Congratulations, Rami!
Reviewed by TLo
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Rating: 5

Congratulations, Rami!
Thursday, November 15, 2007 by Author
Oh, you hot, smug thing, you. Those judges' chairs were mighty damp by the time the show wrapped. We wouldn't want to be the production assistant that had to hose down the Duchess's chair.
How else to explain the complete overreaction to this:
Seriously? This is what got their panties all steamy? She looks like a background character on HBO's Rome.
Let's look at just how Rami made this judge-moistening concoction.
*shitty flower*
That's some major innovation right there, folks! Because Nina and Michael said so! We have a feeling those judges are going to do some really stupid things this season, so we suggest you all start drinking on Wednesday nights.
There's just no there there , y'know? It's like a tutorial on draping. Sure, the color's pretty and yes, he certainly can drape, but as a design, what the hell's the big deal here? Aside from the fact that the designer is the hotness?
And does anyone else think the hair's a little NBC Mystery Movie circa 1974? She needs a turtleneck, a maxi-skirt and a big turquoise pendant and she can be bored housewife/murder suspect #4.
[Photo: Barbara Nitke/ - Screencaps: Project RunGay]
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I said the same thing! I yelled "it's an effing toga!" At the screen. What's worse is that he kept going on and on about how "new and fresh" his design was!
Also those shoes were pretty damn ugly!
oh darlings! you're back with the real deal! and on it, as evidenced by your pithy dissection of the judges' ridiculous decision on this strange beflowered gray toga.
in the end, it's all about the panties, yes? and this boy has it going on as far as his panty-moistening abilities. what a cutie pie. a little cocky, a little arrogant, a lot charming, dimples and a smile. damn.
but the dress? it's ass. and the model? well, um, not speaking to the (missing) glamour quotient, but does anyone else think there's a resemblance to the fabulous Laura in that last image? maybe Laura's (plain) sister?
oh. my. god. and the shoes! the shoooooooessssss!!! heaven help us, those are some flat fucking ugly shoes.
seriously, it was like grandma-gone-to-a-toga party but still needing her orthopedic shoes.
You guys are so jaded! But you have to admit it was the nicest piece in the show, what with all the babydoll dresses/nightgowns.
LOL on your last comment about Rami's model. Very '74!
I liked the look on Rami's face when the judges were praising Victorya.
Yes, Rami is very pleased with himself. He will be fine as long as he gets many, many, complements. I wonder how he will react to a critic, though.
My first thought about Rami's dress was "Doesn't the Statue of Liberty wear almost the same dress?"
I didn't love it, but he does have talent. I have a feeling he's going all the way.
I rather liked Christian's(?) plaid jacket. I thought his outfit was better than Rami's. Victorya's was boring.
yep, it was a toga. Although a pretty toga.
I was happy to see so many skirt-jacket combinations and even pants (!!) coming down the runway. You can tell that this is one skilled group.
T&L Said - "And does anyone else think the hair's a little NBC Mystery Movie circa 1974?"
Don't worry. If Ernesta and Gwendolyn Snoop don't catch the killer, Commissioner McMillan, Sally & Mildred will.
As for the toga, I thought she looked more like she walked off the set of The Ten Commendments (Ann Baxter as Nefretiri everyone: "Moses,you will be king of Egypt, and I will be your footstool.")
I was a Roman Goddess for Halloween, my costume was amazingly similiar.
And as for drinking, I find PR always goes well with a cocktail.
I agree. I hated this dress. I looks like one giant dust Bunnie.
I like Chris purple dress the best (although the bow in the back was a bit much).
And where did Elisa find that peacock corpse that she attached at the bottom of the dress? I didn't see that on the racks of tents.
"That's some major innovation right there, folks! Because Nina and Michael said so! We have a feeling those judges are going to do some really stupid things this season, so we suggest you all start drinking on Wednesday nights."
THANK YOU!!! (though, actually, I was going to suggest mushrooms). Judges using the word 'innovative' is one of my pet peeves.
And I noticed those bedroom eyes of Rami's as well & wondered who he was aiming them at. It reminded me, a little, of that wacko (Mystery??) who teaches losers how to pick up women on VH1.
--Gotham Tomato
Agreed. I always hate, hate, hate when a designer drapes each breast differently. What's attractive about making one breast look twice as big as the other? Unless you're an Amazonian warrior whose bow pulling necessitates... wait, now that I look at those photos again, that may have been exactly what he was going for.
yep, it was a toga. Although a pretty toga.
I was happy to see so many skirt-jacket combinations and even pants (!!) coming down the runway. You can tell that this is one skilled group.
Bwahahaha! Damn it is great to look forward to Thursday mornings with all of you again!
Oh my god, the flower drove me crazy. I just wanted to rip that thing off of her.
Thank you! It was such an underwhelming design. When I told this to my friend, she said I just didn't understand, since I'm a man and don't know a woman's body. (This is what she says whenever we disagree about PR.) I much preferred Christian and Chris's outfits.
Same here....very "Caligula"...
That model is hard to look at....
Did Chris' dress remind anyone of last weeks PR Canada Opera singer dress?
Soe of that shit went down the runway so fast ...thank God for the pause button.
Yeah, He showed he knows how to drape a fabric, but I'm lost everywhere else.
By the way, weren't those fabrics gorgeous?
I couldn't pay attention to the shoes because I was mesmerized by how her boobs were going sideways, as if they were cinnamon buns rolling across the street.
"And does anyone else think the hair's a little NBC Mystery Movie circa 1974? She needs a turtleneck, a maxi-skirt and a big turquoise pendant and she can be bored housewife/murder suspect #4."
Wasn't this how Dean Wormer's wife looked when he brought her to the keg party at Delta House?
--Gotham Tomato
Seriously, what the fuck is innovative about this dress? That's what I don't like about the judges, when they like a designer, they can do no wrong, everything is "innovative," "he thought about it," or any bullshit excuse to keep them there.
It's a fucking toga! He said that's his signature dress, so folks, expect a lot of Caligula-esque costumes on the runway. Nice arms, tough.
Please, tell me they are just late with Tim's take. His podcasts are the best part of the show! Woe is me!
Was it pretty? Yes. Was it innovative and fashion forward? Not so much. I was drawn to it visually (or maybe it's the designer I'm drawn to) but the drapey thing has been done.
Don't get me wrong, draping that beautifully is no easy feat, but to say it was toga-like is an understatement.
And the shoes. Seriously? And the flower? As soon as Michael started to talk, I knew it would be the flower he disliked. A bit dated, to say the least.
Anyway, great first episode! I kept imagining what each piece would look like in muslin. It's funny how it always goes back to that in the challenge where you are meant to show yourself as a designer. Yes the fabrics they were given were beautiful, but where does great fabric end and great design begin?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So dead on, guys. As usual.
I hated the way the dress made one boob look all weird. It was strange.
I think the judges were blinded by his cuteness.
I liked the chubby guy's dress the best. It was gorgeous! Sorry, I don't remember his name right now. He was smart, funny, and will so be my favorite character. Along with Christian. He's a hoot.
"We have a feeling those judges are going to do some really stupid things this season, so we suggest you all start drinking on Wednesday nights."
Alright! Thanks guys!
As far as the runway, I thought there was a whole lot of 'meh' going on. The only things that I remember (and I wasn't drinking last night, 'cuz I didn't have permission) were Rami's dress, the dress that sh*t all over itself from puppet lady and the one that lost, whose creator's name I can't remember.
Oh yeah, and I LOVED Chris' dress and I can't believe it didn't make it into the top 3. I'm totally looking forward to what he can do this season.
My dear mom is a latin teacher and i have, on numerous occassions, gone to her school and helped with some Saturnelia parties and had to put teenagers in togas. Take it from me--it's NOT. THAT. HARD. I agree with you guys!
All night last night, i was like "wonder what tom and lorenzo are going to say!1"
The fleurchons are back! In grey and in metallic! Nothing jumped out at me. I thought Christian's was too Sigourney Weaver in "Working Girl." Elisa had a nice sillouette working until that travesty of a train-wreck was added.
And who's the dude who was almost crying? Oh yeah, Ricky. Glad we got to find out who the "drama" is going be early on in the game!
And the chick, Simone, who got "auf'd" her design was eh, but her eyebrows were getting to me as well.
Rami said he love to drape. Check.
Something that is feminine. Check.
Something that is edgy. What????
I agree about Rami's dress. I liked it, but it reminded me too much of Mario's shower curtain dress from S1/E1.
I also think Chris's dress was the best. He's my favourite so far. Anyone who can count Lady Bunny on their client list has got to be the bomb!
Hmm. Well, I understand the criticisms but I actually liked the toga dress. It needs an accessory or a bit of bling - a different belt, maybe, or replace the flower with an oversize metal buckle or something? I dunno.
I think Tom & Lorenzo are SO right that we're gonna have to start drinking heavily on Wednesday nights if last night was any indication of where the judges are going this season. Cuz I'm seriously confused. Why was Ricky's very pretty and well made babydoll dress in the bottom three, while Sweet P's FUGLY babydoll dress was "in"? Why was Christian's "top three" with that ugly fabric color choice, and the jacket that was a "float in a parade"? Also fugly: Victoria's dress, yet she was also top three?? I'm so, so, very confused.
I have to admit that I actually liked this dress. But that fleurchon was questionable at best.
You're in fine form already T&L - here's to Season 4!
just couldnt wait to read your post & as always i am never disappointed! rami is adorable (how in the hell did i miss the shoes?) but i thought christian's design should have won. love, love, chris!
HEY! I called this one and haven't even seen the show yet!!!!
The toga was pretty lame.
Tim did something similar on Martha Stewart's sewing show only he showed a couple of different versions in about 7 minutes.
The nice thing about it is that when you inevitably get tired of it you could turn it into drapes for the guest room.
Thank God for you guys! I SO agree with you. Frankly, I was underwhelmed by most of them - the other season's contestants did much better with innovation (remember Michael's coffee filter dress?) Rami's was so boring. At least Christian's plaid jacket, Steven's gorgeous purple dress and even Carmen's harem pants were better than the gray toga!
Rami is extremely talented but I'm just not wowed by this dress. It looks like something you do for a class you're taking at Parsons: The Art of Draping 101.
yeah, i'd do him, but that dress looks like something i'd use to clean up afterwards.
START drinking on Wednesday nights? Kids, that started during Season 1!
Welcome back to the one and only, boys.
OK, if this is any indication of what the judging is going to be like, I'm going to H-A-T-E this season. The judges talked out of their asses.
I'm so glad to be getting my Thursday morning RUNGAY fix again! Thank you! Thank you!
I concur on the rip of Rami's creation. Hope he's got something besides draping up his hot little sleeve.
Oh, and I was disappointed that Lingerie Boy didn't cry on the runway. I was hoping for another Andrae moment...
she does give off a folk-singer Mary vibe (of Peter Paul and Mary). very german.
"And does anyone else think the hair's a little NBC Mystery Movie circa 1974? She needs a turtleneck, a maxi-skirt and a big turquoise pendant and she can be bored housewife/murder suspect #4."
She left the Gloria Steinem aviator framed glasses at home so no-one would recognize her as the librarian...
A toga with a Carrie Bradshaw flower is new and fresh? Can those Wednesday night cocktails be made with absinthe please?
" Christopher said...
yeah, i'd do him, but that dress looks like something i'd use to clean up afterwards."
YAY!!!! We're here! We're bitches!!
I still don't understand why the judges were so impressed with this dress. You'd think they've seen it all and this is so basic.
Oh, gayboys! As much as I was looking forward to the show last night, I was looking forward MORE to reading what you'd have to say about it. And of course, you didn't disappoint.
I was rooting for Christian. His was the only design that showed anything new.
I could not understand the judging on this. Rami's toga made that model's hips look wide and her boobs lopsided. The left one looked like it was trying to make a break for it because the right one had been mashed to oblivion. Mastectomy by charmeuse.
I think Chris' plum dress rocked and was sorely overlooked by the judges.
Oh, and I loved Christian's comment about Elisa being weird. When a kid that ... ahem, unusual ... calls you strange, that's saying something. I'm either going to love that kid or want to beat him to death with a bolt of wool.
The guest judge said "I love the color!" You love drab gray? Or a you color-blind?
You pegged the '74 thing. In that dress, I see her as one of doomed partygoers in The Towering Inferno -- and that dress won't do anything to improve her odds for survival.
I liked Christian's but Chris' dress really wowed me. It was more than a little drag-queen-inspired and I think he'll probably need to learn how to edit himself but I'm looking forward to seeing more from him.
TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! All we're missing is a bottle of Jim Beam and Jim Belushi lying on the floor in a stupor.
Pretty color? Its GRAY. Don't get me wrong, I love the color gray....just not splayed all over a body like that.
And the boob thing? Is she nursing? I can tell you from experience that when you are nursing you have a case of "mondo boob". One is usually a full cup size bigger than the other. This dress would be PERFECT for that come to think of it. It hides mondo boob and nursing babe and secures both in one drape while it hides everything from the rest of the world! That's it! That's the innovation--the ultimate nursing dress! Feed and shop all at once! LMAO.
I loved Elisa's dress....minus the ridiculous tail. GORGEOUS and very innovative with the 1 seam. She needs to edit...but Santino never edited either and the judges praised the crap out of his "innovation". Why she was in the bottom 2 I don't know.
I'm with you boys....we need to become lushes for any of it to make sense. That or snag whatever the judges are taking.
She looked like a cigarette girl at Caesars Palace. He on the other hand, looks like a seven-course meal at the f$%#-fest buffet...yummy! XOX to the boys!
--FIT Grad
Um, wtf is up with all the big fleurchons? Rami's was distracting and unnecessary, but Victorya's big metallic one was super FUGLY. So Carrie Bradshaw. So done.
I hated the way Rami's dress made the model's right boob look deflated. One of your screencaps shows this perfectly. Ugh!
However......the pissy look on Christian's face when Rami won...PURE HEAVEN!
I have to agree on the boobs. They look sad and confused.
You're right, drink up. Better start on Tuesdays. It's going to be a long haul.
I loved Chris', particularly the color combo. Christian was second, great construction. Overall, pretty meh.
The models also get a ho-hum rating, but the Silver Fox was right on his game. What a beautiful man. Don't you love how Heidi rubs on him every chance she gets? I would,too.
Rami's dress was fugly, but it DID reflect his viewpoint. I completely missed the shoes, I guess because I couldn't take my eyes off of the bugly flower thingy. Ga-yech.
It's a good group though. I think there'll be a goodly amount of drama from this crowd.
Thanks boys!
I liked that he won over Christian. Could you imagine how smug Christian would be if he won? And Rami's gown reminds me of the statue of liberty, but I liked it.
The flower ruined it for me.
Yep, I agree: Chris' was the best, Rami's dress was blah, why is steel grey such a great colour?
The judges are as full of themselves as Rami. I can't wait to hear them tell someone "why do we always see the same thing from you?" one week and "where were YOU in this garment?" the next.
Oh, the bitchery!
More to the point: WHERE IS MY PODCAST?!!!
Anonymous said:
"I loved Elisa's dress....minus the ridiculous tail."
And speaking of Elisa (& ridiculous tails)...did Vincent have a sex change surgery over the summer?
Just wondering.
I had pegged her to be cut first, but then when I saw how C-R-A-Z-Y she is I just knew the judges (or producers) would keep her around.
--Gotham Tomato
Liked the show and recap and have to concur about Rami's gown. I enjoyed Chris's, but it was just a bit over the top. Wanted to slap Christian when it was pointed out that his plaid didn;t match. I personally can't stand uneven lines, but it could be my analness for that kind of thing.
In previous interviews, Tim did say that he was floored more than once with the judges decisions, so I'm assuming that this is only the beginning.
Well, I'll just chime in here since my fiance asked me what I thought of the first winner (he was asleep well before the challenge even started). I had not even considered it until he asked this morning, and I blurted out, "Rami's was just boring. It was like a toga. It seemed to drape beautifully on the dress form, but it looked strange on an actual body. The boobs looked wonky." I then said I thought Christian should have been the winner.
Couldn't agree more. It's a nicely draped toga. So what? It reminds me of the first episode of S3, when the judges got so excited over Keith's rather ordinary dress and passed over Robert's wonderful "Maria" dress. Here, with two evening gowns in the running, how does this ordinary toga win out over Chris' gorgeous gown?
Personally I liked Kit's dress.
My eyes are a rolling at the judges. Their picks for the top 3 baffled the hell out of me!
But the season preview at the end brought me to pure joy - what a drama filled season we can expect!!!
Boys, you're the best! I agree 100%. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about the other dresses.
Season 4 is finally here!!!!
Who cares? With that face and arms that toga would be on the floor in a sec, if he was straight, of course
: )
there was some judging on crack last night. weeeeeeeeeeeeeird choices. In the past they have heavily critiqued contestants for unwearable outfits but the Duchess thinks it's OK that Victorya's model's arms are pinned to her sides? WTF?
"And does anyone else think the hair's a little NBC Mystery Movie circa 1974?"
Boy, I thought the Samantha Stevens comment the other day was good; this is even better!
Glad to know I'm not the only one waving a flashlight and whistling the Mystery Movie theme.
It made the model's boobs look saggy.
Was looking for Tim's podcast (didn't find it) and came across Nina's blog. It looks like she wrote it recently and she dishes some good stuff on this first episode. Highly recommend, read it here:
(Can somebody tell me how to make active links here?)
It's an elegant gown but I didn't see why the judges gave him such high praise.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAH! I can't tell you how happy I am that you, we, they are back.
My thoughts:
carmen = deepest female voice i have ever heard that wasn't actually a man
puffy haired girl = can't remember your name, already don't like you and your white plastic sunglasses
ricky = are you trying out for the new and improved
rami's dress = i liked the fabric. which is why i chose it for drapery in my guest bedroom. And the dress made his model's boobs look wonky
jack = speaking of wonky. wonky eye. sorry guys, but there's definite wonk.
vera wang lookalike = silver flower? come on.
models = Now that I'm a runway model expert after 3 seasons of PR and multiple viewings of America's Next Top Model, WHAT THE F WAS UP WITH THEIR WALKS? They sucked. I mean seriously sucked.
That is all.....
I completely agree with everyone that has been saying that it looks like a toga. In the work room, I saw the top and thought it was pretty, and when the model walked the runway it still looked pretty, but it looked like a pretty TOGA!!!
I was rather underwhelmed with the entries this week. I liked Rami's dress okay, and of the judges' top three it was clearly superior. I was pretty indifferent towards Victorya dress, it was neither here nor there, but the judges seemed to love the look made by Christian, but that skirt just looked like a disaster!
ricky = new and improved Village People. The hats, darling, the hats.
Sorry, got excited and didn't finish my thought.
I think I WAS drinking - did I hear MK say to the Blue Lagoon Dress( Elisa ) " You had me at Hello?"
lima bean said...
(Can somebody tell me how to make active links here?)
Hi Lima Bean,
Click here for instructions. Hope that helps.
It's a good thing I have the fabulous finale of last season's show on Tivo because I sure didn't see a Laura-equivalent last night.
I liked the grey dress (hey, it matched my hair!), but I like your snide remarks even more!
I do think Chris was robbed. That purple gown was a dream.
Mostly, though, I was underwhelmed.
I am not sure, however, what you mean by start drinking on Wednesday nights. That wasn't grape juice in my glass!
I also think that the dress made her look like an East German Swimmer. Her shoulders look HUGE. I did like the dress, though. Would have looked HOT on Amanda, Season 3. I really loved Chris' Purple and Gold. He's going to be stiff competition. I thought he'd be a little Kayne, but he surprised me.
I never even got to Toga - I was too busy wondering why something from the Charlie's Angels costume morgue was being considered fashion forward.
And speaking of 70's rehash - big flowers aren't just over because they were all Carrie Bradshaw. Every formal dress I had in the late 70's (wedding, dance, whatever) has some horrible matching BA flower on them.
Though Chris got screwed, but it was too pretty to win. I rather liked Jillian's, too.
The man has mad skills, not doubt about it, but there's nothing innovative or creative about that design.
Yes! It's a damn toga party dress! Where's the innovation? And the other, whut? What are the judges smoking backstage?
I think that hot naked guy (Jack?) had the cutest dress. The white with black number with turquoise accents. Maybe not the most innovative, but DAMN, it was adorable. I was shocked that they picked that one dress with the big flower on the front to be one of the top ones. The dress looked so much like what the designer was wearing.
I thought the losing dress wasn't THAT bad. I agree with Heidi, I kind of liked the color combo. That blue thing with the fabric poop should have gone home. But, I supposed it had a "point of view". Of a crazy person!
That one other crazy chick with the ridiculous audition video was rocking a bubble skirt. Nooooooo! If she starts hanging out with some of the other contestants that used giant flowers, we could have another Angela on our hands!
I loved Ricky's dress. Loved it! I usually don't particularly care for loads of metallic fabric, and not so much for babydoll dresses either. But somehow his dress wow'ed me. It was perfectly made and beautiful. He was robbed. So were Chris and Kit.
Elisa is seriously wacky, but her dress (minus the Dr. Suess-like dead animal hanging of the back) was gorgeous.
Rami's dress was boooring and was not at all flattering on his model. But how he got hammered for his flower, and Victoria got praised for that poorly made, metallic monstrosity with fibers sticking out of it is way beyond me.
Maybe I'll have that drink now.
Rami's dress was lovely, and expressed who he is as a designer, which was the whole idea of the challenge. Bad shoes, though. But Jack's black and white dress with the teal sash--gorgeous. And Chris's dress--even more gorgeous.
But here's the bigger question--what drama is on for next week? In the preview clip, Tim says that Jack has an announcement to make. Is Jack leaving the show? Or was I hallucinating from too much cold medicine?
The back side of that toga was sad. If I wore something as unflattering as that I sure hope someone would tell me.
I was shocked when the judges chose it as innovative and new, but then look at Michael Kors collections. Nothing new there unless you are cultivating a speedy decline into dowdy matronhood. Hey I am older but I guarantee you that I will never be that old.
One more thing I'll add about last night's show is that Bravo clearly has a checklist of characters that they look for each season:
Cute blonde girl: check.
Crazy woman who is "earthy" and "weird": check
Cute gay guy: check.
Chubby gay guy: check.
"Weird" gay guy: check.
"Weepy" gay guy: check.
"Edgy" straight white guy: check
Older woman trying to break into fashion: check.
Black woman with a chip on her shoulder: check.
But I can tell I will like it anyway. Was Elisa not the biggest bag of crazy that you've seen since, oh, I don't know, Vincent and Angela from Season 3? You just knew they wouldn't boot her yet. Boring gets kicked out early. Crazy gets to stay until the bitter end.
And, thanks, everyone for the great commentary. Chris should have been the winner last night. We're going to see cool stuff from him.
I am so glad that Bravo is releasing still photographs of models posing in the dresses. Now we can see more of the ones the camera crew ignored.
Based on the pictures in "Rate the Runway", I would say Kit should have won or at least placed. I also liked Steve's and Chris's .
I had picked Elisa to be auf'ed, but from the moment she started rubbing the silk in the grass, I knew she would be safe for at least one more week.
Oh, sorry. One LAST thing. Cannot wait for TLo's comments on Jack's package. There was a great shot of him in his boxer briefs. Hello, twig and berries!
pretty sure her titties were uneven on the runway, too.
I think it's cool that he's bringing a sort of a middle eastern feel to it, BUT . . . I mean they kicked off Alison in Season 3 for making her model look fat, and Rami's model here looked humungo and misshapen. And that flower flattened the whole Greco-Roman neo-classical feel.
Have to agree.
Rami = hot. Dress = not.
Agreed it was his style, but that color, those shoes, the fit on the model ... wasn't worth first place.
I preferred Christian's. Yes, he is obnoxious, and his design was a bit out there, but was constructed well, and it looked great on the runway. You got his viewpoint and saw his execution. Required more work than the toga.
I also liked Chris's outfit better than that SIMPLE dress from Victorya. Yikes - simple BLACK dress, nice but so what? And talk about MOB, that silver contraption on the front looked tacked on and made of Aluminum foil. Not flattering.
Chri's dress on the other hand, was colorful, fit well, flowed well, fashiony and a little flashy but not typical or trashy.
He deserved to be in the top three over Viktorya ... actually I could pick three I preferred over that little black dress.
What were the drudges, I mean judges thinking.
I do agree on the aufing though ... Elisa is flaky and crazy, but the top half of the dress was better than the bottom half ... Symone dress was not only blah, but horrible construction.
She can probably do better, but last night was not her night.
Just sayin-
Dominus fuglius vestis.
Oh, did Rami make a dress and win? I was too busy leering at him.
I'm sorry, is everyone ignoring the elephant in the room, or am I the only one who thinks that model is "borderline plus-sized" (to quote Bianca)?
Look at the cankles on that girl! And the NECK!!
Les arms. Le sigh.
Dress? What dress?
How could the judges NOT say anything about the boobs mishap? I kept staring at them the whole time.
more important than the dress, look at that model's face. geez. it was a very basic dress but masterfully executed, which is more than any other person could say on that stage. come on simone, if you are going to do basic, do it perfectly.
Okay, thanks boys. Here goes:
Nina's Blog
Nina dishes on Episode One, including who scared her when he/she came off the stage and rushed her ...
Did anyone else think of Viktor and Rolf's fall collection when they saw Christian's outfit? If the skirt had been a bit poofier it would've fit right in. Also Elisa is nothing like Angela or Vincent. Angela was a "holly hobbie" farm girl, and Elisa is a southwestern hippie.
Well not to dog everyone's opinion but Tim said Rami's dress was stunning, all 4 judges really liked it.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I think people in this blog are looking for edgy/pretty while maybe the judges are from the perspective "would I wear this" or "can I see this in a magazine".
I didn't think Rami's dress was the epitome of innovation but I thought it was a great look. did he deserve to win? Yes, but I think there were other people that were equally worthy
I think there was a bit much ado about Victoria's dress, there must have been something about the silhouette that caught the judges eyes. As I looked at her dress more, I can see why they liked it. But black isn't that memorable sometimes. She was right to add that bit of color.
Of the chose top 3, i think christian should have one. The tailoring was impeccable and I thought it was different yet weirdly attractive. Would never be something I'd think of. I thought Chris's dress was also very nice, but perhaps the color wouldn't quite work as an evening gown.
Can't wait to see the other blog entries!
I really liked the flower shop guy...forget his name, but he is so sad looking! Hopefully he'll be around for a while so we can figure out why.
dan said:
I think Tom & Lorenzo are SO right that we're gonna have to start drinking heavily on Wednesday nights if last night was any indication of where the judges are going this season
Agreed, although I liked Rami's dress. I thought that Chris did a helluva job with his gown, don't understand why it wasn't in the top three.
May I take this opportunity to say that I may have to start drinking heavily in order to survive yet another season of Ninagarcia's pursed lips? She looks as if she's just smelled some fabric poo.
Rant over, return to regular programming!
Anonymous said...
I think I WAS drinking - did I hear MK say to the Blue Lagoon Dress( Elisa ) " You had me at Hello?"
11:35 AM
Yes, you did indeed hear MK utter "You had me at Hello"....I cringed.
T&L, fabulous post-I think I enjoy them more than the actual show!
Model: Ugly. Hair: Horrible. Draping: Interesting, but fashion forward and the next big thing? Uh, no.
What? Where is it written that designs have to be over the top? Rami's dress was simple, elegant, classic. The point of the challenge was to showcase who the designers think they are and Rami triumphed by showcasing that he is one sexy beast with talent. More, more, more!!!
"What? Where is it written that designs have to be over the top?"
Nowhere in this post. Were you responding to the imaginary post in your head?
It's funny that so many people hated the dress. I thought it was beautiful and looked like something I would wear. I'm glad he won.
OOh, it's like a Carrie Bradshaw flower. And it just doesn't work on that dress or the model.
I think it's VERY Teutonic. Let's get a few cinnamon buns for the model to put over her ears. And some beer mugs.
I liked Chris' and Christian's. I think Sweet P's looked like a freaking tater sack.
And I am so happy to see you guys back in serious action!
"She looks like a background character on HBO's Rome."
Bwah! That's just why I liked it!
It's not a Carrie Bradshaw flower, it's a fleurchon.
Am I allowed to add that his model looks somewhat 'hefty' in that Ode to Gladiator getup?!
OH! I missed you soooo much! Right on as usual. As far as titty descriptives, how about BGW for Boobs Gone Wild or Wonky ?
The "models" certainly leave something to be desired too...
That's exactly what I thought when I saw his finished dress, "It looks very Grecian or Roman or something." Funny thing is, she actually LOOKS like a Roman statue, what with the concrete-grey color and all. I know they were limited on fabrics in the tents, but it would have looked better in that shimmery grey fabric Andrae used for his gutter water dress 2 seasons ago. The matteness of this one made it too "cement" for me.
Oh, and this model is fucking ugly. Very unattractive face, too thick for this show, bad walk, dress made her look like a fat mom in a mumu. She needs to go.
Look at the bust! Seems to me that would be one of the first lessons of Draping 101.
The whole thing is so heavy and belabored.
That fleurchon!
And I hated the color, too.
I'm praying for his comeuppance. He's gonna be Final Four, though, isn't he?
Damn but I'm sick of "the red carpet".
-- desertwind
i'm just happy i missed those shoes while watching last night - only something that hideous could have distracted from oggling rami.
nothing really excited me that much last night, to tell the truth, and the draping here is gorgeous, if a bit wonky on the right boob. i agree with gp in that the pissy look on christian's face was worth rami's win. really though, how did victoria end up in top 3? it was a black sack! as compared to the green sack she was wearing....
I think it would have looked better on another model. Don't you think?
Desert Winds Said:
"I'm praying for his comeuppance. He's gonna be Final Four, though, isn't he?"
He did look awfly confident at the runway show last week. Though, that might just have been delusional arrogance. Not sure.
--Gotham Tomato
All I can say is: As stupid as the choice was this time, thank fucking god they didn't give it to Christian's harlequin hobo outfit.
April, she's not ugly. She has an interesting kind of shot-putting-at-the-ancient-Greek-games look in that last photo (aside from looking like Laura sans makeup and glamour).
It's just . . . it was just wrong. That's all we can say. wrong. wrong. wrong.
Oh Dear Lord, Thank You!
I thought that thing was hideous, and I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought so....what was up with her boob? It looked like there was too much did it win???????
Chris should have won
it's kind of laughable how everyone thinks the dress was so bag. it's not! i mean, it wasn't the best thing on the runway, but it wasn't bad. the draping was nice(there's nothing wrong with making a dress completely out of's gorgeous is it not?), the color was wonderful, and the shoes aren't that bad at all. i actually really like them. and i like the toga's cute. so really, it's not a bad design.
however, i think the fit is kind of off, and the model couldn't walk to save her life...but it's a nice dress. :D
Oh yeah, and does anyone else ever get the feeling that some of the designers have no clue as to who the guest judges are and they just know they are supposed to "ooh and ahh" for them?
I mean I will admit to not knowing who half of them are - but I love when you see a designer get all wide eyed and "OOOOH" and yet you can tell they have no f*cking clue as to who the person is.
First, I want to start with the rant I do every season. They need to do more and better shots of the clothes on the runway. I can't tell what I think of some of the outfits because I barely got a look at them.
Rami wouldn't have been the win for me, but the model did it no favors either. I'm not a fashionista but even I think I've seen Christian's outfit before. And he bugs big time. Victorya's was a black sack with bra straps showing, but maybe there was detailing I couldn't see. None would have been in my top 3.
I liked the outfits Chris and Kit did, and maybe even Jessica and the guy with the beard. Jack's was okay, but Robert Best did it better and with more challenging materials. No one else's even stick in my memory except Elisa's. She's a combination of Starr, Santino, and Vincent - a kook for all seasons.
--rain brain
Well, guys, it's so great to have you "back where you belong"! At long last!
AND watching this reminded me of how much I enjoy this show. I'm not a regular television viewer but this will keep me coming back.
Rami: tres hot.
His dress: tres NOT.
Christian reminds me of a snappy little chihuahua, but I thought his outfit was the best of the bunch -- quirky and well-constructed. Even Heidi said, "It's growing on me," after the other judges gushed over it. Rami's fabric was lovely but, as the other posters said, it was a toga with a fleurchon. However, they can give Rami the win every week for all I care, as long as he stays on the show and flexes his gorgeous tank-topped muscles. Now I'll go back to drooling on my keyboard.
If you would like to order the previously mentioned ugly shoes they are available on The order information is below.
style #2051687 available sizes: US 7 (EUR 37) US 7.5 (EUR 37.5)
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retail value: $795.00
bluefly: $476.99
you save 40%
Seriously though...who in their right mind would pay $476.99 plus tax/shipping for those ugly ass shoes? What's even scarier is that you know there is someone out there who paid the full $795 for that ugliness.
I liked Rami's dress, maybe I'm a sucker for massively powerful shoulders that can drape fabric.
Thought Christian's was cool but honestly didn't Judy Garland wear something like that when she got off the train in the Harvey Girls?
My favorite was Chris's. For all that money there was a lot of meh!
Well, I liked the dress. And I loved the color. And I liked the wonky boobs too.
My favorite moment was when Flower Shop Boy said "I own a flower shop in Dallas, Texas", and looked as if he was saying "I have been roasting in Hell for all eternity, and expect to be back by lunch tomorrow".
Hat boy has already worn, what, four different hats? How much luggage do these people get to bring?
Welcome back Project Rungay!
OK, I can't wait to hear what T&L think *should* have won. Rami's wasn't my favorite thing on the runway last night (that would be big Chris, or else maybe Pistol's -- the black dress with the one-shouldered red jacket? If that jacket had two shoulders, I would *love* it).
But I definitely thought Rami's was the best of the top three. Victorya's dress was boring, unwearable, and did I say boring? And shrimpy Chris' ... I would have put it in the bottom three. Yes, he did a good job lining up the plaids in the back, but ... who cares. It looks like an outfit for a secretary. In 1985. Fug (wait for it) ly.
I think Rami's model was in the 74 Olympics...East Germany's Men's shot put.
With the hair and the shoes she looks like Marcia Brady on her way to a frat party during Greek Week.
However, kudos to Bravo for sending a model down the runway who actually looks like she's familiar with the concept of a sandwich.
i actually did like the dress, it was very pretty. like if i saw that on a rack i would think, GORGEOUS. but for a highly publicized, high talent competition like PR? doesn't cut it. i suppose it's cause its way early in the season, they haven't had time to bloom.
also, not to be mean or anything, the model was ugly. the hair didn't help either. i have a sneaky suspicion that the dress would have looked twice as phenomenal on a skinnier model. the draping would look just right instead of showing all the curves (read: lumps)
i liked this but didn't think it was panty twisting wonderful. it actually kinda reminded me of the statue of liberty dress.
and my, is rami hot. let's decide this is the actual reason for the win. those orange/overbronzed judges were just aching for some rami action off camera (or maybe on?).
is it just me or does the dress make her look incredibly fat?
which would be the same thing for which alison from S3 got auf'd?
the model seriously looks like a man. :-/
I keep hearing "German" "German" about the model. Well, geez, who's the top judge?
I've seen this episode twice now, and my original opinions match up with my longer-term thoughts...
Rami's dress was a beautifully draped toga that looks like something I wore to a sorority mixer I attended circa 2003. Also, it looks like you could buy it at Macy's. That said, I didn't hate it, but I KNEW it would win. I actually don't adore Rami as much as everyone else seems to- he seems boring, and so does his style.
That said- he can make clothes. Does that make him a star? Not so much.
I HATED Christian's outfit when he was in the work room, but on the runway, it had movement and smart construction- and it was the outfit that was by far the most interesting to me.
I LOVED Chris' dress, but he got hella lucky with his model. That grapey colour beautifully complimented her skin tone, and while she didn't work the dress as much as I would have liked, she made for a great mannequin.
Overall: There were a lot of fashion school nightmares on that stage.
Sweet P ain't long for this show. I just don't think she has the skills. She had thousands of dollars worth of fabric at her disposal, and she made the equivalent of a muslin sack dress. Nice.
Jack's dress was a disappointment on the runway.
Carmen's outfit looked like a big bag of crazy asshattery when I first took a look. Upon further inspection, the construction and composition is better than I thought, but it still looked to scattered to be an accurate representation of her vision as a designer.
I think if lingerie boy can get his emotions under control, he could bust out with some incredible work. I really liked the babydoll. It wasn't high fashion, but he understands his strengths, and he understands a woman's body.
Steve- the pale ginger fellow who was rejected last year- is someone who has me on the fence. I love menswear inspired clothing- but his design last night looked like something I'd wear, and something I could afford. ie. it looked like something VERY off the rack.
Elisa (the nutball) made a great dress (minus the fabric poop). She just needs to learn about making clothing that can be worn by um... humans.
Overall, I'm just excited that the show is back, back, back!
Rami looked a little greasy on the runway, but I still think he's divine. His dress was too J.Lo-on-the-red carpet for me, and the color was dismal. But I hope he's around for a while, did you guys see his butt in those jeans...holy crap!
An TOGA? He used a ROSETTE on an TOGA? UGH!!!!!
He could have used the flag of Greenland and pinned it up with one those big baby diaper pins with the plastic top and it wouldn't have been anymore shiteous!
Oh sweet mary mother of f..k...I stopped watching Top Chef to keep my sanity....if this continues I'll have to use an awl to gouge the 4 and the 1 out of my remote control to keep me from tuning in....
The fit of this dress suggests to me that he didn't think he was going to get a model with breastage, which I totally get. However, what is weird is that the drapey Roman look is kind of made for curvy women, so it shouldn't have been much of a problem. Looks like the asymmetry (and the unflattering length of the dress) is better on a flat dressform, heh.
It was kind of pretty, regardless. Don't think it deserved the win though.
The dress: Whatever. I didn't hate it, I just didn't understand the overblown flattery thrown at it. There were certainly more worthy entries that were inexplicably ignored by the judges, but hey. It happens. Remember back in the day when Michael's awesome coffee-filter dress got no love yet the judges pissed themselves over Keith's "innovative" dress made from a bedsheet? Yes, of course you do. :)
But Rami? You boys were right. He is ADORABLE.
I thought it was really pretty and was one of the only peices I would have worn.
chill out dah'lings or I'll make you wear the blue shitting fabric dress.
I wasn't surprised they picked Rami's dress as the judges are suckers for a pretty face, er, I mean, a nice draping, and the dress is actually pretty, but as I said elsewhere, I would've liked it a lot better if he'd put it in a nicer colour or a subtle print. The flower, eh, I didn't like it, but it wasn't the heinousity that the Other Flower was.
I think Jack and Chris M both had much nicer-looking dresses, however. I'm really looking forward to seeing what else they can do.
"Fnarf said...My favorite moment was when Flower Shop Boy said "I own a flower shop in Dallas, Texas", and looked as if he was saying "I have been roasting in Hell for all eternity, and expect to be back by lunch tomorrow"."
You know I loved that moment too but for an entirely different reason. I live right down the street from that shop and have been in many times. I had no idea the owner was going to be on Project Runway until Tuesday.
Anyway, when Marion called the place simply a "flower shop" he was being incredibly modest. That shop rocks! It is easily one of the best home decor/gift shops I have ever seen anywhere. It is a fascinating mix of natural objects, antiques, prints and gorgeous little things. At the Maison et Objet show in Paris a few years ago, Francois Bernard did a display that revived the concept of the curiosity cabinet. This shop is very much like that display and I have often wondered if the owners were at that show.
Check out the website at:
Anyway, that display of modesty made me immediately like Marion a lot.
Plus, he was head of visual at Stanley Korshak which in Dallas is like the Neiman Marcus for those who are tired of Neiman Marcus.
I read your posts before I watched the episode, so I was expecting some really lack-luster dresses. But there were quite a few that were prettier, edgier, and more innovative than this one. And I don't even find Rami that charming.
The purple fabric that Chris used was stunning! I hope he keeps up the good work for the inevitable evening gown challenge.
I think that the dress looked better on the form. It did nothing for the model. I think it made her look uneven and a bit fat.
I did not like this dress. It made her look shlompy ( is that even a word? :-) ) and like her boobs were sagging. I thought Jacks design was great I would wear that. As for Elisa dress - I agree that if you ignore the tail it was great. The top and sleeves were fab.
That man could have puked on his model, and I still would have been drooling on the TV. God, that man is the deal.
But yes, I agree about the dress. When he won, I was very surprised.
I said it once but I will say it again, I draped better togas in college whiskey drunk with a frat boy wrapped around me and there was absolutely no boob wonkage at all.
Hated it.
Oh, and I can't believe no one used the word "MATRONLY"
Right Said Fred's model looked like an ash covered Pompeii refugee, And that hair and make was truly hideous.
How can you NOT notice the boob issue on this dress?
If Carol Burnett was doing a parody of an Ancient Rome movie, this would have been her dress ("I just saw it in the window and I couldn't resist.").
The model looked fat and matronly. I don't get all the love for Rami.
Ok, I have to say, I just don't see the "hotness" factor with Rami! He's kinda creepy to me! And I hate the way the back of his head goes right into his neck with no curve at the base of his skull. Blech! That's freaky.
Oh, and the toga was ridiculous.
i hated the color, thought the dress was fine. But damn! is he gorgeous! Smug or not, I'd do him!
I gotta say- I find draping fabric beautifully to be pretty hard, so that he did it so well. I am impressed. However, poor Ashley, it looks like her bewbs are too different sizes and on completely different planes of her body. Honestly, I'm a woman and that is a look I never go for...
And those shoes.... note to Rami. Never again reach for the Jaclyn Smith collection shoes... Don't go there, cutie. Really. Don't go there.
I really don't know why Rami won with that drapy thing. Because he's hot?
Really, really undeserving, IMO.
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