You Got Your Books, Darlings!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 by
Darlings, we are OVERWHELMED! By 12:15 yesterday, we had received over 80 responses to our "I Want My Book, Darlings!" contest. By the end of the day, we had received well over a hundred responses and because so many people sent us their mailing addresses in the hopes they'd win, we were stunned and thrilled to note that our fabulous readers hail from far and wide. From Texas to Connecticut, not to mention Georgia, Oregon, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, New York, Florida, California and so on. Our readers are coast-to-coast fabulous!

We sincerely wish we could send books to everyone who responded, but unfortunately, we can only pick five. So without further ado, the winners are:

Christina F. @ 12 p.m.

CTan01 @ 12 p.m.

Laura A. @ 12 p.m.

Kate A. @ 12 p.m.

Nancy H. @ 12 p.m.

We'll be emailing today to confirm, Ladies. The books will go out today or tomorrow. Congrats!

Some of you crazy bitches actually wrote Pine-Sol jingles! We simply CAN'T let such unfettered creativity rot in our inbox, so let your little light shine, kittens! Enjoy!

"While women my age are cleaning church benches
I have sold my soul two lovely wenches
No praying for me or wringing my hands
I follow my gay boys into joyful lands.

So keep the PineSol for a holy place
I'll use Tim Gunn to give me some grace"
- Laura A.

"Lemony-fresh Pine-Sol is so great,
Washing floors you’ll cease to hate.
Power Crystals bust dirt so mean;
Scrub your floors, enjoy the sheen!"
- Cindy

"Pine-Sol, it makes my floors so clean,
Those crystals, they make my life lemony serene,
Use Pine-Sol, and slide in socks y'all,
So get some Pine-Sol; have a ball y'all, today!"
- Debbie

"Pine Sol lemon with power crystals are the best!
Pine Sol lemon with power crystals are above the rest!
I would write even more
If I win the book from the fabulous PR Gay Boys who I wish lived next door."

You ladies are FABULOUS! If you sent us a jingle and we haven't posted it, it's because we screwed up, NOT because we didn't think it was good enough. We're sluts! We have NO standards! Re-send it and we'll post it here. Loveya!


Anonymous said...

You guys are so great! I can't tell you how often how you bring a smile to my face every day. But....I am lacking in the reading of "we went to a fabulous party last night with Laura" posts. Get out some more!! :D Shout out to my fellow Texans!

Jules/JAA said...

Speaking of Tim & his book, he's on the Today Show right now as I sit here at home awaiting a plumber...

Anonymous said...

Laura A-- that was a funny jingle!!! I am jealous about the books wanted to e-mail but had a dreadful stats research class, but wanted to let T & L know you have a huge fan here in Freeport, Illinois (if you have ever heard of it!!) Love you guys!

DolceLorenzo said...

Congratulations to the winners!

And I love the jingles!!

Anonymous said...

oh well, I sent my email 5 secs before noon, but I guess my server at work was too slow!!!! anyway, I didn't send you my mailing address, but you guys have a loyal reader and fan here in Ohio!!!!
I guess I have to go buy the book then ;-)

Anonymous said...

And here's a fan born and raised in Jersey but rooted to North Carolina now...

The jingles ARE great! Bunch of Type A gayboy loyalists or what?!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read the rest of the jingles. Those were great! Congratulations to those lucky bitches that won.

T&L, I couldn't send my email but know that you have a die hard loyal fan here in Phoenix AZ (native of Chloeland aka Houston). Mwah!

Anonymous said...

congratulations to all the winners! the jingles are very clever.
p.s. there was a fire @ the store i work @ (everybody's fine- it was just a little one), so we've all been evacuated, which means i'm able to check in on the gayboys in the middle of the day! hooray for fire!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners!
Bitches!! : - )

BTW, I love the illustrations with fabric samples. You two are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Aww, I missed that. Damn! This is what I get for not checking the site daily.

Katyola said...

Thanks!! I can't wait to get my book.

Laurel said...

I was so sad, I was up really early, so decided to take a nap, but set the alarm for 10:58 (CDT) to make sure I sent the email in time... but it wasn't loud enough and I woke up at 11:14 :(. But I'm excited because Tim Gunn will be at Anderson Books in Naperville, IL, so I will get him to sign a copy there.

Anonymous said...

You guys are the best!! Your witty commentary makes the show so much more enjoyable. Thank you and keep up the fabulous work!

Anonymous said...

... slide in socks y'all,
... have a ball y'all

-- today!

Thanks for the smiles, Jinglers!

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...


Your fan base is indeed mountain-high valley-low and river-wide enough!

desertwind lives in the Mojave. On a dirt road. Sans TV. With a new radio-based high-band internet thingie so she can tell dialup to go to hell! Huzzah!!!

Anonymous said...

Aw Slush! I was sure I had won, but I'm that way when I buy a lottery ticket too! Those jingles were good. I couldn't come up with a rhyme at all, just .. We waxed the kitchen floors with Pine-Sol last night and my knees still smelled lemony fresh in the morning.

BigAssBelle said...

well i missed all this book hoopla while i was away at padre island, but those clothes are FABULOUS.

friend of mine sent me a whole raft of scans of similar outfits, only couture and seemingly a book made for designers and such.

best i've found for old patterns and stuff at

not related, just sharing the joy. it's fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Love you boys! Marianne from Canada!

mjude said...

you are the darlings.

i can always count on the boys to make me laugh.

i love me some gay boys....


Anonymous said...

Oh bitches, we'd do anything for you!!

GothamTomato said...

I'm bitter.


--Gotham Tomato

Jenn said...

Aaargh...lucky heifers!!!!

Congrats :)


Anonymous said...

Laurel, when is Tim Gunn coming to
Naperville? because that is not far from me, and I have to be there!! If you could please let me know, thank you.

TLo said...

Desarae said...

Laurel, when is Tim Gunn coming to
Naperville? because that is not far from me, and I have to be there!! If you could please let me know, thank you

Hi Desarae,

Here is the info:

Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style

15-minute Q&A and Signing
Anderson’s Bookshop
123 West Jefferson Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
Contact: Mary Yockey, 630-355-2665


and all the dates and locations here.


Anonymous said...

We love you, PRBoys!

Jason and Shannon

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you T&L so much, you guys are the greatest (does that ever get old to hear!?!)
I am so excited I am going to meet the fabulous Tim Gunn

Jules/JAA said...

Boys, thanks for Tim's schedule. Desarae, I'll come up to visit my parents in Rockford & we can go in together, since apparently Atlanta doesn't rate so far in Tim's schedule, unless I am blind as a bat. Boo hoo.

Anonymous said...

Wow, look how much time Tim is devoting to Philly on 7/24! Does that have anything to do with you two??

Brandenburg3rd said...

Belle, thank you for that site. I'll check it out in just a momentito. I've been indulging my weakness for vintage patterns on Ebay of late, so I really shouldn't look.... (get thee behind me, Satan, and STOP SHOVING).

Love the jingles, LOVE the swatch cards! I already have my copy, so I didn't feel too badly about being at work at that hour. You guys have great contests, lol!

Now if Tim would just swing through Arizona... sigh!

Anonymous said...

YAY!! I'm so excited!! Tim is coming to town :)

Anonymous said...


Tim is gonna be only 60 miles away from me this Friday?


Anybody else near Palm Springs?

-- desertwind

Anonymous said...

Tim Gunn was featured in the Boston Globe today. He's offering five style tips for Spring.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a book from you guys, but I did buy it from my school's museum (FIDM) and yes, I went to the Q&A and book signing and my group was able to sit second row (after press). I must say, his book is great, a much more refined version of "What Not To Wear" (I do love that show though).

You boys are so lucky to have already met him, I was just too much in awe seeing him. And of course, Professors Gonzalo and Verreos came to see him as well as Season 3 Model Amanda. Will you boys be at a book signing? I would love to hear a report from you boys.

Anyway, I love your blog, it's always great to read during homework, definitely makes the day so much better, keep it up!