It's really saying something when this dress is actually a little more interesting design-wise than most of the rest of them.
You couldn't get much more basic than this (but god bless him, Danny V. managed); under normal circumstances, it probably wouldn't even register, but since the pool was so shallow this week, the finer touches stand out. We love the fit in the bodice and the cut of the bust.
Coupled with the racer back, it gives it a strong, almost sporty feel to it. Unfortunately, the color does nothing for the dress and the skirt really doesn't look so good to us.
Plus, she clearly had finishing problems.
It's a shame she had to go, because Kara has such a quirky, distinct, yet chic aesthetic, but we really can't argue with the decision.
We don't know why she floundered so much in this challenge, but flounder she did. She really seemed lost and unsure of herself, not to mention exhausted.
Like so many other people who don't make it to the end in these things, it certainly wasn't a lack of talent that did her in so much as a lack of ability to survive in a reality show competition, which isn't much of a measure of anything in the long run. Her story isn't quite over for this season, since she was the decoy collection at Bryant Park and we'll be looking at her collection later, but one thing's for sure, Kara is doing just fine.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com]
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You know, it would be really nice if these designers would build Websites you can actually use.
I'd wear that dress anyday! Even in the black. But I agree that this was Kara's chance to stand out and show her wonderful sense of color, and she failed.
Love you Kara :(
I was really bummed that Kara had to go. But I was annoyed how she said that Chloe should be the one to hit the road. Not that her dress was anything to write home about for this challenge, but out of everyone left, I felt that she was the strongest designer.
Kara was actually kinda right about Chloe. Chloe's just chillin' in TX. But even in defeat, Kara's actually more successful than alot of the winners on this show... hmmmmmm... judges?
She was so-so to one of the worst throught MOST of the challenges, only the makeover and plant challenge were fine.
so she had to go, certainly. it had to be Santino or Kara. but it's not going to be Santino; he is dramatic and for some audience, he is "cool! yeah! he rocks!", in the end, it had to be Kara.
These dresses look so simple and the fabrics the designers picked wrinkle and pucker so easily. I'm underwhelmed. But Kara is doing well. She's sold thousands of her wrap dress.
Chloe is not just "CHILLING IN TX"! She is one of the designers that has been doing great in thier business.
The sad thing is that, for this challenge, they could have auf'd anyone and it would be hard to quarrel with the choice. But I don't really see this one as the worst of the four.
Granite Janet said:
You know, it would be really nice if these designers would build Websites you can actually use.
Yes! I was just thinking that about Kara's site. I hate waiting for flash sites to load, and it doesn't function that well. But I think from this group, Kara should have been in the final 3.
Thanks for the link. Kara ended up being my favorite that season. I loved the wrap dress when she wore it on the show, and I didn't know you could buy it. But Kara, different colors please -- more coordination and less contrast (I bet the olive/lt. olive looks great, but there's no photo on the site). (Although obviously you're doing very well and surely don't need my measly opinion!)
to tell you the truth, after seeing Kara's unaired runway collection at Bryant Park, her's was my absolute favorite. i would love to wear her clothes. that kimono dress is adorable and it looks so COMFORTABLE. if only they weren't 200 bucks a pop.
I love Kara's style. Too bad she didn't whip it out on the show. Her decoy collection is GORGE, and so are a lot of her current items. Go Kara!
Come on guys, Flash has been around forever by now. I'm a starving 20-something in a city whose economic foundation no longer exists- If my 5 year old computer on a Detroit connection has no problems with Kara's website, then there's just something wrong on your end. :(
I was really sorry to see Kara go. At the time I did think it was probably the right decision, but looking back on the dresses, Chloe's outfit was pretty much a disaster and I would have understood a Chloe aufing as well.
I totally agreed with Nina Garcia and Iman on this one. Clearly, this was the chance to wow all the judges, but Kara fell short of that. I was totally surprised to hear that she was a pattern/fabric designer as her stuff mostly did not reflect that at all. I agreed with the Duchess as well about Kara's signature wrap dress having more energy and attitude than the gown she created for this challenge. I liked the bustline, waist and the sash in the back, but like Nina called it, the hem was clearly a problem. And for an evening gown, it did look skimpy as Iman pointed out. But, as it turns out, Kara has become one of the more successful designers post-PR, so hopefully she will continue by showcasing her sense of pattern and color in new garments as well as her line of wrap dresses!
Why did they all use charmuse? It is notoriously difficult to work with and it just looks cheap, even if it is silk, it *looks* like polyester. Didn't they have something like $300 to spend? I swear it looks like they spent less than $50 on the fabric.
Kara should NEVER have gone this week. Hers and Daniel's dresses were the only two wearable ones. The other two were absolutely disgusting, unwearable, and embarrasing to the designers, the competition and Iman. Just because Santino "took a risk" doesn't mean that his disgusting dress deserved to take him to fashion week. It was hideous and unwearable and easily should have gotten him kicked off.
Crow Winters said, "If my 5 year old computer on a Detroit connection has no problems with Kara's website, then there's just something wrong on your end. :("
No, baby, there's nothing wrong with my ibook (I'm the one who complained about flash); I'm just too impatient to sit through anyone's splash page.
I actually liked this dress better than Daniel's. It's too bad about the hem. That did her in....or, considering the way the judging goes...maybe they had already decided to toss her and were just looking for a reason.
But I just went to her site. I looooove that new tunic top. I wish she made it in more colors though. Sigh.
--Gotham Tomato
Kara really grew on me over the length of the show. At first, I hated her, but I think that was 70% her honking-geese Seth Effikan accent, and 30% her repulsive hair. She's actually pretty swell, and talented.
Website's a disaster, though. The question isn't "will flash run", it's "why would you want it to". It offers nothing.
The idea Santino got to stay and Kara got the boot incensed me. The fix was obviously in.
I think Kara needs to move on from the damned kimono wrap dress already. That is the definition of a one-note.
It is very reminiscent of the 80's poly/cotton jersey fashion line called "Fragments" that came in bold brights and basic black and white.
Ninagarcia hates bad hems. Future contestants should just tattoo it on their arms.
Completely agree. The back of her dress was really nice and made it more interesting than Daniel's. Unfortunately, it was still pretty boring and looked poorly made so I understand the judges' decision.
This is the first time I've looked at Kara's work post-PR, and her spring 07' pieces are GORGEOUS!! I was surprised--thought she was quite annoying on the show and on the whole, mediocre.
But I really love her aesthetic on the website...thanks guys!
In all three seasons, it seems that a combination of exhaustion and terror has undone the contestants. In fact, -all- the Bravo reality competitions, thus far, have had unimpressive penultimate challenges.
None of the contestants wowed me this time, and I was very glad that PR made the decision to send all four finalists to Bryant Park in the third season.
In fact, given the history of crappy performance at this stage of the competition, they might consider 1) always having a final four, and 2) not making the last challenge indicate their Fashion Week collection. It's just unfair to demand that the theme of the most public show of their professional careers be decided (and executed!) in a couple of days.
Besides, neither Chloe nor Jeffrey did anything like the work they made for the second-to-last challenge for their Fashion Week collection -- this task isn't working, and PR should reconsider it.
Kara's freak outs got on my nerves a bit but I imagine the pressure just became too much for her....
I actually own her wrap dress. Its one of the most flattering things I have ever worn!
I saw some of Kara's dresses when I was at Emmett's shop, and I have to say, of all the season 2 designers, Kara and Emmett make the most real-ife wearable garments. Next time I head to NYC, I'm going back to EMC and I'm going to buy myself a dress or two!
NAYY by the way.
if you finished the bottom of this dress
made it in a different color (with another different color sash)
and un-puckered the skirt
this would be one of the cutest dresses
"if you finished the bottom of this dress
made it in a different color (with another different color sash)
and un-puckered the skirt
this would be one of the cutest dresses "
So true. Even just sash being a different (bright) color and it would have been the clear winner.
It's such a lucky break that Kara wore her kimono dress at the judging and The Duchess complimented her on it.
I loved her decoy collection. She might o' blown it had she been final three.
and, Hey! Yesterday Debra Messing bought one of her wrap tunics at Emmett's store.
The girl's doin' a'right.
-- desertwind
The only two dresses that didn't make cringe in this challenge were Kara's and Daniel's. If I had $100 for every unfinished hem that went down the runway and kept the designer safe, I'd be... richer. I liked Kara's dress better than Daniel's actually. The tweaking done for Iman was horrible, what kind of cleavage was that?
Both Santino's and Chloe's dresses made me shudder. His model looked like a cheap belly dancer hired for tourists who don't know any better, and hers was just ugly. What was it with that construction? This proves once again that the judges/producers have their minds made up before the final challenge (I'd even say the last two challenges) and KNOW who is going to make it to Bryant Park and who is going to be auf'ed. If that wasn't the case, either Chloe or Santino would've gone home and I don't think Daniel V. would've got the immunity that automatically made one of the final four either. If you choose the final three or four on the body of their work on Project Runway, fine, but SAY SO! This was bullshit from beginning to end. Based on that final challenger, Kara deserved to go to Bryant Park, Santino didn't, and Chloe should've been saved by what she presented during the whole PR season, while big S's body of work should have sent him home in disgrace.
I forgot how mad I was about Daniel's immunity -- because it telegraphed so loudly that Kara would be auf'ed in the final challenge - and the judges' decision about the final challenge. Why don't they just admit they have scorecards and USE them ?! And anyway, Kara was undervalued throughout the season. She should have one if not two challenges. I still can't understand what was so wow! about most of Daniel V.'s creations.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
I went on Kara's website and subsequently had a seizure.
I really hated Kara during the season but afterwards grew to love her through BPR. She just wasn't made for the reality show genre.
It says a lot that I actually thought this could have won despite a fucked-up hem [steamer? the hoe shouldn't talk if she wore daniel's dress just as badly]. Santino's was entertaining but impractical, Daniel's was boring and the easy way out, and Chloe had construction problems [as she usually does]. Sure, the black is a little dull, but design wise, it was very good. And very Kara.
Well, for me, it goes to say after 3 seasons, the *only* designer I have purchased is Kara Janx. The wrap dress is awesome (I bought the same one that she wore on the show). As much as the magazines are always touting wrap dresses that are flattering, I could never find one that was flattering on my "normal" body (5'4", 140 lbs). Kara's does (and I've tried on DVFs!). Very flattering, I get tons of complements every time I wear it, and next $$ I have free I intend to buy a silk one for dressy occasions (like the next ten Christmas's).
Now, if Jay McCarroll could only get off his butt, I might actually buy another designer's clothes.
And I hate the flash also--but it seems to be a requirment for ex-PR people--maybe because Bravo loves flash so much on their website?
And I think *EVERYONE* was justified in saying Chloe should have left--girl actually said DURING THE CHALLENGE that she wasn't sure she wanted it! I don't care how tired you are--by that point you should be smelling the barn and practically screaming, "I will attack Heidi with my scissors if I don't make it to the final!" Not whine-ily going, "I'm not sure I want it! wah, wah, wah..." Girl deserved it and I only wish that some of the others actually said they chose Chloe because she had specifically said she wasn't sure she wanted it.
To be a good human being is to have a philanthropic of openness to the far-out, an skill to trust unsure things beyond your own restrain, that can take you to be shattered in hugely exceptional circumstances pro which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly impressive thither the get of the principled life: that it is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a spy than like a prize, something rather fragile, but whose acutely special handsomeness is inseparable from that fragility.
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