"Okay, like, I know you really, really want to look like Christina Aguilera - and that's totally great? I'm totally behind you on that? But you should really, really think about whether or not you want to commit? To that look? I mean, I'm not saying that you totally look like Patty Hearst or anything, but Christina Aguilera? I mean come ON. TWO HOURS here, y'know? Not that I don't want to do it because I totally said I would; I'm just saying, y'know? Maybe next week you'll have an audition or something and you walk in the door all Christina Aguilera-looking and they're all like 'Oh shit, we can't afford Christina Aguilera to like, play the secretary?' and you'll like try to tell them you're not Christina Aguilera but you would look EXACTLY LIKE HER and they wouldn't believe you?"

"Whatever. I said that's what I want and that's what I'm not paying you for, so bring it. Are you saying you can't do it?"

"No, of course not. Are you kidding me? Me, personally, I would probably want to go with something a little more appropria-- a little more possib-- a little more subdued. Hey! How about you let me make you look like Patty Hearst - I can put you in a little beret and everything - and then AFTER, we can go out and I'll buy you some really pretty clothes that Christina Aguilera would probably wear if she wore your size. Wouldn't that be great? Why don't we do that, hunh?"

THANK GOD she had people to understand her and hug her after this difficult, hellish, potentially life-changing experience. Her fellow stylists understood. Stylists always understand.

"That whore's like, crazy, I'm telling you. Bitch thinks I'm a plastic fucking surgeon or something. And I'm totally trying to explain to her that she's kind of horsey looking and she wouldn't fucking listen so I'm like squirting all kinds of shit on her head and finally I just got desperate and started making her up like she was a bridesmaid and I just want to die. OhmiGOD."

"You have every reason to cry."

"Snff. Honey, I love you, but you say that about everything."

"Fuck the beret. Gimme the gun. I'm gonna fucking kill that bitch."

This, airbrushed on a t-shirt, in a heart shape, with glittery script that spells out "DRAMA QUEENS," sizes M & L.

It's not that we have anything new to say about her, but God we love her. We have all our fingers crossed waiting for the Mother of All Meltdowns. If it doesn't happen, we will be bereft and inconsolable.

Pinch dose widdle cheeks! On the other hand, her can-do, little-engine-that-could act, while annoying, is genuine. We hope our little under-voweled Italian can handle the strain by entertainingly melting down and not in some awkward, mascara-streaked, kitchen-knife-grasping showdown.
Hmmm. On second thought...

Even though "Sally's Shag" sounds like something they showed at your father's bachelor party, it is in fact, the name of the preview you can find here.

And in the preview you can find here, it's all "What if Your Stylist Was a Serial Killer?"
"I'm not saying that you totally look like Patty Hearst or anything"
OMG, I'm dying!
OH. MY. GOD. I can't stop laughing.
"That whore's like, crazy, I'm telling you. Bitch thinks I'm a plastic fucking surgeon or something. And I'm totally trying to explain to her that she's kind of horsey looking and she wouldn't fucking listen so I'm like squirting all kinds of shit on her head and finally I just got desperate and started making her up like she was a bridesmaid and I just want to die. OhmiGOD."
Fucking genius!
Love this one. I felt so badly for Daisy on this one. And is it me or does Miss Daisy bear a more than passing resemblance to Bette Middler??
So very funny.
And so very true.
Poor daisy, that model was nuts.
LMAO!!! Glad I came for lunch to read this!! A Patty Hearst shout out...Hilarious!!
Ooops, that should say " Came HOME for lunch.." No more lunch martinis for me!!
Patty Hearst!!! HA!!!
Thanks for making my day!
I don't get the model who is saying, "don't do this, don't do that."
You signed on to get your hair cut on TV, you didn't walk into a salon to get the style you want, be a little flexible.
I love the camera angles in this show. Can you imagine being 60 and having as smokin' an ass as Jaclyn Smith? Who is her trainer? Dayum!
"Undervoweled Italian"!! Bwaahahahaha!!!! I love you guys!!!
some silly commenter at Bravo writes: "Shear Genius is vain garbage tv for mindless people that worship their own nothig existence."
good thing i'm working on a PhD!
and what ELSE does one expect from Bravo but Vain Garbage TV?? I am going to use that line forever.
also, sorry duckies, but Miss Daisy and E-deprived-vangelin BOTH make me crazy. i wouldn't let either of them touch my hair.
i'd want Jim or Dr Boogie to make me fabulous. that Theodore is too cute for words but i'd rather have him be my own little poppet than my hair-cutter.
can't wait for this week's recap!
One word---hilarious!!!!
Thanks guys
"Snff. Honey, I love you, but you say that about everything."
LOL. Evagelin drives me insane.
"under-voweled Italian"
ROFL. I about died laughing here - I have tears running down my face. I'm not kidding.
I just noticed that Evagelin is from New Freedom, PA?
Hilarious posts, boys!
My God - Daisy wouldn't shut up! I was thinking, girl you have 2 hours, and you've just spent 45 minutes babbling...there's no way you'll get anywhere near platinum blonde at this rate...
I know Sally's proud of her one shining moment cutting her shag, but does she know any other style? Her hair and Meg's are the same - so's the model's. Is there anything else to Ms. Sally? Lady, it ain't the 80's anymore! It's as if I were still in my hippy-dippy hair!
I love Evangelin. I can't wait for her breakdown. I just hope she sticks around long enough either for it to build up or to have a big aftermath.
LOVE her. I also can't wait for her bitch-fight with Tabatha. It will be priceless.
This is too much! LOL! Great post. Daisy is a little crazy, and the girl just loves to talk, talk, talk. Evangelin is cute. Bless her heart. It's going to be quite a scene when she breaks down. One of my favorite contestants is Tabatha. She rocks!
Was totally, like, hearing Daisy's voice as I was reading and now I find myself wanting to type in her voice but, like, there's only so much time in the day and . . .
Let's hope Evangelin sticks around long enough for the stress to pile on--you're bound to get that meltdown.
Has anyone elese noticed Evangelin's striking resemblance to Patsy Ramsey? Or is it just me?
Hilarious! Daisy is really crazy!!
I love the show, boys!
Daisy gets on my nerves, but her client wanted something totally impossible.
I can't wait for tonight's episode!!!! Tabatha has a meltdown? Let's watch what happens : - )
Poor Daisy was stuck with the bitchiest of the clients. I love her. I think she's hilarious!
Is it just me, or did someone else think that Daisy's client looked like pro wrestler turned model wannabe Michelle Deighton from Top Model Cycle 4?
Oh, now that I think about it, they had to spend about four or five hourse to turn Michelle platinum blonde in the makeover episode too.
"Can you make me look like Cristina Aguilera?" Seriously, I would never do that. I find that so stupid.
When Evagelin said " You have every reason to cry" I almost jumped out of my bed laughing! How ironic! You have to love this show as it is perfectly cast. I what about the Freudian " uh sorry we can't do xtina but instead I turned you into one of the most notorious bitches on TV, Marcia Cross. Get the Hint, huh huh? " I think I will go reserve Sheer Genius Season 1 on Amazon. It is too priceless.
Love Daisy and Evangelin. Both are sweet, over the top, and just nutty enough to make great characters on reality t.v.
Daisy reminds me of my friend Leslie, not necessarily beautiful, but so lovable, you want to hug her like a squirmy 10 month old baby.
honeys! no comments on the divine post above???? twat's up?
"I am FIERCE and I am FABULOUS and I NEVER let them see me cry!"
yes! but i will cry if i can't comment on last night's hour of hair and your divine dissection of same.
Sorry, doll! Fixed it!
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