Friday, September 14, 2007 by
Jesus Christ, was that a makeover show or a hostage situation? Could this show be any more devoid of lightness and humor of any kind? One word kept repeating itself in our heads last night over and over as we watched this thing: dreary. We've resigned ourselves to the tear-filled endings on these things, but where's the sense of fun? This show feels like a physics lecture. In the immortal words of the Duchess,
"Lighten up, it's just fashion!"
Plus, it looks like we really are going to have to sit through this ridiculously complicated "process" every single week. We realize that they have to do something to differentiate themselves from the other makeover shows out there, but we sat there last night yelling "JUST TAKE HER SHOPPING! THIS NECKLINE! THIS HEMLINE! THIS SLEEVE! BOOM! YOU'RE DONE!" at the TV.
Now let's talk panties for a second. While we think it's good that the show is driving home the
point that a good wardrobe starts with good foundation garments, we think that whole "going through your underwear drawer" is unnecessarily humiliating for the client and we didn't blame her one bit for her meltdown. We asked a gal pal if she'd let Tim Gunn rifle through her underwear drawer on national television. Her response: "Hell, no! That's where I keep my vibrator! On the other hand, if it
means I get a Catharine Malandrino dress, I might." Producers, we beg you, lose this segment. By all means, take her to a "bra specialist" (a job title right up there with "lactation consultant" for sheer ridiculosity), but don't make these poor women hold their granny panties up to the camera.
On another side note: Did every skinny gay Black man in America become a "runway expert?"

Speaking of skinny and gay, it was fun seeing Rene again but we were disappointed there were no ass shots.
Veronica's hair and makeup are still too severe. She looks like a prison matron - and for a makeover show host, her wardrobe ain't all that great, either. She and Tim
still have almost no chemistry with each other. She doesn't seem to know what to say half the time and Tim desperately needs someone to loosen him up because the "prissy Professor" persona is not helping things. Bravo posted some outtakes from the show and it's a little distressing because they clearly show a Tim and Veronica that we're not seeing: relaxed, loose, and funny. Why was this stuff edited out? Take a look:
Hi T&L
Oh no, Tim Gunn's show has aired and unfortunately I am in Asia.
I am totally bummed out so pls keep me posted with the lastest on bravotv.
I hate to admit it, but I was so bored by the previous installments that I didn't bother to watch the show. I went to bed early instead. Now I'm glad I didn't lose any sleeping time over it. I Tivo'd it, but maybe I'll just delete it. Too bad - it coulda been a contender.
Oh, dear. The outtakes make it even more obvious that Tim & Veronica really don't have much chemistry. And your "lighten up" comment isn't surprising, even just based on the promos I saw (I didn't see the show). A major weight loss is indeed a big personal achievement, but they were acting like she'd discovered penicillin or something.
"By all means, take her to a "bra specialist" (a job title right up there with "lactation consultant" for sheer ridiculosity), but don't make these poor women hold their granny panties up to the camera."
Spoken like 2 gay men who were never in desperate need of a lactation consultant!! And when those days are done, then you are in desperate need of a bra specialist!
But otherwise, you are right on target, as usual. I turned it off halfway through. But I couldn't wait to see what you two had to say about it. What does that say?? I feel terrible for Tim and hope this show turns around PRONTO. Until it does, I'll just enjoy the Tim Gunn book you so graciously sent me.
" I was so bored by the previous installments that I didn't bother to watch the show. I went to bed early instead."
I agree. I love St. Tim, but I can't seem to get into this show. I've watched the first episode twice, yet I can't get excited about it. Ehhh, back to What Not To Wear.
"Spoken like 2 gay men who were never in desperate need of a lactation consultant!!"
Oh god, the mommy brigade is back.
Why, T & L, why?
No need to disparage lactation consultants. Why should mothers give formula companies $$$ if we don't have to?
Some women do need help finding bras that fit well. Some women need help with breastfeeding.
Not all funbags are the same. We don't all have fabulously perky tits like Laura or the Klum.
Usually you guys are funny and spot-on with your OPINIONS.
But this---
By all means, take her to a "bra specialist" (a job title right up there with "lactation consultant" for sheer ridiculosity)
Not so much.
Without the mommy brigade, none of you bitches would have the delicious priviledge of snark.
And oh yeah, you wouldn't be alive.
Hate mothers much?
Mr. O'Bannion gave me a come hither look 15 minutes into the show last night (and a million dollars in Monopoly money to anyone who understands that allusion), and I said to myself, "Who do I love more? Mr. O'Bannion or Tim Gunn?" So, I'm hoping to catch a rerun sometime soon here but in the meantime, yes to what T&L are saying. But I have to think that there will be no changes before this mini-series runs its course because all these episodes have to be all done and edited by now. Bravo had a chance to do something original with a very original personality like Tim, but they've blown it. That's not to say there aren't still nuggets of useful information here and there each episode, but it's not the cornucopia of entertainment and information that most PR episodes are.
Incidentally, a poster who does seems to be JeAnne, last night's Underwear Drawer Assault Survivor (UDAS?), has appeared over on BPR. The universe shrinks just a little bit more. Dontcha love it?
You know, I had decided that I could not watch a makeover show, even one featuring Tim Gunn, whom I adore and whose bobblehead doll I have on my desk, urging me to 'make it work' - I think reading this I know why.
But please, bring on Project Runway season 4, I can't stand it any more!
Oh, and the LaLeche League is cybermeeting over on another mainframe.
Says a proud former lactator but who doesn't come here for the boob talk.
Too bad you boys committed yourselves to watching this dog. I even enouraged you, before I watched it myself that is. I never thought St. Tim would allow this to happen. Like gorgeous things, I just couldn't subject myself to it again. It's worse than Top Design, and that's saying something.
When does PR start again?
They're quickly running into the "Queer Eye for the Straight Girl" problem - "make-betters" aren't fun to watch. There are a lot of tweaks they need to do that you've outlined, but one of the biggies is finding women who can roll with the punches and don't need to be propped up emotionally and praised endlessly to succeed in this transformation. I want Tim and Veronica layin' down some fashion rules and helping women FIND CLOTHES, not a Dr. Phil-style tearfest.
This show is so bad because it treats the makeover and dressing well as the most important thing in life.It isn't it never will be so lighten up. Tim and Veronica are so solemn and serious. Stacy and Clinton are so much more fun and I think their advice is better too. Without the designers and tension around him, Tim just falls flat. Just no fun to watch.
"This show is so bad because it treats the makeover and dressing well as the most important thing in life."
" agnes gooch said...
Oh, and the LaLeche League is cybermeeting over on another mainframe.
Says a proud former lactator but who doesn't come here for the boob talk. "
"This show is so bad because it treats the makeover and dressing well as the most important thing in life."
I have to disagree - this show is bad for a lot of reasons, but not because it puts too much importance on fashion and the makeover. If they don't seem to think the makeover is a big deal, why would the viewer care about it?
Oy Vey.
You know where we first heard the term "lactation consultant?" When one of Tom's sisters gave birth. Tom's mother and Tom's 3 sisters (all of whom are mothers) thought the term and the job were utterly ridiculous. This has nothing whatsoever with us being gay men and the idea that we "hate" mothers because we think it's a silly job title is so ridiculous that we can't believe we have to address it.
We don't hate mothers and we have not one thought about breastfeeding. We think it's a silly job title and we made a JOKE about it. This is, after all, a blog built around making snarky jokes. It's why you all come here, no?
We made a joke about skinny gay Black men becoming "runway experts" and yet none of you leapt to the conclusion that we hate skinny gay Black men, did you?
Love the show. I see them as getting better. They obviously heard the outcry re: that Gallagher guy "lifestylist". Glad his tacky ass is history. Granted it has some crappy spots(catwalk guy, meh), but that woman's transformation was inspiring. Plus, I'd let TIM.GUNN.(Tim Gunn!) rifle through my sex toy arsenal, uh, underwear drawer for a Carmen Marc Valvo dress without blinking. Love Carmen Marc, how encouraging, empowering was he?
Rene Fris, still hot after all these months-- can't wait for Shear Genius to return.
And could somebody tell me who the HELL that incredible hunk of man meat that did JeAnne's makeup is? OMG! The smile, the voice, the clean head-- YUM!
As far as the show is concerned I hope the improvement trend continues.
Emma P.
T&L, you have my sympathy. Last week you were accused of selling out because you didn't hate the show enough and this week you apparently hate mommies. Don't let the humorless get you down.
I am devoted to St. Tim, but I agree that this show is must see -- or even maybe see. I am willing to give it one more episode, but I think that instead I may go back to Queer Eye (which I dropped several years ago) for its final season.
Totally agree on the "lighten up!" This lady deserved admiration for her tremendous weight loss, but too much of the episode was her thanking Tim & Veronica repeatedly, and Tim saying over and over how proud they are of her. We get it!!
Also, I'd love to see the fashion experts help women (of various shapes/sizes) find clothes at their local stores. How many of us have access to Catherine Malandrino or Carmen Marc Valvo?
I don't think T & L hate mothers.
I keep expecting the show to get better, but it's the same thing every single episode. At least they got rid of that life coach freak.
I can't wait to see Laura Bennett on the next episode 'cause honey that was her voice. That was her "hello."
I still say I will watch anything with Tim Gunn on it, even if he's just spending an hour opening his mail. This show needs a lot of work, I think we can all agree on that. The underwear drawer violation has GOT to end, although apparently that won't happen until next season, if it does at all. Basically, a "bra specialist" is a salesperson in the lingerie dept. of any store, who knows how to measure a woman for the proper fit. Instead of going through her drawers, just take her to the damn store and get her some new stuff! I don't want to be looking at anyone's old underwear. Oh yeah, and as a former breastfeeder, I totally got your analogy about lactation specialists. Good Lord.
LOVED the segment with Rene Fris and his people, and I am now a Carmen Marc Valvo fan. Always liked his clothes, now I like him too. Keep the designers! Catherine Malandrino and Carmen Marc Valvo being so complimentary and supportive to these women is a big plus for the show. But (and you know there always is a "But" in there) they NEED to lose all these "lifestyle expert/runway specialists/god knows what they'll make them suffer through next" experts.
And, finally, am I the only one who thinks Veronica Webb should be the next person they make over? What's up with the hair, makeup and wardrobe? She usually looks great. What the hell happened to her?
It's Mame! It's Mame!!!!
When do I get my money and my Monopoly game??
JeAnne's a pretty woman, but that gap between her teeth is hard not to notice, even when she's in a beautiful outfit. I wish that instead of buying her an expensive handbag and necklace they had helped her with some dental work.
And yeah, you can show women how to buy bras that fit correctly without rummaging through their current undies!
I really think that they need to get rid of the "magic armoire" that dispenses rings, necklaces and handbags. I find that part of the show so patronizing. It's like "we know your sorry little self can not afford anything so marvelous so we will dangle a carrot in front of you and watch you drool"! Doesn't Tim look like he is in pain most of the time? Someone should tell him that he doesn't have to say yes to every show/book idea that comes his way. It is almost as if he is afraid that his 15 minutes is up.
If *I* signed myself up for a make-over show that was going to involve rifling my wardrobe, you can bet your panties I'd be doing some cleaning before anyone rummaged. Some things don't need to be seen in the glare of TV cameras.
I almost wish I had cable so I could watch this train wreck. T&L and Bravo outtakes will have to do, though!
And at least one skinny gay black man (with impeccable taste in 3-piece, pinstriped suits) is teaching at a women's college in the deep south. Swear.
"Tom & Lorenzo said...
Oy Vey.
You know where we first heard the term "lactation consultant?" When one of Tom's sisters gave birth. Tom's mother and Tom's 3 sisters (all of whom are mothers) thought the term and the job were utterly ridiculous. This has nothing whatsoever with us being gay men and the idea that we "hate" mothers because we think it's a silly job title is so ridiculous that we can't believe we have to address it."
You DON'T have to address it.
Apparently SOME people had an unfortunate mix-up at the maternity ward: Getting a lobotomy instead of an epidural.
You two don't need to worry your pretty little heads about it though. We get ya.
--Gotham Tomato
Speaking as a mother, I know that you love mothers, even bad mommies! The only phrase I ever remembered from high school Latin definitely applies here: illegitmi (illegitimae?)non carborundum.
Please, Mommy Brigade, from one member to another -- Lighten up! I found the "bra specialist/lactation consultant" comment hilarious. Just because they ARE funny sounding titles doesn't mean that these are unimportant jobs. I don't think anyone reading this is going to run out and disparage breast-feeding mommies just because T&L made a funny.
Veronica is beautiful but her body language shows that she's uncomfortable, especially in those two clips. She's laughing, joking and sympathizing but she's facing away from Tim. Why anyone wouldn't use that opportunity to wrap him up that adorable guy and squeeze him tight is beyond me.
"Never underestimate the value of good quality undergarment foundations."
Now, say that six time fast! LOL. Hilarious! I love those outtakes.
OMG!! You guys are RIGHT! They MUST lose that underwear drawer segment. I felt terrible for JeAnn last night and totally understand her melt down -- and would have done the same thing!! We get the idea that she needs new undergarments -- 'nuf said. We don't have to SEE her undergarments!
I haven't figured out why Veronica Webb is on the show. Was it just so a woman could take her to the bra specialist? She doesn't offer much except to be someone for Tim to talk to. Can't Laura be that person?
Lastly, I give JeAnn A LOT of credit on her dramatic weight loss. She deserved to be on the show and she looks FABULOUS!!
I think Tim needs someone to go through HIS underwear drawer. Less starch, less tighty, less whitey.
Anonymous said...
JeAnne's a pretty woman, but that gap between her teeth is hard not to notice, even when she's in a beautiful outfit. I wish that instead of buying her an expensive handbag and necklace they had helped her with some dental work.
I loved her smile.
Ok, am I the ONLY one that HATES the phone call in the beginning with the race home to change? It's the most staged and stupid thing ever. Obviously they have cameras around them and mics on, so DUH! The underwear drawer is too over-dramatic and unnecessary. I liked the out-takes much better than the actual show since they're more relaxed and laughing at least. I hope they find a way to fix it because I love Tim Gunn to death. PR needs to start ASAP.
I see no reason for Veronica Webb to be on this show. Is her job title a fashion Vanna White? All she seemed to do was to hold up clothes. No chemistry with Tim is obvious and she looked pissed off and uncomfortable during most of the show.
One thing I have to say - JeAnne looked awesome. Before AND after. She's gorgeous!
Curse that Harvey Weinstein for not allowing Magical Elves to produce this show. If anyone's wondering why the show is as bad as Top Design look no further than Stone Company as producers.
They wouldn't know a spontaneous moment if it bit them on the ass.
Or left breast.
-- desertwind
I wrote Anonymous 10:47. I thought T&L were joking and I thought I was teasing right back. That got real serious real fast.
No hard feelings, boys.
It's too much fun here too get that serious about ANYTHING.
Psst.. boys, are you going to blog about Christian (with the red pants).
Gentlemen, leave discussions about the worthiness of lactation consultants (hate to hear what title you'd suggest for that job instead) to those of us who nurse.
Anonymous said...
Gentlemen, leave discussions about the worthiness of lactation consultants (hate to hear what title you'd suggest for that job instead) to those of us who nurse.
Madame, leave the criticisms to those who can actually READ, since the boys had nothing whatsoever to say about the "worthiness" of lactation consultants.
" Anonymous said...
Gentlemen, leave discussions about the worthiness of lactation consultants (hate to hear what title you'd suggest for that job instead) to those of us who nurse."
You guys are ridiculously hypersensitive. The boys said NOTHING about the worthiness of lactation, NOTHING about the job or THE IMPORTANCE of breastfeeding. THEY MADE FUN OF THE JOB TITLE. Is that so hard to understand?
Just go away. You just spoil the fun for some of us who can actually take a joke. And feel free to delete this post, Boys, but I'm just sick of these mothers who can't take even the slightest joke about anything having to do with motherhood.
" Anonymous said...
Gentlemen, leave discussions about the worthiness of lactation consultants (hate to hear what title you'd suggest for that job instead) to those of us who nurse."
Job title suggestions!
Nursing coach
Tit Bitch
Humorless Whore
Can we focus on the freaking show and Tim Gunn PLEASE?
Well darn I like Tim pieces and this show is sad and sort of grey and serious as you pointed out.
I agree with you T and L they can cut the underwear drawer sequence....thanks but no thanks. Take them to the bra master and be done with it.
Somehow reading the posts I missed out on the big lactation conflict. Having lactated long ago....I could care less about the whole topic. I didn't find your comments insensitive. Nursing gives you tougher nipples...toughen up moms. Find a real cause and put your energy there.
I actually like last nights show so much better than the first. And I agree about going through the underwear is just too humiliating.
It's humiliating. I would NEVER let anyone see my underwear drawer on TV, and darlings, my drawer is full of fabulous Victoria Secret pieces. Was this segment supposed to be funny? It's embarrassing.
i adore this show! love it love it love it, loved it even more after last night's episode.
tim is always precious, and i found myself wondering why he didn't hook up ~ at least for a little dick ~ with the designer. he was very cute.
the only thing that set my teeth on edge was that icky hair guy. bleeech. hated him in whatever it was, the hair version of runway.
but this show? precious! not so hot on the undies thing, but it's likely because i envision myself going through the process and the look of shock and stunned horror on tim gunn's face when i tell him i've not worn panties since 1976.
LOVE this show. love it. i want tim gunn to come live in my house and style my life.
and the segments about hearing music in your head? every freakin' day. so happy to be validated on that count.
walking with a book on her head? done it. used to practice in the halls of my parents' house: the princess walk.
this is like a cinderella story to me and i think it's fabulous.
seriously... why can't they show us the loose and funny?? I like the show, sort of. I do like the ideas behind it... but last night... I fell asleep before the end. I agree that picking up the pace would improve things, and varying the order of operations. I do love Tim Gunn though, which means I will continue to watch.
Anonymous said...
JeAnne's a pretty woman, but that gap between her teeth is hard not to notice, even when she's in a beautiful outfit. I wish that instead of buying her an expensive handbag and necklace they had helped her with some dental work.
Superficial much? I thought she had a beautiful smile. I suppose Laura Hutton and Madonna need to get some dental work done too.
" Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
JeAnne's a pretty woman, but that gap between her teeth is hard not to notice, even when she's in a beautiful outfit. I wish that instead of buying her an expensive handbag and necklace they had helped her with some dental work.
Superficial much? I thought she had a beautiful smile. I suppose Laura Hutton and Madonna need to get some dental work done too."
GREAT! Now we can give the "lactation specialist" a break and focus on the dental comment. UNBEFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!!
As others have said, I love, love, love Tim. But I cannot watch this show. I have been looking forward to his guidelines to figure out what I should purchase but I cannot take this dreary show. And buy them underwear but don't put it on TV. And never ever bring back the lifestylist. If you guys are going to continue to watch it I will read your blog and see if it gets any better. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
I thought this episode was better than the premiere (didn't see the preview one). There's a lot of room for improvement though - I agree with most of what has been said here. There is a good show lurking somewhere beneath the surface but these producers don't have the talent to find it. Based on this show, Top Design's badness was no fluke.
JeAnne did look fabulous in that Carmen Marc Valvos dress though, and he was pretty fabulous too. The trip to Macy's seemed dreary, and some of the outfits looked like they didn't capture JeAnne's youth or spirit.
And he may be a beloved character around here, but Rene is great only to look at. His patter just sounded phony here.
And all the praise about losing the weight might seem like overkill to us but they may have been doing that partly to lift her spirits, and partly to make up for what happened that wasn't shown. Making fun of her wedding dress should indeed put Tim to shame. There are some places you just don't go. Better producers would have done enough homework that Tim didn't step into that quagmire.
Much has been made about VW's bad hair and makeup. Well, I think she's had awful plastic surgery and they're trying to cover it up... hence the too-heavy blush and distracting helmet-head. The skin around her mouth is unnaturally taut. Maybe she's just had too much botox, but her face just doesn't look right to me.
Remember when SJP sported a bob towards the end of Sex and the City? That was right after she had work done. And Irish lass Roma Downey was suddenly bronzed on that god show--that was covering up some tragically bad facework.
Milky Mary
Remember when SJP sported a bob towards the end of Sex and the City? That was right after she had work done.
Sorry, but I want my televised fashion advice to come in an entertaining package -- and I think Tim Gunn is at his most entertaining when he's (a) appalled but trying to be polite, (b) appalled and can't stop himself from saying so, or (c) brimming with "We'll aren't you FABulous!? Well done!" Unfortunately, reacting to a fashion-disabled guest with either of the first two responses would be unfunny at best, and completely ungracious at worst(thus not something MY Tim Gunn would stoop to). But watching him buffer his reactions to a guest's bad clothing choices, sigh when she tries to ignore his advice and -- finally -- attempt to discuss her undergarments without actually having to say the words "bra" or "panties" was too painful. I adore Tim Gunn but he's got to find something better than this.
"Tom & Lorenzo said...
Oy Vey.
You know where we first heard the term "lactation consultant?" When one of Tom's sisters gave birth. Tom's mother and Tom's 3 sisters (all of whom are mothers) thought the term and the job were utterly ridiculous."
Got your meaning the first time.
Glad you resisted the urge to say *udderly* ridiculous...
I was a bit underwhelmed also. I have to give props to Bennie Ninja though; I absolutely hated him on ANTM but he was great last night! Jeanne looked more relaxed and happy with him than she did at any other time during the show. Agree about the lack of chemistry; Tim really does need someone to call him out on his prissiness (I say it with love!)
I thought it was hilarious when Veronica mentioned how Jeanne didn't know how to show since there was nothing to wear at shops for large ladies. Then Tim nodded his head, agreeing, and they both tsk tsk'd. Please. As if anyone in the fashion world cared about selling clothes to large women.
In another entry, someone commented "fashion is a business". Well, "fashion" is missing an opportunity to sell clothes to the majority of women in this country. I don't understand it... there's MONEY to be MADE!
There's a lot of room for the improvement on the show. I agree that there's too much "stuff" going on in a single episode. But have you considered that you two aren't really the intended audience for it? This strikes me as a show that's intended to be genuinely instructional for women who are trying hard to learn about fashion but find it all too huge and overwhelming.
That said, it is sort of hanging in the middle between instructional and entertainment, so I hope they'll work it out on one side of the fence or the other. But shows have recovered from worse formats before, so I have hope.
"I suppose Laura Hutton and Madonna need to get some dental work done too."
-- Madonna yes. Lauren no. I could watch Lauren Hutton spit seeds through her teeth all day long. Rrrrowwr!
Boy Mr and Mrs Anonymous are sure busy today
AMEN, sistas. Tim Gunn NEEDS to read your Guide To Style posts.
On the subject of Veronica:
Nobody knows supermodels for their personalities. I don't know why they went with one.
Speaking to the mommy brigade, as one mommy to another:
Please go to and download one.
Now, to the subject at hand--namely, TG's GTS... Not even for a Malandrino gown would I let someone paw through my undies on national TV.
The show has potential, but, boy, does it need tweaking. Let's hope those high enough on the food chain are reading the comments!
LOVE Tim Gunn. HATE the show.
BTW, great site!
Re: SJP facework
not specific to the time of her bob, but the best I could find in a hurry.
I could not agree with you more boys.
I know you are the greatest fans of Tim but you have shown yourself to be the truly gloriously gay bitches that you are in calling this one as you see it. And that's why we're here.
Santino - - Santino Rice should be Tim's side kick. Santino does a great impersonation of Tim and could mock him during the show plus he does have a good eye. I could also imagine Santino disagreeing with Tim. Just to cleanse the pallet - - a guest every week like a designer/stylist/Laura Bennett.
"On another side note: Did every skinny gay Black man in America become a "runway expert?""
Thank you. Jaysus, this kind of crap is offensive. Like a mincing queen knows jackshit about teaching a real woman how to walk in her real life.
And what was up with the "posing"? She's supposed to do that when? And why?
Yeah okay,the segment sucked up five minutes. Perhaps that time would have been better spent teaching her how to spot quality workmanship in leather goods or even getting Laura Bennet in there with some of her tips on how to be fabulous as a woman. Anything other than these ridiculous and insulting "lifestyle experts" they're digging up.
They're losing me. One more week and if they don't pull it out, I'm gone.
Why is everyone ragging on Veronica Webb. People get a little older. She's a mom. She's not going to look exactly like you remember form her supermodel heyday. I think she's elegant, smart, and cute, and complements Tim well.
I really don't like this show though. ; (
I'd rather just see a fashion variety show, with runway segments, Tim visiting with designers and Project Runway alums, and maybe a segment with Todd Oldham doing crafts/giving interior decoration tips.
Just to add to what I said above, it could be like a Bravo all star lifestyle/fashion news show with segments on cooking (Top Chef folks), hairdressing, interior design, etc, etc, etc....
Skinny black guy? You mean Veronica?
"Just to cleanse the pallet - - a guest every week like a designer/stylist/Laura Bennett."
I just saw the preview for the coming episode. It's about the "momization of America," so guess who shows up...
" Doodles said...
"Just to cleanse the pallet - - a guest every week like a designer/stylist/Laura Bennett."
I just saw the preview for the coming episode. It's about the "momization of America," so guess who shows up..."
OHMYGOD Yes, Fabulous Mommy!
You bitches knew all along, didn't you?
I hate you both : )
I watched it.
I sighest.
Same ole / same ole as was noted last time.
The falsity and chirrupy gaity of the intro to the victim/guest.
It seemed to me that Webb's clothes didn't fit a couple of times -- the belts were too high on the dresses.
The melt-down over the underwear drawer was totally understandable, and I felt such empathy for her it is turning into hatred for the producers of the program for forcing that segment and then not editing it out, but actually showing it.
Webb's reaction to the victim's drawer meltdown was, however, heartfelt (I think) and deserving of a bravo.
I liked the part where they brought on the sister to help her shop. And saw no reason for them to shoo the sister away later, and the sister also didn't want to go.
I wonder if Tim Gunn is contractually forced to do whatever the Bravo producers tell him to do, and say whatever ignorant words they put in his mouth. If not, I strongly advise Mr Tim to dig his stylish little heels in, and say "no way" to any more of this contrived painful tripe until it's changed/fixed.
Even if he does have to repeat what they tell him to say, what's the worst that could happen if he suddenly developed a galloping case of Joan Crawforditis and had to take to his bed for a month or two? I'd sure be sending him a steaming cup of boullion to help his recovery and show understanding and suppport.
P.S. Why oh why did that poor little fat girl *have* to end up in a black dress?!? It's not a LBD, it's a designer gown. And they couldn't find her size in anything but black in the whole city of New York?
how is that runway guy's name BENNY NINJA? i mean, WTF?
sorry kids, but flaming gay boy and ninja do not go together in my mind.
all right: I love this show. Tim Gunn is like the new Mr Rogers in my life. I am exactly the kind of woman who needs to be on this show - crappy self-confidence, hideous wardrobe, cheap handbags (not even anything nice enough to have the name handbag; they're just bags). the style tips? i need them.
and come on! seeing JeAnne BEAMING after her session with Benny Ninja was awesome. and she looked great (except for the teeth).
and for what it's worth, i LOVE prissy professor style. it feels comfy and reassuring to me.
it is formulaic, and i get tired of hearing "you might not believe it, but we believe there are only 10 essential items...." - but i still love the show.
here's my pitch to Mr Gunn: do a mother/daughter multigenerational episode, featuring me, my mom (and my sister, who is tall and thin and looks nothing like me).
In response to the above (from Wikipedia, of course) :
"Houses", also called "drag houses" or "drag families", are groups composed primarily of gay males and transgendered people, most of whom are African American or Latino, banded together under a respected "house mother" (usually a drag queen or a transgendered person) or "house father".[1][4]
By far, the best known houses are New York City groups, especially those such as the House of Corey, the House of LaBeija, the House of Ninja, the House of Pendavis and House of Xtravaganza that were shown in the 1990 documentary film Paris is Burning. Other houses function the same way in several other cites.
I'm assuming.
I'm very glad Tim Gunn apologizes and feels ashamed for the way he reacted to seeing JeAnne's wedding dress. It was extremely insulting, unworthy of Tim Gunn as we know him.
In the end he gets things done though, because the people have gone through a great transformation (so far). If that doesn't at least satisfy you gays, then the show is wasted on you.
WRT the underwear drawer segment, I think JeAnn's meltdown was because she might have thought they were going to make her try on some of the undies on camera as they did her outerwear.
One simply does not ask this of a fat (or formerly fat) girl, period.
Note that when they went underwear shopping, she was not shown in her bras only as the other little gal in the previous episode was. JeAnn was wearing a tank over her bras.
While I think the proper underwear point is worth mentioning in every episode, they should do away with the actual drawer rummaging/shopping segment.
If there is a special need for certain undies such as Spanks to wear under knits for a smooth line, that may be worth more than a mention; perhaps a quick before/ after shot for effect.
JeAnne said specifically that she didn't want them to film her underwear drawer because people at work, colleagues, would see it later on the show. I will take her at her word that that was her objection, and I think it's a valid one.
Wow. I'm horrified by those videos. Mocking the wedding dress? Holy crap. I hope Tim knows to ask about clothing before mocking it from now on. The underwear thing is awful, I agree. It's got to go. Nobody wants someone rummaging through their underwear drawer and vibrator collection! I don't think these women want to model bras either. They need to just mention it and maybe show a brief clip of buying a new bra/panties/shapers.
Jesus this show is a train wreck. Sure, the women look better in the end, but boy is it painful to get to that point!
"Anonymous said...
Re: SJP facework"
I went to the site, and she doesn't look any different to me. The photos just have different lighting and different angles. That's all. Her nose is the same. The only difference is her eyebrows, and a good, professional pluck DOES make a big difference.
--Gotham Tomato
I agree with Anonymous 1:45...i like veronica webb. I think she looks great, love the hair, and the clothes.
Am the only one who wants to go through Tim Gunn's underwear drawer and see what HIS foundation is? (I also would not mind trying on some of Veronica's Webb's tighty whities.)
anonymous 3:56:
"tit bitch... nipplologist..."
brilliant! love it!
Why don't they take on some men? Instead of worrying that some woman might actually walk her dog in a tshirt and jeans, take on that horrid pleated Dockers-and-polo-shirt uniform. How about convincing men that it is NEVER okay to wear a Looney Tunes tie. Ever. Not even if you're a clown for a children's hospital.
Also, it has been my secret make-over show fantasy that a woman will flat out refuse to wear those evil heels. "No, I don't think so," she would say. "I don't much care that it makes my leg look long and my butt stick out. It hurts my toes. No."
Also, it has been my secret make-over show fantasy that a woman will flat out refuse to wear those evil heels. "No, I don't think so," she would say. "I don't much care that it makes my leg look long and my butt stick out. It hurts my toes. No."
I am so with you on the shoes-it's always been my pet peeve about What Not to Wear, too. It doesn't matter how fabulous your hair, outfit looks when you're hobbling in agoony in killer 3" heels!
I found myself liking this episode, though. I loved seeing Rene again, and that make-up guy
was just great- loved the emphasis on her eyes, and a much more subtle lip color.
Carmen Marco Valvalo was fabulous-so supportive!
The show can use some work-lose the mystery closet, it's a bit silly (and think of the taxes these gals are going to be paying for these luxe jewelry gifts)
In the end, though, I am just a pushoever for Tim Gunn!
How about convincing men that it is NEVER okay to wear a Looney Tunes tie.
LOL. I have never seen a man in a Looney Tunes tie! How about convincing Zac Posen never to wear a Mickey Mouse t shirts under a tux.
Santino - - Santino Rice should be Tim's side kick. Santino does a great impersonation of Tim and could mock him during the show plus he does have a good eye. I could also imagine Santino disagreeing with Tim. Just to cleanse the pallet - - a guest every week like a designer/stylist/Laura Bennett.
Noooo...Tim and Andre!
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