Sarah, please. Stop. You went from being fabulous and quirky, beloved by hordes of gay men and single women everywhere, to...a shill who believes her own press a little too much. Are people really lining up to buy your latest fragrance? Who are these people and how can we stop them?
Now, don't get us wrong. We challenge anyone to find two queens who can quote Sex and the City as much as we can. We're big fans and you remain the only celebrity that literally left us slightly open-mouthed and rooted to the spot when you sauntered past us and gave us a big smile (you sure know your audience) a couple years back in the Village. The fact that you were pushing a stroller was the only thing that kept us from squealing and gushing.
But listen honey, we're about to say something that...well, it's not a very nice thing to say: You're getting too old for this. Carrie Bradshaw was the perfect role for you to play - ten years ago. It's time to hang that particular persona up, don't you think? It's not that we think that now that you've hit 40 you have to play the mother roles, but this "lovelorn girl running through rainsoaked streets in a couture gown" bit is a little played out at this point. Can't you find some halfway point? A persona that says "I'm fabulous and expressive AND I'm mature and in charge of my own shit?"
We have to say, we were terribly disappointed that you and the girls were reuniting for a SATC movie. Why? Besides

So girls (but especially you, Sarah), find something else. You're all talented actresses. Let this one go and move on or we fear you're all going to become the punchline to a joke.
And Sarah, this is the most important thing to remember: you need to rethink your makeup because you look cross-eyed in that commercial.
(Photo: Yahoo!TV)
It could be The Golden Girls reunion movie, Miranda as Sophia, Charlotte as Rose, Samantha as Blanche, and Carrie as Dorothy.
She's not pretty enough to pull off that commercial.
if any of you have seen hocus pocus, this commercial reminds me so much of sarah in that movie.
But I agree w/ you guys. SJP needs a moment of image rediscovery. A very difficult process given the discriminatory cruelty of the market she competes in. I just hope Michael Patrick King has the writing talent to make our revisiting these characters worth the wait, our time and love of the series.
Emma P.
Love SATC but agree with your comments about a reunion movie. No point to it and they are getting a bit long in the tooth. But they pulled off a great series wrap up. Maybe the writers will come up with a good surprise angle for the movie, too.
As for the commercial - it must have been a paycheck she couldn't turn down. It feels like a poor relation to Nicole Kidman's overblown, Baz Luhrman directed Chanel commercial (which was equally ridiculous IMHO).
I met SJP (did I just call her that?) at a screening of her movie with Diane Keaton, "The Family Stone." She is a tiny little thing and was very humble and gracious and quite approachable. I chattered a bit about Square Pegs and some other nonsense. She was polite and smiled until the crazy man went away. I still kick myself for not asking for a picture (Ed got one with Keaton).
Have seen Cynthia Nixon at the theatre a number of times with her partner. She was so good as Miranda that I project that no-nonsense, slightly bitchy persona onto her and have been scared to approach her so far.
desarae, I was never as impressed with Sex and the City as a lot of other people because I always thought it was a Golden Girls rip-off. You are spot-on about who was who.
Everytime I see this commercial I cringe with embarrassment for SJP. She looks haggard and that slightly crazy act is simply put: scary! Why would she let any director do this to her??? I don't get it.
Speaking of The Family Stone however, I LURVE that movie! Everyone in it is perfectly cast and it's totally charming. I don't know why it got such bad reviews. It is one of my new Christmas favorites.
I am surprised you didn't mention her clothing line.....I find that funny because PAT FIELDS made SJP a "fashion icon" not SJP. I saw her a few times walking around the city and she never had on anything more than sweatpants.
BTW wouldn't it be fab if Cynthia Nixon's character came out in the reunion movie??
BTW it looks like she's ditched the Blahniks for Louboutins.
ROFL - don't fucking pull any punches bitches!
Marty the Wizard
Yes, Hocus Pocus! hee hee! I thought she looks very much like an older Chloe Sevigny at the end.
AMEN, boys.
The idea of a Sex in the City movie really turns me auf.
THANK GOD you said it. I had virtually the same reaction - I also so her pix in vogue. She was locked up with a tranny. It's also so tired. And as to the movie, I couldn't agree more. The series was so neatly tied up to the point that if any of them express angst over their current state, they'd come across as bunch of losers.
HAHAHA about the makeup comment. Joel Mchale also made a commen about it on The Soup. He said she looked like a raccoon. LOL
She's trying too hard to make a "cult" ad — it reminds me of some of those silly European Mentos commercials, but they were really funny because the makers were serious (at least at first). As for the SATC movie, I'll withhold judgment until it comes out. The writing was really good on the show, so who's to say they won't come up with good ideas for the movie?
That said, now that Chris Noth has signed on to the movie, hence removing a Big-dies-of-a-heart-attack scenario (I would hope they wouldn't have that happen in the movie!), there might be a lack of drama.
THANK YOU. I thought that commercial was the dumbest freaking thing I've ever SEEN. Now I feel justified.
~ Samantha M.
I think the movie should reflect the real lives of these actresses. Samantha writes books about how to have great sex, Miranda realizes she's a lesbian and leaves her husband for a woman, Charlotte is still looking for the happy ending and Carrie marries Ferris Bueller, has a child and lives happily ever after in a fabulous apartment in the city. Doesn't that sound much better than anything the writers could come up with?
I wore my eye makeup like that when I was a teenager. My excuse was that I was young, poor, inexperienced and didn't have a director to guide me. What's the excuse here?
You boys just told the truth! I hadn't given any of it an ounce of thought, but I agree with it all.
Especially the cross-eyes.
Anonymous said...
HAHAHA about the makeup comment. Joel Mchale also made a commen about it on The Soup. He said she looked like a raccoon. LOL
She looks like a buck-tooth ferret to me at the end. I know, I'm bad.
Anyway, T&L, I saw a billboard in Anniston advertising T&L Outdoor Superstore, and I thought about y'all. I will try to take a pic of it from my cell phone Friday.
" Suzanne said...
BTW it looks like she's ditched the Blahniks for Louboutins. "
I noticed that too. I LOVE Louboutins.
It appears as though Sarah is well on her way to losing her fashion icon status. From this comically atrocious commercial to her clunker of a clothing line for Steve & Barry's, she is making disappointing decisions lately. Once again, thank you boys for saying what needed to be said!
I have mixed feelings about this SATC movie, the series ending was spot-on and ought to be left alone. For me, I didn't really "get" the show until I turned thirty! I identify with it now as I did with Madonna in my teens and 20's. The show had a huge impact on my life--the way I relate to men, interest in fashion, coping with being unexpectedly single at thirty after a decade of 2 back-to-back serious relationships. The show brightened many dreary days for me, especially earlier this year!
My hope for the movie is that the characters are at least treated with a respectful turn, not as crazy party girls in their mid-forties......
I thought the SATC movie was nixed due to Kim Catrall's problems with, well, basically everyone else in the cast.
When did this become a "go?"
I'm the same age as the 3 main girls, and I can say I've moved on from where I was in my early-mid 30's. Sarah needs to move on as well.
If hubby can move out of being one of the biggest movie teen icons of our generation (Bueller BUELLER????), and have a very successful adult career, so can she move out of Carrie Bradshaw into a fierce 40-something that inspires the rest of us (hint: hang out with La Laura for a few days).
SJP was never a fashion icon - at least not in my book - her character Carrie Bradshaw was. Have you guys seen her disastrous red-carpet choices lately?
i agree that i dont like the commercial but i wonder what would we be saying if it was FAB?
boys you dont mess around! but i still love sjp.
damn that was harsh oldies. feeling old yourselves? i agree partly on the comments, but the fact they are too old for that lifestyle is not really true, just think of how many people are their age and acting that way in the world.
have to agree though with the hate the commercial, and scared shitless about how they will screw up the movie.
" i agree partly on the comments, but the fact they are too old for that lifestyle is not really true, just think of how many people are their age and acting that way in the world."
Yes, and those people are too old to be acting that way.
mjude said...
i agree that i dont like the commercial but i wonder what would we be saying if it was FAB?
boys you dont mess around! but i still love sjp.
Don't think we'd be having the conversation if we didn't love SJP. We want to keep loving her and not roll our eyes/sneer at her/turn her off.
I agree w/ PMP that she should take a page from La Laura's book if she wants to transcend her past/passe image and continue to be iconic.
Emma P.
Agreed. I don't care for the commercial. And what a gratuitous waste of Louboutins...
Actually, I think she looks gorgeous. I adore her, and I adore the fact that she does NOT have cookie cutter Hollywood looks.
And I'm going to swim against the current here and say that I don't see why the SATC movie can't work. Women still do exist after they turn forty. They don't just fall off a cliff.
There is no reason those characters couldn't move on into their forties and still have interesting stories for the show to tell. There's no reason they cannot still be fabulous. And besides, New York is the 5th woman on the show and IT is still FAB-U-LOUS! (even if we are overrun with those damn tourists).
I miss that show. It is the only show that ever spoke to urban, single women.
The commercial is awful though. It's like those Calvin Klein Obsession commercials. (But there's an example of someone who built a brand off of horribly stupid commercials that everyone talked about).
--Gotham Tomato
Oh, LORDY, that commercial! I missed the first 5 seconds of it when I first saw it and proceeded to think it was a parody. I was waiting to laugh and...sad to say, I did in the end.
I agree with the shittiousness of th commercial, but then again I think almost all commercial ads are terrible and pretentious.
As far as a SATC movie/reunion, my opinion is thumbs down. I agree that the finally of the show was done well enough that I felt the characters had grown and settled to a point where they didn't need to waste thier time bitching and moaning about high school shit in a restaurant anymore. Don't get me wrong I loved the show, but you are totally right. They ended the show happy and with their shit together. Thats the SATC I want to remember. Having Carrie still flop back and forth about BIG would just make me think she was retarded.
One of the things I read about the movie when they were first talking about it was that they were going to have Miranda be divorced. I hated the way the show always made Miranda's life harder than anybody else's; she didn't get to be fabulous. And I'm really gonna hate to see them do it again.
Thank you, boys, thank you.
I couldn't agree with you more.
I never did get the whole SJP as fashion icon thing, she always looked completely ridiculous on SATC, IMHO. But I am thrilled about the movie simply because I can get my fill of Mr. Big, Steve, Harry, and Smith!! And there better be some Stanford and Anthony thrown in also.
"It could be The Golden Girls reunion movie, Miranda as Sophia, Charlotte as Rose, Samantha as Blanche, and Carrie as Dorothy." LOL! Right on, Desarae!
I was never really sure if I was supposed to take that commercial seriously. It really confused me.
Don't have HBO, so I'm not up on the rest of the story. And perhaps why the commercial seemed so off.
The cross-eyed racoon look is not flattering.
Totally cross-eyed.
Amen! I saw that perfume add and wanted to laugh or cry. She looks so tired and old. the SATC reunion movie seems like a no win situation, except for the paychecks I'm sure they all got!
Love the dress - for an 18 year old. Sarah's not pretty. Never has been really. She's all about style and wearing the shit out of her outfits. This outfit wore her, sad to say.
This reunion movie sounds like something to be made for (bad)TV. I love them too much to see it fail but it has turkey written all over it.
Wonder how much money they are getting??
" " i agree partly on the comments, but the fact they are too old for that lifestyle is not really true, just think of how many people are their age and acting that way in the world."
Yes, and those people are too old to be acting that way. "
who defines what is too old for what? at what age are we as humans supposed to just sit around and do nothing. and why does anyone have to become "esteemed" at a certain age. it is no worse that young people who act all stodgity and stiff. why is it that people think other people have to "settle down" at a certain age? then again, what does it matter to me, i am a 24yo. I am far from this age that you people think I should become a house ornament.
Maybe the commercial was supposed to be satirical in nature?
"who defines what is too old for what? at what age are we as humans supposed to just sit around and do nothing. and why does anyone have to become "esteemed" at a certain age. it is no worse that young people who act all stodgity and stiff. why is it that people think other people have to "settle down" at a certain age? then again, what does it matter to me, i am a 24yo. I am far from this age that you people think I should become a house ornament."
I don't know about house ornament, but you should definitely brush up on your reading comprehension:
"Can't you find some halfway point? A persona that says 'I'm fabulous and expressive AND I'm mature and in charge of my own shit?'"
Not to sound like an imperious bitch, but well, to sound like an imperious bitch: The thing I never got about SATC is that these women were still struggling with dating and how-to-deal-with-men issues that I thought most people learned when they were in their twenties. I always thought they looked kinda ridiculous dealing with these scenarios in their thirties on the show, so the thought of what they'll do in this movie also makes me cringe.
potty mouth princess said: "If hubby can . . . have a very successful adult career"
Well, I guess Matthew Broderick is pretty successful now, though somewhere between "Inspector Gadget" and "Election" -- both released the same year! (1999) -- I think he aged about 20 years. As for "The Producers," I didn't see it on Broadway but caught the movie and frankly, I was embarassed for him.
I think "hubby"'s career jumped the shark ("Godzilla" anyone?), so perhaps the SJP intervention should be a two-fer and include him too.
"One of the things I read about the movie when they were first talking about it was that they were going to have Miranda be divorced. I hated the way the show always made Miranda's life harder than anybody else's; she didn't get to be fabulous. And I'm really gonna hate to see them do it again."
I always liked Miranda the best, she was the most real - she actually seemed to work hard for a living, got pregnant when she didn't want to, got fat (TVland, Bridget Jones fat, but still), moved out of Manhattan because she couldn't afford to stay there, had a boyfriend not particularly rich or hot, and had family members, who did inconvenient things like die. I liked her because she wasn't all fabulous clothes and parties all the time.
Me, too (liked Miranda the best, for those reasons and the fact that she seemed smart and like she actually had read real books and things). But I think the show punished her for that; it humiliated her more than it did the others (so drunk when she dated the cute cop that he left her the number for AA; the person the guy getting tantric massage squirted on; talked with her mouth open when she'd gotten tapenade caught in her braces). Miranda always seemed to me the closest to real, which is maybe to say closest to the writers, and I think they were beating themselves up by way of her.
Topic? I do think the SJP ad was meant to be satirical and funny, but boy it didn't manage to bring the funny at all. Trying too hard?
I've hated that commercial since the first time I saw it. Plus, it just doesn't smell as good as her first one did...
Jen in Philly said:
"The thing I never got about SATC is that these women were still struggling with dating and how-to-deal-with-men issues that I thought most people learned when they were in their twenties."
That's because you're in Philly. Men in NYC are a different animal.
Plus, it was a comedy. But even though it was a comedy there were some situations that were so right on, they were perfect. The one that comes to mind is the ep with Tatum O'Neill playing the obnoxious breeder, who claimed she had a 'real life' and Carrie didn't.
--Gotham Tomato
i don't know, can you even really imagine what it must have been like for them to leave sex & the city?
it was fabulous, and surely unexpected by the cast that it would do as well as it did. they were icons worshipped by single and formerly single women everywhere. it was magic. it was fantastic. it was exciting and joyful and wonderful.
so i can forgive them wanting to revisit their past glory. and i can forgive them, too, not moving easily into their next roles. hell, they may all be so firmly identified with their S&TC characters, there may be no adequate future roles for them.
these four making a movie, given the great success of S&TC, makes sense to me. don't you ever have an urge to relive a time in your life? lord, i do. even at my advanced age, i wish i could have just. one. more. night. at the old plantation in houston, texas, one more night with my dearest friends.
i have a great life, but every now and then, i miss some of the old one. and if i could have all of my precious sweethearts back, so long dead because of that fucking plague, and we could dance and laugh and dance and laugh and dance and dance and dance all night long? i'd do it in an instant, even at my age, even if i were ridiculous or if i should be more mature.
even though i'm not that 23 year old, i'd do it because we just had ourselves a time, a magical time, and though i have the memories always, a part of me thinks that this time, knowing how it would all end, with me growing up and all of them dead, i would really, really pay attention. this time.
can't wait for the movie. i want my girls back together.
I love me some SJP and I'd like nothing better than to have her be a judge on Project Runway but I HATE this ad campaign. The funny thing is that the perfume actually smells good (much, much, much better than Lovely) and didn't need such an over-the-top presentation.
I'm going to reserve judgment on the SATC movie until I see it. In theory the idea stinks but the writing was always so great that I'm curious what they think they need to do that merits a big screen treatment.
so glad you mentioned this commercial. blah humbug
Someone had to say it.
You nailed it, as usual. Horrible commercial, and her speaking French was just way beyond annoying and pretentious.
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