Now Iman has the one thing her extensive wardrobe lacked: an off-the-rack prom dress.
We're sure she was overcome with gratitude but too fabulous to show it. All her life she'd dreamed of wrist corsages and papier-mache backdrops and now, finally, she's one step closer to making it a reality.
International fame? A legendary husband? The darling of fashionistas and photographers the world over? It is as nothing when all one wants to do is down Long Island Iced Teas and let the quarterback get to third base in the parking lot.
Kudos to Daniel for possessing the gentle empathy that allowed him to fulfill so many of Iman's dreams.
Sarcasm? You're soaking in it.
Iman wears Daniel's dress.
all the dresses were shite.
What can be said of this dress? Umm.. Rebecca is pretty.
Yup. I was so incredible underwhelmed this week. She went with the one that was least likely to embarrass her. The lesser of four evils, so to speak. Oh, what a sad, sad episode. I wanted everyone to bring it...and everyone cowered in the back instead. Blech. I even found myself wanting Santino to win for sheer un-blah-ness, and you KNOW it's bad when I reach that place.
It's so bizarre. All THREE seasons have had the same thing happen at the final challenge before Bryant Park. It's like they've gotten so close and then suddenly freeze up.
All the dresses sucked, Danny's marginally less so. At least Iman told them straight up what was what.
God, they all had to be uber embarrassed to get a dressing down from such a fab diva.
I don't even remember this episode even though I know I watched it. And now I know why.
In the original ending to this episode Heidi said: "Designers, you all disappointed us in this challenge. Iman has chosen to wear a sweat-suit instead of any of your mindnumbingly dull dresses. None of you will be showing at Bryant Park, we'll ask Austin Scarlett, Kara Saun and Jay McCarrol to do new collections instead. These evening gowns will forever sully your resumes, you are finished in the fashion industry, maybe Wendy from season 1 will give you an internship for her bargain basement line of fashion.
But Santino and Daniel had proven to adept at blowjobs, so the producers intervened and what you saw on TV was take 2.
Eh, the dress is mildly pretty - just really common-looking. I like the straps.
I have to say, though, that I disagree with Anon 12:12 re: all three seasons having the same thing happen right beofre the finale. Perhaps the episodes weren't the most exciting ones, but I at least want to defend Season 3 - Uli pulled that dress out of some brilliant corner of her mind. Laura's was beautiful as well. Hell, I even liked Jeffrey's - at least it was different. The only one who disappointed there was Michael, I thought...
Season 1, I thought the dresses were also sort of interesting. Not the finest episode, for sure, but the dresses were at least pretty strong statements, for the most part.
Season 2, on the other hand, was a big mess, and I think it showed at fashion week as well. I know we're not supposed to discuss episodes beforehand, but now that the cat's out of the bag as to who all "went" to fashion week, I have to say that Kara's decoy collection ended up winning the day for me. Sigh. Season 2 - blah.
I think, ultimately, the problem in Seasons 1/2, which they corrected for Season 3, was that they had the guest judge choose the winner who would then automatically go to fashion week. Who can forget O'Dell choosing the muppet hooker dress? Oy.
Anyway, here's to Season 4!!!
Fabulous recap, boys.
I second "all the dresses were shite".
Daniel's was the least stinking, but not by much. Hmmpf. I still want to see what Diana would have done, with no Santino!
I can barely remember the dresses as my TV screen (and therefore my mind) were overwhelmed with the fabulosity that is Iman. Best part: when she was waving her arms around while saying, somewhat disdainfully, "It's a Carolina Herrera." I may have paraphrased but, as I said, I was Iman-merized!
I'm sure I'm repeating what others have said in previous posts but THANK YOU for the fabulous recaps. I'm seeing Season 2 in a whole new light. I've revised my opinion of a number of the designers as a result -- namely Diane and Kara for Season 2. Thanks for pointing out the creativity in their designs. I'm glad the designers are getting renewed exposure! Kudos!
The Brain Freeze Episode.
Never have so many done so little with so big an opportunity.
Design for Iman.
The Super in Supermodel.
Yep, I'll just break out the Butterick pattern, an ass numbing fabric and get right to work.
Good job!
It's plain but pretty.
You guys seem to hate Daniel V. Like a lot.
You guys are horrible. ::laughs:: I love you! Hey, it was the lesser of four evils, that's the only reason Vosovic won.
"Sarcasm? You're soaking in it."
Thanks Madge.
This episode seemed to be like when the skaters get to the Olympics, then pop their triples under the pressure. They all lost the head game.
But at this point, they were probably all just so exhausted by the competitions, as well as just listening to Santino's rabbiting on for weeks (which, shockingly, didn't cause anyone to dive out the workroom window onto 7th Avenue below), that their heads weren't in the game.
--Gotham Tomato
Kara's was EASILY the best one out there. This dress just looked like a slip. Like "wow, Iman, that looks like a really comfortable slip, now where is the gorgeous gown that goes over top of it?"
I call thi Michael Knight's Disease (sure, Daniel did it first, but I like Michael better and think he's more talented). It's when a young designer has a ton of potential and natural raw talent, but is inexperienced and haven't yet established their aethetic, so that in all of the more structured challenges, specific challenges, they do impressive work, but then when left to their own devices (open-ended final challenges, Bryant Park), they flounder.
It was boring, but it was also the least offensive. No one deserved a win, really.
Let's just say...if I saw that prom dress on a rack, I wouldn't pay more than $65 for it. Dude looks like a mess! I thought it looked poorly made.
there's nothing wrong with the Vosovic dress, there's just nothing terribly right about it either. while i agree that Santino was the only designer to actually show up this week, his clown car of a gown gave Daniel an automatic win.
this comment might be coming a post too early, but it's too bad that Kara lost her head and attention to detail. if she had properly finished her gown, it seemed to me the most Iman-ready.
Absolutely fabulous commentary guys. Dead on and Dead funny - on the floor dead - laughing at the image of Iman teariing up over her dream prom.
Ho Hum is right.
"brian said...
It was boring,"
Maybe it was. But I'd give just about anything to, just once in my life, walk into a room looking like that. But then, Iman always walks into a room looking like that, so for her it was dul.
--Gotham Tomato
"his clown car of a gown"
You say that like it's a bad thing.
--Gotham Tomato
Nikos: Actually the dress Kara was wearing was easily the best out there. Funny how her signature dress was praised by the judges and they commented she should have made something like it for Iman.
All in all I think exhaustion is the best description for what happened. Rememeber Jay and the rest commented on it at that cocktail party.
Personally in the long run it doesn't matter. All 4 went to Bryant Park, decoy or no decoy. The person who won the title has become in my opinion an ideal winner and representative for the program. The decoy collection was superb and, as Tim , noted, that person wouldn't have been able to produce such a collection if they were NOT the decoy. At least 3 out of the final 4 have been able to do something with the exposure.
You'd think they'd thrive with a more open-ended challenge like this--shouldn't all designers have some notion of the evening gown of their dreams? It must have been the exhaustion. At least we can't complain this week that one of the others was robbed of the win. There should have been no winner, just four losers. They might as well have drawn straws to see who missed out on Bryant Park.
I think this just reflects the overall quality of designers in season 2. After watching all three seasons, I think this is the least talented bunch--but whoever brought up the Santino effect may have a point....probably all just wanted to get away from him at this point
Best. Commentary. Ever!!!
...you have no idea how glad I am to see a group of people NOT fawning all over Danny V. (Not that I dislike him; I just find him somewhat overrated.) Oh man. This was definitely a "best of the worst" kind of win. Send everyone home.
"Actually the dress Kara was wearing was easily the best out there. Funny how her signature dress was praised by the judges and they commented she should have made something like it for Iman."
But I think that if she'd done that, the show would have owned her design.
--Gotham Tomato
Man, that picture on the bottom is the only time I've said "ew" at a picture of Iman.
I hate to say this, but I think the dress looks much better on Rebecca.
The dress was ok on the model, on Iman it is horrible!
Seriously, shes getting a little long in the tooth, time to cover them gals UP!
Poor Iman, even she couldn't pull off that dress. She looks horrible, and the dress is all wrinkled.
Steamer, anyone?
yeah, Iman...the fact that you didn't use a steamer is "very distracting to me."
Jeff, who recaps PR over at Television Without Pity, had this little nugget of info regarding that dress and the red carpet event Iman wore it for.
Hell, even Iman didn't like it very
much, and I don't blame her. It makes her look very thick around the middle, if you ask me. Totally doesn't flatter her bosom either.
"The decoy collection was superb and, as Tim , noted, that person wouldn't have been able to produce such a collection if they were NOT the decoy."
This statement says a lot more about Tim Gunn as a critic, than it says about Kara as a designer.
"But I think that if she'd done that, the show would have owned her design.
--Gotham Tomato "
I *think* they own the actual dress you do for the show, but if you change the slightest little thing like the hem or trim, it's still your design. She sells a dress on her website that is very similar to the one she did for the muslin challenge.
Oh god, Iman does not look good in that dress.
I am in agreement with tokyodoll, gotham tomato and the rest...the dress did not look good on Iman. It looks wrinkled and the boobs to not look right at all. The dress looked much better on Rebecca (didn't Daniel V. say that he only had to do minor adjustments for Iman? he should have done more to make the dress look better on her). I am not sure about that blue on Iman either....
JohnP :)
I with Jenn on this.
The dress dosen't flatter Iman, I agree. Her boobs look wall-eyed, and too low.
Yeah, this dress was Dull with a capital "D".
I agree with Frank. I think that being the decoy might very well have been the best thing for Kara. She's very talented, but doesn't always respond so well to TEH PRESSURE. Being able to design a collection for Bryant Park, without having to deal with the super-stress of competing for the PR prize, allowed Kara to really be herself, I think. I was sorry to see her go, but am very pleased that she's doing so well these days.
Oh, wait, we're discussing Daniel's dress in this post. Um...yeah. I got nothing.
Snkk, Snkkk, snore..
Hmm? Oh sorry (yawn, stretch). What were we talking about?
could someone please iron that thing? please?
Sadly prom dresses these days are WAY uglier than that. Trust me, I just WENT to prom 4 months ago.
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