Darlings, you better hurry because the first episode of PR Canada is up on YouTube and God only knows how long it's gonna stay.
In Part 1, the designers meet and silently judge each other, then they all form little cliques and judge the other cliques.
You can watch Parts 2-8 here.
(Photo: Slice.ca)
(Video: MsRoyalT/YouTube)
OHMYGOD Tyler is HOT HOT HOT!!!!!!
Biddell is fabulous!
Iman is Fierce!
Can't wait to watch the rest of the episode! I'll be back : - )
I love Project Runway ...any country! I love this show!
"Please stop touching your garment NOW"
LOL. I love it!
I like the fact that they have designers from several parts of the world, not just Canadians.
Good riddance!! That guy was so arrogant!
Actually, they're all Canadians. I'd say about 30% of Canadians arrived within the last 20 years or so, but we welcome them as soon as they put down roots. It's a Canadian thing.
I'm in raptures the PRGayboys are blogging a bit about PRCanada. I saw the 90 minute presentation special last week, and my interest was piqued.
I'm not sure yet the designers are going to be as entertaining as their American counterparts. People don't go in for theatrics much over here. And they let the bitchiest guy go first. IMO the outfit Stephen presented was even worse than his, but the fact that he transformed a towel into a vest seems to have saved his ass.
Not sure about the mentor either. He seemed to me a paler version of Tim Gunn. And Iman... Oh my God! Scary lady. Her halting delivery makes her sound like a Supreme Court Judge denying your appeal minutes before they prepare that lethal syringe. "You just don't measure up." with pauses in between each word.
I kept expecting her to rap their knuckles with a steel ruler during the runway part of the show. Stephen said that if Iman said something bad about his outfit on the runway, he'd die... I wonder if we'll see him tonight.
Thanks so much boys! Iman is one fabulous bitch; loved when she started arguing with the other judge.
Well, gosh, gee, thanks for the Monday gift. Superb.
I love Iman but her delivery is awful.
" Bop said...
Thanks so much boys! Iman is one fabulous bitch; loved when she started arguing with the other judge."
I know right? I was like oh my god she's going to kill them. You do not disagree with her. Hahaha.
Thank you so much for this!!
roxy wrote
>I'd say about 30% of Canadians arrived within the last 20 years or so<
When I was a kid in Canada, in a small coastal village, we, the kids, were all first generation Canadians. Our parents were from all over the world. This meant that there was always a holiday or celebration in somebody's culture
on the calendar and we had a year round party going :-)
"I'm sorry but you just don't measure up"
Iman is a goddess. If I had been one of the designers and saw her arrive by boat, I'm sure I would have started peeing in my pants!
On a side note, I am so tickled to see an Asian queen (Stephen)among the group! Only because I'm Asian myself and am overjoyed whenever Asians are portrayed in the media outside of the quiet-studious-good-in-math-and-science mode. Stephen is so cute. He sounds a lot like Kayne. You go, girl!
Love this show. LOVE IT!
Iman's (her entrance, FABULOUS!) inflection is commanding, unique and yes, dammit, scary. I can see David Bowie galloping obediently around the penthouse to her every word. The mentor, Brian Bailey, is a less motherly Tim Gunn; I find him quite sexy. I'm more afraid of their Nina Garcia because she's blunt like a billy club to the back of the head. No mincing from her! This is an awesome amuses bouche until Nov 14. Thank you/Merci Canada!
Emma P.
I think the win is between Kendra and Lucien.
YAY! I loved the last minute twist of the challenge. Thanks, Boys!
I love Megan. I think she's so cool and talented.
" j-yo said...
Stephen is so cute. He sounds a lot like Kayne. You go, girl!"
He is. I love the way he talks. I didn't think his design was that bad.
Thank you Thank you SO MUCH for this dose of Project Runway! I have been bereft anticipating the arrival of the next American season.
I love Iman. Pauses and all. If I was as gorgeous as her I would talk however the fuck I pleased and to hell with all those jealous bitches and their opinions!!
But seriously there is some serious talent on that show and the anadian public is in for a big treat. Next eppy please!!
"jinxy said...
If I was as gorgeous as her I would talk however the fuck I pleased and to hell with all those jealous bitches and their opinions!! "
What a great Monday surprise, darlings! Iman is fabulous! I thought the designers were very talented and interesting to watch. Hope we get to see more episodes.
Am I the only one that thinks Marie Genevieve's dress bears a striking resemblence to a couple in Jeffrey's final collection?
Oh Brian, please get rid of the 70s porn moustache. It's making it hard for me to listen to you!
I find this less "nice" than American PR, both in judging and in Brian's bluntness where Tim would purse his lips and shrug a bit. It's a refreshing change!
(Isn't Heatherette's 15 minutes over yet?)
I can just see it now the Dominatrix Iman PR Canada doll at Holt Renfrew. Did you see her put him in his place, LOL!
Is Stephen transgendered? I can't tell if this person is a man or a woman. I'm so confused!
Every time I saw Iman I fan girl squeed... LOVE HER!
I wish Iman had been guest judge for the recycling challenge in Season 3! Imagine her telling Vincent, "An 'art piece' belongs in a MUSEUM."
Hey, Canuck!
Are you from B.C.? I'm on the east coast (Quebec) and over here, the new arrivals tend to stick to the big cities, and I don't know of any very ethnic-based Maritime villages. Then again, I might not know everything.
It must have been fun living in your village.
First impressions:
Iman - I could listen to her talk (and look at her and wish I looked half that good) all. day. long. Clearly, she doesn't need any Heidi-esque redubbings. She's so perfect I'd hate her if it was possible!
Brian: Robert Goulet's look from the 70s coupled with Tim Gunn's inflections
Biddell: the Canadian Jay
Darin: Red Shirt 1
Megan: Red Shirt 2
The rest? We'll wait and see!
PS - you can watch the whole episode on line legitimately Here
Oops! Sorry to my non-Canadian friends! You have to have a .ca IP address. Mea culpa!
oh my god...
I think I'm in love.
Oh god, the catchphrase? "You don't measure up." Brilliant!
This show is INCREDIBLE. My Canadian boyfriend sent it to me after he saw it. The designers are an amazing bunch and holy crap is Iman amazing or what? Her stilted delivery during the challenges is odd but when she's judging and arguing with the judges, well.. that's a refreshing change from PR:American, lemme tell you.
My boyfriend met Kendra and has seen her shows in Toronto prior to this show! I feel it a bit in my heart to root for her, but honestly, I just want to stare at Biddel for an hour. Is that so wrong?
I always imagine Iman has a whip in her pocket somewhere. Woman is fabu and all, but so severe. Ouch!
Brian with Robert Goulet's mustache! Ha! I thought I recognised it.
I can't believe that french girl won wih her Jeffery knock-off.
I too thought MG's dress was just like one of Jeffrey's finale dresses, and I was surprised they didn't call her on it. She also put macramé on the dress - almost like Angela and Jeffrey had a "love" child.
Very glad I can access the slice.ca site. It'll help make the wait for PR4 a little easier to bear.
I love Iman's comment
I loved Iman's comment More tragic than magic
Thank you for letting us know about the YouTube episodes. I feel born again after a new PR fix.
Loved it!
Biddel is hot, but needs to loose that hair-thing he has going on. I can't wait to see it morph as the show progresses.
Marie Genvieve's dress was VERY much in the style of Jeffrey's haute-couture dress from last year. Not surprising that she won with that.
Stephen should be on the ground kissing Iman's feet for not getting cut - she looked like a $2 hooker in that outfit.
The non-sewing issue with that Shanghai lady will probably not go on too long - we know from experience how quickly those get cut.
Looking forward to seeing more for sure!
Marty the Wizard
" Anonymous said...
I wish Iman had been guest judge for the recycling challenge in Season 3! Imagine her telling Vincent, "An 'art piece' belongs in a MUSEUM."
The judges are tough, just like the ones from Project Catwalk. If people think Nina Garcia is tough they ain't seen nothing yet.
Awesome episode! I can't wait to watch more.
Thank you for the reminder. I had completely forgotten about it. Very nice!
I love how all the designers talk about how awesome they are and Biddell says, “Don’t *** with me ‘cause I’m going to win this ***.”
He's my favorite. Go Biddell!!
The show is brutal. I love it!
I thought Brian Bailey was good as well. He's got the experience and the knowledge to guide them.
I agree Mello - I felt it was a combination of his newspaper dress and the couture dress. I loved it all the same tho but it was very very Jeffrey!
Thank you for the link, bitches. Iman is divine. Those judges better not disagree again with the Diva. LOL.
" This is an awesome amuses bouche until Nov 14. Thank you/Merci Canada!
Emma P."
Yes, it is. I want more!!
Loved the idea of both challenges. If that second one didn't create some friction, nothing will.
Brian Bailey reminded me of Dan Ackroyd impersonating a cop. Except he's issuing fashion violations.
And Iman? Lighten. Up. It's. Just. Fashion.
-- rain brain
What a treat! I loved it. Thanks guys, for posting the link so we could see it before it gets yanked from YouTube.
And thanks, MsRoyalT, whoever you are. We non-Canadians greatly appreciate your efforts and we'd love to see future episodes on YouTube.
I think if I'd have been Darin, I'd have shriveled up and died when Iman delivered her "you just don't measure up" line. Brutal.
Are you guys going to talk about Jeffrey Sebelia's fashion week collection? It's pretty important since he's the only winner to do fashion week again the year after winning. Plus I'd like to hear your take on it.
Damn, I had no idea how bad I needed a Project Runway fix!
That was delicious!
I loved this! Iman is awesome and I LOVE her line delivery; it definitely adds an air of impending doom. So glad Darin got the boot, he was workin' my nerves. I thought Stephen really was going to cry when Iman slammed his outfit; I fully expect him to get the vapors before the season is over. Did not like Biddell at all, not one iota. Ridiculous hair and what's up with that faux fur shrug?
So far so good. I think it looks better than Project Runway US. Iman is positively regal, isn't she? My single complaint is the catch phrase, "You don't measure up." It's too harsh, and I don't see the necessity of force-feeding puns to the viewer.
Woah! Heavy. (sorry. watched a Young Ones marathon yesterday and can't stop channeling Neil the Hippie...)
Brian Bailey? What a a junior-high gym teacher. Gang up on him designers and shave that hideous thing off his face.
-- desertwind
How annoying for me, I can't seem to get Slice videos on my internet provider because I'm in the wrong country (USA) or maybe just because I'm from the Deep South... and the last espisode is not up on UTube yet...
Thanks, guys. It was a great pick-me-up for a Monday! I liked Brian - a little more specific advice than Tim, I thought. Iman is gorgeous but scared me to death. Marie Genevieve? - talented but too much Jeffrey in that one to make me happy. (Been there, seen that!) I liked the guy from Transylvania's dress a lot, but they all seem pretty talented. At least there doesn't seem to be a Vincent headcase in the bunch. Are we seeing some foreshadowing for the errant non-seamstress? Who knows - I hope we will be able to continue to watch this. I heart you, PRGayboys.
Don't forget to vote for our guys! http://www.bloggerschoiceawards.com/blogs/show/12153
I finally got to watch the end and that was Jeffrey's couture dress, but with less tootie showing.
I love little Stephen the tranny! He seems overwhelmed tho. But there's Megan for cannon fodder, so maybe he'll last a bit longer.
The guy crying in the preview will probably win the next one.
That link is determined to cut off! www.bloggerschoiceawards.com/blogs/show/12153
Iman is so mean and cruel. I love her!
Love it.
How refreshing to have Asian Canadian men on the show...I've been anxiously awaiting for an Asian American man on Project Runway (US) but alas, I haven't found any. (The Asian women, however, were ROCKING it here in the states). Geez, you'd think only Asian women exist in the US based on the first 4 seasons! Haha.
And, I wouldn't be so quick to identify Stephen as transgendered unless it is explicitly stated. If he is, then that's great! The community would be lucky to have Stephen represent! I do think using the term "tranny" (slur for transgendered) is problematic and would hope people wouldn't use the word. I don't think he is, however, but it's really up to Stephen to let us know if he wants to. For now, I'm just going to use male pronouns with Stephen.
Go Lincoln and Stephen!!!
Thank you for sharing this! Please put up pointers to the next episodes as soon as they go up.
I loved Iman and Brian. Thought they were both great. Frankly, I prefer Iman to Heidi, but I know that is a sacreligious thing to say.
THanks again!
Iman hails from Somalia; English is probably not her primary language. While she didn't have this speech pattern in the movies, there's a difference between extemp speech and memorized lines.
Gorgeous Things: Does red shirt mean cannon fodder (as in Star Trek reference)? Or is there something else?
Iman is gorgeous. She makes my teech ache. AND SHE'S MARRIED TO DAVID BOWIE!!!
OMG...did you see the look on Shawn Hewson's face when Mr. Transylvania said that clothes in Canada are all "plain"....he is dead meat from here on in.
Looks great, except I dont think Canadian models have the highly developed drama cortex like the U.S. ones do..
And I guess Bravo had "You are either in or you're out" copywritten and now we are stuck with the ever so trite "you just don't measure up"...
I hope we get to see this every week!!! Boys....if you see anything that hits you- feel free to blog it- but NO PRESSURE or anything!! :-)
obviously doesnt beat the original but
its the off season!!!
Biddell is my fave!
and Marie G.
they tried there haredy to come up with their own catch phriases...but, they just dont cut it,
see what i did?
any way i HATE that phrase!
keep us posted on when new episodes come out please!!!!
P.S- did any one else catch Brian say "make it happen?" niiice
I loved Marie Genevieve! She's so cute with those big chunky glasses! I wish I could get away with those!
I also liked Carlie Wong.
But all those people are too nice. I want drama!!!!
Tonight's episode had them make a cocktail dress from recycled umbrellas. The chickie with immunity actually admitted to Iman that she was "testing the judges" to see who they would react, as part of her strategy (which was all about not trying on this challenge). I thought Iman was going to get physical ...
I was so bummed this morning when I thought "Sigh... no musical monday". But this is the best surprise ever! Totally made my day! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm in love with Carlie Wong. She's gorgeous *and* talented.
Thanks! Loved it!
I had my own PR marathon over the weekend watching seasons 1 and 2.
Stephen -- Austin's long lost twin? LOL
Bidell with that faux fur shrug --- Jay did the same the thing with a white fur.
Liked the winning dress even if it was very-Jeffrey.
When the one dude said Canada only had plain clothes, I really felt sorry for him.
Brian Bailey looks just like my son's elementary school principal from 10 years ago! That's all I could think every time he was on the screen
Everyone has noted MG's Jeffrey dress, but her quickfire dress? Uli all the way.
Glad to see the aufed asshat go... the barefoot thing drives me crazy (Peter Simon...yeah, Carly's brother...runs around our island trying to be a barefoot hippie and I want to smack him)
And I adore the theme song! Runway! Runway! Runwaaaay!
I love Stephen! I love when he said that fashion requires more than just great clothes, it requires a great personality behind it. He's so right.
For those who're wondering, I don't think Stephen is transgendered, not with the pair of Y-fronts someone pulled out of his suitcase!
And the French-Canadian girl, Marie-Geneviève, is going to turn into one of the bitchiest contestants, mark my word. She's sending out superior geek vibes like crazy!
At least, I hope so. So far, save for a couple of criers, the contestants have been depressingly low-key.
I loved it! Thank you so much for posting this. Now I want to see Episode 2. Hurry up, boys!
I can't stand Biddell! He's so smug and his hair bugs me to look at. Someone should shave it all off in his sleep.
whoever said "the term "tranny" (slur for transgendered)" that's not the way it works in the circles I run in. "Tranny" is more affectionate than anything.
And it's not an insult, so I'm hoping Stephen would not take it that way. I think he's fab--that was my point.
" Anonymous said...
I can't stand Biddell! He's so smug and his hair bugs me to look at. Someone should shave it all off in his sleep."
No he's not. He's a very kind, sweet, and generous guy and there's nothing wrong with his hair.
Thank God for YouTube!!! I loved it. If anyone is into downloading bit torrents...I saw this episode already up for download.
Ran into Lucian watching CNTM. He was the final runway show for Cycle 2.
"You Just Don't Measure Up."
Wasn't that Rachel Hunter's tagline on that "Style Me" show?
Regardless, I think Iman is gorgeous and I can't wait for more episodes!
It took me a while to get a chance to see the show. Overall I enjoyed it and it had good parts to it. But there were weak elements as well
Iman's entrance was terrific and she does have quite a presence and willing to speak her mind. However the edits should show her charm and softer side a little more. It's interesting in an interview how she says she's not considered anything special in terms of looks back in Somalia.
I like that they showed a lot of the creative process. That was definitively missing in PR3. However the pacing of the show during that part felt a little sluggish at times and I felt they devoted way too much time styling and the accesories wall.
More importantly I clearly saw the finished outfits of at least half the designers. 1 thing that is smart of the original PR is that you usually dont get to see a clear shot of the finished dress until the runway.
Part of the problem I feel was due to the camera work and part was spending too much time showing them pick accessories and at hair and makeup. The camerawork needs to be closer or more skewed so you can't see the whole outfit.
I felt the initial elimination challenge was kind of cruel happening so quickly. This kind of contest is hard enough on the people who make it through.
That being said overall I think the designers are talented and I saw a wide range of viewspoints and styles. although they need to lighten up a bit for their own sanity
Nice they have a real designer to mentor them. He does appear to help them a little more on the dresses. I am fearful he might accidentally help 1 of them too much.
Loved that they showed a little disagreement in the judges'caucus. You hear how in the original PR how they have disagreed on certain outfits but it would be nice to show the conflict once in a while.
Frank Hui
I'm glad someone finally said they didn't like Biddell. He is heinous. He seems like he'll be the Jeffrey/Santino of the bunch. And I'm sorry, but the hair is baaaaaad.
Wow, this is out of the blue! The first part was fantastic. Inman looks incredible.
Off to watch the other parts ...
Iman :-)
PRboys!! Give us your rundown on PR Canada! I was watching it just grinning to myself, thinking what you'd say. I crave screencaps and captions!
And holy crap, are those producers manipulative. Somebody ELSE's clothing? That's a really quick way to manufacture drama.
It's too delicious, though.
Tried to watch Episode 2 this afternoon and was told that I am "from the wrong country." Are they planning to show PR Canada in the US at a later date? So disappointed.
LOVED IT. Thank God there's something to fill the void between here and the 14th.
Great episode! Iman is fabulous. Dare I say, better than Heidi?
We just posted a link to EPISODE 2. Please check our last entry.
iman is a terrible host!
I agree with you about Iman...amazingly, I find her close to unwatchable. Is it possible she wasn't their first choice as a hostess? I mean yes, she's a supermodel and dropdead gorgeous...a very decided presence...but she's so abrasive. I keep waiting for the brilliance, the fabulous judgment, but all I am finding is the crankiness. It doesn't show her well at all.
This show is fucking lame.
Iman hasn't had any credibility in the fashion world ever since the 90s ended, whereas Heidi is still a top model. Even though Heidi says the same shit in each episode, at least she can deliver her lines smoothly, whereas Iman takes forever to say a line due to her pause after every syllable and her frequent mistakes in saying a word. She shouldn't be a TV host if she can't even talk.
The Canadian Tim Gunn equivalent is annoying because he never leaves the contestants alone, gives too specific advice to everyone, and says inspirational bullshit. Also, his voice cannot compare to the velvety smoothness of Tim Gunn. I love Tim Gunn.
This show seems so drawn out and boring compared to the American version. It seems like the contestants get way too much time, the challenges are too easy, or the show isn't edited down enough. Cut down the footage of the contestants in their apartment because these people are so boring in their social interactions--Project Runway shouldn't be Big Broth
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