, and if he weren't gay, I'd totally be after him. He definitly deserved that win!
I am almost died when he told Tim that it looked incredible on him.
Surprise!! Rami didn't agree with Cavalli, nor did he like his comments:
Rami: "I am not a big fan of Roberto's work. He exuded a negative energy and not because of his comments towards my dress but because of the way he delivered his lines."
What do you know--he IS kind of a big deal.
Rami's best draping last night was clearly his towel.
NPK said "Titscrepancy Draperson."
i was very happy with the results last night. christian's was great, and imho the best on the runway. loved jillian's coat but not so much the dress. liked rami's dress, but i was really hoping he'd use the concept and not do something so similar. i love rami, but i agree with nina. talent is there, but he needs to break out a bit. sweet p definitely deserved the auf. i think chris was a little snot for sleeping, even though i love him.
"antares said: Though we are happy he has yet to grace us in a towel."
Thank god for small favors. (No pun intended).
I am seriously beginning to wonder if PPS is colorblind. Everything he did this season with the exception of the hot mess of the Bitten Challenge, was either black, white or brown.
And those cropped jackets. Once you eat a bagel, you are going to pooch.
Rami did a drape, we knew he would, and he is stubborn.
I think that Chris showed that he was the 'brains' behind the coture challenge, and so what if he napped. Maybe sissybear needed to recharge.
I thought Jillian's outfit was goregous, but a little hoochie for me. If I want someone to see my tootie, I will make an appointment with the gyno.
Sweet P, what was that? With the exception of the Prom Challenge and the Ready to Wear, I cannot figure out how she made it this far.
" But it also looked original and distinct enough from previous work that we don't think you can apply the same criticism to him that you would to Rami. "
Can't agree more!!
Yeah whatever, just give me the 100 thousand dollars and let's move on to Season 5.
And Tim? Elisa took a nap too.
Rami is stubborn and full of himself.
Jillian is the one with the real vision.
"antares said...
Dear Rami,
The Society of Women in support of men in Towels was thrilled to see you in a towel last night."
And that's why he's still in. Sick.
Given the way these field trips usually go, it would be reasonable for the designers to guess that they were getting a bait and switch, so even if they did know they were headed to where the Met is, and it seems most of them did, they wouldn't necessarily assume that was their destination. And if it did come up as a possibility, which it must have, the only way the editors would have left that in is if they WERE pulling a bait and switch and the actual challenge was something completely unrelated to the Met. Think of the Hershey challenge, where we heard all kinds of speculation about Broadway shows -- a natural assumption when you're being taken to Times Square -- that was proven to be wrong.
The problem with PPS and Rami especially was that they didn't look around the Met with open eyes and find something to be inspired by - they already knew exactly what they wanted to make because they've already made the same thing before (many times) so they just found something that matched what they already do and then claimed to be "inspired." It was the opposite of what the challenge asked them for! Rami: I drape, therefore I'll find something with drapery to be "inspired" by. PPS: I make puffy sleeves ... aha! A painting with black puffy sleeves. How inspiring!" And Jillian, too, with the equestrian thing ... she did that before! Talk about unable to break out of boxes. Geez.
Okay, I need more coffee.
"tlo said: "Might as well face it, you're addicted to Puffysleeves, Christian!""
...and I've gotta say, thanks guys, that song has now been stuck in my head since I first read this post, this morning.
(whose lights are on, when she's not home.)
I really do think Christian designs by thinking about what would look good on HIMSELF (his comment to Tim about this proved my suspicion).
I immediately thought Seinfeld pirate-puffy-shirt myself.
Rami, Jillian and Christian all seem to make the same thing over and over again. They do it WELL - Christian's got some feers skills - and I even like some of it, but every episode, I feel like I know exactly what I'm going to see on the runway from this crew.
I really do wish Christian would use some color....i LOVE black and wear it a LOT, but even I throw in some blue every once in awhile.
As soon as the challenge was out of Tim's mouth, surrounded by all that draping, I knew exactly what Rami was going to do. And I thought he should have been marked down for defending his draping by saying he was using the art that was draped. That's not an excuse to stay in your comfort zone. If he had tried anything else, even if it wasn't as strong, he could have defended with "well, I was going to use something Greek and draped, but I thought you'd want to see something different" and I would have applauded.
I also thought that Christian's look was very similar to a lot of what we've seen from him before. As soon as I saw his art, I thought of TLo's nickname for him. Black, puffy, and skinny pants. He still did a beautiful job though.
I'm surprised by the Walk-Off. I thought Rami was a sure out until Chris built a shoulderwing. I'm impressed that Chris held to his vision against Tim though and that the judges liked it.
Once again the "feral elf" made a form fitting jacket and tight pants. I could excuse his arrogance if he would change his "vision". Fierce? NOT!. Now Chris has week after week shown a different element of his talent,but the bitch Nina is so enthralled by "tiny jacket"no one else has a chance. So goes PR...another boring season.
I disagree with the idea that Rami was set up to fail. These are challenges. You have to be able to get out of your comfort zone. So, ok, they got to pick from a room that was a blatantly obvious pick for Rami.
That's when he should have said to himself - hmm, too easy. The judges (Nina Nina Nina) have been telling me they want to see something else from me. I will pick something from another room.
Even if he hadn't entirely pulled it off, I think Rami would have been given props from the judges for showing them something new.
I think one thing that was held against Chris' design is that the one-shoulder pouf silhouette is so very distinctive, so you can't exactly ignore the similarity to the earlier piece. Christian's jackets, while sharing a lot of characteristics with each other, are part of a (at least semi-) functional piece of clothing. Jackets almost always have two sleeves, etc. etc. Dresses don't always have such a recognizable shape.
Histrogeek said:
"only Sweet P showed any signs of being inspired by a work as opposed to just trying to recreate it. Personally I preferred Jillian's more.
If they ever do this challenge again, they should drop the designers in the modern galleries. THEN we'll see something interesting."
Exactly what I was thinking.
I wish Rami was auf'd. Last week's outfit was the worst of the bunch, and his attitude hasn't even made compelling tv.
Jillian's outfit was beautiful last night. And I have one word for PPS' outfit: FUG.
Agnes Gooch,
Whoever you are, if that's your real name, YOU NAILED IT.
Christian is a top notch tailor and technician but is not a designer. His designs are derrivative and not original. Perhaps his next apprenticeship should be with Francisco Costa or Narciso Rodriguez. Perhaps swinging his pendulum way over to the other direction would help him find his style.
I thought the same thing about Laura Bennett last year-- lovely woman, strong point of view, impeccable sewing skills but not a designer. She admitted it herself.
BTW, I guess the camera maker and the photo printer maker wouldn't pay for product placement since they were the ONLY products we saw all seaso where the brand wasn't mentioned 57 times.
I think he's adorable, precious, and I just want to eat him with a spoon! And he is a self-aggrandizing little shit because he's TALENTED! The annoying ones are the ones who think they're all that yet can't deliver (hello, Rami. I'm talking to you.)
Love Christian! I predict he wins the season.
If you watch last night's episode again, you'll hear Christian give creds to Chris on the couture team challenge. He said "the dress we designed", something I never would have expected from him.
Roberto Cavalli saved Chris! What a fine (and timely) validation of his work. I think Roberto's comments set Chris up for a fabulous career.
I can see Sissybear as head costume designer of the Metropolitan Opera. Or La Scala.
liza said: if you've been in NYC more than 5 minutes, wouldn't you know that's the Met?
I've been to NY twice, and had no idea where the Met was. Granted, I was more interested in Soho & Wall Street & the upper side.
Anyway, I hated this.
The sleeves were WAY too big and the vest was unnecessary. He gets adored for being too costumey & Chris gets slammed. Go figure.
Yeah, he's a talented shit, but he only designs for twigs. Too bad he wasn't around in the late 60s, early 70s. Or 20's.
And everything's black & white, or a variation of beiges or browns.
I don't usually like Christian's aesthetic all that much, but this was a pretty impressive outing on his part. The blouse was amazing. Sure, it was similar to what he's done before, but much more exuberant. I had no problem with him winning.
OTOH I'm with everyone who's pissed off that Chris seems to be judged by a different standard. While that gown had a somewhat similar silhouette to the courture look he and Christian did, the various elements of the dress were significantly different enough that it should have been judged on its own merits. I could have kissed Cavalli when he kept saying how much he liked it.
My daughter and I thought Christian's "shrug" looked move like a "slug" wrapped around the model's neck.
But you have to give him credit for rapidly creating pants, blouse, vest and slug in the same time the other contestants created one or two garments (and in Jillian's case the jacket was lovely but the dress was a metallic hankie).
Yeah Christian! This garment must have been even more fabulous in person because The Duchess looked like she'd just taken a huge happy pill while gazing at it. Kors looked like he was in an alternate reality and in love with that garment at the same time.
I think Christian is just gonna win this whole thing. I hope he does. :)
I love the creative spirit with which he designs. Really, he just unleashes everything into a challenge, and what he comes up with makes you look (whether or not you like it).
What I liked about it was that it had different elements. You could change the look by taking or adding. It wasn't a stationary design. It was flexible, it was fun. It was fashion.
And yes, I'd say he should have two dogs: Organza and Ruffles!
Christian is BEAST!
Agreed with everything in the episode except for Rami getting another chance...I'm sorry, how many episodes has it been since the judges asked him to show them something new? Ugh. Glad Cavalli was sticking up for Chris, even though I was pretty sure he was going to get the boot for making a similar silhouette to his and Christian's team dress. Ew to the judges' solution though. "Disappoint one of you at fashion week!"
Christian's outfit? Loved it. I'm good with frilly. Jillian, same. Very nice detail in this one. Sweet Pea...sorry, girl. How drab did that little dress look next to everyone else's?
I just don't get it. If it's too predictable and safe for Rami to select a Grecian draped inspiration, why is it not equally predictable and safe for Christian to select a black puffy-sleeved inspiration?
His speed and craftsmanship is really impressive, but is that really the same as design vision? I'm not seeing vision here, I'm seeing skill. I think people are being blinded by the quality of Christian's execution skills.
I also think that Christian is completely ignoring the concept of designing clothes to make the woman wearing the clothes look good. He likes to completly cover up and hide the women under the clothes, and I agree with the above poster that he's more interested in showing off and admiring his own handiwork than he is in dressing women.
I still don't understand why one designer is praised for his "point of view" and another is told they need to "give me something more! Is this all you can do?" I think all 5 designers do the same thing every week. Why some are singled out for derision over this I have no idea.
Perhaps it's Rami's attitude. He gets up my back a mile.
The other thing: Christian is always saying that he worked "with" McQueen & Westwood, as if he was in the big office making all the decisions. His designs look like stuff he swept up off the floor of their studios. Contrast this with Jillian, who says she just wants to get out of that cubicle at Calvin Klein. Do we really think these 20-somethings have had that different of experiences working for large design houses? I don't think so.
And Jillian's work is not derivative of Calvin Klein.
I just don't get why Christian is such a golden boy.
I love Christian's work, and I love a black-and-white look, but every time I see his garments I think, "How would you like your coffee?" Did ending up in the bottom 4 in the SJP challenge scare him away from color? Is he trying to get a Starbucks endorsement deal? Is he colorblind? Sheesh.
I realized that what bothered me about Christian's design in this challenge is the same thing that bothered me when I looked at his Bryant Park collection: he uses one or two designs, and throws everything but the kitchen sink at them. Ruffles, puffiness, more and more, bigger and bigger. Until he ended up with that Big Bird gown on the runway at Fashion Week. The judges tell Chris to edit, but Christian has gotten more and more carried away, and really needs to edit!
If Chris can't win it all, I hope Jillian does, because a win will hurt Christian, in my view. His work will get bigger and more elaborate until he sends a huge, ruffy, puffy ball of organza rolling down the runway someday.
Yes. PP did deserve both the moniker and the win. I look forward to the day, though, when he loses the gigot sleeves and tries something new.
And like others, I couldn't get the Puffy Shirt ep of Seinfeld out of my head during the runway show.
One more thing--Christian should actually have twin dogs named Organza and Morganza. Preferably a couple of yappy little Chinese cresteds.
I hate to go off topic, but I have to tell you guys thanks for making my Valentine's Day. Being single sucks, being single and gay REALLY sucks, but I knew you guys would be there with (as always) great material that made me smile.
And as for Princess Puffysleeves....holy merde, that ego just won't quit. It'd be like asking Jillian to finish a project on time for once. Utterly beyond the realm of possibility.
Give Christian a few hard knocks and he could end up designing these:
I have no problem at all with Princess winning, it was my favorite outfit last night and definitely she is my favorite for winning PR4, she deserves it.
But the judges are not consistent. Why were they so mean to Chris because he repeated an element from the AG look? I am sorry but they definitely overreacted because the two dresses are VERY different. And by the way is was pretty awesome, definitely couture and as "costumey" as Christians. But the judges never said anything to Princess when week after week he pretty much did the same thing. He even managed to do a puffy thing for the WWE diva!
Oh, and I will say more when you post about Jullian's outfit. I think it was horrible.
I didn't think Christian was going to win this one. I'm not a fan, but to the people who ask what's the difference between his repetitiveness & Rami's, I'd say it's imagination. Both repeat themselves (who doesn't?) but C. seems to have more imagination.
I love puffy sleeves, but KNICKERS!!! make me puke in my mouth.
I do think Christian is a hard worker and has a vision. I however, am not a big admirer of his construction and pattern making skill and would never compare his work to Haute Couture. Fast does not = skillfull. He takes a lot of short cuts, but usually it looks okay on the runway.
Can you imagine what the judges would have said if a female designer had showed this? Remember Allison's paper dress? Yeah, that one.
The most telling moment re Christian was how vulnerable and real he looked when they were telling him he won. . . and then how he suddenly switched it off and put on his "fierce" act as he entered the back room -- we actually saw the moment he caught himself mid-skip and stopped himself. I guess he thinks he needs that cover, but I hope he'll learn to drop it; real is so much more appealing.
I think it's a fine line between being "repetitive" and maintaining their "point of view". Every designer struggles with walking that line on this show I think.
bitchesdye said...
"Contrast this with Jillian, who says she just wants to get out of that cubicle at Calvin Klein."
I thought she was with Ralph Lauren. Am I mistaken?
I'm willing to lay money down right now that Jillian takes this season. I just see Christian going so over the top that he implodes. As for the walkoff between Rami and Chris, I see Chris barely edging out Rami, but it won't matter. I think Jillian brings the best combination of commercially viable design and new ideas.
I dunno, kiddies. With mad props coming from the velvety Signore Cavalli (my heart skipped a little when he spoke), the adorable SissyBear might just take it all.
And Veruca, you aren't mistaken. Hence the comments about some of Jillian's "horsey" designs. She is/was with Ralph Lauren.
"Do we really think these 20-somethings have had that different of experiences working for large design houses?"
Good point, I hadn't thought of it that way before. And it was interesting that as much as Cavelli admired Chrisian's work, it was to Jillian that he offered a job.
"Remember Allison's paper dress? Yeah, that one."
Ah, but sewing siren, if princess did that dress he would have so fiercely defended it that the judges would have bought it and sent him on through. He gets away with it because he's so passionate about it. Allison was definitely not passionate about that dress.
Kanani said:
What I liked about it was that it had different elements. You could change the look by taking or adding. It wasn't a stationary design. It was flexible, it was fun. It was fashion.
IITA. The judges commented about the fact that the individual pieces could be worn in different ways.
In addition, I look at Christian's work as being created for the runway effect, with the knowledge that ready to wear designs would incorporate elements of the runway look, as the designers did in the avant garde challenge.
that's how i referre to christian when talking to my BFF about the simpering EMO. BadAssRedundantFop. how do the young become so jaded so early on in the game? better yet, why do they think ANYTHING is due them?
i will not argue the waif has talent and skills light years beyond most of the designers this season. in fact very few designers have really been anything more than a backdrop to christians elevated opinion of himself. he's never once shown that he has a humble bone in his body.
if he wins...it's one more for the bad boys of PROJECT RUNWAY.
i agree with annonymous 10:46 "another boring season."
GothamTomato said...
...and I've gotta say, thanks guys, that song has now been stuck in my head since I first read this post, this morning.
Now its stuck in my head, too! That song is like a virus!
nso said, Christian should actually have twin dogs named Organza and Morganza. Preferably a couple of yappy little Chinese cresteds.
I knew I'd seen that hairstyle before!
Thanks, usmcsgtftl.
Ralph Lauren is one of my long time favs and, while I'm at it, I may as well admit that I am part of the "horsey set" and I certainly see why he deserves that moniker. I thought I recognized his aesthetic in some of Jillian's work. Shook me there for a second to realize I was off mark.
But, but , but, didn't anyone notice that Christian called Tim Gunn "Lady" in this episode? HA
Yep, caught that.
I hear what you guys are saying -- but I do think that this is "more of the same" from him. Chris caught criticism for his shoulder piece -- but not a word about Christian and this?
I liked this garment - but I still feel like I've seen it before (from him).
Thanks for the post -- couldnt' wait to log on today for your take!!!!
Why do I have that Seinfeld episode stuck in my head now? "But I don't wanna be a pirate!"
Was it just me, or did Tim seem sweeter and more affectionate with Sweet P as she was leaving than he has with any other designer?
I agree with the commenter who said Christian's puffy sleeve obsession seems like just that -- a temporary obsession. Of all the designers, Christian is the one whose future work I most want to see. I thought his work this week was entertaining and provocative, which seems like what the pros look for in a runway show. To my eyes, it was a delightful interpretation of the painting, although I did appreciate that Jillian's was less literal.9
There's no real place for this but can I comment on Ricky's model who was auf'd last night? Holy moley is she tall or what? She was barefoot and still towered over the heeled Mrs. Seal. Wow.
To stay on topic: did not love this outfit for reasons already listed. However, I agreed with the judges' decision that it was the best of the lot. PPS definitely has "Mad Skillz" when it comes to sewing.
although i really don't want christian to win the whole shebang because it will just take his snotty, arrogant attitude up a couple of notches, i have to admit he is incredibly talented (and after seeing the collections, i am pretty sure he's going to win). one just has to hope that somehow, somewhere he will get his come-uppance. in the meantime, his talent is really amazing particularly considering his age.
The judging doesn't make any
sense to me. But I don't watch
it for the judging. Like 99%
of women I wear clothes that
are functional and comfortable.
I could wear about 10% of the
clothes I've ever seen on the show
and not cause my students to die laughing and run amok down the hallways with the horror of it all.
I did love the fact that this next-to-last episode did not go the way of previous seasons, where everyone tanked. I didn’t hear anything about it, but there appeared to be no direction as to whether or not it should be a wearable or conceptual piece. This made the judging, as edited, appear so arbitrary.
As for the Princess, I am leaning towards the group that feels that he more of a technician as opposed to a designer. He’s extremely talented for someone of his years in certain areas, but I still feel that his looks, taken as a whole, show less range than those from Rami. Also agree that Chris was typecast early on and couldn’t do anything to change that bias. I agree with others who noticed that while he praised PPS, Cavallo offered a job to Jillian.
All that being said, I did see the artistry in this, although I found it derivative and a little too literal. I had a problem with the balance of the outfit as well, as the model seemed top heavy to me. I hated the cape/shrug whatever it was supposed to be. I’m just not a fan of tight pants, so those did nothing for me. He may have deserved the win and the chance to show at fashion week, but he has plenty of room to grow. He should find a job withy a house that has a different aesthetic than he does currently, not to change but to find himself as a designer.
Sewing Siren said...
Bill, I thought your link was going to be to a stage production of "Tartuffe". His blouse does look astonishingly similar to the Seinfeld pirate shirt. Both are comedies, and while some of Christian's work on the show has been remarkable, this garment, along with is finale show fall from avant garde into parody, in my opinion (of course).
Anonymous said...
I hate to go off topic, but I have to tell you guys thanks for making my Valentine's Day. Being single sucks, being single and gay REALLY sucks, but I knew you guys would be there with (as always) great material that made me smile.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, anonymous, and thank YOU for reading us and supporting our blog.
As we've said many times, you guys are the best, the smartest, the funniest, the bitchiest, the MOST FABULOUS crew of supporters any blog could ask for.
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you fabulous bitches!
thanks for agreeing, suzq! And if you want to know where my "name" comes from, get yourself to an "Auntie Mame" DVD or video stat!! (the Rosalind Russell version, but of course) It's like only the best non-musical movie wardrobe ever.
I loved it when they were at the Met and Chris was at the Egyptian tomb and said, "look, Joan Rivers carved her initials here when she was a little girl."
I thought I would die laughing. That was so funny. He must be fun to hang out with
I stand corrected: JIllian works for Ralph Lauren. OK, she's a little derivative of him, but no where near the copying that goes on with the Princess.
Don't get me wrong, I like the princess and she's talented and all, it just seems like right now he's riding the same wave Rami was on during the first half of the season. He can do no wrong in the judges eyes right now and he's peaking at the best possible time. But it's all just fashion.
I still like JIllian's work better.
Exactly Sweet Babies.
I agree with both of y'all in all of the points you made about PPS.
The boy had MAD, MAD design, tailoring and construction skillz(yes, spelled like that). And geezus h. gonzales, the child is barely more than a foetus! He is only 21 freaking one!!! What he has done and accomplished at his age and the focus and maturity of his work is nothing short of spectacular. I think the same thing about La Posen, Lazaro and Jack of Proenza and Danny Vosovic's best work. These children are all incredible!
They are privileged and talented and I love all of their work.
I also agree 100% with adigal there on the arbitrary judging.
Christian's offering was a s derivative of his own work as was Sissybear's. Yet, Sissy, who in my opinion made the better garment, gets chided for it. Christian's is wonderful and well done but the jacket and pants are somewhat a combination of what he did in the Levi's and the Slim Fast challenges.
Love ya bunches,
On eof the reasons that say, Jillian makes coats often, is that the designers have already drafted that silhouette for the models that they have been with for several fittings - could be why she was ready this time with the exception of the hemming. There has been a lot less model switching, perhaps they agreed to keep the same fit models among themsleves.
Also, if Rami was set up for disaster in the Greek and Roman galleries, the Chris was also in the WWE challenge and he rose to the occassion by making a winning garment.
"I still don't understand why one designer is praised for his "point of view" and another is told they need to "give me something more! Is this all you can do?" I think all 5 designers do the same thing every week. Why some are singled out for derision over this I have no idea."
I heartily agree, bitchesdye!!
This is the point in the season when Nina and Michael decry, "I don't want to see another @#($* (fill in the blanks) of yours on the catwalk," and then those designers that still respect the judges' opinions push/scream/birth a different aesthetic, or at least attempt a twist to their POV. Think Uli and even Jeffrey with his 'romantic look.' Not this season. These designers defaulted to 'different day/same aesthetic,' which made it easy for the judges, who defaulted to picking their personal faves based on previous challenges. BORING and UNINSPIRED!!!
Sigh....this season simply had no balls.
Le Tigre? Blue Steel? Ferrari? OK, the Princess did pull out Magnum this time around, but come on! I call Zoolander here!!!
I am completely baffled as to why Chris is consistently praised for doing the same thing and sticking to his style, while Rami is ridiculed for it. I thought this was a show about fashion, not about personality?
Can anyone say "Defying Gravity"? The hat and the shaw is so "Wicked"!
Agree all around with TLo... but I'm curious how they feel about the extra competition between Rami and Chris!
Off-topic but i can't hold it in.
Now back to my regularly scheduled programming.
Oops, forgot to add: The only issue I had with this look overall (aside from that AWFUL capelet or WTFever it was) was that it was really billowy around the middle, which would make the wearer look fat. What skinny person would want to look heavier? And how come no one called him on it, as those stupid judges tend to do? *sigh*
That...that...that THING around the neck...YUCK! The rest of the outfit was very well constructed and cohesive, and then there was that...that...thing, which was an atrocity. It's like little Organza crapped on the model's collar. Bad dog!
I thought the Princess did a great job interpreting the painting. I wasn't surprised she chose it, wasn't surprised that she went the direction she did, but I was a little surprised with the volume of the design. It was good volume.
Color would have been a nice addition. Can you imagine this being reworked into Little Boy Blue? Same idea, but with color! And the actual garment would still have that dramatic impact. But colorful.
Arrogant, entertaining, skilled, and more than a little endearing, that's our Princess. There was one point in the episode when Christian said something (I don't even remember what it was) that made me kind of go "awww". Obviously nothing he said in the workroom. Shit, now I have to go back and find out what it was. Anyhow, the point is, there was a glimpse of the insecure teenager beneath the bluster and it was a precious moment to behold. Didn't last long, but I still loved it.
Sew on, Puffysleeves! (But quit picking on my Sissybear!)
The Princess deserved the win, but it will be interesting to see if he ever deserts Puffyville for another location.
He's certainly all kinds of talented, and all kinds of arrogant. But I'm not sure that winning PR would be a good thing for him. It's not enough money to start his own line, but it's enough money and recognition to convince him he's not just "kind of a big deal" but rather a very big deal - one who's destined to design couture but too important to work for someone else. That could be a disaster.
rainwood (fka rain brain - which Blogger won't let me use for reasons that remain mysterious)
One Anon said:
"Now Chris has week after week shown a different element of his talent, but the bitch Nina is so enthralled by "tiny jacket"no one else has a chance."
I couldn't agree more. Although I wasn't a fan of Chris' gown execution (I still admire the effort)...he has shown a wonderful variety of design scope...and NOT what you would expect given his portfolio images. I don't feel Christian understands variety. And Rami? Well...enough has been said about his stubborness...I've seen Rami's other lcothing...and he does understand variety and he is capable of extraordinary things...but to take one point from another post, is his skill set limited - maybe he's much more visionary when working with a team of patternmakers. I love the comments about Christian being a technician...he needs experience to show a true vision.
Perhaps as he grows older...and a few nice deep hair conditioning sessions...and he will blossom into a nice variety of poison ivy.
Jillian will win. her clothes are wearable, fashionable, and tolerable.
phantom said: OTOH I'm with everyone who's pissed off that Chris seems to be judged by a different standard. While that gown had a somewhat similar silhouette to the courture look he and Christian did, the various elements of the dress were significantly different enough that it should have been judged on its own merits. I could have kissed Cavalli when he kept saying how much he liked it.
Yep, yep, yep! Somewhat similar, not exact replication as we've seen from others. Was there a collar? Yes. Was it tall and flat like the AG? No. Did it wrap and billow because someone knows how to artfully construct such things? You bet your ass! It was similar in that it was a collar but it wasn't the same. And for Chris to be dogged for that was just...I call shenanigans!
I am so sick of the judges talking out of both sides of their mouths'; Jillian's coat in the denim challenge was criticized because it made the model "look big". Drop the crack pipe and take a look at Princess' sleeves people; he makes his models' arms look like a sumo wrestler's legs.
The judges thought Chris' look was derivative, and Rami bored them by draping again. Hello? Christian made a human dust ruffle AGAIN for the umpteenth time!
I think the problem the judges have with Chris isn't so much his weight but his background. They hear that Princess Puffysleeves "worked with" McQueen (interesting way of phrasing it - that's not the same at all as "working for") and they wet themselves. They learn what Chris has been doing and they decide that everything he does is a costume. The judges should know nothing about the contestants' backgrounds so it doesn't color the decision process.
So is Project Runway a search for the next hot new fashion designer or a search for the fastest seamster/seamstress?
I think there is a basic expectation from the viewing public that the contestants will be treated in a fair, consistent manner and that doesn't seem to be happening on Project Runway any longer.
You love princess for the same reason you loved "bad mommy" they both have a point of view
they both are really good at executing that point of view.
they are both a little bitchy.
but "Bad mommy" had a lot more redeeming quality's.
Princess is just kind of full of her self and a while he is great T.V that gets a little old.
I sincerely hope the Princess doesn't win this thing. His sleeves are already over-inflated enough. Can someone please give him a big ol dose of humility and a shot of maturity...PLEASE!
I don't understand why people are so hard on Rami. I like Chris too; hands down I'd prefer to hang out with him over Rami. But no one made the exact same dress. Not Rami, not PPP...and not Chris. They've all done the same tricks they love, time and again.
stubenville said, "The judges should know nothing about the contestants' backgrounds so it doesn't color the decision process."
I like that idea, and I would also like to see a "blind" judging process. If Heidi wants to monitor the model selection, she shouldn't be a judge. And let the models come out with NO indication to the judges as to whose garment they are wearing. Then the judges can vote.
This might need to be restricted to the initial round of voting, as otherwise they couldn't talk to the "top" and "bottom" groups, but it might eliminate at least some of the arbitrariness and favoritism.
I think a big part of the problem that Nina and the Duchess have with Chris' work is that they HATE to be wrong and they remember all too well that they voted him off the show. I can only imagine the look on their faces when the producers informed them that they were bringing him back after Jack had to leave.
"Stubenville said...
So is Project Runway a search for the next hot new fashion designer or a search for the fastest seamster/seamstress?
I think there is a basic expectation from the viewing public that the contestants will be treated in a fair, consistent manner and that doesn't seem to be happening on Project Runway any longer."
I LOVED Robert Cavalli as a judge. And thank goodness he was there for Chris, because I think the others would have thrown him under the bus in favor of Rami if they could have. All being said, though, I thought Christian had a lot going for him and deserved the win. It really amazes me that he can make 4 or 5 intricately constructed pieces and have time to play around while Sweet P and Jillian struggle to finish one thing. He really does have an awesome vision and fabulous skills. Chris could have won and I would have been happy, too, and I thought Jillian deserved to show at Bryant Park with that piece as well. In other words, I really agreed with Carvalli on just about everything. As far as doing the same thing every week, I thought back to last year and realized that most of the designers have one style and they stick to it. Whether it is prints, or draping, or rib-cage baring v-necks, or over the top frou-frou, or fleurchons, or aging rock-star threads, or Santino's braiding, there is a lot of repitition in the good designer's looks. They generally have a strong point of view and it doesn't go away! But why is everyone calling this episode boring? I have decided that some viewers are just not happy unless there is high drama going on. I really watch this to see what the designers can come up with, not to see them scream at each other, or cry all over the runway. It IS a design show, no matter what materials they may be using! If someone is looking for senseless drama let them go watch Rock of Love or something! Now a little fun bitchiness is definitely in order, though. Mmwah, love you boys!
Agnes Gooch: "is Princess even old enough to remember the Seinfeld puffy shirt episode? Seriously."
ROFL!!! touche!
The waistcoat looked awfully uncomfortable and stiff -- go to any renaissance faire and you will see lots of these.
i LOVED chris's dress - i do see the criticism that it's too much like the avant-garde challenge, but it's beautiful nevertheless. i'm hoping that he will be the 3rd presenter at fashion week -- although rami did a few beautiful things, i think chris's collection had a bigger "WOW" factor (even if some of it is over the top). rami just did more rami....drape, drape, drape. either way, it's good publicity for all of them - even if they don't get to compete for the prize, they are all getting tremendous exposure where they probably never would have otherwise.
can't wait to see the finale!
Did Princess Layers Organza make the hat, or was that off the shelf?
Princess Layers Organza
Kynn! That's genius!! LOL!
Kynn said...
Did Princess Layers Organza make the hat, or was that off the shelf?
OMG, Hilarious!!! Thanks for that jem.
I knew Christian's outfit reminded me of a movie. Just though of it.
Tilda Swinton in 1992's gender-shifting, history-travelling adaption of the Virginia Woolf novel "Orlando."
i LOVE seeing your sketches for a design each week, and i LOVE yours for this challenge (temple of dendur, yes? it's GORGEOUS, and much better than what the crew on PR4 came up with, in my book).
Agnes Gooch: "is Princess even old enough to remember the Seinfeld puffy shirt episode? Seriously."
Yeah, you must be right, it's not like they don't show Seinfeld in syndication reruns ever or maybe they show it like 5 times a day.(rolls eyes)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he knows how to sew. I loathe this kid. He is such a mean spirited little brat. And why do I get the sinking feeling he's going to be named fan favorite? Ugh!!!
Bring back Santino!! He had personality---and he was actually funny.
Unencumbered as I am with facts and data (have not actually seen the episode yet, just stills of the garments) I feel as qualified to comment as did the judges last night.
Not gonna talk about the clothes until I see the runway prance, but I am in violent agreement with those who say the judging needs to be blind in first round. No, I don't mean the judges need to have their eyes shut - that already happens on a regular basis. I think it is a fabulous idea to have the clothing not identified with the designers until the top and bottom garments are selected. Okay wait - I don't mean tops and pants - I mean the winners the also rans, and the dead losers are defending their work.
Well thought out, poodles!
Rosie's Girl (who will watch a tape of the show directly)
P.S. Hey! This new way of identifying ourselves doesn't automatically enter the rest of my name. I have to type in THE WHOLE THING! (Oh the humanity!)
Ok, here's the thing. Christian is a very talented seamster. He's very quick about it as well.
As for design, he doesn't have a very large resume. You think he was Vivienne Westwood's right hand poodle? This lack of experience shows up in his clothes. He makes a big deal about how he has a very clear vision and how the other designers "think too much" about what they're doing.
He thinks "vision" equates to picking two or three design tricks and building everything around them. The short jackets with ruffles(?) on the front, the puffy sleeves and and the tight pants. These are not design elements, they are gimmicks. His technical ability allows him to execute them very well and he does have a certain flair.
A real design "vision" doesn't (or shouldn't I should say) rely on gimmicks or such obivous artifices.
In terms of which designers have grown this season, I would say out of the final group it's Chris. Whether you like his stuff or not, it's hard to argue that he hasn't broken out of his comfort zone and really expanded his reach.
Rami. Ugh. Have you EVER heard anyone say this sentence before: "I'm very passionate about draping."
And then did you EVER think you'd hear someone say it 10 times in a row??
I could go on, but let me just slip this one in. Does anybody else want to see a little transparency in the judging? If they are going to rip these people to shreds on TV then why can't we see who voted for whom? What were the scores given? Either by judge or just anonymously? What do you have to hide Michael and Nina?? (other than who does your tips)
Sorry, but Chris' dress -- besides being a copy of the avante garde dress -- looked like some kind of papier mache monster.
I'm sure that after all the puffysleeve criticism, Christian might find some other obsession and then we'll have to find some other nickname for him!
As for Rami (the serial drapist), he'll probably stick to it because it's marketable to his choice of clientele.
I've come to really sorta love Christian since I saw one particular photo of him at Fashion Week taken after his collection has walked and while he's trailing the full lineup out.
The boy is absolutely and desperately clutching on to Lisa's hand.
-- desertwind
Lord, I hated this. Thought Jillian's work was so much cleaner and beautiful. This just looked like what Christian always does, on steroids.
i totally understand why christian won and why he's been deemed virtually untouchable all season. but, i really would have liked to hear the judges call him out just once for consistently presenting them with puffs and ruffs. i mean, he used them in all but one challenge (menswear)... meanwhile rami gets reamed for draping, despite the fact that he didn't always drape. or, at least, rami draped less than christian puffed and ruffed.
not fair. and i can't get on board with christian's win because of it.
that, and i think jillian should have won last night for her stellar garment that i must own immediately.
oh, and count me among those who adored roberto cavalli as guest judge! so nice that he was there to balance out the judges with fresh eyes. and i really appreciated the praise he lavished on the designers. the lack of snarkyness was a delight.
[rant] and, seriously, how can you live in NYC and not know that the only thing on 82nd and 5th ave is the MET?? as a native ny-er, transplants never cease to offend me. i wish they'd issue admissions tests at the borders. [/rant.]
Chris copied Christian and got praised for it.
Chris' dress is different from Christian's organza with ruffles (on the chest again not to mention the ready to wear dress too). The part that was Chris' was the other part, but this was different. If Christian, Rami, and Jillian can copy themselves, why not Chris and only once??
Costume is not a bad word and Chris' was much less so than Christians!
The fact that he managed to get THAT almost completely done before everyone else completed their garments? Amazing. The boy has got, as Jeffrey would put it, "mad skills."
This was a tough call for the judges. Jillian's coat was fantastic! Christian? Sienfield called, he wants his puffy shirt back. Chris's dress was edited way back from what it could have been. and Rami (or young Mr Six as I've started to think of him) treated us to another excursion in ancient draping.
I have a bad feeling about this season's finale. They just seem so dead set on forcing Rami in. Apparently he can drape feces on a model and still not get auf'ed.
He may be drama, but he's funny drama. Just about every one of this looks this season look like a cohesive collection. Kind of like Mrs. Bennett
Christian always makes his own dragwear... with big puffy sleeves to cover his skinny arms
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Coco Puff said...
Go Christian!!
go AWAY Christian!
Am I the only one who wants to see the little shithead get taken down a peg? Sorry but a 21 year old twit vs a 46 year old biker chick and a 44 year old drag queen? These folks (and my generation) paved the way for him and his ilk, yet he feels it all starts with him.
Puh-LEEZE you little twink! Sure you got some talent, but you need about 20 more years of seasoning to be good.
I think part of Christian's charm is his "I'm kind of a big deal" persona.
Plus, the bitch CAN churn out a dramatic creation time and again.
He's one of the few things keeping me from falling asleep at the remote this season.
Sorry, just had to say it 1 last time.
Well, I could use parts of it for the Ren Faire, maybe...
I didn't watch the episode--and thanks to TLo and BPR for the great recaps and screen shots, I won't bother with the rerun, either. To be honest, other than the reunion episode, I probably won't bother watching the end of the season.
Bravo kept us dangling for a year-plus... for this? 90% yawn. I don't know if I'll trust them for a 5th season.
"The boy is absolutely and desperately clutching on to Lisa's hand.
-- desertwind
He looks like a little scared boy on his first day at school in some of those pictures. :)
i'm sad we never got an Alex comic of Ferosha Cotura.
Separated at birth: Princess Puffysleeves and one of those dinosaurs that has like a ruffly collar around it's neck that fans out when it's pissed off (esp the picture of him with the black fabric flowing all around his neck). Know what I'm talking about?
I so love this look.
It perfectly updated what they found in the museum. It was inspired and I can tell where he had a vision that came at him with lightening speed and he worked it.
I hope he wins.
Berk...I don't like it at all!
It seems like my prince charming costume that i wore for carnival at school!
I feel that it is too much, and not as creative as people are saying.
But I admit that Christian is a great designer...
Ok, did no one else get straight up Matador from Christian?
Imagine the cap thing in red. The model would be ready to face a bull.
Or in this case, the Bullshit, which is what I was screaming at the tv all last night.
I like to let a few days pass and then reassess the garments. I went from hating to liking Jillian's little equestrian dress. But I went from liking to hating Christian's matador outfit. The whole look is preposterous, I think.
Chris's dress, however, is gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous - much more gorgeous than the avant garde dress he made with Christian.
Someone get the princess a dictionary for "self-aggrandizing". While I may be forced to admit that the puppy has the most talent of those left, I still hope that his hair gets stuck in some velcro somewhere... ON camera.
Oh, please! Christian is FIERCE! He's young, funny, confident and very talented. I love his work, except for the brown prom dress. If he wins, it's because he deserves it. Rami is such a bore!
I'm glad Christian won and I was always sure he was going to Bryant Park, but to be the first chosen is quite an honor.
But... on what planet is this men's wear?
I get tired of Christian overwhelming the judges by the sheer number of pieces that he sends out -- is "fast sewing" the mark of a good designer?
But then, maybe the other designers should be working on increasing their speed.
"Speed sewing" would be an interesting episode -- set the designers loose one one of New York and the first to get to the other with a completed garment wins. I'd love to see people cutting, sewing and fitting in a taxi, subway, or just running up the street doing the whip stitch on a raw edge.
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