"Designers, we'll all remember Chris fondly now that he's dead."
"But unfortunately, Designers, he just couldn't make it work and so we've taken him out back and put him down."
"There, there. We'll all miss him. But that's fashion. One day you're in, and the next day they take you out, bust a cap in your ass and throw you in a dumpster behind Parson's."
"HAHA! I'm just fucking with you! He's alive and we're bringing him back!"
"Hurray! This will truly be the greatest Chanukah ever!"
"Look at my tits!"
"I'll look at them! I'm straight!"
"God bless us. EVERY ONE!"
"Jesus, these bitches are emotional."
Awwww. It was sweet how they brought our Sissybear back. Even sweeter was everyone's reaction to it. Finally, this group is showing a little personality. It's nice to know that they all have hearts beating under their cold professional exteriors.
Sure, we can debate whether it's exactly fair. After all, auf is auf. But one thing we always bear in mind to prevent tearing our hair out is THIS IS A REALITY SHOW. They can do whatever the hell they want to make it more entertaining. And is there anyone who would argue with the fact that seeing him come back and seeing the designers cheer his return was definitely a highlight of the season so far? Anyone besides Jack, that is?
Unfortunately, our glee quickly turned to nail-biting when we saw the direction in which he was going. As soon as he uttered the words "sailor suit" we both groaned.
All the jokes have been made already: French hooker, Carmen Jones, American in Paris, you name it, someone's already said it. To us, she looked like a cartoon character.
First, there didn't seem to be one aspect of this thing that seemed proportionate to us. Those straps look too wide, the skirt's too high and what is with the seashell tits?
Second, while we're sure she's A LOVELY LADY WHO HAS WORKED VERY HARD TO LOSE A LOT OF WEIGHT AND WE SHOULD ALL RESPECT THAT FOREVER AND EVER, putting a bigass bow right on her hip doesn't have the most slimming effect in the world, now does it?
Third, the length of that skirt isn't helping either. After watching hundreds of hours of Stacy and Clinton pointing out that that length usually hits a woman at the widest part of her leg and makes them look stumpy and wide, it was something we noticed almost immediately.
Let's not even talk about that sassy little red kick pleat. Oh, what the hell. Let's. It's just so (all together now) costume-y. Real women don't dress like this.
We think Chris is outrageously talented and we're hoping he learns to assess his work and edit himself before he gets auf'd again, but the fact is, all of his work so far looks like it would be more at home on a stage or in a drag show.
BONUS: Tim Gunn, hardcore slut:
"I've made more bad decisions at 3 o'clock in the morning than I can list."
Oh honey. We can definitely RELATE.
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/Bravotv.com - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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"I've made more bad decisions at 3 o'clock in the morning than I can list."
How GREAT was that conversation!?!?
I'm going to put that on my answering machine..."If it's 3:00 AM, I'm out making a bad decision. Leave a message!"
You're spot on as always, and that Tim Gunn quote was what made the entire episode! Finally, a fun Tim moment! More! I need More!
I've tried to wear empire waist jersey tops with molded bosoms. It just doesn't work. Boobs refuse to stay put in those cups, slipping below and above the line. There is a company that actually makes such tops with the bra built into the garment.
And I have to say that lady knows her colors. That blue is amazing on her.
This post is freaking hilarious, boys! And Tim was adorable!! Honey, I can relate...I've made bad decisions at 3, 4, 5, 6...
Yes, I absolutely adored the Tim Gunn comment about 3am. Hell, who hasn't made a bad decision at 3 am and had to feed him breakfast at 10 am.
Chris' ensemble was a bore. Complete bore. I know that poor woman must have been ashamed.
The 3am decision conversation was probably the best conversation of PR history.
Aside from the Season Two: "Would You Rather" game.
I didn't think it was fair to auf Chris in the first place so I don't have any issue with the fairness of bringing him back. I keep hoping he gets back to the wow factor of his first dress. It was lovely. He should have won that challenge.
And I love how Chris brings out the best in everybody. Including Tim.
I actually liked it. I would have liked it more sans pocket square (or whatever that was) and sash. I kind of liked the kick pleat. Chris can sure as hell sew though.
I'm not sure they would have brought ANYONE back if they hadn't been doing the challenge with real people. Telling one of those women "Sorry, one of the designers had to quit, you're out" AFTER meeting them and getting on TV and all. If it was a regular challenge, I think they would have just let it go and either not eliminated someone, or saved a non-elimination for another week.
When Chris sat up and said, "did I make anything" I laughed my ass off. That was so funny.
"and what is with the seashell tits?"
An homage to Delores Delago?
Too funny. I love the pic of Sweet P. at "God bless us. Everyone!"
And Tim cracking up at, "I'm just fucking with you."
Good show/
"There, there. We'll all miss him. But that's fashion. One day you're in, and the next day they take you out, bust a cap in your ass and throw you in a dumpster behind Parson's."
And seriously, you boys have outdone yourselves with this one.
I will be giggling over this post all weekend.
Dear God Chris.....that was just so incredibly butt ugly I just have no words except:
3 AM bad decisions....
as one of the designers said : NAME NAMES!!
"SissyBear is BACK! "
Oh, sweet Bear ~ FO_CUS!
Project Runway needs you.
"I've made more bad decisions at 3 o'clock in the morning than I can list"
Absolutely LOL! Priceless. :)
I'm in agreement with Kaitlyn -- Chris was brought back because of the "real woman" challenge. They would have just hung one of the regular models out to dry if Jack had left in the middle of the party.
I'll be curious how they handle the next model elimination. Will Chris automatically get Jack's model, while his is on the block because he was technically eliminated? The plot sickens! I mean thickens!
Guys, that was so funny!
I'm as thrilled as anyone that Chris is back. That was a great moment. I just hope he steps up to the plate and leaves the outrageous drag behind.
Great episode. Great recap!
Stumpy & Wide?????
WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON?????????? How could you???? OMG I'm gonna lose my frakin shit!!!!!
(just kiddin') ;)
This costume (and it was a costume) really makes me chuckle. Especially when I think of Shirley McClaine in Sweet Charity ... you know, the "Hooker with a heart of Gold!" Usually, MK makes me groan and hiss, but I thought that line was particularly funny.
Come on, Sissybear ... smarten up!!!! You wanna stay? You better figure it out.
I just found this site, and I'm head-over-heels!
This needs to be made into a T-Shirt:
"But that's fashion. One day you're in, and the next day they take you out, bust a cap in your ass and throw you in a dumpster behind Parson's."
Oh Dear God, I nearly peed in my pants reading this one! Sissy Bear! We missed you! And bad decisions at 3 AM? Oh yeah, honey, I've made them!
BTW, will you also be reviewing the new "Project Runway: Canada"?
Tim Gunn makes my life better.
Sissybear's back! Yay!! It was great to see how well-liked Chris is.
Tim's quote about 3am was priceless! Soooo glad he's back!
Hell, who hasn't made a bad decision at 3 am and had to feed him breakfast at 10 am.
Okay, thank you, I just snorted Diet Coke right onto my monitor. First the whole thing with the shooting Chris and putting a cap in your ass and dumping you behind Parsons had me laughing like a hyena and my coworkers don't think I'm doing any work, and now this.
""There, there. We'll all miss him. But that's fashion. One day you're in, and the next day they take you out, bust a cap in your ass and throw you in a dumpster behind Parson's.""
Absofuckinglutely PRICELESS! You boys rock!!
As a Parson's student, I have to have that t-shirt!
One of your better posts, boys. SO, do you think that Tim's hug of Elissa was at all genuine? I think he was afraid of the spittle, myself.
"BONUS: Tim Gunn, hardcore slut:"
ROFL. Hilarious! How awesome was that? I love Tim Gunn!!
Love sissy bear...hate everything he's made since the first show (purple dress).
He's on a Santino track, but maybe thats good cause Santino embellished his way to Bryant Park.
And Tim dirty slut moment made my shitty fucking week.
Wish me luck on finals!
Oh, man....I love how everyone tittered (haHA! I said tit!) when Tim uttered the 3am comment. And then his reaction when he realized what they were assuming...
Chris's outfit is what Minnie Mouse would wear if she was a hooker in Trenton, NJ.
And just think if it had been Rickie that had been eliminated... would we all have been cheering when he was brought back?
Welcome back Chris! We had just enough time to miss you before you returned. I just wish we could recapture that first dress' magic.
And yes, that 3am line made the show, especially seeing the entire room crack up at the implications.
As someone who's never seen that Shirley Maclaine movie to which the duchess referred, I thought it was INCREDIBLY rude of him to call it a hooker outfit right in front of the woman wearing it! Talk about not respecting someone...
And I can kinda get Jack's POV on bringing back Chris. Don't get me wrong, I was as glad as anyone when they brought him back (and I also think they had to or else one of the real women would've been SOL). BUT Jack probably felt like fate screwed him over with the MRSA infection AND it directly benefited someone else. Who knows, maybe Jack was also brought back later in the season when his face went back to its pretty self...
Good luck on finals not-P.C.!
Here's my thought. Does Tim have someone? Is he even taking any opportunities to make bad 3 a.m. decisions? Didn't seem like it to me. The whole exchange made me worry about our little silver-haired professor's love life.
Does anybody know anything? How can our Tim become a giant industry icon in 4 years and not have found someone? I just want to see him happy.
Fun, fun post. You've brought the cocktail party back. Glad you've got the Tim Gunn moment down for posterity. Didn't he admit he's such an old fart or something?
Jen in Philly said:
"As someone who's never seen that Shirley Maclaine movie to which the duchess referred, I thought it was INCREDIBLY rude of him to call it a hooker outfit right in front of the woman wearing it! Talk about not respecting someone..."
You thought he was calling the model a hooker?
You thought the model might think she was being called a hooker???
Honey ... the outfit looked like it stepped right off the set of Sweet Charity... the movie in which Shirley played "A hooker with a heart of gold." All it was missing was a red vinyl pocket-book.
It was very funny and very on-the-nose. But why in the world was it rude to the model?? It wasn't the models fault.
As soon as he walked through the door I cried out "Oh goody it's Sissybear!!" and immediately thought of how happy you boys would be.
Then my boyfriend who does watch the show withme but does not read this blog turned to me and said, "Sissybear?!?" And I was forced to explain.
"To us, she looked like a cartoon character."
Yes, she looked like that Belgian cartoon character TinTin.
" jen in philly said...
As someone who's never seen that Shirley Maclaine movie to which the duchess referred, I thought it was INCREDIBLY rude of him to call it a hooker outfit right in front of the woman wearing it! Talk about not respecting someone..."
Actually, I think the Shirley MacLain reference meter goes something like this:
Shirley MacLain in Sweet Charity = Compliment
Shirley MacLain in Terms of Endrearment = Insult
So, I believe His Tangerineness was well within the parameters set by the Motion Picture Academy.
I think people need to lighten up & stop projecting themselves onto the participants in the show in such a bizarre way. It's a real buzzkill.
3 a.m.? I just always pictured Mr. Gunn sensibly in bed by 11 after a sensible glass of red wine or snifter of Drambuie. Who knew? But a delicious slice of candor -- but now we're all dying to know more!
yay! More Tim Gunn in this epi!!
WOW, did anybody notice how big Christian's boots looked in that screen capture....hmmmm possibly more points for Pocketgay?
Lastly, hated the bow but kinda dug the red kickpleat. I could rock it!
Thank you, boys, for launching me into the weekend with lots of snorks and chuckles!
My new sign-off for the season: Merry Project Runway to all and to all a gay night!
When Tim talked about his bad decisions at 3 AM, I immediately pictured him in a bar singing his broken heart out like a little lady we all know
TLo - I loved the Jillian/Kit/Kevin caps and almost fell out of my chair laughing. Then fell out again when I hit the Sweet P caption. You kill!
Chris - Sweet as hell, but his outfit looked to me like Snow White turning tricks.
I did say I've never seen the movie, so I made it clear I could be missing something... I was approaching it from the angle of: would YOU like to be told you're wearing a hooker outfit? Maybe I'm completely wrong here, but I seriously doubt I'm the only one who didn't really get that reference. And I got the feeling the model didn't get it either, what with her "WTF?" expression when Kors said it. And he didn't have to say it in front of the model, he could have said it when it was only the designers on the runway.
I think some other people need to lighten up and stop reacting so harshly to other peoples' opinions... From what I understand, it's T&L who run the show on this blog, not the commenters.
Darlings - did you boys know Nick Verreos has a new blog where he's even posted a sketch of what he would've done with the wedding dress?
lima bean said...
Good luck on finals not-P.C.!
Here's my thought. Does Tim have someone? Is he even taking any opportunities to make bad 3 a.m. decisions? Didn't seem like it to me. The whole exchange made me worry about our little silver-haired professor's love life.
Does anybody know anything? How can our Tim become a giant industry icon in 4 years and not have found someone? I just want to see him happy.
Tim said in an interview once that he hasn't been in a relationship since the 80's after he had his heart broken, and he has no desire to ever be in a relationship again.
Just as this was the best episode so far this season, this was by far the best post this season too! Thank you TLo. Everyone seems to be back on form at last.
Loved the put-down of the overly sensitive bloggers in caps as in "A LOVELY LADY WHO HAS WORKED VERY HARD TO LOSE A LOT OF WEIGHT AND WE SHOULD ALL RESPECT THAT FOREVER AND EVER". Thank you for that too.
Commenters, if you don't love TLo's cutting remarks - find a boring PC blog and leave us to the delicious (and never malicious) snark that is Project Rungay.
If Chris had left off the red fabric details , it really was not that bad! If he had to have those details, but did them in the same blue fabric?? Not so bad, really, or throw me in the Dumpster too!
"winged_sheep said...
Commenters, if you don't love TLo's cutting remarks - find a boring PC blog and leave us to the delicious (and never malicious) snark that is Project Rungay."
As SissyBear would say, "Hallelujah!"
I love love Chris but this outfit is so ugly. She looked like somebody drew her and then colored her in.
"seashell tits"
Ha! Love it!!!
Hmm, guess I'm the only one who saw promise in this. To each of Kors' criticisms, my boyfriend and I turned to each other and said "And that's a bad thing?!" Guess we like French hookers with hearts of gold. I would totally wear that outfit, with a little restructuring on the top and sans the sash around the waist. It needs attitude, though, and the woman wearing it didn't have that.
"I've made more bad decisions at 3 o'clock in the morning than I can list."
Did he really say that? I missed it, kinda makes me like him a little bit :/.
Now for the garment. The kick pleat and the bow are cute, but not really appro for the client. It would howerver, be smashing on Betty Boop. The blue top I hate. Chris lucked out when Steve bombed so bad. He might have been auf'ed twice in a row.
TLo said: "One day you're in and the next day they take you out, bust a cap in your ass and throw you in the dumpster behind Parsons." Oh boys! I almost peed my pants over that!
Who hasn't made those 3am mistakes? Only one too young to have lived yet.
Gotham Tomato, that's it!!!!! I've been trying to figure out what that outfit reminded me of for days. It's TinTin Gets Lost at Bryant Park and Stumbles over to Coney Island!
elisafan said...
lima bean said...
Good luck on finals not-P.C.!
Here's my thought. Does Tim have someone? Is he even taking any opportunities to make bad 3 a.m. decisions? Didn't seem like it to me. The whole exchange made me worry about our little silver-haired professor's love life.
Does anybody know anything? How can our Tim become a giant industry icon in 4 years and not have found someone? I just want to see him happy.
Tim said in an interview once that he hasn't been in a relationship since the 80's after he had his heart broken, and he has no desire to ever be in a relationship again.
Oh, dear, dear, Elisafan,
Making bad at 3am and being in a relationship are two entirely different things. You most definitely can have one with out the other (but that doen't mean you can't have both ;)).
I was thrilled when Sissy Bear made his return. For a double bonus we got to see Tim Gunn for more than the canned 5 second "Make It Work." Then for the Trifecta? Tim's Take is back! Wooooo-Hoooo! All in all a great week for this PR fan!
After I saw Chris's design for the runway I couldn't help but feel that he was back with a blah instead of a bang. He also seemed a bit subdued, like he had a bad case of the blues, or reds or something witty like that.
Chris really needs to put on his "A" game if he is going to turn it around. His last 2 designs have just been phoned in IMHO. Poor Sissy Bear.
Poor Sissy Bear.
Why does that give me a visual of Chris-as-Winnie-the-Pooh? (With Christian as Chris-topher Robin?)
I, too, loved the red kickpleat.
However, the moment I saw him tying that bow, I thought "OH NO! COSTUMEY AGAIN!"
And the top was adorable, also. The colors (minus the red bow) were nice on her.
BTW, BEST...POST...EVER (well, at least for PR4)
"Bill said...
When Tim talked about his bad decisions at 3 AM, I immediately pictured him in a bar singing his broken heart out like a little lady we all know"
Now you've done it. The picture of Tim in a karaoke bar at 3AM singing 'The Man That Got Away', will keep me laughing for a while.
Of course, I can also now picture him turning beet red & doubled over laughing while reading T&L's post calling him a 'hardcore slut'.
Tim was priceless!
This outfit was just off the mark...it didn't fit well, the red accents were too much, costume-y cartoon blahblahblah.
What I don't understand is why so many designers went with a sleeveless look... upper arms aren't exactly at their best after a weight gain/loss cycle....
I think the most egregiously costume-y touches are easily removed -- the choker, the bow, the pocket square. I would have done the kick pleat in blue to match the top; the red has too much pop for an everyday look. The length of the skirt is easily adjusted, and it seems to fit well otherwise. Not much to be done about the seashells, though.
My favorite moment was Chris cackling when he heard what MK had to say.
Nice to know he could see the humor and not pitch a fit...
I'm glad ol' Chris is back, but I don't know if I can take seeing him get removed again.
When you have a big, friendly, happy-go-lucky, lovable, jolly guy like that, and you put him on the runway and watch his heart break as the cameras roll... cripes.
It's depressing.
Also, the "I was just get glad it looked okay" stuff is not gonna cut it! It's a competition, Big Guy! Get some killer instincts, or the Gelfling is gonna take you out, hombre!
Hated that damn kick pleat. Hated it.
Loved the 3 a.m. comment. That's our Tim!
Chris is back...Yay!!!
Tim Gunn makes bad 3am decisions just like the rest of us hoi poloi..Double Yay!!!
Great post, Boys! Loved the Sweet P caption. But Chris, Puh-Leeze get off the costume wagon! I know there's a great dress in there somewhere!!
The hilarity of the screencaps only underscores my unmitigated joy at Chris's return. As I said, I'm sorry Jack had to leave for such a completely uncontrollable reason, but this is the silver lining for the viewers IMO.
And Tim was just WONDERFUL in this episode. I hope this is a taste of his involvement increasing again throughout the season!
Of course, then Chris had to go and make that... whatever you want to call it. I think without the bow it would've looked light-years better, and been merely a misstep rather than an outright mistake, mind you, and I really, really hope he takes the criticism he's gotten to heart and starts self-editing without losing the edge of fun, but I'm sadly not optimistic he'll make it to the end. But, eh, who knows, sometimes designers really start working it later in the season... and that first dress he made is still possibly my favorite thing so far from the season, after all.
It seems that this was the turning point this season *at least I hope so*. We finally got a glimpse of the contestants personalities. It was certainly a result of Chris's Comeback and Tim's faux pas. Whatever the reason, I am glad it happened.
I think this has been the best episode so far...i'm glad to see sissybear back, but i have to admit that i hated the outfit. i usually get annoyed at michael kors' comments, but this time he was spot-on with the one about shirley maclaine -- and saying to give her a cigarette & a beret....
so sorry to see jack go, but i'm glad to hear he's ok.
that funeral dress of steven's was awful! i took a look at the sketch that nick verreos did and it was gorgeous! it would have been a little dressy for "everyday', but most anything done in satin w/pearl beading is going to be. so all in all i agree with the judges (for once...), and chris is going to have to tone down the costume designer in him if he wants to stay much longer....
Hey! Did anyone else notice that in the screen shot of Ricky, Jack (I think - need to confirm b/c I can't see his face) is standing behind Cryboy and is wearing the same shirt he made for Tiki Barber??? Did he copy his own RTW shirt for that episode?
Yea! that Chris is back, but oh lord! he was so close to getting kicked off right away! I liked the red kick pleat skirt, but that belt and top was butt ugly.
Chris is back! And the second chance couldn't have gone to a more delightful guy.
Ok...you can revoke my gay card if I'm wrong about this. But the Shirley Maclaine reference was to Irma la Douce...not Sweet Charity as some of the other posts indicate.
I love that they brought Chris back.
Last season, when Keith left, there was no replacement so I didn't think it was going to happen when Jack left either.
HOORAY for Chris! (and for all of us who thought his being auf'd was a huge mistake!!!)
"Gecko Tail said...
Ok...you can revoke my gay card if I'm wrong about this. But the Shirley Maclaine reference was to Irma la Douce...not Sweet Charity as some of the other posts indicate."
You're right. It is Irma la Douce...Fabulous movie!!
3 a.m.? I just always pictured Mr. Gunn sensibly in bed by 11 after a sensible glass of red wine or snifter of Drambuie.
Yes, well, that's the story he puts about. "Happily single", he says. "So darn busy", just comes home, puts on his p.js and turns on Bravo. So he says.
Was this a Freudian slip?
(Oh, Tim, you know we love you! Our teasing is all in good fun!)
I like Chris but that outfit was hideously revolting. So much fug! My eyes are burning from the ugliness.
Thanks, Boyz! We needed that.
-- desertwind
PS - I love the red kickpleat!
-- d'wind
Did all the critics forget that Chris was at a complete disadvantage based on having to work on his costume overnight rather on the usual schedule? It's absolutely impossible to edit yourself during a marathon run of work, and I bet when you come down to it he had a lot less time for planning and construction.
Of course Chris had already been aufed so it's only fair that he should be judged equally despite having a disadvantage. But I don't think you can fully judge this as a complete "Chris" piece, and I think he'll improve from here on out.
I thought Chris's outfit looked like the anime character "Sailor Moon".
I am glad Polly Pocket won.
He did a rawking job.
He seriously has MAD tailoring skillz.
The 3 a.m. comment made me laugh my ass off. Almost literally. (Wishful thinking.)
Some of us make enough bad decisions to qualify for a 25 hour day. Tim should be glad he stopped at 3 a.m.!
T&L, Great recap! LOL
"But unfortunately, Designers, he just couldn't make it work and so we've taken him out back and put him down."
Omg I love that caption.
I'm still laughing out loud every time I think of Tim's 3 o'clock comment. I loved how the other designers picked up on that quickly.
Someone mentioned t-shirt sayings..I think we need one that says "I've made more bad decisions at 3 o'clock in the morning than I can list."
I was also nailbiting so bad when I saw the outfit. I mean, it's something I'd like to wear but I just KNEW that they'd hate it. I didn't think the top was TOO bad but it would have looked better with a different boobie line.
The first thing I thought when I saw that 3am convo was "I cant wait ot hear what the PRG have to say about this"
I expected a entry just about it.
The 3 a.m. conversation was the highlight of the entire episode; I was giggling like a madwoman the entire time and so desparately wanted him to elaborate =).
Chris was adorable, even though his outfit was pretty awful. I can see how some might be upset that they brought someone who was auf'd back (I'm still on the fence), but poor Jack. I'm just really glad that he's okay.
And by the way, your capped PC characterization of Chris' model? PRICELESS. Take that, trolls. =)
Awesomely funny. A classic.
I didn't think the outfit was all that bad (other than the bow and choker).
Seashell tits -- provide structure and volume to a part of her body where she still needed it, and helps balance out the volume in her hips.
Length of the skirt -- usually, I agree with you guys. Here, I didn't think it was so bad because (again, apologies to the lovely model with incredible willpower) her calves are a little thick. A long, dark color with a kickpleat does lengthen the lower half of her body a bit and makes her legs look slimmer, as long as she's wearing suitably high heels. With flats, a disaster.
If he'd foregone the red, the friggin bow, and the choker, this would have been fine.
Idea for next challenge: use your own tattoos as inspiration for making clothing. In fact, if you could sheer them off your body, silkscreen them onto fabric and bleed on the runway, you are automatically top 3.
I loved this episode, it may be one of my faves. An interesting challenge - yes, I said it, actually interesting
Yay for Sissy Bear coming back! I hadn't been able to transfer my "who is my favorite PR gay guy this season" affections.
It was so sweet and funny to have Tim caught out with the 3 a.m. thing! And Kit and Christian doing "mm hmmmms" over the work tables, ahhhh. Pure PR heaven.
Sissy Bear better watch his ass, though, or he'll be right back out.
Fugly, fugly. The top could've been saved without that black inlay at the top (why?), but the skirt had some serious ugly.
He's a lucky, lucky man. Steven's dress was straight out of the 50's (and not from a good shop either) and Elissa's looked so bad on her client I actually cringed.
That's the only reason he didn't end up in the bottom two... again.
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