RunGay at the Runway, Part Zwei

Wednesday, November 07, 2007 by

We'll be ripping the mini-collections in a later post, but we figured you'd all want to hear a little first-hand account of what it was like at the show yesterday. Once again, the word that comes to mind is "surreal."

So, we get to the tent at Lincoln Center and unsurprisingly, there's a healthy line of hopefuls waiting to get in. Security wasn't letting anyone in yet, so we went and got our tickets and stood around feeling superior to the people in line when all the way in the back, behind the tent, a tiny little figure was jumping up and down waving frantically at us. We squinted our middle-aged eyes for a moment and both exclaimed "AMANDA!!!" and we scurried to the back for a quick hello. "Quick" meaning Amanda spoke about 6 thousand words after we managed to squeeze out a "How ARE you, girl?!" As we stood there trying to take everything she was saying in we heard another high-pitched squeal behind us and it was none other than the fabulous Camilla, waving her arms in the air and coming over to hug us. We fawned over her (as we're prone to doing) and thanked her profusely for the incredible interview she gave us last week. As we were chatting with her, we heard this low hum of "It's Tom and Lorenzo" behind us and turned around (yet again) to be faced with Javi, Marilinda and Lindsay from season 3. Girls, we HAD to get a picture with all these fabulous glamazons. And so, we did.

The area we were schmoozing in was the de facto smoking section for everybody involved in the show (how do you think those models stay so thin?) and through the haze of smoke we heard an "I know you guys!" and waved our hands around to part the carcinogens. Who was speaking but none other than Sweet P, who is, believe it or not, incredibly sweet. Hence the name, we guess. She's also really pretty. It's always jarring to meet reality show contestants in person for the first time because they've had a normal night's sleep and don't look as haggard and stressed out as they do in the shows and promotional materials.

In that vein, we ran into Steven as he was rushing about and grabbed a quick picture with him. He is VERY tall and much, much better looking in person. Downright hot. But then, that seems to be the theme this year. Season 4 is going to go down as "The Season Where Tom and Lorenzo Wanted to Sex Most of the Male Designers."

Anyway, we made our way into the tent and into our seats. Dear god, flying coach gives you more leg and arm room than sitting in a fashion show. We're still not walking upright yet. We managed to catch a few quick words with Laura K from BPR (who was doing her own schmoozing), and a quick picture with Malan Darling before we were all ordered by the booming disembodied voice to take our seats. Just before Heidi came out, we glanced over and, to our amusement, observed Santino giving his business card to one of the Housewives of Orange County. Surreal.

Then, Heidi came out. In a hideous dress. In fact, Tom leaned right over and whispered "That's a hideous dress." to Lorenzo's furiously nodding head. Heidi is, of course, gorgeous, but she also has an absolutely adorable personality. She's really grown into her own as a hostess from the "this is also a competition for you as well" days of seasons one and two. But we have to say, as charming and beautiful as she is, she has a voice that can cut glass.

She introduced Nina and Tim to the crowd. Nina is quite a bit prettier in person. We think she tends to look a little hard in photographs but we didn't think that was the case in person. To no one's surprise, her hair is FABULOUS.

As we said, we'll talk about the fashions later, but we just have to reiterate how utterly bizarre it is to be watching Project Runway models strut down a runway to Project Runway theme music while Heidi, Nina and Tim are sitting less than twenty feet away. Heidi looked teutonically blank throughout most of the show, Tim looked adorably disgusted by most of the clothes, and Nina looked utterly bored by them. We imagined little thought balloons over her head that said things like "Aesthetically not pleasing" and "I'm confused" and "There is something to be desired in the execution."

Oh and by the way, Amanda and Camilla can WORK IT. They were the two best walkers BY FAR. Some of those girls looked like they just figured out how to walk in the last week or so.

The whole thing was over relatively quick. We made the rounds saying hello to some of our Bravo peeps. Andy Cohen is such the little Bravo cheerleader. He can't wait for the season to start. Then, burly security people ushered us to the exits.

We went around to the back again and sure enough, under a heavy cloud of cancer agents, we met a few more of the S4 designers. Chris? Absolutely adorable in person. Sweetheart. We're going to hate ripping him to shreds in the coming weeks (not really). Kevin and Ricky seemed nice, but we barely had more than a second to snap a picture before someone else was vying for their attention. Rami? THE HOTNESS. Honey? Call us. Angry people with clipboards and headphones ushered the designers and models back into the tents for some form of press-induced torture and thus, our brush with Season 4 greatness came to an end.

So we met up with S2 greatness and went and had lunch with Emmett and one of our all-time favorite commenters on this blog, Gotham Tomato, who is funny and sweet and no, honey. You didn't offend us with the "tourists" comment. We happened to totally agree.

(Photos: ProjectRunGay)


Anonymous said...

Rami is the hotness, indeed, but I think I'd rather knock one back with Steven. He's intriguing, and I loved the way he escorted his model on the runway. I'm totally haggy for the lot, actually.

You bitches have all the fun!

Casey said...

Oh, that was fabulous. Finally I can get some things done this morning since I don't have to hover over my computer clicking the refresh button every seven minutes to find this post.
It's going to be a mah-velous season.

Gorgeous Things said...

What can I say, other than 'FABULOUS!' So jealous, mostly because I missed you two by a week. Pout. Still, I'll live fabulously vicariously through you!

Gail said...

I'm glad you bitches had such a great time and that the rest of us are able to live the experience vicariously through this blog!

BTW, I always thought Camilla and Marilinda were vastly underappreciated on the show. Everyone was so busy looking at Nazri that they missed those two gems.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Jeffrey would not have won if it hadn't been for Marilinda. She worked all the ugly-ass shit he dressed her in like a queen! Love her!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like such fun and quite a build up to PR4...I hope it is worthy.

Where was your Diva???

Thombeau said...

How utterly fabulous and completely surreal! What fun! Thanks for letting us in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the picture of our hometown Chicago boy Steven. Your picture is much more flattering than his press photos. It also made me realize that he is the tall, very handsome man that rides on the same bus that I take to work. Viva la 135!

Anonymous said...

The boys are hot, the girls are fabulous. Thank you for the pictures, darlings!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine them doing this in any of the previous seasons? What would Marla or Stacey or Heidi or John have sent down? Or for that matter Vincent?*shudder*

I wonder how it will effect our enjoyment of the show, having already seen enough of their looks actually walking down a runway to have formed opinions?

btw, Danny V has posted comments on each look on the bravo site. It helps with figuring out who did what.

Anonymous said...

Rami...hmmm...DAMN he's HOT!!! *drool* ^_^.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you guys had a fabulous time. I'm jealous!
Thanks for sharing. Love you both.

Anonymous said...


These are just a few of the shades of green-with-envy that I noticed when I glanced at myself in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the glamorous life you must lead, I am so jealous. I am happy I am not the only one that thought some of the models simply couldn't walk. Some looked like they had just put on their mother's heals. But the S3 ladies were just wonderful! Can't wait to hear more about it all!

Lady Prisspott said...

Who knew Joey Fatone could sew!!!

Am I the only one who was shocked by the one model that walked like a drunk bow-legged cowboy? How did she get on the show. Everytime she came out I couldn't see the clothes for the drag-queen in training heels walk she had.

GothamTomato said...

Gosh, I feel like Dickie Smothers.

I'm glad there'll be a little ripping in the future.

Can't wait to hear what you boys have to say about that black evening dress that made the model look like she was having unnatural relations with Donald Duck, (such a pervy little waterfowl, he is).

--Gotham Tomato

Anonymous said...

I love how you guys managed to become "celebrities" but still act like huge fans of the show just like the rest of us. Thank you so much for the fabulous pictures and account of the event.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous pictures and Rami and Steven are HOT HOT HOT.

Anonymous said...

Gotham Tomato = Dickie Smothers! You're so great. (and, I'm goin' out on a limb here -- my age group?) Maybe you can do some guest recaps for the boyz? Please!

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

Steven is adorable!I love him!!!

Anonymous said...

T & L-
What Thanks for sharing - can hardly wait to read your take on the show.

Thanks for the comments about some (most) of the models. Distracting, ungainly, clunky ---- not good walkers! I think the big shoes are too heavy for their skinny legs. I'm just sayin'.


Unknown said...

I love me some cute puppy boys! especially if I don't have to housebreak them.

What is up with Heidi's clothes if I had her body I'd walk around in nothing but a fur coat and a smile!

(for all the PETA people, I don't actually own a fur coat so don't slam me, 'course I don't look like Heidi either!)

DolceLorenzo said...

What a great event! I'm so happy for you guys.


And you got to see hot, gorgeous Rami in person. Fabulous!


Anonymous said...

Fabulous! What else can I say? I HATE YOU!!! : - )

Anonymous said...

GothamTomato, you lucky shit. I am so jealous I could scream. Good thing I work alone because I can.

There. I screamed.

Thanks, guys, for the madcap recap of a surreal day. I knew you'd give me the impression of Being There. Can't wait for the ripping!

LauraK said...

Great post gentlemen! I loved seeing you again. Can't wait to read your impressions of the designs.

mjude said...

goddamnit! i am so jealous.
looking forward to spending this season with you boys.

Anonymous said...

Lauren Zeleznick (sp?) -- did she look as underdressed and Casual Friday in person as she does on the video? Her appearance struck me as almost rude. Just one fabulous brooch -- that's all it would have taken to make it look like she gave a damn!

Suzanne said...

OK how insane is it that DESIGNERS are recognizing YOU??
And no making friends with the designers and then you have to be nice to them bullshit either.
Love you both to pieces but if I want that syrupy shit....well you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous but love the recap.

I agree that Gotham Tomato should do guests recaps for T&L.

Anonymous said...

Yay Gotham. I'd love to see her getting her due with a guest recap or two.

Anxiously awaiting the T-Lo snark!

Anonymous said...

laughing at the Donald Duck comment. That was truly a WTF dress. And the walking? Oy, I see better walking on ANTM (and wouldn't a crossover be delicious?). I look forward to the snark and I trust that your fame and familiarity will not dull that edge.

Anonymous said...

I've always been a GothamTomato fan and it's time she got some attention. So where's her picture.

P.S. I've been away for awhile and it's nice to see your faithful readers are still there. Shout out to gorgeous things, snf in va, toddny and more

Anonymous said...

"Santino giving his business card to one of the Housewives of Orange County." Ha! That just seems so appropriate to me.

Rami is totally the hotness and I LOVE that pic of ya'll and The Glamazons!

Deana, totally agree that a ANTM/PR crossover would be delish. Heidi and Tyra on the same stage?? That would be some ego flyin' there! Maybe Iman could be the referee.

GothamTomato said...

Nooo, nooo, nooo. T&L are more than fabulous. I'll always be happy to remain their wacky neighbor.

--Mrs. Kravitz Tomato

Sewhat? said...

Dear GothamTomato,

As a longtime fan of your's I just want to thank you for representing the rest of us faithful, but geographically challenged, fellow bloggers.

Your wit and snark rightfully earned you a place at the table.Literally!

So how 'bout it? Spill the beans on lunch, ok?

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, thank you, guys.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm looking forward to your comments. You guys rock!

Anonymous said...

Sweet P is indeed sweet. Everybody loves her! I can't wait to see more of her designs.

Anonymous said...

"If today's first-ever Project Runway preview fashion show is any indication, Season 4 is going to be sew good.

"This is the first season I've said any one of the designers is talented enough to win the entire season," Project Runway judge and mentor Tim Gunn said after the show at Lincoln Center.

Each of the 15 new Project Runway designers sent three signature looks down the runway as part of Bravo's fashion show to kick off the new season, which premieres Nov. 14. The designers showcased some of the looks that earned them a ticket into the competition, including bejeweled dresses, fringed leggings, bouncing bustles and sweeping gowns.

"Some of the finishing was horrible, some of it was great," Season 2 contestant Santino Rice said after the show. He has his eye on several of the designers, including Rami Kashou, 31, who already counts Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Lopez as clients."


Santino is something else, isn't he? Tim, the usual, way too PC.

Love the pictures, Boys. I'm so jealous.

Anonymous said...

Camilla is the best model ever! I love her.

TLo said...


Some of you have asked - Heidi Klum is wearing Balenciaga.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insights, boys. Lucky, lucky you which then makes lucky, lucky us.

I had to laugh at some of the newborn fawns walking out there. Some were so entertaining, I never even noticed the clothes. Left, right, left, right, and TURN!

Santino giving his card to an OC housewife? Priceless. But with that crowd, he's going to need to figure out where boobs go.

And is it just me or does Jillian seem like Jerry Seinfeld's next wife?

--rain brain

Anonymous said...

"Santino giving his card to an OC housewife? Priceless. But with that crowd, he's going to need to figure out where boobs go.
--rain brain "

LOL. Maybe he can hire the same people Jeffrey hired for his collection.

Anonymous said...

"--Mrs. Kravitz Tomato"



Anonymous said...

You two are oh so fabulously glam and lucky.

Just green with jealousy, but love your posts and insights.

And, Ms. Kravitz? You should start blogging and gossiping too. We'd all stop by for some coffee and klatch.

Now just waiting for yall to rip!

Luv yall!

Jenn said...

Wow! Just, wow.
You guys are spectacularly fabulous. I am primed and ready for this season to begin. I MUST shove the books and beakers aside for an hour on Wednesdays...cannot wait!

Anonymous said...

I come in 2 days late and this is what I find? Unfuckingbelievable!

Gotham, I official adore you.

All 3 of you are acting like you do this every day!

I'm completely amazed. TLo, how do you keep these fabulous things secret?

Vic said...

Well, guys, here I've gone and disappear for a while due to life's occasional pressings and what do I see? You have been busy, busy, busy! So nice to see you've been hugged to the bosom of the fashion world. Jealousy doesn't begin to describe my emotions.

Oh, and great post BTW.

Vic said...

Oh, faux pas! Dispeared. Duh.