You know what this angry little blog needs? A comic strip!
Alex! couldn't stop himself from drawing pretty much every person on the show and after the tears stopped rolling down our faces at the sight of these adorable l'il designers, we knew we had to write a comic. It's a hell of a lot easier than spending hours getting screencaps, that's for sure. Well, for us anyway. Alex had to spend all day drawing it.
Alex, you rock in so many ways that you leave us speechless. You are the official PRStraightBoy.
Oh how fabu! Keep up the amazing work!
LOL Alex and boys - you so made my day!! And the dirty pillows Stephen King Carrie reference is hysterical!!
TLo and Alex! PR fans will look forward to these more than the actual episodes!!! You guys rock!
That is fabulous! Tim's response is absolutely priceless. :-)
Can't comment. Laughing too hard.
Oh, if only Tim had a Camaro and a yen, however distant, for nailing a broad, and not draping her.
Alex...you bring me joy
nicely done.
Ha! Especially Tim. Hope to see this as a regular addition!
My favorites to make fun of are Leaky and the Bytch.
This is the kind of teamwork that wins challenges!! Alex, fantastic work on your strips! You make something I think is so difficult to do look easy with your light touch. And TLo, you never let us down with your humor! Yay!
Now I want to know what Steven did at his prom!
I second this becoming a regular thing.
I think this comic made my pathetic excuse for a day awesome.
Thank you!
A handjob!
From a girl!!
Fucking hilarious!!
PRG + Alex = Priceless!!!!
That is so frigging awsome. Seriously.
Great way to bring back the good karma! Thank you, Alex! !!!
I'm so glad I checked back in before going beddy-bye!
I fabulous emotional sorbet before we move on to talking about those who should have won!
I just love how I can perfectly hear Christian's voice in my head as he says 'I was fierce'. *grins*
this is hilarious. was kit left out on purpose?
I wonder, did Tim take the broad to the Red Lobster after or before nailing her in the back of the Camaro?
Thanks Alex for allowing the GayBoys to share your talent with all of us, you made us laugh when we really needed it.
After the fiasco of last night we all needed that!!
You all should collect and publish these so we can hold them in our hands.
I think I love TLo and Alex more than PR itself!!!
Tim nailed her at 3am.
Another bad, drunken choice.
Great comic, but no Kit????
god, I would DIE to hear victorYA say her line...not to mention Tim. Love.
I love this! Want more!
I can hear Tim Gunn saying that in my head, and I'm laughing so hard that I'm crying.
I have such a weird affinity for the phrase "meine titsen." You amuse me.
My favorite part: "I went with my mother!"
Between the mother, the handjob the titsen, the red lobster and the camaro, I laughed to so hard I cried.
Love you babies,
Oh, Tim, you slut! Alex's drawings and your words made me laugh like Chris until I cried like Ricky.
adorable, but where's ms. pistol scarbo?
OMG....so funny, and so right on!! Alex, you're a keeper!!
Best therapy ever for the pain the judges inflicted upon us. Y'all just saved me $190/hr
Alex, This dialogue was right on the money! Dirty Pillows is a scream!
Anyone notice that she chews gum on camera?
Didn't the boys say that they wrote the dialogue? It sure sounds like them.
OMG I have to remember to SWALLOW the coffee before I read.....Alex, another keyboard bites the dust.
"I went with my mother" (oh, to see Joan and Michael in matching clothes way back then).
My wife and I are running around the house this mornng saying (out of earshot of the kids) "meine titsen" over and over. Hilarious!
....and it was still the best night of little Michael's life.
Oh my God, I can't believe how spot-on these are! I'll just mention AGAIN that I'd totally wear a t-shirt with this comic on it. Can anybody hear me? I'd order a great big one to wear to bed and a (marginally) smaller one to wear during the day.
PS - or mugs.
That Tim, what a liar.
My world seems bright again.
And somehow I knew MK went to the prom with his mother.
I love it!
Love it! This is brilliant. TLo captured their personalities to a T, and alex! I love your drawings!
So funny. Thanks for the laughs. And not to bring filthy lucre into this but I hope that Alex and the Gayboys make some money off this - you totally deserve it!
As is all of Alex!'s work thus far. "Brunhild" was also incredible.
Great collaborations. Keep it up gang, you're making it work!
I am LMAO with tears streaming down my face (please don't call me Ricky!) Too freaking funny!
Waht a way to start a dreary day!
But he left out Kit!
Poor Kit. I'm sure it just means you are low drama, and that's a good thing.
Yeah, I noticed immediately Kit was missing, too. Poor Kit, still a bridesmaid....
Alex & TLo, we bow to your superiority. YOU should write for Bravo (well, except for that little strike thing going on). The hell with Bravo, I'm gonna get all I need to know about the show from here.
Thank you soooo much for starting my day off right.
Awesome! I will be giggling all day. I can't decide which one I loved the most. I, too, would absolutely buy the t-shirt.
somebody give Alex a handjob. these are great!
Hahahahahahahahaha! Snort!
Oh God, Alex, you rock!
As of course, do our darling TLo.
And order is restored to my universe...le sigh! Thank you, Alex! and TLo!
Clap, clap, clap, clap!
Brilliant. Do more.
"I wasn't allowed to wear a dress."
You boys (and fabulous StraightBoy Alex) rock!!
PRG humor and Alex insane talent. Brilliant!
I can't stop laughing. They are awesome. Meine titsen? LOLOLOLOL I love it. Isn't that from S3? Your post about Uli's mother?
Alex! I think I love you. Classic.
thanks for the lol :-)
God, I'm soooo glad I swallowed my coffee before I saw the dirty pillows comment.
And Tim....Tim....I'm speechless...
I think I'm in love with that PRStraightboy!
I would love to see Tim's expression when he reads that....
Do you think he sprays coffee on his keyboard? Nah, he prob
There is now no doubt that we only watch the show to read your blog!
Thanks - it was getting very ugly out here...
And you "brought us gifts!"
i'm going to go against the grain here and say i hope to hell this really funny blog isn't replaced by some lame-ass cartoon.
Can't... breathe... laughing!!!
Now THAT was fierce!
"Anonymous said...
i'm going to go against the grain here and say i hope to hell this really funny blog isn't replaced by some lame-ass cartoon."
Oh lighten up.
TexLo? LoTex?
Fabulous by any name.
OH MY GOD! I love the Tim Gunn one. I can totally hear his proper voice saying that! Hooray for pre-out memories from Tim Gunn, even if they are make-believe!
Dirty pillows! Hardee haaar!
Laughter IS the best medicine for this enormously frustrating season!
More! More!
I am laughing my ass off. Thank you Alex for this, it made my morning. Also, thank you TLO for giving the PRGstr8 Boi(that sounds like a really good gay.com screenname) access to your site.
I have a question - TLo, did you guys go to your proms? If so, please post pics!
Snap! So so funny Alex! And the TG punch line at the end...snort!
Sorry about Kit's absence, kittens. We did have a joke lined up for her but we'd never written a strip before and hadn't taken into consideration panel layout. Someone had to go to make the piece fit. Besides, we were all afraid the Kit joke might have been a little too off-color.
Thank you GayBoys and Alex. Nursing a hangover this morning...so thanks for the chuckle. Tim is hands-down my favorite. ;)
Sorry Kit!
It's not that we don't love her...
wimple said...
I have a question - TLo, did you guys go to your proms? If so, please post pics!
You are out of your mind if you think THAT'S gonna happen.
I feel alone in this...but "I was on the draping committee" was the one that made me spit out my coffee...v. funny.
but c'mon tlo, let's hear the joke for Kit!
Bravo, Alex! This is genius. Please, pretty please, keep the cartoons coming.
I love these cartoons! Keep them coming.
Love the new pic Alex. It's kinda Dylanesque (Bob that is) looking. Very cute, too bad you don't like prison pussy :(
Rami on the draping committee! LOL. I am ROFL!! Too funny.
i can't get over how great that Stephen King reference is....... so awesome.
THANK YOU. Seriously, this whole damn blog is amazing and i am constantly impressed.
We're all back to peeing sunshine today!
Alex is straight? Excellent. I will look him up as soon as my divorce is final.
so freakin' adorable!!
so funny.
laughing my ass off over here.
OMG!! That's sooo great!!
Thank you for sharing!!!!
Aw, come on, TLo! You know you wanna show us your prom pix. How about a post where we can all reveal our dirty little prom secrets?
PS - When did it become "prom" and not "the prom"? God, I'm old.
Chris here really reminds me of the sadsack woman who appears in all the Lulu Eightball comics. Doesn't that sound like something she'd say?
Hilarious! Great job, guys!
Very cool. Is it just me or does the Rami panel have him looking like Dr. Venture?
Great stuff!
Dirty pillows! Bwah-hah-hah! Alex, your comic made my day. You rock.
OMG. So YALL are just so funny!
Love the comic ... buy Alex some Wild Turkey every week, so he can help with the strip!!!!
Oh God, this was great. Thanks, Alex
oh. my. goodness.
beyond brilliant!
I must say, you really made me laugh. Especially Michael Kors taking his mother to the prom, and Tim Gunn getting wasted on Wild Turkey and I just love the bit on Sweet P.
Alex is funny, funny, and good natured. I hope to see more of his work soon.
"Besides, we were all afraid the Kit joke might have been a little too off-color."
Seriously, now you have to tell us what it is. Because it can't be as bad as the multitude of off color jokes I'm now contemplating.
Freakin' genius!! You made me feel much better after my aggravation over the show.
Seriously, now you have to tell us what it is. Because it can't be as bad as the multitude of off color jokes I'm now contemplating.
"I gave some Guido from Jersey a handjob."
Doesn't Michael Kors look like Karl Malden in this strip? Haha
Blogger TLo said...
"I gave some Guido from Jersey a handjob."
Love. It.
good god I NEEDED that laugh. I love TLolex
I said it on another post and I'm saying it again: PUHLEEZ share your prom pics!!!!!!! We'll be nice, we promise :)
I absolutely had to post this strip to my blog today. You could make a fortune trying to auction it off, btw. Pretty please?
Oh my GOD, don't be promising the guys we'd be nice about their prom pics. We'd be snarky and sarcastic, and Alex! would draw a cartoon.
Come on, it's not like they just met us!
Hey Alex! You should go back and draw one of Elisa now.
This strip kicked the blog to a whole new level. LOL
Roaring on the Tim comment. Mr. Gunn has WAY too much class to be in a Camaro or swigging Wild Turkey, but love, love the imagery. Alex is a wonderful addition to the PRG team.
P.S. Tim was so sweet with Christian this past week. It really was touching. He truly is a mentor and loves these kids.
Great work!
Alternate Sweet Pea caption: My prom dress ended up being "auf'ed" that night. Wink. Wink.
Not bad. Not bad at all!
I especially liked the 'alternate' 'aufed dress' sweet p comment from another poster :D
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