We think that about says it all, but we figure we have to write another couple hundred words to keep you entertained.
We think a win like this sums up the main problem of having someone like Nina wielding such influence in the judging decisions. A lot of the features on the dress are very much on trend: the color, the fullness and body-hiding quality of it, the bejeweled part, and the tight bust. If you put this dress on a 90-lb model and light her correctly and photograph her professionally, it would look great on the pages of a fashion mag.
But put it on a regular girl and try to pass it off as a prom dress? No freaking way.
Personally, we think it's straight-up fugly, but as we said, it's very much on trend.
And we're getting a little tired of Victorya sending exactly the same silhouette down the runway week after week without getting called on it. She's the Uli of S4.
Plus, we can't help thinking that she has issues with women's bodies. In fact, if a male designer repeatedly showed looks that completely obliterate any traces of shape or curve and openly admits that he likes to see women's breasts bound as tight as possible, the judges would rake him over the coals for it. They certainly had no problem repeatedly hanging the woman-hating criticism on Santino and Jeffrey - both of whom showed very similar silhouettes at times.
There's nothing wrong with making a fashion-forward prom dress but in our opinion, there's really only so far you can go in that direction. Generally speaking, girls that age want to look grown up and sophisticated so the dresses almost always trend toward classic goddess gowns or cocktail dresses.
Now, it could be argued that her client seemed to love the dress but frankly, you pull the average teenage girl off the street and tell her she's going to have a dress custom-made for her by a fashion designer, she's going to be made up by professional hair and makeup people and she's going to get to walk a runway like a real model, plenty of them are going to be thrilled. Do we think plenty of them would pick a dress like this to wear to their prom? Nope. Not for a minute.
We might have been able to accept this win if there were a lot of ugly or boring dresses last night, but the fact is there were several dresses that were truly stunning and one or two that not only looked appropriately prom-ish, but also managed to look stylish and up-to-the-minute.
If you can't tell, we absolutely hated this decision. We have nothing against VictorYA's aesthetic. There are times when it's entirely appropriate. Her Bitten dress for Sarah Jessica Parker had pretty much exactly the same silhouette and we thought it deserved the win. But that was an instance of the look matching the challenge. This, to us, was a wrong decision on every level.
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»You took the words right outta my mouth!
Seriously, anything that could be made with the Bedazzler should never be considered "Fashion Forward"
There's a big shark jumping, and its name is Project Runway.
Per TLo:
"Plus, we can't help thinking that she has issues with women's bodies. In fact, if a male designer repeatedly showed looks that completely obliterate any traces of shape or curve and openly admits that he likes to see women's breasts bound as tight as possible, the judges would rake him over the coals for it."
From The Duchess' Blog:
"Victorya is one of those designers who believes in framing the woman. A lot of the legendary female designers through history, from Claire McCardell and Chanel through Donna Karan and Diane von Furstenberg, are women who really started their whole process by dealing with and understanding their own bodies: how to get dressed, how they wanted to present themselves, and I think Victorya is very much in that vein. Her designs are user-friendly, and they're woman-friendly."
Madame Kors is apparently on acid.
Hated the jewels, but I knew it was going to win. If I actually start understanding the judging I may hav e to kill myself...
Sing it, sisters! To quote the Princess: "100%!"
As soon as I saw that thing head down the runway, I had two simultaneous reactions:
"I hate that thing!"
"The judges are going to cream themselves over this, aren't they. I'm looking at the winner right here. Crap."
I hate it when I'm right.
I'm giving up watching PR and settling for reading this blog. My stomach will be much happier.
Don't like this dress- don't like Victorya - don't like how she spells her name!
The color is okay, but the shape and aesthetic are wrong especially for a teenage girl. Plus the jewels look "crafty" which is usually a reason to lose.
Is it me or do they not week to week remind us of the immunity - so it's kind of like, well, if some guy is left on the runway, and we know he has immunity, we know he's safe.
Just admit it. Nobody likes VictorYA!
Talk about a titscrepancy! With all those pleated breast binding and bedazzler shit, it looks like she was prom night road kill. Like the leader of a rival clique ran her over with the painfully predictable Hummer stretch limo and left skid marks and gravel on her chestal region. PURE Fug!
I actually agree with the win. It is the most "fun" and youthful look that went down the runway. It does look like a dress that might be in the *editoral* section of the Prom issue of Seventeen. The others kind of looked like they would be in the *ad* section of the Prom issue. None of the dress looked like $250 on fabric alone or custom made.
That poor girl looked like Jan Brady Bedazzled a pillowcase.
I thought she was going to be in the bottom three when they said who would stay on the runway for questioning. I was sure of it! I thought it was so unflattering and then she started putting the jewels on it, and I was done.
Don't know if this is a prom dress, but I kinda liked it.
HATED the styling and it's definitely NOT the best one to come down the runway this episode. I liked sissybear's and Jillian's the best actually...
In addition to the squished boobs, my major complaint about this dress (and most of Victorya's designs) is she relies so heavily on creating a pear shape that really doesn't flatter the vast majority of women. Sure, if you're a size 0 and don't have hips a little ballooning at the bottom might give the illusion of curves, but there's no reason on earth to flatten a woman's chest to resemble an 11 year old boy. Oh fuck that, even MY 11 year old boy has more chest than what Victorya gives her models and he's rail thin.
The judges are horribly out of touch when it comes to prom dresses. My daughter wouldn't be caught dead in this thing and she's been known to kitsch/tacky it up quite a bit.
When the hell was the last time any of the judges went to a prom or spent time with teenage girls (the real kind, not wannabe models)?
Ugh ugh ugh fug!
She had the tallest slimmest model. On all three of the nontraditional model challenges (not counting the ones with the designers themselves modeling) the tallest, slimmest model has always won. I don't think it's a coincidence. I don't believe it's an intentional slight on the judges' part, but still, not a coincidence.
barbarienne said...
As soon as I saw that thing head down the runway, I had two simultaneous reactions:
"I hate that thing!"
"The judges are going to cream themselves over this, aren't they. I'm looking at the winner right here. Crap."
I knew she would win when she got the skinniest model. The judges are pretty shallow really.
I just can't understand it. And it's not even close to what the girl asked for.
My boyfriend and I were watching the show last night and of course judging them as they come down the runway. We always DVR the show and watch it immediately after it airs so we can FF thru the commercials. So we pause and look at the dresses.
Well we judged this one in the bottom 3 from the beginning, we thought it was horrid. Those boobs were flattened. The bedazzled top. It was attrocious. We just knew her or Ricky would be auf'd. We knew that Sweet P or Chris would win.
How shocked we were. This was a joke and obviously and mark on the integrity of the show. They couldn't possibly believe this was fabulous. It was horrid.
This was not fashion forward, it was fashion backwards: Back to the 80's with that Bedazzler center.
And the shape! You're right about Vicktorya's silhouettes & body issues.
What would the real life of this dress be?: This was a dress for an emaciated, flat chested girl to model in a magazine. In real life, it would then be bought by a chubbier 26 year old Carrie Bradshaw wanabe, at a Mandee's in some sad suburb, to wear out clubbing on Saturday night. It would come home reeking of spilt cosmos & Old Spice, and never be worn again. It would next be spotted in a heap of old clothes at the garage sale that 'Carrie' and the Big that didn't get away had when they had to sell the house to settle the divorce. It would still reek. It would be bought by a menopausal woman, dressed like Paulie Walnuts, who wanted it so she could use the rhinestones for something crafty.
This dress would not go to a prom.
Ugh. Just ugh.
You know what? The judges for this challenge SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE GIRLS THEMSELVES. Seriously. TLo is right, they were way too polite to say what they were really thinking.
I had to yell out loud when Victorya said she was adding the jewels to make it look "rich." No, bedazzled crap like that ALWAYS cheapens an outfit.
And how the hell would that panel know anything about proms???!!!
When I saw this one come down the runway, I thought she was a goner for sure. It was hideous. I'm still completely shocked.
"Woman-friendly" my arse.
you guys aren't going to comment on her weird eye rolling while on the runway? or (i didn't see this but will go back to it) that she brushed off sweet p's hands when they were walking off? i'm pretty turned off by her. i almost choked when they announced she was the winner.
Every time I look at that neckline I feel like I'm going to ckoke! So high! And so tight! I couldn't breathe wearing that, let alone have a great time at prom (if it were about 15 years ago)
Poor Sweet P ... absolutely robbed.
But the fact that Sweet P stepped up and showed what she could do last night was the only glimmer of victory in an otherwise DISMAL show.
Remember a few days ago when shrill harpies were braying:
Now look at her.
"Sweet Little Peanut"
She still hasn't done anything. That dress was crap: Unflattering, unispired and poorly made.
I hate VictorYA almost as much as I hate George Bush.
Victorya's dress was horrendous. A bedazzler kit has no place in high fashion. Chris was robbed!
I'll just say I was surprised by this win, and leave it at that.
Victorya's dress looks like an exaggerated version of about 20 different tunics you can find on the 50% off rack at Macy's. Or, about half of the stuff that Wet Seal sells.
Personally, I think Rami or Chris should have one this one.
Sewing Siren said:
"I knew she would win when she got the skinniest model. The judges are pretty shallow really."
True story. Just like Vincent won in the "mom's" episode. Even though Uli's clothes were much more original and just plain beautiful.
As for Yayaya for the win, I can't say anything that wasn't said before. *shakes head* And WHY wasn't Chris on the Top 3?!?!
But the worse was Kevin's auf for sure. I hate when shows I love disappoint me so badly. *sigh*
Oh, by the way, Boys (or anybody): you know the fine print that says the judging is done in consultation with the producers? Anybody know what that actually means?
I really can't stand her. Her whole self-admitted perspective of pretty much hating women's bodies (does this come from personal body issues? Mommy issues? An eating disorder? Bitter about being formula fed as an infant? What?) is just disgusting to me and indicative of everything that's wrong with the fashion industry. So is it really surprising that it would be the editor of a fashion magazine that would usher this in for the win? No. Not surprising, but really disappointing.
VictorYa needs her sewing kit to be taken away until she's gotten some therapy.
And bejeweling?!? Jesus.
Why did they pick a bottom 4 and a top 2? Why not at least have put Chris in the top 3 and took Rami out of the bottom. Did they make a mistake?
But the Bitten dress is so awful in its retail environment! It looks like a potato sack when you put it on.
This is why I don't buy Elle. NG's taste is just awful.
In a field of blah, this one stood out. Ugly? Sure. But, not blah. I really hate to say anything positive about the girl, but I think she deserved the win.
anon 2:38, I agree. But they let Ricky go first, so apparently they thought Rami's was worse.
Even more evidence that the judges were seriously deranged.
Anonymous said...
Why did they pick a bottom 4 and a top 2
Because the judges aren't very bright. Simple addition is beyond them.
Ninagarciafashiondirectorofellemagazine has serious, serious issues with style. How did she get into such a position with such poor taste? Plus did anyone look at her hair last night? It looked like she had just been fucked and got up and did the show. Her hair was flying all over the place.
I wouldn't wear that dress to prom if someone paid me.
A word of confirmation on V-ya's Bitten garment;
I tried it on and instantly gained 20 pounds. Not 5, not 10, 20. Despite the Steve&Barry's I was at having an "everything $8.98 or less" post-holiday clearance sale, there were tons of these things on the rack. Most other garments were either out of stock or still available only in select sizes. I understood why, because I just don't see how that would look good on anyone.
I'm 17, and I love watching PR, but I'm sorry, that dress was disgusting. All of my friends and I agree. We loved Chris March's dress and Sweet P's because that is the kind of style that us girls like for prom, to feel grown up. Not like cheap 80's club girls.
This dress will be on the $8.98 rack too. Seriously.
Looking at Vayaya's pics I see she has no boobs. Maybe that's why she tries to make everyone else look like they have none either.
How, exactly, does a 17 year old know what a cheap 80's club girl is like? We're you clubbing in preschool?
What you said! ITA w/everything you said. Just wanted to second that emotion, BIG TIME.
She probably has a gay uncle,duh...
all i have to say is
mychael knight
super sweet 16
malia murray
= a better version of this dress without the overdone bubble detail
a sweetheart neckline
and that was over a year ago.
i've seen this dress done better before! (they're both ugly though)
do a google image search for - mychael knight sweet 16 - the 1st two pics are from the episode and THERE'S THE DRESS!
i have pics but i can't post the links for some reason
here they are anyway. sorry if they don't work lol
One other, more insidious possible explanation:
There's been a lot of press in the last 12 months about the current "trend" away from ethnic looking models and to tall skinny, blondes with blue eyes.
The only designer with a tall, skinny, blonde model won. So perhaps the judging there was also "on trend." Ick.
If I had a few drinks and saw that dress come into the room, I'm pretty sure I'd wonder aloud why her dress was rising up to kill the poor girl.
oh lord. the bejeweling! and such tacky tacky bejeweling! i mean, okay, maybe if she had done it all in one color, like silver and really made it ornate and fabulous. then maybe. but this was awful.
also, it was christian who helped her out with the design. he took time away from his own garment to give her advice and she took it. and she never credited him. victorya needs to go!!!
i really liked this episode till the aufing. what a flipping let down. victorya should NOT have one.
You know, let me just say that this looks almost exactly like the first dress she made. Same potato shape, same ticky tacky thing to distract from the shape, and same poor ill-fitted boobs which she should have learned fucking better when Ricky, RICKY OF all PEOPLE, made look better on the runway that team challenge. She should have been nailed to the wall for being a one note.
At least Tim agrees with us.
The worse thing to me is that she didn't obey anything her client wanted. What the fuck? You'd think the judges would, for once, ask the client how they felt and they didn't, instead going off on a bullshit criteria.
I think the worse thing about all of this though is how the judges hate curvy women. They danced around trying not to say fat, but at the end of the day, who was on the bottom? The models who were chubby, that's who, and it's a crock of shit.
Man, that felt good to let out.
Oh my God Becca... I'd never seen that before. That dress is ew, and yet infinitely better than Victorya's.
Anon 2:57 said:
"I'm 17, and I love watching PR, but I'm sorry, that dress was disgusting. All of my friends and I agree. We loved Chris March's dress and Sweet P's because that is the kind of style that us girls like for prom, to feel grown up."
Right on.
"Unflattering, unispired and poorly made?"
I agree and i HATE HATE HATE the dress I could care less if its fashion "right now" is fug. Wouldnt put that on if i was paid!
it had a few things I "liked" but I hate her neck lines and her sewing is kind of shit.
Anonymous said...
I'm 17, and I love watching PR, but I'm sorry, that dress was disgusting. All of my friends and I agree. We loved Chris March's dress and Sweet P's because that is the kind of style that us girls like for prom, to feel grown up. Not like cheap 80's club girls.
2:57 PM
Thank you! At least when I went to the prom many years ago, everyone wanted to look grown up. It was a night for evening gowns short dresses.
Chris or Sweet P should have won!
PLEASE help!!! This PRS4 is completely off the rails. What we need here is a good old fashioned ode to get all of us out of the doldrums that this season has brought to us thus far. Here are some topics for your consideration, but please feel free to go with your own ideas as they are ALWAYS impeccable.
The judges and/or the judging, Princess Puffysleeves, Draping, Bubble dresses, FIRECE-ness, Charmeuse
Becca the Promo Mami, you're right. michael knight's version was much much better!
might i also add - red shoes!?!?!?! victorya put red shoes with that dress?!?!?!
that is a crime against fashion.
This was another case of the producers doing a stereotypical winner-edit (Sweet P), and then going, "PSYCH!"
Eh... I can see it as a prom dress, and I actually kind of like the idea and shape of the dress. (The rhinestones, though, UGH!) It's not your typical prom dress, and I can see a mature, fashion-forward girl going for it. It wasn't the winner, though.
How, exactly, does a 17 year old know what a cheap 80's club girl is like? We're you clubbing in preschool?
Especially considering that all photographic representations of the 80's were burned in the Great Fire...
Being someone who just went to prom last year, I can definitely say Victorya's dress is very, very typical prom. It's ugly, and I've seen it a million times. Sadly, that is what most girls wear to prom. Brightly colored dresses with tacky details.
I was hoping this episode would show some GOOD prom dresses, but of course...those were completely skipped.
How, exactly, does a 17 year old know what a cheap 80's club girl is like? We're you clubbing in preschool?
Yeah, its not like VH1 shows I love the 80's 24 hours a day or anything. How would anyone know???
Sweet P was robbed of this one. BOO to you, judges! :-{
I loved the neckline and the color, but the boob smashing was irritating once again. Pop those jewels on and the whole look just screamed 'Forever 21.' Definitely definitely NOT prom. Cocktail dresses sometimes work at prom but they tend to be form fitting and... not look like they should be wandering around an atlantic city casino serving drinks, as per Tim.
Hair? Fug.
Dress? Yuck. Titscrepancy? Amazingly, VictorYA managed a SQUISHED titscrepancy. Now that takes some talent!
Color? So 2005. Actually I remember a lot of dresses in that color when I was buying my daughter a prom dress in 2003.
Shoes? My favorite part of the outfit. Everything else was butt.
Stupid, stupid decision. Perhaps it was the tall, thin, editorial-looking "model" that swayed the decision.
The more I look at V's dress, the more it looks like it came from the land of Jubilee Jumbles.
Totally agree, boys. My dislike for the humorless VictorYA notwithstanding, I hated this dress.
And I agree about Kevin leaving. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
IMHO, Sweet P should have won, and Ricky and hi potato sack should have gone home. As much as I abhor Christian, I felt crybaby Ricky created a far worse piece of crap than Christian, let alone Kevin.
for shizzle.
Chris or Sweet P should have won last night. And Victorya's smug attitude made me want to spit nails. "I'm doing what *I* want."
F' you, Miss Vickie.
Was the 'secret challenge' of this challenge, "Update the 'Supergirl' costume for today! Make it 'relevant'?"
That was just plain fug, and the tacky acrylic 'gems' from the craft department at Wal-Mart only added to the ugliness of this dress.
I really hated the bustline and how sagging this makes her boobs! That is SO not a good look. Plus it makes the shoulders look rounded.
No, no, no! BLECH!
Ok...after this episode I think it is blatantly obvious there is more to the judging process on PR than simply critiquing the product. Victorya's dress was just awful. My grandmother with one eye and glaucoma could see that. The color was great on the model for sure but the style and fit were both atrocious.
Chris should have won this!
Yes, indeed! The sheer horror of acrylic gems! Why did they let that go? A ten-year-old would have found them tacky. But then, I thought the same thing about the silver flower from Ep 1. Maybe cheap tacky add-ons are VictorYa's version of whimsical.
It looked like she had just been fucked and got up and did the show. Her hair was flying all over the place.
I know!
It was totally sexy.
When I heard prom dress challenge, my first thought was: the obvious guest judge/guest mentor is Nick Verreros! Where was Nick! He would have straightened Nina out.
Ok, guys..I have to jump in here, uh, exactly how many teenage girls have you sent off to prom...exactly, that's what I thought. I'm going to wait for my daughter's decision on this show (she couldn't watch last night, but she's 21 now and went to plenty or proms) before scolding you further. But as a mom who has logged endless hours shopping for prom dress(es), I thought this dress was right on. I'm not saying I loved it, but it definitely said prom to me. As far as the rest of the stuff about VictorYA having issues with women's bodies, well, whatever. I think you're overthinking it. I LOVED Chris' dress, but not so much the color, what was up with him and Rami picking moss green for prom dresses, unless the clients requested it? And Kevin's dress? Absolutely the ugliest thing I have ever seen in all my hours of prom shopping. Ditto Ricky's. I do agree that Ricky should have been auf'd before Kevin, just based on body of work. But both those dresses were awful.
This challenge kind of made me realized why I hated prom dress shopping 3 years ago.
It's hard to look fresh, beautiful, and elegant in a really limited budget. I'm surprised at the designers who have all the resources stuck to trends more akin to Jessica McClintock than trying more to push away from that.
HATE is not a strong enough word!!
Ugh. I can't go on. Please get to the post featuring Sissybear's portfolio pictures. I've got to see those again!
This wasn't cute. What is it about VictorYA's ace-bandage wrapped bustline look... All the freaking time. Sure, Kevin made his client look a little big, but this "flatten them out and make them go away" is a monstrostitty. It was not cute. It made her client look dumpy and flat. And I can't believe that Ricky got the volume lecture....and this shit wins!
Well next week, we can look forward to the outfits being designed based on the model hairstyle. So I guess we are in for another zinger.
Did anyone else think about what amazing television it would have been to send Michael, Nina, and Heidi to a series of proms to scout the current trends in prom-wear? They clearly had no idea what girls are wearing now, except for maybe Heidi, who matter-of-factly said to Sweet P's model, "I think you look really pretty." That's what it's about, people! Not what's fashion-forward, not what Nina thinks looks "youthful" (i.e. baby doll, ugh), but what makes gawky girls feel glamorous.
A prom field trip would have been HILarious to watch... and I'm sure, would have helped them make better decisions. Also, why on earth did they not ask the girls if the dresses were the way they wanted them? At least Christian TRIED to please his client.
Anonymous @ 4:02PM -- for what it's worth, both of my daughters hated VictorYA's dress. I've done entirely too much prom/formal dress shopping in the last 5 years, and something like V's would have been flipped past very quickly on the rack.
The young women in our (relatively) upscale suburb wanted to look sophisticated for prom, not like they were covered in plastic "jewels" while having their breasts squashed. I have a bazillion prom pictures and can't recall ANYone going for the bubble skirt look. Lots of goddess gowns, asymmetrical hemlines, shortish cocktail dress looks, etc. ... but nothing that was bedazzled or bubbled.
"Ok, guys..I have to jump in here, uh, exactly how many teenage girls have you sent off to prom...exactly, that's what I thought."
Yes, because we live on a magical gay island where we have never seen or attended a prom, nor have we ever known anyone who has done so. Why, what is this prom thing you speak of, anyway? We don't actually have sisters or nieces or even *gasp* former girlfriends, let alone prom dates to inform our decisions. We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps.
Time for some new judges, Project Runway!
Both the blue dress and the red dress below are hideous, IMHO.
I don't get Bravo any longer, so bring on the cute dress already!
I'd love to go to a prom where leather chaps were the pants of choice. Congratulations, island-dwellers, for sticking an image in my head I shan't forget.
"Ok, guys..I have to jump in here, uh, exactly how many teenage girls have you sent off to prom...exactly, that's what I thought. I'm going to wait for my daughter's decision on this show (she couldn't watch last night, but she's 21 now and went to plenty or proms) before scolding you further. But as a mom who has logged endless hours shopping for prom dress(es), I thought this dress was right on. I'm not saying I loved it, but it definitely said prom to me. As far as the rest of the stuff about VictorYA having issues with women's bodies, well, whatever. I think you're overthinking it. I LOVED Chris' dress,"
You're defending Chris's dres and Victorya's dress and yet neither one of them are moms who shopped for prom dresses either.
"Scolding" them further? Who the hell are you? Disagree with them all you want, but piss off if you think they need to be scolded for the crime of not being mommies and having opinions.
Victorya needs to stop rolling her eyes....Seriously, that chick has some poor social skills and her dress was booty.
Sweet P rocked, nice to see her take charge and choose a lovely color without ho-ing up the design like the Jersey lass wanted (she earned some major cool points from this mother of a little girl and 3 boys.....)
I will miss Kevin, though....
I wanna smack Victorya and her eye rolling self.
"The Uli of Season 4"?? I think not! Don't insult Uli! Sure Uli's dresses were all prints, but at least they weren't shapeless with tacky beading.
Moreover, that beading should stay where it belongs: skating dresses and stagewear
Thank you again, boys. I am bereft of words today but you have found them all for me. The win and the auf decisions last night were probably the worst of all four PR seasons. I fear for the rest of this season.
I just got back from Vegas and the cheap jewels on this thing gave me flashbacks to the cocktail waitress uniforms at some of the seedier casinos.
Also, I’m not sure if the model has bad posture or if the choking neckline on this hideous ensemble is restricting her ability to stand up straight.
I’m convinced that VictorYa is an outright sadist with her boob smashing, tit tightening, tata trapping, puppy prodding designs. For the love of god let the girls have a little breathing room.
Both Victoria and Ricky had bubble dresses and both were horrible.
Chris or Sweat pea deserved to win.
Christian should have been tossed. His client looked like a puffy chocolate treat.
We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps.
I have read comments on this blog, on the Bravo website, and another blog and everyone is saying the same thing. No one agrees with last night. No one. How did they get this so wrong and are the judges hearing the people? I know its too late now to change anything because all the shows are recorded, but at least I hope they know how f'd up this was.
embeedubya said Please get to the post featuring Sissybear's portfolio pictures. I've got to see those again!
Yes, please, pretty, pretty please! I'll be bookmarking it to cheer me up on days like this. I fear that more are coming.
TLo said...
Yes, because we live on a magical gay island where we have never seen or attended a prom, nor have we ever known anyone who has done so. Why, what is this prom thing you speak of, anyway? We don't actually have sisters or nieces or even *gasp* former girlfriends, let alone prom dates to inform our decisions. We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps.
Oh, deary me. That's funny!
But seriously, thankfully it is not necessary to have gone to or shopped for a prom dress to be able to critique a design. It's entertain, we'er supposed to be having fun!
Wow. This episode really divides the masses. I, for a tight shirt/chap wearin' fella, liked VictorYAs dress (not as much as Sweet P's though). I thought it was youthful and fun, buoyant and effervescent and looked like a teenager dressed like young people dress today (IE Pears + Stick Legs).
On the same note, Kevin is the only suitable aufee for the episode. His dress aged is model and made her look heavy. Look at the girls when they first come on stage with Heidi, both Rami and Kevin pushed their clients into middle age.
[small voice] i sort of liked ricky's dress, it was youthful and fun, fit his model well and was a different silhouette than your mother's prom dress [/small voice]
I see victorya reads this blog (above)
Okay, I'm admitting my age (within a certain range) but I drove my 15 year old son, his date and another girl to their Winter Ball (formal dance) last weekend and I picked them up after and all I can say is there were a lot more dresses that looked like the aufed one than like this stone cold mess. Looked like a home ec (okay, now I'm really giving my age away!) project gone dreadfully awry.
I thought SweetPea's was age appropriate, stylish, etc., though the bust seemed a little high; can't wait to hear which you thought should have won.
Seriously, you guys rule, you always make me laugh. You are right on about this bejeweled monstrostitty. This quote was freaking genious:
"Yes, because we live on a magical gay island where we have never seen or attended a prom, nor have we ever known anyone who has done so. Why, what is this prom thing you speak of, anyway? We don't actually have sisters or nieces or even *gasp* former girlfriends, let alone prom dates to inform our decisions. We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps."
LOL! TLo! You guys are AWESOME!!
Anyway...I missed the full episode last night and have just caught the recaps here and on the Bravo site. But IMHO, they should have had a celebrity judge that is the same age as the teen girls..like Miley Cyrus. How hard would that be?
I loved Chris' dress and loathed VictorYa...yuck..too short, too ugly..not a fan of the bad jewels.
Quote- "Yes, because we live on a magical gay island where we have never seen or attended a prom, nor have we ever known anyone who has done so. Why, what is this prom thing you speak of, anyway? We don't actually have sisters or nieces or even *gasp* former girlfriends, let alone prom dates to inform our decisions. We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps." Unquote
You guys rock! And leather chaps to prom, who knew? A new fashion forward statement! :P
This dress made her short necked client look like she had no neck at all. Blech.
I can forgive (with some work and therapy) the bedazzled flange. But making some girl look short and stumpy and if she has a severe neck injury-
V-ya's dress should have been in the neglected pack. Worst win ever.
Ok sat and watch the show with the straight hubby last night who thinks fashion is a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt in some shade of navy, black, or gray. I thought VictoYa's dress looked cheap. I said a Sears Bejeweled dress, the hubby said it looked like a materinity dress that someone in a trailor park decided to dress up.
I will admit, freely and without shame, that I liked the color Victorya used. OTOH I didn't like the silhouette. I didn't like the bubble hem, I didn't like contricted bodice, I didn't like the jeweled breastplate. And the girl looked ridiculous walking in the dress, which may have had more to do with the girl than the dress, but still. On the runway, she resembled nothing so much as a crane trapped in a brightly-colored Glad bag.
Granted, I'm not 16, and haven't been for a long, long time, so maybe I'm not the right critic for this look, because I liked the gowns best. I thought Chris' dress was just lovely and moved beautifully down the runway. The fit of Sweet P's dress was extraordinarily flattering on the girl, and she was absolutely right about the color choice.
Princess Puffysleeves's dress was a hot mess, and he's a whiny baby. I would have booted him on principle, because I don't find him the least bit amusing. He's annoying, like a small, yappy dog that thinks entirely too much of itself for peeing on the rug.
Regardless of my personal feelings about PP, Ricky should have been the one to go. That dress was abysmal. Bad color, bad design, bad fit, bad execution. Why is he still here, again?
TLo said...
Yes, because we live on a magical gay island where we have never seen or attended a prom, nor have we ever known anyone who has done so. Why, what is this prom thing you speak of, anyway? We don't actually have sisters or nieces or even *gasp* former girlfriends, let alone prom dates to inform our decisions. We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps.
I think I smell a new challege!
seriously, STFU on bashing people who admitted they either tolerated or (omg) LIKED victorya's dress.
kudos to you if you're just expressing your opinion on the outfits, but can the snarky mob mentality when it comes to allowing others to express a dissenting viewpoint.
as a twenty-something woman, i actually loved the color and rhinestones and was surprised that not many others did. i thought ricky's dress was heinous and that many of the others just looked like something straight out of a boring prom dress catalog.
VictorYUCK/YICKtorYa/YICKtorYUCK strikes again.
I do have one quibble with TLo's commentary: her girl WAS tall and thin (superior to the other girls in both categories), unlike the harpy Sista was saddled with.
Can't wait to read about the carnage in THAT pairing. :-)
"We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps."
I love you guys. <3
What does it mean that the judging is done in consultation with the producers? It means there is more to winning than just having "the best" outfit or talent. Short term the show has an interest in keeping certain people around to keep things interesting (as many people gripe in comments). Remember also that long term, Bravo benefits if the ultimate winner is someone who can be useful to them - someone who presents themselves well, works well with others (even if they are a little quirky), is fun and speaks well, has a personality that can be used in ads, promotions, or future shows. Winning this is about the sewing, but the show also has a "job interview" quality. They aren't just handing out $100K with no strings attached. It comes with a contract.
Nobody I know would have picked this, except maybe the tasteless wannabe trying to look high-class.
Seriously, she looks hunched, the length is too short and looks like Victorya ran out of material, and the color and placement of the gems is terrible. Tacky.
I like it
Oh, and add me to the Uli defense team. The silhouette changed from challenge to challenge, it was just that she used a bold print in nearly every one. And it was all wildly attractive, unlike the potato sacks of different colors.
Hated the dress, hated the styling, hated the win. I really thought she was contending for the auf. My theory is that because none of the judges (including Heidi) are in the young demographic that fashion apparently thrives on, they are trying way too hard to pick what's on trend, what's happening right now, regardless of whether it actually has any merit. The emperor's new clothes. Literally.
The winner for me was Chris, hands down. Gorgeous dress and very woman friendly with that panel down the front. And it looked fabulous in motion. I don't think the judges want to give him a win regardless of what he sends down the runway. Which is so, so wrong. And although she doesn't deserve it nearly as much, I think the same is true for Sweet P. It doesn't matter what either of them does because they aren't cool enough. But somehow Victorya with her sad sack, 'Just Say No to Boobs' style somehow is. Idiots.
Late to the party (and what a party it is!) but here's my $.02
"She's the Uli of S4."
But without the charming personality. Her dress to me looked like it walked straight off the sale rack at Caché. I could not understand why the judges fawned all over it.
And come on, did anyone read the Duchess' blog today? Eeeyikes! Talk about reverse discrimination! To whit:
"Straight men, when they do evening clothes, have a tendency to go one way or the other. She either becomes a matron, or a mommy, or she's a hooker twirling a handbag. Because I think that it's pushing him out of the boundaries of what he's really comfortable with."
She said whaaa?????
You should mention Tim's Take on her dress.
My seventeen-year-old daughter almost jumped off of the sofa she was so excited about this dress. She has pretty spot on taste for her age group, so I am begrudgingly accepting of the decision.
"tlo said: We're stuck here on Planet Gay and only know about tight shirts and leather chaps."
Hmmm...I would have had you down as the cop and the Indian. Another illusion shattered.
"zzzzz...another one what gives breeders a bad name."
There is so little call for that. Honestly. One can only assume the 2 unfortunates who gave spawn to you were "breeders"
If you think Gay men are dressing up as Cops and Indians in 2008, you really are living under an illusion.
You're not a gay man. You only play one in cyberspace.
Bad dress, worse decision. It reminds me of one of those bubbly babydoll dresses that Heidi wears now and then. Anyone who wore that sack to the prom would look at the photos 5 years later and say "I wore that fugly thing?!"
Anon 4:18 said:
"Sweet P rocked, nice to see her take charge and choose a lovely color without ho-ing up the design like the Jersey lass wanted (she earned some major cool points from this mother of a little girl and 3 boys.....)"
Hell yeah!!! TEAM P!!
-- A.L.T.
The Uli of S4...
hmmmm, okay in that they both tend to an aesthetic and tend to send that same aethetic down the runway time and time again, with subtle (sometimes almost imperceptible) variances.
BUT, Uli's aesthetic usually tended to celebrate the shape of the female body with flowing skirts showing off legs and hips, and well figured necklines and bustlines that often made any pair look better than they actually were.
V-ya's silhouette is all about squashing the bust, and then ending in voluminous poofs of fabric that obliterate the female shape entirely.
Uli also has a knack for color and print, while I'd hesitate to say that V-ya has a grip on the color wheel.
So comparing the 2 is comparing apples to oranges. They might both be fruits, but hardly interchangable in a recipe.
"Anonymous said...
If you think Gay men are dressing up as Cops and Indians in 2008, you really are living under an illusion."
That was CLEARLY a joke.
Really? Huh. Go figure.
I'm a 20-year-old, so I'm speaking from recent experience:
That dress was one of the dresses that I would have tried on during the after-prom sale ('cos no one would have bought it) just because it is so damn ugly. I mean "unique", judges? Really? It looks like the same shit all the prom dress designers put out every year. Oh wait! It's a bubble skirt! Which actually makes it even uglier than all that shit Jessica McClintock makes.
It pissed me off that the judges kept talking about how the dresses were too "sophisticated" for the girls. I would have worn the better half of those to prom cos, at the time, I didn't want to look like I was 17. I'm pretty sure most young girls don't.
Can anyone tell how mad this episode made me?
"antares said...
The Uli of S4...
hmmmm, okay in that they both tend to an aesthetic and tend to send that same aethetic down the runway time and time again, with subtle (sometimes almost imperceptible) variances."
Well...yeah. That was exactly the point.
By your definition, Laura Bennett's designs are "woman-hating" too. She sent the exact same deep V-neck dress down the runway every episode. Laura did NOT design for women with big boobs. You MUST be flat-chested - like Laura herself - to wear her plunging sternum-baring necklines.
"We don't actually have sisters or nieces or even *gasp* former girlfriends, let alone prom dates to inform our decisions."
OOOOH! That's so what we need to see... T and Lo prom pics!!! Pleeeeeeze post them! I bet you were both prom kings! (or uh, queens? sorry, I couldn't resist)
Ha Ha .... Snort! Now THATS funny!
There were so many things I didn't like about this challenge, first of all where were the" regular" models? This is the 3rd time this season (weight loss episode, tiki barber & prom) that they've opted for "real sized" models. Why couldn't they have made the prom dresses for the regular models? it's not like the models are so old they can't remember prom or what they would want like to look like.
I also thought it was incredibly shitty that once again the judges dragged one of the "real" models into their criticism. they did it to Elise's model in the weight loss challenge and now to Kevin's model! What do they have to gain by making a 17 year old feel bad? Seriously? WTF?
The judging itself was ridiculous. we all know by now that whatever Jillian sends down the runway is going to be deemed fabulous no matter what it is. I honestly can't even remember her dress from last night! Kevin's aufing reminded me of Alison's - completely unfair. He consistantly sent great work down the runway! And can anyone please tell me why Ricky is still there? I am so pissed at what they are doing to this show!
anon said
"Ok, guys..I have to jump in here, uh, exactly how many teenage girls have you sent off to prom.."
3 actually and they all hated V's dress. 2 would have choose Chris and the other Sweet P. I myself would have picked Chris.
This dress would certainly have been at or near the bottom of choices for me. It looks like a dress Paris Hilton would by for her dog, if she had a Saint Bernard instead of a chihuahua.
I thought 17 year olds wanted to dress more like *women* on prom night; you know, a little more sophisticated, and a little sexier than usual, showing off a little more shape, a little more skin without going overboard. I know I did.
Victorya's bust-binding-bent is just freaky.
Designer notes from one-note VickYa:
Baby doll silhouette: check!
Racer back?: No, racer neck. check!
Bind down arms, breast or personality this week?: Breasts bound. check!
Strategic asymmetry: use on the racer neck! check!
Victorya is just pseudo-cutting edge for the self-deluded pretentious TV celeb judges. The hem of this bubbly electric blue, bedazzled nightmare was just as wonky as Ricky's skin toned pillow case. Almost every design she has presented this season has been baby-doll sacks. The Hershey challenge was the one exception so she had her model walk like a battery powered automaton?
Does she hate Women or is she a lesbian dominatrix? MHO steers me toward seeing self loathing or a desire to disconnect from the female form. Why else would she appear to want to squash it at every opportunity?
Oh please, please, please don't let her make the F3! I despise her sadistic binding of the female form! Ick ya'll! =O(
uh, yeah, guys, I understood you. I was responding to winged sheep...
Sweet P was robbed.
Is that one of the first signs of the Apocalypse? If so, bring on the locusts, 'cuz that what it be.
Please tell me this is the foretold episode where someone not deserving of the win gets it, and someone not deserving of the ousting gets that. If there is more to come, sigh....
Absolutely fellas!
I mean - I wouldn't wear an ugly blue blob like that to my prom!
And what about Chris' dress? I loved it! And Kit's dress? It was adorable! Sweet P's dress was lovely too in my opinion although it seemed a bit too long.
RICKY should have gone home last night! Kevin's dress was so so but it didn't deserve to be auf'd. Although I have to agree that Kevin made a 17 yr old look like a 40 yr old hag.
Not happy. And plus, the ep was boring for me in general.
How in the name of the good lord did they not have Nick, someone who ACTUALLY DESIGNS PROM GOWNS, judging???
Baby doll dresses aren't a style, they're a cult. Every once in a while a shape comes out that designers just love-love-love and nobody looks good in them.
Baby doll is the 2006-7-8 version of those 1980's stirrup pants.
Caligula said...
That poor girl looked like Jan Brady Bedazzled a pillowcase.
TWC said...
Color? So 2005. Actually I remember a lot of dresses in that color when I was buying my daughter a prom dress in 2003.
So 2002 -
"Miranda Priestly" said...
You go to your closet and you select, oh I don't know, that lumpy blue sweater, for instance, because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's not lapis, it's actually cerulean. You're also blithely unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves St. Laurent, wasn't it, who showed cerulean military jackets? And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin....
YaYa's 'creation' deserves the same fate, a Casual Corner clearance bin.
Ninny and La Kors have obviously either gone blind or developed an advanced case of dementia and must be whisked away immediately for their own safety IMHO.
Prom dress? Hello?
She HATES tits, too.
" Andrea said...
Oh, by the way, Boys (or anybody): you know the fine print that says the judging is done in consultation with the producers? Anybody know what that actually means?
"This is a reality show. Anything they say can and WILL be used against them, even if we have to edit it to make it LOOK like they said it. We have no rules, we make them up as we go along, we change them to suit who we want auf'd that week. Don't like it? Don't watch."
BTW as far as the bedazzling, I can live with it if its done with real Swarovski a la Laura's final collection or Kayne's Tara Conner dress, but Yayaya (LOVE THAT!!) used the cheap acrylic crap they sell in Target for, like, SCRAPBOOKING or something.
And as for THIS Genius:
"Anonymous said...
Ok, guys..I have to jump in here, uh, exactly how many teenage girls have you sent off to prom...exactly, that's what I thought."
I wonder if they asked Nick Verreos the same thing before THEY GAVE HIM THAT BIG CONTRACT TO DESIGN HIS OWN LINE OF PROM GOWNS??
Wow. When TLo are cranky, all God's children are cranky. =:-o
That looked like a goddamn bedazzled Smurf turd, no two ways about it.
let me guess here...
Ricky should had been auf'd, it was his time to go, and a terrible dress...
I'm sorry, but so far I haven't liked anything VictorYa has done, even puppet girl's outfits were more interesting!
Poor Kevin, just passed unnoticed, I thought he would be in the final 5.
Loved Sweet P's and Kit's dresses. Thought I liked more Kit's since it was more fashion forward and it looked cool, just needed a few more details.
I guess emotions run high when Prom Dresses are on the line.
I am so digusted with the judging I don't want to watch anymore. Kevin was a strong contender for Bryant Park and made one freaking mistake. Ricky has a pattern and practice of making unremarkable dresses.
I have not liked one garment made by Victorya. Her sour disposition and ill treatment of Ricky solidified that I will never wear her.
I would defend her prom dress if, at least, it was ugly yet innovative. But it wasn't. So I won't.
I just photographed teens for a prom. While some of the dresses were shorter length, they were all glamorous, sophisticated, classy --and you better believe -- showed off their figures. They're young, they feel sexy, and they don't want to hide under sacks or smoosh their chests.
Come on Bravo. You're creating challenges which do not inspire innovation. Just marketability. None of the designers did anything new here, but Sweet P's was the most appropriate and should have won. Ticking viewers off with needless controversy does not mean we'll tune in next time. Don't you get it? We watch because of the clothes!
"Ok, guys..I have to jump in here, uh, exactly how many teenage girls have you sent off to prom...exactly, that's what I thought."
WHAT??? Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo regarding only having an opinion on something I have actually done. I would like to withdraw all comments I made on the menswear challenge (am a woman), this challenge (am british, didn't have prom, no daughters just small (male) baby), um, let's see what else...
Hey, doesn't Kayne-bow also have a prom dress line now too???
As someone who sent her daughter off to Prom a couple of years ago... this is unfortunately ONE of the styles they are wearing nowadays.
Along with criss-cross halter tops, tube tops, plunging necklines & backs, and other hoochie styles.
There are many girls who still go for the glam, red carpet look, though.
(At least they don't wear what I wore... I floor length, long sleeved, full collared Prairie dress (what can I say, they were still popular in the early 80s)
i just read through all these comments and christopher's "bedazzled Smurf turd" was the BEST. that is the most accurate way to describe victorYA's dress with three words or less.
Sweet P was robbed, robbed, robbed. Her dress made her model look like an elegant, sexy, yet youthful and innocent princess, and that's what most girls want in a prom dress.
While I think Victorya is creative, I think she designs for mannequins instead of people. She also seems to have a phobia about breasts. Why else does she try to hide and/or squish them in her designs?
I sure hope Tim doesn't let HeidiDutchessNina gloss over this challenge during the reunion show! I want to see a real grilling!
Other than that there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said already, and by far wittier ones, too!
I was teaching a sewing class tonight and the young teens LOVED this dress. Sigh.
Didn't Rami have immunity last night? I assume they were just firing a shot over his bow to say "Wake Up, No More Drapey Dresses" but I'm sure you'll get to that in a future post. I thought VictorYa's dress looked like a cheap maternity dress some knocked up "starlet" would wear; someone of Nicole Richie's ilk perhaps. I would have given the win to Chris or Sweet P.
Yuck. Like Marcia Brady raided Phyllis Diller's closet. Kevin got thrown under the bus. RICKY needs to be sent home!!!!!!
As a 17 year old girl, I feel qualified enough to comment.
Given an choice, I would of hands down chosen Victorya's dress over any other ones. Why? Because all the dresses that were made by the other designers looked like they could be bought off the rack at Jessica McClintock (not that that's a bad thing per se, but isn't it better to look different from everyone else?). It breaks from the traditional prom mold.
Yes, Sweet P's dress was elegant and what not, but I can vouch that about ten girls had the same dress at my school's last prom.
We've read about teenage daughters loving Victorya's dress. I've got two Project Runway-addicted teenage sons (both with girlfriends and one of whom has done the prom thing).
They both pegged Chris' dress for the win and were rather irate when it was dismissed without comment.
You know, if the girls were really smart, they'd stop thinking about the tacky plastic gemstone glitz and start thinking about how their bodies LOOK in the dresses. That's certainly what boys will be thinking about. My son probably couldn't tell you much about what his date wore to the prom, but he could tell you that he thought she looked beautiful.
By the way, my 16-year-old was saddened by Kevin's auffing. "No! Straight bro is gone!"
Nina Garcia belongs in prison. That's all.
This is by far the worst judging decision I've ever seen on the program. This wasn't anywhere near the winner, and Ricky's "bar of used soap" design should have been aufed.
My favorite moment was when Nina said (of Kevin's dress) "I hate that color" when it was THE SAME COLOR AS HER OWN GARMENT.
Seriously, I don't know if she's got hidden reserves of magazine-editing skill, but she's got the taste of a capuchin monkey.
This dress looked like the homemade prom dress that everyone laughs at, which drives the girl over the edge into "Carrie"-style mass murder.
Nothing all too new to say, so just to reiterate some of the points I made in the previous post w/Kevin:
It's a formal wear challenge, judges haven't been to a prom, etc. etc.
The only thing I can add in regards to Victorya is that if anybody went to my high school prom wearing a dress like that, they would have been mocked and ridiculed incessantly. It is not at all socially acceptable to wear something like that to a prom.
Chances are that if your daughters have worn variants like this, then they were probably made fun of too. I know I would have.
That was really ugly.
Did anyone else notice in the beginning that the dress she is wearing has that same silhouette that she designed.
Oh my......
(not sure what else to say)
Have you guys seen the comments section of Nina's blog? She's getting her *ass* kicked.
And I'm enjoying it.
I can just see the thought bubble above her prom date's head when he picks her up: "Where are the boobs? Where's her cute figure? Did her little sister pick out that dress? I got into a TUX, and what IS she wearing!?"
fnarf said:
"My favorite moment was when Nina said (of Kevin's dress) "I hate that color" when it was THE SAME COLOR AS HER OWN GARMENT."
OMG, that is just classic (didn't notice it but will keep an eagle eye out when I rewatch this episode)
At the risk of offending an already angry mob, I thought Victorya's dress was sorta smart, and I'm not totally incensed by the win (though I am incensed by Ricky's survival.)
To me, the dress is reminiscent of the 1960's (not '80's)-- I can see it on Verushka, or Marisa Berenson, on the pages of Vogue, circa 1966.
(okay... it looked sorta hideous on the teenaged girl... but Victorya can't be blamed for the girl's poor posture & camel-like gait.)
Ricky should have gone home this week. Chris should have won. Or Sweet Pea.
VictorYa's bedazzled mess looked like maternity wear.I'm not happy with this!
tsk tsk tsk.
I'm not loving this season's judging.
Daniel V. liked Victorya's design as well.
Frieda said...
At the risk of offending an already angry mob, I thought Victorya's dress was sorta smart, and I'm not totally incensed by the win (though I am incensed by Ricky's survival.)
To me, the dress is reminiscent of the 1960's (not '80's)-- I can see it on Verushka, or Marisa Berenson, on the pages of Vogue, circa 1966.
(okay... it looked sorta hideous on the teenaged girl... but Victorya can't be blamed for the girl's poor posture & camel-like gait.)
But she wasn't dressing Verushka or Marisa, she was dressing this girl, who didn't ask for this look and even though she's a pretty girl, really wasn't able to pull it off.
The girl looks fine in the still photos, it was her lumbering walk that ruined the dress on the runway...
I want to take a moment to talk about something that has probably been mentioned many-a-time before: It seems to me that whenever there is a "real woman" challenge, where there is a range of sizes and body types to design for, the garments on the more model-sized women tend to be the judges' favorites. In the S3 sisters-and-mothers hell-fest, Vincent won (still don't understand THAT, btw) with a dress for Uli's mom, who was quite slim, beating out Uli's plus-size design (which was far superior). When we had the challenge for the women who had lost weight, it was the tiniest woman whose outfit won (not that Christian didn't design a fabulous outfit for her -- I'm just saying, girl was like a 2/4, right?) And in this challenge, one of the tallest and slimmest girls brought home the win for Victorya. I have to wonder if the judges are influenced, maybe subconsciously, by how "modelesque" the person wearing the garment is.
And, um, yeah. I just noticed that Madam Ovary made the same point I did, only she got there sooner and said it better. Ooops. Serves me right for posting before reading the other comments.
I'm a 19 year old girl, so I've been to some proms very recently. I liked Sweet P's and Chris's dresses, but I could never stand being in a long dress all night. I LOVED Kit's dress. Loved it. I'm surprised that more people haven't commented on it. Ricky needssss to go.
It would've been so much fun to see Victorya paired with a bigger girl.
Anonymous said...
Why did they pick a bottom 4 and a top 2
Because the judges aren't very bright. Simple addition is beyond them.
My theory is that Rami is a judge/producer favorite but they don't want to be seen as favoring him too heavy handedly. So, when he's got immunity and it doesn't matter one iota, they suddlenly plop him into the bottom tier to give themselves the appearance of judging objectively. Not that I don't think Rami's talented, or is responsible for any of this this. I think the show is giving itself cheap cover.
The girl looks fine in the still photos, it was her lumbering walk that ruined the dress on the runway...
Actually, I wish Tim had given the same posture talk he gave on Ellen this week to all the girls before they walked. Now that would have been doing something nice, useful and lasting for them.
I am always wrong in guessing the winner each week, and most often things I think look OK get raked over the coals here, and things I hate win. Raimi's win in week one: hated it. And to me, his dress last night look pretty much exactly the same. Why was one fabulous and one horrible? Beats me.
I have resigned myself to not "getting" fashion whatsoever. Still, when YaYa won, I couldn't believe it. I thought it was just me. SO glad to see I am not alone in my astonishment for once. Another Yaya babysack wins? Ricky is STILL on???
I'm so over this show. I will continue to watch until Chris goes, and then I am done with this show. The only way Bravo will get me back as a viewer next season is is they replace Kors and Nina.
Oh stop y'all, we all will continue to watch. Let's face it, if we could rally after Chloe won season 2 with pink couch satin, we will carry on.
I hated the color to begin with. Then she brought out the blue jewel and I said, "she's gone." This was before I even knew they were going to be multicolored jewels. These judges have some serious issues if they think this was a good dress. That could possibly be the worst thing ever produced this late in a Project Runway season and it WON!!! Good Lord.
As someone who's had to design prom dresses for a living, I have to say that I'm not surprised by Victorya's win---trend really is going toward the bubble, a "jewel" tone, glittery things, etc---because it looks young-ish.
Chris' and Sweet P's designs, though lovely, were in silhouettes that could be seen on older women. I'm guessing that the judges belong to the school of though that says prom dresses should make girls look older and sophisticated, but not old enough that an older woman could be seen in that dress. I guess VictorYA's dress screamed prom to the judges more than the others', because no older woman in her right mind would wear the winning design (except for Nina Garcia, who apparently forgot the "fashion" part in fashiondirectorofellemagazine.)
P.S. Victorya is really quite the stereotypical Asian bitch---passive aggressive, and able to convey scorn with the flick of an eyelid. She needs to be bottom 2'd soon to give her some humility.
We will probably get into it a bit when T & Lo post on Christian, but many people seem irritated especially with his teenager, but it has already been mentioned a bit in response to this post and the previous one on Kevin. I would hate to disparage anyone who comments on this blog (you wonderfully witty people are always a pleasure to read), but it wouldn't surprise me if the teenage girls featured on this episodes might read it. I would be saddened if they read some of the criticisms of their walking, their bodies, or called names because they have opinions. They aren't adults, so restraint might be appropriate. Again, I won't point fingers, but I just thought it may be useful to say.
Now, as someone not too far out of adolescence myself, I think it would be perfectly appropriate for her (meaning Christian's model) to have opinions. The role of the designer is for the designer to effectively be able to incorporate their ideas and the clients. The most effective designers of this challenge listened to their clients but also used their own ideas (kit and Sweet P come to mind, but it is not just them). With this in mind, The fact that Victorya decided to change the whole agreed upon silhouette without consulting with her client is probably not the best idea. Nor would be going on the runway and saying the challenge was hard because your client has ideas.
I H A T E the bedazzler top. HATE. This is the winner? Oh god help me.
Here I am again...
Just wanted to say that, although I wasn't crazy about Victorya's dress, I completely see Margot's point: it was one of the few designs last night that didn't scream "off-the-rack prom attire." Not every girl would want this dress, but I can certainly see its appeal for a person who likes to stand out from the crowd. Hey, I bought myself a dress from a vintage clothing shop (for $25! Still proud of that) for my prom. It didn't look anything like anyone else's dress, and that is why I loved it.
For the record, I got a lot of compliments on the dress, and no one made fun of me. At least not to my face. (They knew better!)
Boring challenges, bad judging... I'm only watching S4 to read this snarky blog!
"...if the teenage girls featured on this episodes might read it. I would be saddened if they read some of the criticisms of their walking, their bodies, or called names because they have opinions. They aren't adults, so restraint might be appropriate."
Have you made the same thoughtful suggestion when Project Runway's regular crew of seventeen year old models are similarly jeered?
This is not "fashion forward" it's "fashion fubared." I was watching this on TiVO this afternoon when my daughter came home from school and she looked at that dress as it came down the runway and said, "who the hell would wear THAT to their prom? I sure as hell wouldn't." Those jewels didn't make it look rich; it made it look tacky and like something my 10-year-old would wear, rather than my 18-year-old. And I wouldn't buy it for her, either, because frankly, it's fugly. Victorya hasn't made a single outfit I've liked. Her "aesthetic" is "pathetic."
I'm sorry but VictorYA's dress did nothing for me. The only thing it reminded me of was the dress Eddie Murphy's date wore to the oscars in 2006.
My prom might have been 6 years ago, but not a single one of my friends wore a short dress that night. Sweet P should have won, and Chris should have been in the top 3.
What the hell were the judges smoking?!?!
Just one more time, promise...
"...if the teenage girls featured on this episodes might read it. I would be saddened if they read some of the criticisms of their walking, their bodies, or called names because they have opinions. They aren't adults, so restraint might be appropriate."
Have you made the same thoughtful suggestion when Project Runway's regular crew of seventeen year old models are similarly jeered?
For the anonymous who made the second statement: actually, most of the PR models this season are in their 20s, and all of them are over 17. Also, they are in a profession where the way they look and carry themselves is constantly under scrutiny. If they can't take criticism, they are probably in the wrong profession.
That having been anyone who agrees to be on a reality show has got to know that they are going to be criticized and mocked. Open season, says I. Not that I personally am going to mock the prom girls -- I thought they were cute.
Inside scoop, y'all.
Chatted a bit with Bianca, Rami's model.
She said she really liked her dress, it really suited her and was just what she wanted, but most of the girls were all a bit disappointed and either felt that they go something ugly, poorly suited to them, poorly suited to prom, or too generic (she really didn't like Victorya's). However, all of them except Maddie, Christian's client, really liked their designers, so even the girl who didn't like their dresses kept mum about it.
In her words, she doesn't think the judges have seen a prom magazine in at least 5 years and were completely out of the loop. She said the consensus was that they're judging was really disappointing and there should have been a much younger guest judge.
She also said Tim was an absolute doll in person, but we knew that already ;).
Maharhar said:
" P.S. Victorya is really quite the stereotypical Asian bitch---passive aggressive, and able to convey scorn with the flick of an eyelid. She needs to be bottom 2'd soon to give her some humility."
I'm flicking my eyelid. MWUAHAHAHA!
"I would be saddened if they read some of the criticisms of their walking, their bodies, or called names because they have opinions. They aren't adults, so restraint might be appropriate. Again, I won't point fingers, but I just thought it may be useful to say."
I'm sorry, children and teenagers are coddled enough as it is (Christian and his model are examples of the self-esteem movement gone haywire). I haven't seen anything here that the girls shouldn't have been able to take. Part of growing up is learning to take constructive criticism.
Victorya's dress belonged in the bottom 4 with Christian, Kevin (who didn't deserve aufing), and Ricky (who did). A lot of people have mentioned V's possible issues with women (which I think is entirely valid), but I also wonder if she is incapable of doing a more tailored garment. You can hide a lot of technical flaws in a poofy clothes.
TLo, any chance you guys (even though I know you are sosososososo busy) can blog just a teeny tiny itty bitty bit about this MAKE ME A SUPERMODEL" inasnity? I just watched it and about 17 times said "T & L would have a FIELD DAY with this...."
"Chica LaBouche said...
Inside scoop, y'all.
Chatted a bit with Bianca, Rami's model.
She said she really liked her dress, it really suited her and was just what she wanted, but most of the girls were all a bit disappointed and either felt that they go something ugly, poorly suited to them, poorly suited to prom, or too generic (she really didn't like Victorya's). However, all of them except Maddie, Christian's client, really liked their designers, so even the girl who didn't like their dresses kept mum about it.
In her words, she doesn't think the judges have seen a prom magazine in at least 5 years and were completely out of the loop. She said the consensus was that they're judging was really disappointing and there should have been a much younger guest judge.
She also said Tim was an absolute doll in person, but we knew that already ;)."
Awesome!!! Thank you so much for the scoop.
My 18 year old daughter and I watch the show together and both of us thought the dress should be one of the top dresses.
My opinion can be discounted, but an 18 year old who tends to be fashion aware has to be taken seriously.
Don't care how late I am to this party!
My uniformed girls in class shredded Victorya.
"What's with all the boob smooshing?"
"We could find 10 dresses at Macy's like that today and wouldn't wear any to a prom."
"Those cheap baubles (they said it, not me) are what my 10-year-old sister might wear, on a bad day."
"Kevin's not-so-hot, but not-so-bad."
"Red is great."
"Chris's rocks."
Some seriously P-O'ed high school girls.
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